Melatonin Cures

Posted by Gertjr (Madison) on 07/06/2020

I tried Art's protocol over the last few days and it worked! I was so pleased. My husband passed away on Saturday and I was exhausted and really needed sleep, had finished all my Tramadol (needed to stop taking it anyway), and took 3 mg every hour, going to bed after the 3rd dose. Slept like a baby until the cat woke me up, then went back to sleep for another hour, 7 hours in all. After several nights at the hospital, this was such a blessing. The last 2 nights haven't been quite that good, but still better than I expected with having so much on my plate right now. Thanks, Art.

I have a bit of migraine pain today, so hopefully that's not the melatonin but the stress. I'm probably a bit dehydrated, too, so need to take better care of myself.

EC: We are so sorry for your loss, GertJr. Sending you much love.

Posted by Anon (Anon) on 07/05/2020

Old post but the melatonin may have been ineffective if it was not actually melatonin - a fraudulent product. Trying a different brand might have been the solution. My brand always works for me, my Mom's does not always work for her.

Posted by Bee (Gig Harbor, Wa) on 09/28/2016

thank for suggesting that the electronics be turned off earlier at night for a natural melatonin. I was reading all the comments and many of them had the electronics piece in common.

Induce Dreaming
Posted by Danny (Powell, Wyoming) on 11/14/2015

Can you express a little more on the relationship between melatonin and the pineal. Thank you.

Induce Dreaming
Posted by Derek (Ontario, CA) on 03/28/2015

Editor's Choice I have been taking Melatonin for 7 months now and originally started to have vivid dreams and now my dreams are much more gentle but amazing nontheless, and great sleep indeed ... I started with a cream of 50mg per night for the first two months then upped the dose to 100mg per night for 4 months then tried the 250mg SR capsules but I was a little woosy in the morning, so I stayed on the 100mg for another month and now I am almost done the bottle when finished then I will try 250mg SR again ...(SR) stands for slow release ;) eventually working up to 400 or 500 mg at this point the pineal opens up and you begin to experience the truth of who we are ;) those who have done the research already know this.

Posted by Randy (Myrtle Beach, Sc/usa) on 07/21/2011

hi Connie

Thank you for responding back and I appreciate your input very much! Since my last post what I have done for the next 2 nights was stay at 2mg of melatonin and even though for both those nights I got awake in the middle of the night, I fell back to sleep for each of those nights for about another 2. 5 hours approx so I guess that is a good sign. Maybe my body had to get used to it if that is possible, I don't know. Last night I upped it to 3mg and slept striaght thru for a total of about 6. 5 hours. I'm atleast happy with this because I know for years that I have only been averaging about 5-6 hours of sleep per night. So "maybe" I am on the right path with the melatonin. Time will tell.

As far as you mentioning the B-12 and methylfolate, I have tried both of those in the past and both never seemed to do me any good. I think I have tried most every supplement under the sun LOL (and then some.. Haha) I had my B-12 levels checked awhile back and they were fine.. Actually very good but at that time I was taking B-12 even though it really didn't help me. As a matter of fact I have read that some people that are hypoadrenal can't handle the extra B-12. Whether or not that is true I don't know, but maybe it was true for me. I seem to even feel more lethargic which doesn't help my depression even when I do Brewers Yeast. Maybe it is a particular B that isn't agreeing with me. I "might" have been taking too much Pantethine. I tried it because many others and other websites mention it is good for hypoadrenal but quite frankly ever since I stopped taking it, I seem to be not as fatigued and not as achey in my joints.

The site that I have frequented often which I think has a lot of good information is......says that too much intake of B-5, people can get severe fatigue and joint pain. Maybe this applies to me because ever since I stopped it I an not as fatigued nor as achey in my joints. The site actually mentions B-1 thiamine good for people that are hypoadrenal. It says that extra thiamine can help raise sodium, which I know us later stage AF'ers deal with. He also mentions choline can help with that also. Funny how when I did the Braverman test online awhile back I was also Acetylcholine deficent as well as being Dopamine deficient. So I am also starting to take CDP-Choline as well as some lecithin granules which I know Ted is very high on taking. I noticed you said you are still low cortisol. Have you tried extra thiamine? I just started yesterday taking Allithiamine. Apparently it is similar to Befotiamine that it is fat soluble, but I have read that Allithiamine may work better on the CNS where as Benfo works more periphally. Who knows but I am giving it a whirl and maybe it can atleast help to some degree with my atypical depression. The site also mentions tin being good for hypodrenal and I know Ted has mentioned it too and good for depression that can go along with it. So I am going to try that too. I just ordered some stannous chloride from a chemical supply company so I'll see how that works for me too when it arrives.

One other thing I wanted to mention, and maybe there is some merit to this. I can't remember which book I read this from.. It might have been Wilson's book on Adrenal Fatigue, in that having dental work done can stress the adrenals. I can look back and remember that it was around the time I had some dental work done that I started feeling a lot worse. Maybe it was that, that just sent my low adrenals over the edge.. Then on top of that I burned them out more by working out at the gym too strenuously. Live and learn. Recently I have read that weight lifting (not to the point of exaustion) can actually raise cortisol but anything aerobic lowers cortisol. So I'm going to just do the weights but ditch the running on the treadmill.

I'm also gonna start on some Systemic Proteolytic Enzymes. Certainly can't hurt cause I have read some theories out there that depression can stem from too much inflammation in the body. I've started back up taking some curcumin and have added some boswellia which is also good for inflammation. I'll see how this goes too LOL

Sorry for the long post, but thanks again for your input Connie. I'll keep trudging on :)

Maybe the moderator reading this can also post this in the adrenal fatigue and depression sections, since this post also applies to those conditions. Me being new here I don't know if I should be copying and pasting this in both of those sections.


Posted by Connie (Slc, Ut) on 07/18/2011

Hi Randy;

I'm from a city down the coast from you, Charleston. I really miss the ocean. It was easier to get enough sea salt there.

It appears that in your situation, there are paradoxes to negotiate. I've read that some people do have increased insomnia, anxiety, and other side effects from melatonin supplementation. It's been suggested that they may try a dosage as low as. 1-.3 mgs. I also have low cortisol, and insomnia from early childhood. Although I have tried so many substances for this; herbs, amino acids, exercise, and even medications; my best results have been from combining a low dose b-complex with a sublingual b12. There can be paradoxical reactions to them also, as some can relax and or stimulate the system. I suggest trying the b-complex made from foods. (unfortunately it's expensive) It may be only needed in smaller amounts. Try 1/2 tablet in the morning. ( I have it with an empty stomach, but it may be easier with food).

Also, try methylcobalamin sublinguals, (active-b12); because it enables the other b's to operate. A 1000 mcg. Tablet can be divided with a pill cutter into 4 wedges. It may be that only 250 mcgs. Is needed daily for sensitve individuals. I have also found that folate has been very helpful with depression, But it must be measured carefully according individual needs. I recommend methylfolate. It comes in 800 mcg. Tablets that can also be subdivided.

While there is the RDA of folate in supplements, some people with atypical depression have responded very well to extra folate. It can have mild stimulant properties for some people, so I suggest trying small amounts in the morning. (It is also good for sensitive gums and canker sores when dissolved in the mouth). I have found these supplements to also lower many types of inflammation that can deplete cortisol.

Posted by Randy (Myrtle Beach, Sc/usa) on 07/18/2011

I suffer from adrenal fatigue (low cortisol) and atypical depression so I decided to try melatonin the last couple of nights to try to give my adrenals some well needed rest. Typically I only average between 5 to 6 hours of sleep per night but the last couple of nights I only got about 3.5 hours of sleep. First night I only did 1mg and last night I did 2mg and with upping the dosage I still only got 3.5 hours of sleep. Why am I getting less sleep taking melatonin? I have read where it can have the opposite effect with some people and I am wondering why this happens? Anyone else have the same experience?

Side Effects
Posted by Stacey (Greensboro, Nc) on 08/04/2009

Hi Manti,

I use to take melatonin, but stopped because of two side effects. One side effect was that it acted as a diuretic, so I really didn't get much sleep b/c of running to the bathroom. The other was very real dreams. It got to the point that I could not figure out if I had really had conversations with people in my dreams versus reality. Melatonin is actually a hallucinagen your body naturally produces. I guess when you add more of the chemical to your body, it coases you to dream more realistically.

Induce Dreaming
Posted by Jeremiah (San Diego, California) on 07/07/2009

Remedies to Induce Dreaming: I usually don't dream, but I have found out that whenever I take Melatonin to sleep, I have the most vividly realistic dreams I could ever imagine.

Posted by Cathy (Pataskala, Ohio) on 07/26/2009

My son has been taking Melatonin for almost 4 years now. He is now taking up to 6 mgs at age 10 and he sleeps great and has had no side effects. He is ADHD and never slept well thru the night before melatonin. It really makes a difference in his behavior as well. I would strongly recommend it.

Posted by Hannah (Vancouver, BC )

Melatonin has also been beneficial to me for sleep. I also use at varying times: -lavender essential oil rubbed into my skin (with a carrier oil) spray lavender water in the bedroom -take a "tea" of honey and apple cider vinegar (adjusting to taste) with water. (1/4 cup does the trick). -another idea, is to turn off the electrical things (like tv, computer etc) an hour before bed to allow the body to slow down and let it's natural melatonin do it's job. Turn off the lights and light a candle and have quiet time an hour before bed. Sweet dreams!

Posted by Rob (Gilbert, Arizona )

Melatonin has been a God-send for me. I'm a terrible insomniac, especially on business trip. I don't like druggy meds, so I tried melatonin several years ago. About 20 minutes after taking one I drifted quite naturally off to sleep. Now, I still take them occassionally, but usually just the thought that they're in the medicine cabinet is enough to relax me to sleep! Melotonin induces the body's 'down time' mechanisms which night owls like me tend to inhibit. Now I know to relax, read a book, watch tv, or just 'chill' about 20 minutes before bed, this behavior allows the body to naturally produce it's own melatonin and drift peacefully to sleep. - sleep tight!

Posted by Lisa (Vero Beach)

I have found melatonin to work well for sleep. Also just heard magnesium prior to sleep works - I will be trying that tonight.

Posted by Stephanie (NC) on 10/20/2005

Melatonin is WONDERFUL! My daughter (11 yrs.) has always had terrible problems going to sleep...until I started her on Melatonin. She takes 1 pill (300 mcg.) about 1-1/2 hrs. before bed and has had no trouble falling asleep since the first time she took Melatonin. Also have a 22 yr. old nephew who has had sleep problems for a few years. He takes a larger dose before bedtime - has been falling asleep at bedtime with no problems since his first dose. What a God-send!!!

Posted by Cathy (Richmond Hill, Canada) on 02/29/2008

Insomnia: My kids have a hard time sleeping at night. I've struggled for about 10 years trying to put my ADHD girl to bed at night. The older she became, the worse it was, telling me to "get lost" when I came in the room at 11:00 p.m. She would just continue on the computer and ignore me. It was very depressing. I had to sleep so I would just go and leave her alone. Her dad didn't help much. Rescue remedy! melatonin! I bought the chewable kind and used to give it to her when I was totally exasperated at 10 or 11 p.m. Now I give it to her at 8 or 8:30 p.m. and now she jumps into bed by 9 or 9:30 p.m. What a miracle! Why did it take me so long to figure that one out? She was sleep deprived for many years!

Posted by Melinda (Tucson, Arizona) on 01/24/2009

NAY- I have tried Melatonin and I did not find it to be a good alternative for insomnia. Firstly I am on a antidepressant-Lexapro, and I feel like Melatonin really makes my depression worse, and it's effectiveness was inconstant, one time I felt real drowsy and slept good, another time only slept a few hours then woke up again. My boyfriend's Mom also tried it and said it did not work for her either.

Posted by Jeremiah (San Diego, California) on 06/28/2009

I have found that Melatonin is extremely beneficial in helping me get to bed. This is on top of the Seroquel that I already take, which is dosed at 100mg. I usually start off with 3 mgs. of Melatonin, and if that doesn't help, I take another 3 mgs. (because the supplement that I take only comes in 3 mg. tablets).

The usual recommended dose of Melatonin to start with is 5 mgs., and then take it from there. This is a extremely effective supplement, and I would recommend it first before anything else.

Side Effects
Posted by Manti (Tulsa, OK) on 07/31/2009

I was wondering about the use of melatonin..some use it as a sleep aid and i've heard it works really there any other uses..are there any side effects of the oral form, is there any longterm side effects noted from using it?

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