Lichen Sclerosus
Natural Remedies

Natural Remedies for Lichen Sclerosus: Effective Treatments

Lyme Disease Connection

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Posted by Lora (Dc) on 04/20/2017

I have recently learned that Lyme disease can also be a cause because of its autoimmune properties

Replied by Tonya

Lora, can you tell me where you read about the connection to Lyme's diesase?

Replied by Frances
(Cabarlah, Qld.)

If you do a search for Borrelia and Lichen Sclerosus, you will find articles making the connection.

Manuka Honey

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Posted by Luckylucy (Nh) on 08/04/2017

I have had LS for many years and tried Protopic, steroids and none of that really helped. Seroviral HGH made it fade quite a bit. I recently tried sandlewood oil and royal jelly which faded it about 80 percent.

I have for 3 days been using manuka honey and am trying 10+ umf on one side of my chest and 18+ on the other side to see if one works better. LS is now 95 percent flat and nearly all the white is gone. I am keeping my fingers crossed that this finally does the trick. None of the doctors have been particularly useful over the years in finding a useful remedy (but at least they could diagnose it) not even those at the best Boston hospitals... Does it seem that they have far more interest in Lyme disease than helping us women with this sometimes embarrassing ailment?


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Posted by Rita Jean (Texas) on 02/11/2018

Researched for over a year as to the cause of LS. Tried all of the noted protocols on the web. What helped was Perrin Naturals and also ozonated extra virgin olive oil. These worked for different phases of the out breaks. Ended up going back to my old faithful calendula ointment and witch hazel for immediate relief of the itching and burning. Breaks outs always appeared after eating acidic foods. When I researched the bottled water I was using, the test results also showed acidic. Changed to a much higher PH bottled water and continued my calendula and witch hazel protocol. Still searching for the cause is when I found MMS. Drank MMS for 8 days and also did the MMS sitz baths for 8 days. No more lesions, itching, cuts and burning. It took a long time to find this cure for me but thought I would share it as it may help others.

MMS (Miracle Mineral Supplement) - I started with one drop for a couple of days and moved up to 2 drops. With the sitz bath I used 5 drops MMS and soaked for 20 minutes in hot water. By the eight day I wasn't using and witch hazel for the itching and calendula ointment.

Replied by Mary

Just ordered MMS for a different condition, then was wondering if this would also help a daughter with LS. Saw your post. Are you still in recovery? Thanks!


Replied by Jackie

I will be having biopsy tomorrow but Dr said all my symptoms point to Lichen sclerosus, I have taken MMS in the past, but this pain has caught me off guard, it's like my inmune system has gone haywire, so I will start doing dlsitz baths with MMS, the new version protocol is CDS or Chlorine Dioxide, protocol on how to make it is on YouTube, Dr Andreas kalcker shows step by step how to make it in its purest form. There's also a spray protocol to dilute and use on skin like bacterial vaginitis, so I did do a sitz bath to nite with baking soda, warm water, helped a lot, the creams I'm still researching which to use, organic coconut oil is my go to cream, but needed one like a barrier to help while sitting, I tried Vaseline with Shea butter and it works pretty good, the only thing is gotta reapply after each pee, washing thoroughly, but I'm hopeful that MMS will cure it completely, it got rid of my pollen allergies a while back and helped me with the covid virus back last March.

Replied by Latifa

L.S. Rita's feedback on her use of MMS for lichen sclerosis is most interesting. As for the internal use for eight days, gradually increasing the doses, does this mean 8 daily intakes of 125 ml? I did that last year without having knowledge of MMS benefits for lichen sclerosis and found it quite awkward with the 10 minutes abstention before and after food intake. Is there a less constraining alternative for internal use? Can some drops of essential oils be added to the MMS sit bath mixture? Can I use the aquarium MMS for the sit- bath? And for drinking water for human consumption? Does MMS neutralize and eliminate heavy metals? If yes, can this substitute Zéolith? Thank you in advance for your kind reply.


Posted by Lynn (Seattle, Wa) on 02/07/2015

I'm wondering if anyone has explored the use of Monolaurin for lichen sclerosis? indicates it is helpful with yeast, infections, MRSA (even) as well as Herpes and more. Would you mind letting me know your thoughts? thank you

Neem Oil, Green Tea Extract

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Posted by Terlyn (Syracuse, Ny) on 12/28/2009

I have had LS for a few years to the puzzlement of my gyn until September when the white spotting finally appeared. I tried calendula oil then castor oil and now I am in my 2nd week of Neem oil with a green tree extract added 2 or 3X a day. It is messy but it brought me healing relief.

The others brought relief from the itching and bleeding which is a blessing but I want it to heal and not continue to split.

Niacin with Aspirin

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Posted by Laura (Akron) on 11/25/2016

Editor's Choice Niacin for Lichen Sclerosus

Niacin caused burning so the pharmacy told me to take it with aspirin to remove the burning and it worked 100%.

Oregano + Coconut Oils

2 User Reviews
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4 star (1) 

Posted by Jill (Chicago) on 08/21/2019

Hello, 10 plus years with LS. I have done all the known therapies. I have found much relief with the essential oil of oregano mixed with coconut oil. 2 tsp of coconut oil to 30 drops of oil. Apply as often as you can, oil of oregano is a HOT oil meaning DO NOT APPLY DIRECTLY TO THE SKIN IT WILL BURN always use a carrier oil like coconut, took care of itch white spots and atrophy.

Replied by EggBiscuit

Hi Jill, How are you doing now? I tried several oils and creams and the clobetasol seemed to remove the white spots after a month but soreness persists. ( I, too, am from IL but do not live there at the moment.) Have oregano oil and will try with some coconut oil.

Replied by For ever better

Thanks for sharing. After which period did you see results? it stopped the atrophy or regenerated tissues as well?

Ozonated Olive Oil

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Posted by Elle (United States) on 05/12/2020

Hi All, First: thank you for all the help and advice, you are lifesavers. Second: the best thing I have found for LS is ozonated olive oil. I use it every other night and have NO symptoms and my red skin has turned a shockingly normal pink. I left my ozonated olive oil in the frig for about a month, scared to try it. It does burn at first, for about 10 minutes. It gets better each usage after because it is healing your sensitive skin! Good luck and good health to you all.

Replied by Karen

I've been using o instead hemp oil too. Powerful and hemp has the highest frequency out of the oils so I thought to go that route. Have you noticed the white patches returning to healthy link yet? Does that even happen?

Ozonated Olive Oil
Posted by Gertie (Ontario) on 09/14/2015

Ozonated olive oil has reversed my LS symptoms. I applied it to the labia area and it unfused the labia. I have applied a small amount 3 times daily for three weeks now.

I bought a small jar from a British Columbia company and when you receive it, keep it stored in the fridge. It's okay to ship via unrefrigerated mail though. It looks like solid vaseline. Reasonably priced.

There are many topical uses for this product, from acne to cuts and bruises.

Platelet Rich Plasma Injection Therapy

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Posted by Ocean51 (Carmel, Ca) on 06/27/2016

After 5 years of suffering with Lichens Sclerosis, I must share what has given me relief and remission. My husband researched treatments and found an OB/ GYN in a neighboring county, who provides Platelet Rich Plasma Injection Therapy. This is an experimental treatment, and I am the 3rd patient she has treated with "PRP" for Lichens.

The 3 treatments with an out of pocket expense of $800 each have completely cleared all of my itching, Burning and white patches. Upon my follow up exam, my doctor stated she could not tell I had lichens! I do not have a reversal in vaginal tissue elasticity, but I believe my peri menopause contributes to that condition. My 3 outpatient treatments were completed in less than 2 hours each, and were non invasive. The process begins with your own blood draw that is put in a centrifuge for about 15 minutes. The platelet the rich plasma is drawn into a syringe and injected in the affected areas (with a large needle to protect the platelets) OUCH!, but the local helps a lot.

This 3 round treatment over 6 months completely cleared my lichens. No creams, steroids or prayers could do that. I was told to come back every 6 months, and that I may require more treatments. After a year I am still clear. This doctor was the first of 3 gynecologists to actually do a biopsy to confirm lichens sclerosis, I am forever grateful to her for taking the bold steps to help me.

FYI PRP is also known as the O shot and the Vampire Facelift, and is thought to restore healthy tissue and blood flow. Read up on it to see if this is an option for you. I know I would pay almost anything to rid myself of the agony of Lichens Sclerosis.

Replied by Kat
(San Francisco, Ca)

Can you tell me or email me the name of your doctor? I live in the area and I have been researching the treatment. Thank you for sharing!

Replied by Kathy

Can you tell me what Dr. you went to? Would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.

Replied by Saro
(Nashville, Tn)

Ocean51, could you be so kind and give an update on how you are doing now, please share your doctor that performed the treatment for you, thank you

Replied by Lana

Hello Ocean51, how is your LS doing atm? This post is from 2 years ago but I hope you will read my message. I have recently been diagnosed with LS and I am looking to try PRP. Your feedback will be extremely helpful. Did you need to do another PRP treatment of several sessions? If yes, in how many months after the first one? Was the effect as strong as the first time? Are you using any steroid creams atm?

Warm regards,


Aloha Granny

Dr. Coyle does PRP with laser treatment called the Tulip procedure. He is in Pensacola, Florida.

Replied by Melanie


Would you mind sharing the details of where we could find this dr please

EC: A number of doctors now perform Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy. You can search Google using those search terms for a local doctor in your area.

Replied by Lisa
(New Jersey)

Stem cell PRP is the only thing out there that comes close to a cure for LS. Dr. Nathan Newman in Beverly Hills California has performed this technique on over 200 LS patients all 100% show improvement or go into complete remission for years. See his Yelp. People confuse the two techniques:

PRP: platelet rich plasma: They also call it the O-shot or Vampire shot. The technique is, they draw your blood, spin it down and extract the plasma which rich with platelets. Then they inject the plasma into the affected areas. The platelets release multiple growth factors that stimulate the regeneration of health tissue in the genital area. It last for about 6 months to a year, however some patients go into complete remission with just PRP alone.

Stem and PRP therapy: is combo of PRP and stem cells. They first inject the PRP into the LS areas, then do a small liposuction removing fat from one area of the body (e.g. tummy) and inject it into the LS areas. The fat contains stems cells that can turn into the surrounding tissue. These stem cells also release anti-inflammatory chemicals prevent further inflammation. Also the PRP stimulates the stem cells to grow, and they continue to grow and take over the whole area bringing the genital tissue back to normal. The immune system does not recognize these new cells and therefore stop attacking the area rendering the patient ASYMPOTOMATIC! IT WORKS!

Prescription Meds for LS

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Posted by Jillery (Rawlly, Nc) on 12/24/2017 86 posts

I have tried just about every natural remedy that is listed in EC even with help of my naturopath for a few years. I finally went to a dermo who is well versed in LS and he prescribed Acitritin (ended up on 25 mg per day until he decides to decrease again. We ramped up originally as he had good results with other patients ). I also use a topical as well. I still get flares but it is from stress or skipping the ointment a few days or weeks. He feels if I do this for a year I may be able to go off of everything. My skin is so much nicer. The ointment is called Tacrolimus 0.1% Doc also has me use Burt's Bees baby wipes. He is in Chapel Hill NC. Dr Kenneth Becker. Some of the natural stuff would work a few days or weeks and then I would get a horrible flare. This rash just seems to continuously morph... but that is autoimmune stuff. I keep reading just incase something diff comes along so I don't have to do the drugs. (btw, my LS was a dry spot outside vagina and then a 'hot spot' where my butt cheeks touch. I have gotten 'plaque' (really weird dry skin) in both those areas. I had also had like a thrush baby rash from my mound up and over my belly. I have my labia and clit. Good luck all.... lots of work. hugs~

Shea Butter

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Posted by Tiya (Bellflower, California) on 04/01/2013

I have has LS for 5 years now and I'm only 16 years old. So far no doctor has been able to figure out a cure to LS. I've done my own experiments and I've been using Shea Butter for 3 years and I rarely have flare ups or any itching. Though I notice I have more discharge but it's worth not having unbearable itching.

Sitz Baths

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Posted by Wolf5alpha (Portland, Oregon) on 08/22/2015

I have recently been diagnosed with lichen sclerosis. I have had severe itching and after trying many things which seem to relieve it for about a week and then it is like it develops some immunity to it, I tried vagisil. This has given me the most relief as a cream. But what has actually been helping to heal it and give much longer relief is sitz baths. I use some epsom salt, lavender, chamomile, comfrey, yarrow, and marigold, steep this in a sitz bag for a bit and add it to a very shallow warm bath. Then I add baking soda to the water and soak for 20-30 minutes. Doing this twice a day is best. This is still very new to me and I'm horrified to find out it is chronic and the damage it causes. I haven't tried the steroid cream yet but after reading the many replies, I'm very concerned about using it at all.

Skin Cream

Posted by Vg (Sc, US) on 01/28/2015

Egyptian Magic All Purpose Skin Cream works as well (if not better) then the prescription Clobetasol. It has all natural ingredients so can be used long term with no bad side effects. My OBGYN said that it was ok to use. The thought of using a steroid cream for the rest of my life bothered me. Glad to have found something safe. Buy it at Costco (best price), Whole Foods or online. Just use as often needed.

Urine Therapy

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Posted by Yofi (USA) on 02/01/2020

A bit of your own urine stops the itching of LS almost immediately but only temporarily. I also agree with others who have reported that staying alkaline helps.

Replied by Yofi

I just apply the urine topically when I pee and let it dry naturally if I have the time or pat excess off with toilet paper. A probiotic and/or anti-candida enzymes before bed also help w/ night-time itching. I learned about the urine tx from a traditional healer who did not charge me for the advice. Needless to say, this remedy is free and readily available. It's the most effective thing I've used in many years of dealing with LS.

Replied by Carol
(Agoura Hills)

My daughter has been suffering with LS she is 12 and has had it for some time. I didn't use the steroid creams but now I am as fear it has progressed. It is very itchy and lots of discomfort. We had tried holistic treatments and herbs and acupuncture as well. I am very interested in the light therapy where do you go to get that? Where do they use the light exactly? Please help. Thank you

Replied by Katy
(New York)

Carol... Not sure exactly what you have tried or if you read thru the other posts on the site. I can only suggest what I has worked for one of my clients who had it. I had her use infused oregano oil 3 to 4 drops under the tongue, twice daily. I also suggested making a vaginal douche consisting of 50% apple cider vinegar, 50% distilled water with a healthy tablespoon of plain yogurt mixed in. This will be very soothing as well as help the tissues to heal. Diet is also a concern as I'm sure you know and I'm sure you've talked with her about diet, but it is important - getting her to stay away from sugar may be a challenge, but it is necessary.

With her diet, if she can get a lot of probiotics into her from yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut (it's got to be fresh - not canned, bottled - pasturized), also kombucha is a good source. Hope she finds relief soon! Katy

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