L-Lysine Cures

Posted by Carrie (Reston, VA) on 01/19/2009

Chronic Hives and L-lysine: My mother and grandfather both suffer from chronic hives all of their bodies, face, skine, and even internal organs. ITS BAD! My mother has researched and tried everything (including conventional and holistic medicine). She prayed and prayed that God would show her the cure. HE DID! Its just plain old (and CHEAP I might mention) L-lysine. You know, you use it for canker sores in your mouth! I think she would take 2 in the morning and 2 at night. They started going away immediately and she's even off the L-lysine now and hasn't had a recurrance in over two years! She had my grandfather use it and it worked for him too. This gave my mom her life back! I hope that this helps someone else as it did them. It was literally a God-send. What do you have to lose a few bucks?