Sesame Oil Pulling: Boost Oral Health Naturally

128 User Reviews

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Posted by Jayne (Pensacola, FL) on 05/15/2009

Well, I lost a filling tonight. I have been oil pulling about a month, first with olive oil, and lately with sesame oil (which I love). It has helped my mouth and my teeth for the most part. This particular filling came out of one of three teeth I have which had already been cracked (backs fell off) for a few years. I was surprised the filling fell out, but there is no pain. I guess it's dead. Overall, the oil pulling feels great and has stopped the almost continuous mouth pain and tooth sensitivity I've had for years.

I plan to continue to oil pull carefully--after all, my long term goal is to replace those mercury fillings--lol! I'm just glad I didn't swallow the filling (came out in three pieces).

Sesame Oil
Posted by Pam (Ooltewah, Tn) on 05/01/2009

oil pulling and heart: I ran into OP one morning while getting together my sunday school lesson. For some reason my finger hit a site about acv which i take and happen to mention op I thought what is op. I looked it up and bought my sesame seed oil and began. The acv has helped me tremendously but the op makes me feel like I have a new heart!! I could not lay on my left side because i could feel my heart trying to push blood like it was having a hard time and when i would get off the acv for a long period of time my heart would just do weird stuff and almost where i almost faint. I am amazed by op i can lay on my left side and my heart feels like its brand new!! Op at first made me feel so tired for a few days but that left also at first i had a bad taste in my mouth but it left after a few days. Let me know if anyone else have had my symptoms!!!

Sesame Oil
Posted by Nic (Athens, Greece) on 04/27/2009

After seeing how successful are most of the home remedies I've found here, I decided to try this one as well out of curiosity. Oil pulling started more than a week ago, first with olive oil, which I thought would be the best, then bought excellent sesame oil for the first time in my life. Sesame oil was an amazing discovery, Greeks love olive oil and I was a big fan of this national product, avoiding all other oils, but in my case oil pulling was disgusting when using olive oil, and it was a big unpleasant surprise for me since I love the taste of olive oil. Although I suspect olive oil is extremely powerful, more than sesame oil and other oils, it was the latter that worked. I read someone's feedback that he managed to feel less depressed or something like that while oil pulling. I have always been against anti-depressants but many a time before I nearly tried to find a decent doctor to prescribe me some mild ones, as I felt very low for a very long period despite the fact nothing that serious or bad was happening in my life. First of all, negativity has vanished entirely from my way of thinking, dark thoughts were eliminated in just two days. I had no problem focusing so far but I never thought my ability to focus could become so good, excellent! Colours became more vivid especially red green and blue. Confident and more pragmatic than ever, I find it no more difficult to decide and evaluate almost everything. Oil pulling is a great tool if you are trying to become serene and positive. And yes, oil pulling with sesame oil doesn't taste horrible, is easier and you can swish more efficiently, cures not only the body, but also the mind, betters your psychological condition. I am so glad I never found a decent doctor for those 'happy' pills. The answer is oil pulling. I just wish I knew about turmeric powder, ACV+honey, good old garlic and onion, warm compresses etc, earlier, as I would have never taken so many antibiotics. Thank you very Earth Clinic Team and all of you who send your feedback!


Sesame Oil
Posted by Tia (Pittsburg, Ca) on 04/22/2009

want to do op but could not find oil labeled refined or cold pressed. bought sesame oil labeled organic and unrefined. will i get the same healing results with this oil?

Sesame Oil
Posted by Trish (Stoney Creek, Ontario, Canada) on 04/19/2009


I have been oil pulling for seven days now (first 3 days with EVOO, and the last 4 days with cold pressed sesame oil). Today, after oil pulling, washing my mouth out the with baking soad, sea salt, and warm water combintion, I immediately brushed my teeth with olive oil soap and flossed. In addition, I scraped my tongue (with a metal scrapper) which I don't do too often. Well, after I had done all that I blew my nose and was shocked to see blood coming out of my left nostril! I have never experienced a nose bleed in my entire life (40 years old). Do you think I just blew too hard or is this a cleansing reaction from the oil pulling?

I too have experienced some positive results ever since oil pulling: my chronic bad breath is much improved; my arm pits don't stink anymore; and an old injury in my left arm resurfaced (with pain for 2 days) only to be now healed hopefully for good. I know I have a long way to go to cleanse my entire body. I always thought that the only true way to remove toxins quickly was by fasting, but I am so happy to have now found another way of doing it (while still enjoying food)! Thank you so much Earth Clinic and a big thank you to all of the people who have posted their feedbacks, as I found their comments enlightening. Best wishes to everyone on this site.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Lynn (San Francisco, ca) on 04/09/2009

I started oil pulling 3 weeks ago with Sesame Oil. At first I was absolutely disgusted by the consistency and could barely keep it in my mouth for 3 minutes. The next day I tried again and was able to swish for about 7 minutes. Everyday the process became easier and easier and now I'm up to 15 minutes. It has not taken away the dark circles under my eyes, my allergies are the worst they've ever been, and my energy has not improved BUT I have definitely noticed that my teeth are extremely clean and feel absolutely amazing. The horribly bad breath (which I attribute to several years on antibiotics) that plagued me has completely disappeared. Clean teeth and fresh breath are reasons enough for me to continue oil pulling and hopefully after a few months I will reap the benefits that others speak of.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Ken (Philadelphia, PA) on 04/01/2009

Yes! it worked for me. 1 tbsp of sesame oil each morning. It absolutely clears all cravings for things you don't want to do, except spurred on by bad choice of food, hence watch your food at least for two weeks, that is if you really want to/ (just) 'want' to quit smoking/ addiction. Because oil pulling does 3/4 of the work. The only problem i encountered was the thought of cigarettes, especially when i see others smoke. In my thinking thats an iota of the real struggle people lament about in dealing with old habits.

You see this was even the first time i tried to quit and it made it feel so easy. In short, i think oil pulling corrects abnormalities in your body and makes you normal. Big two thumbs! up to Earth clinic. I don't know what the big companies are really doing, when the amazing medications lie in the very simple things of life. Thank you for your service on behalf of the world.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Patty (Houston, TX USA) on 03/21/2009

Just a note myself to say that I have started trying the oil pulling myself today..with organic sesame oil..I have already experienced some relief from sore tongue due to biting my tongue in my sleep (waking up with a start and biting my tongue so bad it bleeds.) I know that's crazy ! ! Anyway after just one use my tongue is not so sore anymore..I wouldn't have believed it myself if I hadn't experienced it..Have deep amalgum filings, however, that are probably 25 years old...guess if they come out, I'll have to deal with that...maybe i can get less toxic filings then.. I know i have tasted periodically that metallic taste in my mouth and couldn't figure out the cause..finally read here that it may be the mercury in my filings.

Also I have tried the Turmeric for boils and that has worked great for me. It starts to subside after taking just one dose and continues to dry up..

I love this web site..I know there are better cures than what our doctors try to give's medicate or cut...don't like that.. God bless to all out there trying to find help ! ! !

Sesame Oil
Posted by Analei (Hilo, Hawaii) on 02/25/2009

ok, here goes, i just moved and due to climate change or whatever, i started getting a couple big zits. so i started looking online to find something to fix it... ran into oil pulling threads, and became very interested. i started op 4 days ago, and i feel more awake, there havent been any more pimples. and the ones i had went away. (i did try many things for this, so could not be due to op) i am using sesame normally and did olive oil today just to try. (i tbsp each morning) i think sesame worked better. i am worried tho, that one of my teeth has shifted. it seems like this could not be possible, but has someone else had tooth movement from op? i do enjoy the benifits, but do not want my teeth to move!! and is it ok to op after coffee? how long after? ok, any insight would be amazing! thanks for your response in advance.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Laurie (Decatur, Georgia) on 02/24/2009

I just discovered this site today, but wanted to share my experience. I read about oil pulling two months ago and thought it would be good to try for painful tooth that 3 dentists gave me 3 different diagnoses on. Bought a large bottle of pure sesame oil and pulled three mornings in a row with one tablespoon of oil. On the third day I noticed I had a slight sore throat. Two days later that was followed by what appeared to be the flu for four days (I now know that was the Herkximer reaction). The curious thing is I had no fever or digestive compliants the entire time of said "flu" - bad nasal congestion, eyes hurt like a headache and horrible coughing. When it was over I noticed that I was able to chew on the left side of my mouth which I had not been able to do for a few months! Was it the oil pulling? I seriously suspect so. If you were a bad microbe and could not produce your own food, where would you choose to live in the human body? Close to where the food comes in, right?

Sesame Oil
Posted by Mira (Toronto, ON) on 02/23/2009

First, I am so glad I found Earth Clinic and read all your posts. I am so grateful with the person who shared the oil pulling technique with me and told me to google. All my life, I asked dentists why they didn't help us with something that help prevent having cavities and root canals. I have already shared the info with my family and friends as this is a valuable health protecting method.

I have been oil pulling for the last 4-5 days with Sesame oil and I believe it is working. For the first couple of days, I would spit all white mix with the saliva but now, it has become yellow and I wonder why. I think someone else had the same feedback.
I am learning so much on oils that I didn't know and I don't want to get side-tracked and confused with all the different oils. I will stay on my sesame oil as i love the taste.

Also, I would like to ask Ted this question. I have some oral cleansing products to cleanse heavy metal they're from a well known online company (I had them for over a year and I am worried they might expire) is there a problem if I start using them while oil pulling?

Today was the first day I felt side effects: noise bothered me and I feel very stressed out and maybe it is just my work but I wonder if the results of the oil pulling aren't showing up.

I have sinus issues, I am better with a diet without wheat and have at time used Adamo blood type diet but I always get back eating food with gluten. I hope oil pulling will help sucking some of the mucus created by gluten. Also, honey this product known healthy has bothered my stomach made me sick often and I wonder if oil pulling will cure my allergy to honey.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Mary (Cleveland, OH) on 02/11/2009

After giving birth to my daughter 9 years ago, I developed TMJ. About a year ago, I started oil-pulling with organic sesame oil after reading about it at various sites. One day, I realized that my jaw didn't make noises anymore, and I also have full range of motion. In addition to oil-pulling, I also take hot, detox baths with 2 cups of Epsom Salts, and frequently cleanse my ear canals with 3% food-grade, hydrogen peroxide for approximately 10 minutes. See my website about curing psoriasis.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Zhenya (Fremont , CA) on 02/10/2009

I love this web-site. I have been fighting a number of ailments in the past couple of years. They all started after taking strong antibiotics after a dental surgery. So, now I am starting with the oil pulling. I actually found unrefined Sesame oil at Raley's. I will post in a couple of days with the results.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Max Nass (NYC, NY) on 02/07/2009

I have been taking sesame oil for pain for at least 2 months and I have had no results. I take it in the morning. Should I take it at night before going to sleep? I take it in the morning before I eat or drink. It would be difficult to space it out more than 2 hours before going to bed. Please advise. Thank you.

Replied by Elena

I'm not sure what effect sesame oil gives when you take it (swallow it- Is that what you mean by taking it?).

Try Oil Pulling- but don't swallow it- it's pulling the toxins out your body..

Here is how it's done:

First thing in the morning on an empty stomach and before drinking any liquids (including water), pour exactly one tablespoon of sunflower or sesame oil (or whatever oil you have chosen) into your mouth.
Step 2:
Swish the oil around in your mouth without swallowing it. Move it around in your mouth and through your teeth, as if it was mouthwash (don't tilt your head back to gargle though). You'll find that the oil will start to get watery as your saliva mixes with it. Keep swishing. If your jaw muscles get sore while swishing, you're putting too much into it. Relax your jaw muscles and use your tongue to help move the liquid around the inside of your mouth. When you do this correctly, you'll feel very comfortable. Pretty soon, it will become second nature.
As the end of the oil pulling session approaches, you may notice the oil/saliva mixture in your mouth has become thicker. This is quite normal, since it is pulling out toxins from your body. When 20 minutes is up, spit out the oil into the toilet. Don't be alarmed if it looks yellowish--this is also normal.
Rinse out your mouth a couple of times with warm water and spit into the toilet. Rinse and spit with a good mouthwash. I prefer to dilute with water (or use full strength), regular hydrogen peroxide and I rinse and spit with that. The hydrogen peroxide is very effective in rinsing out any toxins which may be left in the mouth.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Janie (Mattoon, Illinois) on 02/01/2009

I recently went to a health food store to purchase Seseme Oil for oil pulling (I am currently using coconut oil) and would like to try the seseme oil. My question: I found the Seseme oil but it say expellor pressed and not cold pressed. Can I oil press with the expellor kind and what exactly does that mean? The food store says he cannot order the cold pressed kind and/or that they don't make that kind anymore, so I picked up the sesame oil (expellor) type and am awaiting your response before I "oil pull" with this oil. Am wondering if it would work just the same as cold pressed. Thanks for your input.

Replied by Renate
(Parrish, FL, USA)

I asked the same question on a site guide to self healing (Karen Robinson). My question and her response is below. I checked out the web site she referenced and it explains the difference nicely. I hope this helps.

On, says to use 1) cold pressed and if you can't find 2) refined. Your site says unrefined cold pressed. I have a hard time finding cold pressed. Whole Foods has expeller pressed, but not cold pressed. Are they the same thing? Whole Foods has, mostly, refined oils. Can you please clarify. Thank you.

30 Karen Robinson { 01.27.09 at 1:23 pm } Hi Renate, expeller pressed is fine. The expulsion process creates a certain amount of heat, depending on the type of seed or nut and how much pressure it takes to get the oil out of it. But this is very low compared to the high heat heat method used for refined oils. Here's a good explanation of expeller pressed vs. cold pressed:

And I think Whole Foods carries Spectrum oils. Spectrum has unrefined, organic sesame oil, or just unrefined. Also, organic virgin coconut oil. Any of those would be great for OP, but others would be okay too.

Replied by Janie
(Mattoon, Il)

Thank you so much for getting back with me. Your response and answer was very helpful and appreciated. I have been oil pulling with cold pressed coconut oil (pulling/rinsing/brushing/flossing etc.) and will now try the expeller seseme oil to see if I can notice any differant results. Although I like the taste of the coconut oil, I am finding that it doesn't seem to leave my teeth as white or as clean as I thought it might. Seems to do just a minimal job. I do go to the dentist for a check-up and cleaning this upcoming Thursday and am really anxious to hear what my hygenist has to say about my teeth after oil pulling for just a few weeks. I will have to post the results. Thanks again for your answer and... Happy Oil Pulling! Janie

Sesame Oil
Posted by Donna (Alamogordo, NM) on 01/10/2009

I have a bad tooth and it was swollen and painful. I did a search and came across the oil pulling site. I began at once with sesame oil. My tooth resolved immediately. But I continued. I got so sick I thought I was going to die. Thank God I was off of work for 2 1/2 weeks but my kids came to visit. I had an incredibly high fever, and turned very pale and so sick I should have not been out of bed. I could not even dress. My head had never hurt so horribly bad. I continued with the oil pulling for 3 times per day. Then as I was getting well, after about 7 days, it was really odd that I began expelling from my mouth in the form of mucous, but not ordinary mucous. It was light, airy, and foamy as I had never experienced before. I expelled this nasty stuff by the kleenex fulls. I continued and got better, my color came back to my face and I felt extremely better. My friend commented that my back by my lungs looked a lot smaller as though I had lost a lot of weight. I now can breathe and seem to be very healthy. I continue to use the oil pulling but only sesame about 3 to 4 times per week but only one time per day. I have wonderful skin and no more nasty dry cracked heels. Thank you for supplying this secret that has helped me regain my health. God Bless You!!!

Sesame Oil
Posted by Lourdes (Madrid, Spain) on 01/06/2009

Hello everyone! It is January 6th. I started oil pulling daily about 2-3 days after this post was published on Dec. 3rd, so it's definitely been a full month. I really wish I could report some amazing reaction but I can't. I cannot tell whether it is working, but am motivated enough to give it another month or two. I am using raw organic sesame oil that is precisely for ayurvedic practices. I swish for 20 minutes until the oil is completely white and liquid, then spit it out, and brush my teeth with tooth soap. I do this first thing in the morning, before even drinking water (I read that this was the way to do it). Changes? Well, maybe less plaque. Hard to tell. Also, in September or so I started experiencing hair loss for the first time (I am a 45 year old woman) and even got a large bald spot (eventually larger than a quarter), which completely freaked me out (fortunately it's still hidden by hair). The bald spot started in September and got bigger. Now, the hair has started growing back in around the edges, but this could have begun before the oil pulling. Sorry so inconclusive. Best of luck to everyone.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Bronzechiqz (France, Argentuil) on 12/24/2008

Ive been oil pulling for a week using sesame oil every morning on empty stomach. 15-20 minutes later, I would spit out, the oil will become slightly white still oily consistency, gargle and rinse with a glass of warm water, baking soda and salt. And then brush my teeth. Seeing teds method, I brushed first and did the procedure. I coudnt really see difference on anything except for lil whiter teeth. My skin just stayed the same and my appetite seem to be increasing??? Im thinking of switching to sunflower oil or coconut to see any changes. Any suggestion?

Sesame Oil
Posted by Shabana (Bradford, UK) on 12/14/2008

hi, i have brought toasted sesame oil, but i am not sure whether it is the right one. i cannot find plain sesame oil! will someone let me know whether i can do oil pulling with toasted seasame oil?

Sesame Oil
Posted by Gina (Small town , Ohio) on 12/06/2008

Am I the world's most unsuccessful oil puller? I have been oil pulling for a month. I use 1 tablespoon organic unrefined sesame oil and occasionally coconut oil. I oil pull an average of 6 days per week for 20 minutes. I have not experienced any of the supposed benefits I've seen listed here. My teeth are not whiter. My sinuses have not totally cleared. My gums still slightly bleed when I floss. Energy levels remain the same. The only thing I have noticed is a slight reduction in sensitivity to cold on my teeth. I am really disappointed. My main reason for trying oil puling was to improve the look of my teeth and gums. If anyone has any suggestions or thoughts on why this is not working for me I would greatly appreciate it. I will finish the bottle of sesame oil but probably not continue. At this point my impression of oil pulling is it doesn't work. Thank you.

Replied by Jane Buck
(Portland, Oregon)

I just looked at my Spectrum Sesame oil in light of what you said about cold pressed and it only said expeller pressed. I will look for cold pressed. Any Brand I should be looking for?

Sesame Oil
Posted by Linda (Queens, NY) on 10/22/2008

Hello All! First I would like to say I love this site! So I picked up Flora's organic sesame oil cold pressed. I wanted to know if this brand is okay and that its cold pressed. Also, should I refrigerate it? Thanks a bunch!

Sesame Oil
Posted by Melinda (Macungie, PA) on 10/21/2008

I learned about Oil Pulling from your website and I feel so thankful for this wonderful treatment. I had an abscess under a tooth in my mouth that would not go away. I had tried antibiotics twice and it just went away for a while and came back. The last time I had an abscess I needed to have the tooth pulled and an implant put in - lots of pain and money.

I started oil pulling - for the first 2 weeks twice a day and then once a day. The abscess looked better and better but did not go away. Daily i would clean out any accumulated pus, and eventually i only had to do that every 3 days or so. Then - one morning after 2 months of this - when I went to clean it out to my great surprise a small bubble came out - the outside was clear and inside was a bright grass green color. After that day, the abscess completely healed. It has been three months and everything is just fine. Thank you so much for the information that you post here. I used 1 tablespoon of Cold Pressed Sesame Oil and I added a few drops of Oregano Oil to it for oil pulling. I am still oil pulling, switching types of oil every few months.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Page (Los Angeles, CA) on 10/04/2008

I stumbled upon this site several months ago. I was so happy to find the information on " Oil Pulling ". Soon after I started oil pulling with the sesame oil that was recommended. I thought that my results would be very interesting and I want to share them with you.

Within one month I was in soaring pain with my first Root Canal. Thank God I found a good dentist in Los Angeles because what was soon to come would have been unbearable! In the last four months I have had 3 more root canals! With very little money as a single mother for over 16 years my teeth had been neglected. If your teeth are not in perfect shape: Do Not Oil Pull. You'll be sorry. Instead, find yourself a reasonable dentist and try to get caught up on your dental health.

A friend of mine with perfect teeth and in excellent health tried it for three weeks and saw no results at all.

Good Luck to everyone.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Leena (Montrose, CO) on 09/24/2008

I started oil pulling 4 days ago...I had a tooth removed because of abcess three weeks ago (molar). I thought I was doing well, but this morning after using the OP method, my mouth on both sides was hurting really bad!!! It seems my gums are better, but the pain was intense. I'm using organic unrefined sesame oil. Would like to work through this pain thing, can't go though this everyday!!! Any help would be appreciated.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Abby (Chicago, IL) on 08/30/2008

I did the Oil Pulling with Sesame oil for about a week. I took about a tablespoon once a day in the morning according to directions. I swished for about 15 min, to 20min. About a week later I started getting bad headaches. I never get headaches, but these were bad. I also got diarreah that lasted 2 to 3 days. I felt really sick. I thought maybe this was all apart of detoxing, and I must have been really toxic. I wanted to continue to see if my symptoms would subside, but I had an important weekend that I couldn't be sick for. So I stopped. I want to try again but I'm a little afraid. Maybe it was wrong oil for me? Or maybe I need to just keep it up until I'm throughly detoxed? If anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate it. -Abby

Sesame Oil
Posted by Michael (Los Angeles, CA) on 08/19/2008

Oil-Pulling (remedy) for allergies (ailment):

I started oil-pulling with Sesame oil about 3 months ago. It took a little while to get used to 1 whole Tablespoon of oil for 15-20 minutes, but I just did my normal morning routine while oil-pulling. I have not had to take any prescription allergy medications that I usually took at least a few times per month or when pollen counts were very high in my area. I oil-pull every morning when I wake up without fail and find that I have increased energy and no allergies.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Thelma (Baltimore, Md) on 08/01/2008

I tried the oil pulling method and I must admit that the first two weeks my skin was unbelievable. I could not stop looking in the mirror. I am 44 years old and I swear I was looking at least ten years younger. The pores around my nose had tightened and the laugh lines had started disappearing. I used one tablespoon of sesame oil every morning before brushing and flossing. After the first two weeks I ended up with a sore throat, pink eye and skin rash. I have never suffered from pink eye before. I know this was from the O/P. I beleive it was the toxins finding an escape route. I started again this week but I am only O/P once a week and then I will gradually work my way up to daily O/P again. If anyone has any suggestions or any similar experiences can you please post. Thanks.

Replied by Helen

I have been doing oil pulling for a little under a week. I woke up with bilateral pink eye, a sore throat, and a face covered in acne:/

Replied by Tracy
(Sussex, NJ)

That is a healing crisis…keep going!

Replied by Daniel C.
(Phelan, CA)

"Keep going" is correct, it's actually called HERXING, The BODY is DETOXING, so you're gonna worse, before you get better...

Sesame Oil
Posted by Violet (Gresham, OR) on 07/17/2008

I was curious if there was any way that Oil pulling could cause teeth to move from their normal placement or otherwise become crooked. I was oil pulling for about 2 weeks twice a day and just noticed a gap between my central and lateral incisor on the right side with the lateral starting to turn in slightly so that it doesn't line up with my other teeth. Could the oil pulling have caused this?

I used a Tbsp of cold pressed extra virgin sesame oil in the morning and at night. I first started to stop my gums from bleeding but it seemed like my gums started receding and then I later noticed the tooth becoming crooked. I don't know if the Oil pulling caused this but is there anything I can do to fix the tooth and gums?

Sesame Oil
Posted by Sandhya (Nagpur, Maharashtra State, India) on 05/29/2008

Hi! I have been oil pulling with sesame oil (don't think it is organic) for the past 25 days and have been drinking apple cider vinegar with warm water and honey for around 5-6 days. I have noticed my facial pores have become smaller and my skin looks clearer than before and I don't feel very tired which I usually do. I have not dared step on the weighing machine as I would like to continue all this for another three months and then check my weight. I am on the higher side. My query is I am living in India and I got of apple cider vinegar by some company called American Garden, U.S.A. It is not organic. I would like to know whether it has to be organic or any natural one will do. I have found this website to be truly enlightening and useful. Keep up the good work!!!!

Replied by Lauren
(Wildwood, Nj, Usa)

Sandhya, you can also order it from It is a great organic, raw, unfiltered ACV. I'm not sure what the shipping is but I'm sure you'll be ordering enough to make it worth it.

Replied by Rad

Hi, I use Green Elements Apple cider vinegar with mother available on

Sesame Oil
Posted by Will (San Antonio, Texas) on 04/30/2008

I've been Oil Pulling for 3 days now. I use unrefined sesame oil for 20 minutes each evening (I cant stomach it in the mornings). First and foremost I noticed my my teeth are several shades whiter already. My energy increased for the first 2 days, however today I am feeling slight nausea, however I understand this might be due to the cleansing. NOW, the most amazing thing I noticed today was that the glands at the base of my neck which have been swollen for approx 9 mos have completely disappeared!! I was recenlty diagnosed HIV+ and was told the glands would pretty much always be swollen for the rest of my life...however today they are gone at the base of my neck and the ones under my chin are about half as big as they were over the previous 9 months. I AM AMAZED! I HAVE NO REASON TO MAKE THIS UP! Do I think it will cure HIV? NO. However something big is happening here. My next appointment to check my HIV viral load is in about 30 days, I will let you know the results!!!

Sesame Oil
Posted by Steve (Tacoma, WA) on 04/20/2008

I was reading about home remedies for a nasty sinus infection from CPAP machine I use for my sleep apnea. I read about the Apple Cider Vinegar and then about oil pulling. I just finished going to the store and getting both. I did the sesame oil and my non-stop nasel dripping ceased before my 15 minutes were up. Coincidence? I'm pretty excited. Also, I couldn't even breath through my nose because it was too painful, and that dissappeared at all. So cool. Thanks! (I have some ACV with tea coming up next. :)

Replied by Noelle
(Denton, Tx, Us)

Steve from Tacoma, WA, my husband has very bad sinus/allergy problems and I am hoping to get him to try ACV and OPing. I hope that he will see the positive results I am having, but I will definitely share your post with him as well. As long as I've known him (7 years) he has had difficulty breathing through his nose, especially at night, and has snoring issues as well. Thanks for sharing!

Sesame Oil
Posted by Angela (Syracuse, NY) on 04/10/2008

I have been anemic for 2 and half years now. I was told to take Iron pills. Well they didnt work one bit. Luckily I found this website while trying to find a natural cure for kydney damage and pancreatitis and came across the oil pulling. I read about it and even went to different sites to find out if it was true. Well everything I found sounded amazing so I went out and bought the sesame oil. The first day I took it I felt just a little better. The second day I felt 95% better than i've felt in a long time. I also had blood work done a few days ago and found out I am no longer anemic and not only that but my lipase enzyme levels were back to normal. All this change within a month. I absolutely swear by the oil pulling.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Serena (Nottingham, England) on 04/02/2008

... I had my braces tightened this morning. My teeth were killing me all day, then when I got home, I took a dessert spoonful of cold pressed, unrefined sesame oil and oil pulled. It really helped and now my teeth don't hurt as much, so if you know anyone who has braces, tell them!

Sesame Oil
Posted by Liana (Mississauga, Canada) on 03/31/2008

I have practised oil pulling for about 6 months. I did this only once a day: in the morning before brushing my teeth.

The immediate benefit I enjoyed was that the bloating of my stomach stopped. My teeth has not become whiter as many people on this website reported. But my breath has become very pleasant in the morning. When I ran out of sesame oil and did not do my oil pulling, I did notice my breath becoming slightly smelly in the morning. This condition instantly reversed itself as soon as I started oil pulling in the morning again.

I use only 3/4 tbsp. of organic sesame oil and brush my teeth afterwards.

After reading Ted's and other people's entries. I will now definitely try brushing my teeth first BEFORE oil pulling. I find the reasons given totally credible.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart to Deirdre, Ted in Bangkok and all those who write in for this website! I will report back.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Willia (Detroit, MI) on 03/25/2008

oil pulling sesame oil. after reading on your site about oil pulling March 2008; I tried it and it worked wonders for my fibromyalgia pain. I used the recommened amount 2 tblsp; swissed it around in my mouth for 15 minutes, spit it out, brushed my teeth and drank two glasses of water. I have tmj--i did not think i would be able to do this for 15 minutes due to jaw pain but after 2 1/2 minutes my jaw pain left. The stiffness, pain and soreness in my body was gone before the 15 minutes was up. I have been suffering from fibromyalgia since 1991 and this is the only thing I have tried that gave me immediately relief. Today I sent my sister-in-law who lives in Louisiana a large bottle of sesame oil. Bless you and I thank you and your readers so much. willia

Sesame Oil
Posted by Carol (Melbourne, FL) on 03/18/2008

I have been OP for 1 month,1 tab of sesame oil daily, with great success. My teeth are white and my chronic sore tongue is no longer sore, my gums and teeth are pink not white any longer. My Question concerns a tooth extraction I will be having in 2 days. Is OP a good idea after this extraction or should I wait for it to heal over about a week? Carol

Sesame Oil
Posted by Mar (Chevy Chase, Maryland) on 03/18/2008

It seem that quite a few people who are trying to find Sesame oil for oil pulling are using the TOASTED Sesame oil that you find in oriental food stores. This is not the kind of Sesame oil that is called for... it is a condiment that you add by the drop or teaspoon to food as a flavoring, not a cooking oil. It is not so easy to find Sesame oil or Sunflower oil in the grogery stores. I have found inexpensive sunflower oil in some of the ethnic groceries stores, or smaller non chain stores, although you may be able to find it in the larger stores too. Sesame oil is more difficult to find, so I suggest health food stores or the larger earth friendly stores like Whole Foods. Both oils should be yellow in color, not the dark brown of toasted sesame oil. The original instructions that I read about the oils recommended for oil pulling said that you do not have to find cold pressed oils, as these oils are not being ingested, and that, infact, the least expensive form actually works best. I don't understand how anyone could tolerate swishing the very strong tasting toasted sesame oil for such a long time. Good luck in finding the correct oils. mt

Sesame Oil
Posted by Carlos (Madrid, Spain) on 03/13/2008

Oil pulling for everything.
Hello first of all I ahve to say THANK you TO THIS SITE,I look many years younger since I came here.
Im having trouble convincing my family on my tips from this site,I tell them erathclinic is nos selling anything is jsut people like you and I sharing amazing remedies proven. But I guess its difficult to people close minded.
After trying and benefit from Apple cider vinegar topic and internal,peroxide on my face and borax for my cold and for my face as antiwrinkle. Also Baking soda cleasing my face..I m a new man,I look younger and handsome.White teeth sogt skin.
But the other day I read the top remedies and thoight..whhats this oil pulling thing?
SOunded weird,I started with olive oil for very few minutes..I noticed more energy and lighther soft skin around my eyes.Also deep better sleep.Whiter teeth and whiter eyes but i dont get to 20min,I notive they et whiter the longer you pull.
Then I researched a little trying to aunderstand how it works.I think by researching I have come to learn how Oil pulling may work,just my own theory.
I read about doing it with sesame oil,I begin to wonder why do ayurveda advices sesame instead of other oils.I came across this site. with info on sesame oil
I copy and paste.Its long but WORTH READING DONT SKIP THIS!!!!!!

Sesame Seed Oil has been used as a healing oil for thousands of years. Sesame oil is mentioned in the Vedas as excellent for humans. It is naturally antibacterial for common skin pathogens, such as staphylococcus and streptococcus as well as common skin fungi, such as athlete's foot fungus. It is naturally antiviral. It is a natural anti inflammatory agent.
It has been used extensively in India as a healing oil, including in experiments which showed it was useful in unblocking arteries. In recent experiments in Holland by Ayurvedic physicians, the oil has been used in the treatment of several chronic disease processes, including hepatitis, diabetes and migraines.
In vitro, sesame seed oil has inhibited the growth of malignant melanoma (a skin cancer): PROSTAGLANDIN LEUKATRINES and ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS 46: 145-150, 1992.
Also in vitro, sesame seed oil has inhibited replication of human colon cancer cells: ANTI CANCER RESEARCH 11: 209-216, 1992.
Research shows that sesame seed oil is a potent antioxidant. In the tissues beneath the skin, this oil will neutralize oxygen radicals. It penetrates into the skin quickly and enters the blood stream through the capillaries. Molecules of sesame seed oil maintain good cholesterol (HDL) and lower bad cholesterol (LDL).
Sesame seed oil is a cell growth regulator and slows down cell growth and replication.
In both the small intestine and the colon, some cells are nourished by fat instead of sugar. The presence of sesame seed oil can provide those cells with essential nourishment.
In an experiment at the Maharishi International College in Fairfield, Iowa, students rinsed their mouths with sesame oil, resulting in an 85% reduction in the bacteria which causes gingivitis.
As nose drops, sniffed back into the sinuses, sesame seed oil has cured chronic sinusitis. As a throat gargle, it kills strep and other common cold bacteria. It helps sufferers of psoriasis and dry skin ailments. It has been successfully used in the hair of children to kill lice infestations. It is a useful natural UV protector.
Used after exposure to wind or sun it will calm the burns. It nourishes and feeds the scalp to control dry scalp dandruff and to kill dandruff causing bacteria. It protects the skin from the effects of chlorine in swimming pool water. Used before and after radiation treatments, sesame seed oil helps neutralize the flood of oxygen radicals which such treatment inevitably causes.
On the skin, oil soluble toxins are attracted to sesame seed oil molecules which can then be washed away with hot water and a mild soap. Internally, the oil molecules attract oil soluble toxins and carry them into the blood stream and then out of the body as waste.
Used as a douche mixed with warm water, the oil controls vaginal yeast infections.
Sesame seed oil absorbs quickly and penetrates through the tissues to the very marrow of the bone. It enters into the blood stream through the capillaries and circulates. The liver does not sweep sesame seed oil molecules from the blood, accepting those molecules as friendly.
Sesame seed oil helps joints keep their flexibility. It keeps the skin supple and soft. It heals and protects areas of mild scrapes, cuts and abrasions. It helps tighten facial skin, particularly around the nose, controlling the usual enlargement of pores as skin ages chronologically.
Teen boys and girls have learned, wrongly, that all oil is bad for their facial skin. Heavy oils and toxic oils and creams are bad for all facial skin. But sesame seed oil is the one oil which is actually good for young skin. It helps control eruptions and neutralizes the poisons which develop both on the surface and in the pores. With sesame oil, no cosmetics are needed. The oil will cause young facial skin to have and display natural good health.
Used on baby skin, particularly in the area covered by a diaper, sesame seed oil will protect the tender skin against rash caused by the acidity of body wastes. In the nose and ears, it will protect against common skin pathogens.
For children going to school, who will be in the presence of other children with colds and sniffles, sesame seed oil swabbed in the nose can protect against air borne viruses and bacteria.
When using the oil as a massage oil, stroke the long limbs up and down. Use circular motions over all joints to stimulate the natural energy of those joints"
Ok after reading this I went to the chinessse store and bought the cooking sesame oil,its dark for 2$.
In adittion to the above info I found another site talkign about oil pulling,they reminded that many medicines are suggested to take them by placing the pill below the tongue instead of swalow it. Its said theres a good absortion in that area.
SO I guess anybody can benefit from oil pulling with any oil containing vitamins E etc like olive oil cause the nutrients getsa absorbed but without the fat.
BUT if you read carefully the above article you will realize why Sesame oil si the on recomended for oil pullling and the best for this use.Every oil will pass the nutrients to your body by oil pulling BUT not every oil will clean from toxins and bacterias your body the way sesame oil does.Read above.
So I started oil pulling with sesame oil,also used it topically on my face like the article above suggest.I think Im nto going to use any facial cream ever in my life.I sue it as after sahve,have very sensitive skina nd this is the est Ive tried,figts redness and mostourizes without cloggin pores,good for afacial lines too.Absorbs quicly.I have massage on my knees that usually hurt and instantly feels better
Been oil pulling only for 4 days,not even 20 min everytime,but I feel more energetic and sleep better,and my face shows all that.
I ahve bumps on my back,excess oil I think,tried to dry it with peroxide and clean baking soda but the bumps still remained.I did put sesame oil in my back...yes Oil...I thought I was crazy by doing it and htat my red bumps would become huge.guess what,my back is smoother than ever and bumps smaller after jsut 1 aplication...
Now the thing that lead me to write this article here just 4 days after sart oilpulling cause it jsut amazed me...I was going out yesterday,drank a lot alcohol.I ame back home,slept for 6 hours,woke up an imagine,head ache not clear thoughts red eyes my mouth felt dirty..well all my digestive know what IM talking about I was dead lol
Ok I said...hey IM going to oil pull and this time...honestly,Ibeen oil pulling for days but today I started and my saliva organs started to put out stuff on my mouth like...too much.I could feel and taste it coming out while gradually my headache was disapearing,my vision was clearer,my thoughts.I ahd it only for 10min and MAN...i felt clean and new....I ahd never feel something like that and that fast.Usually I take an ibuprofen when I wake up after going out...but I never ahd something working this fast and cleaning my body leaving me awake energetic and clean. So Im writing this in case somebody can believe me since my family doesnt althou I know they would benefit from sesame oil. Im a consumer for life.No wonder anybody can live up to 100 years by oil pulling everysingle day.i really beleive it.Im not constant and Ill skip some days but this is truly a simple health keeper and wonderful beauty aid. God bless you earth clinic.
So my conclusion oil pulling with sesame oil you not just get the benefits from omega and vitamins and minerals contained in many oils,but you clean your body from everything bad.Hope this helps and you give it a try.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Steve (Naples, Florida) on 01/17/2008

re: poor digestion -- yeast overbalence -- sinus congestion -- oil pulling (remedy). I tried the sesame oil pulling for the first time at the early hour 3:30 Am -- I could not sleep due to sinus congestion - my heart was beating 90 - 100 beats per minute mainly due to the yeast in my mouth and sinuses -- I took the unrefined sesame for 20 minutes and during the treatment my sinuses opened up completely -- after I finished I was so relaxed I could not believe it -- the thrust taste in my mouth was gone and my upset stomach had calmed down -- it has been 9 hours since the first treatment and I am as calm as a cucumber -- I can't wait until tonight to take my second treatment on an empty stomach right before I go to bed -- please spread the good word about OP and lets nip the pharma business in the butt - God bless everyone

Sesame Oil
Posted by ANNALEE (LISBURN, N. IRELAND) on 01/14/2008

Hi I have been oilpulling for over a week now, and can feel the benefits of this, clearer head and sleeping better. My question is, even tho you recommend pulling for 10 - 20 mins, I have noticed that the oil in my mouth turns white really quickly, sometimes after just a few mins. Does this mean i have high levels of toxins?? I was wondering if I should spit it out after 5 mins and start again and repeating the process to reap the full benefits, as I seem just to be swishing the toxic substance around in my mouth!! I use unrefined sesame oil, do you think repaeting the process within the 20 mins would be of more benefit to me??

EC: Annalee, Ted has replied to your email on the Oil Pulling Q&A page.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Bill (Bensalem, PA USA) on 01/03/2008

I have been doing oil pulling for 2 weeks now. I use sesame or almond oil. The first time I did it at night before bed. In the morning, My dry chapped hands were noticeably smoother and more supple. My face has also become smoother. After 4 days, I noticed that a cronic pain that I had in my right side upper back and neck were diminished considerably and I could move my head from side to side without any pain.I originally tried it to relieve my nasal congestion which it does temporarly. I have also seen marked improvement in knee and other joint pain. I will continue to do it daily. I take vitamins and supplements, and see my chiropractor, but nothing has helped as much as oil pulling for my pain.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Cinna (San Carlos, California) on 12/18/2007

I have terrible dryness as if the cells of my body are not assimilating water, and have suffered from terrible congestion, resulting in lack of sleep; literally pacing the floor all night when my sinuses are really bad. I found this site and immediately started pulling with organic cold-pressed sesame oil. I did this faithfully for a week, with no difference. What am I doing wrong? I read the testimonials and had such hope. Perhaps for a chronic condition it takes much longer? Please advise, I am desperately trying to cure this.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Penny (The Dalles, Oregon) on 12/13/2007

I have been oil pulling for 13 months now. I went from being very ill, enough so I was too ill to get out of bed some days, to feeling like my old strong healthy self again.

You must Oil Pull every day like a habit. I do it in the mornings, I've used other oils but sesame is the only one I found that works... I usually pull for about 30 to 45 minutes... So many things have been healed on me that I can't even begin to list them all... I did have a healing crises that lasted about a week the first month I started. I have got so many people to try this because of my success with it. So many things for so many people have been cured... Just try it, and use Sesame and do it daily... Some times I will do it twice a day if I have been around someone with a cold... Ohh, I use to keep colds, it was rare that I didn't have one. I am proud to say I have not had a cold for over a year now because of the oil pulling... Its an easy thing to do to get healthy and stay that way... Just remember its not a temporary fix... You stop pulling, and the results will stop too and you will go back to how things were before you pulled... So keep up with it... You will be glad you did... And you have to do it more than a few days a week... Do it daily...

Sesame Oil
Posted by Charlie (Portland, Oregon) on 12/09/2007

This is an addendum to my previous post. When you practice oil pulling you might want to, also, run your tongue around your mouth in a circular fashion so that it glides across and lightly touches the front of all your teeth. Five circuits of your mouth is about right. This is best done shortly after beginning a session and again right at the end, while looking down. Sometimes rotate your tongue to the right - sometimes to the left. There is no particular rule to it. Experiment. Tongue rotation is beneficial with or without oil pulling. One of my teachers pointed this technique out to me awhile back. She said this motion cleans and balances the electrical aspects of a person's mouth and, because of the connections between our mouth and the rest of our body, benefits everything else, too. For those of you who find oil pulling somewhat difficult, you might want to just let the oil sit in your mouth for a minute or so before beginning pulling, swishing and so forth. This gives your body a chance to get used to the oil, making it easier to relax into the experience. Also, I am still offering the directions for Ujjayi Pranayama breathing. See - 10/16/2007: Charlie from Portland, Oregon Charlie

Sesame Oil
Posted by Stephanie (Tempe, Arizona) on 12/07/2007

I have been oil pulling with sesame seed oil for about two weeks. Within two days I noticed my teeth were brighter and gums no longer bleeding when I brush. After a week I noticed my redness in my skin was almost completely gone. I was suffering from Chronic Hives and now my skin isn't blotchy red after two weeks. I also started my cycle, which has been extremely painful the last 8 months. I had no warning! Not one cramp! This is amazing! So I'm hooked! FYI- before I started using Sesame Seed Oil I was using VCO for oil pulling .My teeth were brighter after 1 day and no morning bad breath. I had to stop after 3 days due to mixing too many things in my system. Once I got the clear from my dermotologist on my chronic hives I decided to try SSO because of what I read on this site. If anyone knows that VCO works the same as sesame seed oil please let me know.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Jivana (Scottsdale, AZ) on 12/02/2007

I have been oil pulling for 3 days now, with sesame oil, and feel very nauseated, and headachey. Wondering if this is related...typical...just detox?

Sesame Oil
Posted by Successhere (Fairfax, USA) on 11/02/2007

I tried OP for some days a few weeks ago with Virgin Light Olive Oil, but did not experience any positive results. Changed to Sesame oil about 10 days ago, and can feel its effect in a good way. Little shine on gums and teeth and skin feels better, too. Will keep this updated as it continues:).

Sesame Oil
Posted by Pooh (New York, New York) on 10/27/2007

I was curious about trying this oil pulling that everyone was talking about on the website. So, I went to the store and bought Organic Unrefined Sesame Oil (cold pressed). I oil pulled today. I wanted to spit it out after a minute or two. I don't know why! I hung in for just barely ten minutes and spit it out. I was rinsing out my mouth with water when all of a sudden, I felt sick. I started coughing and gagging a little bit. I then spit out a tiny gob of gray phlegm. Ugh!! Where did that come from?? I feel a little tiny ache in my stomache and throat and, I have a bad headache now. But, my mouth feels clean like I just brushed my teeth. My nose was stuffed up before and, I felt a little congested. BUT, now, I don't feel like that. I can breath fine. Maybe that was what that gray gunk was!! I'm definitely going to keep trying this out to see what else happens. I'll keep you updated. : )

Sesame Oil
Posted by Maria (Courtenay , BC) on 10/14/2007

Hi I've started OP 6 days ago and am pulling twice a day with sesame seed oil. I just lost a filling in my tooth 5 days into the oilpulling. I was not familiar with your site and just discovered it today. And there is the evidence with amalgam fillings. I had no idea. I do have some more fillings, but would hate to stop OP as I have noticed a difference in my energy level, my mood seems to be more consistent and steady and my feeling achy in my body, is starting to diminish. My mouth feels cleaner, my tongue looks pinker, my teeth look whiter and stronger. My gums are not as sensitive. I think I just convinced myself, that I will keep on with the OP as I really like the way it makes me feel. I think the visit to the dentist will be unavoidable, but perhaps a blessing to replace amalgam fillings anyways. Thank you for such a wonderful and informative site.Keep up the good deed. Maria

Sesame Oil
Posted by Rebecca (Bronx, NY) on 10/01/2007

maybe i am doing this wrong (oil pulling) but for over a month i would swish seseame oil in my mouth for 20 minutes in the morning, made sure to brush my teeth before and afterwards too... the reason? i have a tooth abscess in the top right side... did my teeth get whiter? no. did the abscess go away? no. did my skin become less dry? no. did anything other than nothing happen? no. so i am confused... is all of this bullcrap? should i continue oil pulling longer, for a year perhaps, but people make it sound like it works overnight, you know miracle cure! now i am a believer in alternative medicine... but ones that work... so what i would like to know is if everyone on this is just crazy gullable, or am i just the only freak that oil pulling does not work work wonders on? what would really be interesting is if this is actually put up, considering this is not a favorable testimony.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Subashini (Kuwait) on 09/27/2007

hi, i tried oil pulling with sesame oil.i have done it for nearly 10 months not even 1 day left out.still my irregular period problem has not solved...only good thing is tartar in teeth's have disappeared... generally i do not get bad breath..after started doing oil pulling i am getting it now.once i leave oil pulling again the plaque formation started in my teeth....if i stop oilpulling bad breath stopped... i am highly optimistic much i can convenince myself to continue it,,,,it is not working well.... Also by searching the cold pressed sunflower oil...i am tired too much...normal sunflower oil within one day bad breath starting....i don't know why...whom to get guidence from which website we do interaction with experts... is only giving fewer information.... please advise me if i am wrong...i strictly follow the instruction how to do oil pulling even though it happends to me like this...

Sesame Oil
Posted by Jane (Greenfield, Iowa) on 09/25/2007

I have been oil pulling for about 4 months and have noticed results. Just this week I started to get a metal taste in my mouth and it takes a great deal of water to get rid of it. The oil is not turning white like it always has. I'm not doing anything different. I use Sesame oil - somethimes olive and coconut but mostly sesame. Any ideas what the problem is? I'm going to eat seaweed all week to get rid of toxic metal but why all of a sudden is this happening?

Sesame Oil
Posted by Colin (Montreal, Canada) on 09/22/2007

I've done OP for only a week, each morning with sesame oil, and I was surprised to see that the little bit of eczema on my hand which included an open cut has been disappearing as if I was using a prescription cream which I haven't. The cut has closed over and all that's left is some dry skin, it's not red like it was. I've also noticed, my skin in general, ie. on my face is more soft and moisturized and my hands and face are less pale. Also, I would my mentality feels more alert.

Sesame Oil
Posted by THealth (Los Angeles, CA) on 09/14/2007

Hi, I started Oil Pulling wih Sesame Oil 3 days back and the tooth which was bothering me a lot no longer bothers me. I am really a health frick and would like to see a lot of changes in my body with Oil Pulling even though i am perfect right now. Will let you guys know more as days past and i see more changes in myself.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Candy (Riverdale, NY) on 09/06/2007

I started oil pulling with unrefined sesame oil 2 months ago, the inital results were great. My skin glowed exceptionally well. Then I read Ted's opinion on which oils work best, one of them being refined sunflower oil. I switched to sunflower oil and the results were unfavorable, my skin did not glow at all, as a matter of fact it looked quite dull. I stopped used sunflower oil and switched back to unrefined sesame oil. And my skin is glowing once more. I have been acne free since oil pulling and I've been sleeping soundingly too. I have recommended oil pulling to my sister who's had a loose tooth and the oil pulling has since reinforced her loose molar.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Angie (Sparta, MO) on 08/23/2007

I have been oil pulling a little over a week now with sesame oil and my acne has improved. I would recommend anyone having acne to give it a try.

Replied by Noelle
(Denton, Tx, Us)

Angie from Sparta, MO, your post is giving me hope. I have suffered from acne all of my life (I'm 40). From time to time I would go on oral birth control to diminish the acne but did not like being on more prescriptions than I had to be and also did not like the side effects. I even use the famous skin care products (begins with a P) that you see advertised on TV, but around certain times of the month, nothing helps. I just started OPing three days ago and am optimistic. Good to know that this is a condition that may be helped!

Sesame Oil
Posted by June (Syracuse, NY, USA) on 05/08/2007

I have been Oil Pulling for 3 weeks now with no noticable changes except for shiny teeth when I am done. I have KP on my upper arms and it is still there. I am using expelled sesame oil. Since I have been doing it this long, I will continue for a few months. I am trying to decide if I should change the oil I am using after a full month. Possibly coconut oil..

Replied by Ann
(Dunbartonshire, Scotland)

Can you tell me what KP stands for? Ann

EC: Good question! Probably Keratosis Pilaris:

Replied by Amandawithluv
(Live All Over The Us, Current- Indianapolis)

I am using organic coco oil on a 3 month excrutiating abcess that resulted in losing a filling while unemployed. It has escalated to a full abscess that has receeded into my sinus and behind my eye. I am waiting on insurance to kick in. Looked on line and found organic coco oil.

Results from day 1... Pain that I thought I was to pass out from is reduced to nothing. Abscess has shrunk... Able to push on it and clean it a bit... Went to urgent care and paid 290. 0 plus prescriptions... Antibiotics so strong made my stomach hurt, and I have a steel stomach... Got vicodin, which does help with pain management, but I was a club kid in my 20's and am not looking to develop any addictions... So I search for homeopathic remedies.... The coco oil has been an AMAZING alternative to cleaning my mouth, pain management and actually having a cleaner mouth... Something definitely worth checking into :) good luck:)

Sesame Oil
Posted by Karthik (Mumbai, India) on 02/07/2007

Though i come from the country where Ayurveda was invented and popular, thanx to Earth Cinic in giving me insight on Oil pulling therapy. I started with sesame oil the first week did for 10mts, now 20mts starting from mid jan2007. It helped me with totally arresting from bleeding gums and black circles under my eyes dissapeared. I used to get sleep only at 5am and now i sleep by maximum 10.30. So far I have benefited gums cure/dark circles and good night sleep. Therefore I recommend to all. It is win win situation any which way. No side effects, cheaper remedy and simple too.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Liz (Bangalore, India) on 02/05/2007

Hi, I've been oil pulling with sesame oil for over 2 months and it has helped me with my sinus condition, energy level, and to get past the flu season while everyone else got it. (Which is a surprise because I'm the first to catch a bug). But the thing is I stopped a few weeks ago, and I've developed allergies, itchy skin with welts and now I have discovered a swelling, in my breast. While my doctor says it can wait for 2 weeks before getting checked, I was wondering if there's any connection between my new conditions and the oil pulling. I am a little concerned, I'm not sure if I should continue or stop. I have mercury filling that actually chipped soon after I got it done (over 5 years ago)

Replied by Jenny
(Nashville, TN USA)

To Liz from Bangalore: I've read that many side effects can take place once you stop oil pulling. Oil pulling "cleans" out your insides completely. You are even more prone to infections once you've stopped because your body has become dependent on OP to clean it and does not know what to do with all this "dirt" that suddenly seems to be entering your body. I have also read that because OP brings all infections/dirt to the surface, many people have gotten sick. But they continued OP and found that their body was now officially rid of the hidden sicknesses. I can't say if that's the case with you but I would suggest you continue with OP unless you have a legitimate reason to quit. It's not hurting you in any way so why stop? Hope this helps!

Sesame Oil
Posted by Darla (Tomball, TX) on 02/03/2007

I read about oil pulling on your site, we were looking up benefits of drinking apple cider vinegar, tried the pulling two days ago because everyone at work is getting sick. The first morning I did it, I could tell immediately during and after it was really helping to bring up the phlegm, I was alot more clear. Today was the second day and I am 100% clear and feel somewhat more energetic. I am using expeller pressed organic sesame seed oil for 15-20 mins each morning while bathing. I think its going to be great -- I will let you all know.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Kelli (Silver City, NM) on 01/11/2007

Sesame oil 20 minute pulling with a teaspoon has cured headaches, and raised energy levels. I had OP sent to me in an email and gave it to my mom who is in her early 60's. She called me one morning and said that she woke up with a terrible headache, as she was going to the medicine cabinet she stopped and thought about trying the OP, she said that she sat down and swished for 20 min and before the time was up her headache was completely gone. Also she lives a ways out of town and rarely comes down without goog reason, she has been useing OP for over a week and has gone out with friends and made shopping trips. This may not sound like much, but to me I have my mom back, she is happier and more youthful than she has been in years. It is also helping with age spots she has recently gotten, they are fading at a visual rate. I highly recommend this to anyone who has tried healing on the outside, but may have negleted the inside. She also has said that her mouth feels fresher than ever. I started yesturday and look forward to any results as they seem to differ with different people.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Lorelei (Utah) on 01/11/2007

After more than 2 months of oil pulling, I am ready to comment. I wanted to make sure I gave it enough time to see what would happen.

First, do NOT use unrefined oil! That was a big mistake! I spent the whole day trying not to barf. I used refined sesame oil after that. I swish for 10 mins, rinse, and swish for another 10 mins, then rinse with baking soda and salt in water (about a half tsp each in a few ounces), then rinse with just water. I only have the patience to do it once a day.

Within a few days, my teeth were white! This is amazing, because despite not drinking coffee, tea, cola, etc, my teeth stain very easily. They are also mostly plaque-free. My mouth is very healthy overall. Gums look healthier. I haven't had any canker sores either. I can't say that this has helped any other problems though. Still tired and have bags under my eyes. Still had an outbreak of cold sores. Still have psoriasis. Still have terrible periods. Still have dry feet! It has possibly kept me from catching my kids' myraid colds, etc. But that could also be due to cold(ish showers), echinacea, apple cider vinegar, or any other healthy thing I have started recently! I would recommend oil pulling though, just for mouth health alone.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Sweet (Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, West Indies) on 01/03/2007

Dear EARTH CLINIC, Thank you for the information you share on your site. THANK YOU! I have been annoyed with acne for over 5 years. I will be 24 this month. It is most frustrating when I try everything (with caution) that others recommend that has worked to reduce acne for them, but no positive results for me. October 14, 2006 I did a search online for a "natural acne cure". I was amazed at all the natural remedies on your site. I was eating while reading about Oil Pulling, and felt an urgency to try it. I anxiously awaited a 5-hour period and finallly tried Oil Pulling for the first time, with the Sesame Oil from the kitchen. Needless to say, not a morning passes without me working this remedy. The first thing I noticed was the lack of a morning breath, and a continuous fresh breath throughout the day :-) Next, people started commenting on my 'bright smile'. I live in Trinidad (republic of Trinidad & Tobago) and usually have the worst sinus problems in November & December, yet the dreaded period passed without a sneeze or sniffle! I have more energy throughout the day, and it seems as though each day has an extra 2 hours or so. Last but not least, I still have new acne popping up, however, strangely, my face is noticeably smoother and cleaner, despite the marks from years of acne war. I have been visiting this site ever since October last, and have been recommending others to do the same. Oh, and my entire family and some friends have also started; I will let you know how it works for them. Thank you. **Sweet**

Sesame Oil
Posted by John (Daly City, CA) on 12/12/2006

Today is Tuesday. Last Friday night and Saturday morning I had increasing pain at the root of tooth #12, upper behind canine tooth. It was getting worse. I found your web page and read about oil pulling with sesame or sunflower seed oil. Saturday morning I bought 8 ounces of sesame oil and started pulling 1 table spoon in the morning and 1 tablespoon at night. Same on Sunday, and Monday. The result was immediate. The first result cut the pain in half, the in half again, and now I can feel only a little discomfort at the root of the tooth. I do not know how this works, but am grateful that it does!

Sesame Oil
Posted by Shakti (Chicago, IL) on 11/06/2006

Please post this where asthma sufferers can view it, this is important because I had a hard time finding a cure for asthma on your site but thank God I did. I began a regimen of oil pulling shortly after a lingering cold went to my lungs, I just couldn't get rid of the mucus. I prayed for relief. It got even worse after a chemical pesticide was sprayed in my home for pest control. The next day after the extermination I had the worst attack of my life, I couldn't stand it anymore, so after 10 years of not having to put any poison into my lungs I had to once again use an inhaler to control the attacks. After the second night of waking up feeling side effects of nervousness anxiety and panic I decided enough was enough. I went to the computer in the middle of the night and began hours of research to find a natural cure. That's how I found this miracle of a web site. The next day I went out a purchased some sesame oil and took one table spoon 3x a day at the onset of my asthma attack and Immediately after the very first dose the mucus expelled out of my longs, and within 10 minutes what had plagued me for over 10 years was no more. Since then If I have any tightening in my chest or shortness of breath I IMMEDIATELY do the oil pulling and the problem subsides in 10 minutes or less. ~~~Oh I'd be remiss if I did not mention the side effect, I took oil pulling for Bronchial Asthma but as a result I got a dazzling white smile, sinus relief, not to mention it remarkably helped to subside my symptoms PMS all unexpected but welcomed side effects. Thank you from the bottom of my heart! P.S. thanks my husband thanks you too, lol.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Janette (St. Petersburg, FL) on 09/21/2006

i used sesame oil to relieve tooth pain until i could get to the dentist. i did it twice. it did seem to make the pain less painful, however, i don't think i will ever be able to eat sesame seeds again... it was hard to keep the oil in my mouth for 15-20 minutes, but when the pain is that bad, you will try anything.

Replied by Marina
(Vancouver, Canada)

I did the oil pooling therapy with a top quality organic sesame oil last year for about 8 weeks, all I gaind was a very bad acid refulx, which I never ever had in my life. It took me half a year to cure it, I will never do pooling again

Replied by Cindy
(Semmes, Alabama)

First of all, it's pulling, not pooling. Secondly, you shouldn't have stopped doing it. Obviously your body was detoxifying and getting rid of disease you didn't know you had (yet). Had you continued, eventually your body would have healed with the oil pulling.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Annie (Stafford, VA) on 09/04/2006

I thought I'd post a comment after my first day's experience with oil pulling, for all of you fellow novices out there who are thinking about trying it. I used sesame oil because I couldn't find sunflower oil (which I had decided, before going shopping for oil, that I'd probably prefer). I was afraid that the taste of ANY of the oils would make me want to gag, but it didn't -- although I do find the warm, greasy feel of it in my mouth somewhat disgusting, and I wonder if it matters if I refrigerate the oil. My first session was soon after rising, on an empty stomach. After one whole minute of vigorous swishing/pulling, I was ready to spit -- and what I spat out was thin and white. I can hardly believe that it takes most folks 15-20 minutes for the oil to change consistency -- and I find it even harder to believe that most people are actually spending this long at it. If that is truly what is required for me to experience any real benefit, then it looks like I'm out of luck -- and my hat is off to those of you who can and do keep at the pulling for this long; you are hardier souls than I. Immediately after spitting out all that I could, I spent a few seconds swishing & pulling with hydrogen peroxide (which I do every day after brushing), and then I looked at my teeth in the mirror - as if one oily minute would have brightened the appearance of my tooth enamel! I drink both coffee and red wine every day, though, and despite brushing, flossing, and rinsing with peroxide daily, my teeth are on the dingy side, but did seem ever so slightly brighter after the oil pulling -- or was it my imagination, and/or wishful thinking? I did a second session later this same day not quite two hours after a meal, and found it much more difficult to keep the oil in my mouth for even the one full minute without gagging, but I managed, and again what I spat was thin and white. Hereafter I plan to try to do at least the one minute every morning for a while, and will post again if I have any interesting results to report.

Replied by Tina
(Charlotte, Nc)

I was like you in the beginning, my gag reflex wouldn't allow me to keep the oil in my mouth for longer than 5 min. But after about 2 months of no oil pulling and watching my boyfriend continue his routine of it, i started it again. Make sure you are using cold pressed organic sesame oil refined. It does make a difference. Also slowly work your way up to 15-20 min. It also helps to do something while you are swishing... like watch tv or check your email.

Replied by Dana

Try using less oil. I could not use 1 TBLS. I use about half. If I start to gag then I stop swishing and just held it until the sensation passed.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Patricia (Astoria, NY) on 08/02/2006

Oil pulling has stabilized my overeating, reduced the itching due to eczema. I have also released 5 pounds in 10 days. I started pulling in mid July during a power failure that lasted 9 days. I started with roasted sesame oil which I loved but switched to cold pressed after reading a lot of testimonials on curezone. I pulled in the morning on an empty stomach and my mouth would fill with saliva after 15 minutes. I have since started pulling after 2 pm and after 5minutes the saliva is flowing. I then spit it out and do the pulling for another 15 minutes. I feel energetic. I haven't noticed my teeth getting any whiter. My face has lost its puffiness. There are some pimples that broke out since I began but their time on my face is short lived. I will write an update when new healings come to light. Peace, Patricia

Sesame Oil
Posted by Mariana (Richmond, California)

oil pulling with sesame oil has so far cured my diarrhea and insomnia. My teeth are whiter. I am amazed that i have not gotten a cold or the flu this year. i was wondering if this also cures epilepsy?

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