Natural Cures for Cardiac Arrhythmia

Posted by Richard (Socal) on 11/12/2014

MY GOD!! 3 grams taurine + 1 gram arginine had nearly immediate sedation of of PVC (10-20,000/day) to zero now for 24 hours without further dosing. Can't believe it. Have tried Mg, hawthorne, ACV, ashwaganda (helped a little), exercise (helps for about one hour). But this is profound. Thank to this forum.

Posted by Spiritauthorlindsey (Norfolk, Virginia) on 06/03/2012

Taurine controls my 8 year battle with a racing heart. I get mine from chemical exposures (perfumes, cleaners, etc. ) taurine is an antioxidant that doctors don't seem to know about. I take 3 - 1000mg tablets a day. The body flushes out what you don't need. It is safe with no know drug interaction issues. It has literally been a miracle for me! I hope it helps you too.

Posted by Dennis (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 04/03/2012

There's some research that Taurine might be one of the most important amino acids to regulate the heartbeat. The research paper on the link below discusses how someone who had 20, 000 irregular heartbeats per day eliminated them with Taurine (along with L-Arginine). The paper says that the people involved in this particular study had tried many other supplements prior to Taurine, but Taurine (with L-Arginine) was the answer for them

See George Eby Research site.

They were using very, very heavy doses (10 - 20 grams per day). For a starter dose, one could take 3 grams per day of Taurine in 3 divided doses of 1 gram (the paper says to take with meals, but I have heard that it's better on an empty stomach so that it doesn't compete with other amino acids for absorption). According to what I have read, there are no side effects for dosages up to 3 grams. Beyond that, you might want to do some searching on the internet to check on this. Overall though, it seems that Taurine is pretty safe, but it's probably best to start with small doses and build up.

From the link, it seems that L-Arginine does have side effects (sometimes severe), so proceed with caution with L-Arginine, or just supplement with Taurine and see what happens.
