Maximize Health with Magnesium: Key Benefits & Sources

Posted by Arora (Karachi, Sind / Pakistan) on 02/10/2011

My dauther is using magnesium sulphate last 6 months, half teaspoon with water in morning and her Epelipsy is in control. She is in her 8 week of pregnancy. Some experienced friend should guide whether to continue magnesium sulphate or stop. Is there any bad effects on fetus? Please reply

Posted by Carla (Vancouver, British Columbia) on 02/08/2011

I was doing research and found out magnesium was one common remedie for about three different things I was trying to deal with incontinence being one of them

i took two capsules everyday until I knew my body had absorbed it (this came in the form of mild diarrhea) it only took a few days and I didnt have and incident for another year! Everytime I feel it happen I go take another capsule and wahlaah! Instantly cured!

i hope this helps someone else out there! By the way im twenty two.

Leg Cramps
Posted by Mzellie (Evansville, Wi) on 01/25/2011

one can use magnesium oil by spraying this on your legs, arms, over your heart and soak your feet for 30 days.. And get your magnesium levals up to par... Your can also make your own... Much cheaper this way.. boy is this really good mag.oil

Leg Cramps
Posted by Lena (Tallahassee, Florida) on 01/24/2011

Your body when it produces leg cramps or restless leg syndrome usually means the body is low on magnesium. I suffer from this same thing and when I take a magnesium supplement the pain goes away

Anal Fissure
Posted by Passerby (Washington, D.c.) on 01/06/2011

You should try other form of magnesium. Magnesium lactate dihydrate(Mag Tab Sr) might help. It was the most tolerated for me

Sudden Sensorineural Deafness
Posted by Maskeen (Dubai, Uae) on 01/01/2011

Magnesium for Sudden Sensorineural Deafness

One day I woke up with what I thought was an ear blocked with wax. But, no matter how hard I tried, no wax would come out. Then I started researching and discovered that sudden sensorineural deafness was what I had. It stated that ssd occurred due to a lack of magnesium in the body. So I started taking magnesium in the form of magnesium orotate 4 tablets of 500 mg 2x daily on an empty stomach. No results. Then I switched to chelated magnesium glycinate/lysinate with bioperine (an extract made from black pepper which increases bioavailability of beneficial substances and also chemical drugs). The deafness disappeared within 3 days. You must take the elemental dosage recommended for your age group. I tried a chelated magnesium with calcium, but that did not work nor did magnesium citrate.

Magnesium Article
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 10/15/2010

Hi Phil... I bought my Magnesium Chloride -- chemical grade -- in Bangkok, Thailand. I purchased it as a simple powder which is always the best form. I confess I dislike tablets because of the fillers and additives they use. The best forms are always powder or capsule containing powder in my experience.

Regarding magnesium chloride, one of the best forms to take is Magnesium Oil. I make this myself -- 70% to 80% magnesium chloride with 20%-30% water. Just add 10 drops of mag oil to any drink twice a day or you can use it transdermally to be absorbed through the skin(forearms). If you use the transdermal method your body is able to absorb magnesium in much larger amounts -- with no diarrhea or intestinal issues to worry about. And any excess is simply excreted from the blood via the kidneys. Magnesium Oil can be purchased quite cheaply from any health shop.

You can also use Magnesium Sulphate(Epsom Salts) transdermally -- normally people just use epsom salts in baths, footsoaks or skin sprays as described on this site.

Like you, I was also fed up with the cost of vitamins, amino acids and mineral supplements. After some research I simply settled on taking 3 Dessicated Liver(DL) tablets(chewed) after every meal. I now rate DL higher than the much more expensive chlorella or spirulina -- DL contains every single vitamin, amino acid and mineral -- and all in the most bio-available form -- that your body will need on a daily basis. I also reckon DL is also better than plant forms containing these nutrients -- since it is fairly well-known that plant amino acids forms -- such as in chlorella or spirulina -- are not so easily digested or assimilated in humans.

So if you want all your daily nutrients in just one form -- dessicated liver is it. Ted recommends eating raw liver shakes, but perhaps DL is easier!!

You can purchase DL at any weight-training store and some health shops. You can also buy the powder form of DL(better). And it's quite cheap because its simply an inexpensive food.

Magnesium Article
Posted by Phil (Dearing, Ga) on 10/15/2010

Hello Bill! Always good to read your postings and research. So I googled the 2.5 % magnesium chloride hexahydrate and the prices vary from really high down to lower. I guess I could call the companies, but was wondering if you might could guide me the product that I would need. Currently I have been taking Magnesium Chloride from Alta health products in tablet form: 1 tablet = 520 mg magnesium chloride and 62.17 mg elemental magnesium. I take one daily. Would I be able to continue this one or do I need the other or just more of this one. Of course I know we can't put a price on health, but I am on a budget and it is a rather small budget. I believe in alternative medicines, but I will tell you I have spent close to $1000.00 this year alone on herbs and vitimans and still did not get all of the ones I would have liked to had. I would also be willing to crush my current tablets and mix them with water, if this would make a difference. Thank You in advance.

Magnesium Article
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 10/13/2010

Here is an interesting article by Chris Gupta, which describes the wide benefits of Magnesium(as well as Vitamin C and Aspirin) supplementation and its real and successful medical use. This article also goes into detail concerning research misconduct or what I call "spoiler" research put out by the medical drugs companies.

This is why simple chemicals like Lugol's Iodine, Sodium Bicarbonate(BS)and Hydrogen Peroxide have become so de-emphasised by spoiler drugs research -- the medical companies don't like the competition, so they try and generate fear of use -- despite the older medical fraternity using these simple chemicals very successfully for over a hundred or more years.

Here is the article in PDF format:

General Feedback
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 10/13/2010

Editor's Choice Hi Grannyguru... I've been taking Magnesium in various forms for several years now. Magnesium Chloride IV is usually the first thing that they give heart attack patients in hospital ER to lower blood pressure and to relax the heart muscle and lower blood pressure. Magnesium is also essential to regulate body Calcium against the other electrolytes -- Sodium and potassium -- in your blood and cells. Magnesium is also used in over 300 enzyme processes in your body, so its a very important mineral. Most of us lack proper magnesium levels in our body now because of diet.
In answer to you questions:

Should I take it with meals or on empty stomach?
I always take magnesium on an empty stomach. The best forms to take are Mag Chloride, Mag Citrate and Mag Gluconate -- these are the most soluble and absorbable forms. Avoid magnesium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide -- they are badly absorbed by the body. My own favourite now is Magnesium Chloride. See this link:

Should I dilute it?
I make my own Magnesium Oil(70%-80% magnesium chloride crystals and 20%-30% water) and just take 10 drops once or twice a day in a glass of water or orange juice and drink it. Or you can also just rub the magnesium oil onto your forearm to be absorbed transdermally. You can also take it in larger doses quite safely transdermally with no intestinal or diarrhea issues. You can buy magnesium oil in most health shops.

Should I take it with calcium or get just magnesium. I am taking the angstrom sized magnesium for 100% absorbtion without diarrhea. Is that good?
Western diets these days contains excess calcium anyway -- everything is now fortified with calcium nowadays so I would just avoid taking calcium supplements altogether. This what I did, and, together with taking magnesium -- this is what got rid of my own arrythmia problems in the past. Excess calcium also thickens the blood, makes your heart work harder and also acidifies your blood and cells if you are low magnesium or potassium.
Am I supposed to hold it beneath my tongue or swallow it?
Best to take it just as an oral supplement or transdermally as suggested. Magnesium sulphate(Epsom Salts) can also be used transdermally for magnesium intake.

General Feedback
Posted by Grannyguru (Oro Valley, Az, Usa) on 10/12/2010

I am really confused! Will magnesium make my blood pressure skyrocket?
Should I take it with meals or on empty stomach?
Should I dilute it?
Should I take it with calcium or get just magnesium. I am taking the angstrom sized magnesium for 100% absorbtion without diarrhea. Is that good?
Am I supposed to hold it beneath my tongue or swallow it?
Please help! Here is what I have read:

Magnesium is supposed to lower blood pressure. It pushes calcium out of the cell after a cell "event" (example: contraction), and thereby allows the cell to relax and to allow toxins to be removed from the cell. How then can taking magnesium cause blood pressure to skyrocket? They give it intravenously in hospital to make blood pressure drop. Also, I read to take it with a meal, then I read to take it on an empty stomach, at least an hour before or after a meal. I just got the angstrom calcium 1500/magnesium 3000 because I read the magnesium might not be absorbed without the calcium, then I read I should take the calcium separately at a different time. I read the magnesium in this form will be absorbed directly in the cells, even in the mouth. So I held it briefly sublingually, then swallowed because of its strong taste and besides you can't hold it in your mouth forever. I want to correct magnesium deficiency, lower blood pressure, and finish ridding myself of the numbness in toes and feet. I have been taking fat soluble b1 and B12 and soaking feet in epsom salts, and it has really helped get rid of the numbness, but it's still sort of numb in the toes and ball of left foot and sometimes in right foot. Please help! Thanks

Recipe for Magnesium-Rich Drinking Water
Posted by Mary (Regina, Saskchewan) on 06/09/2010

thank you so much Bessie for the Shoppers generic MOM source! I'm on it! Mary

Recipe for Magnesium-Rich Drinking Water
Posted by Bessie (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) on 06/08/2010

Hi Mary from Saskatchewan! Instead of Phillips Milk of Magnesia (which you mentioned contained unwanted ingredients), you may want to try the generic version from Shopper's Drug Mart (and it's cheaper!). The ingredients are: magnesium hydroxide (non-medicinal ingredients are potassium sorbate and purified water). I think the generic versions from other pharmacies (or even Wal-Mart) may have fewer ingredients than the Phillips brand has. Good luck!

Recipe for Magnesium-Rich Drinking Water
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 06/06/2010

Hi Mary...Yes, I had this also from another EC user who was from Canada, asking about Philips MoM. I'm from UK and I know for a fact the UK brand Philips MoM does not contain either aluminium or sodium hypochlorite. This obviously has something to do with Canadian Drug Law I think. Peculiar.

If you're worried about the chlorine, you can supplement with 2-3 lugol's iodine per day or supplement with kelp or chlorella. This will remove all dangerous halides from your body as well as remove heavy metals like cadmium, lead and mercury as well.

By the way, the advice and answer to your question from EC is spot on correct. But if you still can't find it, try ordering the UK Philips brand from UK off the internet.

At a push, you could also just supplement mag citrate or mag chloride oil(ten drops in a glass of water) or take magnesium sulfate (epsom salts) baths and simply supplement with 1/4 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate in half a glass of water twice a day. As Ted has said, supplementing this way causes the bicarbonates in the blood to drag the magnesium into the cell during respiration and would, perhaps, have the same effect as the Mag Water or Magnesium Bicarbonate water.

Recipe for Magnesium-Rich Drinking Water
Posted by Mary (Regina, Saskchewan) on 06/06/2010

Hi All, this question is for you Bill (Philippines Bill)

Your mag water cured my headache, relaxed my back thanks! it truly is a Unique Water! But upon looking at the ingredients in my Milk of Magnesia I realized that it contained sodium hypochlorite! We both know what that is, are they serious! My question is should I toss it because the last batch worked so well. How dangerous and counterproductive do you deem this to be?

Should I look harder and see if maybe there is another brand?


Recipe for Magnesium-Rich Drinking Water
Posted by Markb (Boston, Ma) on 05/20/2010

Regarding Bill from San F. Your link to the 20 Mule Team Website had some interesting information, not least of which is a section about historical uses for their Borax including "aid digestion, keep milk sweet and even cure epilepsy". They also mentioned that it is used in medicine! This is directly from their site:

Borates, borax and boron compounds are with us throughout our lives. Mothers use it to soak and wash diapers and other laundry, but it's also an ingredient in cosmetics, medicines, ceramics and building materials. The biggest industrial user of borates is the glass industry (especially fiberglass), and it's an important ingredient in agricultural chemicals and fire retardants.

In earlier times, 20 Mule Team® Borax was proclaimed to be a magical crystal and was used to aid digestion, keep milk sweet and even cure epilepsy. Common sense and modern technology have brought us better solutions to these and other problems, but 20 Mule Team® Borax still has a place in your home.

My point is to thank you for the link. I was a bit skeptical like others but it certainly sounds like it's been in our food supply whether we knew it or not.

Recipe for Magnesium-Rich Drinking Water
Posted by Mary (Regina, Saskchewan, Canada) on 03/02/2010

Dear Bill:

I did give my little dog borax to injest in his water as per Ted's remedy. The lumps are not like ganglions or fatty tumors although he has those elsewhere (so thanks will be trying the magnesium ASAP) but are like something in there is inflamed. Both identical in size like his kidneys are inflamed and it is not really noticable unles one were to look closely, but I can feel them. Anyway, from what I understand you saying and from all the info you posted, borax should not hurt him or people. Will report back on how the magnesium worked to remove the lumps he has (vet has already removed once!)

Recipe for Magnesium-Rich Drinking Water
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 03/02/2010

Hi Mary...I bought my Phillip's MoM in UK and it does not contain Sodium Chlorite -- only glycerol, saccharine and peppermint as additives. I guess you have different drug rules in Canada.

Sodium Chlorite is normally combined with lemon juice or citric acid to create MMS, another healing compound. But I really have no idea what the reaction would be with Milk of Magnesia and its constituent -- sodium chlorite -- with carbonic acid (soda water) and, therefore I really cannot recommend that you use your Canadian version of Phillip's MoM for creating magnesium bicarbonate water.

Another way of creating a form of magnesium water is simply to add 1 tspn Epsom salts(mag sulphate) to 1 litre of ordinary drinking water and drink this through the day(I do this too). This will supply the necessary magnesium to the body. To get your bicarbonates, you could simply alkalize twice a day with one of Ted's alkalizing remedies.


Recipe for Magnesium-Rich Drinking Water
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 03/02/2010

Hi Mary...I doubt very much that the lumps on the side of your dog's legs are caused by washing your dog with borax, because borax is so poorly absorbed through the skin. These lumps, depending on their size, could be either due to fat or possibly even calcium deposits.

From my own experience, I had small fatty or calcium build up in small lumps on the back of my own neck. I got rid of this by supplementing magnesium sulphate(epsom salts), 1/4 tspn in a glass of water twice a day. This also got rid of a large ganglion lump on my wrist (been there for a year) at the same time.

Depending on whether your dog is a small dog or a large dog, I would add magnesium sulphate crystals, at an 1/8 or 1/4 tspn respectively, dissolved in his drinking water daily. If your dog gets diarrhea, then simply reduce the dose. This should help to remove the lump deposits if they are calcium and magnesium supplementation certainly wont hurt your dog.

If these lumps are fat deposits then your dog might be reacting to poisons/pollution, since, in the human body, heavy metals, acids etc., which are not good for the body are often hidden in fats as a body defense. So the best thing would perhaps be to mix chopped cilantro or coriander leaves in with his meals everyday. Cilantro also removes heavy metals safely.

To get rid of any acid formation, you could also use sodium bicarbonate with ACV in his drinking water to alkalize.

I must appologize for not being so helpful with your dog's problems, the best I can really recommend is advise you to look at the pet section of EC for you to get more ideas.


Recipe for Magnesium-Rich Drinking Water
Posted by Mary (Regina, Saskchewan, Canada) on 03/02/2010

Again thank you Bill will read. May I ask you again about your mag water recipe? Bought the Philips Milk of Magnesia and it had another ingredient! Under header non medicinal ingredients it lists sodium hypochlorite. So in the reaction between the carbonated water and the milk of magnesia i wonder how this ingredient changes things. I did not notice this when I was reading. Perhaps I need another brand. What do you think? Thanks!

Recipe for Magnesium-Rich Drinking Water
Posted by Mary (Regina, Saskchewan, Canada) on 03/02/2010

Hi Bill:

Thank you so much for your thoughtful and intelligent posts and for this response. You have been successful at putting my fears to rest. I see the value in borax!

Quite frankly the reason I question it is an incident that happend a year ago. I used Teds mange cure on my little dog. It worked like a charm, i felt like it was returning more life to him. Like he was being oxygenated. However at exactly that time ( may be a coincidence) he had 2 identical lumps/curves pop up in front of his hip bones on either side. I thought his kidneys were swollen and inflamed. I felt very bad about giving him the pinch of borax in his water. Vet said not his kidneys but fat? i cannot see it, they are sort of hard not squishy like fat, and identical. thats is why I have such a concern about the borax.

I am really at a loss because the dog needs borax, now. He has all kinds of things going on with him.

thanks again, i really enjoy reading your contributions!

Recipe for Magnesium-Rich Drinking Water
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 03/02/2010

I forgot to include the link to the MSDS data sheet for Sodium Tetraborate(Borax). Here it is:

Recipe for Magnesium-Rich Drinking Water
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 03/01/2010

Hi Mary...I've been using borax as a spray with Mag sulphate in solution and I've also been taking trace borax in water internally(1/4 tspn in 1 litre of water) for about 4 months now and I have found it to be beneficial with no ill effects. The reason I take borax is to protect myself against fleas, ticks etc (I live in the tropics), to protect myself internally and externally against fungus and to balance my hormones and endocrine system. New research has also determined that supplementing boron or borax is an aid in preventing osteoporosis and seems to work with magnesium in the regulation of calcium within the body.

The brand that I use is 20 Mule Team Borax, which I regard as safe and fairly pure. Their site lists the ingredient as Sodium Tetraborate -- or Borax. See the link here:

On the above link, if you click the Product Info tab, and go to the bottom, the only ingredient listed is Sodium Tetraborate or Borax.

Regarding the other info you provided, I investigated this, and their were many recommendations by the FDA that borax was dangerous during rerpoduction as well as cancer causing.

So I did my own investigation. Here is the MSDS(Material Data Safety Sheet) -- which is the absolute research bible on all chemical substances -- and if you read the Toxicolgical Info portion of this data sheet, you will note that the conclusions were that there were no known or anticipated reproductive or mutagenic effects. This conclusion was determined by the IARC. As for recommendations by the FDA, I'm afraid I wouldn't trust their advice anymore than I would trust the Fed, and for the same reasons.

One thing was very noticable in the link you provided, in all the recommendations that were given on toxicity, no AMOUNTS or QUANTITIES were ever shown. After all, if you ate a whole cupful of ordinary table salt, that would have some pretty strange effects wouldn't it? Yet we eat SMALL amounts of salt every day. It is the same with borax when taken internally, it is taken in trace amounts only.

Also, when you compare the MSDS datasheet toxicity of Borax to ordinary table salt(Sodium Chloride), table salt turns out to be technically more poisonous than borax. Here is the MSDS sheet for ordinary table salt:

If you type in "boron benefits" in Google search you will see further reasons and health benefits for taking borax in small amounts. Boron is always taken as a borate salt, and if you buy boron supplements and check the label, you will be taking borax.

Their are even people on EC that swear by using ordinary borax as a hair and scalp conditioner. See this link:

Recipe for Magnesium-Rich Drinking Water
Posted by Mary (Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada) on 02/28/2010

Hi Bill:

I am asking you alot of questions, thanks. just went to a website that said borax was dangerous.

Do you feel okay about using it? Could not find Red Mill brand anywhere online. Do you know of another brand?
Thanks again

EC: Hi Mary,

Here's our feedback page on borax:

Recipe for Magnesium-Rich Drinking Water
Posted by Mary (Regina, Saskchewan, Canada) on 02/28/2010

Thank you so much for the borax info, will be looking for some this week!

Recipe for Magnesium-Rich Drinking Water
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 02/28/2010

Hi Mary...I just use the ordinary 20 Mule Team Borax brand and it is the one used for laundry. You can also purchase others -- notably the Red Mill borax brand which is guaranteed pure and aluminum free (found in most Health shops).

Magnesium Side Effects
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 02/28/2010

Forgot to add that I add the borax to kill off any fungus, bacteria etc on my skin. You don't have to add it to the spray mixture if you prefer.

Magnesium Side Effects
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 02/28/2010

Hi Colleen...You use a much higher concentration of epsom salt in your spray than I do. I just use one heaped tablespoon in water in a small 8 oz spray container. This does not dry white on the skin. Using a 50-50 solution will not do you any harm, but it will settle as a white powder on your body due to being a much heavier concentration.

Magnesium Side Effects
Posted by Colleen (Minneapolis, Mn) on 02/28/2010

What is the borax for? Does this spray leave your skin chalky? Sounds like a great idea. I just tried epsom and water 1/2 & 1/2 and it turned me all white where I sprayed it.

Recipe for Magnesium-Rich Drinking Water
Posted by Mary (Regina, Saskachewan, Canada) on 02/28/2010

Hi Bill:

Thanks for this excellent recipe! Would you mind teling me what brand of borax you use? Is it the 40 Mule Team Borax used for laundry? i am very uncomfortable using something that is for laundry. Thanks very much!

Heart Rhythm Issues
Posted by Leezurd (Stuarts Draft, Va) on 02/23/2010

You may want to try switching from oral Mag to transdermal Mag. I spray 5 times on to my chest each morning and do not experience heart palpitations (I suffered from palpitations daily). If I skip a day, the palpitations come back.

Muscle Weakness, Essential Tremors
Posted by Rbwalton (Chico, Ca) on 02/05/2010

I have had muscle weakness and essential tremor for the last few years. Doctors finally saw the tremor and prescribed beta blockers to control it. They found no cause for the tremor and did not know why I was so weak- other than I was either exercising too little or too much.

On my own, I started 600 mg daily of magnesium oxide since I had heard it might help with muscle weakness. While I was taking that, I ran out of beta blockers and tremor did not return. I figured it must be the magnesium that had been keeping my tremor under control all along. Since then I have been off of the beta blockers completely. My tremor is better as long as I keep taking the magnesium. And my strength is also improving.

Recipe for Magnesium-Rich Drinking Water
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 02/05/2010

Hi Everyone...I've been drinking Magnesium Water for the past 3 months. I create a litre of Mag Water from plain soda water and Phillip's Milk of Magnesia(no aluminium) according to this recipe here:


The chemical formula is Mg(OH)2 plus (CO2)2 --> Mg(HCO3)2

Step 1: CHILL COMPLETELY TO REFRIGERATOR TEMPERATURE A 1 LITER BOTTLE OF "FULLY CARBONATED" WATER. Carbonated waters such as "Canada Dry Seltzer" which consist of only water and carbon dioxide (CO2) are suitable. "Club sodas" such as "Schweppes Club Soda" are also suitable; they are carbonated water with a small amount of added sodium.

Step 2: SHAKE WELL A BOTTLE OF PLAIN MILK OF MAGNESIA (MoM), THEN MEASURE OUT AS ACCURATELY AS POSSIBLE 3 TBS (45 ml) AND HAVE IT READY. The plastic measuring cup that comes with the MoM is accurate and ideal for the purpose. Use only plain MoM without flavorings, sweeteners, mineral oil, or other additives. The "active ingredient" should be only magnesium hydroxide (Mg(OH)2), 400 mg per teaspoon (5 ml), and the "inactive ingredient" should be only purified water. 41.7% by weight of magnesium hydroxide is magnesium (Mg), so 1 teaspoon of MoM has 167 mg of Mg, and 1 tablespoon (TBS) has 500 mg of Mg (1 TBS = 15 ml).

Step 3: REMOVE THE BOTTLE OF CARBONATED WATER FROM THE REFRIGERATOR WITHOUT AGITATING IT. REMOVE THE CAP SLOWLY AND CAREFULLY TO MINIMIZE THE LOSS OF CO2. SLOWLY ADD THE PREMEASURED MoM, THEN PROMPTLY REPLACE THE CAP. Next, shake the bottle vigorously for 15 to 30 seconds, making the liquid cloudy. After 1/2 hour or so the liquid will have cleared, and any un-dissolved Mg-hydroxide will have settled to the bottom of the bottle. Again shake the bottle vigorously for 15 to 30 seconds, making the liquid cloudy again. When the liquid again clears all of the Mg hydroxide in the MoM should have reacted with all of the CO2 to become dissolved (ionized) magnesium and bicarbonate. However, if a small amount of un-dissolved Mg hydroxide still remains in the bottom of the bottle as a sediment it may be ignored. This 1 liter of concentrated magnesium bicarbonate water will have 1,500 mg of magnesium and 7,500 mg of bicarbonate. This concentrate must be diluted in order to be "WW".

Step 4: DILUTE THIS CONCENTRATE 11:1 TO MAKE DRINKABLE MAGNESIUM/BICARBONATE WATER (WW). To make 4 liters of WW measure and transfer 1/3 liter of the concentrate (333 ml) into a 4 liter container. Fill the container with 3 2/3 liters of plain, preferably purified water. Or, prepare a single glassful of WW by adding 11 ounces of water to 1 ounce of the concentrate. This drinkable water will have approximately 125 mg of Mg and 625 mg of bicarbonate per liter, at pH ~8.3. Other dilutions of the concentrate may of course be made, if so desired.
Taken from here:

The effects of drinking cups of this Mag water throughout the day have been very positive. My BM has become more regular, no more cramps and I don't get so tired -- no longer have a nap in the afternoons now. But the most remarkable effect is that I sleep so well and always wake up early full of energy, happy, aware and wide-awake with no aches or pains(I'm 60 y o).No brain fog or grogginess. Magnesium seems to have a wonderful effect on the brain for sure.

For the past month I have also added 2 teaspoons of sea salt and 1/4 teaspoon of borax to one litre of the Mag Water according to Ted's Remedy Combination Rules here:

I added the sea salt and borax to this Mag Water because the sea salt supplies many other essential body minerals and also acts as an powerful antibiotic. The borax acts as an super-effective anti-fungal, a hormone balancer, and is also very good for the bones.

My next project is to put together a simple detox drink to be taken for short periods only and based on water, to get rid of heavy metals, dangerous halides and other food poisons from the body. I'll use Sodium Thiosulhate, Borax, Iodine, Tannic Acid etc as specified on this site by Ted. I'm researching their safety in combination right now. Perhaps Ted, with his vast knowledge of chemicals, could help here, since I'm finding this a little hard going at the moment.

What I want to do is just to make up another simple drink based on just water that can easily detox heavy metals, aluminium, halides and poisons from my body in one go. This drink to be taken occasionally and only when needed, for short periods of 3-4 days only.

Magnesium Article
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 01/31/2010 495 posts

Here's an article on magnesium from the Linus Pauling Institute:

Heart Rhythm Issues
Posted by Jrizzuto (Dallas, Tx) on 01/31/2010


I have a heart rythmn issue called Accelerated Junctional Rythmn and some PAC/PVCs. I read so much on magnesium so I decided to try, only I'm pretty chicken when it comes to taking (and don't laugh) I tried taking Rolaids....ingrediants are mag Oxide and calcium. for 3 weeks, i was palp free and very calm.

Unfortunately it is starting to come back despite using the Rolaids. Maybe the relief was in my head? Maybe Rolaids is not the best source of Mag? Who knows !!!

Magnesium Side Effects
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 01/25/2010

I've been taking both Magnesium Gluconate tablets for some time now, and have just started to soak my feet in Epsom Salts (Magnesium Sulphate).

By far the best way to take and absorb Magnesium into your body is either by soaking yourself in the bath for at least 20 mins (adding 3 cups of Epsom salts to the bath water) or to use a little warm water (enough just to submerge the soles of your feet and toes in a small bow), add and dissolve 3 tblsps of Epsom Salts, and soak your feet for half an hour (less wasteful than a bath, but just as good). The reason that this is the best way to absorb magnesium is that its absorbtion does not require the digestive system, so there is no chance of problems like diarrhea. Also, by soaking, the body will only absorb the amount of magnesium that it needs, so this method works well with your body's magnesium regulation.

The first time that I did this foot soak with Epsom Salts was at 9:00 pm at night. By 10 pm, I was so relaxed and tired that I just went to bed (I usually never go to bed before 12 at night) and I woke up the next morning wide awake and fresh for the day. No brain fog or grogginess.

I'm 60 y o and I do this Epsom Salt foot soak once a week now, or whenever I have aches and pains(which rarely happens now).

I also use an 8 oz garden spray -- which contains water 3 teaspoons Epsom Salts 1 teaspoon of Borax(20 Mule Team brand) to spray onto the outside of my body after showering and drying. I rub it in and leave this to dry naturally on my body.

These soaking and spraying methods are far more efficient and safe than supplementing with magnesium pills. They also deliver far larger amounts of magnesium into the body than oral supplements, and it is completely safe with no side-effects.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Janet (Louisville, Co, Usa) on 12/30/2009

Late last August I started having Basilar Migraines with auras at least once a day. Some days I had up to three a day. I read that magnesium helped, but that it could take months of supplementing with magnesium to get the benefits for migraines unless it was put directly into your system with an IV. Because not being able to see clear interferred with my job, not to mention driving, I needed something right away.

I did some research and found that magnesium is not readily absorbed by the body but that in it's ionic form the absorbtion rate is close to 100%. Therefore, you benefit much more quickly by taking it in this form.

I purchased some ionic magnesium and started taking from .5 - .7 ml twice a day. I think the dosage can be increased according to weight and height. I add it to about 1/4 cup of water and drink it first thing in the morning and about a half hour before my evening meal. It's best to take it on an empty stomach. Within the first few days, the migraines were much less severe and didn't last as long. By the second week, I only had one. Since then I've only had three migraines and four months into using the magnesium, I've been migraine free now for over two months.

In addition, it has cleared up a number of other things. I have suffered from IBS for over 15 years, and a couple years ago found that taking dessicated porcine thyroid helped considerably and thought that the IBS was caused from low T-3 and T-4 thyroid enzymes. However, it never totally eliminated the IBS. I also read that people who are low in Thyroid are also deficient in Magnesium. Hence the low thyroid and the IBS has also been cleared up by using the Liquid Ionic Magnesium and I no longer have the need to supplement with the dessicated thyroid.

A few other things that I found has cleared up with the use of magnesium are brain fog, mood swings, acid reflux (haven't taken an anti-acid in months now), food allergies, increased energy, and now, well into winter, there are no aches and pains from arthritis. My son even claims that I look five years younger, which could be because I'm not in constant pain.

I have been filtering my water for a couple of years, but never thought about supplementing with minerals and I should have. However, I think I've always been low in magnesium, and despite what the acceptable levels of magnesium are, I feel some people need more than others. I can't praise this mineral loud and long enough, as it's benefits have pretty much given me back a normal life.

Body Odor
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 12/25/2009 495 posts

Hello Lewis from Auckland,

To give you a definite answer to your question one would need to know how much magnesium is contained in those 3 squirts to each armpit, but you are probably in no danger from overdosing on magnesium if you don't have any renal problems.

Apparently the kidneys have some function in processing and excreting magnesium since urologist advise renal patients to not take magnesium supplements, but with the laxative action oral magnesium has one would think that the GI tract is the main one doing this job. However I have read that the most accurate way to tell when your magnesium level is up to normal range, is to test the urine for magnesium because the serum level can be reading normal but still be low until you start excreting magnesium in the urine.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Khloe R. (Fresno, Ca) on 12/23/2009

I had suffered from TMJ twice in my life and both times they were cured by magnesium. The magnesium in your body is usually depleted by stress. Magnesium is also what makes you calm, and can even help your bowel movements if constipated. I still take a magnesium supplement daily and have no problems ever since.

Body Odor
Posted by Lewis (Auckland, New Zealand) on 12/23/2009

Mag Citrate

Hi there. One question for you...many years ago I started making my own magnesium citrate with 97.4% pure mag. metal dissolved in lemon juice to such a solution that it wouldn't dissolve any more (ph.7) I then add a few organic herbs and a little tea tree oil and make deodorant, I've only started reading all this info about magnesium (either chloride, sulphate or citrate) my question to you is this does 3 squirts each side under arm seem excessive to you, I must say it works fine for me as a deodorant with no side effects, I am reading all about mag. oil would this be a better mag. additive for the deodorant,

Kind regards

Menstrual Cramps
Posted by Sarah (North, Nj) on 12/19/2009

After researching how to eleavate the pain of cramps, I came across Magnesium. I have only used it when I have my cramps, (Magnesium 250mg) (nothing fancy, i think my bottle cost less than $5)

When I have my cramps, I take 1 or 2 a day, and it really helps with the cramping ( i think magnisum slows the muscle constractions that cause pain).. Im not sure how exactly it works, but it helps with cramps.

Posted by Moira (Cork, Ireland) on 12/06/2009

I suffer from arthritis (especially in the hands) and for years I have been taking Glucosomine daily to try and ease the pain but, with little relief. A friend recommended I try Magnesium instead. Whilst on holiday I bought own brand Magnesium Oxide capsules from a branch of (beginning with R). I have been taking one 500mg capsule of Magnesium oxide each morning after breakfast for about 5 months without any side effects. After 1 month the pain and swelling decreased dramatically and now I have little or no pain in the joints.

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