Genital Warts
Health Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar for Genital Warts

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by 4guys (Grand Rapids, Michigan) on 07/27/2011

ACV I love you!

First let me thank all the peope that took the time to share there storys. Having an STD is not fun and because of you I am healed and feeling better than I have in a long time! Thank you so much!

Okay, I'm am excitied to say that organic in the raw apple cider vinagar really works for eliminating genital warts. And it works well, I'm talking I saw results in 24hours. Not gone but going. First they turn white 24hrs, then black 48hours then scab over and fall off. (don't pick or scratch off) should be clearing up in a week and just keep treating to be safe. You don't want these awful things coming back. Wash after the treatments.

Here is how I applied the ACV. I wetted a papertowel with it. Folded it in half. Wrapped my junk in it *( MAKE SURE NOT TO GET IT IN THE PEE HOLE ) bad bad! It will burn like fire. So, wet towel wrapped around shaft not so much the tip(cover the base well) * ALOT OF WARTS I COULD NOT SEE EMERGED THERE. You want to get it all! Then wrap in pastic wrap. It sticks to itself well and will keep your pants drier. I used two pieces one wraped around the shaft with the towel and then one with a hole pulled down around the base to stop leaks. I sat and tried to keep it pointing up. To keep the vinagar out of my pee hole and to keep the papertowl from slipping off my shaft. That is it. Keep it on as long as you can. I wanted mine gone as fast as possible. So if you got the time get some movies and sit your butt on the couch and get rid of your warts. After the first 24 it started to burn when I would reapply but so what! The warts were dieing and that was a good burn to me. I know that this doesent work for everyone :( but it absolutly worked wonders for me.

Thanks again everyone, good luck to those to try. And thank you ACV you are a real natual wonder!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jennifer (Rockford, Il) on 02/23/2011

I can't believe I am posting on this site. When I first discovered I had this disgusting virus I was hysterical. I immediately went online and did research and ordered some Wartol. I was so anxious however that I could not wait a couple days for my product to arrive so I began researching home remedies and came accross several sites discussing ACV. I never buy anything expensive or try anything new without reading reviews and I must say that everybody's comments were so hopeful so even though this is humiliating I want to provide that same help to somebody in my position. I came accross several comments from people working in the medical field that made it a point to state ACV has not been scientifically proven and is not an approved treatment by doctors. Most home remedies are not approved medical treatments, this would destroy the companies that make pharmacutical industry!! These people also pointed out that getting rid of the warts does not cure the virus, which I understand. We all still have to deal with the fact that we now carry a virus with no cure, need to seek professional treatment, and now will face a life of dealing with treatments and responsibility to disclose. That being said, anyone who is dealing with these disgusting warts understands the devastation it causes and the immediate desire to get rid of the existing warts ASAP. I am a female almost 40 who has been in a committed relationship on and off for almost 10 years. I have had 3 sexual partners in the last decade and pride myself on my appearance, have good hygene, and like many people never thought this could happen to me. Well guess what? It did and I don't know if it was me or my partner, but you can be the virgin mary and hook up with one person and suddenly you have an STD. It's a very sad and scary reality. I noticed several months ago a bump on my rectum on the side closest to my vaginal area. I examined it with a mirror and the bump was smooth and white. I wrote it off as a skin tag or just a raised gland. A couple months later I noticed a similar bump on the outside of my inner vaginal lip. I was concerned but tried to rationalize it in the same way, a raised gland. In the back of my mind I new differently but couldn't accept it. A month or two later I noticed the bump on my rectum started to develp a course texture and another small smooth bump was growing. The bump on my vaginal lip also began to grow in length and become more raised. At this point I had a strong feeling it was a wart but was still in denial. Then one day while I was shaving I noticed the bump on my vaginal wall had suddenly developed a cauliflower like texture and I finally admitted to myself I had genital warts. I was DEVASTATED to say the least. I immediately went online to research treatements and ordered some Wartol. I was too anixious to wait for my product to arrive in the mail so I started reading about home remedies. The apple cider vinegar treatment caught my eye because I have it in my home for cooking. I began reading all of the comments that described exactly what I had and also confirmed that the bumps on my rectum were due to the same virus. That night I soaked two cotton balls and taped them to the infected areas. I won't lie, it burned and it was uncomfortable. I took a Benedryl and a Tylenol PM to help me sleep and suffer through the discomfort. Getting rid of these warts is worth any amount of pain. The next day the areas were somewhat irritated and raw but the warts had turned white just as the reviews I read stated. That next morning I showered and prepared two more cotton balls and applied them to the area from a few minutes to let the ACV soak in. It burned for a couple hours and then I was fine. That day I went to a health food store and bought some tea tree oil. That night I taped taped cotton balls soaked with ACV and the tea tree oil and went to bed. I woke up around 2 am in a lot of discomfort and had to remove the cotton balls. I didn't sleep well the rest of the night because of the burning, but again I was willing to pay the price. That morning I showered and again applied two soaked cotton balls to the infected areas until the liquid was absorbed. The wart on my vaginal wall had turned partially black just as many reviewers had stated their warts did the same. Once I was done soaking I started rubbing up and down on the warts before disposing of the cotton balls and suddenly the warts starting coming off!! What was left was just raw skin but the warts were completely gone. It was harder to examine the rectal warts but it appeared they had come off too. By the end of the second day the burning and irritation was much better by afternoon. I gave the treatment a break to let the skin heal as I was nervous about applying more of the mixture to raw skin. I am SO relieved the warts are gone, however I do realize the warts will likely come back. But at least I know when they do I have a treatment plan. I have used pure aloe vera and tea tree oil on my face for about a year now and they have worked wonders at keeping my skin clear and helping with wrinkles and discoloration. I truly believe natural remedies are often more effective than presciption or over-the-counter drugs. As stated earlier, the medical community doesn't want to admit their effectiveness because it would effect the highly profitable business of pharmacuticals! To anyone out there experiencing this, please find peace in the fact that you can get rid of the warts, it can happen to anybody, and there are certainly worse things that can happen in life. As devastating and humiliating as it is, it is important to tell your doctor as this virus can lead to more serious issues such as cervical cancer. If you have a doctor that will judge you or you feel uncomfortable talking to, then time to find a new doctor. Thank you so much to everyone brave enough to share your stories, without the reviews I read I would have never tried this treatment and still be sitting at home freaking out.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Laurie (Chicago , Il ) on 08/31/2010

So I figured I needed to do my duty and help spread the word to the others that have genital warts and have not found relief... So I found out I had contracted genital warts from my boyfriend in May. I was completely devastated and could not function. (I still feel horrible when people reference STD's because in my head, "ohhh yeah I have one... Blah! " I got itchy one night and thought I had a yeast infection. So I started to itch down there! To my horror I found bumps! Holy Shit, this is not happing! I saw the warts on my boyfriend prior and asked him about it, he said it was razor burn. Secretly, I thought it was warts, but I went against my better judgement and disregarded it. Bad move, although I'm sure even if we used protection I would have gotten it since it's so contagious. Anyways, I went to the doctor and she's like "no biggie I'll freeze it and give you Aldara and it will be gone before you know it! " Yeah I wish! I was on Aldara with no results for 3 months! So she said give it one more month and if it doesn't go away I can't help you and would need to see someone else! I do not have the time to be running around with warts on my crotch! So that's how I found this site! Needless to say, I now love ACV not only for genital warts, but for many other things that I found on this website can be cured by it! To my story.... I started the ACV thinking it would be gone within 3 days! Well it really took about 9. So I have warts just inside my vagina, so the area is always moist. I had two warts that were about half an inch in when you opened up. So what I did was soak cotton balls in the ACV and leave it there over night. Days and days passed I did see much improvement, but it was still there around day 5! I was freaking out worrying it wouldn't work! So my skin started getting bad because I was burning it every night. So I decided to take a few days off to heal the area. I went out and bought tree oil and vitamin E oil! Soooo glad I did. After a few days of laying off the ACV I realized they actually had gone away, but my skin was soooo swollen and irritated I thought it was still there. Let me say, they never turned white or black or fell off. Since they were inside my vagina it was too moist. They just "naturally" disappeared. Needless to say, I'm wart free in August and after a 9 day treatment! My advise is use try the ACV! Yes it stings a bit, but would you rather have warts?! ?! ? I recommend doing treatment every night for a week then let the skin heal and see where your at. I'm sure it will at least make it better! Don't give up! Genital warts severely suck! But realize that life could be worse! So think and hold on to what do you do have that is positive and good in life! Understand once you figure out how to get rid of the warts it will not rule your life! Just stay upbeat and healthy. I hope I have helped someone... If anyone has questions, please feel free to ask.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bops (Reading, Pa, Usa) on 08/28/2010

I am soo happy I found this site. I had these for almost a year now and had two acid treatments at the gyno that didn't really work. They got smaller but never went away. I tried the ACV yesterday. For two or so hours I had cotton balls soaked in ACV on the spots where I had the warts. Minimal burning and discomfort, just as much, if not less than what I had with the acid treatments. After sitting for a couple hours, the warts turned white and a couple of the really small ones just basically wiped right off. This morning, one of the bigger ones came off in the shower. Right now I'm sitting with Apple Cider Vinegar soaked cotton balls applied where the remaining warts are. There's a little more burning and discomfort today because the skin is sensitive from the treatment yesterday, but it's not bad at all. The rest of the warts are in a sort of cluster and are noticeably smaller than they were yesterday. I am so happy that this worked I absolutely had to leave word on here and add to the people saying it works.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kayla (Troy, Mi) on 08/03/2010

After months of dealing with what I thought were hemorrhoids on my rectal area, I finally went to the Gyno for my yearly with the idea that I might have HPV. Sure enough I had warts. One patch was a nickel-sized cluster that was quite thick, and I had additional ones from my butt area to the front area. The nurse practitioner said I could burn or cream them, but she recommended burning since I had such a large cluster and then some. I scheduled an appointment for the next day. Once I knew they were warts I couldn't stand them! The next day I wasted an hour of my time, waiting nervously for my procedure. When the actual doc came in, she assessed my warts and decided that the patch was too thick for the machine they had, and I needed to schedule an appointment at the hospital. I was told I would suffer third degree burns and I would need about a week off to rehabilitate from the pain. This scared the heck out of me. Then on top of it I had to wait for THEM to call ME, and let me know when the whole thing would take place. AHHHHHH! This only added to my devastation, but it inadvertently led me here!!! So I took the matter into my own hands, and after reading these posts, I ran to the cupboard and grabbed the ACV. First I did spot treatments with a cotton swab, although I wasn't too sure if that was going to give me the results I sought. I did two spot treatments before I bought some cotton balls and did hourly soaks. I did my first soak overnight, shoving the soaked balls in between my butt cheeks and leaving them there. I also spot treated the ones on my vaginal lips with a cotton swap, holding the swab on the wart for a few minutes at a time. That first night I woke up five hours later from the burning. I pulled the balls out and cleaned the area with soap and water before going back to bed. The next morning I felt okay to try another soak. This time I covered the soaked cotton balls with a bandayed. I kept these on for about 2-3 hours before I took them off, cleaned the area and left for school. The used cotton balls had a brown color on them, I guess from the warts. Walking wasn't too hard, the burning was definitely tolerable. Later in the day I began to find parts of warts on the toilet paper after I wiped. NICE. However I would get small spots of blood too. That night I did my third soak. By this time I decided not to hassle with a mirror, and I just felt around for the warts. I can feel them all or at least tell where they itch. Plus, by this time I knew where they were located. I slid a soaked cotton ball around my vagina, and soaked half a cotton ball in ACV, leaving the half for the bandayed dry. Then I Bandayed the ball to the cluster, and repeated the same thing for another area. I went to bed with Much less burning than the first night, and I fell right to sleep. Today, while taking a shower I noticed that the Nickel-sized cluster has been reduced to 1/3 of its original size. YES!!!! In feeling around I noticed all my bumps are either gone, or quite reduced in size. Looking in the mirror the bumps look soo much better. I am so thrilled by my fast and relatively painless results. (Compared to the surgical burn and a week off work)

Although I think I could very well stand another treatment this day, I think I am going to wait until tonight, just so I have some time to heal. Hopefully, using the ACV and my current diet change I can keep these warts from returning. No more pop and sugary things for me. And a lot more veggies.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Peter1900 (Bangkok, Thailand) on 07/20/2010

I caught HPV about 10 years ago and I have tried everything to get rid of them. The only thing that worked well was laser treatment and this is when I had over 12 of them on my penis. But a few months later, one popped up, then another. I kept them in check using Podophyllum Resin, which is also natural, but the stuff can have deadly side effects. So I gave ACV a try 3 days ago. I had 3 warts. Day 1 - I took off the cotton from the end of q-tips, soaked them in ACV, and taped them on the warts using a band-aid. I found that you need to use the sticky part of the band-aid to cover them. Don't use the bandage part in the middle. It's too lose. After Day 1, the warts turned white and I could see that they were actually 9 warts! ! OMG! Clusters of 3. Day 2 - They got softer and softer. Then the clusters merged together in one big white spot (like a zit ready to pop). Don't touch it or poke it! ! Leave it alone. Day 3 - My skin was starting to get tender and sore even though I kept the ACV on the warts almost the entire time. My skin took very well to the ACV. Some people don't, so tread carefully. When I woke up, the warts looked like they were hurting - like I had the best of those bastards for once in my life. They were turning to a grayish color. I took a long bath - about 30 minutes in warm water. When I got out and dried myself off, one of the warts was gone! ! And this was the bugger that was a real pain. It was on the edge of my foreskin and shaft. It's gone. I applied one more treatment of ACV on it to make sure.

WARNING: the ACV was harsh on my foreskin and I had to make sure to protect my foreskin by covering it with a band aid first, then nailing the wart next to the foreskin with ACV. The problem was the head of my penis would naturally retract a bit and the foreskin would get hit by the ACV. I used vitain E cream on a band-aid and covered by foreskin. The shaft of my penis, where the other warts were, coped very well to the ACV but that was me. I've read about other people who reacted badly so try a 2-3 hour application and see how you do to start. Day 4 - That will be tomorrow. I will update you. I am taped up as we speak and going for the last kill. The warts seem to be dying and actually look like helpless little things now. What shocks me is why this treatment is not more well-known. A few months ago, I read on the Internet that it was a myth. Then I stumbled on this site and a few others. Thanks god I did. I know I might get some warts again in the future but it is only a simple 3-5 day treatment to crush them. And to think, for 10 years I struggled with this crap. I'm just glad it's over.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sam (Charelston, Sc) on 02/28/2010

Man I have dealt with denial, stress, depression, anxiety over this genital wart thing. I have had a small wart under the shaft for 3 years now. I'm a 27 yr old male. Too embarrassed to go to the doctor, And forget ever telling any one or asking for advice. Moreover, I thought about ordering these on line products. However, I have read all of the horror stories, side effects, disappointment and humiliation. Every time I would pee I would look under my penis to see if it was gone. It's literally driven me crazy and obsessive over this wart cluster. As such, I ran into this blog 1 week ago and I thought it would be another let down. God Bless all of you for your messages and suggestions. I read on the internet that doctors use this acv to check to see if you in fact have genital warts. So a couple of months ago I bought some. I first poured it on the wart and it didn't turn white. "Hurray I guess I don have it after all". False!!!! I followed the suggestions on this site. First wipe the dust off the bottle i Bought. Second Poured some on a cotton ball. Third placed it on the wart wrapped it with a band aid. Fourth went to sleep, woke up and the wart was white as snow. Then Reality set in that it's GW. Moreover, I have continued the process the next night, woke up and the wart was a little gray. Did it again yesterday and it turned black. Today It "FELL OFF" I'M AS SERIOUS AS A HEART ATTACK" IT REALLY WORKED! I will continue the process a couple of more days. I will buy some immune boosters and vitamin C. And With grace of god hopefully I will get a break from this for awhile, if not forever. THIS TREATMENT WORKED FOR ME AND I HOPE IT DOSE FOR YOU GUYS.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Success (Brooklyn, Ny) on 02/07/2010

Omg !! I can't believe it!!! I've had genital warts for about a year now && when I tell you my coochie looked like a big nasty thing of warts! Omg they were so digusting!I swear I had about 1000 !!! Anyway I'm young && was too scared to go to the doctor to get treated so I begin to do some research online. I found out about to ACV treatment && boy does it work wonders!! I just started using the cotton balls && ACV on wed && its sunday && some of them have turned black or are hard,grey && look like they are gettin very flat. I'm estactic! I was very skeptical && now I truly believe! I'm not expecting fast result because I have so many but I'm giving it to about the first week of march that I'll be cleared ! What I do it soak the cotton ball in ACV. The first two day I left the cotton on overnight && in the morning applied some Vitamin E wart actually came off the sencond day when I wiped myself after taking a piss. Then the rest of the days after I just took cotton balls two times a day && dabbed some ACV all over. I gotta admit it did burn a bit but nothing unbearable. I'm not quite clear yet but I'm going to keep up && keep you posted when I am clear but TRUST ME !!!! This WORKSSSSSS !!!!!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by K-L (Vancouver, Bc, Canada) on 01/10/2010

I came down with Genital Warts (GW) probably due to the stress of a nasty breakup. I likely had HPV for years and didn't know it! I thought the GW would never go away. Then I found the ACV treatment. OMG!

I slept with cotton balls soaked with ACV and held in place with a pantyliner to keep everything moist. I was also using Wartrol topically and orally during the day.

Although the stinging was (very!!!) painful for the three days I treated, overall it was worth it and then some! After three days for treatment, my GW are GONE!!! I did find that the skin in and around the areas I treated was burned, and now that it's healing, it's uncomfortable, but I now know that I have to check myself regularly, and at the first signs of a GW, I will RUN to the kitchen cupboard!!

Thanks to everyone on this board for your feedback. Not only did I not feel alone, but I feel like a normal person again.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Wartsgoaway82 (Atlanta, Ga) on 11/18/2009

I am a 33 year old male. I first saw warts on the base of my penis 2 years ago. I have been living in a nightmare ever since. I have seen several doctors including dermatologist and they all agreed that the warts will never go away. One doctor made me feel like a leopor and refused to treat me with the cryogenic method stating, "what's the difference, they'll just come back"

I was buying the home freeze kits and using those for almost a year. They would work sometimes but not all the time. condolox and aldara did not work for me. Condyllox was also very irritating and destructive.

Finally I found the Apple Cider Vinegar method.

I placed cotton balls in a bowl and poured on the ACV. I let it sit for 5-10 mins. I tore the cotton into sections that would cover the wart clusters and covered them with band aids.

I did this before bed and went to sleep.

The first morning, the warts were white and puffy. A couple of them were already grey. By noon they were black. I felt very lucky since that is what has to happen for them to fall off( or so other posts have stated).

I repeated the treatment the second night and the warts that did not turn black on the first night are now black with a few small white ones I couldn't tell were warts just a few days ago. After a full count I was shocked to discover that I have over 20 warts down there. I only knew of 6-8.

Today I feel powerful and enlightened. I even had a stubborn wart come off in the shower. This is on the second morning.

Big tip for people struggling with this: Dont give up!!

I will say I have had no pain so far, just mild stinging. I feel lucky and it might be because I froze them a couple days before starting the ACV.

Good luck to the rest of you. For me, hope is back!!

In the last week my situation got worse quickly and I reached a breaking point.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Newdawn (Seattle, Wa, Usa) on 10/26/2009

HPV cured by Apple Cider Vinegar

So It's been about 3 years since i contracted this godawful disease and I've nailed down a remedy that works every time these buggers try to make a comeback.

What you'll need (or what I needed I should say):

-Apple Cider Vinegar (sold at ANY grocery store)
-Toilet Paper (the good and thick stuff)
-Saran Plastic wrap
-Hydrogen Peroxide
-Tea Tree Oil
-Neosporin (original formula, accept no substitute.)

So, a couple things before i begin describing the regiment:


-keep clean. Shower every day. Soaking will help dead tissue peel off.
-stay hydrated and keep normal sleep cycles.
-WEAR PROTECTION if you're going to have sex. I wouldn't wish HPV on my worst enemy.


-pick-at or mess with your outbreak, the less you mess with it the quicker it will heal.
-smoke cigarettes. I quit because of HPV, you should too. It DEPLETES your immune system.
-stress yourself out. Stress will cause it to get worse. Be sure to relieve your stress!
-think this is the end of your sex life. Maintain a positive outlook on beating this.

The Regiment:

The sum of my outbreaks always occur on the glans or as low as the scar of my circumcision, never lower, and the problem i had at first was finding away to apply the ACV to my affected areas for long enough without having to spend an hour or so a day in the bathroom. So what I came up with is taking two attached squares of toilet paper, folding them lengthwise in half, then dousing them in the ACV (just enough to dampen the t.p.). After this, I would wrap the ACV soaked t.p. around the glans and inner foreskin of my penis, and sort of squeeze to make sure I was making contact to the entire area. At this point, you're going to have to secure the t.p. in place, so what i came up with was using plastic wrap to basically gift wrap the t.p. to my penis. Remember too pee before you put it on, and keep it on for 45 min to an hour. You're going to find that the warts turn white, eventually with a red/grey/black spot in the middle (that is the root)

Don't go for longer than an hour! Slow and steady is the ticket. I would wrap every day until they are gone (no white spots appear after soaking), and if it seems your skin is becoming too raw, take a day off. Know now that this is going to cause slight discomfort, the acidity of the ACV is essentially going to burn the warts off, after a while you wont notice the slight amount of stinging (that means It's working). The best time of the day to do this is right before you take a shower, so you can wash the ACV off afterward (It doesn't smell good at all).

I used to wrap after showering, but the problem with that it that my skin was too soft after soaking, and it was also damaging the skin around the warts. I should also note that you're going to want use this method rather than just trying to spot onto the warts you know you have, because this method will get rid of the ones you don't see as well, as they will turn white after soaking in ACV. Remember also not to try to remove the warts after they turn white (you're probably going to want to, but fight the urge to mess with them). Be patient, they'll begin falling off themselves within a few days of treatment.

In the shower I found using Dial antibacterial soap worked best. At the end of the shower give the area you soaked just a splash of hydrogen peroxide to help dead tissue deteriorate, and to prevent infection. After you've dried from your shower get your tea tree oil and put just 2 or 3 drops onto the affected area and rub it gently into the skin (small circles). After a few days you'll find the warts are going to start peeling off, don't pick at them, they will come off when they're ready! Allow the tea tree oil to soak in for a couple minutes (this feels really good, kind of a cooling sensation and smells great too), then simply apply the Neosporin (this will speed the healing process immensely by preventing your skin from drying out any cracking). If you feel so compelled you can go one further and bandage, but as long as you change into clean undies every day you're going to be fine. I usually repeat the tea tree oil and Neosporin 3 times a day, just to keep the area clean and moisturized.

That's about it, It's a long hard road but once you beat this, It's like being born again. Remember to wrap it up (as if you haven't learned your lesson already). It's a damn shame doctors will never tell you about this remedy, after all, if they did, all those BS medications and temporary procedures they prescribe wouldn't make them any money. We are united in struggle, I just hope i can help someone anonymously because I'm taking the secret of having HPV to my grave. Godspeed friends, be well.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Markus (Vancouver, B.c. Canada) on 10/18/2009

Yes the ACV seems to be working!!! I have been using it for 4 days now and they have turned black and seem to have shrunk, I am just waiting for the little scabs to fall off now. What I do is before going to bed I shower, then spray peroxide on the area, then take off the tip of a qtip and dip it in ACV put it on the bumps and cover with a bandaid. In the morning i shower then apply polysporin on the area and this really seems to be working!!! I guess i will update in a few days:) Thank god for forums like this, I now know Im not alone.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sugarmagnolia (Austin, Tx) on 09/30/2009

i have been using ACV everyday for about 3 weeks and my warts are almost gone! i had two goups, one was smallish, one larger, and i apply it with a q-tip after my shower everyday, sometimes twice. i sort of scrubb at the warts with the q-tip, and then hold it on the wart for a few minutes. sometimes it hurts alot, sometimes it bleeds, sometimes its not too bad. when it hurts the worst seems to be when its working the fastest. they literally shrink by the day! i will go back to the doctor soon have her check them out soon, just because i'm not sure i'll be able to tell when they are gone? does anyone know how likely scarring is with this treatment?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by John (Baton Rouge, Louisiana) on 08/30/2009

Genital Wart Removal: First of all I must say that I am a skeptic by nature and I didn't really think that any of these "cures" would work, but you know what they say about desparation. I had a genital wart in a very precarious spot. I used small circular band-aids, some cotton from a cotton swab and plain ole store bought apple cider vinegar. After soaking the cotton in acv I placed it in the center of the wart and covered it with the band-aid. I did this during the day, because I could stay busy and forget about the discomfort, while at night it was way to painful. After a week of this routine the wart scabbed and eventually fell off. I am continuing this an extra week just to ensure that it is gone. If you are suffering from a wart, then I would suggest to at least give this a try. Endure the pain because its worth it in the end :) THANKS!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Man Guy (Edmonton, AB) on 07/30/2009

Here is my story and my procedure if you care to read it.
PS ive never been compelled to write something on a forum before but I feel I must because I felt guilty taking information and not contributing back.

Well, what a bloody nightmare!
One day im watching Tv and i notice some small bumps around the bottom of the shaft of my penis, at first i was under the impression they were moles because i told my girl friend right away and of course she told me not to worry about it. So after about a month of going freaking nuts thinking about it i decided it was time to be a man, bite the bullet, and go see the doctor. So into the room i go drop the pants and the doctor tells me "You got warts", im like WTF you have to be joking me. So naturally i ask how can i cure this, and so non chalantly he proceeds to tell me that there IS NO CURE and passed me a double sided black and white print out about HPV and GW's printed in 1995, yes 14 years ago, thats their up to date information they hand diagnosed patients....

So this is where everything completely fell apart for me. I told my girlfriend i had seen the doctor and what he told me, he really emphasized how i could end up killing my girlfriend with this condition, pretty well the doctor made me feel like a complete scum bag and made me want to die . My girlfriend was understand at the start.

2 Months go by

I lose my job, my good friend commites suicide/ hand full of other people die, my father goes to jail, im about to move into my girlfriends house but she decides to leave me for someone else right before i do. I am completely utterly alone. I spent along time considering suicide and i know its not the answer but sometimes the mind can only take so many consecutive blows and i felt so dirty and ashamed of myself, there was NO ONE i could talk too i felt so damn hopeless. I spent along time hating the world and despised this girl who gave hpv to me then left as soon as the gig was up, I knew i had done bad things in the past but the last 4 years i have become a new person but now it seems i was paying for everything ten fold.

I searched the internet and bought a guide called "the genital wart report" which consists of 13 pages or so on information about HPV, its about 13 bucks. It talked about the castor oil + baking soda approach as working the best. I tried it for about 2 months but had no effect on me, and the baking soda just hurt like hell and didnt produce any nice results. So after that i bought a product called "wart no more" and was excited because it was all natural, the site has alot of information on it about hpv so i bought the product, 85 bucks for a tiny little tinicture of oil it lasted about 1 month and didnt do the job.

ONCE AGAIN i was dissapointed and in the dumps.

So i got back to the clinic to have it frozen off using liquid nitrogen. For all of you who have done this method, you KNOW that it is incredibly embarrasing, painful, and traumatizing. Come back in 14 days sir and do it again.

I swear at this point the darkest thoughts went through my head. Nothing bloody worked I was so upset.

So another month went by and i decided one more time to look on the internet for how to warts. I came across this site mabey god wanted me to find it or something, because i found it on like 2kb's of stolen wireless internet.

I read the ACV technique and said hell why not, ill try anything.

SO here is my technique i used:

1$ package of medical gauze
1 7$ bottle of ACV (all natural stuff i found at the health store)
1 pack of Band-Aids
1 bottle of aloe vera
1 Bottle of VIT E oil
1 bottle Tea tree oil
1 small cup
1 set of tweezers
+ I have also been taking products called "Cell Food". Kyolic (not positive on the spelling but it is a good immune booster) and Thooja homeopathic therapy tablets to try and combat the HPV virus.

So this is the method i came up with after some trial n error

small splash of ACV into the cup
about an inch or 2 of gauze folded into a little patch
tweezer to drop guaze into cup of ACV
readied bandaid in correct spot
ring out excessive ACV from gauze
place patch of gauze over warts and seal band aid.

I did this for 4 hours durations 2-3 times a day
after the first time the warts turned white as well as lots of the rest of skin (not warts) from the band aid.
second day the warts turns ugly yellowish grey, then later that day black, then one of them actually fell off
3rd day was kinda of over kill but i wanted the job done, it stung like a mofo, but try to get one some pleasure from the pain knowing that your actually killing the warts. They had all turned black at this point and the skin surrounding my skin had become sensitive and red, i highly suggest NOT getting super adhesive band aids and just normal ones for you skins sake.

After the third day i stopped the ACV treatment and began the healing process. Where the ACV was had become a huge scab and truly looked like i had leprosy or something on my penis, scary stuff but you have to tough it out and pay no attention to it, or youll go nuts lol.

I made a little solution to hydrate and sooth the ACV area consisting of 1 tb spoon aloe 1 teaspoon Vit E oil, 3-4 drops of Tea tree oil, take a spoon n whisk it in a cup till it becomes a light green paste and apply gently. I found the tea tree oil VERY soothing after the burning from the ACV. It took 7 full days from start to finish for the scab to fall off, do no pick though or you will scar, just continue to add vit E oil or the full on paste a few times a day.

So far as i write this (3 weeks later) my gw appear to be gone and just some light pink skin remains.

THIS METHOD out of anything i have tried WORKED. NO embarrasing trip to the clinic, NO pricey BS internet topical, NO pain and torture compared to having liquid nitrogen on my package.

It ENRAGES me that the medical industry purposely holds back information to the average person, the bloody doctor could have just told me to get some Acv drop that on a few times a day n boom no more warts, but where would the profit in that be. Its truly sickening that they have made a world wide business out of your sickness. GOD BLESS sites such as this that give free information to an information starved populous, this is all the ranting i will do on the subject act far as the fda n medical industry simply in respect to this site.

DO this technique today, i would never have spent an hour typing this out if it was a lie.
This saved my mental health do it, do it now!

God bless