Castor Oil
Health Benefits

Unlock Castor Oil Benefits: Guide to Hair Growth, Pain Relief, & More!

Knee Pain
Posted by Al (Collinsville, IL) on 06/13/2008

Call it what you wish, Voodoo, Witchcraft, "BS", whatever, but it DID work for me.

Having recently torn the cartilage in my left knee, simultaneously diagnosed "with a little arthritis" in the same, and swelling behind the knee. My Sport's Ortho said that the swelling was common with the torn cartilage but should go down in time. I began searching on the Web for a magical pain relief remedy (other than my already supplementation of Glucosamine Sulfate, Chondroitin, Taurine, Collagen, HA, Cats Claw, Bromelain, MSM, etc., etc., etc - .all of which I have been taking for years due to 27 yrs of cycling but at almost 68yo, something had to give).

One subject that kept surfacing on the Searches was an old time remedy of Castor Oil. I'm not in terrible pain, but it is a 24/7 aggravation, as anyone who has similar discomforts can attest to.

I decided to give it a try; purchased a package of ladies' cosmetic, cleansing pads (~3"x4") and a small bottle of Castor Oil (CO), I placed a pad on a saucer, saturated the pad with CO (not dripping) and popped it into the microwave for about 35 secs. I, then placed the (105F) warm pad on my knee; wrapped my knee-pad with plastic wrap (to keep the CO from staining the heating pad) and then applied a heating pad, set to Med. heat. I left it on for about 1 hour and when I removed everything,

I did a "test walk" -not only was my knee not stiff, and the swelling was 95% GONE!! I could walk with 100% less discomfort and this was 10x more effective than the Cortisone or three Hydraluronic Acid injections I had received in a two months period. The other nice thing is that you don't have to throw the saturated pad away; place in a Ziploc bag for the next application and just add a little more CO.

I generally apply this treatment daily, each time the knee feels better - I know it's not going to remedy the situation 100%, but has made my life much better.

Heart Palpitations
Posted by Adastra (Seattle, USA) on 05/30/2023

Castor Oil for Heart Palpitations/ Arrythmia

I had been having constant heart palpitations for over a month following an especially stressful time in my life! They would worsen or improve but I was still having them daily and nothing was really helping. Finally in desperation, I made a large castor pack over my heart and mid-chest and upper abdomen, thinking maybe I can clean out that area, get more blood flow, calm my vagus nerve... Well, after an hour, palpitations were 99% gone and I slept peacefully all night (I kept the castor pack on). And didn't return the next day. I will continue using the pack if something comes up again but I'm so happy to have a normal heartbeat again!

Emergency Castor Oil Packs
Posted by Katzie (Calgary) on 08/29/2022

On vacation? Don't have any flannel, plastic wrap, maybe you don't have a hot water bottle? If you cannot make up a castor oil pack in the usual manner, I know of an alternate method.

While on vacay in Mexico, I got some sort of rash on the inside elbow of my right arm. After 3 days of throwing everything I had at it, the darn thing was still there. I also did not have my usual supplies with me - so I improvised.

I used my dog's "pee pads", y'know, those blue & wavy cotton pressed sheets. I cut out an area to cover the area, added a bunch of castor oil, put it on the rash, and since I did not have plastic wrap or a hot water bottle, I simply used my left hand as a heat source and left it there for 20 mins (the plastic wrap is purely for messiness reasons and is not strictly necessary). A few hours later that rash was gone!

So in short, your dog's pee-pads WILL work just fine!! I so glad I remembered that tip and so wanted to share!

Health & healing, everyone!!

Urinary Incontinence
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 05/27/2021 461 posts

Thought it might be a fluke but, day 5 and still NORMAL!!! The Belly Rub of Happiness!! Yeah!!

General Feedback
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 05/22/2021 461 posts

The author of the book, The Oil That Heals - Dr. William McGarey - writes, "Our six children have had castor oil applied to various parts of their anatomy so often over the years that they have reminded us that they will put on our tombstones when we die, "Here they lie in spite of castor oil! "

Sinus Issues, Loss of Smell
Posted by Nizar (Toronto, Canada) on 07/13/2014

I am 70 plus, and had sinus issues for the last 50 years. A couple of years back, I read about castor oil, and I put in 5-6 drops at night before going to sleep, and thanks God, after about 7 days, sinus disappeared.

Side Effects
Posted by Anna (Austin, Tx) on 08/08/2017 11 posts

Has anyone ever thought that it could be a "Herxheimer Reaction" (healing crisis)? I have been using castor oil for one week around my eye area but not in the eye. The first 4 to 5 days I woke up with a lot of sleep in my eyes, which never really happens. I do not get it any more so I'm assuming my eyes are healing. I am still using the castor oil but will start putting a drop in each eye. Just a thought, as with all natural remedies there is a healing crisis period.

Longer, Thicker Eyelashes
Posted by Thelady (Port Of Spain, Trinidad ) on 01/16/2010

Re: Castor Oil for eyelashes

Tried and true. i used an old mascara brush (cleansed properly) and i apply some castor oil to the brush. Right before bedtime i apply it like you would apply mascara from root to tip of lashes. Be consistent and it works. I saw a minor change/improvement in about 2 weeks and i kept doing it for more results.

Posted by Gabi (TORONTO, CANADA) on 02/04/2008

Use Castor Oil to cure hemorrhoid. Make small CASTOR OIL PACK. You can use even cotton ball saturated with Castor Oil. Lie down and apply it to the hemorrhoid. You can walk with it if you have to. It brings very fast relive and swollen hemorrhoid shrinks fast.

Did anybody tried Castor Oil to cure skin or toe nail fungus? It seems that Castor Oil really is one of nature wonders.

Ankle Pain
Posted by HisJewel (New York) on 01/26/2024

Hello EC and Everyone,

We had a few dipping cold days and snow in New York. Well I was determined to still go out for my walk and maybe a bus ride. This is what the seniors in New York love to do, after the rush hour we are out there helping others and being young again ( some still get out before day).

Well, on the day of the first frost, my ankle got a few sharp pains for seemly no reason. And that night my ankle hurt so bad I could not get a good night sleep. The next day I put a mixture of oils on it before going out. However, the pain continued, and I had to stop walking serval times because I felt like my ankle was going to give in under me with the stabling like pains. When I got home this time, I remembered Castor oil. The Castor oil stopped the pain quickly and I got a good night's sleep. The next day I massaged in the Castor oil once again, . It's at least a week now and no more ankle pain.


Beautiful Skin
Posted by Judy (N/york) on 07/30/2013

I like all I had been learning, I have just started using the Castor Oil in face before I go to bed 2times and have noticed a change already. Am gonna go ahead & use it on my legs. Thanks & keep up the good work you are doing.

Toenail Fungus
Posted by Patricia (Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands) on 08/02/2009

I noticed a question about using caster oil with nail fungus. I have a story you might find interesting. I had read about its anti-fungal action, and when I began to notice some nail damage, I began applying caster oil twice a day. As I was about to travel and I worried about getting more damage, I went to my podiatrist. He looked at my nail and said that he was sure it was a fungal infection but that he would take a sample for testing. When I returned a month later, he checked back on the test, and was shocked to note that there was no fungus there at all. He wanted to know if I were sure that I had damaged my nail --in other words, he began to look for another reason for the nail problem. There was no other problem and no fungus! caster oil works for nail fungus prevention and most likely treatment.

Heating Pads
Posted by Katie (Seattle, Wa, Usa.) on 11/16/2010

Actually, your body heats up the area on purpose, as many infectious agents don't do well at high temperatures (they don't do well at low temps either, but neither does your own body) A feverish area is good, as it means that your body is doing what it is supposed to. Also, while applying a hot pad may increase inflammation in the short term, in the long term, you will be better for it.

Skin Cancer
Posted by Carolyn (Northwest, OH) on 01/13/2009

Yes, use castor oil on your lips! It was a major ingredient in lipsticks for years and years and is perfectly safe. As for it's effect on skin cancers, one case was specifically mentioned in the book, "The Oil that Heals" where a man had a tumor on his ear which disappeared after using castor oil topically daily. I always keep a bottle on hand and never ingest it--just use it topically.

Lymphatic Malformation
Posted by l (Sandusky, Ohio ) on 10/25/2008

My daughter was diagnosed with Lymphatic Malformation or Cystic Hygroma, (A large growth or swollen mass just under the skin in the neck/throat area), when she was born. It was alarming to say the least. It is a congenital birth defect, and it has to do with a defect in the venous system or Lymph system. The cyst are filled with Lymph fluid. It's also very unpredictable, and a cyst can swell up or go down at any time, and new cysts can appear at any time. The cysts can get very large, and cause deformities in the face and other parts of the body, and obstruct breathing. There is no known cure, except surgery and a drug that can be injected directly into the cyst called OK-432. Usually when the child gets sick or has an infection anywhere in the body, they swell up, or new ones appear. My daughter is two now. About 2 months ago, she developed a new cyst on the other side of her face/neck. I freaked out. I'm not to keen on doctors, because of what they put her through when she was born, and (No money, or a car), I'm always searching for an alternative cure.

I've had extremely good results with Castor Oil. I'm a big believer in this stuff. I buy big bottles of it at a time, it's great. I use it, whenever I have a problem. Edgar Cacey was a Christian, and always gave credit where credit was do, to God, and he felt motivated by him. There have been many, many documented reports over the decades of Castor oil really helping a lot of people for a wide spectrum of ailments. I put her on Castor oil packs about 4 times a week for two months, and the cyst went WAY down, and has stayed that way for a while now. Now, I'm not 100% sure that was what worked for her, but we seem to notice it beginning to shrink and a response from her as soon as we started her on the packs.

The packs are messy, and it's not easy to get a child to hold still for a pack on their abdominal area. So, I used an old throw away shirt, and safety pins. I safety pinned the saturated flannel section on the inside of the front of the shirt to cover her stomach, and generously massaged a large amount of the oil all over her cysts on her neck and throat. I did this regime at night, and in the morning gave her a bath or a shower. The heating pad is not really necessary, but helps, a lot. I did not do a heat source on her, because she is so young, she would never sit still for it. The first few nights, she was restless, and agitated, and was running a mild fever. Then in the morning, the fever would break. We noticed it getting smaller from than on. It really seemed to help her those packs. She seem to have a lot of energy and be in a good mood, the mornings after the packs. If and when this happens again, I'll try the packs again. Castor oil is great. Hope this helps her. Like Cacey said, Do the packs along with a prayer for healing.

Skin Infections, Warts, Moles, Cuts
Posted by Laurel (Virginia Beach, VA) on 06/14/2021 6 posts

Castor Oil & baking soda paste for skin infections, warts, moles, skin cuts

I use this tried and true Edgar Cayce remedy of making a paste of castor oil and baking soda. Apply and cover w band-aid. I change it 2X a day. Works like magic.

The castor oil and baking soda pull the infection out. My hot and burning finger throbbing subsided in less than an hour. I also used it on an unsightly mole recently. It took about 10 days to disappear.

Dry Eyes
Posted by Marytp (Utica, NY) on 01/16/2021

Castor oil helps with dry eye. I have severe Dry eyes. Used everything under the sun on my eyes to bring some sort of relief. I won't go into the history. But the important point is for at night.

I have castor oil in a dropper bottle, and I put the drops around & in my eyes and then I put plastic wrap across my eyes. The castor oil on the skin, keeps the plastic on my face, and seals my eyes fir the night. If you're uncomfortable enough you will try this! If you want to try it for daytime, just touch the tip of the dropper in the corner of your eye, works like a oil slick. Brings relief!

Posted by Littlewing (Boston) on 07/28/2016

Castor Oil for arthritis is terrific. Yesterday my hand was "achin' like a toothache" (as my dear mother used to say) all day. I tried ibuprofen, some ointment I had (stuck at work) – nothing. When I arrived home I took out my trusty castor oil, just enough so I could rub my hands together for a few minutes (it's not watery at all) and voila! – not 30 minutes later the ache was all gone and still feels good this morning. Love it!

Posted by Mandandi (Gaborone, Botswana) on 05/08/2015

I have been fighting candida overgrowth since Jan 2014. Tough battle, but I believe I am now winning it.

I have blended two bundles (not cloves, whole thing) with various green vegetables, used apple cider vinegar mixed with aloe vera juice(1 cup of each) on my skin, taken 1/4 of each of these twice a day: borax, bicarbonate of soda and Epsom salts.

I also did the herbal enemas adding a tablespoon to half a cup of these: apple cider vinegar and aloe vera juice; 10 drops of hydrogen peroxide as well as a cup of whey liquid to repopulate bacteria in my gut.

All these have worked, albeit with severe die-off effects. That's not discouraging tho. I noticed that the soda gives me high blood pressure, so I drank ginger tea or other herbs that lower blood pressure available locally, once or twice a day to lower the blood pressure.

Lately, I have added castor oil to the regime, applying it on the skin and taking it orally ( 3 tablespoons castor oil plus one teaspoon of either coconut or olive oil once a week). Candida is definitely going away now. I feel so much better. My tongue has finally been pink for the whole afternoon since I was in my teens! I have more energy, less pain in my body though the die-off is still there mildly. Castor oil is very strong against candida. Even applying it on the skin diluted with coconut and lavender oils produced die-off symptoms(Mixed 50ml of each into a separate bottle). I used the latter two for a year with no die-off symptoms at all. I apply the mixed oils on the skin in the morning, and apply castor oil on its own each evening.

I use all these at the moment. I know there is candida protocol suggested by Ted, but I could not find some of the suggested ingredients so I used what I could find locally since cash flow is not so good. These ingredients are relatively cheap locally. I used tap water due to cash flow problems, but also collected rain water now and then for use.

Beautiful Skin
Posted by Brooke (Montgomery, Tx, Usa) on 01/04/2011

I have been using Castor oil on my face for 20 years and have never had a problem with facial hair growing.

Beautiful Skin
Posted by Molly (Tucson, Az) on 01/14/2016

I have also used Castor Oil on my face with good results. No facial hair growth but my eyelashes are thicker!

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