Castor Oil
Health Benefits

Unlock Castor Oil Benefits: Guide to Hair Growth, Pain Relief, & More!

Application Tips
Posted by Maureen (Etobicoke, Ontario, Canada) on 09/12/2010

Castor Oil Use during Work-Out

A few months ago I decided to experiment and apply Castor Oil to my face, neck, torso and legs before starting my work-out. I figured since I sweat profusely the oil would absorb into the skin as the pores opened up. I find that it does completely absorb into the skin with the exception of my legs. They feel tacky since they do not sweat as much as the rest of my body. I do not use a towel as I would normally do to dry my face and neck as I begin to drip, instead I rub my hand over the area as little as possible but as needed because I do not want to rub off the oil. Clothing will get stained slightly but tends to come out in the wash because it is watered down with sweat. To be safe, do not use "good" clothing. I work-out (jog) at home not outside. Getting greased up to go outside may not be a good idea although by the time you are finished there is no grease to be seen. So start making your work-out do double duty with the use of Castor Oil or any other oil for that matter! I have not noticed any benefits I just do it because the oil is good for the body in general. Maureen

Jammed Finger
Posted by Jan (Sunshine Coast Hinterland, Queensland Australia) on 12/22/2007

I jammed my finger hard in a sliding glass door. I was in agony, until I poured enough Castor Oil in a cup in which to soak my finger. I kept it there for a good hour. The pain began to ease immediately and I never got a bruise and never lost my fingernail. The nail was slightly pink and I am sure it would have gone black had I not used the above remedy. I was amazed!

Toenail Fungus
Posted by Rejoice (Usa) on 10/15/2016

Put Organic Castor Oil on Feet after every shower/ bath will improve feet / toenails --- make them like Babies.. it is anti-fungal.

Toenail Fungus
Posted by Lisa (San Jose) on 10/16/2016

Sounds like a great idea, but please be aware of the slip factor when you apply any oil to your feet! Promptly put on socks, don't walk around in bare feet! A few years ago my mother applied oil to her feet and body after a bath and promptly slipped getting out of the tub. She cracked her head on the tile and got a nasty concussion. So please everyone be very careful when you apply oil on the feet!

Application Tips
Posted by Prioris (Fl, US) on 09/25/2014

I really like the idea of using a hair dryer to help castor oil absorb. This can be used on humans also.

Today I was using a hand held infrared device when I was applying castor oil on part of my abdomen. Most infrared devices are just too expensive purchase. The one I had I bought on amazon (infrarex st-302) for $20 and it works for a small area. It comes with an extra bulb. Before I bought it I wondered why it was so cheap and why the other products couldn't bring down the price so I was leery. I have had it a couple years and it's worth every penny. It gives one more options in treating various situations.

I saw a infrared device in a chiropractors office but expensive model. Instead of someone paying $50 a treatment, I had them use this cheap device themselves and they got positive results. It's a good addition to your medicine chest at very low cost.

Many people have difficult financial situations so any DIY approaches to pet care are very helpful.

Dry Eyes
Posted by Sophey (Lax, Usa) on 08/23/2010

Hi I have been using castor oil on my eyes lids with warm compresses, it seems to be better but if I put in my eye it makes my eyes red in when I wake up, I read about sterilized no preservative castor oil eye drops that compounding pharmacy can mix together. I think sterilized drops is important so you don't end up infecting your eye. Anyhow my dry eyes are slowly getting better! I've also increased both Vitamin A and 25, 000 I. U. Of beta-carotene as well as fatty acids. I also read the of the B vitamins is important in treating dry eyes, but vitamin B6 aids in the proper absorption of magnesium. Magnesium assists the body in producing a hormone called prostaglandin E-7, which is necessary for tear production. I also take Vitamin C and D3. Apparently potassium is considered the most important mineral for dry eye symptoms, potassium is usually very low in dry eye patients. This is usually linked to low intakes of folic acid, vitamin C and vitamin B6 along with high sugar consumption. You can take in at least 500 mg per day by increasing your consumption of fruits and vegetables (one banana contains 400 mg). Anyhow perhaps this information will help someone else who is suffering from dry eyes.

Beautiful Skin
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee, Usa) on 02/28/2014

Dear Mary,

I have not had trouble with castor oil causing any type of skin outbreak on me or my family members. We have used it on faces, necks, backs, feet, etc, with no problem. When I use it on my face, sometimes I put a few drops of Rosemary Essential Oil into it (a few drops in an ounce of Castor Oil.) But lately I have just used it plain. (At first I had added the Rosemary because I didn't care for the smell of castor oil, but I guess now I am used to it.) Sometimes I mix castor oil into homemade salves or oil blends for various purposes...I have mixed it with olive oil, coconut oil, and/or almond oil. I have always been happy with castor oil however I have used it.

I hope it will work well for what you need, as well.

~Mama to Many~

Posted by Angie (Sparta, MO) on 08/21/2007

I have been taking the herb vitex for my pms and it has helped so much. I used to get severe pms. recently in the past couple of months the pms has acted up again. It has made me feel to so bad thats its been hard to think&function. I wondered what was going on. One night it dawned on me that my liver may be congested, so I got out a piece of flannel and soaked it in castor oil and applied it over my liver area with a heating pad. My pms improved greatly, so it hardly bothered me. Then yesterday it happened again, I did the same thing again with the castor oil pack and the pms has went away again. I hope this testimony will help someone else too going through the same problem.

Application Tips
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 02/23/2024 461 posts

Castor Oil Trick - UNTESTED

I don't often combine herbs or oils but someone asked about a broken bone and it got me could get comfrey tea, as in comfrey tea BAGS, soak one (or more) with castor oil, place it on the break and cover it with a piece of parchment paper (or plastic wrap or whatever one uses), and a piece of muslin and place one of those disposable handwarmers on it to warm it up. Cover it with a tube bandage or otherwise wrap it with a bit of K-tape to hold everything in place, if necessary.

And, of course, this got me to thinking about eucalyptus tea bags soaked with castor oil as a chest pack, for colds and whatnot, or any specific herbal tea as a castor oil patch over a problematic area.

I've been trying to think of some way to try herbal tea bags employed in this way...but I don't have any issues to which I can apply it, at the moment. I DID purchase some handwarmers and, of course, I have a wide variety of herbs and reusable mesh tea bags so if something comes up...I'll try it and let you know.

Torn Achilles Tendon
Posted by Pinetreelady (Dunedin, FL) on 03/25/2021

Just want to put my 2 cents about the amazing healing benefits of castor oil.

Several years ago, I had a bad UTI which I couldn't get rid of so went to the doc and was put on Cipro, which attacked my Achilles' tendons on both ankles. The pain was excruciating. Docs gave me a muscle relaxant, which did nothing. As a last resort, I had my hubby rub castor oil on my ankles several times a day. Took pain away within one day...haven't had a problem since...

I might add that I since found out there was a class-action suit against the makers of Cipro as it was causing tendon ruptures in many people. Guess I was lucky and the Castor oil healed it on me. I use it for many things, including the packs, and take it orally occasionally, but only organic cold-pressed and hexane-free.

Dry Eyes
Posted by Peggy (Tn) on 02/02/2017

I use castor oil for eye dryness. Opthamologists do not recommend it, but it works. Restasis contains castor oil.

Skin Health
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, Usa) on 05/13/2016 461 posts

I'd never used castor oil before but here's my take on why it makes your skin feel so good.

Castor oil is like organic (I got organic) Vitamin E that hasn't been extracted from its "home"! It's like herbs, with all of the elements and compounds that tell the active ingredient what to do!! And you don't have to take it (or vitamin E) orally (YUCK) because your skin is kind of like a great big tongue and soaks it right up!

Heavenly on the skin but watch for other improvements. If you're suffering from a lack of vitamin E, there should be other changes as well. I'll report back after I've used it a while. I'm going to take a picture of some spots on my arm and a scar and use it on those to see what it can do.

WOW! Castor oil! Amazing!

Posted by Reina (Ny) on 04/12/2011

Castor Oil "palma christi" cold pressed is the best, took care of my melasma.

Posted by Jen (R) on 03/22/2010

Hey EC,

just wanted to let u know that castor oil works! I fell last Sunday. landed on my hand/wrist and thought 4 sure it was broken. swollen, blue, blood blisters, everything. I kept ice on it all night and when I woke up it was worse. so I went Monday morn to have it xrayed. to everyone's surprise, it was not broken so I went and bought castor oil. 5.99 and wrapped my hand before bed. i fell asleep and woke up 3 hrs later took the wrap off and to my surprise, I could open my hand all the way and had no swelling and no pain. i could nt believe it! i went and turned on the light to check for the bruising. it was still there but it looked like a week old. u know when it starts to turn brown. so I did it again the next night. and only left it on for an hour. the bruise was almost gone. and it's now Monday of the next week and you would never know that a week ago I was being xrayed for broken bones.

I posted a question last week asking about castor oil for hyperthyroid and no one answered but I'm going for it. with amazing results on my hand, i have figured I will try and let u know what happens. I have never used this before last Monday but I'm a firm believer now. thanks ec. thanks edgar cayce. thanks God!

Swollen Lymph Nodes
Posted by Bianang (Sarasota, FL) on 01/11/2008

I tried the ACV orally plus the ACV, H202 & epsom salt bath to help reduce my son's swollen lymph nodes. I did this for 5 days and it did seem to help soften it a bit but the most improvement I've noticed was after I massaged the swollen nodes with CASTOR OIL. After applying the castor oil, I applied a piece of cloth (should be flannel), then a plastic bag then a heating pad. I also applied did the CASTOR OIL PACKS in the stomach area. This is supposedly outlined in the Edgar Cayce's readings (he was a healing psychic). There was a significant reduction in swelling (flattening) within 2 days after I started with the castor oil. If you do an internet search on castor oil for swollen lymph nodes it will give you the detailed procedure.

Bells Palsy
Posted by Virginia (Cushing, OK) on 08/08/2007

I successfully used castor oil packs for Bells Palsy which my co- worker contracted. I was beginning to have double vision and my eyes were inflamed. I used the pack on both eyes one hour nightly for 3 nights but the directions called for 4 nights. Well, I got busy and didn't do the 4th night and the symptoms returned until I completed the 4 nights in a row...No more problem at all.

Also, for me the packs are a great pain reliever. I used just the castor oil right on my cheek when I had an infected tooth. Still had to go to a dentist but CO stopped the pain immediately!

Also, used it to remove a wart on my son's toe. Each night applied CO put a sock on him until the wart was gone which was less than a week.

Posted by Carolyn (Inverness, FL) on 02/27/2007

Castor oil packs driven in with heat. Arthritic condition (back out). Will cure various problems. Famous Edgar Cayce cure. Look at Una da Gato a Peruvian rain forest herb -- other name Cats Claw. Also for arthritis and other ailments, Edgar Cayce said 'Castor oil will leave the body in better condition than it found it.

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