Muscle Cramps
Natural Remedies

Muscle Cramp Remedies

Bar of Soap
Posted by Judy Mc (Springfield, Oregon) on 02/04/2013

I use a bar of soap to help from getting woken up by leg cramps, works great for that. Put it directly under bottom sheet and change every month or so. I am still looking for something for my constant RLS. Will be trying a couple of things from this site.

Posted by Tls (Gainesville, Florida) on 01/16/2013

Muscle Cramps:

I have recently started taking b12 shots and suprisingly I have had cramps only a couple times, whereas I was getting them every night.

Posted by Art (Mt. Marion, Ny) on 02/22/2012

Many have mentioned the effectiveness of pickle juice to relieve muscle cramps, well dill pickle juice is usually loaded with mustard seeds. Perhaps it's the salt and mustard thing working hand-in-hand.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Asg01 (Ventura, Ca) on 01/16/2012

After some years of severe leg cramps at night and, occasionally other odd times, I discovered that Pickled Ginger was not a cure for this sleep depriving problem, but actually a cure.

I acually eat about two or three ounces several time each week (three or four portions) and have virtually eliminated all muscle cramping. I now never awaken at night. In the past three years, when I have failed to remember or traveled without access, the problem returns until I can restart the regimen.

Unbelievably, for urgent relief of an acute cramp, a few ounces of Coca Cola work like magic. However, should I need quick relief in the future, I will certainly try ACV or Pickle Juice.

Ginger would probably work in any form. The pickled variety I discovered while eating lots of Sushi and have not bothered to try other forms of the plant. Good luck to all.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Madelyn (Idaho) on 05/17/2024

@Veropie13, I'm familiar with the product. The brand is actually called Trace Minerals.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Veropie13 (Reche Canyon, California) on 11/11/2013

I agree with Timh, after taking trace minerals as well, I feel profoundly better. I haven't had consistant bed vacating episodes in weeks. When I do get one it isn't as painful and diminishes quickly. I have tried ACV in these times and it works too.

Posted by Wendy (Perth, Western Australia) on 06/07/2011

I've never been much of a salt user. I've always suffered from muscle cramps on and off but I ended up with horrendous leg/foot cramps during the hot weather this last Summer so I started drinking electrolytes and adding a little sea salt to my cooking. The cramps have completely stopped. Isn't salt required in the cells for electrical impulses to be carried?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Crampless (Pittsburgh, Pa) on 04/08/2011

The vinegar works. I knew of this remedy from a friend whose son used get leg cramps. I got a Charlie horse last night. My husband massaged it out but everytime he stopped massaging, it would knot back up. He could feel the muscle knot up like a brick. I told him to get the vinegar. I was in so much pain I drank it straight and the muscle relaxed immediately. My husband could even feel it relax. Caution - stick to a tablespoon or 2. I gulped down so much, the vinegar messed up my stomach, but it was worth not having that pain.

Posted by 2q&learn (Southern California) on 10/02/2020 137 posts

The H. Pylori was gone? (I'm reading your post in the section about Muscle Cramps, so not sure what you are referring to.)

EC: Yes, taking mastic gum for 2 weeks appears to have cured her H. Pylori.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Bobeena (Los Angeles, Ca) on 08/18/2011

the tooth pain is a result of the acv. Vinegar will strip the enamel from your teeth very fast. you should try drinking it with a straw to minimize tooth contact.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kerri (Nj) on 08/24/2016

Yes, it most likely is the ACV. ACV erodes tooth enamel. When taking ACV it is best to mix it in water and sip through a straw.

Posted by BKay (Bozeman, MT) on 05/25/2009

A great remedy for muscle cramps is mustard. I get muscle cramps in my feet and legs frequently. When I get them, or think they might be coming on, I take a couple teaspoons of mustard and get almost immediate relief.

Posted by Flo (Segamat, Johor, Malaysia) on 05/25/2009

Hello! I've been reading Earth Clinic since yesterday. When I came across this Muscle Cramps.... I just had to tell about this "Cramp Keep Away" remedy. No medication, No explanation as to why it works BUT IT WORKS. Not only for me but for my friends who tried it.

What is needed is a cake of soap - any brand. Keep it close to you - in your pocket, on your table, bed, chair etc. You don't even have to take it out of its wrapper. Cramps leave fast and stay away! I found it in a Korean lady's blog a year ago.

By the way I'm going to start on ACV to lower my HBP.

Posted by Luvdplanet (Gainesville, Fl) on 09/11/2013

Hello Kathy, I hope you're doing well. I was wondering how many milligrams of the calcium were you taking. My leg cramps at night are really killing me ;o( Thanks! Good Life :o))

Bar of Soap
Posted by Jennifer (Baskin, La) on 06/29/2011

I could not believe the bar of soap actually worked! I woke up last night with severe leg cramps and tried everything to get rid of them. I then saw the advice here and decided that using the soap wouldn't hurt.. I just put the soap in the bed and went back to sleep. No more cramps!

Posted by PT Sherm (Provo, UT) on 01/21/2009

I accidentally took two diuretic pills right before going to bed, thinking they were other pills and woke up with both legs seized by leg cramps. I was in tremendous pain in both legs like never experienced before. I am alone could not even walk to go get anything else or walk it out. I reached for one of the stored fruit kept stored in my nightstand that I use for low blood sugar for emergencies. I started eating them and within 20 min I could go back to sleep without any cramps. fruit is full of potassium.

Posted by David (Paradise, CA) on 04/23/2008

I have had truly excellent results using a product found in some health food stores called Ionic-Fizz Calcium Plus by Pure Essence Labs. It is a little hard to find so I mentioned the product name. Thank goodness I always have some in my kitchen cabinet. After working in the garden all day yesterday I took a nice long shower, changed into my "comfy" clothes and sat down in front of the fire to relax. Within a very few minutes I was seized by a painful leg cramp. I attempted to get up and the cramp got worse...a lot worse. I immediately started to deeply massage it to get the blood flowing and the pain just escalated as the cramp continued to increase in intensity. I managed to hobble into the kitchen bent over nearly double with the pain and got down the container of Ionic-Fizz. The whole time I was scared to death that I would fall to the kitchen floor and would not be able to reach the container or the phone. I quickly mixed a little Ionic-Fizz with regular tap water, drank it and within 30 seconds the pain was completely gone...and did not come back. This has happened three times in the past few months and I just thought that I would pass the information along. No one wants to be in pain and this easy way of eradicating the pain, nearly instantly, is wonderful. You might try it.

Posted by Prioris (Fl) on 10/29/2013

I'm just adding my personal experience with fibrolytic enzymes. Whenever I don't take my Nattokinase, I will experience cramping in toes while sleeping or swimming. Cramping may be related to blood flow issues to feet. If other things fail, this may be worth a shot.

Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation
Posted by Ginny (NY, NY) on 02/19/2008

Hello. I wanted to give you an update for another hydrogen peroxide inhalation cure. I wrote in a couple of weeks ago about how it stopped my flu in its tracks after a few hours (yes, I never got sick). Well, last night while I was asleep, my left neck muscle and shoulder blade went into a spasm. It was very painful and even more so when I got up in the morning. I went around yelping like a dog every time I moved my head or left arm. Anyway, after a few hours of this, I suddenly remembered that Bill M had written about how he used his remedy to stop a muscle spasm. I got out my little sinus spray bottle filled with h202 and did 6 quick squirts into my mouth (I like to hold my breath as long as possible after I spray and then spit out the left over peroxide). The excruciating pain jolts went away almost immediately and my neck and shoulder were back to normal after a few hours. Actually I can't tell you how long it took because I forgot about it until tonight when I realized that not only did I have no pain, but I had full mobility of my neck! I have had this same spasm occur lots of times over the years and it usually takes a good 2-3 days to recover. I LOVE THIS REMEDY!

Aspirin and Calcium, Magnesium and Zinc
Posted by jeanne (wpb, fl) on 12/02/2007

i've tried several of these remedies .. the one that works within 15 min is taking one aspirin . . also , i read on the net'' afew yrs ago that taking magnesium would help . .so i take it religiously everyday . 3 in 1 calcium, mag, and zinc . that took care of the horrible calf cramps .. but i still get a little one in my feet . . and i dont' have to be sleeping to get one either .. it can happen at any time . not every day .but a few times a wk . well, thanks for all the remedies .but try that aspirin the next time you're woken up by one . it works!!! really ..

Dietary and Herbal Suggestions
Posted by Gabby (Dallas, TX) on 07/01/2007

I suffered over 20 years from nighttime toe, foot and leg cramping. It would usually start at around 3am and go on until I got up.

Instead of just treating the symptoms I tried to find an actual cure and I found out the following: Don't drink alcoholic beverages (a glass or two per week is fine), don't eat much sugar or sweetened food, don't drink caffeine especially no sodas with caffeine. Caffeine free sodas work okay but keep in mind that it is not healthy anyway. Stop smoking if you do (that wasn't a hard one, was it?), drink plenty of water, at least 2 quarts (liters) per day and make sure it is good water (not tap water) and finally the most important: Go to bed before midnight! I believe this is especially true because our organs regenerate themselves during the night. I am not sure but I believe that at 3am the liver starts to regenerate which would mean that this is the weak spot of us "crampers". To support the liver, one can also use the herbal supplement "Milkthistle" (in german Mariendistel) which can help tremendously. If I follow this rigorous regimen, I am cramp free!

Posted by Anne (Mineral, VA) on 04/20/2007

I have been waking up in 30-minute intervals between 2:00 a.m. until I finally get up at around 8:00 a.m. with extremely painful leg/foot cramps. I used to run to the bath tub, sit down on the side of the tub, and run the hottest water I could stand over my calf. I discovered by using my hair dryer on high heat, following the calf muscle that's cramping to my foot area that's also cramping, helps as a quick emergency tool. But I really am looking for a remedy to avoid having cramps in the first place. The heat helps stop the cramp, but it keeps returning after a short while. What I wouldn't give for a full night's sleep! I think I'll try the pickle juice tonight!

Cayenne Pepper
Posted by Vince (Philadelphia, PA) on 09/21/2006

I make up a plaster with cayenne and salt to cure muscle strains and pains. I wet a paper towel and sprinkle just a little of both on it, and apply. The salt is rough being crystals, and irritates the skin a bit, so I make a saline solution and wet the paper towel with that. The cayenne may irritate some peoples skin, but it is used for irritated skin, so isn't a big problem. I even heard of using it on sunburn.) It usually takes 20min to cure pains or strains. I once had a Really strained back and leg. The back came from working under a car, laying on concrete, and the leg was sciatica from siting on a wooden bench after it. My back hurt from my neck to my foot, and my thigh would hurt SO bad I could only walk about 75' before I had to sit down. I decided to do the cayenne plaster, and I was SO Bad I felt I had to Really heat it up. I used a piece of paper/plastic drop cloth, since I was going to add a heating pad, and didn't want it to dry out or wet the pad. I cut a piece to reach from my neck to my butt, applied it and heated it up. The regular plaster usually only needs to stay in place till the heat of the cayenne dissipates. I kept this on a while longer, and after I removed it the pain was gone.

Pickle Juice
Posted by Pamm (Alabaster, Alabama) on 05/23/2009

The reason Pickle Juice Works is because of the Sodium content in it. One of the reasons we get muscle cramps in our legs and feet is because we are lacking sodium in our diet rather it be from sweating or diarrhea or addison's disease or urinating a lot or etc.. I have a problem with low sodium & I noticed I would have muscle spasms or cramps all over. As soon as I eat saltine crackers or peanuts they would go away within minutes. So its great that pickle juice works but its because of the sodium in it not the pickle juice itself. So for people out there that doesn't like pickle juice try anything with high content of sodium next time you have muscle spasms. And also try anything with potassium in it too. Good Luck!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ellensue (Denver, Colorado U.s.) on 08/20/2013

Leg cramps getting worse over the last week, and very painful aching yesterday. So, I ended up here and with great hope and some skepticism I drank 2 Tblsp ACV with Mother in a cup of hot water and the relief was immediate! Aching was in both legs... I'm guessing it was drinking more coffee than usual? The pain is not worth it! ACV does hurt my teeth... I sprinkled in some baking soda this morning and that helped to buffer it. I brushed my teeth right after as well. Any other suggestions appreciated. I encourage you to try this if you feel even a twinge. I wish I had looked for it and implemented it a week ago. Many blessings to all!

Posted by Deborah (MI) on 02/27/2022

I wanted to add my wonderful experience using Nattokinase I ordered off Amazon. I had a horrid knot in my left calf for three straight months. I thought it was a spasm but it never went away no matter what I tried. I think it was a clot. Took the Nattokinase and after 3 days the pain was totally gone. Took two 800mg capsules per directions on the label. So happy I tried this.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by John (CA) on 02/06/2022

I am not reporting on the use of Acupressure but to state that after reading through all the remedies that produce results seem to have one common denominator. This is to divert the mind from acknowledging the cramp if only for a very short time. From pinching the upper lip, pressing between the toes to the point of being uncomfortable to eating a good dose of yellow mustard the result is the same. The mind's attention is diverted just enough to break the horrible feedback loop that keeps the cramp going. I get cramps very often and what works for as a male is to get up and urinate. That sensation is usually enough to knock the cramping muscle out of the cycle. This is also true of drinking pickle juice; a strong enough taste to distract your mind. The one solution I have a hard time fitting into this hypotheses is the use of a bar of soap under your fitted sheet. Placed down near the calves it is supposed to relieve nightly cramps. This did produce about a month and a half of blissful, cramp free sleep. But it seems to have lost its effectiveness. Too bad really. I thought I had finally found a solution to this issue.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Suzanne (IN) on 02/10/2022

Have you tried magnesium? Magnesium is usually what a body needs if it is cramping and has always worked for me and fast.

Turmeric and Olive Oil
Posted by Constance (Columbia, SC) on 03/19/2021

Tumeric and Olive Oil mixed and applied to muscle spasms works.

I have found great relief for various body ailments on earth clinic and they really did help me. Thanks so much!

Posted by GertJr (Madison) on 02/24/2021

Thanks for the recommendation to take B6 for leg/feet cramping. Mine cramp so bad a night and I have to get up and walk around. It's like a metal bar along my calf sometimes, hard as a rock and so very painful. I am not dehydrated and get plenty of magnesium/potassium.

Those 3 things have been recommended, and mag oil, too, but don't solve the problem. I've recently started a new brand of multivitamin, so we'll see if that helps, too. But I have B6 on hand and will give it a try.

Magnesium, Tonic Water
Posted by Gertjr (Madison) on 10/02/2020

Is he taking anything? When I took statins, the leg cramps were horrific. Nothing would make them stop and then I'd be sore for days. I took statins for 3 days and I think this triggered my ongoing cramping. Not so bad anymore, years later, but still the same spot. I think it's damage. Just a thought. Good luck. I, too, tried magnesium and all sorts of things to no avail. What did help me was a heating pad wrapped around the cramping site.
