Sesame Oil Pulling: Boost Oral Health Naturally

| Modified on Jun 30, 2024
Sesame Oil
Posted by Kickdiver (Abu Dhabi, Uae) on 02/06/2014

Had terrible allergies, doctors were prescribing pharmaceuticals with bad side effects and had no further help, no results, was getting worse by the month, pretty much every 3 weeks or so awful allergies, they'd last 3 weeks sometimes, and I was getting my first asthma-like attacks. Totally frustrated, I remembered this site and read about OP and gave it a try with Sesame Oil. After the first day the symptoms went worse, splitting headache, my eyes felt they were about to pop out of my head, not only that, my whole body felt like it was swelling up, especially my abdominal area. I almost went back to the meds but then remembered that in natural medicine one often experiences a 'healing crisis', so that's what this must have been.... After 3rd day, I am feeling substantially better. No more stuffy head, no headaches, I can breathe through my nose, throat is not hurting.. and... wow... my hot flashes, are decreased by about 90%....... THAT... my friends, makes it already worth the little effort. I look forward to this every day now, because a night without tossing and turning because of feeling hot/cold is priceless. My gums feel great, my teeth are shiny and white, my head feels clear, I also have less bloating after dinner, if I see any more health problems disappear (painful joints, food allergies, dry hair etc) I will post them on here. I feel, like I have found a wonderful (very CHEAP) and easy way to detox my body. Definitely two thumbs up!!

Sesame Oil
Posted by Karen (Broomfield, Co, Usa) on 01/25/2012

I found this website and read about oil pulling. It was of interest to me because the last time I went for a dental cleaning the dentist suggested gum surgery for receeding gums. For the last few months (with breaks while travelling) I have swished organic, white, unrefined sesame oil in my mouth for less than one minute each evening and then spit it out. I know everyone says 5-10 minutes but that's not realistic for me (I will just avoid it) so I decided to do it for a minute or less after I brush and floss and while I am dressing for bed. Just had another dental cleaning today. Normal gums! The dentists didn't even want to measure the gums this time! This healed my gums with minimal time, little effort and little cost. AND to boot, it's helped me tremendously with my allergies. I know the die hard people will say 1 minute it too short but all I can say is that it's worked for me, big time!

Sesame Oil
Posted by Michael (New Zealand) on 01/04/2018

Hello Stellams of Kuwait,

I am wondering if, after two years of oil pulling on a regular basis, you have noticed any improvement in the whiteness of your teeth OR improvement in your dental health generally? Maybe your teeth are good anyway but OP should, in theory at least, combat the bacteria involved, so you have an insurance policy for the future! Way to go!

I ask this because, after some months of oil pulling with coconut oil (CO), my daughter claims that my teeth seem to be whiter, which I found illuminating! We are not of a culture that normally comments on such observations, so I found that significant, as nothing else in my diet has changed that could be seen as being responsible I reckon! Hopefully, it is giving me some other benefits also, as I hope good things are soaked up by the tongue!? Some things are an article of faith I suppose.

Since then I have alternated with flax oil OR olive oil occasionally but mainly stick with C.O. I OP for 15 - 20 mins as a rule, spit out in the loo and clean my teeth after that.

It has become a habit and I only miss occasionally. (Miss the habit that is! ).

If your cultural, eating habits include a lot of spicy, hot chilly pepper or curried foods, that might be the precipitating factor in your stomach problems. Milk can calm the stomach. Also, drinking more water with meals, at least for a while, might be useful for you along with Apple Cider Vinegar as per the instructions on this Site. Research such herbal teas as Peppermint, Nettle and Chamomile for their nutritional effects. Chamomile is an especially good one for you I think.

Whatever you do, always follow the instructions - don't just dabble!!

Benefit from what others on this Site have learned the hard way .



Sesame Oil
Posted by Jeffrey (Hartly, Delaware) on 06/12/2013

I started oil pulling several months ago, using sesame oil for 20 minutes first thing in the morning. Before I started I had severe flaking of facial skin and dandruff. Since then, the facial skin flaking and dandruff has almost disappeared. Also, before oil pulling, I used a saline solution to clear my nostrils, since oil pulling my nostrils are clear, and there is no need for the saline solution. I recommend oil pulling to everyone. Great stuff!

Sesame Oil
Posted by Mike (Wilmette, Usa) on 01/08/2012


I've tried oil pulling for a few months with some short breaks. I'm using cold processed sesame oil. I've noticed a lot of benefits (reduced psoriasis, more energy--great substitute for morning coffee) but one side effect. My teeth seem to get more sensitive to cold and hot. Very noticably so. Anyone else have this problem? Would switching oil types help? By the way, I switched from Whole Foods brand to Spectrum and noticed a big change in freshness and taste.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Helen (Austin) on 05/23/2015

I have been doing oil pulling for a little under a week. I woke up with bilateral pink eye, a sore throat, and a face covered in acne:/

Sesame Oil
Posted by Kara (Colorado) on 08/30/2013

For years I've had negative dental check ups with receeding and bleeding gums. I came across this remedy desperate to try anything to help my situation. I've been using unrefined organic sesame oil for 7 months now. My teeth quickly became noticably whiter but I was still skeptical about my gums although the bleeding did subside. Last week I went to the dentist for the first time in 4 years scared to hear the news. To my complete surprise I was told my gums are perfectly fine, although somewhat receeded but not any more than average, and the tissue is very healthy. I also started to use biotene which has helped a great deal. I'm definitely a believer in oil pulling.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Marylynn (Goldman, Oregon) on 06/12/2013

I began OP 7 days ago and have 200 minutes to my credit. I don't mind the experience at all. The longest period was 25 minutes! I am a big tea drinker and my dentist cannor get the inside of my front teeth white, but OP has done wonders! White is working its way down from the top of each tooth! I wonder what my dentist will say?

I use Sesame Organic Oil and am happy with my choice. I rinse well with salt water about three times and then brush my entire mouth, not just my teeth. I do all my spitting in a zip lock bag.

I have been ill for four long months from a six and a half hour gallbladder surgery. The first day that I felt like myself was the day I began to OP. I had more energy and did chores I've not been able to do at all! I was not sitting the day away and it felt so good!

I OP in the morning after waking up and then about 9:15PM if I feel like it. I'm not binging at night on the nights that I do OP. I do have a snack and seem satisfied which is more than a small wonder!

So far so good with me! My jaw dropped when I found this site about OP! If my good health continues I will be doing this forever!

Sesame Oil
Posted by Tbs (London) on 03/19/2013


Hello all! I started oil pulling about 1 month ago after reading this site - thank you for such an information rich source to read about OP. On to my story with OP.

I am not one to shy away from a challenge so the 'healing crisis' haven't detered me, but I must say they have been intense!

Initially I started to work on my mouth, I have had braces and plates and noticed that my teeth were moving very quickly, I also had receeding gums which my dentist told me was from pressure of my bite. I immediately noticed an improvement in my oral health, teeth which felt loose tightened up and gums are growing back and teeth do look lighter. I don't need to wear my plate at night like I used to!

Secondly, I had cystic acne when I was younger and went onto roaccutane for it (evil medicine) which worked but I would still have the occasional breakout appear. The oil pulling went straight to this next and I found myself breaking out severely, I knew this was part of the healing crisis so continued, that cleared up.

Next I broke out in rashes which looked like ring worm or dermatitis which I have never had when younger but now came in full force. I have been persisting with it and now doubled up oil pulling to morning and night - I now do 20 minutes each time, and brush with aryuvedic toothpaste as well - which I recommend.

The latest and by far most severe is a red scalp irritation - so my skin is hyper sensitive at this time - even though I was using aryuvedic shampoo. This has all been about the past week or so.

I would love to hear from other people who have encountered this, how long your healing crisis go for, etc. I know and can FEEL that this is all healing and working its way out so I am not giving up. I can also attest for the notable difference in overall emotions and mindset, the regular removal of toxins you aren't even aware of lightens the mood ridiculously well!

Good luck.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Samara (Manchester, Yorkshire, England) on 02/07/2013

Hi all, I am new to this site but I found it a few months ago during my journey and my search to better health which I started a long time ago. I came across earthclinic when researching alternative/natural remedies that I look for when I want to improve or add to my ongoing healthy lifestyle. I am a 43 yr old female, I live a very healthy lifestyle atm tho that wasnt always the case. I am 90% raw foodist, a non smoker, no alcohol, meat or fish. I call myself a non smoker because that is what I am, even though I smoked for 22 years. It has been 7 years since I stopped and smoking and drinking.

I came across oil pulling about 10 years ago and tried it, along with making my own toothpaste, but with other healthy ways taking precedence, oil pulling and making my own toothpaste kind of fell into disuse. I stuck to flouride free toothpaste for a time.

Now I am back again to oil pulling and I was serious about implementing it. After extensive research and reading and re reading I decided to buy some of the oil that called me and set about making my own toothpaste, but this time to make it and stick to it.

I have been using pure, organic, unrefined cold pressed sesame oil to pull every single morning and every nite before I sleep. I have slightly receding gums and some slight brown stains on my teeth from smoking for 22 years. My morning and evening ritual consists of oil pulling with the sesame oil while running the shower. Then when I step into the shower, I take another swig and oil pull for the entire duration of me washing my body. After I rinse my mouth out and the toothbrush I take my homemade toothpaste and smear it onto my brush and brush my teeth with it. I then take my home made mouthwash and swill and gargle and repeat that action, then swill again and rinse with clean water.

I oil pulled for 3 weeks before I made my toothpaste. ~the only thing I can say at the moment is that my teeth were and are still definately whiter, the stains are gradually fading. Thats great in itself! My toothpaste consists of very high grade non abrasive organic baking soda, some fine sea salt, 2 drops of peppermint essential oil, all mixed in with a little sesame oil which makes it a paste type consistency which I keep in the bathroom for my oral hygiene routine. The mouthwash consists of sterilised water from the kettle, with 2 drops of peppermint essential oil and 2 drops of tea tree oil which I shake before I gargle and swill twice. To finish I wanted to say my mouth feels absolutely amazing! The recipes I took from earthclinic site and from reading ppls posts. ~Even tho its a long post, I am unsure if all of it will get posted but thank you earthclinic for this brilliant site and to all the ppl who contribute to it.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 12/28/2012

I have been oilpulling for over a year. My teeth have by nature a yellow tinge but have become whiter and brighter. My gums still bleed occasionally but are much healthier and firmer. Moreover, two molars that were lose have become firm and make no more trouble. If there is infection in the roots, take colloidal silver and keep in the mouth for a while. Do this for at least three days. The infection will go. I use only sesame oil as it penetrates all the skin levels and nourishes the tissue. I am 78 years old and have all my teeth sans one that went many years ago. Oil pulling is mandatory for sinus drainage otherwise the body becomes toxic.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Blac (Detroit, Mi Usa) on 03/01/2012

I recently had a bout of bronchitis. I noticed my tongue was coated from my detoxing. I was reading thru the oil pulling therapy comments and decided to try it with sesame oil. I forgot how well it works. My tongue is pink again. I think I'll do it on a regular basis and see what happens.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Rosemary (White Rock, B.c., Canada) on 12/31/2011

I am a 55 y.o. female, blood type B-, and have only done oil pulling with sesame oil for about 2 weeks now and I am very pleased with the results. My teeth are cleaner, my skin looks youthful and my pores are smaller in the t- zone and am no longer struggling diverticulitis. I am also sleeping somewhat better. I experienced a small rash on my tongue from days 3 to 8 but it disappearred overnight. I love the information this site provides!

Sesame Oil
Posted by Miss. Burch (Brooklyn, N.y.) on 09/24/2011

I did the oil pulling with the sesame seed oil because I had a white coating on my tongue for years I could not get rid of and it worked wonders! I could tell a difference the same day I begin using it. I'm now on my third day and my tongue is nearly completely pink. I Love it! After I eat something, I check my tongue to see if the white coating has return and it have not. In the mornings, when I check it, it's still pretty in pinkish color! Again, I love this home remedy! So, thanks to whomever discovered this!!!

Sesame Oil
Posted by Amy (Roanoke, Va,usa) on 11/06/2010

I started oil pulling 3 days ago. Using Sesame oil. Miracle of all miracles... My tongue had a thick white coating before op, now it is healthy and red. I had pain in my left tooth that the dentist said there was nothing wrong. I had trouble chewing on my left side for 2 years. Yesterday I was able to chew and the pain was 90% gone. I wake up feeling refreshed and am sleeping well. I have had insomnia and was waking up feeling awful and tired and grumpy... So I think op does work and everyone should try it.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Evelyn G. (San Antonio, Texas, U.s.a.) on 07/21/2010

This is a question for Ted.

I have been Oil Pulling for two weeks and am having some problems. I have Glaucoma plus other health problems. I am 80 years old. Since OP with Sesame oil, I seem to be very sensitive to the sun's glare. Have to use sunglasses on top of my Transition glasses. To add to this problem, I have blurred vision for around an hour. Then everything goes back to normal. The pain that I had in my shoulder disappeared and I feel fine otherwise. I stopped OP for three days and the problem went away. Now I don't know what to do. Please advise me. I would like to continue with the OP but do not want to hurt my health in other ways. I also broke out with a small rash on my chest. I presume that it was the toxins going out of my body. Should I start the ACV, bicarbonate of soda and water for two weeks to detoxify my body and then start again? Thanking you in advance. Evelyn G.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Randy San Antonio (San Antonio, Texas, Usa) on 04/29/2012

Having gone through some painful gum surgeries I was looking for methods of healing up my gums and restoring receding tissue. I happen across Earth Clinic and tried pulling sesame oil. It was pleasant enough and seemed to help so I did it twice a day for maybe 6 days when the headaches got too bad. Now it is my worst allergy time of year so I don't know if it was the pulling or the stuff in the air that was giving me grief. A day and a half later the headache gone I resumed pulling and noticed that my pants were loose around my waist so I stepped on the scale to discover I had dropped 8 pounds in about a week and a half. Now for the record, since my mouth was so sore I was drinking chocolate shakes for some of my meals. This is something I never do but the thought of something cold, rich and most importantly soft was too good to pass up so my caloric intake was much higher than normal. I also noticed the grey hair in my beard was turning brown again and my teeth are brighter - more prominent than before. My gums are pinker and more healthy looking and the cracks on my heals are gone. All in all I am happy with the progress I am making with sesame oil pulling.

I pull first thing in the morning and again before lunch or dinner. I have the feeling that pulling before I eat in the morning might be setting my metabolism higher then it would normally be and that is what is burning calories as well as giving me a feeling of more energy. I base this conclusion on the fact so many weight loss experts recommend you eat your biggest meal of the day when you break your fast. I follow my morning pull with a tbsp of coconut oil and eat my breakfast about two hours later. What will be interesting is if this weight loss is permanent or will my system get used to this and slow the metabolism down to plump me up again. (I am about 5 - 10 pounds over weight)

p. S. I have a mouth full of old silver filings and they are still in place.

Randy San Antonio

Sesame Oil
Posted by Jennifer (Chicago, Il ) on 03/06/2012

1st my boyfriend tried OP he started almost 2 wks ago we noticed 1st the fresher breath then he noticed the dark pigmentation on his face clearing, his nails looking healthier, and his feet on the heels softer which before the callus was bad so I started on 04mar12 the immediate result that I experienced was a spurt of energy which usually in the am I am so restless and exhausted then I noticed the fresh breath and healthier looking nails only after 3 days of OP ~Wonderful~

Sesame Oil
Posted by Shannon (Desoto, Tx, Usa) on 01/12/2012

I've been oil pulling for about two weeks and am really pleased with the results. I began with coconut oil but found the texture and flavor to be off-putting. Once I switched to untoasted sesame oil, I found the process completely tolerable. I OP first thing in the morning for 20 minutes and have found the following results: My joints feel better (I have chronic knee and shoulder pain from degeneration), my teeth and gums feel like I've just been to the dentist for a cleaning, my skin is less dry and my muscles hurt less after re-starting to work out.

The best result is the healing of dermatitis. I have severe dermatitis in my ears. They continually itch from the outside all the way down into my ear canal. Not only is it uncomfortable, it's embarassing because of the constant flaking. After two weeks, I have minor itching externally with no flaking and no deep itch. It's as if my ears are healing from the inside out. I'm so thankful for this site and friends with great suggestions!

Sesame Oil
Posted by Christofer (Denver, Colorado - Usa) on 09/03/2011

I have been doing OP with sesame for less than two weeks. Not only do I sleep better, cut down on excessive urination especially at night, weight loss, just general wonderful feelings, but my libido has returned like crazy. I am 62, but have suffered from psoriatic arthritis for years, and have lost sexual vitality for over a decade. NOW. What has happened? I am walking around with increased circulation, desire of youth and awakening with erections. I am sure now that my entire state of health has been affected by conjested toxins, but oh my God. This is wonderful! Can you give me more theory, or explanation for this wonderful change?

Sesame Oil
Posted by Maria (Charlote, Nc) on 08/02/2012

I'm 51 and my hot flashes disapeared about 2 weeks after I started doing oil pulling with unrefined organic sesame seed oil.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Traxxxi (San Jose, California, United States) on 06/09/2011


I recently started OPing every morning with Organic Sesame Oil and noticed immediate positive results: my skin softened and pores shrank dramatically (I actually got many compliments on my skin), my dry eye symptoms were completely gone after 15 years of suffering, my eczema started to disappear, my Chronic Fatigue lessened and I had more energy, and my chronic sinusitis started to clear up. I was truly amazed and in such relief!

After two weeks of OPing, some of my symptoms have returned and even worsened. My skin looks tired and dry again, my eyes are extremely dry, bloodshot and in pain, My fatigue is worse then ever and I have barely enough energy to get out of bed, my eczema is back, and suddenly I'm having dandruff. Luckily my sinusitis has not returned. What is happening??? I was so hopeful that I had finally found a cure for the ailments that had plagued me for so long. I have a myriad of other health issues, in addition to the aforementioned, that I was also hoping would eventually improve from OPing. I can't help but feel frustrated and heartbroken. Any insight and/or suggestions will be so much appreciated. Thank you!

Sesame Oil
Posted by Arsieiuni (Arley, Al, United States Of America) on 11/02/2010

I tried this yesterday morning to combat an oncoming sinus infection and it was fantastic! One tablespoon of sesame oil (it's just a brand I keep on hand for cooking, bought from the local superdepartment store but no ingredients beyond the oil listed) in my mouth and I began swishing it and pulling it through my teeth. I did this as long as I could stand (being sick a the time makes it a little unpleasant as breathing was difficult) and spit it out. It was not quite colorless as the article implied it should be but it had gone from a rich brown to a pale, pale yellow-brown. I know I probably needed to swish it longer, but I couldn't breathe (due to head congestion, unrelated to the Oil Pulling). I did feel a little better instantly. I felt better through-out the day and night. Today, I didn't do oil pulling because the congestion has gone into my throat and I knew breathing would be worse, but it is something I'll continue to do for dental health and its other benefits. I feel it did help combat the sinus infection which has gone from severe congestion to mild congestion today. I also used cayenne gargling and ACV to combat the sore throat and congestion. I LOVE EARTH CLINIC!

Sesame Oil
Posted by Noelle (Denton, Tx, Us) on 09/15/2010

I found this site after researching ACV and am very glad to have found it. After reading for a few days, I decided to try OPing. All I had in the house was EVOO, so I did that for 2 days and then got some organic sesame (not sesame seed) oil. I found the sesame taste very pleasant, although I see some posters have found it too strong for their tastes. What amazed me was how clean my teeth and mouth felt after 20 minutes of the sesame oil. The yucky "dragon mouth" I was used to having upon awakening was not there, nor was the scummy residue on my teeth. I didn't even feel like I really needed to brush my teeth afterward (but did). I have very soft teeth enamel, to the point that I have left brush marks on my teeth, and I wish I'd known about OPing years ago. Can't wait to see what other benefits are revealed.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Phaedypants (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) on 06/24/2010

I`ve been oil pulling for 4 days, in hopes to reap all the great benefits... i haven`t visited the dentist in a very very long time, and was internet researching to find a safe natural way to keep my mouth clean and healthy....

I am using 1TBS of sesame oil, and pulling for 20 minutes each morning. i have no problem with it...sometimes I lose track of time and pull for 25-30 minutes....

Maybe too soon to notice anything major, but my skin looks AMAZING! even the skin on my back, which is prone to acne, is clear and smooth....i don`t think i can remember a time in the last 15 years that i didn`t have a spot on my back. I don`t know if this is just the oil pulling, (i also tone my back with apple cider vinegar) but i`m pretty pleased!

My teeth look white, but they always are pretty white, and my gums look pink, but i think they always are too...i do notice a little less bleeding when i floss, and the general smell of flossing isn`t so unpleasant.

mostly, i cannot wait to get into some slinky summer dresses and show off my glowing skin!

p.s. for those of you with alot of ayurvedic knowledge...i`ve been told on two seperate occaisions by two people who studied ayurveda that i have a vata imbalance. (way too much air...i sense instinctively that this is true.) are there any other natural health methods that might benefit this?

Sesame Oil
Posted by Atul (Mumbai, Maharashtra, India) on 03/11/2010

Hi, I'd like to provide some background info first. My grandmother died at 90, all her teeth were intact and she never visited a dentist in her life. My father at 65, one tooth had to be removed otherwise no dental work. Both of them rubbed a mixture of mustard (rapeseed) oil and white rock salt on their gums. Besides this like all hygenic Indians they rinsed their mouth after every meal. This meant the the tiny bits and pieces at breakfast seldom rotted till night.
I on the other hand have had severe problems with teeth and gums. I took to the grandmas recipe, but found my gums were feeling inflammed so I stopped it.

I tried OP using sesame oil and have found that it does not irritate my gums.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Sue (Orangevale, Ca) on 03/04/2010

Sesame Seed Oil pulling cured my leukemia and sinus infection

Sesame Seed Oil pulling with 5 drops of Oregano oil in a tablespoon. From reading info from your web site I started Oil Pulling about two months ago. I had a severe cronic sinus infection for nine months. Leukemia set in my sinus. I had severe nose bleeds every day. I had almost immediate results from oil pulling. They first day I did not have to take the 800 mil ibpropens that I had been taking for nine months. I had 3 different nasal surgeries for the sinus infection to continue with all the nose bleeds. When I had done Oil Pulling for about 1 week the nose bleeds went away. At first I did not know if it was the prayers that was being made or the blood transfusions that I had, but when I quit the oil pulling it all came back. Now I do oil pulling for 15 minutes the first thing every morning. The sinus infection went away. My blood count is now back to normal. I think the oil pulling is a miracle. I know it is pulling something because by the end of the fifteen minutes the oil gets very bitter. Thank you for your web site and information.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Vania (Clarksville, Tennessee, Usa) on 03/03/2011

Harold, several months have passed since you posted about your experience with Oil Pulling for Eczema, so you may have discovered this remedy already. Have you tried Organic Coconut Oil?

I had a very bad case on my arms (I'd never had it there before) for several months. Several months before, I had searched the internet for home remedies for Eczema, hoping to find a treatment for my back. Coconut Oil was a recurring theme, but I really didn't expect it to help me. Finally, after my arms got really bad, in desperation I went to my local health food store to buy it. I bought it on a Monday (this was about 3 years ago), and ate a tablespoon of it that night. On Tuesday I ate three tablespoons. On Wednesday evening, it occurred to me that it might work even better if I put it on the affected areas, too. By Saturday, all of the eczema was gone. Really.

I still have eczema on my back, because I don't usually make the time to reach it well. And I'm inconsistent in my intake. I've lived with eczema nearly all my life, so I'm used to it, and my skin is scarred in several places because of it. But, whenever I get really sick of it, I know I can depend on Coconut Oil's healing powers.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Toomuchswagger (Atlanta, Ga) on 10/12/2009

Benefits of using Sesame Oil for Oil Pulling Therapy

I tried Sesame Oil after experiencing severe back pain from a tramatic injury to my tailbone and my coccyx bone became misaligned, which caused severe pain when I'm sitting down. I also have chronic knee pain, stomach pains, occasional headaches and an infection on the right side of my mouth. I began the oil pulling therapy on July 21, 2009 and after 3-4 weeks I saw a noticeable decrease in my back pain. I used to have difficulty being seated for periods longer than one hour and had horrible pain after riding in a car or driving for long distances. I have experienced such remarkable improvements in my results that I was able to drive from Georgia to Maryland with no pain in my back or my knee, 5 weeks after I began oil pulling therapy. I no longer have headaches or pain in my stomach. I have also noticed that the pain in my mouth is gone because the infection has obviously disappeared!! I feel absolutely wonderful that I am now pain-free and I have accomplished this without surgery or chemical drugs and medication. I am happy to say that my girlfriend and family members have now begun oil pulling therapy.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Nic (Athens, Greece) on 04/27/2009

After seeing how successful are most of the home remedies I've found here, I decided to try this one as well out of curiosity. Oil pulling started more than a week ago, first with olive oil, which I thought would be the best, then bought excellent sesame oil for the first time in my life. Sesame oil was an amazing discovery, Greeks love olive oil and I was a big fan of this national product, avoiding all other oils, but in my case oil pulling was disgusting when using olive oil, and it was a big unpleasant surprise for me since I love the taste of olive oil. Although I suspect olive oil is extremely powerful, more than sesame oil and other oils, it was the latter that worked. I read someone's feedback that he managed to feel less depressed or something like that while oil pulling. I have always been against anti-depressants but many a time before I nearly tried to find a decent doctor to prescribe me some mild ones, as I felt very low for a very long period despite the fact nothing that serious or bad was happening in my life. First of all, negativity has vanished entirely from my way of thinking, dark thoughts were eliminated in just two days. I had no problem focusing so far but I never thought my ability to focus could become so good, excellent! Colours became more vivid especially red green and blue. Confident and more pragmatic than ever, I find it no more difficult to decide and evaluate almost everything. Oil pulling is a great tool if you are trying to become serene and positive. And yes, oil pulling with sesame oil doesn't taste horrible, is easier and you can swish more efficiently, cures not only the body, but also the mind, betters your psychological condition. I am so glad I never found a decent doctor for those 'happy' pills. The answer is oil pulling. I just wish I knew about turmeric powder, ACV+honey, good old garlic and onion, warm compresses etc, earlier, as I would have never taken so many antibiotics. Thank you very Earth Clinic Team and all of you who send your feedback!


Sesame Oil
Posted by Melinda (Macungie, PA) on 10/21/2008

I learned about Oil Pulling from your website and I feel so thankful for this wonderful treatment. I had an abscess under a tooth in my mouth that would not go away. I had tried antibiotics twice and it just went away for a while and came back. The last time I had an abscess I needed to have the tooth pulled and an implant put in - lots of pain and money.

I started oil pulling - for the first 2 weeks twice a day and then once a day. The abscess looked better and better but did not go away. Daily i would clean out any accumulated pus, and eventually i only had to do that every 3 days or so. Then - one morning after 2 months of this - when I went to clean it out to my great surprise a small bubble came out - the outside was clear and inside was a bright grass green color. After that day, the abscess completely healed. It has been three months and everything is just fine. Thank you so much for the information that you post here. I used 1 tablespoon of Cold Pressed Sesame Oil and I added a few drops of Oregano Oil to it for oil pulling. I am still oil pulling, switching types of oil every few months.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Mar (Chevy Chase, Maryland) on 03/18/2008

It seem that quite a few people who are trying to find Sesame oil for oil pulling are using the TOASTED Sesame oil that you find in oriental food stores. This is not the kind of Sesame oil that is called for... it is a condiment that you add by the drop or teaspoon to food as a flavoring, not a cooking oil. It is not so easy to find Sesame oil or Sunflower oil in the grogery stores. I have found inexpensive sunflower oil in some of the ethnic groceries stores, or smaller non chain stores, although you may be able to find it in the larger stores too. Sesame oil is more difficult to find, so I suggest health food stores or the larger earth friendly stores like Whole Foods. Both oils should be yellow in color, not the dark brown of toasted sesame oil. The original instructions that I read about the oils recommended for oil pulling said that you do not have to find cold pressed oils, as these oils are not being ingested, and that, infact, the least expensive form actually works best. I don't understand how anyone could tolerate swishing the very strong tasting toasted sesame oil for such a long time. Good luck in finding the correct oils. mt

Sesame Oil
Posted by Candy (Riverdale, NY) on 09/06/2007

I started oil pulling with unrefined sesame oil 2 months ago, the inital results were great. My skin glowed exceptionally well. Then I read Ted's opinion on which oils work best, one of them being refined sunflower oil. I switched to sunflower oil and the results were unfavorable, my skin did not glow at all, as a matter of fact it looked quite dull. I stopped used sunflower oil and switched back to unrefined sesame oil. And my skin is glowing once more. I have been acne free since oil pulling and I've been sleeping soundingly too. I have recommended oil pulling to my sister who's had a loose tooth and the oil pulling has since reinforced her loose molar.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Stellams (Kuwait) on 01/03/2018

I have been oil pulling for a couple of years now but not sure it has made any significance to my overall health. However, I was just about to open a new bottle of sesame oil and decided it was time to research, ie to see if it was still worth while doing it!

It was then I not only discovered I was doing the wrong process - using the oil like a mouth wash, ie rinsing and spitting out straight away - but also read that one of the side effects was stomach pains and diarrhoea, something I have been suffering intermittently from for the last two years.

I have tried to put the stomach pain and uncontrollable diarrhoea down to a particular food, to no avail. Then I read the research on oil pulling, but if I wasn't doing it properly then would I have this digestion problem?

My question is this, if I give the oil pulling a rest, of say a week or two, then try doing the proper 15/20min version, would it work, ie would I feel the real benefits of oil pulling or wouldn't it make a difference, ie would I still suffer from digestive problems?

I would appreciate any opinions on this.


Sesame Oil
Posted by Op Newbie (Delhi, India) on 10/13/2014

I have done OP with sesame oil 3 times now, does make me feel lighter, energetic and a deeper breath, which is quite a relief given I have chronic rhinitis. However doing it for 20 mins on my first attempt was quite taxing and I reduced it to 8-10 mins over the next two trials and every 3-4 days. I have now noticed some of my earlier symptoms of throat and sinus infections coming back, which I hope is the detox effect. Would appreciate any suggestions on the frequency I.e. should one do this daily or is ok to do after 3-4 days.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Suchitra (New York, US) on 12/01/2014

Oil Pulling is best if made into an everyday morning routine just as brushing. Start it with little oil for less duration to get used to it .. then gradually increase the oil amount to a full table spoon and duration to every morning. You may even want to do more often in a day, let's say 3 X 7 minutes each if you can't do for the full 20 minutes .. as this will help your body to start working the toxins.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc. Canada) on 05/16/2014

Leo, from Florida, US ==== I thoroughly agree. Unless lifestyle, nutrition and medicine is practiced taking the three doshas into consideration, everything is a matter of opinion. Ayurveda, while acknowledging raw meals, advises to have well cooked meals especially for the aged and the vata dosha individual. This is consideration of the chemical constitution of the individual.

Meanwhile, it is one med. for all. After all, eastern medicine has existed for far more than five thousand years and trial tests are totally out of place. It is up to the individual to do research under the present conditions. The good news is that medi-sin will undergo such a change in the very near future, where business has no place.

Till then, look out. Namaste, Om

Sesame Oil
Posted by Ed2010 (Canada) on 09/27/2013

One time OP in the morning is enough. Doing OP removes toxins, parasites through mucus memberanes. When you remove toxins and other elements give your body 24 hours to rest and heal. And ofcourse there will be detox symptoms initially.

Good health

Sesame Oil
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 10/21/2013

Ramakrishna, I'm happy for you!

Sesame Oil
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 02/12/2014

It probably is just a matter of trying it out and seeing how you react. Every person is different and oil pulling is not an exact science and reactions may vary. So try it and see how YOU react. That would probably bring you the most info for you.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Ramakrishna (Tamilnadu) on 05/17/2014 25 posts

Hi! Hello & everybody. It is 3 months since I conversed here. I have been still continuing my 2 times OP daily. I have met in the course of my oilpulling some changes. Now I am not experiencing sudden burst of cough while doing OP. Also, now the oil becomes watery exactly between 10th and 15th minute. If I use somewhat less quantity it becomes watery within 7minutes. If I increase quantum of oil a little, it becomes watery at 10th minute or 15th minute. If I further increase oil amount it becomes watery at 15th or 20th minute. from the beginning Until the last 10 days, I was pulling oil without keeping my chin & face somewhat upside at 40 to 60 degrees. For this, I am getting the results little brighter.

As initially added by me in my earlier conversations that I faced pain at my backneck and my lower back I.E. middle of two hips. Actually, I also had a problem of swelling of lymphatic nodes mainly below my throat, armpits. I also had a problem of backneck pain. Now this backneck pain and pain at my lower back I.e. middle of two hips, is being addressed by my oilpulling and also lymphatic nodes below my throat and armpit also very much slowly decreasing and increasing. I also added that I could not sleep sideways I.e. either left or right. But astonishingly, now I could be able to sleep sideways to 50% convenience. So far, I have finished my 8 months OP and from 1st May 2014, continuing my 9th month OP. Please comment on this

Sesame Oil
Posted by Ramakrishna (Tamil Nadu, India) on 06/16/2014 25 posts

Hi! Everybody! I hope you are all continuing OP. I want a clarification. I am doing OP 2 times, I.e. morning and night. I want to know whether it is beneficial to do OP 2 subsequent times in the morning and again 2 subsequent times at night? Is doing so is equal to doing OP 4 times a day? I think it is not, why? Because, these 2 subsequent times are not having any gap between them as against those who are doing OP 2 times leaving gap of 8 to 12 hours between each time and in that gap too, they eat lunch followed by some other intermittent intakes. I also want clarification as to whether 3 times OP I.e. morning OP, lunch OP and Dinner OP, having a minimum of four hours gap between them, is not as effective as 4 times OP as mentioned above, I.e. 2 continuous times in the morning and 2 continuous times in the night, which have adequate gap between them. I request all the Oilpullers first to analyse these doubts, then experiment and then reply to me kindly.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 06/16/2014

Ramakrishna, as I've written you before, oil pulling is not an exact, measurable science. Each person does it as he feels is best. Experiment to see what's best for you!

Sesame Oil
Posted by Ramakrishna (Tamil Nadu) on 06/17/2014 25 posts

Hi! "Mmsg from Somewhere, Europe", I am really thankful to you for an reply. You told that OP is not exact measurable science. OP is a traditional Indian ayurvedic method which was not put to scientific tests. But, recently, now this method is being put to tests in scientific laboratories and the results are being analysed and systematized. As regards my doubt for which you just answered like this, I have experimented on 2 subsequent OPs both in the morning and evening. It somewhat seems that this subsequent type of method is somewhat better than normal 2 times OP each in the morning and night. Moreover, these subsequent 4 times OP, having 8 to 12 hours gap between each 2 subsequent OPs is not equal to normal 4 times OP I.e. morning+lunchtime+evening+night OPs having minimum 3 to 4 hours gap of eating/drinking between each of them. I think you will agree to me that 2 or 3 or 4 times OP having gaps between each of them has one type of healing mechanism with the utilization of the available gap. So, here the gap that we give between OPs does matter. The process and mechanism that is occurring in between the gap after each OP is tough to be analysed as the same varies with different persons and different oils. Whereas, the subsequent type of OP need not require any analysis, I suppose. Why becaue after finishing 1 time OP some number of toxins will be pulled out and after doing the subsequent, immediate second time OP after the first time OP either in the morning or lunch or night, will pull out some more toxins from the body immediately. The main requirement is that the stomach should be empty before doing OP. This requirement is not infringed at all in this case. And I think it is not stipulated anywhere, a process of detoxification should be time-bounded I.e. detoxification should be done at a time to an exact extent of hours/minutes/seconds. I also think that after detoxification process, either so long as 2 subsequent times of OP (both in the morning and at night) or so short as 2 times of OP (both in the morning and night), some gap/rest should be given for mechanism of healing to take effect. Therefore, the crux of matter is that length of detoxification I.e. longtime detoxification or short-time detoxification. Therefore, I conclude that subsequent type of OP is somewhat better than the normal OP. But, the same may not be for all. My be for those with serious health problems, or chronic problems, I think. This is all only my supposition please. Don't take it for granted. I request all the Oil pullers to kindly, criticize argue and analyse my supposition. If any wrong, kindly advise me. I would be thankful to you all.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Mike62 (Denver) on 02/11/2014

Ramakrishna: High blood sugar causes high blood pressure. Solids in the plasma cause hbp. Mitochondrial proteins are not revealing their insulin receptor sites because they are not unfolding. Excess fat is coating the carbs with oil. Insulin is not able to carry the carbs into the mitochondria and attach to the receptor sites. This causes sugar to accumulate in the plasma. All your dear beloved brother has to do is eat raw organic fruit and keep fat intake below 10% per calories ingested. The enzymes and nutrients from raw organic fruit unfold mitochondrial proteins. Their receptor sites are revealed. The insulin is able to attach. The sugar is burned as fuel. This increases energy. The low fat does not coat the sugar with oil. The insulin can carry the sugar into the cell. This reduces blood pressure.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 03/05/2014

Hi, it's me again on oil pulling. I didn't understand the difference of the two ways you do it, but it seems to me that the second is more vigorous. If so, that is the way I do it: vigorously swishing and chomping and moving the oil all over the place!

Sesame Oil
Posted by Monica (San Francisco) on 01/13/2017

RAMAKRISHNA- u worry too much. as specified by so many already, the frequency of oil pulling differ from person to person. its not an exact science and u dont have to pay attention to every single symptom. enjoy the oil pulling, trust that it works and other symptoms u have are not necessarily caused by OP. u might want to get a check up once in a while.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Mark (Newton Abbot, Devon Uk) on 05/14/2013

Hi Tbs from London, This most definitely sounds like your body is processing old accumulated waste and bacteria, fungus etc., stick with it. My wife (a long term health junkie! ) recently discovered (like you are now) that she was not quite as healthy as she hoped,

She recently started on an oxygen based product (oxy -----, Raise up! , not allowed to advertise here so search), after reaching the higher dose in around 2 weeks her symptoms of detoxing really kicked in.

My wife has not been ill or had a cold /flue or anything really for well over 10 years (hence she thought she was healthy) but after 2 weeks on the oxy product she came out in a red spotty rash on her face, sore chest/ throat , runny nose, sinus pressure/ draining, headache and odd aches and pains in various joints, anyhow these are all reported detox signs so to control the situation she reduces the dose by half and in 48 hours her symptoms have all faded to a manageable level, I am trying to get her to start oil pulling soon as well as we have a unopened bottle of sesame oil to use up soon,

I was thinking if you really want to give your body all you can to heal detox and repair itself you might want to search for and look into an oxygen/mineral type of product as well, If you want to look into it search Ed Mc cabe to read up on this aspect of health, this is the same reason so many people turn to and use hydrogen peroxide (oxygen) as written about all over this site, fortunately there are now far better alternatives available and without the gacky taste!

Sesame Oil
Posted by Jeffrey (Hartly, Delaware) on 03/12/2013

I have been oil pulling for several weeks, sesame oil, one tablespoon, each morning for 20 minutes. Before I started my facial skin was flaking severely. Now it doesn't! No flaking, period.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Samara (Manchester, Yorkshire, England) on 02/09/2013

To Susan from New York: I took a tall glass of water for measurement and added two drops of peppermint oil and two drops of tea tree oil. Then I poured it all into a bottle and shook it up. I store that bottle in the bathroom and each time I am showering after my oral routine.. To finish I use that mouthwash solution I made. Hope that helps. I didnt want to overdo it and put too much oil in, that solution as it is, is quite strong though not dangerous as far as I know.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Samara (Manchester, Yorkshire, England) on 02/26/2013

Recently I wrote in about my experience with oil pulling and making my own home made toothpaste. I began using organic, unrefined cold pressed sesame oil for pulling, and baking soda with a minimal amount of fine sea salt and peppermint essential oil for brushing my teeth and still am.. My progress report.

It's been two months now in total and almost a month since my original post.

Initially I experienced some bad breath where I hadnt had a problem with bad breath before .. Or halitosis being the posh term :) My bad breath has disappeared.. My teeth are noticeably less stained.. Very noticeably I have to say.. My oral health, my teeth and gums are definately healthier.. not dramatically so I have noticed but definately an improvement.

The other thing I have noticed tho is that I do not ever get any plaque on my teeth .. Never.. prior to and during my menses I get very ill and sick which brings about any number of issues.. Mouth ulcers being one of them.. Oil pulling has virtually eradicated this for me. If I get one it is gone in a few hours. Other thing I have noticed is that my energy level has increased. I generally have a greater energy level than most ppl I kno anyways, and I dont kno if it is down to the oil pulling but I certainly have MORE energy than I usually do.

Also, last week I received my bottle of organic, cold pressed unrefined sunflower oil to try too, along with a tub of organic cold pressed extra virgin coconut oil to alternate and see what happens. I have been swishing with all three and eating minute pieces of the coconut oil

That's my update for the moment. I will keep you posted on any other changes. Many thanks for the site EarthClinic xx

Sesame Oil
Posted by Elaine (Thailand) on 06/23/2013

Hi Samara, very interesting post, I will try making my own toothpaste & mouth wash.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Mark (Newton Abbot, Devon Uk) on 05/14/2013

Hi Mike from Wilmette, Usa: This also happens with me. I did not have any issues with any of my teeth apart from one can be sensitive to extremely sweet foods like honey, but otherwise no problems. When I oil pull with black seed oil (BSO) my teeth often hurt like heck and are very sensitive to temperature for several days.

I only seem to get this with the BSO so now I use other oils I would suggest trying other oils until you find a suitable one for you also look into enamel issues of your teeth

I suspect the oil is merely highlighting an existing issue that is already there, In my case too much pineapple (very acidic) may have reduced my coating of enamel which then allowed the oil to highlight this problem

I am now looking into fixing my enamel properly through diet and no longer use BSO.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Mare (Mechanic Lake, New Brunswick, Canada) on 03/02/2011


Started oil pulling Feb 7th. I found it on internet was intriqued and looked into it. I figured it wouldn't hurt me. I tried EVOO. I have a strong reflux so it took a couple of attempts. I noticed a difference with my teeth after 2 days. Stains gone and when I woke up in the am no plaque. Amazing! I kept it to myself, I had a dentist app on the 28th and wanted to know what he thought. He was quite impressed. Said he never saw my gums ever look so healthy. Hardly any plaque, no sensitivity and healthy gums. He said he would look into it and wrote this website down. I have tired coconut oil, but enjoy it better in my coffee and on my skin and hair. My question at long last, I just started sesame oil, and have noticed a smell like wood burning, frequently. Has anyone experienced any strong smells? It seems to be always there. Appreciate your feedback!

Sesame Oil
Posted by Anita (Hartford, Connecticut) on 11/13/2010

I have tried oil pulling with coconut oil with no results. Now I want to try with Sesame Oil but am having trouble finding it. Is cold pressed OK? Does it have to be refined? Where do you get the right kind?

Sesame Oil
Posted by Kallu (Omaha, Ne) on 11/17/2010

Try Chinese stores for bulk seasame oil. If I don't have time for the Chinese store I just get my oils at WholeFoods. Unrefined Sesame Oil is what you need.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Izzy (St. Louis, Mo, United States) on 10/23/2010

I am eager to try OP, but I want to get some clarification, does it matter if the Sesame Oil is refined or unrefined and if so why or why not. Thank you :)

Sesame Oil
Posted by Suz (Santa Barbara, Ca) on 11/11/2012

Cold pressed is best, order online if unable to find in stores

Sesame Oil
Posted by Shanthi (Jurong, Singapore) on 09/24/2010

Dear Sir/Madam

I wish to know what brand sesame oil is safest for long term internal usage. I read that sesame oil are usually pressed out using metal drums. This causes a lot metal to be leached out and thus sesame oil could be harmful taken internally in the long run even though actually it is the best oil for health. Please advice. Thank you


Sesame Oil
Posted by Maria De Suecia (London, United Kingdom) on 09/15/2010


I started oil pulling 3 days ago, 3 times/day, using Cold pressed Sesame Oil. I eat well and do Bikram Yoga 4 times/week and I run a couple of times per week. I don't drink and I don't smoke. I drink plenty of water with, always with apple cider vinegar for dinner, and I take Virgin Coconut Oil for my underactive thyroid. So I am doing what I can to stay healthy. Anyway, I think I must have a huge bladder because no matter how much water I drink (quite a bit daily) I rarely have to urinate, and I NEVER have to go during night.

This is what happened the night after oil pulling day 1: I had to go and empty my bladder twice! No, I did not have more or less water/tea/juice than usual. This is unheard of in my case. The 2nd day I had to urinate frequently throughout the day and the same went for day three. So I began googling "frequent urination" and read that it is a classic detox symptom. Ha! Is what I say to all narrow minded cynical sceptics. Morover my teeth have never been so white and I feel more mental clarity, more refreshed upon waking up. I'll keep doing this to see where it will take me!

Sesame Oil
Posted by Map77 (Grand Prairie, Tx) on 09/22/2010

I appreciate you posting this, as I have been OPing for 3 days now, I have also noticed that I have had MORE frequent trips to the bathroom.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Chris (San Antonio, Texas Usa) on 08/04/2011

This may be a little late to post, but I assume the detox is occuring. When your body has toxins that are ready to exit, it uses the liquids that you ingest to expel the toxins. Once the detox becomes less prevalent, you will notice the urination to go away.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Evelyn G. (San Antonio, Tx U.s.a.) on 07/24/2010

I had been doing OP for two weeks. I wrote on the 21st. of this month asking about my having had problems with the sun's glare and also having blurred vision at the same time. I stopped the OP and it has gone away. I would like to start the OP again, feeling that it has helped to take away a pain from my shoulder that I had for years. Don't know if I should or shouldn't start again. I would appreciate an answer, if anyone has one. Thanks. Evelyn G.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Bb (Schaumburg, Il) on 09/13/2010

I am having some eye issues too, sensitivity. Maybe switching oil will help?? Would love advice.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Marsha (Washington Dc, District Of Columbia, Usa) on 10/03/2010

Hello - I've read that symptoms will often get worse before it gets better. Given that this isn't a pharmaceutical-strengthed remedy, perhaps this process takes longer. Just remember - OPing is doing nothing to hurt you. In fact, its aiding your immune system (among many other things). Best wishes to you and, thanks for your input on this forum.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Kim (Champaign, Il) on 10/28/2010

To Emily from Turlock, CA: you should be using Sesame (not toasted) Oil. You will find a big difference! Good luck.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Emily (Turlock, Ca) on 06/09/2010

I started the oil pulling this morning and used Toasted Sesame oil. 5 minutes into the swishing I felt like I was going to throw up held on but then had to stop, is this common?

Sesame Oil
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 06/10/2010

I have been doing OP for a few months now with all kinds of oil! Many times I gag, sometimes I don't! What I do is to get another spoonfull of oil and go on till I have done it for 20 minutes. I do rinse my mouth with water in between to get rid of toxins.

By the way, a while ago I said here that walnut oil had caused my sight to get worse.... I think that I over reacted. I had put in a new pair of contact lenses at the time and maybe they were a bit dry or something. At the same time I read here about someone who had also had adverse effect to walnut oil and I thought that my case was proven. As it is it was not! I am doing it again with no side effects just my eye floaters haven't gone away like it was the case with someone here, too bad!

Sesame Oil
Posted by Sabrina (Talking Rock, Georgia) on 05/14/2010


I started oil pulling with sesame seed oil last week. I saw changes in my gums and whiter teeth. I also had great results with my joints. On Wednesday the 1 week anniversary, I got the worst headache of my life. I haven't oil pulled since. So only 2 days. Could it be detox?

Sesame Oil
Posted by Map77 (Grand Prairie, Tx) on 09/22/2010

Hi Sabrina, I also got a BAD headache.. However, I do believe that it's the body "detoxing", I have continued, and the headache went away.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Jamesdean (Location, Ky, Usa) on 05/04/2010

I recently purchased sesame oil, which is called "toasted sesame oil," now the ingredients read: toasted sesame seed oil only. Is this oil ok to use for OP, or should I try to find a non-toasted sesame seed oil?

Sesame Oil
Posted by Monique (Lincoln, Ri) on 09/12/2010

You are NOT supposed to swish or pull with toasted sesame oil. The roasting of the sesames will deplete the values of the whole process.

Sesame Oil
Posted by San (Delhi, India) on 03/12/2010


I started OPing 3 weeks back. Within 3 days of oil pulling with sesame oil I had severe reactions as in my Blood Pressure dropped considerably, had a feeling of extreme fatigue and felt some pain in my chest. I took it as healing crisis and thought of continuing with OPing but because of lowering of BP i had to stop it. Within a week i was recovered of the symptoms and felt comparatively fresh and energetic. Now, since last 5 days I have started OPing again with saseme oil I can notice whiter teeth, but now I have started gaining weight. Believe it or not in last 4 days I have gained around 2 kgs. I am sure its because of OPing as my entire lifestyle is same as before. Has anyone else experienced this side effect?

Sesame Oil
Posted by Dconrad (Albuquerque, New Mexico, Us) on 03/08/2010

I just started the oil pulling on Sunday using sesame oil, I pull for 20 minutes but it is still yellow not white. What am I doing wrong?

Sesame Oil
Posted by Wafaa (Tucson, Az, United States) on 08/10/2010

You should give it some time. Also I've noticed that oil pulling doesn't change the natural color of your teeth (if it's more ivory than white), it only cleans them really well and removes all the plaque so they look shiny.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 02/14/2010 495 posts

After diving into EC again and seeing so many OPing with sesame oil and their reports of different things improved with this little old oil, I went to plant database looking for sesame. Wow, now I am going to have to get myself some of this stuff and see what it does with hypertension. It has a lot more than the chemicals I am going to mention (most of the B complex vitamins, iodine, etc) but I only wrote down the ones in larger parts per million (ppm).

I am leaving the ECers to search the chemicals to see what they can do, but at least 3 of these chemicals includes anti-alopecic (anti-baldness or anti-hair loss). Chemical parts per million

alanine 5,510 - 24,802
alpha-linolenic acid 3,760 - 3,945
alpha-tocopherol 22 - 24
arachidic acid 1,312 - 6,910
arginine 15,800 - 34,930
aspartic acid 9,890 - 23,795
beta carotene ppm not given
calcium 800 - 12,638
choline 1,320
glutamic acid 24,760 - 51,927
glycine 5,890 - l9,918
guaiacol 8,000
hexadeconoic acid 2,880
histidine 3,050 - 7,112
inositol 740
isoleucine 4,430 - 22,586
linoleic acid 123,656 - 278,784
lysine 2,890 - 8,729
magnesium 3,052 - 4,082
methionine 3,120 - 9,413
myristic acid 328 - 1,728
oleic acid 114,800 - 284,544
palmitic acid 25,584 - 54,144
phenylalanine 5,710 - 9,863
phosphorus 5,000 - 8,898
proline 8,100 - 14,277
serine 6,150 - 13,751
stearic acid 11,808 - 32,832
threonine 7,360 - 12,396
tryptophan 2,010 - 4,969
tyrosine 4,220 - 11,818
valine 5,490 - 15,527
zinc 24 - 102

Wow, wonder how the witch doctors, shamen, cooks, etc. came up with using this little seed before we had chemists to tell us what was in them????

At least now we know why the pharmaceutical companys, medical field, and other scientists went out collecting home remedies from all of the above, don't we????

Sesame Oil
Posted by Emma (Toronto, Canada) on 12/29/2009

Question: I've oil pulled twice with unrefined untoasted sesame oil. I used about half a tablespoon because it was my first attempts and also because I have a small mouth. At the end of 20 minutes, the oil was still yellowish and not like I saw it on a video. Can anyone tell me why this is so? Thanks!

Sesame Oil
Posted by Blanche (New Iberia , Louisiana) on 12/29/2009

I am not the expert here but you know what I think? I think anytime you whip up oil you end up with whitish foamy color. Look at what happens when you beat oil and eggs to make mayonnaise. So I wouldn't think the color of it would matter. Please correct me if wrong.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Oregene Chew (Singapore) on 12/21/2009

I have been doing oil pulling for about 1 week using sesame oil, twice a day on an empty stomach.

I have been suffering from ezcema since age of 7 and I am now 17. My eczema has been under control with the help of betopic cream, I belive to be a mild form of steroids. Though I do not apply much these days after learning about its side effects. As long as I avoid allergic food, My eczema will be under control.

But after oil pulling for a week, my ezcema suddenly flared up all over again. It is intense and I reckon that is the healing effects. Though what I am wondering now is as to how long will it last. I am battling whether to use my cream though I would prefer not to use it as I want a cure and not a temporary relief. I do not wish to interfere with the effects of oil pulling. But what I really do need to know now is as to how long will these side effects last?

And what actually causes these healings symptoms. I am really curious.

Thx in advance
Merry Christmas xD

Sesame Oil
Posted by Nicole (Gatineau, Quebec) on 12/22/2009

Message to Oregine Chew. Hope you are not using dark sesame oil. It could have an adverse effect. If you cannot use clear sesame oil, try something else but make sure it is a good oil, organic if possible. Good luck!

Sesame Oil
Posted by Anndee (Mumbai, India) on 07/02/2012

I had eczema since 2008, and visited this site last year and tried oil pulling with coconut oil.. Like you said my eczema flared up at first... Then sometimes my fingers would go soft, but the patches would appear again.. For better cure of eczema do try chewing on wheat grass early morning empty stomach.. I found my eczema almost gone in two months time.. Oil pulling is good for mouth, teeth, gums, nose and ear related problems.. I had very sensitive teeth, bleeding gums, cavities and was suffering from dust allergies.. All of this went off with oil gargling... I first tried with coconut oil for 6 full months, now have shifted to cold pressed sesame oil.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Melissa (Valencia, Ca) on 12/10/2009

I want to try oil pulling with sesame oil. I tried once last week, however couldn't do more than 30 seconds due to overactive gag reflex. I only used a tsp. Any suggestions??

Sesame Oil
Posted by Lee (Ridgefield, Ct., USA) on 12/10/2009

I used to gag on sesame oil. It was the first oil I ever used (per most suggestions.) First of all, don't stress over it. If you gag, you can always just spit it out. I found that using a better tasting oil was much easier (evco)- also, evoo plus a few drops of clove oil. Now I can use just about anything without gagging. I drink a little bit of water first and then use it as a peaceful way to start my morning. Don't give up - the results are worth it.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Simon (Guildford, Surrey, UK) on 11/27/2009

I have been OP for 11 MONTHS now hoping for some relief from severe coeliac disease problems. I am at present crippled over with stomach pain and feeling as though I need the toilet all the time but it brings no relief. My hope is that OP will clear my system and maybe let my body start to heal itself, as I have been suffering severely with coeliac disease for years now.

I am 20 years old, and this is blighting my life and I am desperate for help.

Could this be OP? Im a bit frightened.


EC: Hi Simon, can you please tell us what type of oil you used? Thank you!

Sesame Oil
Posted by Simon (Guildford, Surrey, UK) on 11/29/2009

I have been using a high quality seasame oil bought from a specialist food shop.

EC: Thanks! Moved your post from the General Feedback section to Sesame Oil section.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Mary Louise (Nevada City, California) on 12/03/2009

I am using sesame oil for oil pulling and I have no side effects from it. I am also celiac. I've been on a gluten free diet for over 7 years. Is there any chance you are not sticking to your diet, even inadvertently?

Some young people like to party and many of the alcoholic drinks are not gluten free. Also - even though oats are deemed safe by many celiacs - there are some people who do react to oats.

These are just a few ideas to help you review your diet. Also try to heal your gut with real kefir.
Take care...

Sesame Oil
Posted by Harold (Gainesville, Florida) on 11/17/2009

I've been oil pulling two to three times a day for about 2 months using 1 tbsp of organic cold pressed sesame seed oil to help relieve or cure a bad case of eczema I've had most of my life, and besides softer skin around the nose and neck, and whiter eyes and increased energy after the first week or so, I haven't noticed a marked improvment to speak of. Like I said, my neck is definately softer, and it seems that if I rub or scratch it at night or during the day there isn't as much damage to it from the scratching. I basically have it all over my body most of the time, and I'm wondering if anybody else on here has had any success clearing up there eczema with oil pulling. I going to keep it up, because I still think I feel better than before I started it. Any information on clearing up this terrible disease would be appreciated.

I'll post any improvements in the coming weeks. Oh, my teeth do seem to be whiter (a little), but my eyes are not as white as when I started pulling in the beginning. I've got bad dry eyes, so I use an over the counter eye drop for that, but that will only do so much. My skin is the main concern. I'm curious to see when it start getting colder if my skin isn't as dry as it usually is because of the eczema.I post more in the coming weeks. Good luck to all.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Maudeline (Toronto, Canada) on 12/10/2009

Hi Harold, Eczema is caused by something you are ingesting and your body is rejecting. I suffered from severe eczema for years....actually from birth. Today, I am totally cured. I discovered I was severely allergic to milk. As soon as I stopped drinking milk or eating anything that contains milk products, my eczema cleared up completely.

Please try it and let me know.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Shining Star (Gainesville, Fl) on 05/31/2010

For Harold. Castor Oil usually will clear this up. It will stain everything it touches but you can rub it in the affected areas and sleep with it on. Just lay on an old sheet or towel. It works on people and animals.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Loren (Queens, Ny) on 09/21/2009

Hi Kathy: Thanks for yr feedback on the idoral. I really do appreciate all yr help. Thanks again.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Nisha (London, Uk) on 11/05/2009

Hi Teresa

I've been suffering with bleeding gums for over ten years and have tried every possible mouth rinse recommended by the dentist. I brush my teeth twice a day, sometimes more and my gums still bleed.

Please let you let me know how you use the sesame oil and how much?

Many Thanks


EC: Nisha, we're guessing Teresa probably followed the instructions for oil pulling. You can find them on page 1 of the OP section:

Sesame Oil
Posted by Lily (Pasadena, Ca) on 09/14/2009

oil pulling and migraine side effect

I am middle-aged woman who has been oil pulling with 1 TBSP organic sesame oil for a little more than 3 weeks - 20 minutes in the mornings only. My teeth are whitening and that's nice. But, for about the same amount of time, I've been getting severe headaches that debilitate me. If I am detoxing, that's terrific, but I can't take much more of the pain. It starts about 2 hours after I finish all my morning routines - which are not different except for the OP. Anyone else have this problem? Any suggestions? The headache seems to start at the back of my neck and then move to the left side and grow in throbbing intensity. I've tried white willow and feverfew - and a Gaia combo called Migra-Profen, and a homeopathic remedy called sinusalia and even tylenol, aspirin, and ibuprofen - (not together!). Nothing touches this headache. It goes on for hours and hours and finally wears off around 8 at night. I guess I will have to give up the OP because I have to function.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Rin (London, Uk) on 09/14/2009

Lily, I had the very same problem with sesame oil and oil pulling. Headache at the back of the head that then moved to the bottom left of my head. I too have stopped as I couldnt function with the pain. I hope someone can help us both with an answer.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Hung (Sacramento, Ca, Us) on 10/20/2009

this reply is for Lily in Pasadena and Rin from London. For severe headaches: Chinese people used to cook fish head like Salmon or Rock cod with pink color. by cooking them like you cook chiken soup, this will cure your headaches.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Dan (New York, Ny) on 10/30/2009

Response to Lily and Rin: Have you tried a different type of oil such as sunflower oil? Perhaps it has something to do with the sesame. You may have to leave the seed family altogether and try a different oil.

Some others have also speculated that severe headaches after OP can be due to detoxification. Toxins may become dislodged and may cause symptoms such as yours (also including joint pain and fatigue).

Lastly, try not to clench your jaw while swishing the oil around. Relax and let your cheeks and tongue do the work. Hope this helps!

Sesame Oil
Posted by Jesse (Richmond Hill, On, Canada) on 12/06/2009

Lily, it sounds that you have the same symptom of headache as I had two years ago. My life was so blighted by this problem then. And it took me almost 10 years to find out that the real culprit of my headaches was chronic sinusitis. And I believe many people who were suffering from unknown headaches are caused by the the same problem. My solution is to take probiotics. Try it and see how it goes. It is possible that oil pulling could be used as a long term therapy in treating the chronic sinusitis problem, however, there is no convincing evidence found on this site and that is what I am trying to find out.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Andrea (Parkwood, Qld) on 09/17/2009

Michael, you may wish to have your thyroid checked, however I would suggest that rather than relying on the conventional methods employed by most GP's (i.e Tsh tests via blood analysis) that you follow the Broda Barnes protocol of taking your basal temperature readings first thing in the morning for 4-5 consecutive days. Should your reading be below 97.8 degrees you may be hypothyroid. This can be rectified by supplementing with natural thyroid eg.armour. Hope this gives you another option with regards to your symptoms. Regards. Andrea.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Kathy (Dubois, Pa) on 09/17/2009

If a person is hypothyroid, they are probably iodine deficient and might want to try an iodine supplement. I was almost moribund with hypothroidism and tried thyroid hormone, both synthetic and natural, but it didn't help much, and the doctor had nothing else to offer. Well, after suffering for years with falling hair, overweight, constipated, rough, course skin, heavy periods, brain fog, no energy, muscle aches, laboring heart, depression, and painful, lumpy breasts, I finally found my IODINE SUPPLEMENT. Within days of starting on an iodine supplement, my muscle aches went away, the brain fog cleared, my hair stopped falling out...the whole nine yards of symptoms began to go away. It took me almost a year of taking 50mg of a certain iodine supplement per day before I could tell that I had overcome my deficiency. I credit that supplement, and thank its makers, for quite literally saving my life.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Matt (Tallahassee, Fl) on 09/17/2009

Kathy, thank you very much for your posting! Out of curiosity... what specific IODINE supplement are you taking? My mom has had thyroid problems for a long time and she just got off her medications for them and is starting to notice some problems

Sesame Oil
Posted by Kathy (Dubois, Pa) on 09/17/2009

Well, the problem is that EC deletes brand names from the posts, but I can tell you that it is a tablet form of Lugol's solution, and the name begins with an "I" and ends with an "L", like this: "I-----L". However...and this is very important...nobody should just go taking iodine willy-nilly. If you think that an iodine supplement would help your mother, she needs to read and research and educate herself first, especially if she has been on thyroid medication. When I started taking iodine, I had not taken thyroid medication for many years, and I read two books by David Brownstein, M.D.; one called "Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can't Live without It; the other called "Overcoming Thyroid Disorders", and did alot of research on the internet. Please, please read those books, and do other research first, and then proceed with caution if you and she think iodine would help.

p.s. If EC deletes the names of the books, just do a search on "David Brownstein, M.D. iodine"...that ought to give it to you.

EC: Kathy means Iodoral! Fine to mention, thanks...

Sesame Oil
Posted by Andrea (Parkwood, Qld) on 09/18/2009

Hi Matt, further to my original post and subsequent to Kathy's referrence to iodine, it is best to establish if you have an iodine defficiency first. You can do this by undergoing the iodine loading test as prescribed by Dr Brownstein. This is the best true test of iodine defficiency and if you are found to be defficient you can supplement with iodoral tablets . You can get information about this test by googling iodine loading test I believe the necessary testing equipment can be sent to you if you cannot find a local medico to facilitate. This really is very simple and can certainly make a big difference to you. Whatever you do, do not procced down the normal medical path and end up on synthetic thyroid hormones, they create more problems than they solve and the tests used to establish thyroid problems are flawed. Good luck.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 09/18/2009 495 posts

For Matt from Tallahassee:

Hi Matt,

Kelp (seaweed) is a good source of iodine, but you can also paint tincture of iodine on the skin for absorption.

For those who don't know this, I just read that 1 oz bottles of SSKI & Lugol's solution can still be obtained without a prescription. I have seen it advertised on line from $9.95 to $28.00 per ounce. I believe it will be cheaper to get a prescription and find a compounding pharmacist. Two or 3 drops of either of these per day should be sufficient.

Another thing you should thing about is that your thyroid gland can't function properly without the right nutrients it needs to work with. I suggest a good stress tablet (B complex) with Vitamins C & E - bottle will say 1 tablet per day but until your mother is feeling much better, take 1 tablet at mealtimes and at bedtime.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Loren (Queens, Ny) on 09/18/2009

This message is for Kathy from Dubios, Pa: You mentioned that you were hypothyroid for many years. I am curious to know if you were on thyroid meds and if so did you just stopped using them altogether and just started using the iodine alone? Please let me know. I was recently diagnosed with hypothyroid and am scared and feel lost with all the negetive things I have been reading. Also, is it true that if hypothyroid is left untreated it affects the heart? Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Kathy (Dubois, Pa) on 09/18/2009

You are correct about thyroid hormone, Andrea. When you take an exogenous hormone, like thyroid hormone (whether natural or synthetic), for example, the gland in your body that is responsible for producing the this case the thyroid gland...actually atrophies. As another example, that is why it is dangerous for people who take prednesone to go cold turkey...their adrenal glands have atrophied from taking an exogenous adrenal hormone (prednesone), and they become prey to sudden shocks to their systems, which can kill them.

Sesame Oil
Posted by T (Maryland, Usa) on 09/18/2009

Just wanted to add to the list of nutrients that Joyce recommended. Selenium is VERY important to thyroid function (and many other aspects of health), and is also important in maintaining the body's supply of the vitamins she mentioned, so be sure of adequate selenium intake. Here are a couple of links with lots of information on selenium, including dietary sources and the varying types of supplements available:

Sesame Oil
Posted by Kathy (Dubois, Pa) on 09/18/2009

Hi Loren. I was on thyroid hormone at first, but it didn't help much, and I knew that if I kept taking it, my thyroid gland would atrophy, plus I didn't much care for the idea of being held hostage to a medication and regular doctor's visits and blood tests...I loathed the idea of being turned into a I quit taking it. So I was hypothyroid for about 8 years, and then about 2 years or so ago I discovered Iodoral. What happened was that I was at the health food store and I saw a copy of Dr. Brownstein's book "Iodine: Why You Need It, Why You Can't Live Without It." That book, and taking Iodoral, changed my life. I had read other books about thyroid health before that, but they all kept talking about thyroid hormone. Not one of them mentioned iodine...beyond what iodized salt contains...which isn't enough and very un-bioavailable. I started on the Iodoral and it was like a miracle. If I were you, I'd get that book, and Dr. Brownstein's other book, "Overcoming Thyroid Disorders", and start reading. I don't blame you for being scared...I was scared, too. But you don't have to CAN help yourself; you just have to have the right knowlege. Dr. Brownstein says that every cell in the body has its own need for iodine...not just the thyroid gland. He also says that the low rate of breast cancer in Japan is due to their high intake of iodine from eating seaweed, NOT because they eat soy. And yes, he also says that iodine defieciency can cause heart disease. Here are a couple of data points for you: when I was iodine deficient (hypothyroid), my heart used to labor at the least exertion, and my Great-grandmother died of Congestive Heart Failure.

p.s. There are other sources of iodine besides Iodoral, like kelp and other seaweeds, but they have to be very fresh and cannot be stored for too long, because Iodine is volitile and evaporates away, so if the seaweed is old, or stored improperly, it may have very little iodine left in it.

By the way, I am not affiliated with Dr Brownstein or Iodoral in any way. I am just a housewife from Pennsylvania who has an abiding interest in natural health.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Ranjana (Arlington, Tx Usa) on 09/02/2009


I tried the oil pulling for bleeding gums and a tooth that had started to feel loose. I did 10 minutes two mornings with unrefined sesame oil followed by brushing with baking soda. The results were amazing for my tooth and sums. The tooth was not loose anymore, no bleeding and I could chew on that side after many months. However, I started to feel sore with serious headaches and neck pain, and fatigue. I have chronic fatigue, and I really try to avoid doing anything that would trigger this. So, I stopped the oil pulling. Things got worse, I had to go see my doctor, he said I was badly congested and that was causing the severe headaches and neck pain. Now I am on 3 different medications with no relief. Could this be due to the oil pulling? Did it bring out all this mucus without getting rid of it?

Any comments would be appreciated. I would like to go back to the oil pulling for my teeth, but cannot risk the sinus congestion. One episode last year led to 5 months on 2 different antibiotics, and I really wish to avoid a repeat. Thanks.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, usa) on 09/28/2009

Hi Ranjana, I'm glad to see you braved it and went back to doing the oil pulling. Again, the itchiness is another detox symptom. It is the heat and toxins trying to get out of your skin. Remember, our skin is one of the largest organs to detox from. I would also stay with the sesame oil because it is obviously doing its job. Since you are not allergic to sesame then understand that you are detoxing. You will have to move through the symptomology if you wish to truly detox. Make sure you are drinking lots of water. Perhaps try taking baking soda to alkalinize yourself as well. In Chinese medicine, red eruptions on the skin or itchy skin is too much heat built up in the body. Try some cooling herbs. Hope this helps.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Carrie (Eau Claire, Wi) on 08/14/2009


HI this site so much...I oil pulled using sesame oil...unrefined, organic using a drop of peppermint oil and a drop of tea tree as a detoxer and for gum disease...started on Sun. and continued up until keep in mind I have oil pulled before..but this time I experienced terrible joint and bone pain and like usual..I get very depressed I decided to take an epsom salt bath which didn't today,(thursday).. I thought of using a charcoal capsule to see if it would absorb anything causing this pain...and within a few hours noticed that it is not so painful....wonder what it was causing the pain...candida die off or metal poisoning being dislodged from areas that it settled in...the pain in my leg bones is what started to worry me a bit...I am sitting on the floor as I type this..and usually after sitting on the floor I can barely get up, now since I took that charcoal is much easier to get up from the floor, a little distant pain right now will see what happens...I think I will take it easy on the oil pull...the effects were to drastic for me..with this terrible depression and arthritic pain...but it does work...when I spit out the oil after 20 minutes in the toilet...and forget to flush right will turn blackish around the inside tiny specks and I'm thinking ...ick..that is what I pulled?...I am relying on it to cure my gum disease and am using the tips from Ted...with using Milk of Magnesia as a mouth wash and with supplements..will let you know in a month if it worked for me.....:)

Sesame Oil
Posted by Tammy (Long Beach, Ca) on 08/13/2009


Thank God that Sesame Oil pulling helps my insomnia and headache, but after 2 months using twice daily. my BP < 100/60 and I have a serious back pain and I had to stop it. Any suggestion ? Thank you!

Sesame Oil
Posted by Peanut (Sebring, Fl) on 08/14/2009


I started oil pulling about a month ago. I've noticed my sinuses are a whole lot better and I sleep better at night. The changes I noticed were fever blisters on my lips and my eyes are having that crusting over thing going. Something's definitely happening.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Rnh (Mississauga, Ontario Canada) on 08/10/2009

I have a very bad outer ear infection for about two years now very sore and tender. I tried OP for the first time using cold pressed Sesame oil. In about 3 pulls my ear infection cleared up the next morning AMAZING getting bumps on my arms guess it is the toxins being flushed out. thanks for a wonderful site.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca) on 08/04/2009

Hi everyone, I have been using this site daily since November 08. I have tried so many of the remedies from this site too numerous to list and each has been effective. No negative results. I have tried all of them for at least one month if not more. I have used them on all of my kids ranging from 10- 24 and my husband as well and sent many people here to check this amazing site out. My biggest issue has been incredible hip pain. I have been a ballet dancer my entire life and 3 years ago I suddenly could hardly move my legs in my hips. When I say suddenly I mean within a weeks time- from being able to dance, take class and show steps when teaching. It has been a long journey with taking Chinese herbs (I highly recommend them especially over any medicine as they are healing rather than masking), acupuncture, chiropractics, massage, energy healings as well as remedies from here. At any rate, I avoided trying the oil pulling as it sounded to simplistic to be effective and tried many of the others. Finally, after minimal results to my hips from the many remedies (which helped other issues) I decided to go for the oil pulling after reviewing so many wonderful testimonies about it. I have used Aryuvedic therapies in the past so I figured why not and recall Deepak Chopra recommending this in Perfect Health when I read it many years ago. Well, I started doing it in the morning for 20 minutes for one week with no real results to speak of and then I decided to step it up to twice a day once in the morning and once in the evening. For me the results have been nothing less than miraculous after 3 long years of excruciating pain. At first, after two days, I was skeptical questioning if it was some fluke! But no, each day gets better and better. I have kept up this practice for almost 2 weeks now encouraged by my results. I went from not being able to stand up without incredible help from my arms or being able to get up the stairs without someone either pushing me from behind or using my arms to pull and prop myself up to being able to just stand and walk up the stairs with very little pain. I can now sit down to the floor and get back up. Many friends have asked me if I would consider hip replacements but I was determined to see if I could find a different answer believing that there are answers other than medicine, surgeries, no hope other than western medicine, etc. Well, I am ecstatic to say I have done it! Please give this a try if you have joint issues. And to everyone, I say never give up hope. Believe the answer will be given and have faith. I understand that there will be days that you will feel hopeless but don't give in to that. Blessings to all, Lisa

EC: Great feedback, thank you! Would please tell us what oil you are using?

Sesame Oil
Posted by redd78 (Plymouth, Indiana) on 07/10/2009


I started oil pulling about a week ago.I used safflower oil the first 2 days , then switched to sesame seed oil. I have had a terrible pain in my upper left teeth for over a year. had all kinds of dental exams, x-rays, panorex x-rays and a c-scan. Nothing could be found that was causing the tooth pain.I have also have constant sinus drainage on the left side for several years. I am extremely sensitive to almost all allergy medications, anti-biotics, medications of any kind.I am also hypothyroid, and have a lot of problems regulating my thyroid dosage. I started the oil pulling in desperation to try and find some relief from the tooth and facial pain. I am using 1 tablespoon of sesame seed oil 3 times a day. Morning, at 4 p.m. and at 10 pm. I follow the oil pulling treatment with a netipot treatment using purified, boiled salt water.I have had copious sinus drainage, it is milky white , thick and foamy. No sign of infection, just the foamy white color. The pain in my face and tooth is about 80 percent improved. this is the first tme in over a year that I have not been in constant pain from the tooth. I have had some side effects, have had spells of dizziness and some nausea. my appetite is not good, and on the 4th days, I had colon cleansing.This morning I am having some dizziness and nausea. anyone else doing this that is hypothyroid and on medication? I would love to hear feedback from you . Did this interfer at all with your thyroid medication? I am hoping to get past the dizziness and nausea, hoping this is just temporary.....Wanda

Sesame Oil
Posted by Gayle (Houston, TX) on 07/04/2009

My situation is I have multiple sclerosis and have been disabled since 1995. Have been trying to exercise for 5 years first on treadmills, eliptical, etc. to keep my muscles healthy. Developed torn ligaments on both feet which looks like a red bump on the middle of both feet which hurts alot. The podiatrist said surgery or cortisone shots. I didn't like either of those choices. At the gym a reflexologist told me about oil pulling with sesame oil, 1Tbls for 20 minutes. Then following with 32 oz. of water with 1 tsp of apple cider vinegar. The red bumps are going away after just 2 weeks of op and water with acv and no pain. He said a side benefit is whiter teeth and yes that is happening too. What a wonderful, easy way to care for myself. I hope it regenerates and heals brains too.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Kelly (Atlanta, GA) on 05/19/2009

I have been oil pulling for almost a week now, twice a day with 1 tablespoon of expeller pressed organic sesame oil. So far I have experienced a pretty serious "cleanse" it seems... (Men don't read this if you are squeamish about female situations.) I had been having mild yeast infections on and off for a long time, and trying to keep things under control with yogurt and acidophilus supplements. Well I actually became interested in oil pulling for my bleeding gums and bad breath. So I was shocked after my first oil pulling when not only did I have to blow my nose for an hour, getting rid of loads of mucous that I didn't even know I had, but by the end of the day I had a very extreme yeasty vaginal discharge happening. It all came out. It took probably two days and then ever since, my vagina has felt healthier than ever and very clean, if you are a woman reading this then I'm sure you understand what I mean. SO all I can say is be prepared for a CLEANSE if you try oil pulling, and I personally am very happy to have gotten all that out of my system! Looking forward to experiencing more benefits as I continue to oil pull at least twice a day. Thanks so much for all the feedback on this website, it is so empowering to feel like my health is in my own hands.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Jayne (Pensacola, FL) on 05/15/2009

Well, I lost a filling tonight. I have been oil pulling about a month, first with olive oil, and lately with sesame oil (which I love). It has helped my mouth and my teeth for the most part. This particular filling came out of one of three teeth I have which had already been cracked (backs fell off) for a few years. I was surprised the filling fell out, but there is no pain. I guess it's dead. Overall, the oil pulling feels great and has stopped the almost continuous mouth pain and tooth sensitivity I've had for years.

I plan to continue to oil pull carefully--after all, my long term goal is to replace those mercury fillings--lol! I'm just glad I didn't swallow the filling (came out in three pieces).

Sesame Oil
Posted by Tia (Pittsburg, Ca) on 04/22/2009

want to do op but could not find oil labeled refined or cold pressed. bought sesame oil labeled organic and unrefined. will i get the same healing results with this oil?

Sesame Oil
Posted by Analei (Hilo, Hawaii) on 02/25/2009

ok, here goes, i just moved and due to climate change or whatever, i started getting a couple big zits. so i started looking online to find something to fix it... ran into oil pulling threads, and became very interested. i started op 4 days ago, and i feel more awake, there havent been any more pimples. and the ones i had went away. (i did try many things for this, so could not be due to op) i am using sesame normally and did olive oil today just to try. (i tbsp each morning) i think sesame worked better. i am worried tho, that one of my teeth has shifted. it seems like this could not be possible, but has someone else had tooth movement from op? i do enjoy the benifits, but do not want my teeth to move!! and is it ok to op after coffee? how long after? ok, any insight would be amazing! thanks for your response in advance.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Zhenya (Fremont , CA) on 02/10/2009

I love this web-site. I have been fighting a number of ailments in the past couple of years. They all started after taking strong antibiotics after a dental surgery. So, now I am starting with the oil pulling. I actually found unrefined Sesame oil at Raley's. I will post in a couple of days with the results.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Max Nass (NYC, NY) on 02/07/2009

I have been taking sesame oil for pain for at least 2 months and I have had no results. I take it in the morning. Should I take it at night before going to sleep? I take it in the morning before I eat or drink. It would be difficult to space it out more than 2 hours before going to bed. Please advise. Thank you.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Janie (Mattoon, Illinois) on 02/01/2009

I recently went to a health food store to purchase Seseme Oil for oil pulling (I am currently using coconut oil) and would like to try the seseme oil. My question: I found the Seseme oil but it say expellor pressed and not cold pressed. Can I oil press with the expellor kind and what exactly does that mean? The food store says he cannot order the cold pressed kind and/or that they don't make that kind anymore, so I picked up the sesame oil (expellor) type and am awaiting your response before I "oil pull" with this oil. Am wondering if it would work just the same as cold pressed. Thanks for your input.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Renate (Parrish, FL, USA) on 02/01/2009

I asked the same question on a site guide to self healing (Karen Robinson). My question and her response is below. I checked out the web site she referenced and it explains the difference nicely. I hope this helps.

On, says to use 1) cold pressed and if you can't find 2) refined. Your site says unrefined cold pressed. I have a hard time finding cold pressed. Whole Foods has expeller pressed, but not cold pressed. Are they the same thing? Whole Foods has, mostly, refined oils. Can you please clarify. Thank you.

30 Karen Robinson { 01.27.09 at 1:23 pm } Hi Renate, expeller pressed is fine. The expulsion process creates a certain amount of heat, depending on the type of seed or nut and how much pressure it takes to get the oil out of it. But this is very low compared to the high heat heat method used for refined oils. Here's a good explanation of expeller pressed vs. cold pressed:

And I think Whole Foods carries Spectrum oils. Spectrum has unrefined, organic sesame oil, or just unrefined. Also, organic virgin coconut oil. Any of those would be great for OP, but others would be okay too.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Janie (Mattoon, Il) on 02/02/2009

Thank you so much for getting back with me. Your response and answer was very helpful and appreciated. I have been oil pulling with cold pressed coconut oil (pulling/rinsing/brushing/flossing etc.) and will now try the expeller seseme oil to see if I can notice any differant results. Although I like the taste of the coconut oil, I am finding that it doesn't seem to leave my teeth as white or as clean as I thought it might. Seems to do just a minimal job. I do go to the dentist for a check-up and cleaning this upcoming Thursday and am really anxious to hear what my hygenist has to say about my teeth after oil pulling for just a few weeks. I will have to post the results. Thanks again for your answer and... Happy Oil Pulling! Janie

Sesame Oil
Posted by Lourdes (Madrid, Spain) on 01/06/2009

Hello everyone! It is January 6th. I started oil pulling daily about 2-3 days after this post was published on Dec. 3rd, so it's definitely been a full month. I really wish I could report some amazing reaction but I can't. I cannot tell whether it is working, but am motivated enough to give it another month or two. I am using raw organic sesame oil that is precisely for ayurvedic practices. I swish for 20 minutes until the oil is completely white and liquid, then spit it out, and brush my teeth with tooth soap. I do this first thing in the morning, before even drinking water (I read that this was the way to do it). Changes? Well, maybe less plaque. Hard to tell. Also, in September or so I started experiencing hair loss for the first time (I am a 45 year old woman) and even got a large bald spot (eventually larger than a quarter), which completely freaked me out (fortunately it's still hidden by hair). The bald spot started in September and got bigger. Now, the hair has started growing back in around the edges, but this could have begun before the oil pulling. Sorry so inconclusive. Best of luck to everyone.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Bronzechiqz (France, Argentuil) on 12/24/2008

Ive been oil pulling for a week using sesame oil every morning on empty stomach. 15-20 minutes later, I would spit out, the oil will become slightly white still oily consistency, gargle and rinse with a glass of warm water, baking soda and salt. And then brush my teeth. Seeing teds method, I brushed first and did the procedure. I coudnt really see difference on anything except for lil whiter teeth. My skin just stayed the same and my appetite seem to be increasing??? Im thinking of switching to sunflower oil or coconut to see any changes. Any suggestion?

Sesame Oil
Posted by Shabana (Bradford, UK) on 12/14/2008

hi, i have brought toasted sesame oil, but i am not sure whether it is the right one. i cannot find plain sesame oil! will someone let me know whether i can do oil pulling with toasted seasame oil?

Sesame Oil
Posted by Gina (Small town , Ohio) on 12/06/2008

Am I the world's most unsuccessful oil puller? I have been oil pulling for a month. I use 1 tablespoon organic unrefined sesame oil and occasionally coconut oil. I oil pull an average of 6 days per week for 20 minutes. I have not experienced any of the supposed benefits I've seen listed here. My teeth are not whiter. My sinuses have not totally cleared. My gums still slightly bleed when I floss. Energy levels remain the same. The only thing I have noticed is a slight reduction in sensitivity to cold on my teeth. I am really disappointed. My main reason for trying oil puling was to improve the look of my teeth and gums. If anyone has any suggestions or thoughts on why this is not working for me I would greatly appreciate it. I will finish the bottle of sesame oil but probably not continue. At this point my impression of oil pulling is it doesn't work. Thank you.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Linda (Queens, NY) on 10/22/2008

Hello All! First I would like to say I love this site! So I picked up Flora's organic sesame oil cold pressed. I wanted to know if this brand is okay and that its cold pressed. Also, should I refrigerate it? Thanks a bunch!

Sesame Oil
Posted by Page (Los Angeles, CA) on 10/04/2008

I stumbled upon this site several months ago. I was so happy to find the information on " Oil Pulling ". Soon after I started oil pulling with the sesame oil that was recommended. I thought that my results would be very interesting and I want to share them with you.

Within one month I was in soaring pain with my first Root Canal. Thank God I found a good dentist in Los Angeles because what was soon to come would have been unbearable! In the last four months I have had 3 more root canals! With very little money as a single mother for over 16 years my teeth had been neglected. If your teeth are not in perfect shape: Do Not Oil Pull. You'll be sorry. Instead, find yourself a reasonable dentist and try to get caught up on your dental health.

A friend of mine with perfect teeth and in excellent health tried it for three weeks and saw no results at all.

Good Luck to everyone.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Leena (Montrose, CO) on 09/24/2008

I started oil pulling 4 days ago...I had a tooth removed because of abcess three weeks ago (molar). I thought I was doing well, but this morning after using the OP method, my mouth on both sides was hurting really bad!!! It seems my gums are better, but the pain was intense. I'm using organic unrefined sesame oil. Would like to work through this pain thing, can't go though this everyday!!! Any help would be appreciated.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Abby (Chicago, IL) on 08/30/2008

I did the Oil Pulling with Sesame oil for about a week. I took about a tablespoon once a day in the morning according to directions. I swished for about 15 min, to 20min. About a week later I started getting bad headaches. I never get headaches, but these were bad. I also got diarreah that lasted 2 to 3 days. I felt really sick. I thought maybe this was all apart of detoxing, and I must have been really toxic. I wanted to continue to see if my symptoms would subside, but I had an important weekend that I couldn't be sick for. So I stopped. I want to try again but I'm a little afraid. Maybe it was wrong oil for me? Or maybe I need to just keep it up until I'm throughly detoxed? If anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate it. -Abby

Sesame Oil
Posted by Thelma (Baltimore, Md) on 08/01/2008

I tried the oil pulling method and I must admit that the first two weeks my skin was unbelievable. I could not stop looking in the mirror. I am 44 years old and I swear I was looking at least ten years younger. The pores around my nose had tightened and the laugh lines had started disappearing. I used one tablespoon of sesame oil every morning before brushing and flossing. After the first two weeks I ended up with a sore throat, pink eye and skin rash. I have never suffered from pink eye before. I know this was from the O/P. I beleive it was the toxins finding an escape route. I started again this week but I am only O/P once a week and then I will gradually work my way up to daily O/P again. If anyone has any suggestions or any similar experiences can you please post. Thanks.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Tracy (Sussex, NJ) on 03/28/2023

That is a healing crisis…keep going!

Sesame Oil
Posted by Daniel C. (Phelan, CA ) on 05/24/2024

"Keep going" is correct, it's actually called HERXING, The BODY is DETOXING, so you're gonna worse, before you get better...

Sesame Oil
Posted by Violet (Gresham, OR) on 07/17/2008

I was curious if there was any way that Oil pulling could cause teeth to move from their normal placement or otherwise become crooked. I was oil pulling for about 2 weeks twice a day and just noticed a gap between my central and lateral incisor on the right side with the lateral starting to turn in slightly so that it doesn't line up with my other teeth. Could the oil pulling have caused this?

I used a Tbsp of cold pressed extra virgin sesame oil in the morning and at night. I first started to stop my gums from bleeding but it seemed like my gums started receding and then I later noticed the tooth becoming crooked. I don't know if the Oil pulling caused this but is there anything I can do to fix the tooth and gums?

Sesame Oil
Posted by Rad (India) on 10/03/2017

Hi, I use Green Elements Apple cider vinegar with mother available on

Sesame Oil
Posted by Serena (Nottingham, England) on 04/02/2008

... I had my braces tightened this morning. My teeth were killing me all day, then when I got home, I took a dessert spoonful of cold pressed, unrefined sesame oil and oil pulled. It really helped and now my teeth don't hurt as much, so if you know anyone who has braces, tell them!

Sesame Oil
Posted by Carlos (Madrid, Spain) on 03/13/2008

Oil pulling for everything.
Hello first of all I ahve to say THANK you TO THIS SITE,I look many years younger since I came here.
Im having trouble convincing my family on my tips from this site,I tell them erathclinic is nos selling anything is jsut people like you and I sharing amazing remedies proven. But I guess its difficult to people close minded.
After trying and benefit from Apple cider vinegar topic and internal,peroxide on my face and borax for my cold and for my face as antiwrinkle. Also Baking soda cleasing my face..I m a new man,I look younger and handsome.White teeth sogt skin.
But the other day I read the top remedies and thoight..whhats this oil pulling thing?
SOunded weird,I started with olive oil for very few minutes..I noticed more energy and lighther soft skin around my eyes.Also deep better sleep.Whiter teeth and whiter eyes but i dont get to 20min,I notive they et whiter the longer you pull.
Then I researched a little trying to aunderstand how it works.I think by researching I have come to learn how Oil pulling may work,just my own theory.
I read about doing it with sesame oil,I begin to wonder why do ayurveda advices sesame instead of other oils.I came across this site. with info on sesame oil
I copy and paste.Its long but WORTH READING DONT SKIP THIS!!!!!!

Sesame Seed Oil has been used as a healing oil for thousands of years. Sesame oil is mentioned in the Vedas as excellent for humans. It is naturally antibacterial for common skin pathogens, such as staphylococcus and streptococcus as well as common skin fungi, such as athlete's foot fungus. It is naturally antiviral. It is a natural anti inflammatory agent.
It has been used extensively in India as a healing oil, including in experiments which showed it was useful in unblocking arteries. In recent experiments in Holland by Ayurvedic physicians, the oil has been used in the treatment of several chronic disease processes, including hepatitis, diabetes and migraines.
In vitro, sesame seed oil has inhibited the growth of malignant melanoma (a skin cancer): PROSTAGLANDIN LEUKATRINES and ESSENTIAL FATTY ACIDS 46: 145-150, 1992.
Also in vitro, sesame seed oil has inhibited replication of human colon cancer cells: ANTI CANCER RESEARCH 11: 209-216, 1992.
Research shows that sesame seed oil is a potent antioxidant. In the tissues beneath the skin, this oil will neutralize oxygen radicals. It penetrates into the skin quickly and enters the blood stream through the capillaries. Molecules of sesame seed oil maintain good cholesterol (HDL) and lower bad cholesterol (LDL).
Sesame seed oil is a cell growth regulator and slows down cell growth and replication.
In both the small intestine and the colon, some cells are nourished by fat instead of sugar. The presence of sesame seed oil can provide those cells with essential nourishment.
In an experiment at the Maharishi International College in Fairfield, Iowa, students rinsed their mouths with sesame oil, resulting in an 85% reduction in the bacteria which causes gingivitis.
As nose drops, sniffed back into the sinuses, sesame seed oil has cured chronic sinusitis. As a throat gargle, it kills strep and other common cold bacteria. It helps sufferers of psoriasis and dry skin ailments. It has been successfully used in the hair of children to kill lice infestations. It is a useful natural UV protector.
Used after exposure to wind or sun it will calm the burns. It nourishes and feeds the scalp to control dry scalp dandruff and to kill dandruff causing bacteria. It protects the skin from the effects of chlorine in swimming pool water. Used before and after radiation treatments, sesame seed oil helps neutralize the flood of oxygen radicals which such treatment inevitably causes.
On the skin, oil soluble toxins are attracted to sesame seed oil molecules which can then be washed away with hot water and a mild soap. Internally, the oil molecules attract oil soluble toxins and carry them into the blood stream and then out of the body as waste.
Used as a douche mixed with warm water, the oil controls vaginal yeast infections.
Sesame seed oil absorbs quickly and penetrates through the tissues to the very marrow of the bone. It enters into the blood stream through the capillaries and circulates. The liver does not sweep sesame seed oil molecules from the blood, accepting those molecules as friendly.
Sesame seed oil helps joints keep their flexibility. It keeps the skin supple and soft. It heals and protects areas of mild scrapes, cuts and abrasions. It helps tighten facial skin, particularly around the nose, controlling the usual enlargement of pores as skin ages chronologically.
Teen boys and girls have learned, wrongly, that all oil is bad for their facial skin. Heavy oils and toxic oils and creams are bad for all facial skin. But sesame seed oil is the one oil which is actually good for young skin. It helps control eruptions and neutralizes the poisons which develop both on the surface and in the pores. With sesame oil, no cosmetics are needed. The oil will cause young facial skin to have and display natural good health.
Used on baby skin, particularly in the area covered by a diaper, sesame seed oil will protect the tender skin against rash caused by the acidity of body wastes. In the nose and ears, it will protect against common skin pathogens.
For children going to school, who will be in the presence of other children with colds and sniffles, sesame seed oil swabbed in the nose can protect against air borne viruses and bacteria.
When using the oil as a massage oil, stroke the long limbs up and down. Use circular motions over all joints to stimulate the natural energy of those joints"
Ok after reading this I went to the chinessse store and bought the cooking sesame oil,its dark for 2$.
In adittion to the above info I found another site talkign about oil pulling,they reminded that many medicines are suggested to take them by placing the pill below the tongue instead of swalow it. Its said theres a good absortion in that area.
SO I guess anybody can benefit from oil pulling with any oil containing vitamins E etc like olive oil cause the nutrients getsa absorbed but without the fat.
BUT if you read carefully the above article you will realize why Sesame oil si the on recomended for oil pullling and the best for this use.Every oil will pass the nutrients to your body by oil pulling BUT not every oil will clean from toxins and bacterias your body the way sesame oil does.Read above.
So I started oil pulling with sesame oil,also used it topically on my face like the article above suggest.I think Im nto going to use any facial cream ever in my life.I sue it as after sahve,have very sensitive skina nd this is the est Ive tried,figts redness and mostourizes without cloggin pores,good for afacial lines too.Absorbs quicly.I have massage on my knees that usually hurt and instantly feels better
Been oil pulling only for 4 days,not even 20 min everytime,but I feel more energetic and sleep better,and my face shows all that.
I ahve bumps on my back,excess oil I think,tried to dry it with peroxide and clean baking soda but the bumps still remained.I did put sesame oil in my back...yes Oil...I thought I was crazy by doing it and htat my red bumps would become huge.guess what,my back is smoother than ever and bumps smaller after jsut 1 aplication...
Now the thing that lead me to write this article here just 4 days after sart oilpulling cause it jsut amazed me...I was going out yesterday,drank a lot alcohol.I ame back home,slept for 6 hours,woke up an imagine,head ache not clear thoughts red eyes my mouth felt dirty..well all my digestive know what IM talking about I was dead lol
Ok I said...hey IM going to oil pull and this time...honestly,Ibeen oil pulling for days but today I started and my saliva organs started to put out stuff on my mouth like...too much.I could feel and taste it coming out while gradually my headache was disapearing,my vision was clearer,my thoughts.I ahd it only for 10min and MAN...i felt clean and new....I ahd never feel something like that and that fast.Usually I take an ibuprofen when I wake up after going out...but I never ahd something working this fast and cleaning my body leaving me awake energetic and clean. So Im writing this in case somebody can believe me since my family doesnt althou I know they would benefit from sesame oil. Im a consumer for life.No wonder anybody can live up to 100 years by oil pulling everysingle day.i really beleive it.Im not constant and Ill skip some days but this is truly a simple health keeper and wonderful beauty aid. God bless you earth clinic.
So my conclusion oil pulling with sesame oil you not just get the benefits from omega and vitamins and minerals contained in many oils,but you clean your body from everything bad.Hope this helps and you give it a try.

Sesame Oil
Posted by Steve (Naples, Florida) on 01/17/2008

re: poor digestion -- yeast overbalence -- sinus congestion -- oil pulling (remedy). I tried the sesame oil pulling for the first time at the early hour 3:30 Am -- I could not sleep due to sinus congestion - my heart was beating 90 - 100 beats per minute mainly due to the yeast in my mouth and sinuses -- I took the unrefined sesame for 20 minutes and during the treatment my sinuses opened up completely -- after I finished I was so relaxed I could not believe it -- the thrust taste in my mouth was gone and my upset stomach had calmed down -- it has been 9 hours since the first treatment and I am as calm as a cucumber -- I can't wait until tonight to take my second treatment on an empty stomach right before I go to bed -- please spread the good word about OP and lets nip the pharma business in the butt - God bless everyone

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