Genital Warts
Health Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar for Genital Warts

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by XYZ (Toronto, Canada) on 07/14/2009

Apple Cider Vinegar and Genital Warts - I think it is making it worse

I went to the doctors to have a few wars frozen off, they kept coming back, the doctor said that he thought my body had passed the virus and I would be fine. I noticed 3 months later that I had two little ones. Then I decided to check around and noticed that I may have a few more. I found this site and decided to try the acv. I put it on a cotton pad and left it sitting over my vagina and anus. It did sting a bit. I left it on for three hours. It started to burn so I took it off. I noticed that I had more than I originally thought. The next day I tried to put acv on again but I was so sore and swollen that I couldn't keep it on for more then an hour. I still had not noticed an improvement. The third day I left it on for 2-20 minute intervals but I was so sore that it was seriously painful. I took the fourth day off and then only kept it on the fifth day for 30 minutes.

I was then going on vacation so after the fifth day I couldn't do it for 7 days. I came home, did a 45 minuted avc soak and took a look with a mirror and noticed that I had way more then before, they were inside my vagina and anus and some that I originally had seemed to be bigger then before. I put avc on it for two hours. Then I put it for one hour the next day, then 45 minutes the day after that but they only seem to spread and leave the area agitated, swollen and raw. I then got my period and had to take three days off putting it inside my vagina but kept apply it to the rest. Today is my first day putting it back in my vagina and anus. I've been trying this in total for 16 days, it only appears to be spreading or enlarging. Should I continue? Should I give it a month. If anyone has had similar problems, can you please offer some adivce? I will continue to check in.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sassy (B-town, Washington) on 07/12/2009

tampon soaked with acv worked great!! i never left it in for more than 4 hours each time but the hard lump disappeared in two days. yay! i am now wart free thanks to acv!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Help in Oregon (Portland, Or) on 07/11/2009


I put acv on my vaginal area with cotton balls and left it on 2 nights in a row. Now my skin is almost like blisters and the sores are weeping. Of couse the warts are gone. Yeah! But I have open skin and I am scared. No money for a dr. Thanks

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mark (Largo, Florida) on 07/08/2009

Update; On Tuesday evening I went swimming figuring that the water and chlorine would soften the blackened warts. That seemed to work well. After drying off I applied Tea Tree Oil to the warts and when I woke up this morning all but one had simply poked out of the hole. I brushed them off with my finger nail. It appears that I will have just a couple more days of healing and I'm done! This is truly amazing.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by sassy (B-Town, Washington) on 07/08/2009

well i just discovered a hard lump up a couple inches inside so what im doing for that is at night ill take a tampon and soak it in acv (you might want to dilute it if it stings too much) and stuffing it up there for a few hours. i havent left it in over night yet, not quite sure how the ecosystem down there will react to that. this is only my second time doing it and it isnt very painful, only a little stingy when i sit up or move around a lot. also, i was going to try a douche with diluted acv if the tampon method doesnt work. but. so far. all is going well, the lump hasnt gotten bigger or invited friends to the party. and. all the previous warts from before are completely gone except for a small scar from a really big one. leave another post if you try it out and lemme know how it worked for you... ill keep everyone updated with my experience.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Janice (Philly, PA) on 07/07/2009

sassy, i was wondering what is the best way to get rid of the ones on the inside of your vajay? i lost my job and have no insurance or that much money, so i am very limited to options. but i have a severe case of gw on my anus as well. i feel in is affecting my sex life with my bf. he is very understanding, but our sex life has changed in frequency. i don't blame him, i just want to get better and hopefully get back to what we had. so all your help would be appreciated. thanks, feel free to email me.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mark (Largo, FL) on 07/06/2009

I have been battling GWs for about a year. I've tried freezing them off and they do go away for a couple of months only to return. I found this site Friday and started treatment immediately.

At first I thought that I had 6 warts(2 large, 2 medium, 2 small). I was worried about burning my skin so I decided that I would do a 4 hour soak Friday and then 1 hour twice a day for 2-3 days. Friday I put a towel on my bed and soaked some gauze and wrapped the shaft and scrotum. I laid there for 4 hours making sure to keep the gauze wet. No burning at all. No redness or irritation at all. I was amazed to see that I probably had 30-40 warts. Most were not visible until after the ACV soak.

Saturday morning I did the same thing for 2 hours. Slight burning occured but not too bad. The warts had turned white. The 2 large ones were black in the middle. Throughout the day I noticed that many of the small ones were simply falling off (AFTER ONE DAY!) The large ones are shrinking and turning more black.

This did appear that it will work for me as it seems to be following the classic protocol. I've did another hour Saurday night and again Sunday morning. I went ahead and did another hour Sunday night. I certainly would not leave this on overnight or all day.

This morning all of the smaller white ones are completely gone and the skin is healthy looking. The larger ones are all black and seem to be ready to fall off any time now.

I am using a Q-tip and applying very locally, directly to the larger one several times a day.

I highly recommend this treatment. I think that every 2-3 months I may go ahead and do a 4 hour soak of everything for ongoing maintenance. This seems to knock out the little ones early before they can get large.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Anon (New York, NY) on 07/05/2009

Whoa. They're gone.

A week into treating my warts with ACV (gauze soaked in ACV, taped on with a band aid, overnight) and they are GONE.

The stubborn one wouldn't come off, so I pressed a sopping ACV soaked tissue to it for an hour before showering. I had a friend staying over my apartment and felt too self conscious to use the smelly treatment and stuck to a dab of tea tree oil. Then I left it alone for a day. The rest were all shrinking craters.

Two days later and nothing is left, just a slight pink mark that looks like it will heal up in a few days, as I have very pale and sensitive skin.

I am going to use the ACV treatment a few more times just to make sure everything is completely, 100% taken care of.

Look: I consider myself an intelligent, rational, and successful woman. I was way too embarrassed to tell anyone about this and considered holistic treatments cheap and ineffective. But this is NOT a placebo effect. Apple cider vinegar totally removed my wart. Amazing!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sassy (B-town, Washington) on 07/02/2009

SO. one fine morning while showering i noticed a teeeeeny tiny little minuscule skin tag just hangin out in my perineum (space between the vag and bumola hole). Of course, i spazzed and went to the doctor the next morning to have the thing fried off with acid. it went away. but then. two weeks later when i went back for a recheck, surprise!! it started coming back and brought friends. so again they were fried off with acid. only this time, THEY CAME BACK 10000X WORSE. the two areas that were treated turned into HUGE flat warts. it was unbelievable!!! it was like the treatment did the exact opposite of what it was supposed to. so. after desperately searching on the internet for anything that could help i came across this and many other sites that went on and on about apple cider vinegar. so. i dug through the kitchen and found some. at first i used a whole wash cloth and saturated the center of it with ACV and stuffed it in my sn---- and layed in bed with it there for a couple hours. the two massive warts turned white as well as a few smaller ones i hadnt noticed. the next morning i did the same, sat and soaked for an hour or two. by that night i had noticed that one of the warts became smaller, the little ones were gone. the larger one was a little more stubborn. i sat and soaked again until it was so painful i couldnt stand it anymore. afterwards i noticed the larger wart began to peel away at the top most layer. also, i began using tea tree oil since the ACV had made my skin so raw. definitely very soothing and smells better. im on day 5 of the ACV and tea tree treatment and its looking MUCH better!!! the tiny ones are completely gone along with one of the big ones and the largest one turned into a crater looking thing that is slowly but surely healing away. there is one more tiny wart that i still am treating but this time only with a cotton ball soaked with ACV taped to the spot. this stuff is amazing!!!!!! especially after my experience with the 'reverse treatment' i had received a week ago. i recommend this to everyone with warty problems, its so much cheaper and more effective!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by specialmaster (Ocean, NJ) on 07/01/2009

totally, totally gone. was there a bit this morning, greyish and ready to go. put some vitamin e (to stimulate new skin growth) on it a few X during the day, and it sloughed off with a bunch of surrounding dry skin during the day. i will keep using the vitamin e to heal the area. unbelievable. it really is.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Anon (New York, NY) on 07/01/2009

I am really bad at keeping secrets, but have obviously kept my lips sealed about my situation. I'm so relieved and thrilled, I had to write!

I was diagnosed with high-risk (cervical cancer-causing) HPV in college, way back in 2005. The virus was dormant in six months, and I buried the experience in the haze of junior year.

Flash forward to my last check-up: having finished up my HPV vaccine and barely having any sex, I was shocked to hear the high-risk HPV was back. I knew it wasn't a big deal if the doctor kept an eye on it, and having dealt with this already, I didn't think it was a big deal.

And it wasn't a big deal. But then there was a little bump in the crease between my thigh near my butt, which I assumed was an ingrown hair from shaving. But then it didn't go away. But I have sensitive skin, so of course it was just a bump... but then the bump grew a neighbor bump. And that bump looked angry and gross. And that bump begat one more bump.

That's when I put two and two together and freaked out.

I'm normally fine with doctors and have had plenty of embarrassing medical issues. But for some reason, I was haunted by these warts. I lost my appetite and hated myself and wanted to curl up into a hole and die, or else wait 6 months to a year for them to supposedly go away on their own. But what if they didn't? What if they got worse? And how could I go a year without sex?

First I tried straight up tea tree oil soaked in gauze and stuck on with band aids. It felt refreshing, but I didn't see a difference after two days. I had white vinegar in the house, so I tried that and went to sleep for 8 hours. The next morning, the warts maybe looked a little better. They were definitely white, which I knew would happen. But would they go away?

I decided white vinegar wasn't strong enough and bought of apple cider vinegar (5%). The first night I soaked the gauze with the vinegar, taped it on with bandaids and went to bed. I didn't notice too much in the morning, but they felt a little less raised.

Last night I soaked yet another gauze with the ACV, taped it on, and went to bed. It stung this time, but not too badly. (For those of you freaking out about the pain: of course it burns worse each time. You're putting acid on open skin.) This morning in the bath tub, I rubbed some of the dead skin off. The skin felt a bit sore, but absolutely manageable. I blotted on some tea tree oil before I went to work.

When I got home from work today, I had the time to check out the location in a hand mirror. Wow. The bumps are so much smaller and flatter. After only two days, the skin is a little worn out, but the warts are definitely shrinking and getting killed by the ACV.

This site is amazing. I hope more people who are too embarrassed to go to the doctor can take care of this situation for under $10. I can't wait to report back in a few days. I hate new age herbal folk remedies, but this one is really working! I can't believe it...

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by specialmaster (ocean, nj) on 06/30/2009

i first had 2 of these suckers about 4 or 5 years ago, after id been with the same man for years. i was young and flipped out and went immediately to the gyno. she put a needle in my nether regions to numb it and cut them off. it sucked, but they were gone and the next day i was fine with no scarring. i spent a lot of time being angry and upset, but after some research and perspective i realized that there is really no way of knowing where i got this from, as viruses are tricky and can hide for years...and that it did...well the other day while showering a felt one. like a little skin tag. i felt it, but when i looked at it with a mirror it was flesh colored..i knew i had to take care of it asap because these little bitches will spread and grow in clusters if not regulated quickly. being less traumatized this go round, i decided to look for natural remedies (i learned to use tea tree oil for yeast infections, and will never pay 13.00 for monistat seven EVER again). so i came across this site. used the cotton ball last night. there was no remarkable pain. when i woke up, it had turned white, and I noticed some incipient little ones. i put it on today and it BURNED like a mofo. but, it eventually subsided. had it on at work but had to remove it because the smell was so strong! looked at it after work. still white, and it feels removed, like i could pick it off...but i won't. area is sore and inflamed, but i will do it again. i think after tonight it's going to fall looks pretty dead..starting to look greyish...will let everyone know...

ps - i JUST received a bill from the insurance company for the wart removal from years ago...i guess insurance didn't even cover it. all the more reason to go this route.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by collectorsquest (Murrieta, CA) on 06/28/2009

I have had a genital wart for almost 10 years now, showing up about the same time I started to cease my philandering ways. I guess the wart was good for something. Anyways, I initially had it treated by putting a medicated cream on it, aldara, or something like that. Kind of worked, but the wart came back. A few years later, after it seemed that the wart came back and got bigger I went to the doctors office and he froze it off, which seemed to work a little bit, with a significant amount of burning pain at the wart site. Despite the burning pain, when the wart came back again I for one of these over the counter wart freezing cute tip things, and theough it worked, it seemed to just reconstitute the wart in a different way. Basically , it came back. So after trying all of these remedies for many years I finally heard about ACV and decided to give it a try. I'm on day three of soaking the cotton from a couple of cue tips in ACV, placing it on the GW, and then fastening the acv soaked cotton to the site with a bandage. I've done this for 3 days. Initially the skin at the wart site turned white. It was clear to see that the surface of the wart had changed. There were also some very small holes showing up in the wart, as though some roots or miniscule vessels had been eradicated. During the day, when I leave the site to air out, the wart site does grow drier. In a few days I can foresee the entire wart being eradicated. I'll post again in a few days. I have never seen a GW remedy work better, and faster, with less pain, than apple cider vinegar. I think that I have a few days to go, but the improvement is very noticeable. I wish that I had heard of this remedy a long time ago. But maybe it was better that I didn't since I learned to control my libido due to be embarrassed abut the GW on my Jones.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Brad (Wild West, TX) on 06/26/2009

I have been using the qtip and tape method with acv for aprox. 3 days now.. I also changed it more then most, about 3-4 times a day. My question is i have a giant crater now but it seems like there is still alittle bit of black in the very bottom of the crater.. My skin is demolished and im curious if i need to keep applying the acv?? I have what seems to be a yellowish scab but it doesnt appear to be coming off anytime soon. I hope someone can give me alittle insight into this because everything i read is that after a few days it kinda scabs up and falls off and mine doesnt seem to be doing the same.. I definately dont want to quit applying the ACV too soon at this point. LOL

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by SARAH (FLORIDA) on 06/25/2009


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Leo (Virginia Beach, VA) on 06/24/2009

8 month ago I found out that I had genital warts so I asked my doctor what's the cure for the disease. He told me there is no cure. He suggested having my genital warts freeze off. The freeze therapy was painful but the warts were gone few days later. However, the warts keep coming back and the freeze therapy did the trick temporarily, and I even tried laser and that didn't work at all. I was frustrated and seeking for a cure. I did some research and came across this site about ACV can remove warts. I went to the grocery store on the same day and topically applied on the warts with a cotton ball and taped in place. I woke up next morning and found black dots on the warts. It was the warts dying. Boy I was happy. I apply ACV ever night before I went to sleep for about 1 week and then I'll let the skin to heal for few days and then repeat the same process until is gone. I have not seen any warts coming back. I wish I known this site earlier without spending money on those useless therapies. I am also taking red marine algae and garlic every day to prevent it from coming back. God bless this site.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by InkdUp (Ocala, Florida) on 06/22/2009

I started useing this treatment two nights ago....I was completely skeptical, but we had some ACV in the house and though...What the heck. I gave it a try, it burned...not worse than I could handle. I woke up in the morning, no big difference from the night before...except slightly more tender in the "V" area. I figured I would try again, but if I didnt see results, this would be the last time. This morning when I got up for my morning pee, I removed the cotton ball and MUCH to my surprise it was nearly gone. I was flabber ghasted...I definately didnt expect it to work. Through out the day today, whenever I wipe after going pee, I have wiped away more and more of that little bugger. I am more than happy with this treatment, and the burning is an extremely small downfall to the results. If your skeptical, try it, its much cheaper than in office treatments so what do you have to lose?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Alicia (Des Moines, Iowa) on 06/22/2009

yes i had itching too and i thought it was the worst but i applied tea tree oil to it and it helped a bit also did liquid vitimin E oil too until it was a bit better then went back to the treatment.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Shanon (San Antonio, Tx) on 06/22/2009

Apple Cider Vinegar cured my genital warts!!! I was inspecting the area with a mirror when suddenly I see a whitish light-skinned wrinkly yucky thing growing right outside the vaginal opening. Looked a little smaller than a raisin. Ahhhh!!! (I screamed) and could not sleep the whole night. I felt a little relieved when I read that your body rids of the virus in 3-6 months but I still was devastated. I paid extra in a clinic and the gyno there freeze-dried the suckers and said they would fall away in two days and not come back. He also prescribed a cream I should wear for six weeks. A week later that damn thing was still there. Very tiny but it was growing again. That's when I discovered this awesome site. I rolled a cotton ball with ACV placed in in my v area and went to bed in pain. I didn't care. I slept for 10 hours (made up for lost sleep) and when I woke up the tiny head was black.I went about my business and before going to bed I was gonna repeat the process but during my usual inspection the ugly thing was gone!!! Even better my vagina looked pinkier, healthier, and felt great! It did not take 6 weeks, or even two only took 10 hours! Bless you earthclinic!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Chuffed (UK) on 06/21/2009

just had to write that the acv works amazingly! Ive never felt compelled to write something in a forum like this, indeed It sure isnt something to shout about or be proud of having got "GW"

Like a lot of people I had actually plucked up the courage and visited a doctor, who prescribed a cream that would remove them, however it did shrink them temporarily, they came back ... so 5 weeks of treatment- pointless!!!

then desperate i read into other treatments.. such as the ACV...and asprin technique.. i have to say the crushed asprin didnt work for me,.. the paste simply dried and fell off, and was by no way as effective as the ACV...

as of today i am clear of any signs i ever had GW,.. the acv worked wonders, and i would highly reccomed to anyone suffering!!... be careful though as i found it did make the skin very sore, but moisturiser and tea tree oil has brought the old boy back to form!

anyone wondering wether to try the acv... i would have no hesitation to reccomend it.

Thanks to everyone on here!..:)

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Katie (Boonedocks, Ky USA) on 06/17/2009

I discovered this bump on the fold of my leg about two months ago. I went to the doctor immediatly cause at that time I had the extra money for the exam. He told me that it looked like HPV enough that he needed to test it, but that it could also just be a skin tag do to damage to the skin. I was hoping for the latter, and sure enough he called and said the test was negative. I was relieved, until shortly after when i noticed i was getting more "bumps". I of course called him back and told him, but he said he wanted to test it again. It was 180 for the lab test alone not to mention the office fee. I don't have that kind of cash just laying around, so I started doing research on the net. I found this site about three days ago. I had already done the vinegar test so i knew thats what it was... I found a lot of people saying that the ACV worked wonders for them so i gave it a try. When the posts i found said pain... that was an understatement! it burnt soooo badly. I had tried to do the overnight thing and woke up with the burning everytime i moved. But sure enough today i got up and washed the fold of my leg with warm water and antibacterial soap, and some of those "bumps" fell off. skin is a little reddish but i'll take that anyday over these disgusting "bumps". Im taking the night off from the ACV just because i don't want my skin to get to raw, but i just want everyone to know how thankful i am this site exsists. I got this from a now ex boyfriend, who claims no responsibility even though he gave me chlamydia (sp?) twice while we were together. Its been a really rough experience for me and ive felt dirty ever since i found out. Don't get me wrong i know it could be worse.. but for me its pretty rough to talk about, especially in a small town like where i live. I haven't used the aspirin, castor oil, and ACV method yet but im going to tomorrow since ive now read it doesn't hurt as bad as just ACV. Im so thankful that this info is out there for people like me that can't really talk to anyone about it or afford to go get them removed by a doctor. Thank you guys sooooo much and i wish you all the best of luck in the future!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by E.G. (Haiku, Hawaii) on 06/11/2009

I found this website while searching online for a natural remedy for my wife's genital warts. Her warts showed up right after the birth of our son, around the opening of her vagina. The warts came at a really bad time, as her body was already working hard to heal from the physical trauma of the birth. She was also terribly embaressed to have gentital warts show up on top of all the other "unsexy" stuff that was going on for her. I read about the ACV treatment for warts on this website and we decided to try it.

I was totally blown away by have effective this treatment is! I don't think I've ever seen a natural remedy work so quickly and completely. It was almost like magic. Within about 3-4 days of applying cotton balls soaked in ACV before bed, there were no more warts. They turned white and then shrank and shrank until they were completely gone, and not even any scars or signs of where they had been. The ACV completely healed her. They even continued to shrink when she skipped a day with the ACV (because it was burning a little and she wanted to take a break.) Wow. This works so well, is so cheap, is so easy; it's almost a crime that doctors will charge you big bucks to burn or laser the warts off, when this works so much better! Good luck!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lily (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) on 06/10/2009

YEA for ACV + genital warts: I embarrassingly discovered on my own a bunch of small little specs throughout my labia and larger ones around my anus and did some research and found out that it was the dreaded genital warts! :(

Anyway, I'm SOOOO glad to have come upon this site!

I tried the ACV, and it worked! Here's what I did:

I showered, and washed everything very thoroughly with gentle soap, then dried, and splashed everything with ACV and put a cotton ball soaked with ACV and tucked it into my labia area. No burning at first, but pretty darn quickly! WOAH! Fire! I'm pretty good with pain, and I decided to stick it out. Throbbing pain which eventually subsided.

The next morning, I removed the cotton ball and showered, washed well again, and did the same procedure. Again, LOTS of burning! This is NOT for the weak! I took the cotton ball out after about 15mins as I couldn't take it anymore. At night, same procedure, except I applied aloe vera on top, and didn't leave the cotton ball there. MUCH, much better feeling!

Warning, a bit graphic..
The next morning, I went to wipe after peeing, and ended up seeing a whole bunch of little spots rubbed off onto the toilet paper! While showering, I noticed more than half of the spots were gone! 90% in the labia area, with exception of 2 small stubborn ones!
I washed, splashed with the ACV again, and applied the aloe vera as well.

For the rest of the day, every time I wiped down there, I was taking these spots off! Fantastic! I repeated it again that night, again, avoiding leaving the cotton ball there, and the next morning ALL except 2 stubborn ones around my anus were GONE! AMAZING! In 2 days!

The anal wart took another couple days to wipe off, but I can't recommend this enough if you can tolerate a bit of pain! I just used regular $1.49 bottle of ACV from the grocery store! Gotta give it a shot!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by AJ (Decatur, Ohio USA) on 06/01/2009

HI. I am not for sure if you will know this or not but I am pregnant and have only one sexual partner and we have a baby on the way. I started having bumps appear on my vagina but I don't think in me. So having the medical education I already had from my Nursing classes so far I knw that it wasn't herpes but I wasn't for sure what it was because I wasn't educated that well for genital warts so i had my obgyn look at them he just said that they were warts and that since my Fiance doesn't have them he said i had to be a carrier and they appear since my hormones were going crazy, and he wouldn't do treatment until after the baby is born which is three months. I check myself every day and i think i am getting more. So my question is when you did your ACV treatment do you have to cover them with anything because some of them i am unable to cover and worried it will cause the spread of more so please help. Thanks.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jenson ( Canberra, ACT, Australia) on 05/31/2009

Hi Guys, I just wanted to share my experience about using ACV and the joy that came with it. I have tried using many different treatments, but after reading about Ryan's experience with using ACV I decided to give it a go! I applied ACV to my warts by soaking a cotton ball with ACV and then using some medical tape to hold it in place, I did this prior to going to bed; it did begin to tingle a bit, but no pain. The following morning after removing the AVC and medical tape the warts were all white, very white. Lunch time I went to the bathroom, what did I discover, they had all turned very dark. By that evening they looked good as dead and by the following morning after that all had fallen off in the shower leaving a little red mark. 2 days have passed since then and new skin is building! Forget creams, forget freezing, ACV is the real deal and after 6 yrs of fighting, I found the best weapon, ACV! Thanks Ryan!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Truthbetold (Union, NJ) on 05/30/2009

Apple Cider Vinegar seemed to work well. No uncomfortable stinging, no other warts beside one cauliflower shaped thingy on my shaft. a week or so later and i am still washing, cleaning that area, putting either vitamin e oil, tea tree oil or neosporin ointment on the wound.

My question is, how long will there be a flesh looking wound there after the scab falls off? I am a smoker (weed), so possibly it might take longer due to that. I take a lot of daily vitamins and i work out regularly.

Also, do you recommend that I try to apply ACV on my entire genital area, even though the wound from the original wart has yet to heal? I recall someone saying if I found one, chances are there's more underneath the skin. I've had this particular wart for a year, now it's gone, but like i said b4...the wound is there, i clean the wound with HP daily and apply antiseptic, and wear bandaid.

Should I not wear a bandaid to help this heal, or should I allow more time?


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ash (San Diego, CA) on 05/26/2009

Hello! I was hoping someone may be able to answer a question or have the same experience. I tried the ACV last nite and I only had a slight burning sinsation. I was able to keep it on all nite. The warts did turn white which is great, but I am now incredibly itchy. Did anyone else have this reaction? I was wondering if this was some type of an allergic reaction or if it is normal? someone please help! thanks :)

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sandra (London, UK) on 05/20/2009

Hi Becki, I bought some castor oil today at the chemist in London, very cheap, less than [pounds] 2. I also saw it at the health shop but it was very expansive. I tried the paste today for the first time on my warts and it doesn't sting at all.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Becky (York, Uk) on 05/20/2009

So, morning after applying another dose, stung like hell and nothing really appears to have changed...maybe im overdoing it, think i might give it a couple of days off and see what happens, some of the skin is just white and doesnt look anything like what i was first worried about, so i think this might just be blistering or me making it rough from basically what is acid lol. So im gonna give things a rest for a few days i think. The new flat strip i found is looking better tho, i ran my fingers across it this morning and it felt rough so i ran my nail over it and the top layer of skin came thats a bonus!

healURsoul...i went to the chemist today, only to find like nowhere in my area sells caster oil, i tried making a paste from some caster oil and zinc cream but it doesnt take the acv with it and it just slops around at the bottom of the bowl...but i have ordered some caster oil online which should be here next week sometime hopefully. it was only 5.00 inc delivery and vat, and thats a small price to pay in my mind!

When i start using that ill update under healURsoul's thread :) till then ill post a reply on here if/when i notice any other changes (hopefully not, or only for the better!) i mean dont get me wrong, things look a LOT better than they did last Thursday, things just arent 'normal' yet...altho there could be things i just never saw/noticed before that im worrying about, hence the laying off it for a few days (an it means i wont be paranoid that i smell like vinegar for a while!!)

Will keep posted! best of luck to everyone!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Becky (York, Uk) on 05/19/2009

Thanks hun!! Any idea where you buy caster oil from tho, or does it go under a different name in the uk?! I did try looking online at tescos/asda (supermarkets) etc but couldnt find anything...any idea where it is like near the vinegar or gravy in the supermarket? lol thanks for replying tho!!

Quick update, things are still looking better, applied again tonight, but it burns like anything but it dies down after a few minutes to a dull ache... (although if i can get my hands on this caster oil i'm definately trying the paste thing!!) although i found some new ones today, a strip of flat ones about two or three down the side of my vulva near, but not on (thank god) my cl-- (sorry if its graphic!!) so im beasting that section as well. id definately say persevere with the treatment, do as much as you can bear, and slap on the vitamin e/aloe as and when! will report back dutifully tomorrow! x

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by HealURSoul in Jax (Jacksonville, FL) on 05/19/2009

Becky.. please go up under my post .. ACV, crushed asprin, castor oil..PLEASE it's at the top of this page!!!.. it is sooooooooo much easier OMG!!.. and there is very little burning and it really works.. I have been thru everthing you are going thru.. PAIN..OMFG!! having my fingernails pulled out would have been less painful..I'm sure....but here is my first post and there has been some feedback about it that might be helpful!! BE WELL Chicka!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Becky (York, Uk) on 05/19/2009

Slept like a baby! (Having applied no ACV an therefore not having some random panicky sleep) After applying Vitamin E oil and aloe gel down there, things are a lot less sore, bt still kinda sore, so will reapply some two or three times today...the stuborn flat patch has still not gone (but is smaller) so will do one last all over (if i can stand it) tonight (if not ill have to try and do a topical application, although thats gonna be interesting considering where they are!) But im gonna try and stick an all over one out just to make sure everythings gone. Things look so much better down there (apart from being a bit raw lol) and i feel so much happier. I know it stings like a b---- but the smell, unless you get any on the carpet or anything, really isnt that bad, i really would urge people to have a go. On the last post i do i'll put my e-mail in case anyone wants to get in touch with any questions! x x

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Becky (York, Uk) on 05/18/2009

Nightly update...on night three now... After much examination of the area (and iv examined it A LOT in the past three days lol) a lot of my skin is raw and lookes cracked and dry etc. So i've applied a mixture of aloe vera gel and vitamin e oil and I'm not going to dose with ACV tonight. The area looks a lot better than it did two days ago, and for that i'm SO thankful its untrue. I'm giving the area a moisturiser attack (when i woke up, middle of the day, just now, just before i go to sleep) today because i dont wanna burn anything down there!! I spot treated the one area that still felt rough to the touch that wasnt irritated, which stung immensely as expected, and gave the other areas a quick wipe with ACV which stung like hell. Also someone previously recommended leaving a gap, which may help even more, who knows. But i think the right executive decision for me (and whoever reads this after, i think you have to do what is right by your body, sometimes you just know, you know?)

But I'll report back tomorrow morning (will be nice to go to bed with no discomfort for a night!) hopefully they wont have come back overnight lol. Depending on how things look I might give it one more all over (by all voer i mean cotton wool ball just inside the 'vestibule' area tomorrow night or else i might just spot treat this stubborn rough patch. Otherwise things are looking good, I just feel a bit sore and raw, as is to be expected. The aloe vera gel is very soothing, can pick it up from holland and barratt or GNC or any random herbal shop, not too expnsive, 2.99 for a smaller tube (by no means tiny tho!) and its good for sunburn and rough skin too (which is all i hope to be using it on after this!!) good luck to everyone out there trying this!! x x x

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Becky (York, UK) on 05/18/2009

Hey again, so, morning after 2nd dose, and i will warn you, my preditction that the stinging would die down in a bout 20 mins, very very wrong, took about an hour before i was in a position that was comfortable enough to go to sleep, tried to roll over, big mistake, had to spend another 20 minutes with somemore stinging :( but anyway, got up this morning went to the loo etc, came to examining down there, things have definately happened. i think one wart has gone (i say think because theyre not really that big, and theyre around the skin between my perineaum (sp?!) and vaginal opening, if that makes sense? and there was quite a few but all were small, and they arent the cauliflowery type, iv only had them two weeks or so so i dont think theyve had chance to develop properly yet) s i think one or two have gone or at least got a lot smaller cause that areas a lot smoother and i can see 'normal' skin. and the others appear to be smaller too! please note nothing has turned black so far, just...getting smaller. Hopefully this is a good sign!!

Will report back tonight with strength of stinging (im expecting it to be a lot, which im not looking forward to! lol) or any further changes....i can only hope this helps someone and reassures them as much as it is helping me to keep a record of it! if anyone wants to ask any questions or anything, please leave a message here and ill answer it, i know i hate having this happen to me and ive been beating myself up about it, so if i can help anyone feel abit better i will!! x x x

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Becky (York, UK) on 05/17/2009

ok so just put 2nd dose on like 10/20 minutes ago. stings like buggery! not kidding, this is really giving it some in the stinging department! however, i figure itll go in like 10/20 mins, and it can only be working... heres hoping...wish me luck! will report back in the morning and let you know how its gone! x

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Becky (York, Uk) on 05/17/2009

Ok, so day after first dose, everything bad has gone white, and a bit harder than it was yesterday before i started anything...Not too sore or uncomfortable, I've not put any on for the duration of the day...going to reapply tonight and see how it goes! Hopefully will see some darkening or shrinking...will post back tomorrow! x

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Becky (York, UK) on 05/16/2009

Ok,so I saw my nurse practitioner the other day because something wasnt quite right 'down there' i had a vague feeing of what it might be before i went, but she was really unhelpfuly and suggested 'it looks a bit warty' i was like, ok so you cant tell me ANYTHING MORE?! and she said no go to the here I am, not wanting to go to the GUM cause I know its highly unlikely to be the other thing she suggested 'just one of those things' so im trying the natural approach first. I've just applied my first 'dose' of ACV and its a mixture of stinging and throbbing.... but its not too unbearable, I'm gonna try and keep it on while i sleep, and hopefully things will look even a tiny bit better in the morning. I;ve gone through a lot of stuff already this year, genital warts are NOT something I need. I really hope this works, I know i was sceptical when I first read up on this technique but after so many people have had what sound like good results i figured i had to give it a go and maybe me writing this will give other people even a bit of hope (I know since i found these things the other day, this site has made me feel better about the whole thing!) wish me luck!! will update tomorrow!! x x x

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by John (Boston, Mass) on 04/29/2009

I am having the exact same problem, the warts get better at first, but then seem to multiply into other non-affected areas. I am starting to lose hope at this point, any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.