Health Benefits

Turmeric for Boils: Top Natural Remedy for Fast Healing

316 User Reviews

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Posted by Taciturn Boy (Dublin, Ireland) on 02/28/2007

Dear Earthclinic team, I had been suffering from a very painful boil on my left hand index finger for the last 10 days and the boil showed no signs of breaking till yesterday. I luckily got into your website and read about some home remedies to help with the pains and swelling caused by the boil last evening. Last night, I started with the hot water compress and I continued it till this evening with a break of 4 hours between each compress. I also had a glass of warm water with a tea spoon of turmeric powder this morning after brushing my teeth on empty stomach. This evening when I had my second shower, the boil burst out with a mild press, releasing loads and loads of pus and blood. Damn it! It was so painful to take all the pus out. Now my pains are much better and swelling has gone considerably down. I have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow morning and I hope he wouldn't need to do any kind of operation other than the normal dressing on my finger. Thank you very much for your wonderful advice and I love this website so much. Regards, Tacy

Posted by Maria (Falls Church, VA) on 02/21/2007

I have suffered from boils in the groin area for the past ten years, many visits to the doctor, tried all possible antibiotics, warm baths, lancing and no cure. In January, I had about 8 boils in my groin area, I can hardly walk, went to the OBYGEN and she prescribed diocixalin a penicillin antibiotic, it seemed to help, the boils disappeared but still a small lump under the skin was still there. A week after I finished the antibiotics and no more boils, I thought that finally I was cured. Well not, the day before yesterday, I noticed that the boils were coming back, lots of swelling, redness and pain. Desperately, I started to do some research and I found your site, read about turmeric and decided to try it. In any event, if it didn't do good, it was not going to harm me either. I took the 1 teaspoon with warm water, yikes before going to bed, the next morning, I noticed that the swelling had gone down quite a bit; yesterday, I drank it with orange juice and it was easier to drink. This morning, the swelling pretty much disappeared as well as the pain. I will keep drinking it for at least two weeks, but so far I am satisfied with the result as this seems to really work fast and best of all naturally. I am grateful that I found your site. Thanks!

Posted by Marth (Houston, TX) on 02/20/2007

My family and I suffered frequent outbreaks of boils for several months. After finding this site back in September 2006, we finally got rid of it! Turmeric REALLY works!!! It works fastest if you begin taking it as soon as those boils begin to appear. Take 1 tsp./3 times a day with tea or warm water for 2 full weeks. DO NOT skip any days. I swear by this, it truly has helped my family and myself. Thank you for this remedy. Good luck!

Posted by CJ (Richmond, VA) on 02/19/2007

I have had a large cyst on my left leg for about a year. Last month, i started taking turmeric to make it better. I started with one capsule a day, eventually working up to 3 or 4. Turmeric hasn't helped at all and now i have found another cyst. It is a sebaceous cyst and I'm not sure if it is the same as a boil, because turmeric hasn't helped worth a crap. Is there a difference between sebaceous cysts and boils? And does anyone know what i can do about this? Also, haw many 450mg turmeric capsules is it safe to take at one time?

Posted by Chris (Atlanta, GA) on 02/18/2007

After a long history of cysts infections around dead teeth in my upper jaw and several surgeries I have finally found my cure THANKS to your great site. Thursday morning my cyst got infected awfully, read about turmeric here on friday and started taking two caps right away. next morning the pain was gone except for pain when i would pressure the area. Today, Sunday, even that pain is almost completely gone and i feel like a new person! still taking 2 turmerics a day, will go down to one for the next 4 days or so and see. special thanks to FRAN

Posted by Karen (Ione, CA) on 02/16/2007

I last wrote you on 02-14-07 I already had a boil beginning read your article and ran out and bought turmeric, took it that night and took it 3x that day, I don't know if it is working because my boil got worse and I now found another boil beginning Maybe turmeric will work on this one. We will see and I will get back to you.

Posted by Cheryl (Peoria, IL) on 02/12/2007

My 9yr old daughter came to me a couple days ago with a very small pimple like bump on the back of her thigh. She said it hurt very bad when she sat down, so I thought it may be an infected hair follicle or something. I had her apply some heat and ice to it and I cleansed the area with antibacterial soap. The next day it was a small mountain on the back of her leg that was very swollen and hard. It had a head, so I squeezed it to rid her of some of the pain. Since draining it seems to cause the pain to subside a bit. Yesterday she woke up and it was even larger, it was near the size of a soda bottle cap. We had her apply heat to help with draining, and some ice to help with the swelling, plus more showers to wash it up with antibacterial soap. I went to work and returned 9 hours later, to find it was still as large as it was 9 hours prior. We did the shower thing again, and it started to drain in the shower on it's own. I came to the internet to find any help I could. It is hard to see a child in pain, especially because she had never had any type of skin imperfections ever before. I searched for "cure for boils", and I think your site was the third on the list. I checked out the other two, and still didn't find exactly what I was looking for. They were remedies I had tried in the past for myself, and I knew they wouldn't work quickly, if at all. So when I got to your site, I read everything there was to read and thought I need to try this. It was just a few minutes before the only grocery store in town closed, and I ran up there and bought 3 bottles of ground turmeric. I got home mixed up 1 tsp in a cup of warm water and had her drink it. She did not like the taste at all, but I encouraged her by drinking some with her. She finally got through it, and then it was time for bed. When she got up this morning I asked her how her leg was. We took off the bandage, and looked. I was absolutely stunned, I cannot even tell you how impressed I was. It was still a bit hard and red, but the swelling was completely gone. The entire back of her leg is now all flat, no more giant volcano back there. I could not believe my eyes, just 8 hours before that it was nearly a 1/2 high, and about as big around as a quarter and now it is flat. Also, I woke up with a stiff neck yesterday, rotating the mattress always seems to do that for me. After drinking the turmeric, the pain is nearly gone in my neck now. I thought it was odd coincidence until I looked up turmeric this morning and found it has anti-inflammatory agents in it. This is huge for me, as I don't like my family to take antibiotics and pain killers unless it is absolutely necessary. I want to thank you guys from the bottom of my heart! You are a Godsend!

Posted by Sherry (Wilmington, DE) on 02/12/2007

Hi, I wrote yesterday to tell my "boil story" and started the Turmeric treatment last evening. The swelling of the largest boil has now subsided at least 50%! It is not nearly as painful as it was yesterday afternoon. I also used witch hazel on cotton underneath of my arms and then put Betadine on them and covered with a bandage. Then I used the heating pad for a couple of hours on and off. The smallest of the boils have no more pain and have reduced in size, too. Thanks so much! Sherry

Posted by Dana (Colorado Springs, CO) on 02/10/2007

I recently had a run in with boils appearing on my backside. It was new to me, I had never had a boil in my life before this. I tried all the traditional cures I could find and eventually stumbled upon your website, and started to use Turmeric with great success. Looking back on my lifestyle changes over the last few months I noted that I had been eating high fat greasy foods and during lunch and after work had been having mixed drinks with the mixer being coke, club soda etc. I stopped drinking the alcohol and soda and began consuming large amounts of water and taking turmeric and the boils went away. (oh a side note, I see contrails everyday in the skies above my town) Just as an experiment I went back to my unhealthy consumption and the boils came back...

Posted by Dee (Auckland, New Zealand) on 02/09/2007

Hi there Stumbled across your site in desperation for a cure for reoccurring boils on my posterior. Very painful and embarrassing! Read the turmeric testimonials and immediately made up a vegetable stew/curry containing 2 large tablespoons of tumeric.Took to work for lunch and by the second day the boils (cluster of four) were subsiding and I could sit in my office chair without wincing. By day four, all that was left was a little reddened area and a small lump. I suffer from CFS as well and try not to over medicate as I seem to be so sensitive to everything including a reaction to penicillin and sulphur based antibiotics so am thrilled and sitting pretty. Have now saved your site to my favourites list. Thank you from New Zealand. Kind regards, Dee

Posted by Mary (Nevada City, CA) on 02/06/2007

Turmeric has been helpful for asthma, boils, and for infections. Twice this year my son had an infection on his foot or ankle. I applied turmeric ointment (turmeric mixed in coconut oil) and this was helpful - But he got better VERY quickly when I gave him a turmeric drink, as well. It seems very good to get the turmeric circulating in the blood stream to fight an infection. The ointment worked very well on a small skin problem of my own - a very small boil or something...

Posted by Sandra (Cincinnati, OH) on 02/02/2007

When I found this website, I was suffering with a large boil on my forehead at the hairline. It appeared to be growing and my entire forehead, eye area and cheeks became inflamed. I went to the emergency room and they gave me the standard antibiotic treatment. The inflammation in my face subsided, but the boil itself wasn't changing much and it appeared to be "growing" another smaller one beneath it!. That's when I RAN to GNC and bought some turmeric pills. I took 4 over the course of 6 hours, woke up the next day and the boil had diminished to 1/2. By noon, the smaller 2nd boil wasn't even noticeable! I am continuing use at this time but as many others reported here, THANKFUL for any homeopathic remedy! And, I like the scent of the spice. :)

Posted by Albert (New Bedford, MA) on 01/31/2007

Just want to let you know i have been suffering with boil out breaks for almost 2 years have been taking keflex when they come out and then when i was put on tetracycline as a maint dose but they still seem to come up and very painfull some times five or six at a tim , in my stomach and groin area even had one on my chin and that was wheni came up your site and discovered turmeric it was god sent started taking turmeric in the am repeated dose in pm and then again in the next day. by the afternoon of the second day it dried up already wow ,,, and when i started with another it never even went into a head again thanks for such a great site with so much information. thanks. al from new bedford MA.

Posted by Jean (Warner Robins, GA) on 01/25/2007

I went to the Dr. after having pulled a eyebrow hair. It became infected within hours. By the next morning one eye was almost shut and the pressure in my forehead was tremendous. He put me on Doxycycline and bactroban ointment. My face swelled down to my mouth. After two weeks of antibiotic...and it did go down alot the knot on my forehead was still the size of a dime. I began to look for an alternative which brought me to your site. I have been taking Turmeric capsules 450mg 3times a day for 2 days.and using clear chrome to cleans the sore. It is not open now but was originally. I can definitely say the swelling has reduced. Will the knot ever go away and how long should I take the Turmeric? Is it Ok to use tea tree on the skin? thanks

Posted by Rachel (Sydney, Australia) on 01/24/2007

Your turmeric remedy for boils was interesting. I wish to share some home remedies from India.

1. By applying the juice of garlic or onion on the boil to draw it out.
2. By applying turmeric powder.
3. By applying a cumin seed paste.

Diet: Well-balanced, vegetarian, yogurt, boiled food.
Avoid: White wheat flour, all meat, tea & coffee, oily, spicy & sour food.

A pinch of turmeric is taken with a glass of warm milk before bed to treat dry cough. I guess turmeric powder could be taken this way or added to vegetable soup when boiling to make it easier to consume.