Natural Remedies

10 Cold and Flu Home Remedies

Hydrogen Peroxide in Humidifier
Posted by Alexandra (Toronto, On) on 11/11/2009

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to all of the wisdom on this site. I have been using all of the information for a couple of years but haven't written in till now. Two of my kids (14 and 18) came down with colds this week and then started running fevers. My daughter has also been vomitting so has not been able to do the lysine/Vit C remedy for flu. She also threw up the capful of HP in 1 litre of water remedy so I tried the HP in a cool mist humidifier... I added 2 capfuls to the resevoir of water and after 12 hours of sleep she woke up - no fever, no sore throat!

Posted by Diane (San Jose, Ca) on 11/09/2009

Eating raw garlic shortened my cold to about 2-3 days. On a Thursday morning, I woke up with an awful sore throat and congestion. By Friday evening it had become a full blown cold, so I went to this site to look for remedies. I decided to try the raw garlic by mincing up 3 cloves and eating it in a tortilla with cream cheese. This was just my way of making it palatable to eat. The only side effect was garlic breath, so you might want to eat it at night. By the next morning my sore throat was better and my congestion was minimal. That evening I was able to go out and felt almost better. My cold ended up lasting from Thursday morning until midday Saturday, which is about 2 1/2 days. Usually I have symptoms for up to a week, so this was amazing. I also advise taking lots of vitamin C. The best part is I did not even need cold medicine at all! Very natural and inexpensive.

L-Lysine, Aspirin
Posted by Merryanne (Orange City, Florida, USA) on 09/30/2009 115 posts

L-Lysine and aspirin for fighting colds

I am a home health nurse taking car of special needs children for 13 years,,so I know from my health history when they come down with a bad cold with coughing and blowing and sling yellow secretions in my face,,I all ways get sick also,,SO three week ago the little girle I care for (40 hours at night each week for 3 year) came down with a bad cold, temp of 100.2, coughing and put on oxygen 0.5 Liters,,So when I got home I took 1000mg of Lysine and 1000mg aspirin 4 times a day,,and she was sick for 10 days. Now I could feel my sinuses trying to get congested and I felt my throat trying to get sore,,I took this remedy until my patient was over her cold,,And I did not get sick. This was the first time I never got sick caring for some one with fever and congestion with yellow secretions. I am very thank full for Teds information about Lysine and aspirin stopping the replicating of viruses.

EC: Merryanne is referring to Ted from Bangkok's posts on the Swine Flu page:

Hydrogen Peroxide in the Ears
Posted by Anne (Chicago, Il) on 09/24/2009

H2O2 in ear for colds: I get sick almost every month, usually with a bad cold during, or right after, my period. I tried H2O2 in my ears right when I was getting that familiar tingle in the back of my throat and tired feeling I always get before a cold. I used about a half a capful of 3% hydrogen peroxide poured into my ears, one at a time, lying on my side and let it sit and fizz for about 10 minutes each before dumping it out. The itchy feeling started disappearing right away and the next day I wasn't sick as I was sure I would be. I normally get sick for a good week or two when I do, so I was really glad it worked!

Orange Juice, Whisky, Honey
Posted by St (Oconto, Wi) on 09/20/2009

cold -OJ, whiskey, honey

Now this recipe never CURED my cold, but it ALWAYS made me feel better. My dad always made it for us when we were younger, and I just remembered all about it! It defintely made us fall asleep ;-) and feel better, though. He would take about a cup of orange juice, a splash of some kind of whiskey (or rum-whatever), and a spoonful of honey. He mixed it and gave it to us hot.

Vapor Rub
Posted by Linda (Eugene, Oregon) on 09/15/2009

I have been reaping the rewards of the many postings on Earth Clinic and now it's time to give back. My grandmother spent some time living on an Indian reservation in the 40s and 50s and she learned from their medicine "person" a remedy for severe chest colds. Begin by using a vapor rub or a similar camphor product and rub it on the chest, back and neck. Using two thin cotton squares, (large handkerchiefs work well) wet them in ice water then apply them at once to the chest and back. Then quickly put on a heavy wool sweater, keeping the handkerchiefs in place. Add a wool scarf around the neck and pin it in place. Lastly, pull a cotton sweatshirt over all and then go to bed. This combination will do it's work during the night. By morning the cold will be gone. I used this on my nine year old daughter....she didn't like the treatment but it worked!

Good luck and thank you Earth Clinic for this wonderful site.

Hydrogen Peroxide in the Ears
Posted by Kari (Phoenix, Az) on 08/30/2009

Actually, organisms do enter through the ear canal, but also through the eyes, nose, and mouth. Any orifice in the body is capable of transmission. That's why it is best not to touch anything on your face without first washing your hands.

Hydrogen Peroxide in the Ears
Posted by Kari (Phoenix, Az) on 08/30/2009

Hydrogen Peroxide did not work for me at all! In fact, I went on to have the worst cold ever. I then tried the 3x a day raw garlic and that works like a charm.

Neti Pot
Posted by VeganGypsie (San Francisco, CA) on 06/19/2009

I have just found this site during my current cold. Having not caught it early, I am having to use several of the remedies and just hoping to shorten the cold and prevent complications. I'm also not being very scientific about it, I am trying ACV, cayenne, garlic, tomato tea remedy, H2O2 (in ears and sniffing method)and eucalyptus oil. If I feel better tomorrow, I will have no idea what to attribute it to. All seem to give some relief, but nothing has cleared it up yet.

I was surprised not to find any mention of Neti Pot or other nasal irrigation method under the colds section. Saline nasal irrigation really helps me to breathe easier, and I'm sure it is keeping lots of that gunk from settling in my throat and lungs and causing complications later. You put 1/4 t of salt (there is special salt made for this but I use table salt) in the Neti Pot (is there a brand neutral term for this?) and fill with warm water. You want it about body temperature, and about the salt concentration of tears. Tilt your head to one side so the water will not come out your mouth, but out your lower nostril as you pour the water in your upper nostril. You should be able to breathe through your mouth while the whole thing pours through. blow nose and repeat on other side with a new batch of salt water.

My husband made me promise to go see a western doctor since I am sick while he is out of town. The Doc said that Neti Pot was a great idea and keep it up, that ENT's he knew thought that it had prevented the need for nasal surgery in some of their patients.

EC: The Neti Pot is a popular remedy on the sinus infection remedies page!

Posted by Janet (Near Idaho Falls, Idaho) on 05/21/2009

Here is something soothing that really helps colds,
bronchitis, etc:

Bring 2 c. chicken broth + 2 c. water to boiling
Add 1 small onion, chopped

When done, remove from heat, add 3 cloves crushed
garlic, cover; let
sit for about 10 minutes.
Add sea salt to taste.

Posted by Gabriela (Pahoa, HI) on 05/06/2009

I am very excited to share some thoughts on the cause and instant cure for a cold. I am not much a believer in viruses anymore but didn't know why some people catch a cold and others don't. I got a stuffy nose one day and started getting the well known symptoms of a cold. This time I drank the juice of one pungent onion (2 oz) pure as this is my remedy right now to work with. I instantly vomited some large amount of mucus and understood that I simply had too much of it in my system. So the cold seems to be a way to get rid of that - but with my way of dealing with it, I had some short very unpleasant feeling (I had to drink it one sip per time slowly and later on I could drink it in one piece) and then everything was cleared away. So, I cured my cold in about half hour. I was very happy as I had a visitor coming and wanted no cold.

Hydrogen Peroxide in the Ears
Posted by Rosan (Kalsipell, MT) on 04/13/2009

I have a cold and decided to try the Hydrogen Peroxide remedy I read about here. Took two drops hydrogen peroxide and deluted with 4 drops water. Gently put a drop in each ear while sitting up. Within a short time I was very dizzy and had a hard time walking for quite a while. Won't try that again. But I love this site and have found several remedies that have worked wonders for other things like my eye sty and migraines. Thank you so much.

Oregano Oil
Posted by Nanci (Berwick, PA. USA) on 03/08/2009

I have been using oil of oregano for over a year. I put a drop on my finger and apply it to a tooth that was starting to abcess. I had to put it on about five times a day but in two days the pain was gone and never got as bad as the one that had to be pulled. I would get it in a healthfood store to make sure it is safe for digesting. I'm not sure if essential oils for inhaling are the same. *oreganol* is the brand I have

I start to put a drop on my finger and apply it to the glands under your ear by your neck. One or two drops per side. Then I put a drop on my finger and put it under my arm pit because there are glands there also. I do this about five or more times a day. I have been able to ward off a cold completely when everyone else has it. I didn't have any because I lent it to someone and I went a few days with out using this. I got very sick and was in bed for five days. when I got it back I used it and two days later was up. I think I should have used it longer and I didn't. Now I got it back. I guess because the cold got a start here, now it is going to be hard to get rid of it. Now I made a cup of hot water, 1/2 a large garlic diced, 1 and 1/2 tablespoons of ACV and the juice of a Lime. I am loosening up already. Oh and the acv cured the hot flashes I had.

Dr. Parson's Tonic
Posted by Rena (Mineral Bluff, Georgia) on 03/04/2009

My family and I have been taking this remedy for years, works great. Too bad it didn't help with my sinus infection, but it will keep colds and flu away, Peace, Rena.

Multiple Remedies
Posted by Amanda (Chicago, IL, USA) on 02/27/2009

A combination of the following cured my cold. I took liquid phyto-caps (2 capsules 5 times a day for 4 days) which contained echincacia and black elderberry. I also used zinc swabs in my nose 3 times a day. In addition I drank that tomato tea remedy I found on earth clinic (v8, crushed garlic-4 cloves, a couple spoonfuls of chilli pepper hot sauce, and a few drops of lemon juice). My colds usually last 3 weeks and end up as sinus infections. This one was gone in 2 days, a record for me.

Posted by Julie (San Diego, California) on 02/22/2009

just this past week aa nasty bug was going around that consisted of nasal congestion, sore throat, and fatigue and i caught it. finally on friday i decided i wanted to be well for the weekend so i fished out my natural cures book and found out the MIRACLE. i ate 4 cloves of garlic uncooked... of course the taste was horrendous but i am not kidding after the first one i could feel the difference. it makes sense because of its anti bacterial/fungal/viral properties and its ability to strengthen the immune system. i will do this whenever i start to feel sick because i'm serious it totally cured me within 30 minutes

Posted by Alex (Los Angeles, CA) on 02/14/2009

Hi, the recipe that worked for me was : boil water , squeeze lime and thown it toguether with it, add a teaspoon of cayenne pepper and, add a table spoon raw honey. felt better after few hours.

Posted by Wanda Greene (Tarrytown, New York) on 02/10/2009

I've been fighting a cold for a couple of days, a friend suggested I take 3 cloves of garlic blend with orange/lemon juice and drank it before going to bed. I did this and I have to say within ten minutes of laying down, I could feel the results. My nose became unstuffed and the cough which had kept me up several nights in a row was gone, I feel so much better. ..... IT REALLY WORKS!!!!! Thanks to my friend and this site GARLIC will be on my shopping list each week.
