Apple Cider Vinegar for Allergies

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Marieca (Cambridge, Mn) on 11/21/2016

I have using the apple cider vinegar for my allergies after I stopped getting allergy shots. I no longer wake up with a sore throat from the post nasal drip, and my sinus infections have been less since I started using it.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jen (Los Angeles) on 01/20/2017

Why did you stop getting your allergy shots? And how long were you getting them?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dan (Myrtle Beach, Sc, Usa) on 08/16/2011

Here's a little update at just over a year... Throughout my entire life I have always had a miserable time with colds and allergies every single year. This past year, since I've learned about ACV, has easily been the best year of my life. I'd even go so far as to call it almost perfect. Allergies were a breeze. I don't think I noticed any at all, including my allergies to dogs and many other animals, dust, ragweed and a few other pollens.

4 random times over the past year, I had the very familiar feeling of my very typical post-nasal drip creeping in. I get those often, always starting with a nasty sore throat which ALWAYS meant I was about to be sick for a long time. Almost every time, this meant antibiotics, and maybe more than one kind. For the first year in as long as I can remember, I haven't taken a single antibiotic NOR a single decongestant. I never came close to needing them. I was always in danger of getting left back for attendance, and it has always been my Achilles' heal at work. This is huge for me.

The few times that sore throat DID come around this past year, were during times when I had run out of ACV or hadn't been keeping up with it. Then I would try the new ACV remedy I'd learned about off this site: 1/2 cup water & a single teaspoon of ACV. Gargle it 3 times every hour until the sore throat feels better. Each time I had the sore throat, I would do this remedy early on, and within 3 hours, or 9 mouthfuls, my sore throat was gone! Completely. A little Advil didn't hurt either, just to make those few hours passed comfortably.

That was it. They never became colds. They never lasted more than a few hours. I only took one sick call the entire year, and that was just because I was feeling lazy. My allergies were nothing. I didn't have my usual fall coughing marathons at night, nor my springtime scratchy throat. People I worked with and live with were sick all around me, and while I was always nervous of catching their germs, I never really did. The winter before I'd found out about ACV, I was miserably sick for more than 3 months straight.

Of course, anybody who has grown to swear by ACV knows how difficult it is to convince others to try or to continue with the ACV. The taste is tough to deal with, and it is so frustrating when you know it would help someone you love, but they will not so much as sniff it more than once. But as I've come to learn in life... You can only really fix yourself, and try to be a good example.

Does it work for the Cholesterol that I originally started taking it for? I'm not convinced. I'm due for a retest, but I don't expect anything there. But thanks to the amazing boost its given my immune system- This is way better than any vitamin or supplement I've ever taken!

I usually take 2 tablespoons of _____ ACV in a shot glass topped off with water or apple juice, and then chase it with more water or juice (the colder the better). I usually take it for 2 weeks, and then skip it for 5 days or so. I've read several books on ACV over the past year, and it does a lot of good for your body. I'm sold!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sridhar (Dubai, Uae) on 03/09/2011

Dear All, I am a 36 year old guy who has been having severe allergy problems from the age of 15. Sinus problems started about 3 years ago and both of these have been getting me ill very frequently. I had taken 3 doses of antibiotics (500 mg per day / days) over the past 6 weeks as I kept having repeated flu, sore throat, allergy, sinus problem which did not seem to leave my body. To cut the story short, I ran into this website 5 days ago and started the ACV & Oil pulling (sesame oil) right away. The day I took the ACV, there were lumps of yellow stuff rolling out of my ached sinuses and jaws through my nose and mouth. The next morning I woke up with a clear nose. I have not had any allergy or sore throat for the past 5 days, which is a rarity in my adult life. I am able to breathe through my nose all the time and my voice is very clear. I have never felt so good in all these years & my constant craving for sugars is gone. I have recommended this to quite a few of my friends who are impressed with seeing a different me this week!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Augusto (Dallas, TX) on 05/21/2009

I was excited after reading that someone got rid of itchy nose and sore throat after taking 3 tbs of honey and 3 tbs of ACV. I have had these symptoms for over a month now. I just wouldn't take over the counter stuff and wouldn't react until it gets unbearable. So, it got to that point, surfing the net took me to this website, I tried the remedy and voila! No more itchy nose and the sore throat is almost completely gone; right after taking the remedy! Thanks for letting me in this awesome remedy, people!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ladyw (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 04/29/2009

I stumbled on to your website after another severe allergic reaction to shell fish. I accidently ingested food cooked together. I have been aware of my allergy, so I'm pretty careful. I get completely blistered month, lips, throat and I think throughout my system. If I have touched shellfish my fingers peel. In agony, I was searching the net for treatment or relief of my symptoms. And up came Earth Clinic and ACV remedies.

I decided to try it immediately. I took 1 tbsp of ACV in 4 oz of warm water, drinking it down fast, then just rinsed my mouth with water and baking soda. I tell you, it was immediate relief! My mouth pain stopped and my blisters seemed to coat over. I had been taking a pain killer every 4 hours and it was not even touching the pain. I was so relieved I fell to sleep exhausted. I repeated the same dose 3 times a day and I am now 48 hours later. My blisters are completely gone! This is a miracle. Other episodes this has taken me 3 weeks to recover from. I am so excited! I have read and read peoples comments and suggestions, and I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I am eager to see if it helps other ailments I am having. Ie: hives, asthma. Please anyone who suffers from allergies, give ACV an honest try. Be brave!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Liz (Scranton, PA) on 04/26/2009

In the last few years, I have developed severe allergies-- almost debilitating during the warm weather. My face swells, eyes shut and itch--even my scalp itches, but worst of all is blowing my nose raw and the exhaustion from continuous sneezing, headaches and constant sore throat. Did I say that I was almost constantly miserable? I had lost all semblance of my carefree outdoor life.

In desperation, I tried every natural remedy and over-the-counter medicine I could buy, even doubling the doses--nothing has worked except slightly, perhaps, for an hour or two.

I have found so much help on this site in the past, so I came here again yesterday when an allergy attack was so severe, I could not continue to teach. My seventh graders kept asking, "What's wrong, Ms.? What's wrong?"

Going over your allergy remedies again, I could not help but marvel at all the people who were getting such tremendous relief from apple cider vinegar. I had tried it before with little benefit, and I was just wishing, "If only it would work for me!"

Suddenly, it dawned on me! Maybe I'm not using enough vinegar! Maybe I'm not using it often enough? I started to use about two good splashes of raw apple cider vinegar to about three ounces of water (less than 1/2 cup). On the counter, ready and waiting, I had mixed 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda and a little water (Thanks Ted). Quickly I slugged the vinegar and water (strong but bearable this way). Then immediately swished my mouth with the baking soda and water to protect my teeth. Swallowed a little of this for my stomach. I did this on the hour, about four times, and about 11:00 PM, I started to notice some relief.

I took the cider vinegar once during the night and again upon rising. Then I noticed right away that all my allergy symptoms had subsided considerably. I used the intensified method five or six times the next day and felt so well on the third day that I dropped the "treatment" back to 4 times. I feel human again! I feel wonderful! I can smell flowers and cut my grass without a handkerchief tied to my nose By the way, my nose is not red and swollen, my eyes are open and clear. The sore throat that I have had constantly for months and months is finally gone! THIS IS A MIRACLE WORTH PRAISING GOD ABOUT!


It may be all you need to do to tweak this remedy and get your life back. I still can't believe how good I feel. Thank you Earth Clinic! So glad you're here for all of us!


Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Peggy Su (USA) on 01/13/2008

I was referred to this site by a friend of mine and was amazed at all of the benefits ACV has. I suffer from chronic allergies/sinus infections. It has only been 24 hrs and I CAN BREATHE!! I had problems breathing out of my left nostril and my left side of my face always has sinus has completely opened up. I cannot wait to see other health benefits including some weight loss. It has suppressed my appetite today! :)

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kim (Phoenix, AZ) on 04/21/2006

After finding this site, I decided to try it for my allergies. My Doctor had suggested allergy shots and recommended I carry around an Epipen because my allergies are all so severe and I am allergic to just about everything. I had nothing to loose and everything to gain. WOW! is all I can say. I am pleased to say that since I have been taking it - I am now allergy free as long as I remain taking 4oz of water and 2 tblsp of ACV twice a day. My allergist even asked me not to tell too many people about my new discovery as it would put her out of business - as I was completely symptom free when I went for a check up

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Nabil (Kissimmee, Fl) on 12/25/2011

I too suffer from really bad seasonal allergies every year. My nose will get congested, and runny. My eyes will get red and runny. My throat will get itchy. The pressure builds up in my head and feels like a pressure cooker! I will sneeze hundreds of times throughout the day. Every year I go to the doctor and I get allergy medicine, I found out that my body builds tolerance to whatever medicine I try...Yesterday my symptoms started full force, a friend of mine told me to visit this site, I read about ACV and happened to have some in my cabinet, desperate as I was, I mixed 1/8 of a cup in 16oz of water and drank it.. To my surprise and much needed relief my symptoms went away in less than an hour!

ACV gets a big YEAS!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Michael (Albuquerque, NM) on 03/12/2009

WOW!!! My allergies have been worse than ever this year. I have been to the doctor twice and twice given antibiotics. They helped for a few days but as soon as I completed taking them, a few days would pass and I would feel bad again. Almost like I had the flu. My dad has sworn by ACV for years in helping with his weight loss. "Son, a glass at night and one in the morning" he says. KOOKOO!!! Was my thoughts. Well, I am at the end of my rope. I am a business owner and can not afford to be out of the office. I just mixed up a batch of blackberry tea (helps with the taste), 3 Tablespoons of ACV (always a beliver of more is better), and a 1 Tablespoon of honey. Well, as soon as I took my first sip, I had to blow my nose. I have now finished my first glass and feel like getting out of bed and going to work. Thanks for the website and now I will call my dad and apologize!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Elizabeth (USA) on 10/08/2006

I have been on a regimen of 2 tbls of ACV and 1 tbls of blackstrap molasses 2x's a day for about 4 months now. I've just recently in the last month added 1/2 tsp of cayenne (1 tsp/day total) to my ACV and chase it with a glass of water. I read on your site that cayenne helps circulation and that was the primary reason I started adding it to my ACV. Before that I would cook with it and added it to my food everyday as I really like hot food. Well, I was pleasantly surprised with what happen next... The puffiness around my eyes (due to some kind of allergies food or airborne I'm guessing) and face is COMPLETELY gone! No kidding! I have a healthy glow to me now and the puffiness around my eyes that would make me look tired all the time, has vanished. The next thing I noticed is that my sinus' are clear, the dull sinus headache that I lived with for so long is gone and I can breath through my nose at night. As a result I think I'm getting more oxygen to my brain and body now and I definately feel much more clear headed. I had no idea how much congestion was in my sinus' that I had just learned to live with. After ingesting a teaspon a day for about a month, although results came within a couple of days, I look and feel so much better. The only thing I can attribute to the changes to is the cayenne. Thank you so much for posting this remedy. Makes me want to kiss you guys right on the lips! SMACK!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mooshka (USA) on 06/26/2013

I get seasonal pollen allergies. It gets pretty bad. I sneeze ten times in a row and my eyes get really itchy. I found ACV as a remedy on earth clinic and I tried it one day when I sneezed a lot. Sure enough, a few hours later my sneezing and runny nose dissipated. Since it has worked so much better than OTC antihistimes, I will continue to use it every summer. ACV is definitely an item everyone should own, since it has so many uses!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Steve (Springfield, Illinois) on 08/04/2010

I was having allergy problems: congestion, sinus issues and headaches. Saw the doctor and he prescribed me 3 different medicines (cost $100). I decided to try Apple Cider Vinegar and in about 1 week my headaches were gone, my congestion cleared up and no more allergy issues. I take 2 tablespoons mixed with orange juice every morning and do longer have any allergy issues. It's been 4 years now and the ACV is still working. I'd buy ACV even if it cost me $100 a bottle!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Chris (Auburn, Al) on 03/18/2010

First off, this is the most amazing site I've ever come across. I've had acute allergies for 10 years now. For the first 5 years, I just dealt with it, but as I've gotten older, it's gotten worse. I usually end up bed ridden with sinusitis, fever, terrible headaches, etc. before all is better. The last 5 years, I have taken an antibiotic virtually every time I had an outbreak (about every 2 months), and everyone knows how bad that is for our bodies. Since I found the ACV cure a year ago, I've had ONE outbreak. I cured both of my last outbreaks without antibiotics in a matter of 3 or 4 days. I now drink ACV daily. While I still occasionally have itchy eyes or headaches, I rarely feel bad at all. Additionally, I had laryngitis, and mixed cayenne pepper w/ the ACV mixture, and cured it instantly. Thank you all so much for giving my life back.

My daily dosage, 2 TSP w/ 8 oz of water several times throughout the day.

When I'm sick, 2 TBLSP w/ 8 oz of water and 1/8 TSP cayenne pepper (for sore throat) several times throughout the day.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jane (San Francisco, CA) on 05/31/2009

I had quite severe seasonal allergies with non-stop runny nose, itchy eyes, and sneezing. I started taking 1 tbsp of ACV with the mother in a glass of water, sometimes with 1/8 tsp of Baking Soda and sometimes without. The first 2 days, there was not much change, and the stuffiness in my nose seemed to be more than ever. But on the 3rd day, all the allergy symptoms completely went away and I've been allergy free ever since.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Heavan (New Mexico ) on 04/20/2017

Do you have sever stomach pain when you have a reaction too? Just curious because I have been becoming randomly allergic to different fruits and veggies. It's possible for me also to become allergic to shell fish as well. But I just get super bad pain in my upper abdomen.

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