Genital Warts
Health Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar for Genital Warts

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cp (Wv) on 06/03/2018

Last week I found I had one wart on my labia. In a panic, I searched the internet for a cure and everything pointed to acv. So here's what I did. I got some Apple Cider Vinegar with the mother and put it into a baby food jar with a few drops of tea tree oil. Then I used a cotton ball and dabbed it on for about an hour. Then I took a look. OMG!! I thought what have I done! I could see literally hundreds of them. Tiny compared to the one I started with, but I wanted to cry!!! I cleaned myself with some peroxide and applied vitamin E oil mixed with coconut oil and went to bed reading frantically about what I should do.

The next morning I showered, and dabbed the vinegar mix on again. This time it HURT...but I was determined to give it a good try. Cleaned with peroxide, applied my oil, and went to work. Everytime I went to toilet I cleaned myself with peroxide and reapplied the oil as needed. That night took a shower, and looked. The warts were white, but some looked like little craters, like the little wart had fallen out and just the surrounding skin was left. Excited to see progress, I dabbed my Apple Cider Vinegar cotton ball again. Not kidding...this time made me cry...Very painful. Applied my oil and went to bed.

The next morning I showered and took a look. The warts were white, I had several tiny craters, and some tiny spots bleeding. I did my little routine again. And went to work with my little bottles of oil and peroxide. That evening I showered and took a look. Everything was red and irritated except for little white warts and craters and some small little bloody pinpoints. I decided to take a break and just cleaned with peroxide and applied my oil then went to bed.

The next day everything looks waterlogged, swollen, and angry, so I decide to give it a rest and let things heal up a bit. Over the next couple of days the warts continued to come off, and the ITCHING...whoa...the itching was awful.

I plan to let things heal a couple more days, then repeat the process until all are gone. Currently everything seems to be drying up..the little warts that are left are very hard now but a white, grey color. It's been a total of 7 days since I started.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sara (Quad Cities) on 04/02/2018

I am sorry to hear about your lip warts. There was a study at the University of Texas in 2014 that showed that AHCC, a mushroom extract that helps improve your immunity, may be promising as a treatment for HPV and genital warts. The recommendation is to take this supplement at a dose of 3000 mg daily for at least 6 months. I have heard of people taking 3500 or 4500 mg daily for HPV in general. I have been doing this for 6 months and I have not had any new genital warts. The plantar warts (also from a strain of HPV) on my feet disappeared about 1 month after I started this treatment. AHCC is costly (about $110-$150 for two bottles which might last a month at a dose of 3000 mg daily). Some people take AHCC by mouth and use ACV as a topical treatment, and their warts do not return. Hope this helps somewhat.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 06/06/2018


Replied by Ted
Bangkok, Thailand
384 posts

Dear Perry: Not all natural therapies work because the organism inside the warts are different. A rather broad spectrum killing of warts I would prefer to use is" hydrogen peroxide 1% applied directly to the warts for about 1-3 minutes then, this is followed by 50% tea tree oil and 50% lavender oil soaked with a small cotton balls. The bandage is then taped over it overnight and you repeat the entire steps again with hydrogen peroxide, then tea tree oil and lavender for at least two to three weeks for warts to at least be reduced. If the above simple methods don't work we may need to go for a higher concentration of hydrogen peroxide at 3% which may sting a bit. If the warts do have a presence of fungus then you may need to add a saturated borax to the 1% hydrogen peroxide before application. Whichever the case, if this remedy do not work as well within 1-3 days try to increase the hydrogen peroxide slowly to 2% then 3%. You should not go beyond 3% as the 3% is already too strong anyway. For most applications, I think a reasonable concentration is 1.5%.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cm (Co) on 12/31/2017

Thanks so much for mentioning they turn black. That worried me when it happened.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mr Hardcore (Mars) on 04/02/2017

Doctor told me that I will need to undergo a surgery to remove a wart from the inside of my urethra (Penis). Not that I was scared of pain (have little regard towards myself), but it did not really seem like fun to have my dick cut in half and pay quite a large sum of money for this event. Also there is no guarantee of lack of re-occurrence he said, which did not look to me like a good deal. Said screw it and started my research - finally found you guys.

I have applied ACV for several short period of times into my urethra yesterday. The f***** turned white and tripled in size instantly and then started to shrink. I held my urethra open with one hand and poured ACV inside with the other one. 24 hours later 4/5 of the wart is GONE. Today I opened the urethra again and noticed a bloody crust in the place of a yesterdays wart. Quite happy with the instant result. I will apply ACV again today or tomorrow to nuke this fucker ultimately and make sure none of this HPV s**** inside survived the treatment.

Never thought ACV is thisawesome. Life is great. Thanks for the advice and wish you good luck with your treatments.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Channy (Buffalo Ny ) on 02/09/2017

You have no idea how much your words have settled me. I'm feeling terrible, but your words have helped.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mags (Portland, Or) on 10/07/2016

Apple Cider Vinegar WORKS!!!! Like many others here I was horrified to discover a cluster wart on my labia. I immediately started using Frankincense Essential Oil on it and since I wasn't seeing results added Tea Tree Oil to my routine. I dabbed the oils on straight, several times a day for 2 weeks with ZERO results.

I then came here and decided to forego the oils and start using a q-tip dipped in Organic Apple Cider Vinegar. I dipped the tip into the ACV and then held it to the wart for several minutes a few times a day. Within a day change was visible. After 3 days the wart is much smaller and the ACV now stings with application so I cannot hold it to the location for more than a few seconds. I continue just dabbing it on for as long as I can tolerate.

I am happy to report that in just a few days of working on it with ACV - it is almost gone. A considerable difference in effect from the essential oils that can typically remove warts but had no impact on GWs. Apple Cider Vinegar works to get rid of GWs. YES!!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cindy (Batavia) on 09/24/2016

I see everyone says the Apple Cider Vinegar gets rid of the warts, but my question the person still contagious even after the warts are gone? I read that one is still contagious. Do you all have sex after the warts are gone and do you not spread it? Or are we cursed for the rest of our lives and never having to have sex again even if the warts are gone? I'm confused here.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Katzie (Calgary) on 05/31/2016

Sorry you're having such a hard time there. I just had to come in here to recommend to you to put some Manuka Honey on it. I know it sounds funny, but it is fantastic on any kind of wound of the skin. I have used it on wounds for years and watched it perform miracles. You can find Manuka Honey in any health food store. Best of luck.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Robert (Phnom Penh) on 04/04/2016

Just an update. Since starting daily application of ACV, it took about 3 weeks for mine to completely clear up. It was stubborn in the beginning and about 10 days in, I decided to break the skin of the warts with a sterile needle--you only need to break the surface--prior to each application. That helped speed things up because the ACV was able to penetrate the skin better. The stages were pretty similar to what this guy experienced here

I've been clear for about two weeks now, but I'm now noticing as the skin is healing up that there might be some warts returning--small light brown growths barely noticeable in well lit conditions. Once the warts turned into scabs, I stopped applying ACV to let them dry out, so I'm wondering if that had anything to do with it. Maybe I should have kept up the application until well after they completely disappeared.

I've also been taking immune supplements to support my immune system, but I'm not really sure how to tell if there are any noticeable differences. I've been taking Host Defense Comprehensive Immune Support because I heard that Agarikon extract has strong antiviral properties specifically against HPV. For now, I think I'm going to start re-applying ACV to see if these new growths disappear.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sti (Canada) on 09/19/2015

What you have described as HPV sounds more like you a Herpes outbreak. Here's why...

When you have genital warts, they generally apear when your immune system has been weakened. The body is generally pretty good at keeping HPV at bay. However, they do need treatment if they do not go away on their own.

HPV does not does discharge white clear liquid or become super leaky when you sit as you described. They also do not spread as quickly as you described along the perianal area.

Herpes on the other hand do. They usually start off with an itchy sensation and wii eventaully pop and discharge clear/white fluid which can cause the to spread. Herpes travels along the nurve, eventually reaching the penis. They can become very painful once they burst, so putting anything on them can be very painful. It can take up to three weeks for the sores to go away, however, they usually go away sooner, providing your immune system is in tact.

Once the herpes outbreak begins to heal, the pain slowly dissapears as well. And as the skin heals, the sores heal and can scab up, peal.

When genital warts die, they will turn black and eventually fall off.

You may want to discuss with your doctor this Outbreak. Your doctor will most likely prescribe valtrex, a medication to stop the herpes virus from shedding, which helps reduce the severity of the outbreak.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Anonymous (Texas) on 08/24/2015

I don't know how I got a big wart. I have only one sex partner in my life, that is my husband. I got it in a Cluster of three. I left it to grow becoz I don't know it's a wart and I am financially strapped at this time to pour thousands of dollars for it. Over a period of time it got big like half of a quater coin. I came to this site and learned about acv, bought organic acv, started applying it to a folded tissue and kept it on that Wart. Secured it with a bandaid first it turned into white, then grey spots then started to fell off in stages like florets of cauliflower. Then I am not able to bear that pain because I damaged good skin around the wart with acv.

I got tea tree oil and vit e gels, applied them to wart and around area. Today I just hold the skin on it, and it came off with no pain, skin under that is pink in color and still raw. I wish it will heal soon and I will get good skin. This happened in like days..

Apple Cider Vinegar stings so bad in such delicate areas. I kept Apple Cider Vinegar 24/7. My husband used to put Apple Cider Vinegar on it tape it clean it. He supported like no one in the world. Try ACV. It worth pain. Surely gives result. Thanks to this site.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bee (Washington) on 07/23/2015

Hope this helps others since their posts are old. You also need to drink ACV daily to kill the virus from the inside as well as the outside treatment.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Nk (Coldwater, Michigan ) on 07/24/2015

I had attempted to use aldera cream as prescribed by my doctor. Aldera worked slowly but it really devastated my skin with scabs and very dry skin. I was nearing the end of my prescription and was reading about apple cider vinegar and thought I would give it a shot. While I was very nervous because it's such a sensitive area it worked great. The small warts I had left were gone in less then 24 hours. I hate when people say it's a miracle cure but this works very very well.

EC: In general, Apple Cider Vinegar Should be diluted with water 1:1 when used on sensitive skin.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Happy In Bc (Vancouver, Canada) on 11/12/2012

About four months ago, I was checking my body (I am the type that likes to make sure everything is all in good order) and noticed two tiny bumps on my outer labia. I panicked at first, not knowing where they came from. I had only become sexually active a month before I found the bumps. I eventually passed it off in my mind as just being a bit of a wound from having sex. Anyway, in the past months they've grown bigger and spread and they looked sort of like cauliflower, but the same color as my flesh. I haven't got it diagnosed as genital warts yet, but I was certain that's what it is. I came across this forum while searching up home remedies for GW, and seen a lot of posts about the ACV, castor oil and crushed aspirin paste and how magically it works. So the next day (this all happened about three days ago) I went to the grocery store and picked up the ingredients. I crushed up exactly 40 aspirin pills, the extra strength kind (500 mg), I'm not sure if the strength of the pills matters though. I added about two teaspoons of castor oil and a teaspoon and a half of ACV and made a gritty sort of paste. I generously applied it to the warts and it stuck to them. I endured the constant mild stinging for a whole evening, possibly 7 or 8 hours of it, then gently wiped it off with a wet cloth. The tops of the big warts and all of the little warts had turned white! It was a good feeling to know I had started to kill them. I dried off the area. Some of the bigger wart came off, but it bled a little in a couple spots. It was a bit painful, but not anything terrible. I know that the stinging is the virus being killed. I applied the paste again the next day and left it on the entire day, probably around 12 hours or so. I cleaned it off at night, dabbing gently with a cloth and with my fingers, and the warts started flaking off! It was painful to rub them off, but I'm glad I did it. I haven't applied the paste since then, because the warts are all gone. All that's left is little reddish colored raised bumps... So they are not completely gone yet, but my skin looks so much better and I feel very happy to be smooth and clean down there again. It was embarrassing to talk about with my boyfriend, but he has been there for me every step of the way and he's impressed with how fast it went away. I am going to go see a nurse for a pelvic exam in a week, and I'm going to suggest my boyfriend do the same... To go and get checked... Cause i'm sure I gave it to him too, he just hasn't had any symptoms yet. Anyways though, to finish my first post, THIS STUFF WORKS!! I am so grateful and impressed to the person who came up with this do-it-yourself remedy! I felt so ashamed and disgusted because of the warts, but now I feel so much better, like a weight has been lifted in my mind and I don't feel disgusting anymore. I feel brand new down there and I'm glad because after reading lots of posts on here I realize my situation could have been a lot worse and a lot more painful than it was. Thanks again, and good health to you all. I wish the best of luck to those who suffer from GW and hope they come across this site!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jess (Nc, Usa) on 10/11/2014

I did the ACV treatment as well. After the second treatment, they were GONE!! It burnt like hell but it worked. Mine never turned black, they also just got light and peeled off leaving a heck of tender skin. I mixed the inside of 2 vit E capsules, coconut oil, and tea tree oil together to soothe the pain. Also, internally I took 2 tbsp of ACV with honey and water daily, vitamin D, collidial silver, and an herbal immune booster. It's best to attack these boogers from both the inside and outside. I don't see any more warts but I will still wipe down the area with ACV every day and at night run it down with coconut and tea tree oil just to be sure. I felt so gross and demoralized with these. But if you are reading this know there is light at the end of the tunnel. :)

I will always have my vitamin regime to keep my immune system on top of things but I hope I don't have to deal with these horrible little warts ever again.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Peter1900 (Bangkok, Thailand) on 07/20/2010

I caught HPV about 10 years ago and I have tried everything to get rid of them. The only thing that worked well was laser treatment and this is when I had over 12 of them on my penis. But a few months later, one popped up, then another. I kept them in check using Podophyllum Resin, which is also natural, but the stuff can have deadly side effects. So I gave ACV a try 3 days ago. I had 3 warts. Day 1 - I took off the cotton from the end of q-tips, soaked them in ACV, and taped them on the warts using a band-aid. I found that you need to use the sticky part of the band-aid to cover them. Don't use the bandage part in the middle. It's too lose. After Day 1, the warts turned white and I could see that they were actually 9 warts! ! OMG! Clusters of 3. Day 2 - They got softer and softer. Then the clusters merged together in one big white spot (like a zit ready to pop). Don't touch it or poke it! ! Leave it alone. Day 3 - My skin was starting to get tender and sore even though I kept the ACV on the warts almost the entire time. My skin took very well to the ACV. Some people don't, so tread carefully. When I woke up, the warts looked like they were hurting - like I had the best of those bastards for once in my life. They were turning to a grayish color. I took a long bath - about 30 minutes in warm water. When I got out and dried myself off, one of the warts was gone! ! And this was the bugger that was a real pain. It was on the edge of my foreskin and shaft. It's gone. I applied one more treatment of ACV on it to make sure.

WARNING: the ACV was harsh on my foreskin and I had to make sure to protect my foreskin by covering it with a band aid first, then nailing the wart next to the foreskin with ACV. The problem was the head of my penis would naturally retract a bit and the foreskin would get hit by the ACV. I used vitain E cream on a band-aid and covered by foreskin. The shaft of my penis, where the other warts were, coped very well to the ACV but that was me. I've read about other people who reacted badly so try a 2-3 hour application and see how you do to start. Day 4 - That will be tomorrow. I will update you. I am taped up as we speak and going for the last kill. The warts seem to be dying and actually look like helpless little things now. What shocks me is why this treatment is not more well-known. A few months ago, I read on the Internet that it was a myth. Then I stumbled on this site and a few others. Thanks god I did. I know I might get some warts again in the future but it is only a simple 3-5 day treatment to crush them. And to think, for 10 years I struggled with this crap. I'm just glad it's over.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Newdawn (Seattle, Wa, Usa) on 10/26/2009

HPV cured by Apple Cider Vinegar

So It's been about 3 years since i contracted this godawful disease and I've nailed down a remedy that works every time these buggers try to make a comeback.

What you'll need (or what I needed I should say):

-Apple Cider Vinegar (sold at ANY grocery store)
-Toilet Paper (the good and thick stuff)
-Saran Plastic wrap
-Hydrogen Peroxide
-Tea Tree Oil
-Neosporin (original formula, accept no substitute.)

So, a couple things before i begin describing the regiment:


-keep clean. Shower every day. Soaking will help dead tissue peel off.
-stay hydrated and keep normal sleep cycles.
-WEAR PROTECTION if you're going to have sex. I wouldn't wish HPV on my worst enemy.


-pick-at or mess with your outbreak, the less you mess with it the quicker it will heal.
-smoke cigarettes. I quit because of HPV, you should too. It DEPLETES your immune system.
-stress yourself out. Stress will cause it to get worse. Be sure to relieve your stress!
-think this is the end of your sex life. Maintain a positive outlook on beating this.

The Regiment:

The sum of my outbreaks always occur on the glans or as low as the scar of my circumcision, never lower, and the problem i had at first was finding away to apply the ACV to my affected areas for long enough without having to spend an hour or so a day in the bathroom. So what I came up with is taking two attached squares of toilet paper, folding them lengthwise in half, then dousing them in the ACV (just enough to dampen the t.p.). After this, I would wrap the ACV soaked t.p. around the glans and inner foreskin of my penis, and sort of squeeze to make sure I was making contact to the entire area. At this point, you're going to have to secure the t.p. in place, so what i came up with was using plastic wrap to basically gift wrap the t.p. to my penis. Remember too pee before you put it on, and keep it on for 45 min to an hour. You're going to find that the warts turn white, eventually with a red/grey/black spot in the middle (that is the root)

Don't go for longer than an hour! Slow and steady is the ticket. I would wrap every day until they are gone (no white spots appear after soaking), and if it seems your skin is becoming too raw, take a day off. Know now that this is going to cause slight discomfort, the acidity of the ACV is essentially going to burn the warts off, after a while you wont notice the slight amount of stinging (that means It's working). The best time of the day to do this is right before you take a shower, so you can wash the ACV off afterward (It doesn't smell good at all).

I used to wrap after showering, but the problem with that it that my skin was too soft after soaking, and it was also damaging the skin around the warts. I should also note that you're going to want use this method rather than just trying to spot onto the warts you know you have, because this method will get rid of the ones you don't see as well, as they will turn white after soaking in ACV. Remember also not to try to remove the warts after they turn white (you're probably going to want to, but fight the urge to mess with them). Be patient, they'll begin falling off themselves within a few days of treatment.

In the shower I found using Dial antibacterial soap worked best. At the end of the shower give the area you soaked just a splash of hydrogen peroxide to help dead tissue deteriorate, and to prevent infection. After you've dried from your shower get your tea tree oil and put just 2 or 3 drops onto the affected area and rub it gently into the skin (small circles). After a few days you'll find the warts are going to start peeling off, don't pick at them, they will come off when they're ready! Allow the tea tree oil to soak in for a couple minutes (this feels really good, kind of a cooling sensation and smells great too), then simply apply the Neosporin (this will speed the healing process immensely by preventing your skin from drying out any cracking). If you feel so compelled you can go one further and bandage, but as long as you change into clean undies every day you're going to be fine. I usually repeat the tea tree oil and Neosporin 3 times a day, just to keep the area clean and moisturized.

That's about it, It's a long hard road but once you beat this, It's like being born again. Remember to wrap it up (as if you haven't learned your lesson already). It's a damn shame doctors will never tell you about this remedy, after all, if they did, all those BS medications and temporary procedures they prescribe wouldn't make them any money. We are united in struggle, I just hope i can help someone anonymously because I'm taking the secret of having HPV to my grave. Godspeed friends, be well.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Marcel (Tokyo, Japan) on 04/04/2009

Everyone's comments have been helpful so I wanted to share my own story. Found some small skin tag-like bumps around the shaft of my penis last year. Went to the doctor. Told me it was nothing. I tried dabbing it with Apple Cider Vinegar and Tea Tree Oil. The ACV turned it white, and the TTO made it dry, but it didn't really go away. I was in what I thought was a great relationship so I didn't worry too much... we were okay with it even if it was GW.

About 7 months later, visited a dermatologist in my home country. She diagnosed it as molluscum contagiosum and froze them off. They came back and seemed to come back in larger clusters.

Went to a third doctor who thought it was HPV and gave me Aldara. The Aldara got rid of some but just about burned a hole in one area and I had to stop using it. That area has healed but it's still a little discolored.

Went to a highly recommended dermatologist who finally told me for sure, this was HPV. She burned them using a strong concentration of trichloric acid. They all scabbed up, but mostly they were still there. It really just seemed to burn the top off, but not deal with the underlying wart.

By this time I was fed up with the doctors. None of them seemed to even understand genital warts and HPV. I would read and read about how common it is, and yet I'd been to 4 different doctors and everyone just seemed to be winging it. The relationship I was in when this all started was over. I wanted to move on but really couldn't. I was a mess.

So I got back online and found sites like this. Previously, I had never taped the ACV to the affected areas...I had just held it there for like 5-10 minutes. This time, I got a bunch of cotton balls, medical tape, and ACV. I taped it to the worst affected area and left if overnight. When I woke up, there were a lot of white spots, and the one most stubborn "wart" (it's weird for me to call it that because it has never looked like one, more like a skin tag), was black on the inside.

I've read a lot about warts falling off, but these things were more like skin tags. I repeated the treatment a second night and a few warts turned black in the center and started to scab up. They later turned yellowish on the inside, and instead of something falling off, what I'm seeing is the core of the wart hollowing out, as if there are mini-craters where the main warts were. They are healing up now, but it's going to take a few days.

After that I wrapped my entire penis and found other areas that I thought were fine seemingly having some activity below the surface. Lots of white spots. After leaving the ACV on for several hours, there were a couple areas where you wouldn't have noticed anything which had turned black like the larger wart.

I really, really feel like this is working. Unlike the freezing the and the trichloric acid and the aldara cream, which seemed to treat the areas from the top, ACV seems to get down to the root of the wart and kill it from the inside out. It also helps me identify where there are...there are plenty that you don't really see. And it makes sense. From what I have read, these are essentially benign skin tumors that feed on blood vessels, and I think the ACV acts upon those blood vessels the wart is feeding upon. I think. Who knows...certainly not the doctors I visited.

Everything is clearing up now and I'm just waiting for the skin to heal. I'll do a second round of ACV and then I'm planning on doing this every month, forever, to make sure it doesn't come back.

I'll try to check back in.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Morgan (Portland, OR) on 12/10/2008

I wanted to wait until I had my doctor's exam before writing an update. I started topical ACV treatment on my external GWs on Nov. 24th. When I started I was aware of only 2 - in all there were about 7. I did the overnight cotton ball soak for 2 nights, on the 3rd day - I continued to only spot apply them with diluted ACV and a Q-tip several times a day until I could no longer find them. They were totally gone in about a week. Since Nov. 26th, I have done a few diluted ACV/ H2O douches and like Lola from somewhere USA - I did a few soaked tampon applications. I could feel a slight stinging inside directly after insertion on night 1 & especially stingy the next night for longer, then I took a break. I did this twice in 2 weeks. I also chose to wear panty liners and you will want to if you try the tampon &/or douche method. It's not pretty. Like Lola, I also felt sharp pains days after treatment and I personally experienced some intense itching... which I also attributed to healing.

Though this process was 'painful' at times for me - I always told myself that the discomfort meant healing. I kind of think you have to endure some discomfort --- and in reality it was not that bad nor did it last very long. If you feel endured pain, irritation or have swelling - stop for a few days, cut back, dilute, ease up - then go back. I know you want them gone but it will still work if you take it easy. Though I took breaks from long contact with ACV topically, I continued drinking & spot applying with q-tip until they disappeared.

Note: I stopped using Hydrogen Peroxide because I had forgotten that it is really great for cleaning new wounds - but once a wound starts healing - it destroys the good new cells. Since ACV is antibacterial ---- using HP after the first day or two is redundant and not beneficial for healing.

I surprised my doctor who is quite brilliant and open to alternative medicine. She had never heard of anyone using ACV to rid themselves of genital warts. She could not see ANY sign of GW externally where I used to have 7. She said my skin looks great - we were both impressed. There are no warts inside my vaginal walls and my cervix is free of any lesions. However, there are 2 at the very opening of my V in a location that has been difficult for me to get a cotton ball on. Also, they have never turned white, so I was not certain that they were actually warts. She said this type a tissue is different and more resistant than the labia and walls. Interesting. At first she suggested having them frozen off with liquid nitrogen. Later she said since the ACV is working --- why not give it a little longer. We agreed that I would focus on this for 1 month and report back to her.

Though I am not happy about the 2 I have to tend to --- it is kind of a relief to know that what I had seen on my labia was in fact genital warts and I was able to clear my skin of these warts using ACV... in a relatively short span of time. Sorry to be gross but I am also positive that prior to today I had warts inside my vagina as well & they are also GONE.

Note: My doctor was not pleased about my ACV douching --- because of the pH imbalance it can cause. So be careful and take precautions. I took acidophilus and Lysine while doing this.... there was no sign of yeast --- she shook her head in disbelief and gave me a shrug.

Note: To all the women out there, she told me that almost every woman who has ever had sex has HPV. To all: the stated statistics are around 80% of all people. This was hard for me too - but no one should feel shame. I've had 5 friends diagnosed in the last year and now me. None of us are 'promiscuous'.

All I can say is that ACV works. It may not be a pain free process - but I imagine the nitrogen freezing would be more painful and for longer. If you have GW and you are upset and you want to rid yourself of them ---- read through all these amazing YEAS and you will find what to and what not to do. Take your time and listen to your skin. Take heed to the people who say to oil the areas around the wart first - this is VERY smart. If it takes 2 weeks or a month - this is still a miracle. Just be kind to your skin & Good luck! Thank you ACV and Earth Clinic --- thank you to all the people who posted here and helped me through this time. I was in a terrible fright. Sorry to be so lengthy but It works, it works, it works.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Peter (London, UK) on 11/17/2008

I would like to give feedbeck on the acv treatment for those who hasnt tried it yet or hesitate to try it. I have had genital warts for about a year now, 2 small and one relatively big at the shaft of my penis. I was given Warticon at my local sexual health clinic which worked well. Unfortunately after about 3 weeks the warts started to slowly grow back! Then I found this site and I was very much looking forward to get rid of these disgusting things. I must say it works like a miracle! All you need to buy is:

- apple cider vinegar
- plasters
- cotton balls

Make a somewhat flat piece of cotton rather than a ball shape so that it covers the wart. Make an effort to not make it bigger than the wart itself because it will burn the skin area around the wart very badly. Then soak the cotton piece in acv and tape it against the wart. I used it on the big one, and it burned like hell. It was very painful for about 10-15 minutes after which the pain eased and disappeared. I kept it on overnight.

Now, the warts looks sucks big time even before the treatment but man, when I took the plaster off in the morning I was disgusted. However I read it previously on this site how it will look and this helped. It turned totally white in color and also it seemingly pouted out from my skin, as if my skin wanted to isolate it from itself. Such a dishusting sight.

Then I did not do anything just went to work and decided to repeat the process the evening.

When I checked it before the next treatment I was quite disappointed as the color started to go back to normal and also it was more burrowed in the skin as it was in the morning.

I repeated the process.

Same burning pain for 10 minutes then it cedes.

Next morning as I took it off I knew it will work. The wart was much smaller and dark red - black in color. I was horrified to see that there were actually a couple of smaller warts around the big one that I could not see before..these also turned into black.

I decided to give my skin a break so I did not apply acv anymore on that area.

This was one and a half weeks ago and the warts are completely gone however I still have some small scab there plus some discoloration of the tissue. Nonetheless I am extremely pleased!

Just to sum up my experience,

the warts are actually killed in a matter of a couple of days, but the scab itself will stay there up until two weeks (!) so you might want to consider this as well. Even so It is a great thing, thank you Earth Clinic.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mr. E. (New York, New York) on 10/05/2008

Guys, girls, and all you in between my name is Mr. E. and this is my story:

around 5 months ago I have noticed a small bump on my dear friend down there and I did what always do when I see something that bothers me, I ignored it. The time passed by and another one came, and another one. I then realized that I got to do something about it. so I did what any person with ugly pimples growing on his penis will do, I went to see a doctor.

The doctor scared the hell out of me and send me to the pharmacy to by Podofilox. at that point I was already shy $200 - the doctor visit and the medication plus - I was scared to death. after 2 weeks of using this topical solution my GW got smaller but where still there, alive and a kicking and... It hurts. it hurts and I had cuts down my skin. another week passed by and I ran out of podofilox so I started looking online.

I found this web site and I could not believe it. this stuff works like magic. after 2 days of use the GW was almost gone! I applied it twice a day for about 30 minutes or so it killed those ugly looking things I had over there.

My tips are these: make sure you apply it on the affected area only and not on the "healthy" skin. it left some browses on my good skin and know I am waiting till these will heal. make sure you keep the area clean, I took at least 2 showers a day and washed it well with Tea tree soap. and cleaned with hydrogen peroxide to prevent infection.

I would like to thank this web site and all those who contributed. this has been a big head ache for me. and the fact I could not share it with any body did not make it easier.

THINK POSITIVE - THE ACV IS THE CURE FOR GW - I am now drinking this stuff twice a day with water and lemon to clean out my body. make sure you eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, this will build up your immune system. I will never have an unsafe sex again in my life. and will ask to see paper with tests results from each partner - I consider my self lucky that I did not get something worse.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Thaddeus (Vegas baby! ) on 05/24/2023

It's been ten weeks since I went to the dermatologist. The ACV works. No warts, no scarring, no burnt skin. I'm a new man.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jennifer (Alabama) on 03/04/2023

May I ask what cream you were prescribed by doctor? I was given one that made me extremely sick but told by doctors it couldn't be the cream. After speaking with the manufacturer I found out it was possible. Did yours make you sick?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Emily (North Dakota) on 05/18/2022

I was diagnosed with HPV in my early 20's. Had a couple of small warts, MD froze them off. They came back a while later. I have had success with ACV treatment, however, it's been 20+ years since first diagnosed.. now I have a couple of older stubborn warts that I'm having little to no luck with removing them with ACV. I recently purchased some Thuja oil and they've shrunk a bit, and that's after 3 months of using it 3x a day.

My new partner has GW too. But he doesn't know he has it.. he's a Red head and has other skin issues and bumps and I'm guessing he's thinking they're normal.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Justin (Joplin, MO) on 12/05/2022

Apple Cider vinegar gave me a scar too but cryotherapy ("freezing them off") gave me a scar too.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Betty (CA) on 10/29/2021

That is very interesting, Mda. Thanks for posting your experience with beta glucan and immune renew. I have never had any warts or anything but do take both things you mentioned as part of a cancer regime.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by ALgaria (from Europe) on 04/25/2019

Hey there, as many of you, I also got GW. When I went to the gynecologist she said they are warts. I was sure they werent because I have only one partner, my partner doesn't have them). Plus, we never had sex without condom. So, this means that you can get GW from everywhere. I bought Apple Cedar Vinegar (AVC) just to see if they will become white, there I realized I really have GW. I did the method as everyone else here. I put AVC in the place I had them, which I had a lot. Today is my last day of the second week and Im almost GW free. I have some small bumps close when you open the vagina, but I am trying not to put pressure on it as it is a delicate area. I would suggest you to use before and after the AVC treatment Hydrogen Peroxide. In meanwhile, I have change my diet as well and eating vitamins A, C, L and planning to take more.

P.s I kept it short but bear in mind that you are not alone. I was very depressed and took anti depressant pills. But, know I know that GW are almost gone, it feels like I have a brand new vagina in 2 weeks treatment. Best of luck!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Gettingthru (Il) on 06/05/2018

Anyone else have this issue? So I put the ACV on my warts. 3 of the 5 actually worked and went away. There's one or two that are feisty and turned swollen and looked almost like it was infected, warm to the touch and reddish around the outside with pain...does anyone know what this could be? Should I get antibiotics or just hold off on anymore ACV for a few days...

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Villiangab (Birmingham) on 05/13/2018

First of all thank you for all of you who provided awesome feedback on this site, it really is a lifesaver!

Last month I noticed a couple of skin tag on my penis shaft, and they would not go away. They are really tiny like less than 1mm and almost unnoticeable if penis is not erect. A quick web search and I started using vinegar to test it. A couple turned quite white and I had to accept the fact that I have genital warts.

Psychologically it was very tough, especially the first couple of days where I would search for remedies the whole day and had trouble falling asleep at night. Even if I do fell asleep I would wake up in the middle of the night. So when I eventually come across this site, I decided to give it a try no matter what.

My setup is ACV (Heinz), bandaids, tissue paper, hydrogen peroxide and medical tape.

For the ACV I diluted it into 3 parts ACV:1 part water. Some of you went for 1:1 dilution and I thought that might be too mild. I folded up pieces of tissue paper, soak it up with the diluted ACV, slap it on the warts and use a bandaid to hold it it place.

The piece of tissue paper I used was larger than the absorption pad of the bandaid so I used medical tape to make sure that the ACV tissue is tightly in place. I did this for 3-4 days around the clock, replacing the ACV tissue every 8 hours or so (3 times a day). Like many suggests, I used a bottle of 3% hydrogen peroxide to wash my genital area each time.

By the second day the wart turned grayish white, and a whole bunch (around 15-20) of what I assumed is warts under the skin revealed themselves and became dark red.

The third day was the hardest, it would sting but all in all it was tolerable. I had plantar warts on my foot when I was small and they were removed with the freezing method. The ACV pain is nothing compared to that pain.

I stopped applying the ACV tissue when the skin began to scab up. The scabs fell off after 1-2 days.

I can't say the warts have definitely gone because the skin down there is a bit rough after the treatment. I couldn't really distinguish between dried up skin or a wart at this time. Anyway, I can say the ACV method did work and if the warts come back I would not hesitate to do another round of treatment.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sophia (Nigeria) on 06/05/2018

Hi jane ... I am suffering from the exact same thing, I kissed a guy and my lips itched me the next day. Now months later tiny little rashes formed at the side of my lips and on my lower lips, it is only visible when I stretch my lips really hard or look with a torch light. The worst thing is that it is spreading! Getting bigger and more visible. I have stopped taking sugar or alcohol as this feeds the virus. I feel sorry for myself most times and regret meeting the guy. Well, the only progress I have made so far was when I applied vinegar and tea trea oil on a cotton wool and placed on the lip ... for like 2 minutes morning and night. It burns the skin so I immediatly put coconut oil which heals the skin instantly. I use the cotton wool to press my lips together with the vinegar. It revealed much more infected part of the lip. The area became white and scary ..but I continued. I tested this on only one side on the lips . after about one week I stopped and the edge of my lips healed and the tiny dots were gone . though its coming back now because I didn't kill the root. Now I am going to try again with crushed aspirin because that was what got rid of my genital wart. And then I am taking 1000mg of vitamin C and lysine. And I put drops of. oregano oil under my tongue to kill the virus, you should google all about that. Good luck and please let me know of your progress.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mark (North Kingstown, Rhode Island) on 08/24/2017

I've had genital warts for ten years or more, tried everything but surgery . These things are huge and just about all around the whole base and half way up my penis. I did use Apple Cider Vinegar on two on inner thighs one small one big. Big one came back and small gone. My question is as these things are so big is it gonna work and how do you make it stay there bandaids don't stick and tape ah no

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Candace (Billings, Mt) on 08/30/2017

I am thinking that dabbing warts with ACV, (q-tip), relaxing and allowing them to dry should work. From my experience with ACV on face at nite and other skin issues the absorption would be beneficial. Reapply whenever you want, dry and then go about your day. Don't give up that stuff has sooooo many super testimonials. Maybe you could take some internally as well. Crossing my fingers for you.