Muscle Cramps
Natural Remedies

Muscle Cramp Remedies

Posted by Ian (Oldham, United Kingdom) on 08/07/2012

i have recently been experimenting with magnesium chloride liquid which I rub in my legs after and during long bicycle rides, it seems to be working well. I put in a spray bottle, its cheap and effective and is absorbed well into the body as a good source of magnesium. Yesterday I did a cycle route with 15miles uphill, in the past ive had to stop due to debiliating cramps, yesterday did it no cramps, took the bottle with me and occasionally stopped and sprayed some on the legs.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Ky Mama (Clinton, Ky) on 07/26/2012

My husband does construction work. In the heat of the summer when he works outside, no matter how much water he drinks, he still ends the day somewhat dehydrated and missing minerals. One night he woke up with a cramp in his leg. He took a tablespoon of Blackstrap molasses. (It has to be Blackstrap! ) It helped within minutes and he had no trouble the rest of the night. Now whenever his leg feels twitchy, like it is getting ready to cramp, he takes 1-2 tablespoons of blackstrap. (He is a 230lb man. A smaller person could take less. I take 1 Tablespoon when I need it and I am half his size.) When my children have had fevers they have had leg cramps, probably from dehydration. In the future, I will try Blackstrap. However, many find it unpalatable, in which case a banana might be better. (But my husband has done bananas for cramps and, though they help, he doesn't think they help as much or as fast as the blackstrap.)

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Timh (Louisville, Ky, Usa) on 07/27/2012 2063 posts

Ky Mama, I use one spoon Blackstrap M in my coffee as a sweetener, and as we all know it is a sweetener and beyond. Any form of Magnesium is best for cramps. In your husband's severe case, try him w/ an Epsom Salt warm footbath when he gets home and plunks down on the couch. Both the Magnesium and the Sulphur of the E-salt will do wonders on the body and also helps one to sleep.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Frances (Los Angeles, California) on 08/27/2012

hello mama with 5yr old with LS. Ive done all of the above, steroid creams havent helped me either and they ultimately thin the skin. I too have thyroid and hormone problems which are autoimmune diseases that some think are associated. I find that sugar is inflammatory so avoiding that helps, also eating less carbs and more plants as part of a good diet. Also I take gabapentin which has been a godsent for the itching. It works on a neurological level and works way better than any antihistamines ive tried. Just ask your doctor if its ok for kids. As for the flare ups and redness, I still have that battle. The cold compresses and cold baths with baking soda, epson salt sometimes helps. I often just put cold water on the area periodically as well. Calmoseptine helps on the anal area too and acts as a good barrier. For the vaginal area zinc oxide and aquafor are excellent. Try not to use underwear when you can. And always cotton underwear. I also use lidocaine on the area to numb it for periods of time. Hopefully you are seeing a dermatologist as well fo more options. Im a rare young case as well, not as young as your daughter, I pray she is one of the children that grows out of this. Ive also seen some promising research with regard to stem cells and regenerating the skin in the area. Ive heard great results, ill keep you posted. Having it done next month. I hope my suggestions help, your daughters story really touched my heart.

Magnesium Phosphate
Posted by Val (Pittsburg, Pa) on 06/02/2012

The mag phos cell salt also helps me with the spasms I have. The muscles can cramp at anytime of the day. I learned about mag phos from a naturalist. I also use the Apple Cider Vinegar and honey for severe cramps using both has helped greatly.

Tonic Water with Quinine
Posted by Norm (Menifee, Ca, Usa) on 04/19/2012

I take one swig of Schwepps if have a leg cramp and it goes away immediately. It's the quinine that does it. It doesn't matter how old the tonic is or even if it has been opened. The drug stores sell quinine tablets for the same purpose but I find Schwepps works just as well. Besides you can always use Schweppes to make vodka tonics.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ronnie (Oak Island, North Carolina) on 07/07/2011

For leg cramps or back cramps apple cider vinegar will eliminate them within seconds, almost imediately

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Tessa (Okanagan) on 05/17/2024

Hi Misty -

I think Timh may be referring to ConcenTrace Minerals.

I've been using it for many years to remineralize my distilled water.

You can get it at health food stores, water supply stores that sell jugs of distilled water, Walmart used to (don't know if they still do), online, etc.



Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 06/07/2011

Eating bananas and magnesium or magnesium chloride help well with cramps!

Posted by Andy (London) on 02/12/2017

Correct; Sodium is an electrolyte.

An additional side note: Magnesium is important for a myriad of processes in the body; muscle cramps are resolved with an adequate amount of bioavailable Magnesium.

Posted by Ss (Santa Barbara, Calafia) on 01/09/2011

Niacin is EXTREMELY effective for leg cramps. Unlike magnesium, it does NOT result in muscles becoming so relaxed your body's energy levels appear to be reduced.

Blackstrap Molasses
Posted by Olivia (Imperial, Ca) on 10/31/2010

I have been taking molasses for about 4 years now and it works like magic. One day I had a leg cramp at night that was so bad I was literally dragging my leg down the hall to the kitchen to get at the molasses. I just dipped the spoon half way into the jar and then ate it off the spoon and drank a little water to get it down. It's the same molasses you will find next to the pancake syrup. My doctor check me for potassium, magnesium and calcium deficiency, but all was normal. I don't know what it is but it works. It has been a life saver. You're able to get right back to bed with no problems.

Bar of Soap
Posted by Traveler (Santa Barbara, Ca, Usa) on 04/29/2010


I found on the peoples' pharmacy website a recommendation for using soap for restless leg syndrome. I think any soap works well, though you could google search people's stories. All I know is that I recommended it to my father, and while it didn't work for his restless legs at night, it DID work on his leg cramps for around two months. After that, the effect, sadly, wore off. For those who want to try, just put a bar of soap (doesn't have to be expensive, I remember people writing about trying it with the little hotel soaps) under the sheets near your legs or even touching. If you start to feel a cramp coming on, put the leg into contact with the soap. My father saw results within three days. Unfortunately, it didn't last-- but it was nice to know that it worked for at least two months for him.

Bar of Soap
Posted by Mtnwindsong (Lubbock, Tx) on 08/28/2010

Change to new bar of soap when it quits working. I can taste soap when I drink water first thing in the morning so I think something in the soap is going into your body.

Epsom Salts
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 03/27/2010

I just eat bananas.... we can't buy Epsom salts here in France. I have also looked in Germany and Switzerland (we live next door to them, quite practical) but they only sell them in small quantities for constipation so I never tried them. Bananas have helped me well all my life! I don't have the time to search now as we a leaving on a trip but there are vegetables that are also very rich on potassium.

Vitamin E, Calcium, Magnesium
Posted by Peggy Conrad (Sacramento, Kentucky) on 08/12/2009

After suffering terribly for years with muscle cramps everywhere ex: calves of my legs, bottoms of my feet, back, and neck. I finally discovered that Vit E 400IU, 1000mg calcium, and 1200mg of magnesuium daily, was my answer. Said it could take up to two weeks to start working, however, for me, it worked the very first night. This has worked for me for about eight years now. I have been able to cut back on magnesium to about 500mgs. a day now.

Bar of Soap
Posted by Rooster (Apple Valley, Minnesota) on 08/09/2009

A bar of bath soap placed at the end of the bed have cured my foot cramps that I had for many years. Whenever my wife changes the bed linen and forgets to include the bar of soap, my foot cramps re-appear.

Posted by Ken (Saint Louis, MO) on 07/17/2009

Horseradish works great for Muscle cramps, headaches, and ulcers. I eat a spoonfull with a glass of water and the cramps go away in a minute and do not return.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Connie (Manitowoc, Wisconsin, USA) on 08/13/2009

Try mixing the vinegar in some apple juice or tomato/vegetable juice.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dave (Friend, Ne) on 06/17/2015

ACV is actually easy to drink, easy to get used to. But everyone is different. Just keep reading posts on this great site!

Bar of Soap
Posted by Kathy (North Platte, NE) on 04/12/2009

Foot cramps, leg cramps: While listening to a hospice nurse talk one day, she happened to tell a story about her father having leg cramps at night. They tried everything possible but nothing would stop them. Until one day someone told him to put a bar of soap under the fitted sheet on his bed, down near his feet. (I use a sport scented soap - but apparently plain soap works too)So I thought, why not try it? I have been having leg and foot cramps for a few years at night, sometimes excruciating pain! The first night with the bar of soap I had no occurence of cramps and I thought it might be the power pf persuasion. But it has been months now and I have had one or two very mild cramps and that is it!! What an easy solution- but I have no idea why it works!

Posted by Alice (Orem, Utah) on 03/17/2009

I have suffered with leg cramps since my youth. The best thing I have found after trying several remedies is to take a teaspoon of yellow mustard each day followed with warm water or milk. Once you get it in your system it seems to be o'k if you miss now and then. Soon as I get forgetful and don't take it for awhile, the leg and feet spasms are back. Any brand of yellow table mustard works. Hope it helps someone else.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Tess (Palm Beach, FL) on 02/12/2009

Hi Shelagh, not sure this will be of any help, but I found this while searching under Vitamin D3 cures:

"Symptoms and Signs:
Vitamin D deficiency can cause muscle aches, muscle weakness, and bone pain at any age."

There may be other vitamin or mineral deficiencies which can also cause intense muscle pain. I will keep looking.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Robert (Barnegat, NJ, USA) on 01/11/2009

I take 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar dilluted with 4oz. water for leg cramps at nite. Works very well! I used to get leg cramps 3 or 4 times at nite, no more since I've been drinking dilluted APC.

Baking Soda
Posted by Barbara (Austin, Texas) on 10/27/2008

I just started using ACV as a mouthwash and it seemed to clear out my sinuses and stopped my tooth from hurting. I gargle with it and no sore throats. Allergy symptoms gone. So far so good. On baking soda, it is high in sodium so I dont think taking it on a regular basis is a good idea. If I get leg cramps and cannot sleep and have to walk it out, I put a pinch of baking soda in water and drink it and it does immediately relieve the cramps. Cramps due to acidity. ACV is an antiseptic. I also use ACV as a tone on my face just dab it on and it makes y our skiin feels so clean. I dont use it on my face everyday just a coupld of times a week.

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