Subconscious healing through suggestion and visualization.
Hi, I am an 82 year old electrical engineer working at a US Radar site on the Kwajalein Atoll. I have experienced heart irregularities for over 10 years. At first I had occasional instances of rapid beating which I was able to stop by coughing. At that time I had a few skipped beats, but not bad. In the last couple of years my rapid beating has subsided but the skipped beats become more prevalent especially when working out in the gym to the point where during August of 2016 my heart at times would beat very strongly every other time getting down into the mid to high 30s per minute.
Also last June I had bouts of heavy bleeding in my urine. I underwent an MRI to diagnose the bleeding problem which revealed a severely enlarged prostate and a 4.3 cm ascending aortic aneurism. The urologist went in and cauterized the bleeders in the OR.
Being rather isolated out here I wanted something that would help me right now rather than waiting three weeks for an order of Taurine to arrive in the mail. So, having read about how the subconscious can heal the body, I started whispering to myself over and over “KEEP MY HEART RATE EVEN” during my 2 mile walk each morning and any time I rode my bicycle or walked shorter distances. At the same time I wanted to do something about the aneurism and prostate, so I began thinking “SHRINK MY ANEURISM AND PROSTATE”. It took several days to perfect whispering and thinking two different phrases but I found I could do it. I also try to visualize all the arteries healed and my prostate shrunk to normal size.
After 2 ½ months my heart rate has stabilized with only a few skips especially during workout. I am continuing with the two phrase healing and decided not to order the Taurine.
I hope this helps others.