Natural Remedies

Hemorrhoid Relief: Top Home Remedies and Causes Explained

Posted by Nonni (Usa) on 11/01/2013

After trying several different home remedies for an external hemorrhoid, I decided to try the homeopathic remedy, Calc. Fluor. in the 6 x potency. I read that you should take 4 doses a day as well as apply it topically. I dissolved about 3 or 4 of the tablets in water and put some on a cotton ball. I squeezed out any excess water and placed the cotton ball on the hemorrhoid. I did this every night leaving the cotton ball on until morning. I never did take the Calc. Fluor. internally, but after 12 nights of applying it topically the hemorrhoid had shrunk and was healed. I kept the mixture in the refrigerator and made a fresh batch every 4 or 5 days.

Coconut Oil, Cumin
Posted by Dibro828 (Mississippi) on 11/01/2013

Healed the worst case of Hemorroids imagined by Coconut oil and Ground Cumin!

Fast relief. No faith required.

Latex glove with a nice dob of Coconut oil at finger tips..."cover" and I mean cover the Coconut oil with Ground Cumin

(Mccormicks from the grocery store works just fine thank you)

squat and apply the ointment inside and outside of rectum...may be warm a few seconds..but the trade off is NO MORE Itching no more burning.

As the coconut oil instantly sooths the rawness of affected area (all around inside and out) the Ground Cumin gets to work reducing the size of the "Roid" or "Roids" by getting the circulation flowing from the blocked up rectum tissue causing the pain n swelling in the first place.

Repeat this AM and PM or 3x day if possible.

Optional: Try

Magic Milk "Tonic"...

Warning (Do not drink Magic Milk if taking blood thinning medications)

Magic Milk "Tonic"

1-8oz cup of milk (warm is mighty good)

1/4 tsp of Ground Curry ...

1/4 tsp Ground Tumeric

1/4 tsp Ground Ginger Root...

For two and three alarm Hemorroids add

1/4 tsp Ground Cumin to this mix.

Sip and enjoy the healing magic!

Psyllium Husk
Posted by Naphora (Sofia, Bulgaria) on 10/30/2013

I am writing to you to add a natural remedy for hemorrhoids. Psyllium husk is a fiber supplement which taken with water becomes jelly-like, softens the stools.

I take three level teaspoons twice a day before meals with 2 cups of water.

Although my external hemorrhoid has not shrunk what I have achieved is no blood no pain for the first time in a long time. I am going to try other remedies in order to shrink the roid, but psyllium husk gave me immediate relief of all pain and blood. I had to take a trip abroad to a distant country - an organized tour. What I did was take my psyllium husk with me. Had no problems at all - regular bowel movements, no pain, no blood, although I spent 7 days site-seeing and travelling by bus with a large group of tourists.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Happyhappy (Florida) on 09/17/2013

I had bleeding, internal hemorrhoids for seriously TWO years! I tried every single remedy listed on Earth Clinic and over the counter stuff. I knew I should really go to the doctor, but every time I planned to, they would clear up for a day or two at most. Anyway, this is what worked for me, and I hope I can help someone else out there! It takes a few steps working all together. First, I stopped drinking caffeine, eating any products with sugar or white flour (which we shouldn't eat anyway). Contrary to popular belief, I stopped eating ALL grains such as oatmeal, psyllium fiber supplements, etc. These just seemed to aggravate the situation, which I have learned from perusing the 'net that this is the case for some people (see the bean/salad comments below--I think some people need a less harsh type of fiber). I upped my water intake to at least 8-10 glasses a day (I just wasn't drinking that much). I eat 1 or 2 salads per day. I eat beans almost every day--even if they were from a can--just don't eat the baked kind with the sugary sauces. Very little red meat, mainly chicken breast. I make sure I walk once or twice every day for at least 30 minutes. Very important--do not, do not, do not strain on the toilet, and make sure your legs are close together (graphic? yes, but I think I learned this from another Earth Clinic poster). I think what was most important for me, --I took 2 Triphala capsules in the morning, and then 2 more at night before bed. I also started taking one 200 mcg Chromium Picolinate pill before bed. Within 2 days--whoopee!!!!! No more constipation, and no more bleeding 'rrhoids!! It's been over 1 month now and no symptoms whatsoever. I have 1-2 easy comfortable movements now daily. I have been sorta constipated most of my life, and I truly think some people are prone to this and maybe have a chromium deficiency that is contributing--but I'm reading up on that more. Good luck and happy poopin'!

Essential Oils
Posted by Griselda (San Antonio, Tx. Usa) on 09/07/2013

You don't believe what it help me - so simple and it feels so good, Thank you God! Because I know was U helping me! Organic Greek yogurt! , Yes, just put it in the roid, push it gentle inside, within a second, the bump just disappear! I put it with a drop of tea tree oil, God Bless you!

Posted by Deehee (Usa) on 09/06/2013

Vicks set my rear on fire and made my 'roid bleed (it wasn't bleeding before). Do not use Vicks on genital areas if you are sensitive to menthol or camphor.

Posted by Leelannee (Sussex, Nj) on 09/01/2013

Clear soluble fiber.

I had hemorrhoids after childbirth and while witch hazel helped with some of the pain and itching, it didn't really cure them.

For a different health concern, I started taking a product that is advertised as "clear soluble fiber" or "non-thickening fiber". Insoluble fiber can dry out your stool, which can irritate hemorrhoids; soluble fiber makes the stool easier to pass, which (I believe) allows the hemorrhoids to heal.

This even worked for one of my cats! I gave him 1/2 a teaspoon in his water bowl every 3-4 days, and he never noticed because it doesn't have any flavor or texture when dissolved in water. In a few days he was better, and I continued to add it to his water for prevention.

Posted by Glea (Indiana) on 08/23/2013

I just started drinking cayenne pepper in tomato juice and am noticing my hemmoroids/skin tags are shrinking! I read on a cayenne pepper website that it helps with this condition and it seems to be true! :) There are many other benefits to cayenne pepper as well, some are here on Earth Clinic.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Dave (Canada) on 08/06/2013

I've been struggling with hemorrhoids all my life, and acne as well, so one time I read that vitamin A can help with acne so I start eating beef liver, pretty decent amount everyday until I found the correct amount to eat everyday for my acne to completely stop. Well, I didn't expect it but it also stopped my hemorrhoids completely. It seems that for me eating a lot more than the recommended amount of vitamin A everyday fixes all my problems.

Posted by Anthony (Newmarket, Ontario, Canada) on 07/29/2013

i tried it. It's a cool feel. I use vick vapor rub, it has mentholatum in it

Dietary Changes
Posted by Ed (London, Uk) on 06/25/2013

hi, I've had piles about a year ago and didn't think that I'd be able to get rid of the problem. After a couple of weeks of eating vegetables and drinking lots of water, the small pile disappeared but left me an awful skin tag and an anal fissure. Once the fissure healed, which took months, I've had the skin tag surgically removed under general anasthetics. It took about 4 weeks for the swelling to go down. Now I can't even describe how happy I am that this problem is behind me. I didn't think one day, I would be one of these people reporting a fully successful treatment!

However, you still need to make note of a few tips:
1. DRINK lots of water (keeps everything soft)
2. Take FIBER SUPPLEMENTS (makes everything soft)
3. Try not to sit when you have a no 2. SQUAT instead. (there's no more pressure on your piles)

Good Luck.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Em (San Francisco, Ca) on 05/27/2013

After months of experimenting, and having tried castor oil and ACV, the both gave me temporary relief, reducing the itching and swelling, but not a cure. My most important discovery has been the effect of eliminating coffee. The itching was reduced by 95%. What I ingest definitely affects my hemorrhoids. My thought is that any foods that causes gas or bloating does not agree with my body and therefore I'll try to eliminate it out of my diet as a first step and later I'll see if I can tolerate small amounts.

I have also been using baking soda with a little soap when showering to eliminate any yeast condition that may be aggravating my condition. I'm also eliminating alcohol and other foods to determine whether specific foods are triggers.

Posted by Nick (Detroit, Mi) on 05/24/2013

Thank you, Vanya. How many capsules he took per day?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by April (Seattle, Wa) on 04/25/2013

The posts of other peoples successes have helped me remedy the internal/external hemorroids and fissures I have been plagued with for the last 10 months. So I thought I would pass on the things that worked in my trials and errors. I went to the doctor and a surgeon who each prescribed things that helped, but only temporarily. Surgery is not a viable option for me at this time, not to mention scarey. I've tried a couple of different products my boyfriend found online without noticeable improvement. It's been a long arduous process, I hope my experiences can offer assistance as I wouldn't wish this problem on anyone!

The following are things that worked for me:

Pure Psyllium powder once a day for regularity.

Coconut oil healed the fissures within a few days (used as a suppository) and has a wonderfully cooling sensation. It was an immediate relief! It soothes irritated skin surrounding the area as well. I find it wise to use a tiny bit externally since that area needs to stay dry. No problems with fissures since!

Bending over while on the stool. This is wonderful and highly recommended. Thank you person who posted that. This is the way to go! :) Makes so much sense. I still insert vaseline with a q-tip prior to going for good measure.

Using witch hazel to clean the area. Witch hazel wipes. Corn starch powder to stay dry.

My naturalpath gave me a food allergy test. Relatively inexpensive. By cutting the foods out of my diet that I'm allergic to my body seems to process foods better. A good digestive enzyme to help with the things it doesn't.

The surgeon prescribed a stool softener (I just saw it as an over the counter product in the drug store). I use this if my normal bowel movement doesn't happen to prevent tears. This has eased my mind when I'm worried about something I ate tearing me up. Like the other day when I had a burger that was like a brick in my stomach.

Cayenne Pepper with honey and lemon for swelling have had immediate impact on the stubborn external hemorroids that seemed like they would never go away despite everything I did. I love this drink and just wish I wasn't so afraid to try it before. I thought the cayenne pepper would burn, but only my throat if I add too much. About 1/8th of a teaspoon in a large mug of warm water. It is wonderful! I take it morning and night.

I have used an incredible amount of Ibuprofen over the last several months for the pain and to ease the discomfort. Recently I found that Antihistamine used for allergies makes the itching go away! Common over the counter allergy product. Oh my goodness what a wonderful thing!

Kegels helped get the external ones back where they belong. Sitz baths when I needed them. Glycerin suppositories when things get stuck and over the counter ointments.

It's been a long arduous process to completely remedy my problem. I sit all day at work (on a rolled up towel) and am just now starting to feel normal with the Benadryl and cayenne tea for those stubborn external ones. I'd like to be able to wear jeans without setbacks which hopefully will happen soon. All the best!

Posted by Sick Of Hems (Singapore) on 04/13/2013

Hi all. Hems, how annoying. I endured an internal one that would present itself during bowel movements with depressing regularity. Such an annoying and bothersome condition because you're daily reminded about it. Acv, coconut oil, garlic orally and suppository, more fibre, more water, more fruit, more exercise, molasses, cayenne you name it. I tried all of the things I read about here and sure I'm probably more healthy because of it but over a couple of years I have not seen any improvement.... Until about a week ago I started taking Tumeric. I cannot say for sure that it is the singular factor but the correlation of significant improvement with this condition and taking tumeric seems too close to ignore. I say improvement only because I'm still finding it hard to believe that the condition may actually be fixed as I approach with trepidation, every passing motion. People are here because, I guess like me, they prefer natural remedies, don't want surgery and aren't having luck with chemist bought stuff. If you've got hems you've probably done a stack of research and realise that why we get them is still open to conjecture. Some say candida, some say not enough fibre, straining on the toilet etc, in some way I guess you could link them all up as digestive. I'm not a doctor and the stuff I'm reading about Tumeric/Curcurmin talks about how it's anti inflammatory , antic bacterial and a natural liver detoxifier as well as a bunch of other ways its good for you. Anyway I just thought I'd add my experience to the list.

I take a couple of 500mg Tumeric/curcumin tablets with meals every day and after a few days I was surprised by an improvement ( I wasnt taking it explicitly for hemms ) and then after around a week things seem to have at least 90 percent improved, I say 90 percent, maybe its a 100 it's just that after a couple of years with it it's difficult to know what a "normal" bowel movement without a hemm appearing feels like. Anyway if you find yourself in a similar position to me you might want to give Tumeric/curcumin a try. The last thing I wanted to do was subject myself to surgery because of it. It's an annoying condition, like many I suppose, because its depressing and a constant annoyance but hopefully this is the factor that helped me and with many luck you too. Good luck and be patient finding something that will work.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jude (Stanford, Ct) on 03/28/2013

I have been suffering from hemorrhoids for the past few months and trust me its something I wouldn't wish even on my worst enemy. Initially, I tried using preparation-H wipes and gel but it gave me only temporary relief and no reduction in the size. So I tried this procedure that worked slowly but surely. First, make a concoction of olive oil, coconut oil, honey, brown butter(Indian ghee) a tablespoon of each. Then, as and when you want to use, grate a little bit of garlic in maybe half a teaspoon of the above mixture and a large pinch of turmeric. Apply this mixture on your hem. Trust me this really works. It will definitely sting at first no doubt but it works. Make sure the garlic is freshly grated every time you apply the mixture. Later on, once the 'roids have decreased in size, you can try a mixture of just plain ghee and honey and the important thing here is pushing them back in to prevent them from hardening up and forming a clot. Also, try to increase fiber slowly in your diet as a sudden increase in fiber will cause gas, bloating and either constipation or diarrhea which will cause a flare up again. Try to avoid garlic and just apply the above mentioned mixture with a small pinch turmeric if you have bleeding 'roids as some people are super sensitive to garlic.

Posted by Sally (Saint James City, Fl-florida) on 02/20/2013

I had 2 large hemoroids. I inserted garlic at bedtime the first night and didn't notice any improvement. The second night I soaked a cotton ball in ACV and kept that applied to the area while sleeping. It relieved the itching but didn't reduce the size. The third day I tried Arnica Gel. Its a gel I had purchased after facial surgery to reduce pain, swelling and bruising. I have been applying that externally 3 times a day for the last 2 days, one hemoroid is completely gone and the other is almost gone. The active ingredient in the gel is 7% Arnica Montana. There is also an Arnica Montana supplement I took for my facial surgery to reduce swelling and bruising. I havent tried that for hemoroids, just mentioning it since its available in more forms than just topical.

Proper Positioning
Posted by Gaetano (St. Louis, Missouri, Us) on 02/04/2013

The 6" step to allow squatting on the toilet is what seems to work best for me. I'm 19 and my first hemorrhoid appeared two months ago: small protrusion from the anus that retracted within days. The itchiness and minor swelling persisted though. Sitting was uncomfortable and pretty much throughout the whole day my bum was itchy or irritated. I never saw a proper doctor, but from talking to my dad (an ob/gyn) determined it was probably a small internal one. I tried the garlic suppositories (5 days), Candida Cleanse diet (5 days only eating vegetables; didn't do the detox drinks or other supplements), Apple Cider Vinegar, Witch Hazel Wipes, and generic hemorrhoid cream, but nothing seamed to work effectively (though the garlic suppositories did make bowel movements much easier with no straining).

I started using the 6 inch step (two shoeboxes for my tall toilet) and the irritation and itching have declined significantly. Now only a few times per day do I even take notice of any irritation and it is minor and goes away if I don't think about it.

It is more natural for us to squat when defecating. It loosens the muscle in the colon that controls continence and allows an open path for stool with less straining. Non-western countries where squatting is the norm have very low rates of hemorrhoids (compared to America where more than half the population will have them at some point).

Of course a healthy diet and exercise have been shown (more empirically than squatting) to increase ease of bowel movements and prevention of hemorrhoids, but the 6" step is probably the most efficient way of alleviating hemorrhoids.

Google 'squatty potty' or 'slate don't just sit there' for some informational videos/articles on the subject.
