I don't offer anyone advice, but I do tell them my experience and solutions that I have experimented with; some sucessfull and other experiments, well, you'll hear about them. That said, I have back pain from an old injury in the middle back and when it flares up there are several things that I do so solve the problem.
All of these things are natural and over the counter and God made. The first line of defence is prayer. The second is the use of cayenne extract rolled over the back. The third is DMSO gel, ninety nine point nine percent pure. ( See the DMSO section on this site for more information on that issue). Some times pure water helps alleviate the pain too, dehydration can happen and we not even really aware of it. I like turmeric powder in Extra Virgin Olive oil, as it is a powerful dual acting anti inflammatory and the curcumrin (sic) is soluble in oil, and thus more available to the body.
Any foods and spices that reduce inflamation will, in time, help to reduce the occurance of pain. The C-reactive Protein Blood test will give a good view of the general level of inflammation in the cardiovascular system in general and may be worth getting after a few months of doing a diet full of inflammation reducing foods.
I don't do pharmaceuticals as it is against my religious beliefs and I have been off all pain killers for several years now doing this new life in obedience to the Creator God.