Genital Herpes
Natural Remedies

Effective Natural Treatments for Genital Herpes Relief

Hypericum Mysorense
Posted by Ali (Atlanta, Georgia ) on 07/13/2016

Hello all,

I have used this site for all kinds of aliments. I found something that worked so well I felt I owed to all the other sufferers out there to post. I have tried many things for herpes on this site, some with a little success. I have spent thousands trying different options. I got this about five years go, however it didn't manifest until around two years ago. It progressively got worse. I went from an outbreak every few mos to every month almost. I was at my wits end but I never lost hope. I knew God would have an answer. I had tried everything except for a few very expensive options. I would check the web periodically to see if something new had popped up. I found a few blogs recommending Hypericum mysorense (2pills a day) and nosodes (5 drops 3x a day)I had nothing to loose. I started using them both two months ago and all symptoms vanished almost immediately. I still had small amounts of sugar and alcohol and I was still good. This has been my miracle. Ali

General Feedback
Posted by Vsherry9 (Detroit, Mi) on 07/11/2016

I've never heard of medicinal mushrooms, but I did try olive leaf extract for a year, continuously twice a day at the exact same time each day, but it did nothing. I will research the medicinal mushrooms however.

General Feedback
Posted by Vsherry9 (Detroit, Mi) on 07/11/2016

I'm sorry I'm so late replying, but I will give it a try, it is however this many months later & I am still having outbreaks. This is definitely on my list of things to try. Thank you!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Cyn (California ) on 07/10/2016

Do you just inhale it?

EC: Please see the H2o2 inhalation method on Earth Clinic here.

Olive Leaf Extract
Posted by Do Over (Maine) on 06/28/2016

Massive, miserable outbreak had been going on for at least 6 weeks when I finally decided to try Olive Leaf extract. Itching, burning, misery nearly gone by the next day. I didn't mess around and went to the health food store and bought the best grade I could find. Taking (2) 900 mg+ per serving every day. Take between meals on an empty stomach. Symptoms often return if I miss a few days. Cost is about .76 cents per day.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Karen (Belleville, Mi) on 06/13/2016

I've been diagnosed with GH for little over a year now (my fiancée had had GH for 6-7) We both came into our relationship with GH from prior partners. There is hope having GH AND a normal relationship!

Anyway.....I was put on Valtrex immediately upon my diagnosis. They always say your first outbreak is your worst....well the one I'm currently on is a close second. We both have had small outbreaks over the last year we've been together; we thought that one was free and outbreak free, passed it on to the other. It's been a pretty crappy cycle. I stopped taking the Valtrex (and it's generic) for not only how ungodly expensive it is, but because the side effects are terrible. I know that I will be one of the people that will say we both don't want to be on a pill for the rest of our lives.

I have tried coconut oil to the affected areas, no luck. I have tried rubbing alcohol (holy hell the burning was terrible), and peroxide. I have also tried Lysine (not since I've been diagnosed with GH). I plan on trying the Lysine and Bach remedies for sure.

I have changed my diet, I get daily exercise, and I try to stay away from as many sick people as possible. Having GH means that we ALL have an auto - immune disorder, we stay sicker longer and when when we're sick....we get outbreaks. I have also noticed that simply changing your body wash, is also a huge difference too. I used to use body wash; but after having back to back outbreaks, I have been using Dial antibacterial bar soap during my showers. And that alone has helped my outbreaks. Females have more outbreaks than males. So we have to kill as much bacteria down there as possible.

I also have psoriasis, which is genetic and another autoimmune disorder. Many women suffer from endometriosis, and if you're one of those unlucky women like me...nothing has worked. I have noticed that when my hormones are off, I have an outbreak. This last one was because of my Lupron shot, I'm having a forced menopause at 26 because my "monthly visitor" has became so excruciating painful...that I'm on a shot to kill the cells in my ovaries.

Since I have been on this last outbreak for the past 2 almost 3 weeks, I am using witch hazel. Specifically the Tuck's (or walmart brand) Hemorrhoidal Pads when I go to the bathroom. The witch hazel has helped shrink the lesions, and will eventually dry up. Since I have been using the wipe pads the last 4 days, I can now use the ladies room in peace! No burning or itching! The last 4 days, I have noticed less itching, hardly any burning or itching, and the sores are going away. The pads have witch hazel, and a hemmroidal astringent in it. So there is some type of cooling sensation, and some numbing. I'm not saying it's a cure, but witch hazel does help with the sores and bathroom usage. I got the equate pads at walmart. 200 pads for $7.

After reading some of the awesome suggestions on here, I plan on trying the Bach Flower remedy soon for the both of us.

Also, you can spread it from your genitals to your butt crack (and sometimes inside) if you use the same wipe, piece of toilet paper, etc. Be careful with your hand washing and cuts. Herpes isn't just a virus, it's in your bloodstream. Don't share toothbrushes, razors, shower loofahs, towels.

Hope this all helps!

Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Shawn (Il) on 05/31/2016

How strict were you with the peroxide routine?
Must you take it 3 hours before or after on a empty stomach?
Must the dosage go up to 25 drops 3 times a day?

Apple Cider Vinegar, Coconut Oil
Posted by Whaddup (Usa) on 05/19/2016

Yo! I got diagnosed with genital herpes on Tuesday (it's Thursday) and dude I was buggin but I it will be okay!!! Okay I'll start with the details on finding out I have herpes.

So obviously this is my first outbreak. About a week and a half ago I started having flu like symptoms (fever, chills, fatigue) and eventually my tonsils started swelling. I went to a walk in clinic two days ago and they just said I had a virus and sent me away! A couple days before that I noticed some discomfort between my vagina and bumhole, I assumed it was tearing which has happened before but after I went to the walk in clinic I still just felt like something was I checked down there and noticed three or four whitish, round blisters, they didn't even really look like blisters! Then I googled herpes symptoms and read that the first time can give you flu like symptoms so I immediately went to planned parenthood and learned that I do indeed have herpes.

So up until I went to planned parenthood I really hadn't experienced much pain, but I think the gynoi saw popped my blisters to test the fluid so after this I started hurting pretty bad...I didn't take any painkillers or put anything on the sores. I was too afraid to even look at them and usually when I have any kind of sore I feel it's best to leave it alone and let it do its work, but the next day was so horrible. I couldn't go pee unless I was in the shower, I was working as a nanny and just couldn't even move. I thought I must have a horrible case of herpes, I didn't realize it was so painful. I decided to take some ibuprofen which helped a little...but I was still in horrifying pain. I had to do something! So...

I have used coconut oil and apple cider vinegar for several things in my life, especially skin care so I already felt confident in its abilities, but I was in so much pain I just didn't want to make things worse, but I was desperate. I took a shower and rinsed everything with water. Then I mixed about 5 parts water with on part Apple Cider Vinegar and spiked a wash cloth with the solution. I laid in on my whole crotch for about 20 seconds. YES IT STUNG, it did not feel good but it also didn't feel any worse than when I pee. After that I let everything air dry for about 10 minutes. I still felt stinging, I was so worried I have made things worse! Then I coated one side of a wash cloth with coconut oil and laid that on my crotch for about 5 minutes, then took it off and left the coconut oil on the sores. I did all of this right before bed. After it all I was still in a lot of pain, but it felt different than what I had been felt like somethings was happening hat wasn't before of that makes sense...

Anyways, I fell asleep and didn't wake up for six hours! I hadn't slept that long in like two weeks. And oh my goodness I fell a lot better. I took a quick shower to rinse everything off and letting the water ribbon the sores didn't hurt as much as the day before, neither did peeing. So I went through the same acv/coconut ops process as the night before and the Apple Cider Vinegar barely stung at all!!! I was so happy, it was a lot easier to move around. I'm at work right now and I just feel so much more comfortable than yesterday. This is my first outbreak which is supposed to be the worst and I've only had visible sores for 4-5 days and I feel like they're getting so much better. I'm so glad I went through with the Apple Cider Vinegar and coconut oil! The oil really soothes the pain and itching.

So I would totally recommend both products for anyone with herpes. I would suggest heavily diluting the vinegar to see how your skin reacts. If you're nervous/skeptical I would at least try the coconut oil, it's so soothing!

Good luck all, I know this sucks :( but it happens! I have been reading about how to prevent future outbreaks and basically you just have to live a healthy life! Eat well, sleep exercise, stress management! These are all things I should be doing anyways but now I have a lot more motivation to keep up with it. You can get through this guys!!! You're not alone, and it does get better. You will feel better soon I promise. Peace and love.

Antiviral Cleanse
Posted by Looking4naturalcureforh2 (Atl) on 05/09/2016

Thank you for sharing information. It's been several years, but would you or others mind sharing info on test results. Mine is around 7.2 for H2. Want to bring it down to less than .91 for negative using natural way. I have been lucky not to have serious OBs, just minor, 2 so far.

Tea Tree Oil
Posted by Elia (Sioux Falls ) on 04/21/2016

I got genital herpes and I'm wondering if I pop the cold sores and put tea tree oil how long does it take for the blisters to go away! I'm freaken out please help!

Oregano Oil
Posted by Lm (Ny) on 04/13/2016

I was diagnosed with HSV 2 approximately 5 years ago and never had an outbreak until 2 days ago. I applied Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) on the blisters the very first day and even slept with a cotton ball drenched in ACV on the blisters. This made the blisters get larger. So I began applying oil of oregano without diluting it and baking soda. And I was amazed by the results. My blisters dried out in a few hours. I keep taking the oil of oregano orally 3 times a day and I also rub it on the base of my spinal cord. I also take L-Lysine 1000mg 3-4 times a day and ChlorOxygen twice a day.

I'm on day 3 since the outbreak and my blisters are almost gone. I have discharge and discomfort but that's about it. I simply cannot believe my eyes, as I heard it takes at least 14 days to get rid of the outbreak.

Oil of oregano is quite potent people!

Oregano Oil
Posted by Anonymous (California) on 04/04/2016

I was just wondering if this is really a cure? I am very interested in knowing because I have been dealing with this problem since 2008 and I have been trying to research a lot of different home remedies that I can use to get rid of this issue. Although I don't have outbreaks on a regular basis, but I do have them, but only in my genital area.

I have been using acyclovir and recently I started using Olive Leaf Extract, the Pills, which I got from a all natural medicine shop. Just recently I researched that pure Unrefined Coconut Oil helps dramatically. I personally have not yet tried it for a long period of time, but reading your story, I feel like it is very similar to mines. I would love for you to reply back to me and maybe help me through this process.

I would love to have my life back and maybe possibly even one day, have a family. I am scared that I might never be able to have kids because of this problem. If this, what you wrote above is accurate and very true. Also if the test have proven that it is completely gone from your system, body, blood-stream and etc. I would love to speak to you and really find out if this is all true. I have read a lot of stories about people finding cures for HSV2 and some of them are not TRUE at all. Your story however seems like it could be true just because like I said our stories are very similar. So please let me know if you could help! Thank you.. and if everything is correct and this is true that you have been cured, well then congratulations to you!

Oregano Oil, DMSO
Posted by Ben (Bremerton, Wa ) on 03/27/2016

Dmso is a chemical that needs to be handled appropriately. It has been used by more than 500 million people but it still needs certain precautions in its use.

As you found out in a hurry dmso acts as a carrier to transport other chemicals deep into tissues. You got to be careful what you mix dmso with since it penetrates skin just like a hypodermic needle.

Mixing dmso with unknown materials is a really bad idea. Dmso is a liquid not a gel therefore the ingredients composing the gel can be absorbed into your body and blood stream. same goes for the oregano oil. Herbs are like any other food crop frequently contaminated with pesticides, fungicides, herbicides. These unidentified chemicals if present can be absorbed into your skin as well. The same can be said of the soaps or lotions on your skin.

People sometimes use antibacterial soaps thinking they are doing their bodies a favor by putting dioxin related carcinogenic chemicals on the skin.

The fda does not regulate chemicals such as soaps and cosmetics applied externally. A surprising number of skin care products are very dangerous.

I found one mascara eye liner product that actually used mercury as a preservative!

Some products like most sunscreens for example actually cause skin cancer! a test of more than 150 leading sun screen products was conducted and it was found that the vast majority contained cancer causing chemicals in them.

I discoverd one sunscreen product that contained lead and mercury, I could not believe my eyes when I read the report.

Moral of the story: dmso needs handled with respect. It is a safe product if used safely and a dangerous product if used dangerously.

For treatment of herpes, use dmso on clean skin all by its self.

Always reduce dmso before use 50/50 with water.

Oregano Oil, DMSO
Posted by Anoymous (London) on 03/26/2016


Please, please, please, please, please stay well clear of using DMSO gel with oregano oil. It is extremely dangerous because it goes into your system and burns everything in its path. I had contracted genital herpes and sought every remedy online. I had some success with olive leaf extract but knew deep inside that there probably was a better day but ran out of patience. I had read online that people started rubbing oregano oil on their spine and mixing this with DMSO to take this deep into the nervous system to kill the herpes virus. Whilst this is true, the oregano oil kills everything in its path. That includes your good nerves and myelin sheaths which surrounds your nerves!!

After rubbing DMSO with oregano oil for only 3 days I had to stop as the oregano oil burned my skin which turned ash black and I had to be rushed to hospital suffering from dizziness. I've never had dizziness in my life. Within a few days my legs felt really heavy and I had to take a week off work. I have not been to the gym for two months now despite always going three times a week and I haven't been able to run since. My legs still feel heavy and I still feel dizzy. I have scarring where I put the oregano oil on my lower spine.

I am praying for my full recovery and really hope that I can warn everyone not to be so foolish and stupid as I was which was to follow a dangerous hint online which no doctor in the world would recommend. Oregano oil might be ok but mixed with DMSO and this takes this straight deep into the skin and starts burning its way through your myelin sheaths (protective coat which surrounds the nerves). If the myelin sheaths are damaged you will suffer the SAME side effects as someone who has Multiple Sclerosis.

I am slowly getting better but some days I wake up and feel I can barely move.

Weirdly, I bought the DMSO three months ago and my gut instinct said it was bad to use this but my head thought it knew better. Now I will never ignore my intuition ever again.

Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Monet (Brooklyn, Ny) on 03/22/2016

I've had hsv2 since 08/13. I used to take Valtrex but it made me very nauseous. I just came upon your post & am interested. I've read the protocol you've listed & was wondering after the first 16 days, how would I increase? By one drop or two??

Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by D (Memphis) on 02/24/2016

The peroxide worked for Hsv 1. I was diagnosed in 10/2012. I started the regiment. It was gone when I had my annual exam 4/2013.

Prunella Vulgaris
Posted by Jamesbond (Australia) on 02/22/2016

Hey I just orded PV & Monolaurin. Are you still OB free ?

Thanks! Hope you're well :)

Posted by Jill (Bklyn) on 02/21/2016

I've had hsv 1 &2 for about 10 yrs..had ONLY 1 OB on my lips (first sign of hsv 1), since then I've always applied abreva daily on my lips in the morn and before I go to bed. I've also used flounder for yrs, thus reducing OB. I used too much and it affected my liver so I stopped.

In December 2015, I started using wheatgrass juice powder, mixed in with real pure coconut water(herbalist recommendation), mixed in a shaker bottle or mug for easy dissolving. Ps take on empty stomach, wait for half hour to 1 hr before consuming any thing else. Take 1 scoop or 2,2-3x daily then decrease to one scoop.

I've had no vaginal or facial ob since. This enables me to eat a more regular diet still avoiding sugar, chocolate and the no no's for herpes. I eat rice sparingly. I eat meat sparingly because I have a hard time stopping. I am stress free and feel so relieved. I blend organic veggie drinks 2x daily, one after I take morning wheatgrass. I live in Bklyn and has access to multiple organic stores, so when fresh wheatgrass is available, I blend in my nutribullet Rx with coconut water.

Ps cut wheat grass in half inch pieces. I believe if I change my diet...disease will go, because I've heard of others who got cured by using wheatgrass, dietary changes got retested and having a clean bill of health.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Bama (Bama) on 02/17/2016

Who cares if a cure is suppressed? You know herpes is virus, take all the natural antivirals you can, do what you can to optimize your health and move forward. Sometimes the "cure" is worse than the disease, as when a drug cures a disease but causes other disease.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Connor (Carmel, Indiana ) on 02/16/2016

I just recently contracted herpes so I have not had it long. I firmly beileve that it is not incurable. I believe there is a cure but we aren't allowed to know it since there's so much many info just suppressing the virus. I have researched and researched and I have read numerous articles as well as people's stories about how it is indeed possible to cure herpes with 100% oregano oil. I'm going to be buying some soon as well as changing my diet as it was suggested. Just really want to hear thoughts on this. :)

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Herb Med (California) on 02/17/2016

This is wrong: suggesting that women or anyone else for that matter, "use a cotton ball with ACV and tape it in place of the sore over night". depending on the type of skin, some skin types can handle the acid, other type of more sensitive skin may get damaged from acid burn. -- A lady stated in this forum that just by applying ACV a couple of times per day, her skin turned raw and she could hardly sit. Imagine if she had taped the acid to her skin over night.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Herb Med (California) on 02/17/2016

Apple Cider Vinegar is ACID. So, acid burns the skin. If you were to leave it there long enough, days, it may very well burn a hole in your skin. Garlic, the juice, is a very powerful ACID as well.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Dd (Midweat) on 02/11/2016

I just started the Oil of Oregano but want to do the OLE protocol. I'll keep all informed. I am am now reading the MMS protocol also. But one step at a time.

Keeping hope alive thru these forums!! Thank you so much.

Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Sylvia (West Virginia) on 01/31/2016

any update on this??

Coconut Oil, Oregano Oil
Posted by Tessa (Mo - Missouri) on 01/27/2016

What do you mean "Taking oregano oil" like swallowing it in water or taking it as a pill? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hypericum Mysorense
Posted by Alan (London) on 01/27/2016

hi can you tell me the website you got the Hypericum Mysorense from?

Sodium Chlorite
Posted by Gjp (Grove City, Ohio) on 12/20/2015

I was diagnosed with HSV-2 on January 2014. I'm Chemist and since then I was investigating report of possible cures. To make the story short, I found Sodium Chlorite 28% and Dr. Hulda Clark theory how they virus survived to medication. Put the two together and found the cure to my problem. I used Sodium Chlorite 28% Drops in a gel cap fill to the half with sugar and then added the 9 drops of sodium chlorite 28% and drank this with four ounces of Gatorade orange or Seven UP. Then on Full moon start taking Albendazole 400 mg every 12 hours per 8 days to kill all the parasite in my system. Repeat for three full moon circle. I did that on May 2014 since then I did not suffer any more OB. Has been 19 month and I been free. I tested for HSV-1 and HSV-2 using the PCR RNA method and came negative for both virus. If you need proof of this you can email me. The way how to use Sodium Chlorite is in a pdf that I can send to you.

Here is my Facebook group page:

Instructions on how to use sodium chlorite here

How to Use?

Begin preparing your body for two weeks by ingesting a quarter of your total weight drops by following the table below. For example for a weight of 190 the total drops is 36 drops and the initial drops for two weeks is 9, I.e. 36 divided by 4. In addition to this take one tablespoon of Honey mix with one teaspoon of Cinnamon every morning with empty stomach, and 30 minute before each meal.

Based on the example above, every night before bed take 9 drops of Sodium Chlorite in a gelatin capsule and a glass of water and sugar (34gr of sugar in 590ml of water). As an alternative you can use two ounces of Gatorade Orange Flavor and 9 drops of Sodium Chlorite in the gel cap with no sugar. If you don't have gel caps you can put the drops directly in the two ounces of Gatorade and drink immediately. Seven Up is another option to Gatorade but Gatorade is preferred for its stronger effectiveness.

If at any time during those two weeks you suffer from diarrhea or vomiting, stop the process and wait for 24 hours. Taking a break will remove the effects of the pathogens. Continue for another two weeks until you get this process smoothly. YOU CAN NOT CONTINUE UNTIL YOUR BODY IS CLEAN.

Four Times a Day Method (after 2 weeks)

Time Dosage: Morning, Afternoon, Night time

Take one dose four times a day. Take the dose two hours after meals for the duration of 21 days or until your condition is removed. The last two doses at night, you will take in one hour difference before going bed. Example, take 9 drops at 9 PM then another 9 drops at 10 pm.

If you have no improvements during the first week assess other factors that can affect the process to not work such as modifying your diet or the dosage.

The following should not be taken when doing this procedure.

Avoid at all costs, the consumption of antioxidant products consumed two hours before and two hours after MMS finished ingestion. Among the most Antioxidants: Vitamin C , Natural Juices Bottled juices with Vitamin C added, COFFEE, TEA or any natural stimulant beverage.

Suggestion: (Important)

Add Activated Charcoal and Sea Water when run this method. Once you enter to the second phase add probiotics to keep your intestinal flora healthy.

Stabilized Oxygen
Posted by Angela (Atlanta Ga) on 12/09/2015

What was your test results after you went back to the doctor to get tested?

Olive Leaf and Turmeric
Posted by Kristin (Massachusetts) on 12/03/2015

Wanted to the olive leaf worked and did you repeat blood work after taking olive leaf and if so, did you get a negative test result?

Urine Therapy
Posted by Trevor (Thailand) on 11/30/2015

I got Herpes in March 2013. I had read about urine therapy in the past and got further information online. Many people in a forum had success with it. The only negative was will it come back if the therapy is stopped. Initially I took it internally several times a day plus leaving a small amount under my tongue for at least 20 minutes. It cleared after about 4-5 weeks.

A couple of months later I only had 2 small spots. That went after a short time and I've had no outbreaks since. It's been 2 and a half years. I still use the therapy.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Greed (Dc) on 11/27/2015

I have "undiagnosed" gential herpes. I am 23 and I contracted it when I was only 17. I've never had a cold sore or anything else like that in my life so imagine my horror when painful blisters started to appear on my sensitive clit and on the lips right above it. I haven't gone to the doctor to get it checked out maybe because I'm stupid, still in denial.. (Although writing this really helps) or just plain ashamed and afraid of getting a diagnosis and having a doctor look at me in my face and tell me I have gential herpes.

Anyways, I guess you can consider me lucky? Out of the 6 years I have lived with this virus I have only had outbreaks 3 times and it happens only once a year around the time I contracted the virus and in the same spot (either 1 or 2 blisters on my clit and/or a tiny cluster right above that on my vagina lip)

i am suffering from an outbreak right now as I write this and as I type this up on my iPhone I have a cotton swab with apple cider vinegar on it. This is my first time using ACV and I must say I do like it. Yes, it does burn a little but as a girl who wants to see and feel improvements immediately I think the stinging is a good sign like 'yeah take that herpes! ' At first I was using cold refined virgin coconut oil because coconut oil heals everything and I read somewhere that it kills the virus but to be honest I didn't think it was doing the job but maybe I'm impatient. The coconut oil stopped the excruciating itching (washed my hands, stuck my finger into the oil, applied topically to the affected area at night and went to bed) but like I said I didn't really like the results, I would wake up expecting the blisters to be gone, they are running their course, slowly, and that's not what I want. Mind you this is... Maybe day 4 or 5, after this outbreak clears up I'm definitely going to look into preventive measure like the pine cone extract, taking coconut oil orally, and/or taking ACV orally.

I really appreciate this website considering I am doing this alone and haven't told a soul my secret. I'm sure one day I will have to admit it to someone like my husband or a doctor or something but until then it is my secret and my shame alone but this site has really helped me and maybe it's not that bad. Maybe I can do this and do things so I won't have an outbreak and not feel ashamed of a mistake I did when I was young.

If anyone else is suffering I highly recommend all natural apple cider vinegar. Put it on a cotton swab and while you relax or before bed just let it sit there. Yes it will burn and yes you will want to tale it off. Maybe let it sit until you can't anymore, remove the swab, catch your breath, and douse another swab and do it again. I hope this post and this whole website helps anyone who feels like they are lost and alone like it helped me because you're not lost or alone and there are preventive measure so you can live a normal life and have a healthy, active sex life (please use protection of course) without feeling like you're going to pass on the virus.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Tommy (Arkansas) on 11/12/2015

I had been using peroxide since I had seen it mentioned on several internet support sites. I continued to have the worst outbreaks in years. Told my doctor and he said Hydrogen peroxide antagonizes herpes so I stopped and the severity of the problem was cut in half in a few days. Monolaurin has helped but you need about 3 grams a day during outbreaks but it does work very well compared to the three antivirals my dr put me on. No peroxide on the sore is my advice.

Onion Family (Onions, Garlic, Celery, Thyme)
Posted by Annonymous (Ny) on 11/11/2015

Hi. U drink as desired. He is completely cured. U blend all of the onion family products. I boil it but not to lose it's strength. In fact, after blending I decide how much liquid to add. Bring to a boil and as soon as it does, I turn off stove, cover and let sit to avoid it losing its strength. I squeeze with cheese cloth and drink 3 cups daily if I'm at home. Use your discretion and monitor your organs since this is strong. Use organic only.

Flounder is excellent as well, but it affected my liver. Instead of drinking it straight, I make a soup with it. It still works but seasoning it I think weakens the lysine that affects organs or damages them.

Posted by Jane (Oregon) on 11/11/2015

I got this special gift from an ex back in 2001. I use to have small ob's about 3 times a year. Then last July (2014) I had an ob. I put Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide directly on the ob and then topped it off with DMSO (liquid form, with a Q-Tip). It is now November 2015, and I have not had one ob since that last one in July 2014. I KNOW it was the DMSO that cured it! Like I said I was having ob's at least 3x a year for 11 years. Did the Peroxide/DMSO treatment and now nothing. This cannot be a coincidence. Also, since that lasts ob, about once a week I take Q-tip with DMSO and just wipe my vaginal area. Just to be cautious. I am living proof that this stuff works!

Hypericum Mysorense
Posted by Ken (Atlante, Ga) on 11/09/2015

Where do I find hypericum and what type of pills did you take with it .what web site

Extra Rinse Your Underwear
Posted by Mary (Nj - New Jersey) on 11/06/2015

I really think there is something to this. I don't have this exact experience with residual detergent but I do believe that soap contributes to outbreaks. Years ago, near the time of first getting this awful virus, I discovered that regular bar soap & even a baby wipe or other type of cleansing wipe would cause me to get an outbreak. So I stopped with the wipes all together & now I use a soap that it's only ingredient is olive oil. I learned that I had to use this soap on everything above my knees to below my belly button & it really has reduced my outbreaks! Also NO lotion above the knee!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Sandra (Tennessee) on 11/02/2015

Did this seriously work? I just found out I have herpes has be within 9 months. Hold long do u inhale the peroxide mixture and how long did it take to go away?

Neem Seed Oil
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 10/29/2015

Fighter (Florida) ---

If me, I would google "Ayurveda - what is my dosha". That will most likely lead to a very interesting questionnaire about your person, habits, looks etc.

When you have done that, you will know your body's chemical composition with which you were born. Then you can learn to balance your dosha and be ahead of all the westerners that have to fit "one shirt for all". You will know what foods, what recreation and personal disciplines are most conducive for good health.

I hope this is not too complicated for you and I wish you "perfect balancing".

Namaste, Om

Neem Seed Oil
Posted by Fighter (Florida) on 10/29/2015

What do you mean by dosha?

Neem Seed Oil
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc Canada) on 10/27/2015

To Fighting, (Florida) ---

Neem seed oil should not ingested but used topically, that is, trans dermally. But the neem leaves powder can be used as a tea, or better, in capsules.

Such large amounts will derange the doshas and create serious problems. In moderation, it improves the immune system among numerous benefits.

For your particular problem it may also be worthwhile to research turpentine and visit Walter Last's website. If there is a weight issue, Neem will help, but if weight loss is no problem, caution is advised. Neem will do many things but it would be advisable to find out your particular dosha and then proceed with caution.

Just a suggestion and wishing good success. Namaste, Om

Neem Seed Oil
Posted by Fighting (Florida) on 10/27/2015

Recently I contracted genital HSV 1. I've been doing a lot of research as how to fight this virus. In another website I read of a couple of cases where people ingested organic neem oil (cold pressed) while continued on a strict healthy diet and following Dr. Hulda Clark's various cleanses. They both had stated that they were cured.

They both ingested 3-4 Tablespoons of Neem seed oil twice a day (about 4 hours apart each time) for two days consecutively. It seemed as if they would only do it again month apart given that the Neem Oil is harsh on the body.

I have read that consuming the neem seed oil can be harmful to the body (I guess it depends on what kind of body). Has anyone tried this and had success in killing off this horrible virus?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Natalie (Tennessee) on 10/23/2015

To the post where skin feels like hamburger meat....use cornstarch on it this will dry it up take away soreness us cotton ball dab it just a bit in water and dsb several times daily... U can even add it on sore dry...I get breakouts dealing with one regrment I'd AVC....coconut.oil.then cornstarch to dry and heal..... Good luck hope this helps u...

Oregano Oil
Posted by Sofia (Norway) on 10/21/2015

Stay off suppressive meds. They don't actually suppress the virus, they suppress how your immune system responds to the virus to lessen the appearance of outbreaks. I have stopped my outbreaks doing the following.

Chaga mushroom tea, which I make I buy the chaga mushroom online in a grainlike form and you seep the grains of the mushroom in warm water not boiling but almost it tastes like spicy vanilla, Chaga is a antioxident and amazing immunesystem boster you should look up about chaga this is some info on what the heck it is its a fungus and truelly it kills virus and such its awsome.

The Oregano oil is awsome tastes horrible foul springs to mind oregano oil the wild organic mediteranean version with 75 % carvacrol it is great stuff truly awsome when u get a outbreak put the oil in the mouth on any oral sores it stops the itching and it does help when u first start taking this the outbreaks get less and less I recomend it.

Basically it lowers lvls of metals in your blood and its anti viral and such hsv 1 and hsv2 love to thrive and the oregano seems to knock them dead.

Think about this logically, most of the meds out there are actually derived from nature and they basically put masses of modified chemicals in also the pharma companies., they put enough things in to supress but not to cure if they cure it think how much money they loose. Frankly also my aunt's a doctor and you know that doctors take a huge bonus from med companies for prescriptions they hand out and people turn in for meds.

As a doctor you learn all these methods to treat but you're not going to give those out cos u sign a nice agreement with the government and pharma companies stopping you from doing so legally binding contracts. sure you tell your family and such of other more benefical means. My aunt is a doctor told me to say the hell of acyclovir its like a total poison to your body after taking in a few yrs outbreaks will hit u like a truck cos you spent 2 years hitting your immunsystem with hard meds that actually damage you in the longrun. all those side effects its a sign of toxic reactions to chemicals in your body your body hates these chemicals and its fighting them as well as the virus and you just get more and more sick.

Avoid arginine rich foods coffee nuts chocolate and big no no is grapes, alcohol knocks your body also basically live as healthy as u can and avoid processed foods as much as u can, put good foods in your body and stack up on vitamin D3 builds on your immunity. basically make your body strong and you stop that nasty hsv coming out not by supression but by keeping it under raps yourself.

L-lysine basically if you been eating a bunch of l-aranine rich foods take a bunch of the l-lysine to knock back the hsv, it is known for thriving on l-arganine and helps the replication of the virus.

Also drink lemon change your ph lvls to make your body a hostile enviroment for hsv. Basically its chemistry and researching about the virus what it likes doesnt like and finding the right balance for you.

ACV and Zovirax
Posted by Ucantcy (Newark, De) on 10/21/2015

I have HSV1 with occasional genital symptoms, rectum and left butt check. Initially, I would get swollen glands, low-grade headaches and such. I only take Valtrex when I feel an oncoming out break to prolong it's effectiveness. I also begin dosing with Zicam, which has proven to be very effective. I use a small amount of Desitin around my anus, which has been very effective, too.

I appear to be seven years younger than I am and have been exploring enemas as a way of staying clean, and the other benefits of enemas ( sustained youthful appearance, listed among them). One of the popular types of enema is ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar).

I bought pharmaceutical grade zinc some time ago and I'm wondering if there might be a benefit to mixing the ACV enema with the zinc powder in an effort to eliminate symptoms (the theory being that the zinc would be absorbed into the blood stream through the walls of the rectum). One has to be careful not to over do it with minerals.

Has anyone tried this combination? Any thoughts?

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Angela (Ga) on 10/20/2015

Hi, can you let me know how do you store the hydrogen and water solution after its mixed? Do you take it on an empty stomach? And where do you purchase the automizer?

Olive Leaf Extract
Posted by Brooke Paige (Vt) on 10/18/2015

I've read that Oregano oil is able to kill the virus in a petri dish.

Oregano Oil and Coconut Oil
Posted by Joanie (Austin, Texas) on 09/22/2015


I've had HSV2 for over 40 years - with chronic, severe outbreaks. I've tried just about everything that's been mentioned on this site... with no success. I have found something that helps. In a small container, I mix coconut oil and pure oil of oregano. When an outbreak starts, I put this mixture on - and continue applying until it goes away. This has speeded up the healing and diminished the pain.

Oil of Oregano is an anti-viral and coconut oil is a mid-chain fatty acid that supposedly dissolves the outer covering of the virus, thus allowing the body's white cells to destroy it.

Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Kay (Colorado) on 09/05/2015

I bought the h2o2 off of amazon and it came with a little bottle dropper that I could carry around with me. I'm not sure of the name but the bottle is blue. For the first month after finding out I had this I took every immune system boosting supplement I could find at the vitamin store but when I retested using the igg test I found that the level went up by like .2 so.. I ordered the h2o2 and started taking it right away.. the pills started to run out and they were expensive and so I stopped taking them. It also kind of worried me with taking the h2o2 and the pills (there were 29 of them) because I wasn't sure what type of reaction there would be and it was hard to get the timing right with eating and having to wait 3 hours after to take the h2o2. I kept my diet basically the same.. I tried cutting out chocolate but that didn't really work for me. I did read a lot about how people were drinking a lot of red wine to help with their symptoms (which I have never had any symptoms) so I started drinking a glass with my dinner...

Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Violet (Us) on 08/23/2015

Dear KAY Colorado,

I actually have some Food Grade H202. I wanted to ask you did you also change your diet while on the food grade h202?

What brand of food grade h202 did you use?

What type of test did you take? ( I know there are like 2 different hsv2 tests)

Did you combine drinking the food grade h202 with anything else? ( such as pills, Oil of Oregeno on back etc?)

Thank you! Your results excite me, they are very close to the .90 negative range.

Olive Leaf Extract
Posted by Lisa (Oh ) on 08/20/2015

Is there any proof this kills the virus

Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 08/15/2015

Jess, well, of course, cut back to a tolerable amount.

Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 08/15/2015

Dear Jess,

Did you build up to this dose gradually, hopefully? If so, was there a dose your system could tolerate with no side effects?

You should back off to a dose that does not give you side effects. Perhaps you should also take a few days off of your current treatment.

~Mama to Many~

Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Jess (Canada) on 08/15/2015

Hi there!!

Any using H202 therapy notice any digestive problems? I am up to 14 drops, 3x per day and my stomach is not impressed. SUPER bloated, gassy and soft bm's:(


Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Kay (Colorado) on 08/13/2015

I have been using food grade h2o2 for a little over a month (25 drops x 3 times a day). I went to get retested this week and my level has dropped from 4.67 to 1.9. I would like to assume it is working. I plan to keep using it for the next 3 months then I'll get retested again! I heard that the blood takes 90 days to filter so hopefully by then end of that time this will all be over... But, I also feel like I should keep taking it 1 or 2 times a week just to make sure it all stays away!

Antiviral Cleanse
Posted by Bj (Tx) on 08/05/2015

Olive Leaf Extract (OLE) didn't work for me. I broke out really bad with bumps everywhere including my hands. But the symptoms returned.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Alex (Australia) on 07/29/2015

Hey Dan, firstly, I don't believe ACV is a outright cure for herpes...So don't get your hopes too high. Its more like a deterrent and (in my opinion and personal observation) definitely assists the body fighting the virus when it goes active.

To fight any virus there's a couple of things you should do. Exactly the same principle as getting a flu.

1.Stay Warm...really warm. There's a reason why the body will shiver and get fever. The body has identified the virus has gone active and it's trying to overheat the little bastard. A little fever is good. Let the bodies evolutionary instincts have this one.

2. Vitamin C - 500mg every 6 hrs

3. ACV & Honey - Every 6 hrs (a mate of mine puts ACV in 1 litre of water, keeps it on his desk and drinks it throughout the day.)

4. 500gm Lysine - Every 8 hrs - Seems to toughen the skin.

Put this together and see how you go.

My recent attack, I performed the above over a period of 4 days. I could feel the virus trying hard... but it never breached the outside skin. Although, let's be clear, I knew at that moment I was still infectious. Might not have breached the outside but it still stung a little at the start of day 2 when I pissed.

There's some hope there.

Good luck... and please share if you find something else that works. All of us need to help each other with all diseases as the pharmaceutical industry wont. A natural cure is out there and it'll be up to those who have the disease to find it.

Hypericum Mysorense
Posted by Jacksoncured (Los Angeles, Califonia) on 07/19/2015

I caught herpes about 14 years and went crazy trying to find a cure. I tried olive leaf, prunella vulgaris, Ozone, Red MArine Algae, DMSO, Hydrogen peroxide, Acyclovir and a whole lot more.

Ultimately I read this scientific paper called Anti-viral plants of the nilgiri hills that said that Hypericum Mysorense completely suppressed the herpes virus and went crazy trying to find it. To cut a long story short I found an online supplier and took the herb as recommended for 6 months straight 2 pills a day and 4 if I felt any symptoms coming on.

I HAVE NOT HAD ONE SINGLE OUTBREAK IN over 5 years now and this truly is the best natural treatment for herpes if not a cure we have been looking for. You will see that it stops herpes in its tracks the minute you take it and also stops all future outbreaks if you take it long enough. Thank you for the great website because nature really does cure.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Dan (Us) on 07/18/2015

Thanks Alex! How many times a day do you recommend downing that concoction? I just went to the store, purchased ACV and honey. It really doesn't taste that bad.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Alex (Australia) on 07/16/2015

Yep, I'd agree that ACV is the best to stop OB's. Personally I think applying topical solutions is a waste of time. The virus needs to be assaulted from the inside. 3 teaspoons of ACV with honey in 1/4 cup boiling water. Mix. Add another 1/4 cup cold water and drink. While you're at it.. down it with a Lysine tablet. Should take 2 days for the OB to recede... as opposed to 2 weeks untreated which I normally get. Valtrex no longer has any effect on it. That stopped working after the 5th year.

Don't rub it. Don't eat nuts. Don't have sex.

It's taken me 15 years to find ACV. God, I wish I knew sooner.

At first I saw it as a cure for Warts... so I put it on a wart for a week and the wart completely died.

Got me thinking, warts (HPV) are a very similar virus to Herpes.. what if we could get ACV in to the herpes Virus. And here we are.

Forget the pharmaceuticals... they can cure it now by playing with ribosomes.. but there's no money in curing anything. You need the virus to stay alive to make money out of it. They will never release a cure. It's not that they can't.They just won't.

ACV (with the pulp) is the go until we find some combination of natural items that's better.

ACV and Zovirax
Posted by Alex (Australia) on 07/16/2015

That's right...Tried everything. The best thing is ACV. but don't OD on it. Mix it with Honey 4 times a day during OB's and daily when not. Lysine will make the skin tougher but you need to be consistent with it. Daily. Stay off the nuts... No nuts...Or OB's every month for sure.

Edgar Cayce's Remedy
Posted by Gda (Dc) on 07/08/2015

After more than 30 years of trying to get rid of herpes, I tried apple cider vinegar (2 tea spoons on 8 oz water early mornings) and it worked for almost 3 months, but it came back viciously. Reading Edgar Cayce's remedies on herpes, I started 1 minute gargles with Glyco Thimoline, 3 times daily, after brushing my teeth. IT WORKS! I had more than 4 months free, until I had to travel abroad and run out of Glyco. Now back to the Glyco gargles, I've had almost 2 moths free up to date. God bless Edgar Cayce and Earth clinic.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Carlos Lopez (Houston, Tx) on 07/03/2015

Hello, I read your post and I am very curious to know if you have had any recurrent OB after your diet change.

King Coconut
Posted by Gunawardana (Galle, Sri Lanka) on 06/21/2015

Hey Mr samaraweera....i too suffering from the same, do u know how to get any lysine tablets here...any product name? Samaraweera

Coconut Oil
Posted by Grace (Memphis, Tn) on 06/17/2015

Taken by mouth or applied to affected area?

EC: Seems like it was by mouth.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Jt (Dallas) on 06/17/2015

I have to agree with Newhope, this really gave me some encouragement. I have walked around feeling guilty and ashamed knowing what I have ever since I found out. I was diagnosed with HSV-1 but feared that I also had 2. I've had outbreaks and looked on google images to compare my symptoms and the sheer terror of what I found probably didn't help! I told my partner about my results with a heavy heart and she took the news pretty well. I still worry abput things getting much worse but I had no idea about natural remedies. I have been at a point where I don't want to go through life like this anymore but after reading all of these posts I feel like there is hope for us. I'm still not sure how to talk openly about my concerns with my partner about preventing outbreaks. It's a shameful conversation to have even though it's a one we have had small talks about. Any tips?

Thank you so much!

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Sofia (Florida) on 06/09/2015

Hi! Could you please explain better how you use the hydrogen peroxide and also where I can find the best atomizer? Thx!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Chris (Silsbee Texas) on 06/03/2015

What is a good dosage? And what type and brand of Apple Cider Vinegar tablets should I use, I've bought the vegetarian Apple Cider Vinegar tablets and been using them and just had a small outbreak. And I'm also a male, don't know if that makes a difference. Thank u!

Posted by Martina (Uk) on 05/19/2015

Echinacea for genital herpes works if you catch it early.

Dietary Changes
Posted by Bobby (Montana) on 05/13/2015

I hope you get this. Did you test negative? Please help me. My life is consumed by HSV2

Ted's Remedies
Posted by Charity (Us) on 04/11/2015

Ted has given his wisdom to you and us for free here in these pages and he is also being persecuted in his own country for doing so.

Our medical system that we are all funding rarely cures anything and what does get fixed has other side effects . The meds they are selling at a premium have two prices, one in dollars and the other in long term side effects still wreaking havoc on me. You are free to choose your course!

Ted's Remedies
Posted by P (London, Uk) on 04/10/2015

I'm really confused by Ted's remedies for curing Genital Herpes as they vary with each posting. Plus, although I want to believe as much as anyone that there is a cure, when he mentions treating a man and then this man is outbreak free for five years I don't think Ted can necessarily claim it as a cure, because there are people on this message board who also claim not to have had an outbreak on over ten years. But then they do. I think the 'testing' of anyone who is cured would need to be more thorough, such as deliberately trying to evoke the virus with all the no-no foods, such as alcohol, peanut butter and so on. Does anyone have any thought on Ted's remedies or such?

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Robyn (Ohio, US) on 04/06/2015

Tea tree oil diluted with olive oil and applied to sores should work well. I bought from Trader Joe's a body wash with Tea Tree and eucalyptus to kill any shedding the virus may do while dormant. I also take Lysine daily and have maybe one break out a year.

All the best to you :)

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Elizabeth (Easton, US) on 03/27/2015

Thank you so much for your honest post about GH! You've given me hope!

General Feedback
Posted by Alex (Manila, Philippines) on 03/25/2015

I've been expriencing herpes symtoms. I am worried I will lose my job because I have medical exam each contract. I'm working on the ship, my family is waiting to me and my girlfriend. Having herpes means you will be rejected to medical exam. Please help.

Stabilized Oxygen
Posted by Em (Saudi Arabia) on 03/25/2015

What's the brand name for SOL and where can I get it? plz reply

Posted by Em (Saudi Arabia) on 03/24/2015

Hi Sharon, can please let me know did you put on weight after taking l lysine regularly on daily basis? I have started to take l lysine and I'm concerned about weight, I don't want to put on weight, please do reply, it will be a great help.

Hydrogen Peroxide
Posted by Em (Saudi Arabia) on 03/24/2015

Can you please reply to all the queries please, I also want to know are you still outbreak free and negative of virus please reply. It will help us a lot

Posted by Em (Saudi Arabia) on 03/24/2015

Rod, can you please explain for how long we can take echinacea to control Herpes simplex virus on lips.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Kayleigh (Canada) on 03/21/2015

I am so glad to hear they are working for you! I just got diagnosed a week ago and I've had the same partner for a year, I guess we both had never had a breakout... I was wondering... What type of Apple cider vinegar pills do you use? I bought the "organika" brand, do you think any will work?

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Suzy (Indiana, US) on 03/19/2015

I need help with a question please. Every time I start taking apple cider vinegar I get an outbreak of herpes. I take coconut oil daily and it always keeps me from having outbreaks but when I add the apple cider vinegar it brings one on. Why is this? I alkalize and check my pH daily. Can anyone tell me what I need to change here or do or why please. Thanks much.

Kevin Trudeau's Protocol
Posted by Lyn (Ny, US) on 03/17/2015

Hi everyone,
Like some of you, I've overused and abused lysine. I used it excessively for yrs in the form of flounder.... One of the best and effective ways to get lysine. It worked!! My recent liver test showed abnormality. I have refrained and will redo test in few months. I was not shocked when doc told me cause I knew of side effects. I have known of someone who got cured but later died due to excessive lysine in body. His kidneys and liver was basically eaten. Flounder was like a God to me. Now, I can't use it and is praying for a miracle. The flounder regimen on EC was posted by me.. BE CAREFUL!!!!!!

Permanent Cure for Genital Herpes
Posted by Mtn_moses (Austin, Tx) on 03/16/2015

hi Anonymous, I am going to try this. how long was it for? needed to do on an empty stomach? thank you for sharing!

Onion Family (Onions, Garlic, Celery, Thyme)
Posted by Mtn_moses (Austin, TX) on 03/15/2015

Hey Brooklyn, thanks for this! I'm in Bed-Stuy most of the year, glad to hear about your friends. Like others I need to get rid of this thing for good as it's causing other health issues. I also believe we have everything here we need on the earth. so far I've cut out meat, dairy, alcohol and most grains, all processed foods. Basically vegan (no honey, etc). Coconut oil (on food and on areas) and looking into 35% h202 protocol but I'm trying to follow your recipe before doing that. Did some research and I am impressed...posting a summary here to help others: Garlic, chives, scallions, leek, onion, shallots, celery, thyme. Blend together and add the mix to boiling water...let cool, optionally strain or drink as-is. Store remainder in glass jar, drink 1 cup, twice a day. tumeric, spirulina, and fresh lemon added to water too.

Please clarify ingredients/quantities (am I missing any?) or least which you are using - you said just garlic and onion? Does it matter what type of onion? I saw white had the most acid... tumeric is awesome! Cinnamon too! Have you gotten retested? thanks again, blessings to you and good luck!

Stabilized Oxygen
Posted by Karen (Raleigh, Nc) on 03/13/2015

What website or brand sells the best stabilized oxygen?

Posted by Oscar (Syracuse, New York) on 03/11/2015

Hello Ben and Anon, Yes these are typical or the usual responses with the use of BHT to treat herpes infections. Generally: With the use of BHT to treat herpes infections of all types: The outbreaks and sores diminish over time with DAILY DOSING with 250mg to 500mg of BHT per day. Some have reported an immediate END to all outbreaks. But that is NOT the usual pattern. Most often the BHT treatment gradually decreases the occurence and severity of said outbreaks. Those sores that occur.

Also: Anon has good advice: If you have NO problem taking BHT, DOUBLE DOSING with BHT when a herpes outbreak occurs is helpful. And BHT dissolved in isopropanol [ rubbing alcohol as sold in drugstores ] is effective as a TOPICAL TREATMENT ONLY. NEVER drink isopropanol. It is TOXIC if imbibed.

I try and be very clear about all this....Oscar

Stabilized Oxygen Drops
Posted by Timh (KY) on 03/11/2015 2063 posts

I think you may be looking up the wrong tree on this one, as "Stabilized Oxygen" isn't really oxygen but a "precursor" to Oxygen when taken orally. Stabilized Oxygen is Sodium Chlorite which is not an effective topical antiseptic, but does increase oxygen levels in the body when taken orally.

Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) and Ozone (O3) can be used as topical antiseptics.
