Oil Pulling: Unlock Natural Oral Health & Detox Benefits

General Feedback
Posted by Debo (Tel Shevah, Israel) on 12/01/2007

I have been oil pulling for a little over a month now and have had some wonderful results. 1. teeth that had begun to loosen are now firmed up in the gums.
2. definitely whiter teeth and fresher breath.
3. Quite unexpectedly, I have lost 4 kilos with no change in eating habits! This is something I have been trying to do for over a year with mixed results. And the weight has stayed off.
4. A reduction in my fat index. Lessening of fatty build-up in my abdominal area.
5. DEEEEP restful sleep.
6. Cessation of heart palpatations.
7. Initially I had seen a marked lowering of blood pressure although it has now gone back up, which possibly can be attributed to me starting to eat foods that were no-nos for me after I saw the easy weight loss and lowered blood pressure. I shall return to my restricted diet and see if I note a lowering again.
9. Much greater energy levels and increased stamina.
10. An overall healthier and glowing appearance, skin and hair.

While I can't begin to say why this works scientifically, it stands to reason that if the oilpulling reduces the toxic load in the mouth(which, let's face it, can be a cesspool) the immune system is freed up to reduce and remove the toxic load in other tissues.

General Feedback
Posted by Trish (Kansas City, MO) on 11/26/2007

Hi, I've been oil pulling for about a month now. I try to do it five days a week at the least. I usually do it on the days that I take Ted's lemon juice and baking soda recipe. It's best to do it first thing in the morning. If you take the lemon juice or ACV with baking soda like I do, wait at least half an hour to 45 minutes to allow it to digest before you start the pulling. Then pull for about 20 minutes and get the digestive juices going again. (The baking soda inhibits digestion for a while, and you will be miserable if you try to eat immediately after.) Then I have a big glass of water (after I have rinsed my mouth really well) with 8 drops of H2O2 and wait another 15 to 30 mniutes before eating. This process really helps my digestive system to 'get going' in the morning. The first week I pulled I broked out horribly, especially around my cheeks. Then I remembered my chiropractor saying she, too, had broken out horribly after she had her toxic metal fillings removed from her teeth. I have metal fillings from years ago and realized that it must really be eliminating a lot of the metal from my bloodstream. I haven't noticed any changes in the way I feel, but I can definitely see from the skin erruptions and sneezes that follow the pulling sessions that I am getting something toxic out of my body. For the people who aren't feeling different yet or noticing physical results, keep pulling. Sometimes it takes many months or even a year to see remarkable results, depending on your level of toxicity. We have spent many years messing up our bodies. They aren't going to heal over night. Hope this helps.

General Feedback
Posted by Michael (Bowling Green, Kentucky) on 11/13/2007

Oil Pulling, Ok so it got so bad I turned to the internet. I was sitting at home suffering from the worst sinus infection I have ever had. So I thought I would google my problem and this website poped up first. This was the first time that I had ever heard of oil pulling. Honestly I have to say I thought it would be disgusting. However I was at the point of no return, I had to do something. So I was willing to give it a shot. At first I could not notice any effects of the oil and by the second time I tried it my symptoms were worse. But as the website said I continued and by my third time I was feeling 10X's better. It not only cured by sinus problems but made me feel more relaxed all around. Thank you so much for the info.

General Feedback
Posted by Taylor (NY, USA) on 11/09/2007

I have been doing Oil pulling for one month. I read that it helps hormonal problems, but i didnt think it would erradicate my cramps. But after pulling for 1 month, my menstrual cramps and other pms associated problems are almost non existant. For the first time in years i was able to spend the first day of my course like any other normal day, not bent over in agonizing pain. And my skin has cleared up as well. My sister started OP and after a week she had the same outcome!! No Cramps. I will continue to OP and wait to see all the benefits from "pulling" the toxins out of my body. I also find that it is VERY!!! important that you brush your teeth and drink a large glass of water after pulling because you are releasing these poisonous toxins and you want to get them out.

General Feedback
Posted by Joan (Laurel, Maryland) on 10/11/2007

Hi, I am in the process of retiring on disability. Last year, my health dramatically declined. My doctor thinks it may be Lyme disease even though I've tested negative. I have been experiencing extreme fatigue and body aches for almost a year now. I started oil pulling about three weeks ago. I'm now only experiencing one or two days per week of extreme fatigue and body aches. For the first time in a year, I feel well enough to tackle the clutter that has built up in my house, I've been organizing and cleaning regularly. I still tire easily, but I am feeling well enough to tackle some pretty big jobs one at a time! Thanks so much for this info. It is really making a difference!

General Feedback
Posted by Valerie Wright (Toronto, Ontario Canada) on 09/17/2007

Have been oil pulling for 12 days and taking coconut oil for 10. Am thrilled with the results. On the 2nd day of OP my sinuses started to drain (didn't know they were congested) and two days later my lungs started to expel mucuus. Also found that I was sleeping much better and had more energy.Of course, the mouth and teeth felt great. I am taking coconut oil about 3 times a day. It is all absolutely astounding. I just love your site. Aren't we lucky?

General Feedback
Posted by Sylvia (Laveen, Arizona) on 09/17/2007

I started OP two weeks ago. The results are amazing. My sinus problems have cleared up after much mucus building and spitting the first few days. Sinus med's are now a thing of the past. My teeth are brighter and my gums no longer bleed when I brush my teeth. My hair is thicker and shinier. I have adult acne that flairs up at times and the OP hasn't really done much for that. I will keep up on the OP daily in hopes that it will clear up my skin. This OP is amazing.

Walnut Oil
Posted by Laverne (Honolulu, Hi) on 04/11/2010

Just wanted to write on the progress with oil pulling. Started with walnut oil and within two days the black floaters in my eye disappeared! I had just visited my opthamologist who said it was just old age and nothing could be done about it. I can't wait to tell her about my OP experience. Skin problems also have nearly disappeared.

Walnut Oil
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 04/13/2010

Hi, I would love to try oil pulling with walnut oil as well as I also suffer from eye floaters but I fear for one of my dental filling which doesn't seem to resist at least sunflower oil. Do you have any fillings?

General Feedback
Posted by Tricia (San Francisco, California) on 08/28/2007

Oil Pulling: starting out. I've had a cold that wasn't going away, and seemed to be getting worse, if anything. My congestion, and the amount of mucus that was coming out when I blow my nose has been alot. I started wondering if I might have a sinus infection, so I thought I'd try oil pulling. Did it once in the afternoon yesterday, and once in the evening, and suddenly realized that, for the first time in a week, I could breathe clearly. Have done it twice today, and have just experienced a strange thing: I blew my nose and the mucus came out bright yellow, like egg yolk. I have never seen anything like this, and was wondering if Ted or any readers could comment?

General Feedback
Posted by Donna (Athens, Alabama, USA) on 08/21/2007

I have been having a lot of different problems that have taken years to get to this point. So, this last 6 months or so I have been trying to heal myself naturally. I started by becoming a lacto-ovo vegetarian in April. I have stopped drinking diet drinks and started walking a mile a day as well as doing yoga 3 times a week. All this gave me a better frame of mind but didn't heal my body. I started looking on the internet to find a cure for all my problems. My main problem is yeast. I started getting ringworms, nail fungus, then very dry skin especially on my head, started loosing hair, achy joints, long heavy periods and discharge. I first looked at the thyroid and started a 21 day cleanse for my liver and colon. In looking at all the different things that can be affected by yeast I knew that is what I had in excess amounts.

YEAST OVERLOAD IS MY PERSONAL DIAC-NOSIS. I found this site Thursday and read all day from others and THEIR PROBLEMS. I started Friday with the spit in the glass test and to my amazement strings INSTANTLY streaked to the bottom of the glass. I started the oil pull THEN being Thursday morning. I did the lime and baking soda that day. As I was doing the pull I started getting a headache across my brow and down into my ears. This lasted all day Thursday.

Friday: That day I really started feeling bad. I had a pain under my shoulder blades that traveled my back into my kidneys down the butt on to my knees. I got chilled stayed covered all day and napped 3 times. Heavy head. Slept poorly. Saturday: This time the pain was in the ovary area. I ached all day. Heavy head. Slept poorly. Sunday:Felt better but had no energy. Heavy head. Slept Poorly

Monday:aches on right side in kidney area off and on. Head better. Slept slightly better.

Tuesday: I spit in the glass and the strings didn't happen as before. IT traveled about a fourth of an inch into the glass and stopped. My head is not heavy feeling and I feel really good. This is really amazing. I am now doing the oil pulling, taking lime and soda, taking sea salt and probiotic. I also have the lugol's solution that I plan to start since I don't eat meat or seafood now. I will write back with an update in September. Thank you for this site...

General Feedback
Posted by Jill Schulte (Usa) on 08/21/2018

This is normal. You are detoxing. Sounds like you are pulling phlem (sp) from your sinus cavities. If I am having sinus issues I oil pull and it brings up the mucus. jill

General Feedback
Posted by Maya (Singapore) on 08/16/2007

Hi. I only discovered about oil pulling while browsing the web on information on how to cure me of my skin disorder (keratosis pillaris). I read a posting done by this lady who SWEARS by oil pulling and its remarkable effects! I tried it just yesterday and was shocked at how fast results can be observed! I'm suffering from a knee injury due to my active lifestyle and since i'm not exactly young, i don't recover too easily. I've been having a bad knee for weeks now. But when i did my first oil pulling yesterday, i got IMMEDIATE results! My knee felt so light and i was able to do squats with no problems! I'm really a sceptic so i was finding ways to credit the improved knee flexibility to other 'health practices' of mine. But when my mom tried it later that night (she sufferes from acute arthritis), she too said that her joints felt remarkably better! i did it again this morning and later today, my heart was racing. Also, i feel a bit of discomfort in my private region. I don't know if it could be because i had an infection before and it was probably in the process of healing...i'll continue the OP and see what happens! I'm a convert!

General Feedback
Posted by Anu (Chandigarh, India) on 08/15/2007

I tried oil pulling today for the very first time and I expected that the oil will feel very yucky afterwards but my mouth felt fresher and lighter and the heavy headed feeling was somewhat better, also maybe due to working on the cheek and face muscles. i am going to do op everyday only if to exercise my cheeks.Thanks for this amazing site.

Canola Oil
Posted by Kelly (Charlotte, North Carolina) on 07/20/2007

I have been doing oil pulling now for about a week but not consistently. My mouth had a sore in the roof of it and my gums were very sensitive and started bleeding. They bled a little more once i started OP but now it's completely gone and not much bleeding. My husband recently started it a few days ago. We have been using canola oil but i will get the sesame or sunflower oil because it seems to have a better result based on the testimonials i read. I look forward to hearing about more natural remedies. Let's put these pharmacuetical companies to shame and do it the natural way, the way it was intended. I do have a question...Do you have to drink water after OP? Please advise. KRM

General Feedback
Posted by Barbaa (Camden, AR) on 06/07/2007

I had four teeth extracted early 06 and I started having trouble with nearly the rest and I could hardly eat because it was too painful.I started oil pulling in october 06 and been doing it every day since. The result is unbelievable- my mouth is no longer out of alignment, no pain and my teeth are as white as when I was a child. I told one of my sisters about it , she been doing it with great results. I can,t say it,s helping with other problems but it is sure working for my mouth! I am truly grateful for the info. Wish I knew about it before I had four teeth pulled oh well better late than never.

General Feedback
Posted by Barbara (Camden, AR) on 06/07/2007

Lisa from Lake Charles -- Dont give up on OP though you did not get the result you expected it helps to get rid of harmful bacterias and viruses. they are lots of natural treatments for sinus problems e.g. wild oregano, probiotics olive leaf extract. there is a very good wholistic dr on tv he is also a trained Md. He does the program with his wife. I have learned so much from him. I dont think they want me to say his name or else I would tell you and really hate leave my info on the internet.

General Feedback
Posted by Joanne (Cole City, Georiga) on 05/28/2007

I have been doing the oil pulling for several weeks and I have alot more energy, and my teeth are much whiter. I feel great, but I'm wondering what is this black(dark grey) streak is running down the right side of my tongue. Is it toxins coming out of my body? I have no bad side effects other than this colored tongue? I LOVE this site!