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Site Suggestions
Posted by Incomprensible (Nz) on 06/21/2020


I am amazed that you are using "google" when you search at your website.

This is for me incomprensible as Google censors all alternative health info.................... Or are you part of them as controlled opposition???

EC: Hello,

We've used Google search since 2004. They indexed the many posts and pages on our platform the best in the past,  but please make a suggestion and we'll research other search engines.

2020 Thoughts
Posted by Orh (Ten Mile, Tn) on 06/21/2020

ORH here,,,,,,,, meditating and thinking trouble times. I bought a freeze dyer a few years ago and have never used it. We know how to preserve stuff and lost interest. Now my mine is wandering due to our times. What if you just partially dehydrate..... say some peas, and then finish them off with the freeze dryer? Would that work? I have searched the net and got no clue. All can see that times are interesting. I am pragmatic and have what it takes to survive as most of you can imagine if you have followed me over the years. What is blowing my mind is that rural land is selling like hot cakes in our area. City slickers are coming by the boat loads. Problem is they still have the same mind set and that ain't good. Guess life is going to get interesting in our parts too. Think they are going to get their comeuppance and learn a thing or two. ====ORH===.

Dirty Power Health Concerns
Posted by Orh (Ten Mile, Tn) on 06/21/2020

Charity,,,,,,,,, you kinda wild and strange like me. You start talking and no telling where you going. That is just like I do's. Dang, I know my merits and my demerits. I don't need to be told. I know my + and my -. Nobody has to tell me. I have a feeling that you are the same way. My and yo problem is that we say what comes to mind. HEY, and most times that is not PC. I think you have me pegged. My kids have no clue what it means to be raised up hard, but they think they were. All have an college education that was paid for and mine was not. Have bailed them out until age 50 and finally gave up. Tried to be tough, but don't think I was near bout tough enough. None are in jail and all making their way in life, without my money.They know they can come home but must bring their own hoe, because it will be hard times and hard work is required. ORH

Dirty Power Health Concerns
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 06/21/2020

About the whole sumpin of me is a result of trying to find my way out of the problems . I still need some help, like a creative miracle or two, but I got a couple of those already, so I will seek Him and wait on Him to make it so. I wish Him HAPPY FATHERS DAY every year and I wish it to all you fathers out there . Don't beat yourself up if your kids don't appreciate your efforts, they didn't come from where you did and have no clue what it's like. There were no good old days for most people . I wrote my kids letters when they left for the world out there, if you have any problems with your childhood memories come talk to me and we can work it out . I did my best and it wasn't perfect. None of us are perfect, but repenting is good for the soul. Our first gr grand turned one this month, he's a keeper. I've been busy putting comfrey at the base of my fruit trees with some mint and marigolds. Comfrey tap root is up to 10 feet bring up nutrients from the deep and mint is offensive to bugs and marigolds attract wasp, unless I am remembering that wrong . Don't know much but if there's a problem it will sort itself out. Blessings, Charity

Helpful Tips
Posted by Rsw (Oh) on 06/20/2020

Thank you!

Dirty Power Health Concerns
Posted by Orh (Ten Mile, Tn ) on 06/20/2020

Charity,,,,,,,,, you sumpin else. About too deep for me. However, I read your vibs. Sometimes when my mind down loads on problems I have worked on for a long time, then I get pissed, because why am I just now figuring all this out? My consciousness had no clue, but my sub conscious mind has been working on this problem for a long, long time. All of a sudden I get this download and the problem is solved in a minute. Now, that ain't fair. My whole life has been about solving industry problems.

In Alabama, my drive to work was about 20 minutes. Sometimes I never remembered that drive, because my mind was working on a problem. All of a sudden........ the down load.... and the problem was solved. I wish I could tell you how all this happened, but I can't. I ain't that smart. Folks that don't think we have a really smart guy looking over us fall into two categories. One their IQ is 75 or it is 150. One is a totally dummy and the other thinks they are he. I fall in-between and know we got a bright guy we can talk to. ====ORH====

Helpful Tips
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 06/20/2020

I did it I hope I can remember this

EC: Yay!

Helpful Tips
Posted by Rsw (Oh) on 06/20/2020

Hi Everyone,

Apparently it's been so long since we used this former format that I can't see how you post a new comment. (I never did figure it out on the new site, and just replied, as I am doing now). I know it's simple. Just don't see it. I don't have anything to post. Just wondering for future reference. Thanks!


Just click on the Contact Us link at the top of the navigation bar. That will pop up our form. If you are logged in, it goes fast as all the fields are filled out.

Should we name it something else? We already had "Add New Post".. not sure that is any better!

Helpful Tips
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 06/20/2020

Thank you. Being dyslexic it is good to know right or left, Eye doc appts are always a task for me. Close you right eye and look at the chart and tell me what you see. If you can't laugh you might cry so might as well humble yourself and laugh. Which side of the road do I drive on. …..hmmm.....

Helpful Tips
Posted by Earth Clinic (CT) on 06/20/2020

Hi Charity,

For your copy and pasting issues...

When you go to copy and paste, you need to be next to the blinking cursor and then right click your mouse or use ctr+c to copy and ctrl+v to paste. If on a Mac, use command+c to copy highlighted url and command+v to paste.

See if that works.

Dirty Power Health Concerns
Posted by Diana (Bc) on 06/20/2020

Hi ORH - After reading quite extensively about PEMF devices, they claim that they help the body deal with EMFs.

PEMFs were even mentioned several times in the 5G Summit that aired a week or so ago.

I know that you said you own one. Do you use it every day? Do you think it may help offset the harm from EMFs/dirty electricity?

Trying to stay healthy despite all the interference (negligence) from corporations seems to be a full-time job!

Enjoying your contributions to Earth Clinic - always interesting :)

Dirty Power Health Concerns
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 06/19/2020

ORH, you can pray psalm 91 and if you do it in~faith, God will send his angels to perform his word for you and your household. God doesn't listen to fear doubt and unbelief . Daniel waited 21 days for the angel to show up to perform the answer to his prayer . That is where satan starts to ask you questions and you have to stay in the word . You can have any promise in there. I am seated in rest in heavenly places in Christ next to my Father and I can ask them to show me what I don't understand. Your mind is two, the natural man with natural senses for earth navigation, and the spirit man with spiritual senses that hear the Father and do what he says to bring down the resurrection power from heaven to tear up the enemies camp. You do it by the book and you get the results it says you already have. I have this problem that is already solved in the spirit, promised with conditions awaiting the master, who is perfecting my character . I need it to manifest on the earth. My faith is going to bring that down to me as I understand and apply the book . As your soul (mind will emotions) prospers so are you in perfect health. Demons are interesting, I have lot of experience with them. I think someone needs to create a new video game for kids to learn how to defeat the real enemy and take back their land.Years ago I went to a healer and had my blankets prayed over and they still vibrate after many washings. Our power and vibrations override the enemies. My friends always want to get under the blankets, you feel such peace vibrating through you . I loaned one out and never got it back. He said he couldn't give it back because he couldn't sleep without it. We have power, wonder working power in the word and the blood.

But I do thank God for Earth Clinic because it is hard to understand the spirit realm because you can't see it. You need to be able to get symptoms under control so you can sleep and get some studying done. So much to learn, so little time.

Dirty Power Health Concerns
Posted by Orh (Ten Mile , Tn) on 06/19/2020

ORH here and wearing all out, but this is far more complicated than I thought. If you clean up your dirty current, you can also increase the magnetic energy and be in worse shape, health wise. So, I am at a state of where I need help. Need a Ga Tech EE to come help me. I truly believe this is one of our unknown health problems. We all do stuff to solve our health problems but we do little to prevent them. I think this is an opportunity to make giant strides in this effort. EMF's are bad news Charlie. ====ORH====

Dirty Power Health Concerns
Posted by Orh (Ten Mile , Tn) on 06/19/2020

Charity, you a tough HIDE, and I mean that in a complimentary way. All know my Tractor Driver is a tough HIDE to have spent 60 years with me. Life is interesting, but you play the hand you were dealt. ====ORH====

Posted by Lodi (Australia) on 06/19/2020

CONGRATULATIONS to Deidre and her team, to regular contributors and to the many readers all over the world supporting Earth Clinic. We have done it!!! We regained our ability to protect from uninvited, detrimental influences to weaken our potential to continue sharing ideas and knowledge about protecting health and wellbeing. But let's not kid ourselves, many natural health information sites that I visited in the past are now difficult to find or no longer there. Earth Clinic might also come under attack and we need to be so vigilant. I feel strongly that all natural health promoting people, groups and organisations need to find their ONE voice (similar to me too# movement) to successfully hang on to our right to take care of ourselves in the best way we know. I am aged 76 and would have started something like that if I had the necessary skills and knowledge, unfortunately I don't. I hope with all my heart that others recognise the need for one strong voice and able/skilled to kick-start such a movement. Blessings of good health to all.

Dirty Power Health Concerns
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 06/19/2020

Congrats on 60 blissful years with the love of your life . The electric company and pharmaceutical company have nothing on the Satanist behind the original programming . My SRA friend they tortured knows a lot about it all.( Above Magestic) is a documentary of the behind the scenes around the world. I don't know what all to believe. I have a lot of faith that God is working NOW to bring those things done in darkness into the light. The ones trying to hide are throwing out any game they can think of to distract the masses. All those supposed missing children and teens and stories. All the legal systems that make no sense. The enemies first trick is to make people mad so they can't think straight. Turn them against each other and make them bitter and unforgiving. No Love. Love heals. Cortisol robs them of electrolytes and brain function as they run to survive. Lance Wallnau makes some sense and he's pretty funny. Laughter is good medicine ...and I say to you pray before you go confront opponents. God will make a way. Thank the Lord for He is Good, Charity

on youtube open wide your mouth and I will fill it dated june 3.2020 and I could not stop laughing because we all have one foot in a trap. God and satan are both saying stick em up, one way you lose the other you gain.

Posted by Anon Canada (Canada) on 06/19/2020

Hi Anon Not Canada!

I just wanted to introduce myself - I'm Anon Canada. Love your name (heh, heh) - welcome to Earth Clinic!

Cheers :)

Dirty Power Health Concerns
Posted by Orh (Ten Mile , Tn) on 06/19/2020

This all started when we had a ground fault run into our house and destroy about $3,000 worth of stuff. It was the Co-op's fault because they did not check out the system when I called. We then put in ground fault breakers all over the house. After a year, our bill is far less than before. I had no clue for the reason until I read a commercial about what was happening. I promise you ........ you are paying for dirty power. It is costing you money and affecting your health. It is not on the scale of Big Pharma, but it is constant and corrupt and they understand. There is a reason you can't sleep and it may not be a problem with you. The corruption of this country is now a given. Myself, I plan on giving lots of folks indigestion. ====ORH====

Dirty Power Health Concerns
Posted by Orh (Ten Mile, Tn) on 06/19/2020

ORH here,,,,,,,,,, Lord have mercy have I got confusion going here with our electrical co-op about dirty power. This is a health issue for certain. I am a Ch E from Ga Tech, but I an a novice as far as electricity is concerned. Don't turn me off, because this is about your pocketbook and your health. Dirty power gets to you on both counts. I am learning, but me and my co-op are fixing to to round and round. In the meantime, you need to see how this is affecting you. I promise you that you have the same problem. Dirty power increases your electric bill and affects your health and sleep. Hell, all this time, I thought Big Pharma was the bad guy. Hey, we have lots of bad guys. Waiting on a phone call from the VP and the longer it takes, the more they are talking. Funny how that works. They know I have worms and will cause them consternation. They know me. ====ORH====

Posted by Cyndi (Brookings, Oregon) on 06/19/2020

This is just a thank you for all the hard work you guys are doing! For those of us who have been helped greatly, we are so thankful!

Posted by Anon Not Canada (Not Canada) on 06/19/2020

SWEET new site! My compliments to your ❤ design team ❤!!

Posted by Art (California) on 06/19/2020 2154 posts

Thank you, EC!

I forgot how much I liked this format. Much better!


Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 06/19/2020

Hurray! Welcome back Classic Earth Clinic! An old friend has returned. :)

Deirdre, thank you for your tireless effort to accomplish this and all you do to promote health through the encouragement, experiences and knowlege of real people. Earth Clinic is one of a kind.


~Mama to Many~

EC: Thank you so much, MtM!!!

Posted by Ed (Tawas City, Mi 48764) on 06/19/2020


Getting Along
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 06/19/2020

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!!!! (You got away with it cheaply, son!! )

May you two enjoy many, many more happy, healthy anniversaries to come!!!

Coronavirus Remedies
Posted by Mark (Chicago, Il) on 06/18/2020

I noticed your CoronaVirus page was taken down:

Did the FDA or someone else send you a cease and desist? Some things on that page helped manage my symptoms (I still have the virus) and was wondering if it's gone for good?

Best Regards,


EC: Hi Mark,

No, it's not gone. It's here.

Sorry, I forgot to put a redirect on the url when we shift back to the old site yesterday evening. Now it's been redirected to the new url (above).

Note: We still have to move several hundred posts over to the coronavirus section from the old site and that should hopefully happen this weekend. If there's specific remedy/post you need from that section, let us know and we'll add it asap.


Getting Along
Posted by Orh (Ten Mile, Tn) on 06/18/2020

ORH here, today me and my Tractor Driver have been married 60 years. We simple folk, so for our anniversary I gave her a massage and mineral bath once a week and will clean up my bathroom everyday. We will also go out for a meal once a week. Lord have mercy, what you have to do these days to get a good Tractor Driver. ATS ====ORH ====

Site Updates
Posted by Anon Canada (Bc) on 06/12/2020

Yes, Art - I fully agree. It's like welcoming back an old friend you haven't seen for a long time. It's so much easier to find things and to read posts. Thanks, Deirdre, for making old new again :)

Site Updates
Posted by Art (California) on 06/11/2020 2154 posts

I definitely like the old new look again! Definitely better than the new old look! I missed this! Thank you EC!


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