Natural Cures for Cardiac Arrhythmia

General Feedback
Posted by Elwyn (Mt.shasta, Ca, Usa) on 05/15/2011

Thank you for your advice and for this wonderful site. I backed myself off of Cartia a calcium channel blocker in an extended capsule form~not an easy nor comfortable task. Also refused 2 thallium scans back to back~really don't need the large a dose of radiation! I started using the cayenne pepper and am feeling much better. I have refused coumiden, lasix and another beta blocker. I also take Calm (magnesium in a powder form)~CQ10~Iodine drops~and 300 mg. of resveratrol. My heart is much better and thanks to you wonderful and supportive people I am not scared and depressed like before~thank you and God bless you!
