Genital Warts
Health Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar for Genital Warts

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Theblackgirlwhofoundec (East Europe) on 11/17/2016

So two months ago, when I was washing my vaginal area, I noticed two bumps around my perineum and they felt like usual pimples, So I just let them be. A few days later I noticed one had gotten a little bigger, so I used my finger and popped it open. A week later, the same bump came out with a little one next to it. in total, within two weeks, I had like 5 of these bumps around my vaginal area. I just assumed it was a yeast infection, went and got Mycoten from the nearest pharmacy. A day later, my period came and by evening I had like 10 if not hundreds of these nasty things all over my vagina and labia. I was scared and went to see a doctor the next day.

To start WITH, I AM A BLACK African Woman, and I happen to be studying in one of the most racist countries in eastern europe. When I went to see the doctor, I was on my period but I wore a tampon to avoid any mess. First of all, before the shmug doctor even diagnosed me, he was so racist towards me. Already assumed I had an std before he even saw anything. SO RACIST! Well, after that he just took a look, stood up and walked out of the exam room. I got dressed and followed him out asking what was wrong with me? All he said to me was "you have Virus CONDYLOMA" that was it swear. I had no idea what that meant whatsoever, and I was certain it was not an STD because I have only slept with two guys since I lost my virginty this year. The doctor told me I have condyloma and he's going to need about $1000 to burn them and I should know that I'm gonna have this forever and they're gonna keep coming back. I was devastated.

Came back home, cried to my boyfriend and he calmed me down and told me were going to try find some money to do that. I helped him check his genitals, but fortunately he has no warts appearing YET. The whole day was scary for me, I thought I was going to die. Started doing my research and by 3pm I found EARTHCLINIC omg. ACV? I was shook, but I didn't hesitate to consider Cider Vinegar, because I needed anything that could be less than $1000.

I bought organic filtered Apple cider Vinegar with 6% acidity, aloe vera gel, some cotton balls and hydrogen peroxide 3%. That evening I got back home from the grocery store, I soaked a cotton ball in ACV and just dropped it around my vagina, while laying down for about 30mins. I did not feel any pain whatsoever. So 3hours later my boyfriend suggested to take a look, and I could tell how disgusted he was when he saw them, he told me they have gotten soon big and soo white its scary. So he helped me put another cotton ball, this time securing it with tape. It hurt like a mf this time ouchhhh.

For the next 3days, while on my period I was using ACV, aloe vera gel during the daytime and hydrogen peroxide to wash myself, I didn't see any change also I had burned my surrounding skin from acv. so I took a break and started applying ALOE GEL, that day while wiping myself, there was Black seeds on the tissue I was soo excited, even my boyfriend was happyy too.

My warts never turned black, they were either shrinking, or cutting off while they were white and soggy. most came out in 7days and the cluster I had has shrunk so small I thought it was gone. I stopped ACV because I had exams and stuff, so I rested for the next 4 days and just yesterday I realized that Cluster wasn't really thoroughly killed, its growing bigger again. Meaning I have a very stubborn strain of HPV. I HAVE STARTED another treatment just yesterday in order to kill it all, and I am also hoping to do the TAMPON AND DILUTED ACV soak in a few days. I don't have them inside of me, but they're right on the outside and I'm sure in a few weeks they'll start moving IN. gotta kill them asap.

In conclusion, I promise anybody reading this, ACV WORKS FOR GENITAL WARTS. Don't you dare give up on your coochie, burn and kill those bastards and regain your self esteem. Luckily for me, my boyfriend had been the most supportive person ever in my life and I don't care if he gave this virus to me or not, all I know is NOW I HAVE IT, theres not going back, and theres nothing I can do about it. Were waiting to see if his own will start to appear, because he also has HPV, but no symptoms still. We are both taking two garlic pills and two echinacea pills a day with 1000mg vital c capsules to strengthen the immune system. I am also trying to cleanse my diet, and kill those things from the inside. I heard you can take a shot glass of ACV, but heck noo last time I tried it I was puking the whole day Its absolutely disgusting. GOOD LUCK TO EVERYBODY OUT THERE AND GOD BLESS EARTH CLINIC

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ray (Staten Island, NY ) on 09/29/2022

Had a stubborn case for years. I thought I was going to live the nightmare forever, even seen the MD, used the cream, got lazered, but it came back. Consumed with sadness I finally turned to the internet & stumbled into the ACV home remedy. Decided to try.. picked up the Heinz brand, "super cheap". just went at it with some balled up toilet paper and straight out the bottle ACV and applied nightly..... Month went by and virtual all gone, but not out the woodwork yet... Clear 2 months now, still rub a little down there to see if there's any burning, but for those who haven't tried imagine "oxy pads" for the pain scale, normally dissipates in a minute or two, but it works, it's discreet, and it's cheap

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Joshua (Georgia) on 12/01/2021

Apple Cider Vinegar:

My warts have never come back and I did this in 2012. Of course everyone is different. Good luck 🤞!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Paul (Texas) on 06/05/2018

Hi everyone,

I never write reviews but I really want to because the ACV trick will turn things around.

I'm not going to lie, going straight to the doctor and having my worst fears confirmed, I felt sick. It is very hard to take and accept...all sorts of things run through your head. After shaving completely down there and in good light, I was mortified to see at 13 of these disgusting looking things in my pubic region, mainly on the right side of the shaft. I started using the cream prescribed and after 1 week of nothingness, I was stressing. Mainly because I was about to go on a big vacation over the new year period.

I started the intense ACV treatment late November and these are the Do's and Dont's

First of all, the ACV has to be "with the mother" I tried the other stuff and it didn't work, thank god I gave the other stuff a go before giving up.

I found the most effective method for me was simply just using q tips as opposed to cotton balls and band aids. the problem with the latter is that you cant maintain pressure on the wart and when it comes time to remove the band hurts so much..f that

Dab the q tip in Apple Cider Vinegar and press down on the wart so that no Apple Cider Vinegar runs off anywhere else. I found 10 minutes is enough time needed, going longer made no difference. The wart will be white upon removal, then slowly return to skin color. If it doesn't turn white, it's not a wart.

I would do this once in the morning and again at night before sleep, I experimented with multiple times a day to see if I could speed up the whole process but it made no difference for me.

I noticed on the second night the wart would start to go greyish and by the 3rd night be almost black.

Once it goes black, it no longer responds to the ACV. As in, it won't go white after another 10 minute session...its dead. Leave it. it should get a little smaller on day 4 then on day 5 or 6...its gone!

What not to do: after it goes black after 3 or 4 days, don't try and speed things up by making it fall off by touching it or running too much hot water over it in the shower. If it comes off too early before the new skin grows under it properly, good chance it'll get infected. Happened a few times...because I was in a rush to get rid of them. I had to go on antibiotics to fix that. So for me, from the moment I spot one, I know in 6 days its completely gone and unnoticeable.

This "don't" was scary.

Don't leave the Apple Cider Vinegar on the skin of your penis for too long! .. when I first started the treatment, I had cotton balls of Apple Cider Vinegar everywhere trying to kill the 13 of them, 1 of them was on the penis itself. I can't remember how long I left it..maybe 30 to 40 mins...took it off to see the skin on my dick like a prawn...acv will burn..that skin is a lot more sensitive than other areas. that took about 3 weeks to completely heal.

Once I worked out what works best for me, I could get rid of a new one in 5 days. I noticed after getting rid of all 13,1 would come back every week..but as time passed, they are appearing less and less. 6 months later (today) the longest I've gone is 7 weeks without one coming back. Id love to hear from someone whos been doing this for longer.

I will update again in 6 months

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mindy (Canada) on 04/30/2018


I swear this ACV works miracles for genital warts. I discovered what I thought might be a wart inside my labia about 14 days ago. About a week ago I took another look and there was MULTIPLE! I would have never known if I didn't inspect because there was absolutely no pain/discomfort. Immediately I called for an appointment with my gynaecologist but could only get a rendez vous in 5 days and I didnt feel it was urgent enough to go to the ER and wait hours on end to see someone who doesn't specialize in this.

I did some research about GW and landed on this site, I figured I would be proactive and give the ACV a try before I met with my Dr. I used the apple cider vinegar Bragg with mother (natural & raw). I am not a person who believes in healing with "natural medication" but I figured it wouldnt hurt to try since there was so much positive feedback on this method. I immediately began treatment. I used gauze because thats what I had on hand at home, I soaked it in the ACV and applied it to the affected warts inside the labia; which as we know is very sensitive for us females. I only applied it for approximately 20 minutes the first night.

I then repeated this method for the next 2 nights. It becomes more and more painful because the skin becomes raw(especially on the inside of the labia) there is no need to push yourself for too long if your really in pain. The tissue that wasnt affected by the warts was starting to peel and become very painful so I then changed my approach for application.

I used a Q-tip and held it down directly on the warts that I could visibly see which there was only 3 small ones left. (Just a couple minutes at a time, whatever I could tolerate pain wise)

After doing this method for 2 nights again everything had disappeared! The skin inside my vagina was still very raw and healing but there was no warts left.

It was then time to see my Dr... I still wanted to be consulted incase there was something I couldnt see higher up.
I explained my situation and the measures I took to treat the bumps (which I believed were warts). He examined me and said that he could not see any warts and it was possible that my ACV treated them before he got a chance to diagnose them as warts.
So Ladies and Gents, I highly suggest you try this method before turning to prescribed medication as it is a natural alternative!!!

And I do have the following questions...

1. Anybody try this method before and never see the warts reappear? (Hoping for this outcome)

2. If I am manipulating the warts in order to apply the ACV is there a chance I can transmit the warts to different parts of the vagina that have not been affected?

Thank you
Best of luck to you all!!!!
Yay for ACV

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by John (Toronto) on 01/08/2018

After trying this remedy I HAD to write a review.

I went to the doctor and they told me I had HPV (I was super upset) and had a few warts on the shaft of my penis. They were not big but had surfaced and were scattered.

After hearing I could get them burned off or spend and arm and a leg on cream I thought I'd do some research.. As you know - I found this site.

I simply used store bought Apple Cider Vinegar, Gauze, Hydrogen Peroxide, and Antibiotic Ointment. I soaked the gauze in apple cider vinegar and wrapped the shaft of my penis. I then taped it and went to bed. I will warn you this will HURT like an SOB but man up and truck through it. In the morning take a shower and then apply the Hydrogen Peroxide and antibiotic ointment.

After one night I couldn't believe how many surfaced that weren't there the day before.. The warts went white in colour (Don't be alarmed) continue this process! (When I had spare time at home I would apply during the day and rock some video games lol). Again, apply and go to bed at night and repeat. You will start to notice that the warts turn black (Don't be alarmed this is good). For safe measure I did this for nearly 2 weeks and my junk looked like a war zone BUT after a few days of antibiotic ointment is takes no time to heal.

I was also reading reviews stating to add some Apple Cider Vinegar to some water and drink daily. I was doing this while working out and building my immunity to kick the virus.

I can confidently say EVERYTHING is cleared and I'm thoroughly impressed by this remedy. I HIGHLY recommend this but I'm warning you it will hurt ALOT.

Good luck to my brothers experiencing similar symptoms. This WILL work.

In the future wrap your tool fellas!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mike S. (Canada) on 07/06/2021

I'm on week 3 of treating a really big wart on the base of my penis. The first week seemed very promising but progress slowed in week 2 and changed my methods for week 3 and now things are really rolling.

first week- cleaned with hydrogen peroxide, then applied organic "mother" apple cider vinegar (brags brand from Sobeys) with a cotton ball and a bandaid for the night only. In the mornings id clean with hydrogen peroxide and reapply a little bit of Apple Cider Vinegar with a q tip then leave un covered and go to work. I did notice the wart turn super white and after a few days a few black dots. Super swollen, wart looked twice as big.

week 2- the white stuff is very slowly peeling off, no more black dots just white with a very swollen bump. The wart cracked a bit from jerking off and I stopped treatment and use polysporin. Continued treatment a few days later.

week 3- the results were still really slow, so I upped the treatment. I found the hydrogen peroxide was really harsh so I stopped using it all together.

New method- clean wart in morning with soap and water, dry and pat dry out the water (kind shrinks after draining the liquid) then I apply apple cider vinegar with a q tip for about 5 minutes til the wart soaks it up and gets big again. The I fold toilet paper and soak that and apply it to the wart and bandage it up for the day. After work I repeat the cleaning, soaking, and bandage until bed time where I do it all again.

now the wart is finally shrinking, more and more white is removed every morning. Theres some blood showing up which is making me happy. I'm going to keep doing this method until I see no more white when I apply acid.

I almost gave up treatment thinking the wart wasn't responding because of how swollen it was, I'm glad I upped the treatment, once that whitewashed away I knew it was working. Dont freak out if your wart swells up, it's full of acid and its part of the process. I wish I could share pics of my progress because I was seriously confused about when to stop treatment. I haven't stopped treatment yet but I'm hoping a few more days of this and ill be ok, still no scab.

Reading the stories from this forum has really helped me through this, thank you everyone who wrote about your experience. This was a very traumatic experience for me. I developed severe anxiety and lost about 10 pounds. I had no appetite and worried constantly, had the shakes. Finally seeing progress after 3 weeks has me hopeful.

Ill give and update in 2 more weeks

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Elissa (USA) on 02/08/2019

Hi, I am 27 girl and I got HPV a year ago. It all started with one wart, when I removed it in the clinic, after that I had many .. each time cost 180$ for a visit. I was so exhausted tired, I cried everyday, hated myself and promised not to have sex again till marriage.. I found this page. Got myself ACV I soaked a cotton ball in it then taped it to the warts .. IT HURTS SO BAD. The thing is my whole V turned to be white! Anyway I had burned myself I was so aggressive, first day 24 hours straight, then 12 hours, then 7 hours, I stopped today I was bleeding. While I'm using tissue after peeing, the tissue turned black! Like little black dots, YUCKS ! I brought a mirror! HOLY MOLLY! The whole area pinkish with holes, the warts fall off! Except 2! 2 small ones! But the area is so red and irritating bleeding, BUT I DON'T CARE! I know it will heal with Vitamin E, I will wait for Two days then I will repeat again, ACV IS MAGIC HEALER! I'm so happy only 3 times and 80% of them fall, yup I burned myself but I'm happy with the results, I don't care if I scared, as long as I dnt have any warts, BTW, I soak cotton ball in ACV no adding water nothing, directly to the warts ,, and yes SLEEP WITH IT, u will find quick results, THANK U

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jane Doe (Millis, Ma) on 01/07/2018

Hi everyone,

I am so excited to report that this works! I had a cluster of warts at the opening of my vagina which I initially didn't think much of as they were small and didn't feel like anything. However, after 3 months, they did not go away and after conducting research, I was dismayed to find they were warts! Doc confirmed it a week later and said to wait them out because they were in such a sensitive area. So I waited. And waited. And they did. not. go. away!

Fast forward to last month and I was checking things out with a mirror and found there were six or more of the little fuckers on my anus. I was devastated and immediately set out to do some research to get rid of the fuckers, which is how I found this site. I was scared at first because a lot of people mentioned pain and it really does hurt, I will not lie to you. My warts turned kinda white and then after a few days the black scabs fell off and after about 5 days, all but one small wart have cleared up.

I won't detail the procedure here as most people have described it (cotton balls/makeup pads, vinegar, healing oil -- Soak, clean, oil, repeat). The one thing I did differently that really worked for me was diluting the vinegar to 1:1 water and vinegar. I did straight vinegar and I had to stop after day three. Diluting it is much less painful, burns less healthy skin, and you can stand more frequent applications. It is also important that you wash your skin when any of them fall off to prevent further spreading.

The other thing I will advise is patience! Depending on the number, size, and severity of warts, you may have to do the soaking for longer, so just hang in there and keep it up.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Nomore (Philippines) on 07/26/2017

Editor's Choice I found out I have HPV last June. However, I was feeling the lesions already as early as May but didn't think much of it. I slept with my guy one time without protection in March and by April I started feeling itchy inside my vagina. By May the lesions appeared by the opening near the perineum and there were more inside when my OB-Gyne looked in June. These were cauliflower like ones! I was dealing with Bartholin cyst gland issue (another long suffering recurring issue) at the same time so when I scheduled for the operation to remove both gland and cyst, my doctor did the electrocautery to remove the warts as well. That worked well, I don't think I have warts inside me anymore (but I have to ask my doctor to check again. The outside is another matter. During my post-surgery recovery, I started feeling a slight pain-like a paper cut somewhere down there but I couldn't figure out where exactly it was. I didn't mind it but then a week later while washing, I felt a bump at the edge of my vagina by the perineum. It felt like a rice/oat grain and after that some slight discharge from inside. I think the discharge was because of the antibiotics I was taking post-op so I was pretty sure I had a fungal infection.

So I went to the doctor and he said I have GW again but he gave me a vaginal suppository first. He wante to clear that up first to see if the gw will clear up too. Otherwise, he said he would need to put me under and cauterize again. The fungal infection disappeared but I couldn't leave the GW to just sit there and spread. I also don't want to do the cautery as it is not covered by my work medical insurance and no, I don't want to go under with general anesthesia again (last time I was throwing up for a day).

I researched online and read all your testimonials here. For a week I was using castor oil and tea tree oil but that seemed not to work. So I bought ACV with the mother. On a Friday, I did the test and found out other areas that has GW as these turned white. There where 15 all in all but some where not raised skins and mostly small dots. There were around 7 lesions (not cauliflower) and the rest were still under the skin. I focused on the biggest and visible which were the oat grain-sized one and the raised small lesions on my labia majora and pubic hair area.

Soaked a cotton pad with ACV and squeezed it in my perineum and tried to tape up the rest but they didn't stick so I have to resort to soaking a panty liner (not recommended as this also burned healthy tissue). I left it over overnight, did the same the next day and that night. By Sunday my skin was raw but I saw that the smaller lesions were black, but the oat-grain one was grey. I did the same on Sunday night but couldn't stand the pain and rawness as healthy skin was also burned off and those gw near these areas were also getting burned and my labia was so swollen. I had to remove it after an hour. I decided to put castor oil and tea tree oil for the rest of the week instead while I let the swollen areas heal. I also got my period but that didn't stop me.

By Tuesday as I was washing in the shower, I saw an oat grain shape on the floor. I just had to pick it up and it was the biggest gw that fell off! I double checked by feeling down there with my finger and true enough! I was soooo happy. The smaller lesions where also falling off leaving very pink skin. The burned healthy areas were also pink but more swollen. I kept applying castor and tea tree and alternating it with aloe vera. I just slather it everywhere, making sure I used different cotton pads per area. So anyway, by Friday, I felt less swollen so I looked at my perineum and there was white dry uneven skin there. I am not sure if it was GW but I applied Apple Cider Vinegar again overnight to Sunday alternating with tea tree and castor and aloe to make sure I don't get burned again. I also checked other areas that would turn white and the end of both labia near the vagina did. So I applied Apple Cider Vinegar there with qtips for 30m til they burned and slathered it with castor/tea tree or aloe after. After two days the white/grey skin in my perineum started falling off and the normal skin appeared. The inside of my vagina near the perineum is a bit swollen so I made sure I put castor/tea tree or aloe in those areas as well. The ones in my labias are still raw and looks burned white and itchy but not sure if I killed the gw there so I still put a qtip mixed with castor/tea tree/acv so it's not too painful. It's already Wednesday, I'm still slathering tea tree/castor or aloe (for aloe - I dry it up with a blow dryer or I just wear a pair of light shorts no underwear at home cos you don't want it to be too moist down there as gw thrive in moist areas) all over my vagina, perineum and even butt. The deeper part of my perineum and the edge of my labia still itch from time to time so I make sure it is clean so I douse with with hydrogen peroxide castor/tea tree or aloe after. I also mix acv/ castor/tea tree or just castor/tea tree if it is really itchy cos I don't want those little unwanted friends surprising me again.

Btw, every time I wash my vagina with soap and warm water, I make sure I follow up with hydrogen peroxide. It bubbles and you'll see which are still infected. Right now nothing bubbles up anymore but still itch sometimes.

It has been almost 2 weeks but two weeks of patience and keeping at it works! I am almost done...just need to make sure the itch doesn't turn to gw again as that's how it started for me so I am keeping close eye down there.

I am also eating healthy with vegetables and fruits, drinking multivitamins - A, C, E, B6/12/Folic Acid, D3. Also drink antioxidant tea from berries, green tea capsules during the day. First thing in the morning and before I sleep I drink a glass of water with 2-3tsps of Apple Cider Vinegar too.

I hope the doctor says everything is back to normal- inside and outside on my next visit next week. I'm not sure if I will say it was the Apple Cider Vinegar that did the trick though...hmm maybe I will.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Fs1524 (Albuquerque, Nm) on 07/07/2017

This actually works- even if you have a lot of (stubborn) warts.

I'm a skeptic when it comes to natural remedies- and I'm so glad I tried this anyway. I was first diagnosed with genital warts about 2 months ago, and due to the sheer number of them (TONS), I was put on Imiquimod right off the bat: 3x/week. While it did help many of them, the warts higher up were not budging at all. I think it's because they have more access to oxygen, and those are the ones that have been there longest.

I don't particularly enjoy being on an immunomodulator, and I was desperate. I'd tried creating garlic pastes to apply after reading some of those studies (Heh, you think the ACV smells bad??)- but that didn't do anything to the stubborn ones either.

I tried the method described above with raw unfiltered ACV- and used a combination of small and large bandaids with correlating small/large cotton balls soaked in ACV. Again, I have a lot of warts, so it's basically the whole area. That's why I'm posting here- if this helps me, it can help others too.

My only modification is this, and it requires a high tolerance for skin irritation: When I do the ACV method (3x/week), I apply it in the morning and leave the bandaids on for several hours, or as long as I can stand the smell and the feeling.

Yes, my skin is irritated, but I've only been doing this for 1 week and a half, and it's already working WONDERS. And unlike using powerful meds like Aldara, you don't have to be paranoid about getting this in your blood stream accidentally by putting it too close to certain areas. It will burn, but that's it. Since I have so many warts, it is a slower process than it is for some- but it IS working. At this rate, they will be gone in 2 more weeks tops. I'm just so relieved something is working. I've been very depressed by this whole ordeal, and I was thinking cryotherapy would have to be my next step. No thank you...

Also worth noting: As others have stated, simply using a large cotton ball soaked with ACV along areas where small new warts are starting DOES work. Yes, these solutions itch and burn a bit and are uncomfortable, but so what? It's temporary discomfort, and it works.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mark (Florida) on 02/19/2017

WOW! If anyone reading this feels as though they have reached the end of the road, you can beat this – I promise. The week before I began the ACV treatment, I thought that my life was over and truly believed that I was going to develop cancer and die.

Let me start at the beginning for everyone. I was always a heavy individual. In the winter of 2012, at the age of 20, I decided that I was no longer going to live as a fat statistic. Within 3 months I had lost 40lbs. Feeling great about myself, I decided that it was time to lose my virginity. I ended up hooking up with some guy unprotected in February 2013. It was the quickest, most unsatisfying sexual act I have ever performed in my life. The whole experience lasted about 4 minutes.

Needless to say, I contracted HPV. It was not until the Spring of 2015 that I discovered that I was infected with the virus. I was with someone and they mentioned that I had tiny bumps around my anus. Horrified – having believed that they were skin tags as other reviewers have also mistaken – I immediately thought I must have Herpes. When I went to the clinic, I was told that it was in fact HPV. I was prescribed Imiquimod and religiously applied the ointment for several weeks without seeing any results. I soon gave up when I lost my health insurance and could no longer afford the medication.

Finally, on January 27, 2017 I found EarthClinic! I had previously treated a planters' wart on my foot with ACV and became very intrigued very quickly. Hearing that I could potentially use ACV to treat my genital warts as well was a godsend. At this point the tiny heads had turned into full blown warts. On the right side of my anus I had a large cluster of warts that looked like cauliflower – 2 maybe 3 warts. On the left side of my anus I had a smaller cluster as well. My warts were very well established. I started treatment that night.

For 13 days I treated myself with pasteurized ACV – the clear stuff that we all use to cook with. When I had my planters' wart the pasteurized ACV worked just fine. For genital warts, it is essential that you purchase RAW UNFILTERED UNPASTEURIZED ORGANIC ACV with the “mother". If you can see through your ACV, you've purchased the wrong stuff. If there are not deposits that require shaking at the bottom of the glass, you've purchased the wrong stuff. Do not make the same mistake I did. For 13 days I dealt with the most intense burning sensation I have ever felt in my life. The only imaginable sensation I could possibly relate it to would be like having sandpaper between your cheeks at least 12 hours a day. The worst chafing you could experience. The one thing that the clear ACV did do was bring to light the 15 – 20 warts in the surrounding area.

Then on my way home from work February 8th, I decided to purchase the raw unfiltered unpasteurized organic ACV with the mother as well as a bottle of hydrogen peroxide, which I had not been using with the food grade ACV. Wow, I should have done that sooner. I treated myself 2-3 times a day. Once when I woke up, once when I got home from work, and before bed. Prior to treatment I cleaned the affected area and disinfected with hydrogen peroxide. When I knew I would be standing for a while after my treatment, I would soak a cotton ball and placed it between my cheeks (sitting with a cotton ball soaked in ACV between your ass cheeks does not happen). If I were going to be sitting, I would simply apply the ACV with Q-Tips. Of course when I applied the ACV it burned like hell. Tears were common during treatments and it allowed me to spend a lot of time reflecting on the choices I've made in my life and the choices I will make in the future to ensure that I don't experience anything like this again.

The next morning I applied the ACV like normal, with Q-Tips. By the time I got home, some of the warts had shrunk by half! Finally encouraged I continued to religiously apply the ACV. On February 11th, 4 days after starting the organic ACV my first black seed appeared on a cotton ball I had soaked in ACV and stuck against my anus.

The next day, the burning sensation that I would feel when I applied the ACV turned to itching. I had never experienced itching with my warts before, but I was ready to claw my ass away. I was thankful to not burn anymore, but the itching was no joke. I continued treating myself regularly until the 16th, when I didn't treat at night. The next morning I woke up to extremely crusty warts. It actually was a little painful.

The very next day, Saturday the 18th and 24 days after I started treatment the cluster on the left side of my anus is completely gone and the one on the right side of my anus has just 1 of the 3 warts left! I have full confidence that I will be rid of this wart by this time next week, but my review cannot wait. I cannot believe that I am writing this review. Thank you so much to everyone who has shared their story and helped to give me the strength to start this treatment!

Doctors and pharmaceuticals are out to get your money. You have the power to treat yourself in the privacy and comfort of your own home! You have nothing to lose except these annoying warts. I hope this helps someone out there!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Thaddeus (LV, NV) on 03/22/2023

I'll try and keep this brief, but this forum gave me so much I feel like I had to post.

M/46/USA California & Nevada

In 2016 when I was 39, I cut the base my penis shaving with an electric razor. I really mangled the skin, & tore it up. Left a half a lentil sized scar on my penis, near the base, so far down that if I pull my skin up it can travel to my abdomen. But when aroused like 3/4” inch up the shaft. Thank Goodness, when aroused it really flattened out and was nearly invisible. You get the point. Worst day of my life. So much blood, I had to tie a tourniquet around it to stop the bleeding.

Months later a scar developed over the wound site. I tried to exfoliate it off, tea tree oil, poke it with a needle to see if it was a fluid filled boil. Nothing helped. In fact, I felt it was slowly growing.
Finally in 2018 I decided to have a professional look at it. I went to the top plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills. I told him my story & I showed him and he immediately declared. "You have HPV! ” "I can cut it off and put a stitch and you'll-“
"Doc”, I replied, "its not HPV I just finished telling you it's a shaving scar." He disagreed. I walked out and didn't do anything about it. Seeing that no women ever noticed it, & a condom covered it, I just figured this was my “scar” for life.

Fast Forward to 2023,

6.5 years later. I felt this scar was becoming more visible. Especially when flaccid, bc skin was all bunched up. I looked into scar removal creams, and scar therapies. One day during my research, someone said that ACV works good on scars. Desperate to try anything. I got the good ACV w “the mother” and started applying it. Basically painting it w a Q-tip, for like a half hour. The “scar” turned white like most people in this thread report, and by day two the wart tripled in size, was pulsating, stinging, & all around reacting negatively to the acv. Plus a few junior warts sprouted up around it. What have I done? I thought. Someone in this thread described the wart getting “angry” and I can certainly agree. Now there was no hiding it, the area was red and white, was quadruple in size & in a cold sweat I thought I mutilated myself beyond repair. I immediately searched for the best dermatologist in Las Vegas and made an appointment. The guy is so good his next appointment was 3.5 weeks out. I booked it, and thought if someone else had an opening sooner I would go.

Then something remarkable happened. Three days later I looked at my scar, and there was a black scab on the top of it. But aside from that it looked much improved. I thought perhaps this is what has to happen? The ACV has to desiccate the scar, and destroy it top down? With my derm appointment now 3 weeks away, I said let me give it another go. So I applied Apple Cider Vinegar in the am after my shower once a day for like 10 mins 5 days in a row. Same result. Got worse again. White, yellow, stingy, pain, bleeding, cracking, the whole 9. At exactly 2 weeks before my appointment (March 14,2023) I sad let me stop so the derm can look at this not fresh from an ACV treatment. So I did not do it for 2 weeks. The scar never looked so good after scabs fell off. I even considered canceling the dermatologist appointment! But, because the guy was so highly rated, and I waited almost a month at this point I figured why not?

I go to the dermatologist, and tell him my story, and show him. Again, this Dr. tells me I have HPV. He checks my whole area and can't find another wart. I tell him, no doc it's a shaving scar. He says HPV. I say so you think I just happen to have HPV on the trauma site and nowhere else? He said yes and told me I could freeze it off, use a slow acting cream, or an aggressive, fast acting cream. I said give me fast acting. I'd rather get this done sooner than later. He prescribed me Condylox cream.

I went to 4 pharmacies in Las Vegas and no one carried it. No one carries HPV cream in Vegas? Finally one pharmacist said they could order it for me, it was $900. I was aghast!
Driving home it dawned on me. OMG, I bet everyone who has a cold sore, a wart, or a chancre etc probably tells the doctor they cut themselves shaving. They ignore it and go with their instinct & med school training.

By the time I get home, I decided I was going to go back to ACV. Especially since Condylox got mixed reviews online. Believe me $900 would have been a small price to pay, if reviews said it worked and was great.

I begin ACV treatment again. The tiny “wart”, almost undetectable at my appointment time once again goes white and balloons up to 3x+ it's size. To anyone reading this, this is the hard part. Seeing it look worse than before and thinking you're doing more harm than good is nerve wracking. I stayed with it. Because of its location I could not tie something to it and leave it on overnight. After 10 mins it would always slip off or move so I decided I was just going to bathe and slather the wart in Apple Cider Vinegar every 3 hours for 30 mins. Yes it stings, yes it throbs and hurts and looks awful. I feel like I know my body. I'm not into big pharma and I always look to natural cures and healing before anything else and by day 3, even as bad as it looked I could feel the Apple Cider Vinegar was doing something. Sometimes during a session the site would “fizz” like there was sparkling water in it. It also felt like a valve was released, and toxins were being sucked out of the wound area into the cotton ball. It broke open. More scabs more white and yellow skin around it, but in a weird way, I could sense progress and healing. Day 5 was 3 days ago. I said today is aggression day. I'm going to do 30 mins every 2 hours. (I never diluted btw) Qtips, holding a cotton ball on it for 30+mins and I even put like 2” of Apple Cider Vinegar in a glass soda bottle, put the opening completely around the wart and flipped it over, maintaining a tight seal so that the wart was completely submerged. Intense stinging pain, but also “healing” pain if that makes sense. Like putting peroxide on a knee scab as a kid. The wart is destroyed right now just double scabs, & redness around the site.

Day 6, after aggression day I planned to just going to do it 2x. Maybe I'm burning the healthy skin around it, so let me do 2 sessions today and one tomorrow before evaluating. Now there is just scabs. Nothing looking “warty”. I begin to paint the area and scabs w ACV & nothing. No pain, no stinging, nada. Usually, after 2 mins the site would immediately “react” to the acv. Now nothing. Am I in the clear? I can't say for 100% certain. But like I wrote earlier. I do feel like I am in tune w my body, and I do feel this worked. When the scabs fall off and I see how it healed I will do Apple Cider Vinegar again and see if anything reacts. I will update y'all and try and answer any questions you have.

I can't be certain if this was a scar or HPV, it's certainly reacting to the Apple Cider Vinegar as if it was hpv. I was very sexually active '16-'20. None of my partners ever reported getting warts. But, after this last session, I feel like I am rid of my little devil. Now just 2 scabs remain, but I see healing pink skin all around & closing in. I'm from the generation where double skinned knees were the norm in summer. So I know what my body looks like when its healing, and this is it.

I'll post again in a few weeks with an update. But, so far so good.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Missy (Big Top, USA) on 01/30/2022

Long time sufferer here. Was infected twice. First time, one wart, gyno put acid on it, then finally removed it in a 2nd visit. Lab couldn't identify it because of the acid.

Then I was reinfected in early 2000's by a boyfriend who didnt tell me his history. This has never cleared my system. Back then a gyno said she would not help me, straight out was a such a d*** to me, nasty in my face, like she count be bothered, like I disgusted her with my little wart. And I had insurance too. Planned Parenthood stepped up and did acid treatments and were totally cool to me. It removed those warts, and I felt better, but I wasn't cleared if the virus, so I did ACV for years after that for subsequent flare ups.

Then I had a big relapse and PP told me they would not treat me for HPV, so I've been using ACV on and off for a long time.

People say on other forums/comments to go to a doctor and not to use ACV, they are wrong. Go to Dr to get tested if you are female (I am low risk), but then self treat with ACV, and be more diligent than me.

Now I am on a mission now to keep up with the removal of all warts, and to clear HPV from my system, so when I get my next pap my gyno will not say I have HPV.

For a while there has been a big wart on my minor labia, and I have treated it with ACV half heartedly, and mostly ignored it. But last week I said no more, and now it has been just over 1 week since I put on my big girl pants and vowed to clear this once and for all.

Now my warts are all white (meaning dead) with diligent use of ACV, external full strength (not daily), .5% salicylic acid (will get 2%), and today I did a ACV douche diluted with half water.

Soon I hope to work up to full strength ACV douching, in not sure, I need to research more on that.

Once my present white external warts are home I will do a weekly Wednesday overnight AVC check up. BTW, it is best to apply after a shower. I use cotton balls to coat my labia with ACV, then cut 2 cotton rounds in half, douse them with ACV, apply to labia, then go to sleep.

Soon I will try a pinch of baking soda mixed with a few drops of castor oil to make paste. Alternatively I will also be using Retin A since a study said it helped meat hopeless cases like me, and since I have the stuff I might as well use it.

My diet is good. No soda, red meat, food dyes, junk food.

Fingers crossed that I clear this HPV virus for good. This would not be possible without ACV with the mother (I use Bragg's). It is a life saver!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by No one (Detroit, MI ) on 08/26/2021

I must say Apple Cider Vinegar works but it can be tricky you have to figure out the process at first it seems like its working when the first layer comes off you just have to stay at it not everyone body is the same healing may take longer but it will work for me it looked so ugly I didn't know if it was getting better or not but now I understand that it will scab over and start to peel and underneath is a new layer of skin I almost start another session towards the end because of how it looked but behind the crusty black flakey scab was a new layer of healthy skin I'm so happy 😊 I thought my sex life was done thanks to this forum I'm all clear don't give up this does work. I wish I had pictures of the process but I didn't know if this would work but it did 👌👍.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Vt (Florida) on 07/04/2018

Apple Cider Vinegar for genital warts is a godsend! I use organic apple cider vinegar, along with sometimes putting the oil from inside a vitamin E capsule on them. I also take by mouth every day: Vitamin C, D and E, garlic, folic acid, B12, and green tea supplements to support my immune system. Occasionally I take probiotics as well along with drinking ACV in water. The vitamin e oil seems to help soothe the area of any itching or burning.

I put ACV directly on the warts, diluted with water (the first time I didn't dilute it and geeze did it hurt) and if you have vitamin E all over the area it helps to protect the healthy skin. I have some around my vulva and vaginal opening only, so it's important for me to make sure I don't hurt the sensitive tissues. I'm super thankful for the vitamin E. The other day I noticed one pop up near my urethra. This was after leaving vitamin e on the area for like 45min. Then I treated with ACV. The vitamin e not only helped the burning sensation, but made the treatment a lot more bearable.

Then, I decided I would soak in a bath with ACV to see what would happen. This was the best thing ever. I put about 2.5 cups in the water with some coconut oil and soaked for an episode and a half of Supernatural. There was little burning down there, and only a temporary tingling sensation on my legs and hands. Just be careful when showering after the bath to remove the ACV if you use coconut oil! The bathtub will be EXTREMELY slippery, and I suggest scrubbing the tub before you shower. Anyway, the next morning I had, I'm assuming, one of the newly blackened warts fall off into the toilet (I don't think there could be any other explanation), and throughout the day I kept wiping off little brown/black things. The major warts I noticed were gone and it was only a night! Granted, I had been treating them topically for a few days, but soaking in a bath instead was extremely helpful and faster acting, maybe because I was in the bath for longer. I will definitely be doing the ACV bath at least once a week from now on and I highly recommend it.

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