Fountain of Youth and Anti-Aging Remedies

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dixie (NYC) on 02/07/2007

Hi, I found this site and am amazed by what I am reading. My mother always told a story of how in the thirties, my uncle was a little boy and desperately ill. The doctors could not figure out what was wrong or how to help him and finally told my grandparents to prepare for the worst. Apparently all he kept asking for was vinegar (my mom never specified if it was ACV) and when things looked really bleak, they decided to let him have it since he never stopped asking for it and since there was no real reason to deny him, however bizarre it seemed to give it to him. He apparently struggled to drink it, but got through a whole bottle in a few hours despite his weakness. The fever suddenly broke and he fully recovered, and to this day no one in my family really understood how. Now I'm getting a clue as to why! So, I thought I would try the honey/water/AVC drink three times a day- today is day 5 and while I didn't see any real weight loss until today, today my jeans are suddenly loose! Also been using it as a toner and guess what! No trip to the dermo like I planned because my pores are getting smaller on their own! Depression doing a lot better too - though the jury is still out on that since today I was a bit down after a few up days - will check back in and let everyone know- but WOW! I'm amazed! My little uncle was really on to something, clearly!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Carolynne (Cordova, Tennessee) on 06/24/2007

I have been drinking apple cider vinegar for about six years. What I noticed right away was I don't have any of joint stiffness and pain. When I stop using it for more than 4 days, the pain returns to my back and neck. I also noticed that my weight is always perfect for my height 5'6", 127 pounds, 54 years old. The vinegar removes the excess salt from your body when you sleep, so no bags under the eyes when you wake up in the morning. I drink two tablespoons of acv with 16 ounces of water, two hours before bed, it removes toxins in your body while sleeping, so no swelling in the joints, no bags under the eyes from excess salt. It is a natural weight loss, as well as rotor-rooters the arteries, so good for your heart. also keeps your body from getting sick. I love it!

Posted by Ashaki (Garner, North Carolina) on 06/26/2007

how to look young -- i always get a good sleep and put a hot cloth on all of my bumps and boils.

Flaxseed Oil
Posted by Marilyn (Snellville, GA) on 07/11/2007

At 52 my skin looks great - very few wrinkles - and I am reluctant to admit it - I'm a sun worshipper. I have taken 2 tbs of flaxseed oil a day for years and I also use it with any cheap face lotion. I rub in (currently) Suave lotion with a small amount (dime size) of flaxseed oil. Could be genetics - but what the heck - flaxseed is still good for you.

Flaxseed Oil
Posted by Linda (Melbourne, Australia) on 11/11/2007

Hi all, I have been taking flaxseed oil for about 3mths 4 tablespoons a day so i decided to use it as a mosturiser on my face, i do suffer from acne as well im 40 and never looked my age after about a week i noticed a difference in my skin and it started to clear up my acne its been 4 weeks now and i am so happy my skin glows and looks so healthy, people have started to comment how good my skin looks, as well as the flaxseed oil i use vco with it, it helps me maybe it could help others, you can find it in a fridge in health food shops cost $11 and last for couple months. Hope others find it good as well.

Posted by Chris (Galeana, Mexico) on 12/22/2007

Dear Valentina, Was very intriqued with your post on earth clinic. How you have remained so young looking and no menopause yet. I think it is wonderful. Could you please tell me what you eat for breakfast? lunch ? (probably your salads {with cottage cheese sometimes}), also what do you eat for dinner? This no grains, rice or beans would be hard, that is my main diet here in mexico but my health is not so good and I am seeking other avenues. Hoping you can find the time to answer.

Posted by Valentina (Sedona, AZ) on 07/18/2007

Fountain of Youth-- I am 58 years old and I am still asked for an age ID when going into clubs. I have always looked much younger than I am - Here is what I have always done: * Never take drugs of any kind - no aspirin, no antibiotics, no alcohol, no smoking, This is most important. * I eat raw salads daily and use generous quantities of Apple Cider Vinegar - Organic - and Organic Olive Oil. Most of the food I consume is raw and occasionally I add a little cottage cheese or organic cheese in small amounts and about one time per month, I eat organic kefir or yogurt - The only cooked food I have is vegetable soup that I make from organic vegetables. I do NOT eat any grains, rice, beans etc. Everyone asks me where I get my protein. Apparently I don't need it.

* Still have not gone through menopause, my hair has no gray, my teeth are just like when I was young - I do yoga daily and callanetics and am very active physically. Most people I know are sick with all kinds of things and they run for a prescription immediately - this, I believe, was the biggest factor for me. Oh one more thing - I also use lots of fresh garlic daily in salads. This may sound difficult, but I find it extremely easy to live like this and cook so minimally. No grease in the kitchen! Valentina

Red Beets
Posted by Julian (Crosby, Texas) on 08/03/2007

In Slovack villages the people live to be 100 years old. Many have tried to learn the secret. Scientists Believe that Red Beets ( that the slovacks eat like americans eat carbs) Is the secret to longevity.

Cold Showers
Posted by Cory (Tacoma, Washington) on 03/26/2007

I have been taking cold showers every day now for almost three months, and I recently got the results of my latest blood and urine lab tests from my doctor. Blood sugar and cholesterol were markedly lower than the tests showed just prior to starting the cold shower regimen, with no appreciable changes in diet or physical exercise. My blood pressure was lower, and my pulse rate at rest has decreased from 72 to 54, which I find amazing. I am not in "great" shape physically, and I can only attribute these changes to the cold showers. This might actually be the 'fountain of youth'.

Cold Showers
Posted by Susan (HUNTERSVILLE, NC) on 08/14/2007

I'm having a hard time finding a beginning to describe what cold showers has done for me! first of all, this seems insane for me because i'm such a cold natured person. But since i've tried this i find that i'm not so cold anymore! I work out every day and play tennis twice a week, but first let me say i'm in my mid 40's, i have 4 children (two in their 20's and two are not yet school age) so keeping fit and appearance are very important to me! I've always been told i look half my age, but what i've noticed more than anything is my skin!! The improvement in tone is just amazing to me. The first few days (after showering in the cold) i just kept looking at my face in the mirror. Only after a few days of cold showers i noticed a difference in the way i felt, my energy, metabolism, skin, and my pain!!! i had a hip injury almost 8 months ago and i've been doing strengthening excersizes and therapy to help this slow healing process, but after taking the showers i've had almost NO pain!! that has been the most amazing part to me. I'm hooked. I'll never go back to warm showers (except when necessary) I only wish i had known about this years ago! But i can tell you, it's never too late!!!

Hemp Milk
Posted by Michelle (Stamford, CT) on 08/30/2007

Another alternative to using soy or milk in the Fountain of Youth recipe is hemp milk. I tried this a couple of nights ago and enjoyed it so much that I'd like to share it here. Hemp is high in protein and the EFAs Omega 3 and 6.

In a small pot combine and heat to warm (do not boil):
3 ounces hemp milk
3 ounces water
1 tbl molasses

Stir till molasses melts, and once mixture gets thoroughly heated, sprinkle cinnamon to taste. No extra sweetener is needed.

Vitamin C
Posted by Joan (San Bernardino, CA) on 09/23/2007

My Fountain of Youth is primarily daily multi-use of Vitamin C. I take 500 mg each time. It works best if I take 10-12 per day, no closer together than every 30 minutes. I just keep them on my desk, or in my pocket. Vitamin C makes so many things happen better in the body. Collagen is primarily made up using Vitamin C. The liver alone needs 3000 mg/day, in divided doses, to process all the toxins, etc. that are required by it--and there are MANY. This is just the beginning. But it definitely keeps me looking young--I just turned 54, and have no ailments of any kind, and use no drugs, while everyone I know go to doctors (the "gods") and faithfully take their precriptions (drugs).

Vitamins and Homemade Sun Tan Oil
Posted by Violet (Torrevieja, Spain) on 10/14/2007

YOUTH -- I take mega doses of vitamins....especially A C and E. Maxi B and a good multi vitamin as well. I make my own sun oil as paraffin.... just 1/3 vegetable oil, 1/3 cologne, 1/3 aloe vera gel. It is burns and no aging....just a lovely tan!

Vinegar or Lemon Salt Drink
Posted by Natalie (Decatur, GA, USA) on 11/20/2007

Lemon and vinegar.. SOUR = HEALTH! I have been reading alot recently about the benefits of herbal/natural cures for everyday ailments. Not because I am sick BUT, rather, because I am almost NEVER sick! I have always been that "rare and weird" child. The one that wanted Olives, Pickles, and Lemons instead of sweets. My family called me the "Sour Baby"! Plus, I have always loved Salt over Sugar.. but, only on sour foods.

Only in the past 5-6 years (I am 28 now), have I really noticed how sickly all of my friends are. While I always seem to stay healthy. This fact was very ODD to me as I am the poorest of all of my friends. I have no health insurance, I RARELY see a doctor, etc, etc.. So, I started to study my diet and saw that I am almost ALWAYS the only person that adores sour foods. I (I know this sounds weird) Love to mix Vinegar and Salt in a shot glass..and drink it in tiny sips all day. The same with Lemon juice and salt. Often, I slice lemon wedges, cover them in salt, and eat them while watching tv. Because of this, my friends think that I am insane but, it's like my candy!? They just giggle about it.

Lately though, now that I have been reading up on my habits, I am the one giggling. I am the one that never gets sick! I have found tons of info that proves my original thoughts on the matter. Sour = Health!

Note: there is a downfall though, My method is high in Sodium. (I can live with that) BUT, all of the acidic foods (Lemons, Tomato, Vinegar, ANY Citrus) are very bad for your teeth IF you brush within 30 minutes of eating or drinking them!! Doing so literally eats the natural enamel off of your teeth. My Dentist scolded me about this!!! So, Brush before you ingest.:) Then, Drink lots of water and make sure to swish around your teeth.

Calorie-Restricted Diet
Posted by Susan (Canberra, Australia) on 12/19/2007

I have tried sodium bicarbonate and apple cider vinegar, also hydrogen peroxide, infrared light, oil pulling with coconut oil...I have only been doing this for a few months...I am trying to bring down acidity.

I am forty eight years old. I look younger than my age for a number of reasons...I have youthful body...I still have a flat stomach and a small waist...I have very clear smooth skin and no wrinkles..I have good strong bones and good muscle tone...I believe that calorie restriction for long periods throughout my life and regular exercise for most of this time have contributed to this...other things that may have made a difference is that i eat butter, not margarine (transfats) , i use iodized salt or rock salt and I have never habitually used sunblock...I don't eat much..I smoke cigarettes and marijuana..

Cold House
Posted by annie (liverpool, england) on 01/10/2008

re: aging. and people do say i look at least ten years younger than my age is i have never lived in a house with central heating.i open windows in my house and wear extra clothing rather than put on the fire,. my anti aging secret

Posted by Louise (Ocean Grove, Australia) on 01/28/2008


I originally used the chart and workout found in "The Natural Facelift" by Joseph Corvo. I always followed the acupressure workout but didn't really like the facial exercises. Another facial acupressure chart and routine can be found in "Eva Fraser's Facial Workout" by Eva Fraser. I do some of her exercises and prefer them. There are also much less detailed facial acupressure charts in the following two books "The Natural Face Book" by Juliette Kando and "The 10 Minute Facelift" by Tessa Thomas. All four of the books have their merits. In order I would choose the Eva Fraser, followed by the Joseph Korvo, then Juliette Kando and lastly Tessa Thomas.

Before buying anything get people to check their local library first. My local library has two of these. Then Ebay for the best prices before checking with Amazon. For instance the Joseph Corvo book is out of print and normally sells for a pretty steep price, so as all the books have their merits, go for the one which is most readily available first.

There are also hundreds of websites offering free facial exercises. Here, in my opinion, are two of the best:

This guy is selling nothing and the eye exercise in particular really works. It doesn't just tighten up the eye, but seems to help lift the upper cheek area.

These people are selling a range of skin products, but the exercises are well explained.

Hope this helps. it might be an idea to post links to the two websites, that may cut down on the number of questions you receive.

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