Gallbladder Attack
Health Benefits

ACV in Apple Juice for Gallbladder Attacks

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Trt (Montana) on 07/16/2017

This really works! I was in pain for 8 hours and I wasn't sure if I wanted to try it. I'm so glad I did. I've had gallstones since 2002 that hardly bother me, but if I've been eating badly, they kick up a fuss and let me know they're still hanging around. After a week of nightly bowls of ice cream I went into an attack. Horrible knife like stabbing pain in the back and pain in the upper right quandrant over my gallbladder. After 8 hours I came here and wasn't too sure Apple Cider Vinegar would work for me so I went on to other remedies. I wish I had tried this one first because it surely my surprise took the pain away. I was in tears! I warmed a coffee mug full of water...not too hot, then added two tablespoons of ACV and a bit of honey then mixed it up and drank slowly. It took a full 45 minutes for the pain to go from a 9 to a 2. So I made another mug of the Apple Cider Vinegar and drank about half of it and the pain went completely away. I was about to go to the ER! Just a word of caution however... this did make my stomach rumbly and I had two fits of diarrhea.

The next day I did go in and get my blood work checked to make sure things were normal to be on the safe side and got a sonogram. I'm going to keep my gallbladder as long as it responds to a good diet.

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Ursa (St. Petersburg, Florida) on 09/11/2016

I use apple juice as daily prevention of attacks but at one point I fell out of the habit and hadn't had apple juice in months. I was hit with a terrible attack while at work. It was so severe I could barely breath or move. My friend had to drive me to the store for apple juice and apple cider vinegar. I added a shot of the ACV to a cup of apple juice and chugged it down. The attack stopped in minutes. I spent the rest of the day alternating plain apple juice with the ACV/apple juice combination. I ended up passing dozens of stones, it was unreal but didn't hurt.

I continue to drink daily apple juice but I take my shot of ACV separately in water now for multiple health reasons.

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Mary (Cincinnati Ohio) on 03/21/2016

I was woken up at 3:15 am today with another gallbladder attack. It always lasts for 4-5 hrs and the thought brings up such anxiety. I googled what to do during a gallbladder attack and found the Apple Cider Vinger and apple juice remedy.

I did not have any Apple juice but did have cranberry juice. I put 1/4 cup ACV in 6-8 oz cranberry juice. Could not believe within 10 mins pain subsided!!! I did not even finish the drink.

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Chris (Ct) on 03/08/2016

Tonight a major gallbladder attack came on strong. Pain in the stomach and I felt the pain on the right side under the rib cage. Here's what worked and brought me to tears! 1/4 cup of ACV mixed with 8oz of apple juice and downed it! 10 mins later the pain was gone! It works don't SUFFER!

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Nancy (San Antonio, Texas ) on 03/16/2023

I was skeptical about the ACV thing, thought it was mostly hype. I'll give anything a try once (we'll, almost anything) and I was in having a gallbladder attack… I had just bought some raw, unfiltered, organic ACV and apple juice (because I'd just read about it helping gallbladder pain) so I took 1 tbsp in 8oz of juice and within about 15 minutes my pain eased tremendously then vanished completely in about an hour! I couldn't believe it!! I'm telling everybody about this! Why don't doctors tell their patients?!

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Alx913 (Philippines) on 03/14/2018

I had a gallbladder attack yesterday, I honestly didn't know what it was. I thought it was just a spasm until I had an ultrasound this morning. They found 5 small stones. I'm getting the official result tomorrow and will consult my Doctor on Friday. With that being said, I went to the store this morning to get raw unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar with the "mother" which is the important ingredient and some apple juice. I took some this afternoon, not that I'm in pain but thought it would be a good place to start until I see the Doc on Friday.

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Lindsay (Wa) on 11/12/2017

I am 26 weeks pregnant and have had a few gallbladder attacks, which is apparently common during pregnancy. The first two lasted days and were incredibly painful. I have had an ultrasound and thankfully there are no stones, but still having gall bladder attacks. My chiropractor suggested the apple cider vinegar in water trick and last night after having another terrible attack, it worked in under an hour. So thankful!

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Rick (Long Beach, Ca) on 07/26/2016

Last night was the second GB attack that I have ever had. The first time I was at work and literally thought I was having a heart attack. Initially, I thought I woke up with indigestion. Within 90 minutes, I was having major chest/epigastric pain, shortness of breath, profuse sweating and nausea vomiting. I was doubled over in pain, every breath I took made it worse. After being rushed to the hospital via ambulance (paramedics also though it was cardiac as my EKG was showing some weird rhythms & blood pressure very high from pain) and going through a handful of tests, they tell me it is GB related and they want to do surgery. I opted not to do surgery and followed up with a specialist. The specialist also wanted to do surgery and I refused. One year went by pain free and just last night I suffered a GB attack.

I took 1/4 cup of Apple Cider Vinegar mixed with 8oz of apple juice and about 20 minutes later ended up vomiting a gross looking brown fecal looking substance followed by a greyish green colored fluid. About 20 mins after vomiting, I was pain free. My formula was simple but seemed to work.

Here it is again:

  • 1/4 cup ACV (organic)
  • 8 oz apple juice

Both items were chilled. I did not have to warm them but it may help.

Good luck all and I hope everybody feels better.

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by K (Delray Beach, Fl) on 07/25/2014

Gallbladder Attack Treatment - it really works!!!

I've been sick for 4 days, and can't go to the hospital. This is nothing short of miraculous. I drank the ACV in fresh apple cider, and within 30 minutes, pain started to subside. With next glass, I fell asleep and woke up with NO PAIN!!!! Does this mean it is not a valve problem? I hope so, because I plan to proceed with the cleanse tonight unless someone out there has had a bad experience or a reason to not do the cleanse just yet.

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Rheta (California) on 05/15/2016

Okay here it goes... I was in ER two weeks ago with gallbladder pain wow the pain was crazy, I was sent home. I never wanted to go through that again. I have been watching everything I ate. Tonight it started again and found this site. I tried the apple cider vinegar 2 tablespoons and 8 oz of apple juice, it is a chilly night so I warmed it up a little and I thought it was tasty, within 15 minutes all pain was gone, Hip Hip Hooray.

Thank you.

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Bez (England) on 05/24/2016

I am finding the remedy of apple cider vinegar and apple juice is helping with my gallbladder pain/problem, and the pain has gone.

Does anyone know if it is OK to take the mixture twice a day. I'm finding it refreshing and, at the moment, am taking it once on a morning and once on an evening as a preventative measure.

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Linda (Reedsburg, Wi) on 08/13/2016

I also have been suffering since June with pain and had another diagnosis..but I just decided to Dr.myself and look for a natural solution..I tried the apple juice and vinegar and in 10 min. I was pain free..the best I felt since June. I was taking a solution every morning of vinegar, cinnamon and ginger...but I will be doin the Apple Cider Vinegar and apple juice instead..I am a believer so far.

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Lee-anne (Australia) on 05/13/2015

Just started to have my 3rd gallstone attack after eating a baked dinner, so thinking maybe the lamb? Anyway googled how to ease the pain and found these post, drank 2 tsp of ACV with warm water and felt the pain ease immediately, completely gone within minutes. Thanks heaps. I realise from other posts, that this may not always work, but it did for me today, so even though I am watching what I eat and trying different remedies, I will carry a small bottle of ACV with me at all times. Thanks again.

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Govols (New York) on 07/21/2014

I have suffered with occasional (4 to 8 times per year) gallbladder pain since I was a child. As a teen I was hospitalized due to the pain and was told that the issue was just gas pressure. Later testing in my thirties proved that my gallbladder functions at about only 10% of what it should. After this I was referred to a surgeon who told me that doing the surgery was no problem, he did this surgery every day. He said 85% of his patients are "cured." However, about 15% experience side effects. One of the side effects is lifelong chronic diarrhea. So, I could either take the chance with the surgery or watch the fat content in what I consumed. I chose the latter and the surgeon gave me a reaffirming nod;-)

This past weekend I sensed another flare up as the pressure and pain slowly increased under the right side of my rib cage. I drugged up last night with anything I could find (over-the-counter) to knock me out and help me sleep. I woke up feeling better. However, after lunch the pain came roaring back with a vengeance. I had to leave work early. On the way home I drove by our local health food store to see if they had any insights (they always do a GREAT job) but they were closed, bummer! Got home and began taking anything I could find to help ease the pain (again, over-the-counter only.) Then I thought I would search the internet for "natural cures." That's when I found this article on this site.

I found organic Apple Cider Vinegar and mixed 3 teaspoons with 8 oz of apple juice and sipped the concoction until it was gone. Over the course of about an hour and fifteen minutes I went from wanting to curl up in fetal position due to the pain to feeling just some mild pressure. Not sure how this will turn out BUT this solution has been RADICALLY more effective than anything else I have tried for the last 30 years. Now I'm sipping an a second batch just to see what happens.

It is absolutely unbelievable. I cannot say if it will work for anyone else, but it has truly been a God-send for me. I wish you all good health, body soul, and mind.

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Caitlin (Austin, Tx) on 09/12/2015

This poster relates that caffeine possibly caused a subsequent gallbladder attack. I personally never experienced one until last night. Then, I awakened to a worsening pain in the upper-right side quadrant, spreading toward my back. Gall bladder, I thought, but why. A day earlier, I drank EG tea which has caffeine, about 25mg a cup. I never drink caffeine but ran out of my herbal tea. Could this be related, I wondered? Well got on EC as I always do first and tried the ACV remedy. I dd not have apple juice due to sugar/diabetes control, so took 2 T of ACV in cold water. Pain eased only a little. An hour later, I took another Tablespoon but in warm water and the pain eased further, about 80%. 30 min. later, pain is 95% gone. Perhaps the fact that I took ACV for years with no gallbladder problems, then not so much this year had something to do with this attack? Perhaps, my continual use of ACV in prior years kept stones from forming in my gallbladder. At least, this is what I believe since I'd never had an attack before. But, I'm also now on a strict no-carb, hi fat (olive oil), hi raw vegetable diet that could be moving existing stones out of my body. For me, this bears watching!

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Jack (Singapore) on 05/01/2015

Diagnosed with multiple gallstones (0.4cm in size) last month after ultrasound. Had one attack late yesterday evening. Pain level was about 7. Couldn't sleep the whole night. This morning almost crawled to a shop nearby to purchase apple juice (to my surprise, I already have ACV in my kitchen). Took 2 teaspoon of ACV with 8oz of apple juice. Like magic, pain is gone. This remedy works! Going back to sleep now...

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Katherine (Chicago, Il) on 12/23/2014

Dear all suffering with Gall Bladder issues:

My Boyfriend was suffering with GB issues a few years back. He eats way to many beef burgers... Anyways he was hospitalized and they told him they wanted to take out his gall bladder.

This is what prompted me to look into a natural remedy. If the problem is from behavioral/ eating habits vs. hereditary there is no need to remove body parts. (My opinion at the time)

So I found 2 recipes that have helped his issues subside almost immediately.

Recipe one is the one from above mixing apple cider vinegar with apple juice.

Recipe two is a combination of 1/4C of olive oil to 8oz of Coca cola. Yes its rather gross, drink it fast! Then lay on your left side so your gall bladder is on the top side for about 15-30minutes. You will feel some discomfort. But the gall stones will move through your system. Once the discomfort has subsided you can go about your day.

Other tips: Try to limit your beef consumption especially from places like McDs. Switch over to other forms of meat like turkey or chicken. Add more vegetables to your diet. Have salad made with red lettuce or spinich, broccoli and cauliflower are also excellent choices.

Apple Cider Vinegar in Apple Juice
Posted by Joey (Chicago) on 03/08/2014

Editor's Choice I ended up in the hospital Friday night with the most unbearable pain imaginable, it took 3 shots of pain killers to dull the pain. I had and ultrasound and I have gallstones. Still in pain I've been looking up everything possible when I say this. My sister kindly went to the store and picked up ACV and apple juice (they didn't have organic). I just drank 8 oz of Apple juice with 3 table spoons of ACV and the pain is gone. Thank all of you sooooo much. That did in ten minutes what 3 shots of strong painkillers failed to do.

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