Effective Natural Remedies for Gallstone Relief and Prevention

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Anonymous (Park City, Usa) on 12/03/2009


I would just like to ad a WARNING. I have read alot about gallbladder cleanses and some insist that you must drink apple juice for a few days before the cleanse and also use epsom salt the day of the cleanse. The reasons for this is the apple juice seems to make the stones soft and mushy and the epsom salt opens up or expands the BILE DUCTS so that the stones don't get stuck.

Research this very GOOD, before making that choice. I don't doubt that you or your family has had sucess doing it your way, but just think everyone should really put alot of thought and planning into doing a gallbladder cleanse. So GOOGLE and research several articles, PLEASE! I wouldn't want someone to be rushed to the emergency room, in pain and a hard stone stuck in their bile duct and have to have an emergency surgery. Again, I do believe you, it's just a personal choice of mine.

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Alan (Adelaide, Australia) on 07/16/2007

I tried numerous Gall bladder cleanses over a 3 year period. Whilst i got stones passing the 1 stone in my Gallbladder At first Ultra Sound 3 years ago was 2.1 cm did not pass. I had several follow Ultra Sounds during the 3 year period usually within days of a flush. Every time the US showed the stone still present in my gall bladder.

After 3 years of persisting with the Pain and the unpleasentness of the flushings. I decided I would undergo a Lap Choly. I strongly believed the pain i was suffering was not my Gall bladder but after 7 doctors and 3 specialists the medical boards refused to look for another cause to my pain until my Gall bladder was removed.

The day of the surgery came and instead of a Lap Choly i ended up having a open Choly to remove the Gall bladder as it was inflamed by this point in time. I requested to keep the gallbladder intact after the surgery the Surgeons agreed to this (for Religious purposes (wicca)). And preserved the GB in formalin solution. It is indeed inflamed and is larger than a snooker ball. I tried a total of 25 flushes over the 3 year period and non of the flushes got rid of the Stone. In the End the gall bladder had to come out. However i was right about one thing. The GB was not the cause of my pain as i had same pain symptoms 1 week after the surgery. (Pain in the upper Left Abdomen, with bloating) Most likely severe IBS.

Gallbladder Flush
Posted by Melva (Red Lake, ON) on 04/16/2006

I tried the gall stone cleanse and couldn't believe the amount of "stones" and "gravel" I passed. I showed the stones to my doctor and he agreed that they were indeed gallstones. Then he suggested that another ultrasound be done and whoops! All the original stones were still sloshing around in there. So we sent some "stones" to a lab and the report came back - "These are NOT gallstones". So I have concluded that the ingredients of the cleanse form the stones, with the oil stimulating the gallbladder enough to add bile for the greenish coloring
