Health Benefits

The Health Benefits of Melatonin

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Melatonin and Daytime Use
Posted by Mama to Many (TN) on 09/29/2021

Editor's Choice

One of the concerns that people have with using Melatonin 4 times a day for covid or other viruses is that, because Melatonin is used to help with sleep it is presumed to make you too tired during the day. I will share some of my personal experiences with that.

When we had covid back in January we all used high dose Melatonin (thanks to Art who kept us informed about the protocol! ) I used it on everyone in the house - ages 9 to 83, based on weight, as Dr. Neel recommends. We took it 4 times a day.

My 83 year old mother in law with dementia did not know what the pills I gave her were, I just added them with her other meds and supplements. She was not symptomatic of covid, but we were using it to try and prevent covid since others in the home had it. (I think it worked, or at least helped! She never got sick, but did lose her sense of smell.) Anyway, her sleep/wake patterns were no different than when she wasn't taking round the clock melatonin. (She always takes it at night.)

It was hard to tell how it affected those of us who were actually sick. Sick people sleep more.

I take 15-20 mg of melatonin every night to help me with sleep (and it definitely improves my quality of sleep! )

Last summer, an hour after taking my melatonin dose, my daughter-in-law went into labor. I had an hour of sleep but woke up easily and drove an hour and 20 minutes to the birth center where she had the baby. I had no trouble driving and no trouble staying awake all night.

I had the opportunity to repeat the experiment last week. I had taken my 20 mg of melatonin and fallen asleep when my daughter went into labor. I woke up and stayed up the rest of the night with her and was able to see another grandchild born. (What a privilege! )

I cannot know how it affects others. But I can say that melatonin does not make it impossible for at least some people to stay awake after taking a significant dose. Certainly it would be wise to know how such a dose would affect you before driving a long way or using heavy equipment.

~Mama to Many~