Fountain of Youth and Anti-Aging Remedies

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kathy Thill (Santa Cruz, CA) on 03/11/2009

Three older people told me at different times about ACV drink for make the urine and body more alkaline, which promotes health and as a healthy remedy daily. Another older woman in her 80's also used this drink.They all lived a long and full lifes.

A mix of equal parts: honey (raw, unfiltered best except for babies), organic apple cider vinegar, and filtered water. Several TBL's can be added to a 8 oz. glass of water and taken twice a day or more often for illness or UTI. The honey makes the ACV much more palatable and adds needed nutrients and electolytes. This is also good for upset stomachs or nausea, sipping small sips as able.

Flaxseed Oil
Posted by Kaylan (Phoenix, AZ) on 03/08/2009

Re: Janise from Los Angeles, I am a student about to graduate with a B.S. in Dietetics (on my way to becoming a Registered Dietitian) and I actually just covered this subject: Alpha Linoleic Acid is Omega 3 essential fatty acid. Omega 6 is what we consume too much of in the Western diet and it is what interferes with the function of Omega 3. Naturally we are supposed to consume these two essential fatty acids in a 2:1 ratio, but in our diet the ratio is closer to 20:1. Due to the elevated Omega 6, all those symptoms that you mentioned (i.e. inflammation) are actually aggravated. Omega 3 (alpha linoleic acid) is very important and very beneficial, as it is important for the composition of tissues, membrane phospholipids, retinal photoreceptors, cerebral gray matter, testes and sperm. It also produces eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). Studies have shown that increased consumption of omega 3 fatty acid improves a number of conditions and promotes general health. In summary, flaxseed oil is good for you. Your argument appears to be the opposite of what health professionals advocate.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Karen (Lawrenceburg, Ky) on 03/06/2009

Just a reply for Tess in Florida: You said if you had to give up one exercise or ACV it'd be ACV. Just wanted to know why. I would personally think that the ACV would give your body the power to move toxins through your body when you are exercising, making really an important aid to the exercise. Also, without the nutrients from the ACV (so powerful) it'd be much harder to exercise. In general the ACV just seems to give you the benefits that seems like is coming from the exercise (which I am not knocking the exercise at all, it does major healing). I just think the ACV really propels the exercise as far as healing benefits are concerned. Give me your take! Thank you, Karen [email protected] Feel free to contact me.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Robert (Manhattan, New York) on 02/27/2009

yes, I've heard that Rosemary was as good as some of the topical drugs prescribed for hair loss.. also GLA (gamma-linolenic acid) in the form of black currant oil or evening primrose oil can help the skin & hair. Take 500 mg of either twice a day. but be patient. You won't see results for six to eight weeks.

Vinegar or Lemon Salt Drink
Posted by Rick (Montreal, Quebec) on 02/17/2009

I also use vinegars (ACV, Umeboshi and Sweet Brown Rice vinegars) with sea salt. As for your lemon and salt, I prefer lime (juice of one) and sea salt in a glass of water. We know that potassium is a feel good mineral, and lemon and lime are high in potassium, hence the natural attraction to consuming their juices. I sometimes sip at lime juice and salt in water all day long. For me, it produces a good mood, clear thinking and energy.

Posted by Xara (London, UK) on 02/16/2009

An absolutely delicious remedy, that revs up the immune system, cancer fighting, higly protective of the cardiovascular system and is antiaging and incredibly nutricious and will impress at the dinner table:

Middle Eastern avocado dip:

take two/three garlic cloves, crush them to a pulp and allow to sit for 15 mins.
Mash up 2 large ripe avocados
add the minced garlic, two table spoons EV Olive Oil, tablespoon Tahini (optional) and two table spoons ACV and himalayan crystal salt to taste.

this can accompany a meal, or just dip into with toasted wholemeal pitta bread and raw sliced onions.

try it, IT TASTES DIVINE!!!!!!

B Vitamins, Omega-3s, Water
Posted by Xara (London, UK) on 02/16/2009

I agree with raw foods but please don't mistake acidic foods for contributing to acidic body- the opposite can be true. Drinking lemon juice (i drink the juice of a full lemon in water with other stuff as well at least once a day if not three times) creates the alkaline condition- it is not the pH of the foods you ingest that is operative, but the effect of the 'ash' that is left after the food is digested. raw lemon juice is one of the MOST POWERFUL alkalising agents once can take and the effect it has on the liver and blood quality is breathtaking.

Please no one be put off lemons or limes. Alongside ACV, it is also a tremendously powerful fat burner. And highly energising. Do a search on health benefits of lemons and see for your self.

For anyone that is interested, the following foods should be consumed everyday if possible, they are in my opinion the most effective and nutritious foods and the health benefits and remedies they encompass are too great for me to mention here!

1. ACV
2. Raw onion or minced garlic
3.EV Olive oil
4. Chilli Pepper the hotter the better
5. Avocado
6. Milk thistle (powerful detox and unbeatable liver support)
7. Raw fresh lemon juice
8. Cinnamon (real,from sri lanka beware Cassia- it istoxic)
9. as much raw organic vegetables greens etc etc as you can handle a day
10. green tea.

I know its a lot. but half these ingredients can be combined into a drink and just gulped down! Come on people, be brave. I make up the drinks and just down them in three goes and its done! Drink to your health, literally.


Joy's Remedies
Posted by Rosy (Orlando, FL) on 02/16/2009

Interesting, I will be reading more into magnesium. I wonder if that is why I always feel better when I regularly take epsom salt baths. Maybe I will try magnesium oil and see if that works too. But I have read that is will act as a laxitive if too much is used.

Joy's Remedies
Posted by Gigi (Palm Coast, Florida) on 02/15/2009

Question: Where does one get the oil version of magnesium?

Joy's Remedies
Posted by Joy (Solana Beach, CA) on 02/15/2009

I forgot to mention that I just started taking Lugol's oil (iodine)...a couple of drops every day or so. If you look at the "iodine remedy" on earthclinic or google "the health benefits of iodine," you will find very important/interesting info--including at YouTube.

I also just started taking Magnesium Oil (topical Magnesium). I read a couple of books on the importance of Magnesium. One book was called, "The Magnesium Miracle," another was: "The Magnesium Factor," and another "The Calicum Lie." Again, if you Google, "The health benefits of Magnesium," you will find very interesting info. Or if you go to and type in magnesium. You just spray a little on parts of your body: legs, arms, torso, etc. every day or so. Supposedly, Magnesium applied topically in the form of Magnesium oil is better absorbed...and supposedly, there are many health benefits. But be sure to educate yourself.

Joy's Remedies
Posted by Joy (Solana Beach, CA) on 02/15/2009

I am fifty-five with long brown hair that has not turned grey (except for a few strands which I pluck...ha). And I look pretty young. I am often told that I don't look old enough to be a grandmother. Anyway, one of my beauty secret is SPROUTS. I eat them every day in my salad. I eat clover sprouts, pea sprouts, or one that is a combination clover, lentil and fenugreek sprouts. Sprouts have exponential nutrition. Also, I eat other fruits and veggies every day--a lot of them raw. (See cures I've had in third paragraph.)

I also take a couple of fish oil pills a day, and I am just starting to take a multi-vitamin again, B vits and 1 tsp or so of powdered vitamin C formula (2,000 mg)that al little calcium, magnesium, zinc, manganese and potassium...and bioflavanoids. And I make a fruit smoothie and include a heaping tsp of powdered wheatgrass juice...and I just ran out of my bottle of Kyo-Green (barly grass, wheat greass, brown rice, Chlorella, kelp and FOS).

Recently, I have added 1 TBSP of ACV twice daily, 1TBSP BSM (black strap molasses), 1 TBSP or so of Organic Coconut oil, a pinch of cayenne pepper (in my ACV drink), raw and cooked garlic, cinnimon, and cooking with spices such as tumeric, ginger, thyme, sage, rosemary, etc. to my regime. As a result of this new regime, I have CURED long-standing headaches and allergies. And I used coconut oil to cure a red patch that had been on my foot for at least two days! And to cure toenail fungus, I am using regular rubbing alcohol (70%) that you can get in any drugstore and a generic brand of Vicks Vapor rub. All of my toes have cleared up except for three stubborn toes...that I believe will eventually grow out/heal. I also brush (frequently) my teeth with baking soda and rinse with a solution of 1/2 H202 and 1/2 water. I also take baths with epsom sals and lavendar and rose aromatherapy oils. And sometimes, I finish a bath with a cold shower.

And, I am still reading all the great posts on get more information and ideas. Thank you SO MUCH for this wonderful site!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Linda (san diego, ca usa) on 02/14/2009

I have a question about apple cider vinegar. Will the pill form be just as effective? I have trouble with the taste. Also in keeping candida in check vinegar in general is usually something to avoid. Is this an exception just as lemons and limes are? Linda

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Angelina (Antioch, CA) on 02/04/2009

Hi, Ive tried using apple cider vinegar. I drank 1 tbsp in a 6 oz glass of water, the taste alone made my mouth water and I almost got sick from it. That night I awoke throwing it all up. Is there any other way I can drink it without my stomach getting so upset?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Teri (Cedar Springs, MI) on 01/18/2009

May the ACV be off the shelf from any local grocer or must it be organic from a local health food outlet?

EC: Organic is always better, but some readers report great results with the cheap stuff.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tess (Palm Beach, FL) on 01/04/2009

After 2 weeks of being a blob during the holidays: eating more than usual, not drinking my 2 apple cider vinegar & water glasses every day, and not exercising my usual 1 hour at the gym(hard cardio, light weights, core training), I can tell I have aged!! I can't believe it only took 2 weeks! The first week was okay, but I started to look more and more out of shape and yucky by the 2nd week. I did get out and walk every day, but it wasn't enough cardio I guess. My husband kept asking me if I was about to get my period because I looked so tired! My skin lost its healthy glow and the lines in my face deepened. I guess this was a good thing -- it tells me that the combination of exercise and apple cider vinegar helps me look a lot younger than my 45 years. If I had to give one up it would be the apple cider vinegar, but in conjunction with lots of exercise, it really packs a powerful anti aging punch. I am going to work on more raw food in my diet in 2009 and see what kind of a difference that makes.

I wish you all a very Happy New Year!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Adr (Dayton, Ohio USA) on 01/04/2009

I have been reading a ton of websites for Homemade Shampoo Recipes. Every website or blog had recommended Rosemary. Research Rosemary online and find out all the benefits to it. I am switching from store bought shampoos to homemade baking soda and ACV and will be using the Rosemary oils for my hair. I have dark hair and natural body/curls so I am a little nervous. But I have read a couple of people who have the same type and have had no problem.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jamie (Los Angeles, CA) on 12/02/2008

Apple cider vinegar rocks! It makes you glow like nothing else I have ever experienced. I was home visiting my folks for Thanksgiving and was eating lots of bread, butter and sugary foods.. items I try not to eat to much of. Knowing that I gain a pound for every slice of bread I eat, I made sure to drink 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a small glass of water every night after eating like a piggy. Sooooo nasty tasting!! But guess what, I didn't gain a pound!

Yesterday back in town I saw a friend, a personal trainer who I had talked into taking apple cider vinegar for his high blood pressure (young guy, but hpb runs in his family) 2 weeks ago. He looked great before, but now -- WOO WOO!!! He had this amazing glow that would make your head turn. I made a comment to him about it and he said that last Tuesday he woke up one morning after taking 2 glasses of 2 teaspoons of acv in water the night before and felt ready to take on the world. Two different clients commented to him that he was glowing and what was going on with him, was it love? He said No! Apple Cider Vinegar!

Like I said, this remedy ROCKS!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Laurie (Sudbury, Ontario) on 11/29/2008

HI, I have decided to try the ACV for the first time. I mean 1000's of people cant be wrong. Great site.

Now I have been on it for about 2 weeks now (morning and nite) and havent seen any results , still have this pain in my right arm and havent seen my hair grow or my nails. This is what I want the most as my hair is very fine and never actually looks nice.

I used to use foligro long time ago, when you could buy the kit with the spray in it, today however you have to buy it seperately (money racket of course) and it costs about 100 or so a month. (cant afford it now) it did work it made my hair more curly and thickeer just a bit but after about 1 yr. Now of course its back to the same. So how long before this Acv remedy should start to work.

Thank you very much

Posted by Hector Villanueva (Lancaster, Ca) on 10/17/2008

I was told by a friend that his father was and has been taking Garlic though diffrent methods,. Chewing, leaving garlic in Honey then after months of fermenting would give it to his kids instead of cough medicine, He also leaves the Garlic in Tequila for months and each night before bed he takes a shot. He's 81 years old, rides a bicyle and has a girlfriend who is 34 years old and is now pregnant.. I have personally along with my friends and family have been taking Raw Garlic for over 5 years and I havent gotten sick.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Oil Pulling, Coconut Oil
Posted by Tish (Cody, Wyoming) on 10/15/2008

What is VCO?

EC: VCO = Virgin Coconut Oil

Rhodiola and Vitamin E
Posted by Robert (Manhattan, New York) on 10/05/2008

EC: you may be referring to Gaia which makes a liquid cap. I have only tried 2 brands Now & New Chapter. I honestly cannot recommend one over the others, though only going by the quality reputation that New Chapter has, I've decided to try it for a while. I found the 300mg capsules too much, causing anxiety and now take just half in the mornings which seems to work fine. Someone commented on the softness of my skin (I am 48) I was surprised, though I attributed it to the occasional omega 3 supplements, pycnogenol, and turmeric I regularly take. Pycnogenol has some studies behind it for it's benefits for skin elasticity.

EC: Thanks for the info, Robert!

Flaxseed Oil
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, TN) on 09/23/2008 495 posts

The below info on flax seed oil comes from the Federal Government's Data Base on plants compiled by James Duke, PHD. This is only a small part of information on chemicals in flax & their actions.

I also wrote down some of the chemicals found in flax seed:

acetic acid 3,105 - 3,853 ppm (ACV is 5% actic acid)
alanine - antioxidant, cancer preventative
alpha linoleic acid l08,000 228,000 ppm
magnesium 3,715 -7,002 ppm
tocopherol 57 ppm (Vit E)
tryptophan, lysine, and other amino acids

I can also add that I have taken quite a bit of flax seed oil without any harm or unwanted side effects. Jim Duke's book "The Green Pharmacy" also includes flax seed and flax seed oil.

Dr. Duke's Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases

Oil 5 ppm;

Antialzheimeran; Antianginal; Antiarthritic; Antiasthmatic; Antiatherosclerotic; Anticancer; Anticataract; Anticonvulsant Synergen; Antidementia; Antidiabetic; Antiinfarctal; Antiinfertility; Antiischemic; Antimaculitic; Antimutagenic; Antineuropathic; Antioxidant 5 x quercetin IC34=10 uM; Antiparkinsonian; Antiradicular 5 x quercetin; Antiretinotic; Antirheumatic; Antistroke; Antitumor; Antitumor (Bladder); Antitumor (Prostate); Antitumor (Stomach); Antitumor-Promoter; Cancer-Preventive; Cardioprotective; Circulotonic; Immunomodulator

Raw Food Diet
Posted by Sylvia (Bradenton, Florida) on 09/24/2008

Apple cidar vinegar in conjunction with the raw food diet lifestyle helps me stay young.

Flaxseed Oil
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 09/23/2008 495 posts

Response to Janice: I think your error is in picking out one chemical alone and ignoring all the other fail-safe chemicals that our creator put into this plant. Most plants (even the non-hybrids) have a few harmful chemicals but other chemicals included in them make them safe to eat or take as herbal remedies. Hence my pokeweed berries that are supposed to be poison, but 40 years past first beginning to appreciate their good qualities, I have nothing but good to say about them although they are supposed to be poison.

Flaxseed Oil
Posted by Janise (Los Angeles, CA) on 09/23/2008

Although Flaxseed oil can prove somewhat beneficial, it does more harm than good!!! It is like killing a fly with a sledge hammer.

Flaxseed oil is one of the highest foods containing ALA - Alpha Linolenic Acid. ALA is bad for the body!

ALA is a wet blanket for the enzymes that control the eventual flow of Omega 6 essential fatty acids towards the eicosanoid hormones. It knocks out both good and bad eicosanoid hormones. Knocking out the bad ones is good but knocking out the good ones as well creates a breeding ground for cancers!!!

This work is found by Dr. Barry Sears who wrote THE ZONE diet book. He won a Nobel prize in science for his discovery of the eicosanoid hormones and how they function. His advice to keep healthy hormones is to avoid all foods especially Flaxseed oil, which contains ALA. ALA is also found in egg yolks, walnuts, corn and canola oils as well as, Beef, pork and ham..

ALA foods, suppress immune system, increase inflamation, decrease oxygen flow and endurance and constrict airways while also causing blood platelet aggregation.

You may want to rethink your Flaxseed oil remedy. Like I said its like killing a fly with a sledge hammer.

Foot and Calf Massage
Posted by Earth Clinic (Atlanta, GA) on 06/03/2007

Massaging the Feet and Calves with Coconut Oil:

One night last week we started massaging coconut oil onto our feet at night to treat severely cracked heals. We ended up using the extra coconut oil on the calves as well. The next morning we awoke feeling very refreshed ... looked in the mirror and noticed improved skin tone, tighter pores and no dark circles under the eyes! Several more nights of massaging coconut oil... yep, same results. We also did the technique in the middle of the day and found that concentration improved markedly. This technique is obviously fantastic for improving circulation to every part of the body, including the face and brain!

You'll Need:
Coconut Oil (organic if you can find it)
Clean Cotton Socks

The technique: Sit on the floor with a towel spread out in front of you. Stretch one leg out onto the towel and start applying and then massaging the bottom of the feet with coconut oil... Reapply the coconut oil several times. Make sure to apply firm pressure to each part of the foot. Also massage your calves as vigorously as you can using one or both hands. Position your hand so that your thumb wraps around the calf. You are trying to improve the circulation in both the feet and calves, so try to apply as much pressure as possible without causing pain. We suggest you massage each foot and calf muscle for a minimum of 5 minutes.

Once finished with the massage, use the towel to dab any excess oil off and then put your cotton socks on immediately. The oil can get onto fabric, carpeting and wood floors!

Note 1: Get a reflexology book if you want to learn exactly what points of the body you are stimulating by massaging the bottom of the feet.

Note 2: If your feet are severely cracked, try adding 100% shea butter after an application of coconut oil.

Note 3: Be careful not to drip the coconut oil on your floor or carpeting as you apply it.

Ec's Fountain of Youth Remedies
Posted by Earth Clinic (Los Angeles, CA)

Here's another Earth Clinic Original Recipe, basically the combination of several of our most popular home remedies. Believe or not, this formula doesn't taste as bad as it sounds! The molasses cloaks the taste of the other ingredients.

Try this recipe first at night... you'll be surprised how refreshed you look and feel in the morning. If you like it, you may want to do it again in the morning.

1 Tablespoon Blackstrap Molasses (be careful if you have diabetes -- this may be too sweet for you)
2 Tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar
1/8 teaspoon of Baking Soda (per Ted's alkalizing formula)
Glass of hot water (steam distilled water is best)

2-3 shakes of cayenne pepper -- optional (good addition if you need to cut mucous production)
1/2 teaspoon of turmeric -- optional (add this if you have boils or any kind of acne)

Add these ingredients to your mug of hot (but not boiling) water. Stir well and sip slowly. You may want to follow this drink with a couple glasses of water since it can cause dehydration (especially during the night).

Note #1: Blackstrap Molasses is a great skin purifier.
Note #2: Apple Cider Vinegar causes the skin to glow with a healthy pink flush
Note #3: Turmeric appears to shrink pores
Note #4: Baking Soda alkalizes the formula

Rhodiola and Vitamin E
Posted by Earth Clinic (Los Angeles, CA)

We've just simplified our fountain of youth formula after experimenting for the past 6 weeks. The concoction we listed here previously takes too much time and energy to carry on for more than a day or two!

We have noticed that along with drinking plenty of water, the 2 supplements listed below will take 5-10 years off your face within a matter of hours. Unfortunately, these effects are short lasting. If you stop taking the supplements, your glowing and youthful skin will disappear once the supplements leave your system...


1. Drink at least 8 glasses of distilled water a day.
2. Take together, 1 Rhodiola and 1 Natural Vitamin E capsule first thing in the morning, and then repeat the supplements in the afternoon.

You will notice that the combination of rhodiola and vitamin e causes your pores to shrink. This combination is almost as good as getting a facial.

The supplement from Siberia called Rhodiola costs around $30 for a quality brand. Make sure to read our fact sheet first to see what you need to look for. We tried dropping the supplement to see if just water and vitamin E would work and decided that no, this was an important component. Similarly, we don't think you can just take the Rhodiola and get these fantastic results either. It's the combination of rhodiola and vitamin e water that is so potent.

If you decide to try this combination of remedies, give it a few days and then please let us know (yea or nay) what you think!

P. S. 1: No, we don't sell Rhodiola, but you can read more about it here.

P. S. 2: The following combo produces immediate results if you already exercise regularly and eat well (i.e., no fast or junk food). If you don't, this concoction may not work at all.

Vitamin E
Posted by Janet (Delaware, USA) on 08/30/2008

I was very curious to see vitamin E listed as a remedy on your anti-aging page. I feel very strongly that vitamin e is essential for women as they age. I know it helps me with hormonal fluctations and I notice that I have more vitality on the days when I take it. I have taken E off and on for at about 15 years and am now in my early forties. It's been great as a pms remedy and an after-menstrual-cycle-is-over remedy. I was trying to find out good dosages for E and came across an article that Vit E might act as a substitute for estrogen, which is why it is suggested for menopausal symptoms like hot flashes. Has anyone been taking vitamin E for perimenopause or menopause? Thanks.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Oil Pulling, Coconut Oil
Posted by Samantha (NY, NY) on 08/23/2008

Great to see that this remedy is also working for someone else. I have no ailments - only sickness is getting a cold every so often. I cannot really remember when I discovered this site but I guess it was around February. I have been consistently trying all kinds of things - which have worked for me. The ones that have obviously worked are: using baking soda as a deodorant and using VCO and ACV on my skin. Like Caitlin from Austin - I fist use ACV (on my face and all over my body) allow it to dry then apply VCO. I often do this combination at nights because in the morning I am in a hurry. However, I always use VCO. It is the only thing I use on my skin which is now baby soft. My face always looked young but as I am 41 - I figure maintainance is always good. Now the pores on my face are even tighter and still getting better.

I have been drinking ACV with baking soda (not consistently) and sometimes taking molasses. I do not eat processed foods, drink milk or eat soya. I have lost about 10llbs but I am not sure if I can totally attribute the weight loss to this drink. Anyway, I plan to try Earth Clinic's simplified recipe as I have to loose another 10llbs. Therefore, I will also start ingesting VCO. In general I feel great and I am really thankful to this webiste. I am addicted and visit it everyday - never know what I can learn or share with others.

Apple Cider Vinegar, Oil Pulling, Coconut Oil
Posted by Catlin (Austin, TX) on 08/21/2008

8/21/08 Aging thru Menopause

People always thought my father was our brother because he was blessed with great genetics, looking 10 - 15 years younger than his age and for many years I was the same.

However, when I turned 50, all sorts of aging began to happen. Menopause brought 30 lbs of extra weight, dry, flaky rashy skin, under-active thyroid and bloated stomach, itchy-smelly-flaky scalp, weak tearing nails, diabetes, tinitis, skin rashes, weeping eyes, joint pain, gingivitis with 2 deep gum pockets, hair falling out and not growing, losing hair and eyebrows, lethargy, moodiness, unexplained anger, dark eye circles, insomnia, night sweats, smelly body and breath and the list goes on... Needless to say people were calling me MAAAM and treating me like I was an unattractive old lady. I'm not so vain that I want to be noticed all the time but I certainly did not want to be ignored. Looking for natural skin cleansing remedies, I found your site. Whoa, what a FIND. I have stayed up late almost every night just reading all the testimonials. I have so far tried: VCO, Oil Pulling, and ACV. The results are fantastic: Silky skin, stronger teeth, hair, nails. No joint pain, lessening of tinnitis, no skin rashes, increased energy, body and breath smells great, blood suger stabilizing, losing goiter/thyroid neck, stomach is going down (my husband says), dark spots and eye circles gone, no mood swings, feel happier, lost 3 pounds, teeth whiter and firmer with pink gums (still working on the 2 pockets), scalp itch is receding and my skin looks AMAZINGLY young!--- all of this has happened within these first 10 days! I asked my husband to check out my skin because he knows I constantly battle face rashes and he said, "It looks wonderful with that makeup you have on". I was not wearing any! And guess what? I feel attractive, never mind what others feel, I'm not ignoring ME! 10 days I tell you!

Even as things are getting better, my eyes still weeped and were glazy and itched like the dickins, I didn't want to put anything on them except eye drops which only brought relief for about 30 minutes. So, today I applied ACV onto a cotton ball and lightly swiped my closed eyelids. OH MY GOD! Instant relief! I could even see better; things were not so fuzzy and the constant redness started disappearing; so, this is a work in progress.

Here's what I do internally: I oil-pull 10-15 minutes every morning and evening. I drink 2 TABLSP of ACV in a mug (8oz) of water morning and evening (thru a straw). Around noon, when my energy usually lags, I take 1 tablspoon of VCO. Interestingly, it cuts my appetite and I find myself eating out of habit, not hunger.

Here's what I do externally: After shower, I spray ACV and water onto my skin, let dry, then apply coconut oil lightly all over, then use a light cologne. I apply ACV with a cotton ball onto my face, let it dry, then dab and rub VCO with water on it. I wear no makeup except filling in my eyebrows (until they grow back), and apply lipstick on top of VCO. Each morning I wake up expecting to see a change-back and I don't. Thanks a whole bunch!

EC: Great feedback, Catlin, thank you!

Rhodiola and Vitamin E
Posted by Sandy (In the sticks, Nevada) on 08/04/2008

Hi, I tried the rhodiola & Vitamin E fountain of youth formula and it didn't seem to help me in any way. I believe this is because of the brand I was using. If you could email me directly and share the brand of rhodiola you have had results with, I would be very grateful. Also, is there an easy way to take flax seed oil other than mixing it in cottage cheese? Thanks in advance for your help.

EC: Sandy, unfortunately I can't remember the name of the rhodiola that I bough a few years ago (at Whole Foods) that produced such good results except that it was liquid gel cap and it came from Russia... perhaps Nature's Way? It was quite expensive, that I do recall. The second time I bought the rhodiola, I bought the capsules containing powder and it didn't provide the same results whatsoever! In fact, I got a bad headache from it... I haven't tried it since then.

People have been reporting taking flax oil straight up or mixing it in salad dressing.

Supplements and Outlook
Posted by Reina (NY, NY) on 07/20/2008

I will be 50 and look 30 (according to what I am constantly told).....I work out everyday, (run, weights, stretch, sit ups), drink ACV, take MSM, C, E and am a vegan and a beginning raw food live it person. I do not sleep a lot of hours and am very intolerant of toxic people, places and things. I laugh at myself and at life since I will sooner or later. I totally accept myself as I am as long as I am doing something about me and my life.

Posted by Jeh (Dubai, UAE) on 05/27/2008

I have always had a bad skin. Dark, flaky, dehydrated and full of pimple marks.... However for the last 3 weeks, I have been having 3 litres of water everyday..... This has made my skin look clearer and better. Above all, I no longer suffer from constipation. Can someone help me with tips to improving complexion?

EC: Please check out the 100+ remedies on our acne page.

Vitamins and Homemade Sun Tan Oil
Posted by Darlene (Cape Girardeau, Missouri) on 05/24/2008

What cologne did you use? I wonder why you didn't burn? Do have naturally dark skin? Thanks.

Fruits and Veggies
Posted by B (Celebration, FL) on 05/08/2008

re: Fruits and Veggies for Beautiful Skin. I agree! I have been veg for most of my life. I am 38 and looked 29. When I eliminated dairy from my diet too, I started to look even younger (say 25). Now I get carded all the time!

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Renata (Toronto, Canada) on 03/31/2008

Its simple, firstly your only as old as you want to be (mind over matter), secondly water, yes water, not any kind, it has to be Evian, something in this water is amazingly pure and detoxifies the body, drink at least 1 to 2 litres a day. Your eating habits are important, no more than 1,500 calories a day, and make sure you eat healthy, veggies, fiber, fruit and nothing with salt, STAY AWAY FROM SALT, its a killer, there is enough salt in just about everything we eat, so when you shop look for low sodium products, okay???Exercise, find out which form best agrees with you and then do it every other day without fail. Practice breathing skills and meditation. Do not take medications unless you really need to. And hey many people create there own sickness, think positive you can do it! And the most important for staying young, well we all know what that is dont we??? SEX, SEX AND MORE SEX, NEVER QUIT THE SEX OKAY??? LOL, hope my suggestions will be of some help to you all! Bye, bye,

Raw Food Diet
Posted by Ronn (Bountiful, Utah) on 03/30/2008

Dear Sirs, I am 58 and could pass for 40. My face is very youthful looking. I have very few wrinkles and have had no blemishes for years. My diet has been make up of as many raw foods as I can. I eat a steady diet of raw organic nuts and seeds. There is a great web site,, that I purchase them from. In addition I never wash my face with soap only with warm clean water. I use an oil after shaving called Squalane, oil from sharks I believe. I have for years put on a moistureizing lotion each morning after my morning bath. Hope this can be of help to some of you out there.

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