Gallbladder Attack
Health Benefits

ACV in Apple Juice for Gallbladder Attacks

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Gina (New York ) on 01/13/2015

Been in gallbladder pain for about 9 hours, came on here, saw the remedy and took apple cider vinegar and pain is gone in about 15 minutes, going to keep trying it.

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Tim (Ladner, Bc) on 07/29/2018

Sue, how are you now? Did you have recurring attacks or have to get your gb removed?

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Rox (Texas, US) on 09/27/2014

I've experienced gallbladder pains twice a year for the past 5 yrs. The pain is unbearable from the right side of my stomach and all of my back. No sitting position seems to work. I have been experiencing pain for the past 2 days hoping it would go on its own. I came across this site after I just couldn't handle the pain anymore and found this god sent remedy. By some miracle I had all ingredients on hand. It's been 30 min since I've drank this holy concoction and my pain has subsided. I'll make sure to have these on stock and drink everyday! Thank you to all who have posted.

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Jnz (California) on 01/21/2014

Hi! I don't have much new info to add, but I've been finding amazing remedies and helpful advice on Earth Clinic for a couple of years now and thought it was about time that I said thank you and contributed if only to say, "Yep, it worked like that for me too!! "

I was having these attacks a couple of years ago off and on for about 5 or 6 weeks and didn't know why or what they were. I went to the Dr. and she told me if these "stomach aches" were resolving themselves, there was nothing to worry about. After that 5 or 6 week period of time, it stopped happening until a couple of days after this Thanksgiving. It happened twice and then it went away again until Jan. 4th of this year. I had 4 or 5 attacks from the 4th - 7th and after the first one, I looked online to see what type of food was linked to causing these type of symptoms, as I thought it was probably a reaction to something that I was eating that wasn't agreeing with me, and saw that my symptoms matched gallstones exactly and then I found this remedy. I mixed 4TBS of ACV with approx. organic sparkling apple cider and two of the three times, the pain was gone within 15-20 where it would normally last (at least moderate pain) for two to three hours. One day though, I was getting a little bit of a headache and so I drank a cup of coffee cause most of the time it will get rid of a headache for me. OH MY GOSH!!! About thirty minutes later - the worst of these attacks that I have ever had!! My face, neck and chest flushed dramatically (like it was on fire) and the pain was super intense for 45 minutes, despite drinking the ACV and apple cider. Moderate pain lasted for about an hour and a half longer and then slight discomfort for another couple of hours. This is not to take away from the ACV and apple cider remedy, it works fantastically. I am fairly sensitive to caffeine, (and prone to very mild flushing) so this is just to say that if you are too, you might want to think twice about drinking coffee while dealing with these on going type of attacks.

After that incident, and while waiting for a doctor's appt., I was worried that I was going to have another attack like that so I tried the ACV and apple cider for prevention. I'm used to using ACV for other things anyway, so it was no big deal. I put two tsps. of ACV in about 6 oz of sparkling apple cider and I would drink half of it before I ate and the other half after. After a day or two, I used water instead of apple juice. I haven't had another attack since the one on the 7th after drinking coffee. I can't say for sure if it the situation was resolving itself anyway or if it was the ACV that kept it from happening again, but my feelings are that it was the ACV. After about a week of that, I've just been having about 1tsp ACV in 6oz water when I first wake up and right before I go to bed and, so far, I haven't had an attack since the 7th. I have also started taking my probiotics again and began taking milk thistle. Not sure what of these different things has helped me not to have another attack so far, but they sure haven't hurt!

I went to the doctor a couple of weeks ago and they agreed that it sounded like it was gallstones and ordered an ultrasound, which I had a few days ago. Still waiting for the results and will post if I have anything to share that I think might benefit anyone else.

Thanks again for everyone posting their experiences and to Earth Clinic for providing this community - I very much appreciate it!! :O)

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Steve (Nevada) on 09/12/2015

I know from experience and what I have heard from others with liver/gallbladder issues is that the gallbladder can be irritated by cold food, oils, beverages, wheat, ice cream, etc. When taking remedies for the GB such as ACV, epsom, magnesium citrate, olive oil, lemon juice, always take them with warm water as this allows the GB to release stones/toxins easier and faster. Also using a heating pad or water bottle with filled warm water will enhance your relief and results.

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Aaron (San Diego, Ca) on 11/29/2013

Apple cider vinegar in apple juice: This absolutely works. I was enduring my second gallbladder attack. I went to the ER for the first one and they kept me over night thinking it was a heart attack. I refused to do that this time around so I felt strong enough to endure it. I wasn't. About 3 hours in I came groveling to the night god Google and he pointed here. I did exactly like everyone said and in 10 minutes too I felt good enough to write this and go to bed. Thanks so much.

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Vreed27 (Granite Falls, Wa) on 02/04/2013

I was diagnosed with gallstones (after having 5 or 6 attacks since Thanksgiving) I did the Hulda Clark liver/gallbladder cleanse and have not had an attack since. One week of eating vegetarian only (lots of apples and lots of apple juice - apparently the acid in the apple juice softens the stones and you don't eat any protien because it causes the liver/gallbladder to work too hard and you want it to be rested for the day of the cleanse). Then followed by the cleanse. I did the cleanse on Friday night so that I could be home on the Saturday (good thing because you are basically "chained to the toilet" due to diarrhea.

The cleanse is a follows. 3 cups of water with 4 tablespoons of epson salts mixed in. (I mixed in some fresh lemon juice to help with that nasty taste). 1 cup of olive oil 1 cup of fresh squeezed grapefruit juice.

Drink 3/4 cup of the epsom salt mixture at 6:00 pm. Take the next 3/4 cup of the epson salt drink at 8:00 pm. Mix 1 cup of olive oil and 1 cup of freshly squeezed grapefruit just thoroughly. Drink at 10:00 pm and lay down immediately for 30 minutes.

When you wake up in the morning, but not before 6 am take another 3/4 cup of the epsom salt mixture. Exactly two hours later take the rest of the mixture. Be prepared - you will need to be close to the toilet! The stones will float as they are mostly made out of cholesterol. Any stones that are calcified should sink to the bottom of the toilet. I had to use some vaseline on my behind from the burning of going so much.

I was very tired after doing this cleanse. According to the directions you will need to keep doing the cleanses until no more stones come out. I will not do them more than once a month because it made me so tired.

I also did the apple cider mix and that worked after 20 minutes but it's just a temporary fix. You need to get the stones out in order to quit having the attacks. In the mean time avoid, dairy, high fatty foods such as beef/pork, chocolate, nuts. I carry the epsom salts in my bag in case I have an attack. The epsom salts relaxes the tubes and helps the stone pass. One tablespoon in a cup of water or juice. Sorry for the long explanation.

I will keep you in my prayers. Like you, I thought I had acid reflux and instead found out that my gall bladder was all this time letting me know it was full of stones.

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Patrick (Boynton Beach, Florida /usa) on 07/08/2012

I was scheduled to have my Gall bladder removed approximetely six months ago, unfortunely I have COPD and hardening of the Arteries and the Surgeon did not get proper clearence from my Pulmonist and cardiac doctors so that day, the Hospital cancelled my appointment until I went through a series of tests, now remember I have been in serious pain for six weeks and the the ultrasound showed my Gallbladder full and I could get no relief but to eat beets and beet juice very little relief but it did help, until I read about Apple cider Vinegar three tablestones with six ounces of water or apple juice three times a day. I have been pain free for four months now and refuse to get the gallbladder removed because the surgeon and my doctor knew that the ACV does work but never told me about it. I found it on the Web, thank goodness I never miss taking my ACV three times a day. I feel like a new man gained a few pounds because now I can eat, I'm still careful with my fat intake but Pain Free

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Tina (Houston, Usa) on 06/13/2012

Ann, Daily consumption of kombucha helps dissolves the stones in your gall bladder.

If you buy kombucha from a grocery store, keep on counter for 3-4 days to allow to ferment longer. The longer the ferment the better in terms of dissolving stones.

Or visit to learn to make kombucha at home for pennies. Ferment/brew for atleast 9 days to allow the properties of dissolving stones to form in the tea.

Build up daily consumption slowly. Start 4 oz per day and build to 32 oz daily within few weeks. Your stones will dissolve and you will NOT have to remove your gallbladder.

Good luck, T

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Joanna (Norwalk, CT) on 02/02/2023

How did you use turmeric? Can I ask how it helped you?

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Debbie (England ) on 03/13/2023

So I have gallstones and gallbladder problems. I don't really want surgery but the pain not going away. How much of this in ml should I drink a day?

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Steve (Uk) on 11/25/2023

Hi deb you need to regularly do Apple Cider Vinegar and apple or cranbery juice and avoid trigger foods that sludge and block gall, foods like butter, choclate and avoid processed foods high in vegtable oils as these make the stones. (olive oil is fine if cold pressed) Doctors will remove the gallbladder which is a big no no as it's mostly easily fixed.

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile , Tn) on 07/16/2017

Trt,,,,,,,, suggest you flush your liver and gall bladder every 6 months. The procedure is in EC's archives. Be pro-active.


Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Yunus (South Africa) on 04/15/2017

May God bless all of U for SHARING recipe

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Sherri (Ohio, Usa) on 03/25/2016

What amounts of honey and lemon did you use? Was it in water or another liquid or alone? Thank you!

Are you still doing well with these remedies? Do you take them daily? Just one..or both?

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Richard (Miami, Florida, US) on 08/27/2014

Editor's Choice I have used apple cider vinegar for so many different purposes. Besides helping alkalize the body, I have found that it works great for people who are going through a full blown gallbladder attack.

The recipe that I have used is adding one or two tablespoons in an 8 ounce glass of organic apple juice at least 3 times a day. This really works miracles. But it does not take care of the actual cause which are gallstones or congestion. Only works if you are going through some gallbladder symptoms or as a preventive measure.

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Mikemo (Michigan) on 06/28/2014

ACV/apple juice remedy: Be advised this does not work in all situations. If your gallbladder is inflamed or has a wall thickening issue, this remedy MAKES ATTACK MUCH, MUCH worse. I tried it and ended up in ER 2 hours later.....

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Timh (KY) on 06/09/2014 2063 posts

This confers my suspicion that liver/gall problems can cause hypertension thru reduction of blood flow. You will also need to support your liver (Milk Thistle, Turmeric, and Artichoke herbs) while cleansing the gallbladder. During this time your BP will probably drop so you must take a BP reading daily and adjust (lower) the medication accordingly.

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Timh (KY) on 06/11/2014 2063 posts

Truckwife: I have found a direct correlation between liver and/or kidney problems and hypertension. This seems to be an issue of blood, urine, and bile flow.

Be careful w/ your logic. If you were to, say, begun having gallbladder issues at the beginning of 2014 and conclude that for many yrs prior there was no (noticeable) problem. One can have gallstones for many yrs and worsening all the time until finally there is a crisis.

The herbs I suggested increase bile flow; increased bile flow reduces gallstones.

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Timh (KY) on 06/12/2014 2063 posts

Yes, these recommendations should help to some degree almost immediately as well as long-term. My first symptoms of gallstones were irregular heart beat and heart pain which were totally relieved by the flush.

The liver herbs I mentioned are predominately used for protective regenerative effects specifically for hepatic function. Dr Christopher developed an herbal formula specifically to improve liver/gall function and increasing bile flow. Taking a supplement of either Glycine or Taurine will increase bile production. All this will help digestion and elimination. Also recommended to reduce or prevent cholesterol gallstone is Lecithin and Choline/Inositol. The Christopher formula was once marketed as Liveron but is now called something else like Liver Tone or something (not sure). Also big on the herb list for liver/gall as well as kidney is Dandelion Root, Burdock Root, and Yellowdock Root. Cranberry and Parsley are the top 2 herbals for kidney problems.

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Sunday (Alberta, CA) on 05/16/2014

I was sceptical at first but I am 21 weeks pregnant and had a severe gallbladder attack, went to hospital. Last resort was a bit of morphine to calm my stomach. I'm scared to go thru that again and starated looking at home remedies as I don't want anymore pain killers because of baby. Well.... 2 days later another attack... Ran for Apple juice and ACV.... Within 10 minutes pain was gone. I had a breakdown cuz I was so excited not to go back to ER.... I have never been in so much pain in my life!!! Thank you earth clinic!!!!!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Anne (Houston, TX) on 10/14/2014

This may help you get the ACV down: Put 2 tablespoons of ACV, the juice of 1/2 lemon and 2 tablespoons of aloe vera juice in a gallon of distilled water. drink 1/2 your weight in ounces each day. For example if you weigh 100 lbs. drink 50 ounces.

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Rod (East) on 05/02/2014

I had some sharp pains, since I didn't have any Apple Juice, I added 2 tblsp of Apple Cider Vinegar to a glass of water and had 2 apples, the sharp pains have gone and now I can lean down a bit better. Since this has worked a bit, then my message to everyone is try to always have your oily food with either ACV or some lemon juice to prevent this attacks from happening - it also make the food more tasty anyway.

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Rastomp (Raleigh Nc) on 03/16/2014

My doctor found 3 "silent" gallstones while looking to see if my kidney stones were gone. They act up if I have sour cream, cream cheese, etc I have been doing the apple cider with mother/apple juice for the last few days and it is great!! I heat up the cider/juice in a cup, and sip it slowly twice a day. Have not had one peep from the stones since. Very happy and will continue this daily.

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by P.j. Tedrick (Marathon, Florida Keys) on 08/24/2015

I have had 3 (what I know now to be) gallbladder attacks. I take no pharmaceuticals whatsoever, and got of Prilosec months ago because I'm changing my life to as ayurvedic as possible. To the person who's taking the Prevacid: I started using pickle juice, ale vera juice and/or ACV to manage my heartburn. Took a few weeks, but it worked! I'm hoping the ACV/apple juice will take care of my gallbladder problems too, cuz I do NOT want surgery of any kind.

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Happy Wife In Nj (New Jersey, Usa) on 02/08/2014

My husband has gall stones and was having attacks every 2 months or so for 6 months starting about a year and a half ago. After a trip to the ER on the 4th or 5th attack, he learned he had gall stones. Started eating healthier and only had one mild attack in the last year. He became a little more lax recently and tonight had an attack that came on rapidly. After the last attack I had read about this remedy and bought a bottle of apple cider vinegar to have on hand just in case. I looked up remedies today and was reminded about this one so I told him and he ran to the store to get apple juice. He drank the concoction (3 1/2 tablespoons to about 8 oz apple juice). He was in a decent amount of pain and tried a few different positions to ease his discomfort. He finally laid on the couch and after about 15 minutes following drinking the potion told me to throw a post up here on the forum to say that it really worked! He's feeling much better. He's still on the couch not wanting to jinx it but I'm so happy he's feeling better and hopefully won't need a trip to the ER tonight!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Timh (Ky, Usa) on 01/22/2014 2063 posts

Jnz: Many health practitioners recommend annual colon, gallbladder, and parasite cleanse as optimal health cannot be achieved otherwise. Oregano, Garlic, Neem, Oilve Leaf, and Grapefruitseed are all good herbs for killing parasites and pathogens; incorporate one in the daily diet or take supplement. A one week rotation of these will be most effective.

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Steven (Wa) on 01/03/2014

Kid you guys not. I've been in pain on and off for three days. And I did two table spoons of apple cider vinegar. Drove to the food coop. Bought organic shelf apple juice... Drank about a glass in the car before leaving. Got stopped by a train I'm home now I'm a matter of 15 to 20 minutes I can actually say this worked. Thank you everyone. I'll recommend it.

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Pat (Kentucky) on 12/21/2013

I have been having more gall bladder attacks lately and found this site and thought why not. Well, I took a couple ounces of ACV mixed with apple juice and nothing. Did it again about a half hour later and still nothing. I did read elsewhere that these attacks can be caused by at least two different things, gall stones getting stuck and the total release of the bile stored there such that the harden bladder irritates itself. I don't see how the ACV can help so quickly in either case really, but maybe it only handles one of them and I had the other. It was worth a shot.

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Allison (Kelowna Bc Canada) on 12/09/2013

I have been in pain for three days off and on with another bad gallbladder attack.Thinking this is it off to another night in the hospital.Decided I would google Home Remedies to see if I could find some relief ..AND came across Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple juice!!! , , , "YA RIGHT who comes up with these crazy things."..BUTTTT HOLY COW it worked ..with in less then 10 mins the pain is gone ..I MEAN GONE PEOPLE!!!! :) one happy mommy

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Wendy (Cumbria, Uk) on 11/08/2013

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice for Gallbladder Pain:

Just want to say THANK YOU for this rememdy. I've had gallstones for years but they've never been a terrible problem until 2 nights ago, when I actually thought I was having a heart attack - never felt pain like it, it was dreadful. Paramedics came and took me to hospital and dosed me with morphine. But my heart was fine and the docs could find nothing wrong. When my heart was all fine, I suspected gallbladder problems. After about 4 hours, the pain went and I was discharged.

But then last night, the pain came back and I googled for a remedy for instant relief. This brought me to your site. Luckily I had both apple juice and cider vinegar in the house and my husband made me up a glass of the mix. I was crying with pain; it was really dreadful. But within about 10 minutes of the applejuice cider vinegar drink, the pain just melted away.

I still can't believe how simple and effective this remedy was. It was like a miracle. So thank you again, from the bottom of my heart for sharing this information.

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Carol (Pa) on 05/05/2018

Please be sure not to drink ACV straight...some people can, but it almost killed me....I could not breath....please dilute with water and sip to be sure it will not choke you...

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Roger (Georgetown, Guyana) on 12/16/2012

My wife was having these severe heart burn like symtoms after the birth of our son. We visited many Doctors who diagnosed Acid Reflux and of course recommended a whole lot of pain medication and antacids to no avail. On our last visit to a hospital they did an indepth chack and found the problem to be as a result of gall stones. It was good that they diagnosed the problem but those people were preparing her for surgery without even informing us. We opted out and decided to check online for natural remedies and came accross this thread. To sum up the results I will just say that this thread was a blessing to us. She had one more attack the same night we first saw this thread and that was the last. She is still using the mixture twice daily and we will try the lemon juice and olive oil shortly. Once again thanks very much.

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