Health Benefits

Apple Cider Vinegar Cure for Colds

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Elizabeth (Longwood, Fl) on 06/10/2010

Thank you, thank you for providing this website. The apple cider vinegar for head colds worked for me and provided a good night's sleep. I had tried two other over the counter cold remedies that had no effect. Ten minutes, 2 tbl of acv and 8 oz of warm water did the trick. Woke up this morning and added some tea for colds to the mix. Yeah!

Thank you so much!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Cw949 (Minot, Nd, USA) on 11/01/2009

I can't believe it but it's true.

I had the flu and a cold followed.

I read about the (2) teaspoons of Apple Cider Vinegar and 8oz water mixture and decided to follow it to clear up my sinus infection and stuffy nose.

I drank four doses in a 12 hour period and felt the relieving effects shortly after the first dose.

At the end of the day, my sinuses dried up, I was breathing better, my cough lessened and I could taste.

I'm now going to take one dose at the beginning of each day for healthy maintenance.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Steve (Toronto, Ontario) on 08/28/2009

Be careful about microwaving any foods ! Nutrients are reduced/destroyed by microwaves. I now use my microwave strictly for sanitizing dish rags etc ...

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kirsty (Estepona, Spain) on 08/28/2009

I tried this on day two of my cold and I am already feeling the benefits. My left sinus was completely blocked yesterday and I it is clear today. Will continue with it until I am back to 100%. Thank you!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Justin (Kirksville, MO United States) on 06/10/2009

This apple acv cure is an excellent cure indeed. My uncle taught me the worst tasting remedy I've ever heard of, but it'd cure colds in no less than 3 days. My mom used to give it to me, and I had to plug my nose in order to even drink the stuff down, but it was amazing. What to do is, you throw an entire clove of garlic (not just a small piece, but the whole clove, peeled of course) into a 1 quart jar (one whole clove of garlic per quart), or even a 2 quart would work. Fill the jar the rest of the way with ACV, and then, you put the lid on the jar, and let it sit on the counter overnight to start the fermentation process. We would sometimes let it ferment for two days, but no more than that usually to keep bacteria from growing. After that, you can store it for a very long time in the refrigerator to use when needed, leaving the cloves of garlic in it. Then, when a cold would strike, we'd put about 4oz of the liquid into a coffee cup, and then microwave it for about 30 seconds (to warm it up a little, but not make it too hot), then to get rid of the acidity and horrible taste of ACV, put 2 tablespoons of honey, and then about 1 tablespoon of lemon juice (all of which you can get at a grocery store). Vuala. We call it "Natures Pennicilin" because it has just enough bacteria from the mother of vinegar, plus it pulls the antioxidants from the garlic, and honey helps it spread through the body quicker as it's good for you, and the tablespoon full of lemon juice is enough to flavor it almost to a tea-like state, as well as an excellent source of ascorbic acid (vit c). I had a cold and tried the onion thing recently... and was still sick for a week. Tried the ACV cure on a wart, and it worked overnight... Amazing how ACV can work for the entire body. :)

EC: Thank you! Cross-posted to the ACV recipes page...

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tiffaney (Santa Barbara, CA) on 04/02/2009

Both my 2 year old and 4 year old have had a cold now for 2 days, after reading this sight I decided to try it. Both of them have coughs and running noses and before bed I made a mixture of 1 cup warm water, 1 tsp of honey and 1 cap of apple cider vinegar and had them share it and they are asleep now with no coughing or sneezing! I also made a mixture of 1 cup warm water and 1 cap of H202 hydrogen peroxide and put a 2 drops in each ear for a minute, hopefully one of these stops the cold or the symptoms. So far so Good!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ellen (Ft. Stewart, Georgia) on 02/12/2009

I normally take vitamin c,e,& cod liver oil. My immune system is pretty strong. Rarely get colds or flu, but for the last 3 days I've contacted a bad cold. Terribly congested, and nose running constantly, it's worse during the day than at night. Didn't want to take antibiotics so came to your site (love it) and read the remedies for colds. I already know some of the health effects of acv, but didn't know it helped with colds, I took 2tbl spoons in warm water /w honey. With in 30 minutes I was amazed, I was really congested and couldn't breath thru one nostril after I took it, my sinus cleared right up and my voice returned from that nasal sound to normal. I had taken a lot of OTC medicines and nothing worked, but acv is wonderful. I will be taking this regularly in the future. Thanks for posting the remedies Ellen

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Michelle (Rapid City, SD) on 01/20/2009

I was on your website earlier today researching for natural ways to help a sinus infection. I came across the use of using ACV, and since my boyfriend was at the health food store for me anyway, I texted him and asked him to also bring home some ACV. He mentioned this to the lady at the store, and she said she SWEARS by ACV, for a multitude of things.

I've had a terrible head cold/sinus infection, just on my right side... have had it nearly 2 weeks. I've tried OTC things like Benadryl and Tylenol, with no relief. Maybe it's the German in me, but I LOVED the taste of the ACV!! (I drank it straight from the bottle)
I also tried the warm water/salt nasal and sinus rinse this afternoon, and between that and the ACV, my nose is CLEAR!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Salena (Monterey, CA, USA) on 01/01/2009

I began reading this site the day before I began getting a cold. I ran out and bought organic unfiltered ACV (5-8% acidity) and began drinking 3 glasses per day with one teaspoon of ACV, sometimes adding a spoonful of unprocessed honey as well.

I also gargled with sea salt and warm water as well as applying the sea salt water to my nasal passages. It took 2 days, but today the third day I feel like new again! A New Year miracle, or an ACV miracle?

Just to play it safe, I'm going to continue with the ACV and the sea salt water treatment for another couple days.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Angela (Edna, Tx) on 12/12/2008

i had a really bad cold that turned into a sinus infection i had a lot of pressure in my eyes nose and even teeth area it was like a rock nothing really going out. when i would lay down it would throb even more. i was desperate to stop this pain...and i couldnt afford the doctor right now. Well i found this sight and tried the ACV and it seems to be working for me. i got a mug full of water and heated it in the microwave for 2 min. then i put a cap full of ACV and a splash of lemon juice and some sugar. While it was steaming i breathed in the vapors then when it was ready to drink, down the hatch it went. I seemed to feel relief right away...and that night my nose just kept running and running which is exactly what i needed. i put a vaporizer on and some vapor patches on my shirt i am feeling about 30 percent better and i know it has to do with the ACV...highly recommended

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Leah (Peekskill, NY) on 11/27/2008

I am a nursing student, but wanted to assure you, that using apple cider vinegar in such small doses will not at all harm your baby invitero. - Though since you original message is from 2006, and you have obviously had your baby - I made my comment to help any other pregnant women who may have the same concern as you did back in 2006....

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dawn (Melbourne, Australia) on 09/24/2008

When I come down with a bad headcold I thought I would give Carol's Cure All remedy a go, 4 glasses and 48 hours on I'm back to normal. I have found Earth Clinic a God send. Thanks heaps.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by JB (Brisbane, Australia) on 09/21/2008

I usually catch every cold and virus that's going around. This winter I started taking ACV in hot water with honey once a day. I haven't been sick! Even if I start to feel a bit strange, I'm back to normal the morning after taking ACV. My partner rarely gets sick but even he has been down a couple of times this winter. I still haven't caught anything. It's a miracle!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Glen (Round Rock Texas)

I have been sick for three days and just tried the Apple Cider Vinegar & Lemon Drink and within 5 mins my nose and congestion has started to break up. Thanks for the tip.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Petran (Toronto) on 04/14/2006

Thanks for this remedy I tried it on my two daughters and i can tell you it truly worked. About 5 min. after they drank it both of them started to vomit. It releases the mucus that's was on their chest hence the vomiting. Now they are both coughing less and more active. Thumbs up Carrol, it worked wonders!!! ....Thanks again!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Diane (Magnolia Springs, Alabama) on 12/11/2007

12-11-07 just had to let everyone know that my husband caught a cold around Dec 1. He immediately started taking all kinds of over the counter cold medicines. On 12-8 I woke up with the same cold I took Organic ACV, Honey(locally harvested), Lemon(my tree) and warm to hot water mixed three times that day. On 12-9 I did the same 3 times and on 12-10 my cold was gone. I will continue for a few more days to be sure the entire cold germ is gone. By the way my husband is still fighting his cold.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Carol (Republic, Washington)

Here is the "cure what ails you" I give to my students, and they all use it and are back to the books/ or playing for the basketball team! It has an immediate effect for some:

3 TB Apple Cider Vinegar
3 TB lemon juice, fresh squeezed if possible
2 TB honey
You can add 1/4 tsp cayenne, and 1/4 tsp fresh ginger also if the first three ingredients don't work right away.

Mix in a little warmed water to liquefy, drink, and then rinse the teeth thoroughly. After the initial rush, you can drink warm tea, or water to settle the stomach. Most have an immediate reaction where they get their voice back and clear out the mucus in their nose and throat. Try it, all the kids do, and now even their moms drink it and swear by it! One mom even works at the medical clinic and uses my cure instead of the doctor's one.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rob (Justice, IL) on 04/09/2006

I had a severe chest cold, sore throat, and head cold all at once...i came accross this site and read about the remedy drink. i bought the ingredients on a wed. night, gargled with cayenne pepper and made the apple cider drink as per instructions. when i started i couldn't even take a deep breath without coughing, it is now friday morning and i feel great!!!! my chest is 95% clear and i am breathing fine!!!! i have been on probably 25-30 antibiotics in the last 5-7 yrs for sinus infections, ear infections, and viral infections... i cannot tell you how glad i am to have wandered upon this site!!! i am also referring this site to all of my family and friends... thanks.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Anonymous (USA) on 12/12/2006

one tlbs of acv in the morning for a week cures a chest cold. Every one around had bad colds and I tell them take acv it works, a lot come back and report they feel better in a couple of hours.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jenny (Las Vegas, NV) on 12/23/2006

i've been sick with a really bad cold now for 4 days. i developed really bad nasal congestion and was having a lot of trouble breathing and swallowing because of all the mucous. i tend to get a little freaked out about things so i freaked out!! i came online to try to find a home remedy that i can use and i read about the wonders of apple cider vinegar so i literally ran across the street and bought myself a bottle of heinz apple cider vinegar and tried a couple of tbl spoons of the vinegar w/water and it cleared it right away. i'm glad i found this because i'm 1 month pregnant and i didn't wanna take any medications. i have a question though, i'm not a doctor so i don't actualy know if this woud be bad for my baby. would it?

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