Mole Remedies

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dunoon (Raleigh, North Carolina) on 04/20/2009

ACV for moles = A+. I have had a mole on my cheek for years and I hated it. Make-up would not really cover it and I photoshopped it out in pictures. I have several but, this one just annoyed me. Insurance won't pay for the removal and the ones I have had removed by a dr. came back or left a huge scar. Mine took about 2 weeks before I finally peeled off the scab. It is red and mostly flat now but, anything is better than that mole. UGLY. Cover-up or foundation should hide the redness until it heals. I NEVER thought this would work and I cried when I peeled the scab off but, it was pure happiness. Years I hated it and now it is gone. I hope it stays gone too. I wish I had known this a long time ago and I will be working on more over the next several months. One came back on my face a dr. removed before my wedding. It was only gone for about 6 months and came back and a dr. removed it. Guess he sucked at his job. That one is going next.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by John (Kamloops, Alberta, Canada) on 04/05/2009

Hi, I just wanted to let everyone know that Apple Cider Vinegar DOES! work for moles. For instance, I had a mole on the left side of my abdomen that was an 1/8" of an inch for 13 years. The appearance of this mole always made me feel self conscious and resulted in me covering the left side of my stomach when I was at the beach for fear of someone noticing it. So, about 2 weeks ago I decided I wanted to find a natural way to remove it because I'm a student and simply don't have the resources to pay a dermatologist to remove it. Anyhow, after reading the testimonials on this site about ACV I decided to give it a shot all the while feeling that it probably wouldn't work, but what did I have to lose. So after 2 weeks of applying the ACV 2-3 a day and placing a bandage with a small piece of toilet paper drenched in ACV over the mole and under the bandage over night the mole fell off!!! I couldn't believe my eyes. It is important to note that while their will probably be a tiny scar it is far better than having that mole there. In addition, I will apply polysporin and Vitamin E oil to the spot where the mole used to be to speed up the healing process.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Pam (Sacramento, CA) on 04/03/2009

A few months ago, I developed a large, ugly, raised seborrheic keratosis (SK) on my cheek. I had read so many positive reports about the power of organic ACV that I decided to give this natural remedy a whirl. Exactly 14 days ago, I started dipping a Q-tip soaked in ACV and dabbing it on the SK, followed by a dot of 10% benzoyl peroxide. I did this several times a day, and within 3 days, the SK start to scab, flake, and peel. The dry-and-peel action seemed to accelerate when I applied ACV just after taking a shower. Within 10 days, the ugly SK that had been the size of a pencil eraser had shrunk and flattened to one small dark scab over the stubborn "core." On Day 13, this black scab finally flaked off, leaving nothing more than an area of residual peeling. Today is Day 14, and I am stunned to report that this ugly raised SK is gone. I am using a medicated coverstick on this area as it heals -- it blends in with my foundation makeup. Note that I took a conservative, cautious approach -- I did NOT use a needle to prick the SK before applying ACV. Also, anytime I felt like I might be overdoing it with the ACV (signs of acid burn), I backed off on the ACV treatments for a day.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Sherilyn (NY, NY) on 03/14/2009

I had two small moles on my face that I had been wanting to get rid of for years. After visiting this site one day, I decided to try the apple cider vinegar method on them. For two nights I had taped a small piece of gauze saturated with the apple cider vinegar to my face. During this time the moles began to turn white. After the two days, the moles started to scab and were a little sore to the touch. Unfortunately the skin around the moles became a little red and sore, but nothing worse then a sunburn. The 4th day the moles just came off on their own, leaving a tiny little pink skin underneath. I am shocked and so happy that this simple remedy removed moles that would have cost a fortune at a dr.s office. I am going to continue putting vitamin E oil on it until it is completely healed.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Maggie (Kilgore, Tx) on 03/11/2009

I read various Yea's on this website at the end of last month I was amazed that after all these years I had no idea that you could get rid of moles in this way. I was so excited that I started to do treatment on my own moles starting at the beginning of this month. I scratched the surface of my moles to be treated with a toothpick (I broke the top of the toothpick to save me from stabbing myself) so I found the splintered end scratched the surface perfectly. I then soaked a piece of cotton wool with ACV and placed it over the mole, you need to wipe of the excess juice as you do this, then I placed some medical tape to hold it in place and then stuck a band aid (plaster) over that. I did this to each of them before going to sleep of a night and then removed all the band aids etc in the morning. The colour of the mole seemed to transfer over to the cotton wool piece and one or two of the moles became colourless. During the day I found that the moles would start to dry out and have continued to do this every day, each one seems to have scabbed at different times. I am now in the second week and they have all scabbed over nicely. I will continue to do the same routine until they all fall off on their own accord. Now I did read that several people have found the burning sensation quite painful which it is but if you can stand this it is well worth it. I have also found that it only seems to burn the offending mole and not the skin (which was a relief as it was a concern to me). So far I am really pleased and cant wait to see them heal and then I will attack another part of my body and hopefully will be 'moleless'. Oh yes and for good measure I have been taking 3 table spoons of ACV every evening also (it tastes disgusting, yuk). I hope this is useful to someone and yet again I have to say thank you so much for a wonderful website, if only I had seen this earlier!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dave (Seattle, Wa, USA) on 03/04/2009

You have got to be kidding me. SO i have tons of mole and hate taking my shirt off because of them. I go to the dermatologist every 6 months. The last time i went they cut 7 of them off. If you haven't had moles removed from the derm, its not as simple as you think. All of my moles are flat on the skin, so most of them are deep through the skin ( i guess, thats what the doc tells me ). So to remove them, they use a punch which goes all the way through your skin. My bigger ones were a little bigger than the end of a pencil. Out of the ones they punched, they were worried about 2 of them, so they went back and cut about an half inch completely around where those 2 were. Needless to say, big scars. Anyway they say to look for odd looking or shaped moles, those are the scary ones. All of my mole are deformed or shaped weird. None of them are round, so it is hard to monitor them. Anyway, i know what to look for and definitely will still go in to the doc if something is weird.

But I read this site about 2 weeks ago, and figured what would it hurt to give it a try. So i picked one of the big ugly ones on my stomach to test on. I figured if all went to $hit i would just have the doc cut another hole in me. So i took a needle and scratched around it, not super deep, but enough to bleed a tiny big. I also scruffed the main part of the mole up as well. I then applied the apple cider vinegar on a cotton ball and taped it on over night. I removed it in the morning. I didnt see any change. So i get putting ACV on periodically throughout the day. And did it again at night. I think it was the 3rd day it started turning black. That was good in this case, cause it was dieing! Wow, no way. None of the skin around it was affected, although i did put vaseline on it like i read. So its been about 7 days and i picked at the scab today. I pulled off about half of it, but its not healed all the way underneath yet. THe good news is the half i pulled off has no mole underneath it!!!!!!!!!!!

You have got to be kidding me. This is all i needed to do the last 15 years to remove some of these ugly things. I am now going to do this on as many as i can. I will make sure the small ones are gone before they have a chance to turn big.

So i am sure there will be a small scar from this, especially since some of these are pretty big. BUT the small scar from this beats a giant scar which looks like i was shot or took shrapnel!!!

Wow, thank you people for letting us know this! I still am amazed!!!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kathy (Tampa, Florida, USA) on 02/21/2009

I have a mole in the middle of the back of my neck, right where your back and your neck meet. It appeared while I was a teenager and thought it was a pimple. I picked at it and picked at it. I found out it was a mole because it larger and larger. I have wanted to remove it for years but the cost has always been too much. I don't put my hair up or get it cut short bacause I'm self-conscience of that ugly mole sticking out.

I found this site looking for a cold remedy. The ACV remedy came up, then I saw it worked for moles! I was excited! I started drinking ACV daily. I decided to try mole removal a few days afterward.

I have been soaking a cotton ball and bandaging it to my mole for the past 3 nights. I take it off during the day. There is significant improvement in that it is much smaller and turning black.

On the down side, I too, am having the skin around the mole becoming red and irritated.

I read that someone put oil or vasaline on their skin for protection, only to find the bandage wouldn't stick to their skin that way.
So, on night number 4, I've come up with a little variation for this protection.

I found a piece of cellophane (like the plastic on ciggarette packages) but even a sandwich baggie will work. I cut a small piece, enough to cover the area past the soaked cotton ball. I stuck a 7/8" X 7/8" bandaid (the small round or square one's) in the middle of the plastic. I then cut the pad out, leaving a hole in the plastic and the bandaid. Using a q-tip, a smoothed a thin layer of coconut oil on the already irritated skin around the mole. I pressed the plastic to the area with my mole directly in the middle of the hole in the plastic. Using medical tape, I secured the plastic to my skin. I then soaked my cotton ball with ACV and used a bandaid strip to secure it to the mole and the plastic. I used another bandaid strip in the opposite direction to criss-cross it down. Then I covered it with tape to keep it there all night while I slept.

I shouldn't have any more irritation from the ACV and the coconut oil should help the past irritation to heal.

Hopefully, this mole won't be of the stubborn nature and will quickly die and fall off.

I also hope this helps everyone to keep their healthy skin healthy while treating problem areas!

Thanks Earth Clinic!!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Michelle (Charlotte, NC) on 02/11/2009

Hi Guys, I love this site.... I read a posting about someone putting ACV on a Mole, and it falling off....I have alot of moles, freckles on mt body, and a really cute beauty mark by my lip everyone loves...but a few months ago, a very Large Mole came up on the otherside of my month, and it stuck out very far from my face, it was a very ugly color, and the area where it was located itched nonstop. So I dipped a q-tip in organic ACV, and put it on the mole and took the cotton part off and but a bandaid over it for about 5 hrs...and took it off, I didn't have to do it for a couple of days, 2 days later it just dropped off, and I have no scar or anything....I LOVE THIS SITE..... TRY it for your moles....

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Nikki (Kansas City, Kansas) on 01/25/2009

After reading such positive feedback on this site about the use of apple cider vinegar to remove moles, I took the plunge and attempted to remove 4 moles on my face at once. I had 3 fairly small moles, and 1 larger mole about 1/8", all raised moles. I scratched my moles with a toothpick (not sure I scratched the larger one enough... kinda scary!) I pulled the cotton tips off of q-tips and dipped them in ACV, then secured them to my moles with bandaids before bed. In the morning I removed the bandaids and occaionally dapped the moles with ACV. On day 2 I was a little discouraged that after seeing no results, but I kept applying the ACV. On day 3 my moles began to scab. By day 7 two of the small mole scabs fell off and the moles had disappeared. On day 8 the third small mole fell off. I applied ACV to the moles every night until the scabs fell off. Now, the results of the ACV on my larger mole turned out slightly different. The inside of my larger mole scabbed up around day 4 and started coming off around day 9, but the outside border of my mole never scabbed up. My mole is now lighter in color and seems a little smaller and less raised, but it is not gone. It is possible that I failed to scratch the larger mole deep enough or across the entire surface initially. I'm going to wait a few weeks until the tissue seems completely healed and try the process again. But, I am happy to report that ACV does indeed work to quickly and easily remove moles! And it's cheap- I used Louisburg Organic Apple Cider vinegar that cost just $5.50 for a large glass bottle. I feel so blessed to have found this site with so much wonderful feedback.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by John (Phoenix, Arizona) on 01/21/2009

Apple Cider Vinegar got rid of a mole

NOTE* I used Heinz Apple Cider Vinegar

Since I was a little kid, I've always had problems with moles. A lot of people are lucky and don't have many noticeable moles. Me, well, not so lucky. I just happen to have more on my face then anywhere else. They're pretty noticeable to, not like little ones you can only see from up close. Now I'm realizing that these things are pretty darn ugly.

I decided I would test ACV on a not noticeable area to see if it was for me. I had a dark brown slightly raised mole on the front of my left shoulder that was similar to one of the main ones on my face I wanted to get rid of, so I decided to use it as a test mole. What I did was:Right before bed I got a needle and scratched the mole, making it bleed slightly (Not the best idea, just get it nice and tender instead). I then ripped the end of a Q-tip off and soaked it in ACV. I made sure it wasn't soaked but it still had a nice amount of ACV in it. I then duct taped the ACV soaked cotton swab to my ugly mole and removed the tape in the morning before my shower. No progress was noted in the first couple days, but I decided to stay at it. Once day four or five got around, a scab that if picked at, revealed a crater like thing formed. It was ugly but it wasn't on my face so I was ok. After a week or two, the crater filled in an left me with a pink very, very, slighty raised scar. I'm posting this almost exactly a month after the actual treatment happend, and the scar is blending in but isn't completely gone. Another month or two though and it will be gone. I would like to note that the ACV DID NOT burn my skin. I don't know why, maybe it's my skin type or the brand I used.

I hope to try the iodine method on another mole similar to the one removed thats above my collar bone, then which method to use on my face. I wish anyone luck who reads this, because one mole can really make a difference. If you plan to use ACV on your face I would recommend swabbing it on with a Q-tip, three or four times a day, not slapping it on your face over night. Any questions I will answer if you leave some, and good luck again.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Lexa (Bristol, United Kingdom) on 01/13/2009

I have had a mole on the end of my nose for the last 10 or more years of my life. I went to the Dr to see what they could do and they referred me to a cosmetic surgeon. Prices I cannot afford. I must also stress that since I have had this most of my life without any changes in colour or shape, there were no health implications, please remember any changing moles should be checked by a Dr first.

Anyway... after a lot of research ACV seemed the best option to go with. I am in England and found some Aspell's Cyder Vinegar in the normal Vinegar section of my supermarket, it was a clear liquid and only just over 1 BPS.

I tested this on a mole on my belly, it was only slightly raised and quite small (1/2mm). I won't go into detail with this one too much as it was relatively successful, but it did leave a bit of a mark where the ACV had seeped and sat on the edge of the plaster leaving a line. It also became incredibly sore.

After this relative success, I went for it on my nose. It was only slightly raised and 1/2mm again but right on the tip so I was always self-conscious. This time I stocked up on verruca plasters (the circular sponges) which I cannot recommend more. Not only did this stop the ACV burning healthy skin, it also helped hold the ACV in place on a very tricky part of the face!

So here is what I did:
1) Boiled some water and dropped a new sharp sewing needle into it.
2) With tweezers remove the needle while still relatively hot but able to touch.
3) Scratch the surface of the mole ensuring the sides are done too. I didn't dig in, just scraped the surface to make it a bit tender and remove the dead skin. This occassionally bled but I waited for this to stop and continued on.
4) Applied vaseline thickly around the nose and close to the edge of the mole
5) Ripped the end off a cotton bud and soaked in the ACV
6) Stuck the verruca plaster around the mole.
7) Using tweezers, placed the cotton bud onto the mole.
8) Using sticky tape, secured the place of the bud and plaster to the nose. I found sticky tape to be less painful and marked my nose less than conventional plasters that make the skin quite raw after pealing off and reapplying repeatedly. Sticky tape didn't seem to do this.
9) Sleep
10) Remove everything.
11) Repeated the above process until the whole area scabbed over. I continued to scratch the light clotting and applying it, but once the whole area was solidly scabbed I decided to leave it. For me this was after 3 nights.

The results were, for me, great. First of all, it scabbed to a very dark brown, making it a lot more noticable than before. Then it got quite loose so I peeled it off. It didn't look that different and a bit raw. I invested in some cocoa butter that was a miracle worker. It scabbed again, and it pealed off and now I have no little bump, it is still slightly prevalent with a light brown tint but not at all noticable, just because I keep inspecting it!

I started on 19th December, and it is now 13th Jan, so it has taken a while but it has been worth it.

One partial thing I didn't expect was looking at myself in the mirror and feeling like I was seeing someone else. I have never liked that mole, but it is taking some getting used to having a different face, and that is just one mole! I know it's hard to imagine, but try and think whether it is worth it because there is no going back.

I have taken photos to document the changes, they aren't great but if you are interested feel free to email me, but put ACV in the subject line because I get a lot of spam!

Good luck.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Scott (Oakland Park, Florida) on 12/17/2008

I had a mole on my head about 1/4" in diameter that has been there forever...slightly raised and brown. I never could see it until I started losing my hair as I got older. I wanted to shave my head but this mole would have been a real eye sore. I stumbled across this site looking for options other than surgery to get rid of it and decided to try the cider vinegar method. I read all of these posts and decided on a plan of 2 treatments daily. The first one was after work. I placed a cider soaked cotton ball over the mole and held it place with an old eye patch and let it sit there for about an hour, then I would remove it, rinse it off with water and go to bed. In the morning I would wake up an hour earlier than usual and do it again the same way, rinse and go to work. After the second day of this, the mole turned black and started to scab. The forth day I was able to peel off the majority of it with pink skin underneath (I was excited). Today is the sixth day and the rest of it just came off and it looks real good underneath. I can't believe this is all I had to do all these years. I used to put make-up on it after getting hair cuts because it was so visible. I think it will be 100% healed in the next couple of days. I am now putting aloe lotion on it. I am very happy and thankful for answered prayer and for finding this site.

PS: During all of this, the only discomfort was a little stinging here and there but no big deal.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jennifer (Cedar City, UT) on 12/14/2008

I tried the ACV on a small mole that I had on my chin. It was not horrendously huge, but it was getting more and more raised and just annoying me. The first night, I used a small piece of cottonball and soaked it in ACV then band-aided it to my face overnight. In the morning, no real noticeable change, but I wanted to stick with it. 2nd day, I dabbed at it with an ACV soaked Q-tip throughout the day and did not do the overnight thing again, as the ACV had seriously dried out a little patch of healthy skin around it and I didn't want to risk further burning the skin. Third day (today!) I woke up and the mole is very dark, almost black in color and the mole itself and surrounding dried skin is extremely dry and scaly to the touch. As much as my husband said to leave it alone....I couldn't help it. I peeled it right off. No pain whatsoever, a little tiny spot of blood, and now all I have to do is wait for the skin to heal. I am so happy as I have two raised moles under my left eye that are going to be gone next!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jim (Ephrata, PA) on 11/03/2008

I have done the apple cider vinegaer on a mole i have had for years I am on the third day of it I apply this twice a day with a cotton ball and bandade, try to keep the vinegaar directly on the mole, i was skeptal about this, but but this morning it is like a scab over my mole and it is almost flat with the skin i know in a day or so it will be gone, i am so greatful, to have a Dr. remove this would cost houndreds of dollars, and this has cost not even dollars, this mole has bothered me it was on the side of my face and i was embarrased about it, thank you so much for the advice, now i will start on two more moles today, you must use regular apple cider vinegar, not white distilled.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Brandon (Denver, Colorado) on 09/27/2008

Hey everyone, I recently came across this site and I am on my 4th day with the ACV method. I have had a reddish mole about the size of a small pea on my you know what since birth. I am amazed to say that by using a wood nail file to remove the outsite shell then using a Q-tip dipped in ACV and pressing it on the mole, that the mole is now 75% gone!!! After the first day a little scab formed. I pulled the scap off to reveal a now white fleshy mole instead of brown and red. It was lubricated with what looked like some natural skin oil trying to repair the skin.So I applied the ACV again, dabbing on it on throught out the morning.


So it scabs up again, but when I pull it off this time a big chunk comes out of the middle yuck! But to my amazement the mole has been greatly reduced. It's working.

Day 4 I would say it's down to 75%, I am working on the outsite rim now with my file hoping to burn the rest away. This is the Real Deal guys try it. I am still a bit skeptical and I will be until it is completely gone. But so far so good, and you can do it at your own pace. The more you apply acv the quicker it goes.

I will update if I can get this ugly thing gone for good.


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