Apple Cider Vinegar for Mole Removal

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Vernetta (Tampa, Fl) on 10/01/2009

I stumbled upon this website by accident about 6 months ago. I have tried several of the suggestions mentioned for different ailments and they have all worked. I tried the remedy for mole removal using organic apple cider vinegar from the health food store. I had this ugly mole on my neck and I must say that after soaking a cotton ball and applying it to the mole at night for 5 days, securing it with a bandaid, I am mole free. Thank you so much for that helpful suggestion. I have also been using the organic apple cider vinegar on my melasma (face) applying it directly on the skin using a cotton ball and it has lighten the areas on my cheeks and forehead. I think in a few months the melasma will have faded completely.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Ruhruh1979 (Gun Barrel City, Tx) on 09/23/2009

I cannot believe how well this worked! Last week I swear a mole popped up on my back outta nowhere. It was itchy and very annoying. I was seriously considering going into a doctor to see about having it removed. I've had 2 kids, a little shot in the back shouldn't bother me too much, but I absolutely hate going to the doctor. So, I googled natural mole removal and found out about acv and then found this site. After reading just about every feedback that was listed on the site, I figured why not give it a try. I can always go to the doctor if it doesn't work.

I started this on Sunday afternoon. I used one of those cotton rounds that you usually use to take off nail polish with. I folded it into quarters, put it over the top of my acv bottle and put some on it much like when I put nail polish remover on it. I then took a slightly larger bandaid and this little triangle fit perfectly on the center of it. Put it on my back and let it do it's work. I changed it again before I went to bed, and took it off when I woke up, and kept on going. The only time that I went without it was when I went somewhere, and as soon as I got home, I reapplied.

It's now Wednesday evening, and the mole is virtually gone. It's been painless. I have a little red mark where the scab fell off, but it is soooo much better have this irritating little mole driving me nuts when my shirt rubs on it or while trying to sleep. I have had no burning of the skin whatsoever. I imagine some are much more sensitive to things, but I've never had issues like that. I'm so happy this worked, because iodine is not an option for me since I am allergic to it. The only thing about it is that acv has a strong smell and my husband thought it was hilarious that I smelled like salt and vinegar potato chips. HA!

I have a couple of more moles that I want to try this one, but will wait until I get back home after being gone this coming weekend. I'm still leery about trying to do one on my face, but I think I'll try that as well. :) I also used a cheap store brand bottle of acv.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Nebby (London, England) on 08/18/2009

Basically i had 3 moles on my face which were about half the size of the end of a pencil erazer. So i read all the stuff on here about using apple cider vingar, so i thought i might aswell give it a shot so i did.

But before i applied the vingear, btw i used normal white vingear that was the only 1 at my house at the time. So basically i cut my moles quite alot using a scissor untill they were bleeding... your probably wondering how i cut them up.. but basically how i cut them was using EMLA cream 5mg, its basically a local anaesthesia cream which is available from chemists without prescription :D:D. I applied it onto my moles for 1 hour, untill the moles and skin around the moles got numb and then i cut them up abit with a scissor.

Once that was done i got a bottle of vinegar, took the cap off... and held the entire bottle of vingear on each of my moles for about 20mins each it burnt abit but the vinger penetrated the moles straight away coz the moles were cut up :D. in about 7 hours i noticed the moles went black but were still abit soft... then about 24 hours later they became hard and scabby... i didnt peel them at all.

4 days later whilst applying vaseline the mole scabs were healing up and then it just peeled right off! a slight pinkish scar but u cant even notice it honestly.... its the best method to be honest!!! and u dnt have the headache of using a bandaid everyday...!

btw i only used the vinegar for 20mins! and that was it... i didnt even need to use a bandaid and soaked cotton wool for 1week like the rest of the people here...

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Mikal (Phenix City, Alabama) on 08/16/2009

hello my name is mikal i'm from phenix city alabama. I was born with a large mole on my neck. I was always made fun of in school cause of it. It measured at a size of a dime i found this web site and i saw the (apple cider vinegar) I said to myself i've got to try it so i went and got the items and started using them it has been three days and it has gotten alot smaller .I'm happy now knowing that its not going to be there much longer I'm just going to keep using it until its gone. Yhank You very much Earth Clinic

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Fefe (Chicago, Il) on 08/14/2009

I had this mole on my face for as long as I remember. I'm simply writing to share my amazement with how the method worked in removing my mole! I scraped the mole with a clean needle and then I applied vaseline on the skin around the mole. Then I took a cotton ball and soaked it in Apple Cider Vinegar (with the mother) product. I placed it directly on the mole and taped it down with normal tape. I left it on 1 hour and then washed it and took it off. I did this for a week however I didn't do it every single day (I did it every other day and I was skeptical so pretty much I thought I was wasting my time). The mole dried up and fell off. There is a tiny pink spot but I can cover it with even pressed powder. I'm sure it will disappear though.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Radiogal (Chattanooga, Tn) on 08/01/2009

I am still amazed! I had a large brown freckle/mole (about 1/4 inch) on my chest. I'd had it checked by a dermotologist to make sure it was benign (it was), however, it seemed to be getting slightly larger every year. Used the ACV technique I found here: saturating a small piece of cotton/placing on mole/covering with bandaid/leaving overnight. Did this about half a dozen times, and not even on consecutive nights. Was amazed how the mole came off in layers. Each morning, after showering, I'd dab with some hydrogen peroxide. When the last layer fell off, the skin underneath was slightly pink, and now I can't even tell where the thing was. Fabulous!! Thanks EC and to everyone who posted this cure :D

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Liz (Madison, WI) on 07/29/2009

Apple Cider Vinegar removed two flat very dark moles in about two weeks. I applied the ACV overnight consecutively for about a week and a half, and once they both scabbed up (they became very black and a little hard), I did not touch them. Then a week later, both fell off! The skin is still red, but both moles are completely gone. The most importnat thing is is that you don't pull at the scab and take it off yourself too early, otherwise you might only get half the mole and it increases the risk of scarring. You really have to be patient, and put up with the scabs until they fall off. Thank you soo much Earth Clinic, I love this site!! :)

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Buster (Dime Box, Texas) on 07/26/2009

ACV Removed my pea size mole in 2 1/2 days only a small red area left that is turning lighter every day, I recomend trying ACV it is cheap and does not take that long, Plus there is very little pain through the whole process.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Earthella (Leitchfield, Kentucky) on 07/16/2009

After reading about some "yeas" concerning the use of apple cider vinegar to remove moles, I decided to try it. It really, really works! I had an irritating mole center bottom of my sternum that I covered with a tiny piece of cotton drenched with apple cider vinegar. It fell off in 3 days. No scar, no scab... smooth as silk. I reapplied the cider 2-3x a day and kept it covered until it was gone.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Aldo (Brisbane, Australia) on 06/02/2009

Apple Cider Vinegar removed a mole in 7 days!!! I have to admit, though I am very interested in natural remedies, I was very skeptical that just simple ACV could help to remove a mole. But, for just a few dollars spent on band aids and ACV, why not give it a try?

What I did:
Used a sterile needle to "rough up the skin a bit" over the mole, just break the skin a little, but not try to make it bleed. Then I used a corner piece of tissue and folded it 3-4 times and made it into a neat square. Then I put some ACV into a spray bottle (it is so much easier to apply then) and sprayed enough to soak the tissue. Finally apply it to the mole and cover it with a band aid. I did this twice a day.

In just a couple of days, the mole seemed to transform into a scab. On the seventh evening, it almost fell off (with a little help from me when I saw it came three quarters off by itself anyway. I have to admit, I only very very gently tugged at it and it just fell off.

Now, I am applying honey to a piece of tissue paper and applying that to it. I heard elsewhere on this site (and subsequently others) that honey is great for the healing and minimising any scarring. Well, the ACV worked, so why not give that a try!

By the way, the ACV I used, says it is organic but it didn't even have "the mother" in it, and it still worked!!! Now I have started doing 4 more flat moles, it is day 2 and they are all looking exactly the same as the first one did on day two! Wohoo!

Thank you to all of you who posted before, it really encouraged me to give this a try. Thank you too earthclinic, you are doing a wonderful work!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Angie (Los Angeles, CA) on 05/27/2009

ACV: Used it to remove an ugly mole

I am so excited about ACV. My 10 year old son had a mole right at the center of hix neck on the back, the size of an eraser. He refused to wear anything without a collar, and insisted on wearing his jacket to school just to cover the mole. Apparently he was getting picked on at school. One day I found him on the internet trying to find a way to remove the mole, that's when I realized this was more serious that I thought. I jumped on this site and tried the ACV. I put it on with a Q-tip morning and night before he went to bed and covered it with a band-aid. I only put the acv on the mole. By the fourth day it turned black and flat that is just peeled off. My son was so happy, he's now wearing his regular t-shirts without a collar! I love collars shirts but I just want him to wear anything without being self conscious about himself. Thank you for your wonderful postings. You have made my son very happy.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by John (Phoenix, Az) on 05/26/2009

I'm the same person who posted on 1/21/09, and I have removed a few more moles and would like to share my expanded knowledge. The first mole I removed scar was a little pink last time I posted, but it is completely gone now. You would never be able to tell I even had a mole there! Since then I have removed two other moles, one which is still healing. Unlike the last one, these were flat moles and on my legs. The first one I removed was lighter colored and weird looking, and took about three days. It turned black on day two and never scabbed. On day three I just peeled it off and there was raw skin under. The mole wasn't deep in my skin, so it didn't leave a crater like wound. The skin where that mole was is completely healed now, and I have a slight scar that will most likely heal. The next mole I removed was a small black dot. This mole was very deep in my skin, and left a crater wound. I thought it would never heal and I was very upset. But it is almost completely gone! I thought even if it did heal the scar would atleast be horrible, but you can almost not even see it. I'm also removing the one on my collar bone right now, it's been two days. I've forgotten to scratch it with a needle, so I haven't made much progress. Theres a raised one on my face I'm also in the process of removing, except I'm using Oregano Oil. When I post again in a few months I tell how everything heals up and how the Oregano works. FLAT MOLES CAN BE REMOVED. THEY WILL HAVE A BETTER CHANCE OF SCARRING THOUGH BECAUSE MOST OF THEM GO DEEPER IN THE SKIN (USUALLY THE DARKER ONES ARE DEEPER.)

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Michelle (Melbourne, Australia) on 05/21/2009

I actually tried using the ACV method on a large black flat mole on the side of my chin, which I've had since as long as I can remember, it's very noticeable, I think the method is working quite well for me...even though the process isn't completed yet, and the method I used is slightly different...

On the first day, I started out by soaking a small piece of cotton wool the same size as the mole in ACV and stuck it on the mole with band aid before I went to bed. The next morning I removed the cotton wool, but instead of replacing it with a refreshed one. I also removed the band aid and instead used a cotton bud with 1 tip soaked in ACV and gently dabbed it on the mole, I did this several times a day, and only taped the ACV soaked cotton wool on when I go to bed at night. I repeated this process for a few days and by day 3, a scab formed in the affected area. When I tried to dab some more ACV on the area, it stung quite badly so I stopped using the ACV altogether...initially I thought the method had failed for me...but then, a few days later when the scab was thick and dry and peeling off, I had the urge to peel the whole scab away, I did just that and I noticed that some of the pigmentation had peeled away too, and the mole was fading in color. Upon seeing this, I thought, maybe it's working afterall. So I waited for about another week (not using the ACV anymore), just waiting for the scab to reform. Last night I checked the affected area, the scub had dried out, hardened and peeling, so again, I peeled the scub away, and another layer of pigmentation came the mole has turned from pitch black to a light gray shade and is becoming far less noticeable. I'm intending on sticking to the process...but I won't use the ACV anymore, at least for the time being because it's just too strong, it would only sting the area...I'm just going to wait for the scab to reform and then peel it off again. So I only used the ACV for the first few days or so, just to form the first scab, to set a benchmark for the process...I haven't used the ACV ever since then. Although I can't guarantee that this kind of method I'm using will work, and there's no concrete results since I have not completed the process yet...but I believe it's working, and it's working well for me at least.
In my case at least, the ACV was very effective in the beginning to form the scab.

I think the process of removing flat moles is rather different to raised mole removal...with raised moles, I hear they tend to just fall off...but with flat moles, I was told you need to peel the skin away layer by layer, especially if your mole is colored like mine (due to excessive pigmentation) sounds scary and painful, but when I peeled the scab away both times, it was virtually painless for me, it didn't even bleed. I don't even need to apply any essential oils or vaceline to speed up the healing process. I leave it all up to nature. As I wait for the scab to reform, I don't do anything and just leave the mole alone.

But then again, everyone is different and results will differ with each person...I'm just sharing my experiences, and the method which I just thought up as I went along...some of you may be worried that I'm probably taking a risk, but in all honesty, it's working well for me, so far so good. But there's no guarantees.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Rita (Rio Rancho, NM) on 05/12/2009

Just wanted to thank you for the acv for mole removal remedy. I have had a mole on my face since birth. I did what many suggested on your site and exfoliated, then slept with an acv soaked cotton ball on the affected area. It took about a week, but the mole is now completely gone. My fiancee tried this same method, and his results were just as successful

I have since tried many more of your remedies. I drink acv daily, oil pull and take cold showers. My life is completely change for the better!

Thank you,
Rita Pohle

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Joe (Australia, Sydney) on 05/02/2009

ANYONE??? Does ACV work on FLAT moles???

Hi. I have tried ACV on a raised mole (on my chest) and it came off after about 1.5-2 weeks!!! Amazing. I did the same thing as all the other people talk on this website. I went and bought a 5% acidity ACV and applied a soaked cotton ball (the size of the mole) covered by a bandade at nights. But my question to any of the ACV users is - DOES ACV work on FLAT moles - i have a few noticable dark flat moles on my face and was wondering if the same process would work on them as well? Any feedback is great! ps. Fantastic Website! Keep up the good work.

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