L-Lysine Cures

| Modified on Nov 12, 2023
Sinus Congestion, Post Nasal Drip, Allergies
Posted by Renee (Bergen Co., Nj) on 07/03/2013

My allergies, sinus congestion, and post-nasal drip (and the accompanying cough that can cause you to gag or wake up in the middle of the night) have improved immensely with taking 500mg of l-lysine twice daily on an empty stomach. I take it 30 min. Before breakfast and at bedtime. Huge improvement immediately! I have occasionally taken 1000mg dose as needed. I almost have no symptoms anymore!

I've tried several different brands, including generics, and they've all worked the same. I take year-round, as I have lots of trouble with dry heat in the winter and all kinds of pollen and dust.

HIV, Colds, Mono, Herpes, Chickenpox, Shingles
Posted by Joyce (Joelton, Tn) on 11/10/2007 490 posts

...I also caught another co-worker alone one day and said, "I don't want to embarrass you but I do want to tell you that if I'm ever diagnosed as HIV+ I would be taking l-lysine like it was going out of style" after observing him cornering one of the doc's , to look at his throat for the umpteenth time. His reply, what is it, where do I get it and how do I take it". Answer Walmart, Kmart, Walgreens, GNC stores, etc. Try to find the l000 mgm or 1 gram tablets, take 2 tablets breakfast, lunch, supper and bedtime. He was also told that if it didn't help him it wouldn't hurt him. I never asked if he got it, but he started looking better, missing work less often, and turned in his resignation stating he was going back to art school. Sounds like he expected to have a future. Unfortunately this story did not have a happy ending - seems he had a little too much to drink, backed his wife into a corner, and died from a stab wound inflicted by the butcher knife she carried into that corner with her for self-defense.

The reason I suspected that it might work was because it works against the common cold, mono (kissing fever), influenza. herpes type i & 2, chickenpox, shingles (herpes Zoster), all viruses, so just maybe it would work against HIV also, since it is a virus. An interesting little aside here, I recently read where some psychic claimed to have asked the other side about a cure for AIDS and was told that it had been around for centuries, that the cure was at hand and involved a protein. L-lysine is one of the amino acids which are protein. just maybe it would work against HIV virus.

Maybe we should post the benefits of L-lysine on Earth Clinic before orthodox medicine learns that it works well against viruses and starts debunking it because they can't patent it and keep you coming back to them for prescriptions.

Canker Sores
Posted by Joe (NYC, NY) on 11/02/2008

I have taken L-Lysine for canker sores and it worked great. I havent had one since.

If taken for a while L-Lysine can have an effect on your liver, my mistake was that i kept experimenting and supplementing on it even though i did not need it. It is good but you should pay attention to your arginine levels (consume arginine foods or supplements), as an unsafe drop in those levels can damage your liver. As in my case after consuming about 2-3 grams a day for about 3-4 months resulted in a morning with pain in my liver and a feeling as if i had a cinder block under my ribcage(i had no idea there was such a thing such as liver pain and swelling). Stopped supplementing on it, and 2 days after my liver felt way better. My cholesterol levels were also unusually high during supplementation and they went back to normal after stopping, so people should keep these things in mind, i know its easy to miss these warnings since i missed them myself. The beautiful thing about the liver though is that it can repair itself, but that doesnt mean you shouldnt be careful. Milk Thistle can help repair your liver. And if i had to do this all over again i would take L-Arginine along with L-Lysine. It would be great if someone posted these warnings in the main description for awareness so they can learn from my mistake. Thanks

Tailbone Pain
Posted by HisJewel (New York) on 07/18/2021

Hello Earth Clinic,

As ORH has desired for us to do I have been studying. I am a big woman and do little exercise until I get to the subway steps. (Mama and Michael I tried). Never the less I shall keep trying to pick up on the exercises.

It seems I'm dealing with two problems during the sitting; A numbing pain from poor circulation and Tailbone pain.

To cut to the chase, I just want to say that Lysine has helped my Tailbone pain more than any pain killers I have tried. Amazing!

I had wanted to cry after doing some traveling, and then rushed to a service. Before I knew it, I was back in the house and had fallen asleep and not taken my supplements.

I don't know if it was the good Lord or not, but it came to my mind you have not taken your Lysine. I got up and took two 1000 mgs because I was in PAIN! I fell back to sleep and when I awoke, no pain. I had a feeling before that it was the lysine that was giving me relief when I took it, now I know.

There is plenty of information about lysine and viruses, but very little information of lysine as an anti-inflammatory.

Healing Benefits of L-Lysine


Posted by Carrie (Reston, VA) on 01/19/2009

Chronic Hives and L-lysine: My mother and grandfather both suffer from chronic hives all of their bodies, face, skine, and even internal organs. ITS BAD! My mother has researched and tried everything (including conventional and holistic medicine). She prayed and prayed that God would show her the cure. HE DID! Its just plain old (and CHEAP I might mention) L-lysine. You know, you use it for canker sores in your mouth! I think she would take 2 in the morning and 2 at night. They started going away immediately and she's even off the L-lysine now and hasn't had a recurrance in over two years! She had my grandfather use it and it worked for him too. This gave my mom her life back! I hope that this helps someone else as it did them. It was literally a God-send. What do you have to lose a few bucks?

Posted by Jodi (AV, Minn) on 04/01/2008

Editor's Choice

L-LYSINE Keep it simple - you feel the tingle - take (2000 to 3000mg) lysine asap! then (2000 to 3000mg) 3 times a day -for 2 days. Day 3 reduce to (1000 to 1500mg) 3 times a day. Day 4 (1000 to 1500mg) 3 times a day. Day 5 & day 6 (500mg) 3 times a day. Your Done! You will either have no outbreak or only a day or two with a very small blister with this treatment.

Also note: L-LYSINE is an amnio acid not a vitamin. Do not take Lysine for long extended periods or mega dose as it can have negative effect on the liver. For mega dosing you may want to have your liver checked out. I have done this for 20 years with great success. I do not take it any other time.

Tip: For traveling back and forth - cold to warm climates, or after viruses, or muscle exersions all of which can trigger coldsores as well as large doses of stress. Take 1000mg for a week to help keep them away.

Posted by Leslie (Barboursville, VA) on 03/03/2007

hey cool got it! speaking of foods and health, peanuts, coffee and chocolate all contain arginine, the amino acid which promotes the outbreak of herpes simplexes, esp. cold sores. Add lack of sleep and stress, and that risk increases. More than 97 percent of all humans have some form of these strains of viruses. To combat, take a supplement amino acid, L LYSINE, which tilts the see-saw of balance back. Usually a double dose at first then as directed for several days to prevent worsening of symptoms. The tingling outbreak will stop and it should start to heal within 24 hours (with good sleep, no coffee, etc). Also, the greens, arugula, italian rockette, will assist healing. A paste can be made to draw fluids off, too. Lip Balms sold at health food stores can be purchased that contain Lysine as well.

CAUTION: Do not take Lysine for long extended periods as it can have negative effect on the liver. Try to use foods instead and good care of the body. if necessary, milk thistle, dandelion root and burdock can assist the liver in rebuilding itself.

Posted by AJ (IL) on 04/13/2006

Lysine didn't cure the herpes but it clears it up in no time. I also put hemorrhoid creme on the sore if it doesn't get opened. The ulcer is gone by the end of the day. If it does get opened then I used Hydrogen peroxide. It burns but it clears it up faster.

Canker Sores
Posted by Speedwell (Earth) on 10/24/2015

4 ounces a day? Recommended by who, the morgue?

Lysine is definitely processed in the liver, so don't take a high dosage along with alcohol, paracetamol (Tylenol for you Yanks), or other medications processed by the liver such as metformin.

Canker Sores
Posted by Carol (Hamburg, NY) on 03/14/2007

For years, my teenage grandchildren suffered through excruciatingly painful episodes of canker sores. After trying & failing with many remedies suggested by their mother & others, including their M.D., they finally tried the old-fashioned home-remedy that their great-grandmother used! L-lysine, a simple, low cost cure. They now are tried & true users of L-lysine, and have almost become heroes with their college friends. The treatment is: Immediately upon the beginning of an out-break, take two 500 mg. tablets. Continue taking one 500 mg. tablet each day until 2 or 3 days past the day the canker sore appears to be healed. "L-lysine is an essential amino acid needed in our diet. It is found in animal protein, such as milk protein. It is recommended that young adults need approximately 23 mg of L-lysine per day per kilogram (10 mg per lb) of body weight. The proteins of cereals; wheat gluten, for example, do not provide enough L-lysine (Columbia University Press Encyclopedia)". Little do the young believe that Grandmother's could be so smart - until they try the "old- fashioned home remedies!

Canker Sores
Posted by Maya (Ft Leavenworth) on 11/19/2005

My daughter and I would get canker scores often, until a friend told me about Lysine. We both take one a day, and if ever one starts to appear, then take 2 pills and the scores are gone. I told a great friend who had very dry lips and the lysine has worked for her as well! Love it! The pain is gone!

Posted by Alex (Paris, France) on 11/11/2023

I feel better after using lysine since 2 days, I'm less stressed and anxious. I'll keep taking the supplement and will update.

Posted by Denise (Seattle, Wa) on 07/21/2012

Oscar, I have read your reply regarding L-Lysine. "Ted" from this website says, "there are 2 things hepatis C does not like; aspirin and lysine.. He also recommends a protocal of lysine and aspirin for 4 days, taking them for four hours and for 4 days will eliminate hepatitis c. I recall he recommends 4000 mgs of lysine per day..

Just am a bit confused regarding this conflicting info...Thanks

Posted by Suzy (Indiana) on 03/16/2018


Ssorbic acid crystals, vitamin c, mixed with water or taking magnesium will take care of your constipation. Experiment with it a bit and find the right dosage. Black strap molasses daily also fixes the problem. It is high iron if that's something you are avoiding. These have changed my life. I wish you the best.

Canker Sores
Posted by Bill (Davis, CA) on 12/22/2008


One should never take as much Lysine as you have suggested. I have been taking L-Lysine for 15yrs for herpes and have never heard of such a high dose. Most medical practictioners suggest 500mg daily before food or other aminos and during an outbreak up to 1500mg/day. This has helped me control my outbreaks for a long time. Not one source that I have researched during this time has suggested such a high dose. Overloading of the liver would seem common sense with that dose.

Posted by Sue (Waukesha, WI) on 09/23/2007

Ever since I was a child I would get really bad cold sores on my lips. about eighteen years ago a co-worker told me about L-lysine. I bought some and as soon as I would feel the tingling like one was starting I'd take 2-3 L-lysine and later in the day 2 more and the next day only 3. And the cold sore wouldn't form or come out. For about a year I'd take it only when I felt one coming and a day or two. For about 14 years I haven't had one cold sore! A miracle!

Posted by American (Los Angeles, Ca) on 11/21/2012

They put me on remecade for arthritis and it blew out my immune system. Shingles popped out all over my leg. The day it manifested, I started taking two big tablets of L-lysine a day. The result was fantastic. The pain and itching died down within hours and I within a week it was gone. Pretty amazing stuff that L-lysine.

Canker Sores
Posted by Whiperingsage (Northeastern California) on 08/07/2015 45 posts

I thought lysine wasn't helping my cold sores when I took 500 mg and dicovered I should be taking more. I have been on 1 gram a day for years and any time I run out or forget, my cold sores fire up within 2 days.

Recently my cold sores popped out even on 1 g and gallstones and ulcer symtoms came back, I was stressed because I had just gotten out of the ICU with severe bleeding ulcer and loss of 5 pints of blood (extreme stress). I researched until I found a lysine link and found deficiency can cause anemia (a constant problem for me) and many other symptoms asociated with anemia. I googled lysine-gallstones and found conflicting info- but tried 5 g of lysine and the pain was releived and I slept without benedryl and all the usual herbs I have to take to sleep. And the cold sores are going away. I don't know what stimulated this last period of stress that I would need a higher dose of lysine, but I will have to be more mindful of getting enough protein.

Posted by Suzanne (IN) on 02/10/2022

Also taking magnesium before bed on a regular basis will fix this.

Posted by Bonita (Rochester, MN, USA) on 01/03/2009

Found this website looking for flea remedies and found so much more! I too am always looking for remedies other than what are mainstream, just because it seems to me there has got to be more than one way to skin a cat, so to speak!

Read about Vitamin D deficincy in The Star Tribune by a doctor at the U of MN who discovered how many people suffer from a lack of it. Of course, I am a blue eyed blond who frys like a lobster in the sun and can't remember when the last time was that I went outdoors without sunscreen and and hat so I began taking a D supplement right away. I take 2000 IU of vitamin D daily. I have to say that I feel pretty darn good considering I have arthritis in all the major joints of my body.

I also have been using lysine to take care of my Herpes simplex outbreaks for years and would not be without it. I find that if I take 4-6 500 mg tablets at the first sign of the itch/tingle on my lip, and then 2 tablets every couple of hours after that, I can most times, stop it in its tracks and completely skip and signs of the break out. If I am nowhere near my supply of lysine and I get those symptoms, taking it at first opportunity causes the leisons to heal very rapidly. In any case, it works for me.

Am going to try the apple cider vinegar thing as well, for arthritis and for the flea problem. Weird that it will be for 2 such unrelated problems but If it works, who cares. It is certainly safe enough. Thanks for being here as a sounding board and gathering of natural remedies.

L-Lysine Vs. Lysine
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Luzon, Philippines) on 02/05/2011

Hi Baldev... Lysine or L-Lysine are the convenient supplement names for this amino acid. The actual chemical name of lysine is 2, 6-diaminohexanoic acid, which is a bit of a mouthful.

The lysine supplement I use is pure Lysine Monohydrochloride which is the same as Lysine Hydrochloride.

Canker Sores
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 02/14/2012

Anthony: I tried l-lysine numerous times for canker sores, sometimes it helped, sometimes not. I do take 1 gr. Vitamin C daily.

Then I was told to take the l-lysine away from foods. I now take one capsule of 500gr. with my morning drink as a precaution, because the CANKERS ARE GONE!!! Thank G-d! So in my experience it's not the huge amount that you might need, it's the taking it far from meals, preferably in the morning.

Canker Sores
Posted by Anonymous (Miami, Florida) on 07/04/2013

Interesting I have been taking four caps of lysine and started having liver pain burning feeling for weeks, I read high protein diet can cause this too, it creates high acidicity and the liver doees not like this. My doctor ran tests for liver enzymes check and of course Hepatitis right away I feel kind of silly thinking that perhaps the lysine is the causative factor anyhow I stopped the Lysine right away.

Posted by Okemah (San Diego, CA, US) on 09/22/2008

For over twenty years I've witnessed L-Lysine work for family, friends, neighbors,and recently nurses at Scripps Memorial Hospital La Jolla. Nurses claim they noticed it stunted the growth overnight. People with reoccurring fever blisters, cold sores, canker sores and I suppose herpes, too, may find relief. My mother, Nancy, had suffered with fever blisters in her youth. She felt they were triggered by stressful events in her life. And by paying attention to her own symptoms (nerve twitch in the area the blister intends to form) and taking L-Lysine she could keep the blisters from ever forming. Within an hour of feeling the twitch she would take no less than 3000mgs - 6000mg of L-Lysine and repeat treatment every two to three hours until bedtime. Upon rising she continued her assault until she had no symptoms (twitching nerve/nerves) for one complete day. Then she felt she had enough amino acids to squash its desire to produce. If she felt it again or felt one in another area she would slam another 3000-6000mgs to squash its desire as well. Everyone will find their own dosage through trial and error, too little and you'll blister, but keep taking the L-Lysine and you'll heal faster. Almost enough, a bump may form but not into an open sore. Always check dates for freshness because it has to be potent.The day before her mothers funeral she had 5 blisters, until then I never saw more than one. We eventually traced it back to her using an old bottle that had little or no potency. Some may require less and some seem unable to be honestly consistent with their dosages to squash the sore. Pound it down, we say, 1000mg tablets, yes they are big. If you prefer there are also 500mg tablets, available. It works!

Posted by Bill (Davis, CA) on 12/22/2008


One should not take this much L-lysine as it has a severe effect on arginine levels. No medical practictioners have ever suggested more than 1500mg per day when an outbreak is present. To much L-lysine can have a toxic effect on the liver.

Posted by Cheryl H. (Lufkin) on 10/16/2017

My doctor recommended 2000mg for 6 months to help with my reoccurring shingles. I am sorry to dispute your fact that one wouldn't suggest more that 1500mg. Are you a doctor - just wondering if I should research further.

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