Genital Herpes
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Treatments for Genital Herpes Relief

Stabilized Oxygen Drops
Posted by Lovelytrees13 (US) on 03/10/2015

I am interested in purchasing Stabilized oxygen drops. But if it's possible, I would love a recommendation on a legit brand. Not all brands live up to what this treatment can do. Nobody who commented on the genital herpes thread mentioned any. Please contact me. I understand that you're not a clinic, but I would love some help.

Posted by Anon (St. Charles, Mo) on 03/09/2015

Hi Ben from LS,

Very interesting to read your experience with BHT for Genital Herpes. Although my outbreaks are not as severe as yours, I get around 2 - 3 per year.

I have started on BHT around December 2014, and no outbreaks since then but a very similar thing happened to me. I started getting the tingling and bumps on my butt, dull pain down from buttocks to knee on one leg. I never got this in this area ever before. I always used to get outbreaks in the same spot near my genitals. But since BHT, I only had slight discomfort around genitals but no big issue at all.

But the new location, the virus seemed to be trying very hard to break out for at least a month and half non-stop but never really causing a break-out. I still have what seems like a very mild issue on my butt.

When the mild attack was not going away for more than a month, I upped my dosage from 250mg 2x day to 500mg 2x day for a couple of days and that certainly helped. I also apply BHT dissolved to saturation in 70% isopropyl alcohol every 5 days or so.

So, my experience is similar to yours- BHT seems to be chasing the virus away from its usual breakout spot to new locations. My hope is that eventually, the virus will run out of places to go and gets wiped out.

Please keep the hope and continue with BHT. And share your updates here. I plan to get tested soon and BTW, I never got tested but the symptoms are unmistakable.

Posted by Ben (Louisiana, US) on 03/08/2015

Hi to all . I suffer from genital herpes I experience an outbreak about every two weeks. I have tried everything. From Red Marine Algae, lysine, olive leaf extract, green algae, Mediterranean Oregano oil, red Pepper, cayenne pepper, Ginger, garlic, turmeric, Prunella Vulgaris, onion water, Apple cider vinegar, multi onion blend smoothie, mineral clay and that is about it. I say that with a very sarcastic under tone.

I started BHT this past Wednesday. I am starting to feel an outbreak right now. I see some red spots coming up. They are on and around my genital area in places that they have never been before. I got a blister in my mouth Friday which is now gone. I have never had a blister that looked like what I get down there anywhere but down there. I do get fever blisters but you cannot see them at all they just hurt a little bit and that's about it. I also have one that came up yesterday inside my nose. Is this normal ? Nothing has worked to date! I will say that nothing has made it run for the hills like this . Should I be concerned about this or is this the HSV reacting to the medicine ? I did take Valtrex for about 1 1/2 years it worked. I'm not real big on taking a pill for the rest of my life. So I started doing research and found many mixed reviews on a lot of different products. I have pretty much tried all of them.

So I'm going to give BHT a shot. Is there anything else that I should take with BHT and can I take it out of the capsules and apply it directly to the infected areas or the areas that are tingling before an outbreak ?

General Feedback
Posted by Sv (Usa) on 03/05/2015

Lysine helps with this monster... It's an amino acid.... very safe....

General Feedback
Posted by Vsherry9 (Detroit, Mi) on 03/05/2015

Thank you everyone! Sometimes life just throws some bad circumstances your way & you just learn to deal with it & move on. I am definitely going to try the BHT after I research a little more on it. Thanks again I truly do appreciate it.

General Feedback
Posted by Mactwo (Beatty, Oregon) on 02/28/2015

All virus are preventible when the immune system has a constant available source of vitamin 'C'. Fifty milligrams plus for babies. one gram or more for healthy children and adults to 6 grams a day and more for seniors. Colds, flu, constipation and cold sores are just 4 signs of inadequate 'C'.

All virus are cured when the immune system has a constant available source of vitamin 'C'. Dr F R Klenner cured all virus patients he saw in over 45 years of practice with up to 160 grams of 'C' a day with oral, IV, and injections in days. Research!

Case History, Internet! Woman cured herself of vaginal herpes in 4 months with 'C', 44 grams a day and went on to have a perfect baby.

Consistent massive amounts oral 'C' will cure all virus in time. With a doctors help with 'C' injections and IV's can do the same in days.

All vitamins are important. It is impossible to get all the vitamin/minerals we need from food even if we ate 25 hours a day.

Health scientists agree on two important points. As much as 90% of health is dietary. Eighty percent of a healthy body is the digestion and elimination system. Disease prevention is the immune system fortified with the vitamins/minerals, and nutrients that support the immune and digestive systems. Quote, Dr F R Klenner, " white blood cell without adequate vitamin 'C' is like soldiers without bullets".

Few people understand the crippling effects to the immune system by toxic refined sugars, processed vegetable oils, junk foods, chemicals in processed foods, all soft drinks, soy, soy milk, microwave, deep fried foods and artificial sweeteners. The excess sugars in the body are used by fungus, yeasts, parasites, diseases to grow and replicate.

Causes allergies, bipolar, depression, obesity, etc.

General Feedback
Posted by Martin (New York, NY) on 02/28/2015

Dear Sherry,

I am very sorry for your recent and sudden losses. What you are describing sounds like herpes sores and I think you may be in a outbreak cycle from profound grief. Grief is one of the main triggers for genital herpes outbreaks. Unfortunately, an outbreak cycle can go on for many months so you might work to strengthen your immune system as soon as possible. I wouldn't waste too much energy focusing on how you could have gotten genital herpes. It does happen to a lot of people, even older ones. I know a couple of people who got it in their 60s for the first time.

People have good results lessening the severity of a genital herpes outbreak using medicinal mushrooms for the immune system and olive leaf capsules. Regular acupuncture treatments would help alleviate grief, and in my opinion, will be a very important component to stopping an outbreak cycle. I don't know much about BHT, but Oscar's recommendation sounds like a good one to research. Please keep us updated.

General Feedback
Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 02/28/2015

So very much has been written and documented about the effectiveness of BHT as a treatment for ALL forms of the herpes viruses, I am surprised you have not heard about it. It seems surely worth a try. BHT cured me of one of the oral types of herpes virus. I used the 250mg of BHT per day with water only on an empty stomach method. BHT can also be mixed with regular type isopropanol you can by at any drugstore for use as a TOPICAL TREATMENT ONLY....Oscar

General Feedback
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 02/27/2015

Shingles can settle in the nerves with no visible signs on the skin, pain can last for years in the nerves.

Coconut oil is anti viral and treats some venerial diseases. Ingesting a small amount 1/2 tsp. and increasing as tolerated up to 1/4 cup a day. Apply topically, you could have die off symptoms so GO SLOW.

Sorry you had to go through so much trauma in such a short time frame. B vitamins help with stress, ( when you feel like eating all the time, you have too much ).

General Feedback
Posted by Vsherry9 (Detroit, Mi) on 02/27/2015

What I have is not a rash & is not that painful until the lesion bursts open (just a bit of stinging), so I highly doubt that it is Herpes Zoster/Shingles. I just get it in 2 spots right next to my hairline in my vaginal area. It started with one spot, but then I think it spread to another by being infected by the other. That was before I realized I had to make sure it was covered so it wouldn't spread. I believe it did start a few years ago - during the year of my first outbreak my daughter's boyfriend was killed in a car accident, a month later my father died, then a month later after that my brother died. So it definitely started after a stressful period in my life. My gyno also asked me if I husband gets cold sores & said that is possibly how I got it by having oral sex during one of his outbreaks, is this possible. I read something about putting hydrogen peroxide right on the lesion full strength - has anyone else tried this?

General Feedback
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 02/27/2015

It could be herpes Zoster which is a form of shingles and can be very painful, there is a cream they prescribe for it . Shingles usually follow an emotional event or stress and can outbreak in many places on the body including the eye.

General Feedback
Posted by Vsherry9 (Detroit, Mi) on 02/26/2015

I have had an ongoing issue with a whitish discharge, doesn't seem to smell, but I notice it every time I shower & clean myself out. I've made appointments with my gyno but every time she checks me out she cannot find anything, maybe because I'm showering before I go in (not sure), but each time she's prescribed antibiotics which haven't worked. So I gave up! It seems like I've had this forever. Question, is this normal or is it some kind of infection or STD? Just about 2 years ago I noticed a lesion on the outside top part of my vagina still in the pink area right before the hair. I again went to my gyno & she said I had Herpes, which is really surprising to me since I've been with my husband almost 22 years & have not been with another man. Just recently I've been having break outs from this, which is leaving me feeling fluish each time - I'm wondering if the 2 are some how related. If any one else has this problem & what anyone recommends for me to use. I am new here but I am not into medications & would love to hear about some natural cures. I've been reading on here for months but don't know really how to tell what exactly I should be using, ugh - help!!! I think doctors are to easy to prescribe antibiotics & I refuse to be their test subjects any longer.

Osha, Usnea and Echinacea
Posted by Alex (Eugene, Oregon) on 02/14/2015

I don't have herpes but have advised people who do as I work in the healing industry as a body worker and spiritual counselor. I treated my children's viral and bacterial infections while they were growing up with the following herbs.

Osha is a strong antiviral. Usnea is a strong antibacterial and antifungal. Echinacea is a good blood purifier.

Years ago when clients asked if there is anything I could recommend for their herpes breakouts I told them of these herbs. I suggested they take the tinctures orally and to use a combination of the Osha and Usnea as a topical and apply it with a cotton swab. I suggested they take 30 drops of each of the 3 tinctures together every 2-3 hours at the first signs of an outbreak and to take this dosage for the first 24-48 hrs depending on results and then to do the bottle recommendation for at least 5 days. The bottle should recommend about 30-35 drops 3 times a day.

This is the same course of action I would use with my kids at the first signs of any illness. Those who tried it say it stopped the outbreak in its tracks and healed it in a couple of days. These herbs are fine to use in these dosages for the first few days without worrying about overdosing or side effects. I recommend these to people who can't fight off viral infections and they are amazed at how fast they respond to them. Something I have been doing the last few years is to mix these 3 herbs in a atomizing spray bottle and spraying it into my throat where it can really absorb. I have been free of any type of viral infection for about 13 years. The atomizing spray bottle may be a good application for topical use especially when away from home and without swabs. I take the 3 herbs throughout the flu and cold season as a preventative and especially if I'm going to be out in a large crowd such as a convention. These tinctures can also be put into a bottle of water in their daily dose amounts and sipped throughout the day and they will metabolize well through the kidneys. The tinctures are best taken if allowed to absorb sublingually (under the tongue) but these herbs are an acquired taste. Since herbs lack the residual affect of pharmaceuticals it's important to be diligent with taking them during any treatment to ensure their efficacy. I think with the condition of a herpes outbreak treating both topically and at the same time systemically is a good system of treatment.

The Osha is also a good lung herb in that it is a bronchial dilator and is also a good expectorant and as a strong antiviral will fight the virus where it's breaking out and also at its source. The Usnea will help to fight secondary infections at the breakout site and to give an extra boost to the immune system by taking off some of its load of keeping harmful bacterial in the body in check; this will free up some of the immune system to fight the herpes outbreak. Echinacea balances blood PH and in doing so stimulates a sluggish lymphatic system and this will enhance the body's ability to fight infection. I also recommend maximizing the health of the immune system by eliminating all sugars, GMOs, junk foods and their additives, fluoride in water and toothpaste, refined flours and grains, sodas and all sugary drinks, meats and dairy with hormones. Eat organic as much possible and meats that are free range and fed non-GMO grains. Another thing that is wreaking havoc on our health is the over abundance of omega 6 oils to omega 3s. Western diet is lacking in EFAs; essential fatty acids. All these things contribute to a weakened immune system that will make it much more susceptible to diseases and out breaks as well as allergies. Our food and water supply has been compromised for profits and we as individuals need to be diligent about what we are eating and indulging in. At age 61 I'm free of all meds and am in robust health and do aerobics 4-5 days a week, pump iron and eat a healthy, natural, GMO free and organic diet. I'm free of spending time and money chasing my health through a ineffective health system and free of spending money on pharm drugs.

De-stressing and finding inner peace is also conducive to a healthy body and immune system as well as the mind. Meditation daily can add to the health of your overall being and its ability to fight infections and ward off outbreaks. I recommend to start telling your body every day you are giving it permission to heal and rid itself of all viruses. Tell your body it's strong enough to heal itself. When you've told yourself this enough then you will start to feel and know it and it will respond. Every cell in our body is a sentient being and responds to what we give it a tell it. Believe. Faith is an inner acknowledgement of truth. Faith and truth are yours to use for your own healing. Blessings and best wishes to everyone.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Dre (Miami, Fl, Usa) on 02/13/2015

Can u help me with the conversion please.

Olive Leaf and Turmeric
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc, Canada) on 02/09/2015

Turmeric is used in Ayurvedic medicine synergistically with a number of other herbs which then increase in potency. Namaste, Om

Olive Leaf and Turmeric
Posted by Jane (London, Uk) on 02/09/2015

I am taking Olive Leaf extract for genital herpes with the hope of eradicating the virus completely from my body. My question is, I have also read that turmeric is good for keeping the virus suppressed, if I took Turmeric with Olive Leaf would I be making it more difficult for the Olive Leaf to rid the virus from my body? Because I want to draw the h virus out, hiding/suppressing it would suggest a push - pull between taking the Turmeric and Olive Leaf? Any thoughts?

Secondly, I am disappointed that anyone who claims to have been cured by using Oxygen or some other remedy is not returning to the forum (I suppose they don't return to look at the posts, or earth clinic doesn't send alerts to their email) but it would give us all a lot more hope if we knew that years later people are really free from this virus and also be great to be advised of particulars, such as brand, dose and so on.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Anothervictim (US) on 02/03/2015

Could you please let me know in detail the exact method you used with the hydrogen peroxide in order to completely eradicate this awful disease from your body? Also, after follow-up retests, have you continued to test negative? My email address is: fdelphi03 at gmail dot Com

Acetone Nail Polish Remover, L-Lysine
Posted by Brokenme26 (Saudi Arabia) on 01/26/2015

Nail polish remover really helps? I'm afraid to put it.

Posted by Bee (Los Angeles) on 01/20/2015

If you are having gut issues, likely could be unrelated to BHT, an epidemic of allergies especially gluten, soy, and corn are snowballing because of GMO changes in recent years.

Aloe Vera
Posted by Nicholas (Playa Del Carmen, Mexico) on 01/16/2015

Well the peanuts thing is indifferent to me because is free in most restuarants, beer almost all enjoy a cold beer especially in hot climate. I live in Mexico Southern. Tea Tree Oil soap or oil is excellent helper, Apple Cider Vinegar, there are no health food stores here. I use apple vinegar, topical apply, drink cool. Comments - I am not in a case with big break outs or something. I have a couple sores that may not even be herpes. I like the study of medicine and yes - cut out cigarettes, coffee. I agree, don't do either. Use a natural cure, not pills. I am a dentist and mouth herpes I haven't seen at all; very rare here anywhere. Well amigos Nicholas from Colorado, USA out here in Mexico working along.

Onion Family (Onions, Garlic, Celery, Thyme)
Posted by Molly (Placerville ) on 01/07/2015

Hi. :) Did you ever end up getting more info about that onion/garlic broth..I'm curious.

DMSO, Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Gloria (Conn, US) on 01/03/2015

i tried almost everything you can imagine including the hydrogen peroxide 35 %. With the DSMO rubbing it in my lower back of my spine for 60 days with no luck;(

Ozone Therapy
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn. ) on 12/10/2014

HI U AUSTIN, , , , , , , thank you for your URL and I will use it because we have a medical ozone generator and go to Atlanta for ozone treatments that we can't do at home.

I run up a RED FLAG with your comment that a woman can use vaginal ozone insufflation for hours. That is not what directions we have been given by the ozone generator manufacturer, literature, nor our ozone doctors. You say this so flippantly that it alarms me.


Ozone Therapy
Posted by Austinozone (Austin, Texas) on 12/09/2014

We have been treating many clients who have HSV-2 with Ozone Therapy and we have seen amazing results. There are multiple ways to use ozone and I recommend you see a practitioner that is experience or you should get training before performing ozone therapy on yourself. I am not going to say we have cured the disease but we have seen multiple clients with no OB's for 12 months since starting treatment. Ozone therapy is not legal in every state so I would do your research. There are ozonated topical creams which can also work wonders as well as ozonated olive oil suppositories.

If you are a female I highly recommend vaginal insufflation. Women have an advantage, in that vaginal insufflation requires no preparation, and can be administered for very long periods of time, hours in fact. The gas will usually find its way into the uterus, out the Fallopian tubes, and then into the abdominal cavity. Liver problems and pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) can be addressed in this way. This is also a good way of getting ozone into the lymph system. Obviously, this method is not recommended during pregnancy. We have more information in our medical library here,

Onion Family (Onions, Garlic, Celery, Thyme)
Posted by Gloria (Connecticut, US) on 12/01/2014

Hi I would like to know more information regarding the onion and garlic remedy. So you make a mixture of garlic and onion, then you drink a glass day? For how long? Does this cure or is it a temporary fix?

Colloidal Silver
Posted by Cornelia (Cornwall, Uk) on 11/23/2014

I started to feel the telltale tingling and burning of a herpes outbreak and, as I was away on a trip, I didn't have my usual cream on me.
However, I did have a nasal spray bottle full of colloidal silver, so before going to bed, I soaked a cotton makeup remover pad and placed it on the affected area and kept it in place with my underpants. The next morning all symptoms had almost disappeared. During the day I continued to spray the area every time I went to the bathroom and by that evening all symptoms had disappeared.
However, I didn't know if this was just a coincidence and that it was just some other irritation.
But another time, I was travelling again and I had the beginnings of an outbreak. As I didn't have any colloidal silver on me and the shops were closed, it developed into a small open sore. The next morning I found a place where I could buy some and I applied it as above. The next day the sore had almost completely healed. I had never seen an open sore heal so quickly!

Oregano Oil
Posted by Anony (Chicago ) on 11/18/2014

Ps to all curious about oil of oregano. You HAVE to get the high grade oreganol. It's a tiny bottle for like 30 bucks. Expensive but you don't go through it too fast. If you don't get the highest grade and potency) there's no reason to get it at all.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Jax (England) on 11/16/2014

I loved reading your story, love your zest for life. I have had Genital Herpes for about 7 years but was only diagnosed a year ago I was devastated once it was confirmed thought my life was over, I had come out of a long term relationship, met someone a year later, but he was diabetic I had told him about my problem, I just thought risk was too great for him. In the 7 years I never had treatment and now it's confirmed I don't want to take them either, I tried the Hydro Peroxide 35% grade as it was said to cure - didn't work just suppressed it, so I need to focus on what to do when I feel the tingling. So using ACV and coconut oil will be a must. I take great motivation about life from you as I thought life was over.

Kevin Trudeau's Protocol
Posted by Anonymous (Usa) on 11/02/2014

Somewhat, till I found out flounder cures. Flounder loaded with lysine. Cook plain unseasoned, take vitamins, real green coconut water, herbs... Best to get supervised while on regimen. The man who got cured did it while being supervised by iridologist. His weight, blood counts were constantly monitored, organ. She was also a medical Dr.30days regimen with no food. Too much lysine destroys liver.. So one size does not fit all. Read also "onion family" cures on EC. Must change diet..

Permanent Cure for Genital Herpes
Posted by Anonymous (Usa) on 11/02/2014

Hi. Someone who is cured by changing his diet using everything from the onion family.. Onion, garlic, shallots, chives, leeks. Boil and drink. He's been retested many times and nothing in the blood. No symptoms and is herpes free. Also, use plain cooked unseasoned flounder with pure coconut water for a while. Watch your organs. Regimen for days, vitamins, herbs, iridologist or Dr supervision. Founder's loaded with lysine. People cured.

Posted by L J (Los Angeles, CA) on 10/28/2014

Hi girls, if you want to rid yourself of Herpes, take L - Lysine...the amino acid, it cures facial cold sores and also down below..although don't take it with L Arginine. They cancel each other out, , xoxo

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Charlie (California) on 10/25/2014

Hello, I want to try using hyrogen peroxide for herpes but I am curious to know is your outcome still negative after posting your post last year? I have been researching natural remedies and I have become discouraged. Thank you.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Winnerzbelieve (Memphis, TN) on 10/15/2014

What great responses! I must commend both of you for your courageous outlook. I have experienced herpes for many years. Exercising and yoga does strengthen the immune system - I didn't have an outbreak for at least 5 years. At that time, I stopped exercising! Minimize stress and you will indeed counteract breakouts. Stay encouraged.

Permanent Cure for Genital Herpes
Posted by Andrew (Portland, Oregon) on 10/07/2014

Hi, I am concerned that I may have contracted Herpes and am searching vigorously for possible cures. I believe that there is a lot of bias in the American medical community, and the idea that Herpes and other viruses are "incurable" is merely the status quo. With corporate influences on the industry from pharmaceutical companies, who knows?

It looks like there's a strong community on here, so I thought this would be a great place to pose my question and see how much hope there is.

According to American medical standards, if a disease's signs have not returned after 5 years, it is considered cured. I think the standard was made for mostly experimental reasons, such as cancer research.

So, who has 1) experienced NO outbreaks or symptoms for at least 5 years AFTER using a specific remedy (without using the remedy itself during those 5 years - I don't count a disease to be cured or virus eradicated if you're dependent on something indefinitely), and 2) has been RETESTED and received a negative result AFTER having tested positive initially?

I think if those 2 conditions are met, it's pretty likely the disease is cured, for good.

Also, if you are cured, what worked for you, exactly?

Thank you for any responses. I'm really looking for answers and hope.

Posted by John (Philadelphia, Pa, US) on 10/02/2014

Can u tell me how u applied the application and where to get this?

Kevin Trudeau's Protocol
Posted by Alyssa (West Chester, PA) on 09/29/2014

I have a question for everyone.

Did anyone pick up the book: Natural Cures, "they" don't want you to know about by Kevin Trudeau?

I ask because I picked up his book many years ago because I had heard that he was going to publish the "cure" to herpes. I read the book and never did his cure. Today I was went back to his book for his cure, because I figure what the hell am I waiting for, I've been living with this this for 20 years.

So my question is not only did anyone read this book but has anyone tried his regime for the cure:

Cleanse (From his chapter 6)
Larrea, red marine algae, lysine, hydrogen peroxide and DMSO.
(He states this as the "cure")

From what I know of this disease, it lives in our spinal cord. Stress will make the outbreaks occur more often and make the outbreaks worse. Rubbing the area, breaking the blisters open, spreads the blisters, (like poison ivy). But Oxygen kills it. Hence why he states hydrogen peroxide to use.

I have taken Valtrex and the outbreaks last 5 days, less when using hydrogen peroxide at the same time. (I pour the hydrogen peroxide into the lid and hold the lid over and against the blister for a least a minute, if not longer so that it is sitting in the liquid. I then pour the cap full over the blister and let air dry. It stops the pain.

I do not believe taking a bath in hydrogen peroxide and water is going to help you because you have watered it down. And I don't believe that hydrogen peroxide would be a good thing to get a lot of inside of the genital cavity for a woman, I would think that could cause a yeast infection. (But these are my opinions).

My breakouts have gotten less often, I believe because I try very hard not to get stressed even using prescription drugs to help, like Ativan, when necessary. I think they have also become less often because I have had this disease for a long time. I did use the generic form of Valtrex and it did not work and caused the outbreak to last for weeks so please if you are having troubles with the generic form ask for the name brand, it does cost more but it is worth every penny.

In the mean time, has anyone used the regime described from the book?

Oregano Oil
Posted by Ikki (Los Angeles, California) on 09/25/2014

Has anyone tested negative for HSV2 or HSV1 after testing positive by using Oil of Oregano? I heard about the book "The cure is in the Cupboard" by Dr Cass and saw youtube videos by him where he claims that by rubbing your lower back with oil of oregano twice a day and taking 5 drops twice a day for 6 months and detoxing after that, the virus will disappear and you will test negative. Has anybody done this?

Oregano Oil
Posted by Prioris (Fl, US) on 09/22/2014

Have you used probiotics with different delivery methods such as Bio-tract and Beadlet Technology ?

Oregano Oil
Posted by Tony (Tn, US) on 09/21/2014

To Prioris from FL. I haven't necessarily used Probiotics for treating my chronic & long term herpes infection. I've been taking them for digestive issues.

I've been on both the supplement form of probiotics as well as making my own water kefir from grains. Kefir water is much more powerful than taking probioitics in supplement form.

I do combine them both though but use them at different times of the day. I don't use them at the same time. The water kefir has helped me quite a bit with digestion but not with the herpes part of my sickness.

I use these probiotics all in pretty high doses too so if it was going to do anything for my herpes I would have seen it by now. Been doing this for months. I'm just keeping my trust in the BHT protocol now but am considering taking that protocol up a notch or 2. Thanks & God Bless!

Oregano Oil
Posted by Tony (Tn, US) on 09/20/2014

Ppod from London! I have to totally agree with you about the Oil of Oregano for treating herpes. I tried the Wild Mediterranean source as well but the supplement never touched my herpes outbreaks. I used it for 6 months straight too. This was pretty expensive as well. I was taking it in pretty high doses internally as well as applying it topically to the spinal area where genital herpes hides. I was using close to 1 bottle per month at I believe around $45 bottle the best I can remember.

I've not had much success at all with any supplements though in treating my long term herpes (20+ years) problem. I'm on the BHT protocol right now and hopefully I will see some improvement with this soon. I'm at just over 2 months now on the BHT treatment so I've got to give it a while longer before evaluating the results. Hope you find a solution for your herpes because what works for one doesn't mean it will work for all. God Bless!

Oregano Oil
Posted by Prioris (Fl, US) on 09/20/2014

Just an idea. I wonder if anybody has tried using Probiotics to fight herpes.

I have had chronic shingles practically my entire life. This probably created the chronic meningitis later on which I haven't had a problem with for a while. I noticed when I took an antibiotic, my shingles acted up. This leads me to believe that the source of infection is related to the colon gut flora. That is where most of the immune system lies.

Maybe try addressing the problem that way.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Ppod (London, Uk) on 09/20/2014

Hi, I wanted to report that I tried using Oil of Oregano - (internally; drops in water, and on the bottom of my spine) - to rid myself of the herpes virus. I tried this for 3 months as recommended by a poster here. It was the wild and Mediterranean type of oil, but it did not work. I wouldn't recommend taking this oil for such a long period of time because it depleted calcium in my bones and I'm not sure how safe it is to take the oil for several months on end?

I wish there was a cure, but there seems to be only 1 or 2 people on here reporting that they are completely free of symptoms, compared with others who are just managing their symptoms.

Has anyone else had success with oil of oregano? I may try stabilized Oxygen Drops next...

Good luck all.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mermaid Cure (California, US) on 09/18/2014

Thanks for correction.

I'm taking 1,200 mg of Calcium everyday along with 1000 mg fish oil capsule (Omega 3-6-9) is when I noticed a major difference in hair growth. The Calcium I buy has Magnesium, zinc and Vitamin D3 added to metabolize the calcium.

Just recently heard from my Holistic Doctor that it should be Bone Meal Calcium for best absorption. She says to add Strontium to my daily routine, as well, an important mineral to process the calcium.

Update- The ACV tablets worked to suppress the vaginal area OB, but didn't work to suppress an OB on my rear. So I'm going to try Acetone and see what happens because these lesions have lasted up to a month or more without treatment.

Neem Oil, DMSO
Posted by Katy (Australia) on 09/15/2014

Hi, that's great! Are you still outbreak free? Did you just do the one application?

Aloe Vera
Posted by Sammie (B'dos) on 09/13/2014

20+ years in: Fresh Aloe gel from the plant works well to IMMEDIATELY bring relief to irritated sores. First clean area with hydrogen Peroxide, then apply Aloe (you can actually sleep in peace)1000 mg Vit C , Zinc supplements daily has reduced frequency of outbreaks for me to about twice a year and outbreaks are about 2-3sores. Use No peanuts. My outbreaks tend to come around menstrual period time(body stress) so I make sure during ovulation and period time to be taking my Vit C and Zinc. Initial onset warning sign is pain to the back of my leg and I take a pain killer and up my Vit C dose to 2twice a day(No sores appear). I had always promised myself to post here if I found a routine that worked for me because I have found so much useful info here. Oh... Eating more natural foods has helped too...I try really hard to stay away from the snacks and packaged food/fast food(simply because there are too many created substances whose effects on my body I can't account for) but I do indulge occasionally and have alcohol as well.

Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 09/11/2014

Well, there is BHT [ butylated hydroxytoloene ] and a very many people have successfully used BHT to treat ALL types of herpes viruses including genital herpes. BHT alone does it. You do NOT need or desire a laundry list of additional supplements for BHT to work. In fact the BHT treatment works best if kept simple. Use BHT only, by itself with a gulp of water on an empty stomach. One or two 250mg to 350mg capsules of BHT per day does work for many people as a treatment for genital herpes....Oscar

Posted by Kitty (US) on 09/11/2014

Dear Infinitepotential.

Thank you for your list of remedies!

Have you any knowledge of using Hydrogen Peroxide for this? Also... I am a few hours from Portland and I might like to hear more about this in person.

Thank you! Kitty

Posted by Infinitepotential (Portland, Oregon) on 09/10/2014

Hello friends, this virus can be completely eliminated permanently from ANYBODY, no doubt I have seen it again and again working as a natural health therapist. One of my closest friends was recently diagnosed and I see many that are very much in physical/mental/emotional pain over this virus, so I want to share the full spectrum of remedies. Please try some or all, whatever calls and feels right to your intuition.

Firstly there are the remedies to take internally:

1. Fulvic Acid /Humic Acid liquid, drink 4 TBS/2xdaily - this powerful combo of minerals works to attack and destroy viruses throughout the body, plus a general free-radical scavenger. Super powerful stuff. After the first 2 months drop to taking 5x/week for another 2-4 months

2. Wildharvested Oregano Oil - take 3-5 drops 3-5x daily for 2 months, then reduce and continue for another few months, but now take breaks from it every few weeks for 5 days or so (this ensures it remains effective in your body, nothing should be taken every day long term)

3. Red Marine Algae - this stuff is awesome! Take 4 caps/day for 2 - 3 months, then reduce to a maintenance dose for another few months

4. Olive Leaf Extract - Take whatever dose the bottle recommends daily for a few months, you may try alternating it with oregano oil and red marine algae, taking all three in highest recommended doses for the first 2-6 months, then gradually reduce to a maintence dose.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar - drink 2 TBS/2x day most days permanently! ITs great for your total health.

6. Add organic garlic to your diet and enjoy daily - even more powerful add it to fresh pressed veggie juices.

7. eat an alkaline diet (lots of fruits, veggies, whole grains, etc.) and drinks lots of purified/alkaline/spring water

8. Add Reishi Mushroom to your life - capsules or tincture, go for high quality. Take this daily for as long as it takes to feel better! Super immune system power in this mushroom

9. Drink Self-Heal Tea aka Prunella Vulgaris - Awesome anti-viral and healing tonic. Research other immune system builders (too many to name here but I listed the best I know for the herpes virus) and add in to your protocol whatever calls to you. Alternate all your plant/mineral medicines, follow your intuition, and commit to 6 -12 months of healthy living/viral load detox. It's important to note that symptoms from ANY virus occur bc the body isn't working at peak performance - stress and diet and stressed/limiting/negative emotions/mental patterns usually play a big role. More on that in a second...

Here are the Topicals to apply at VERY first sign of an outbreak while you are clearing the virus (eventually you will clear it from the body following the above internals plus simply believing that you can:)

1. Melissa aka Lemon Balm - dilute, apply as needed, very effective

2. Colloidal Silver - buy a quality spray or ointment, super super deadly against all viruses even HIV

3. Oregano Oil - dilute and apply to affected area plus to the lower spine for several months (using your intuition for duration here, but its very good for the system

4. Eucalyptus Oil - dilute

5. Self-Heal Salve/Balm (harder to find but possible)

6. ACV - dilute w pure water, very effective against all viruses

7. Tea Tree Oil - diluted. I suggest combining several of the above essential oils in a carrier such as coconut oil (antiviral) or Neem Oil (antiviral). Alternate the essential oil blend with Colloidal Silver spray and/or ACV. You can also apply any of the essential oils to the bottom of your feet for extra-benefit/powerful support. Finally, YOU ARE NOT ALONE, and YOU CAN And WILL HEAL FULLY! I promise with all the miracles Ive seen in healing chronic/"incurable" conditions, this virus is a puny match for the human body/mind/spirits ability to heal. Study after study plus real life exp. shows that our mental attitude is huge role. If you believe and know you can heal, you will. If you believe the standard medical claim that you will always have the virus, then likely it will remain way longer than it needs to. Affirm that you are getting stronger and more perfect health each day. Affirm when you take your medicines how powerful they are. Eventually you will just feel so free of all virus, you will just know you are cured of the virus. Don't believe for one second that this is incurable!!!! You are beautiful and loved and lovable, and this is a chance to empower yourself by loving your body and yourself through this experience. If you are interesting in learning bout affirmations, check Loiuse Hay's Book Heal Your Body. It is invaluable.

Finally, for those who resonante with the idea of minerals, I recommend Flourite (emits highly antiviral vibration) and Orange Selenite (high vibration that really assists in clearing the vibration of all sexually-linked diseases). I don't have to hope some of this will help, I know it will help and heal back to wholeness. Thanks for being here, with love and light!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 09/04/2014

Mermaid Cure, you say 1,200mg. of VITAMIN D, then you say 1,200mg. of CALCIUM. Which did you mean?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mermaid Cure (California, US) on 09/03/2014

I'm so grateful to have found this website!!!! Truly has given me new light and hope for my ailments!!! So THANK YOU TED! You have a heaven-sent spirit for doing this!!!!!

Great News!!! APPLE CIDER VINEGAR and APPLE CIDER VINEGAR TABLETS works. I've successfully prevented break-outs.

I've been a GH (genital herpes) sufferer since 1984 and am now 54-, goin' on 34', for sure... lol, and am very happy on coming to terms with the cards I have been dealt. So if you or ANYONE thinks it's the end, I promise you it is NOT. Of course, it was devastating to me when I found out, especially since I was vacationing in New Zealand at the time and had just read an article in the local newspaper that Genital Herpes had not been reported in their country at that time and so, yay! ... what great news that was...haha...

I contracted it from a guy there a week later, who knew what he was doing. So, don't believe what you read in the news ever, about anything, from what I have learned they can be terribly inaccurate!!! . So, yes, it's been a major nuisance in my life, but have went on to have had beautiful loving, healthy and sexual relationships. I feel it is my altruistic responsibility to inform them about my annoying situation before we are intimate so that they have the option to make an informed decision. They usually say, is that it? They know that there are MANY and MUCH worse 'issues' and problems in life that could or could have happened. If they really care about you and they are worth having a relationship won't make a difference.

After finding this site a few years ago, I immediately bought the organic ACV and lots of Coconut Oil for my medicine cabinet and kitchen and make-up drawer. The best thing I found was the APPLE CIDER VINEGAR TABLETS! You don't have to taste the vinegar, just take one tablet right when you first feel the slightest tingle. I have successfully staved off several outbreaks by catching it in time and am thinking I should just take one every day. They're not expensive and you find them at any health food store or vitamin shop.

So, I'm pretty sure GH prevails in epidemic proportions. At least HALF of my girlfriends have or have had it! That I happen to know of! I've just been super compelled to share this vital remedy for our condition and am feeling pretty good about it because I know it can help all of you who will find this. I wish I would would have found this out 20 years ago!!! The doc's had always just prescribed the Zovirax or similar, which helped too, but about equal to ACV.

Life is good and, especially when you find a 'community' like this one to share REAL story's from REAL people.

One more REALLY important Health tip that I discovered, especially for women, Is taking 1,200 mg of Vitamin D EVERY SINGLE DAY with the magnesium to digest ( they are sold together in one pill) for your bones and hair! I was diagnosed with 15% Osteoporosis in my spine that was completely a silent disease I was unaware of! Just had a routine bone scan for my 50,000 mile check up and found out. So my good Dr. told me my options of choosing Fosamax, that can have the side effects of ruining other organs over time or take the 1,200mg calcium every day, no more and no less! No question there...I started taking them and within weeks my hair started really growing! Beautiful baby hair coming in everywhere! So I told my GF, same age, and same thing happened to her! my hair is consistantly 4" longer than it used to be. I figure bones must be better shape too, but will find out on my next bone scan.

Enjoy life everyone-it's the only one we KNOW we have for sure! ... and don't sweat the small stuff!!!!! xoxo

Aloe Vera
Posted by Alexandra (United States) on 08/03/2014

Soy is almost always GMO. GMOs (genetically modified organisms) are toxic and will only make it worse.

ACV and Zovirax
Posted by Bambi (Canada ) on 07/31/2014

Just wondering. You say you've had it for 31 years and tried all of these methods using hydrogen peroxide and apple cider vinegar and it never worked for you?

ACV and Zovirax
Posted by Jul (Redding, Ca) on 07/30/2014

Believe me's not over! I was infected with genital herpes by my husband 31 yrs ago and I still have frequent two a month. Tried everything...still searching!

Stabilized Oxygen
Posted by Lebanon (Aurora, Co.) on 07/22/2014

Can you share the details on what type of stabilized oxygen to purchase online. Thank you

Posted by Milena (Brewster, Ny, Usa) on 07/19/2014

How's it going? Was about to try acyclovir for genital herpes, but very leery of pharmaceuticals.
