Grapefruit Seed Extract
Health Benefits

Grapefruit Seed Extract: Amazing Health Benefits

| Modified on Jan 04, 2025
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Grapefruit Seed Extract Health Benefits

An antioxidant-rich compound, grapefruit seed extract can be used to treat a variety of conditions. Delivering a bright, citrus aroma and flavor, grapefruit seed extract is a known immune booster that supports a variety of metabolic functions as well. With its first documented medicinal use in 1972, grapefruit seed extract has only grown in popularity as an effective health supplement.

What is Grapefruit Seed Extract?

Also known as GSE or citrus seed extract, grapefruit seed extract is a derivative of the seeds, pulp and white membranes of grapefruit. The liquid, when made naturally, is rendered by grinding the grapefruit seed and pulp until finely pulverized. Once this has been achieved, glycerin is added to the mixture.

GSE is sold individually as a food supplement and is also used as a natural additive in cosmetics and other beauty products. Citrus seed extract is considered an antioxidant, antiviral and antibacterial agent.

Health Benefits of Citrus Seed Extract

Derived from the citrus fruit, grapefruit seed extract has a variety of positive applications. The healthful liquid is an effective treatment option with a wide range of nutrients and benefits.

A great source of vitamin C, citrus seed extract also contains fiber, potassium and pectin. As such, the extract has powerful antioxidant effects on the body. Additionally, the powerful liquid contains bioflavonoids that function to boost and support the immune system. GSE also boasts a variety of other nutrients including sterols, tocopherols, citric acid and trace minerals.

Its active components work together effectively to provide a variety of health benefits. The extract’s use options range from serving as a natural antiseptic to preventing cancer and treating fungal infections. Likewise, the liquid is known to treat sinus, vaginal and skin infections, reduce the risk of heart disease, prevent and treat colds and the flu and eliminate head lice.

As the substance works to alkalize the body, it naturally stabilizes the body’s pH level, which serves as a crucial part of health renewal. Grapefruit seed extract also possesses a variety of other beneficial nutrients that make it an especially effective treatment for a wide range of conditions.

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.

Bleeding Gums, Toe Fungus and Lice

3 User Reviews
5 star (2) 
3 star (1) 

Posted by Andrea (Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates) on 04/23/2007

This site is wonderful and I'm grateful for you all guys who help keep it alive. We should spread the word about how we can cure a lot of ailments with simple methods. The pharmaceutical industry is all about money and are not always for real help or real health!!

After doing some research on the internet I decided to try grapefruit seed extract. I read that it can do many wonders and I was eager to try it after reading all those "wonders". I'm surprised that this website doesn't mention this natural remedy yet. You can google it and read a lot of good things about it!

For many years whenever I washed my teeth I had bleeding gums and one of my front teeth was very sensitive because of the receding gums. Also I noticed that some of my teeth started to become loose! I'm only 36 years old and want my teeth to last a lifetime. For 3 months now I put just one drop of grapefruit seed extract on the toothpaste before brushing me teeth and believe me or not from the very first brush of this kind I have absolutely no bleeding of the gums at all! What's more, my gums look and feel healthy, no sensitive tooth and no moving tooth either! On top of this, in the morning when I get up my breath still feels fresh because of that one drop of grapefruit seed extract that I put on my toothpaste the previous evening.

I have tried many uses of this wonder product and have had very good results. Namely, my 4-year old boy came home from nursery with itchy and red toes, scaling skin between the toes. I guess it was a fungus infection. They often play around barefeet and therefore prone to infections between the toes. I put one drop of grapefruit seed extract into a bit of the usual nappy cream that I've been using for my two young children - and mixed it well. Then applied the cream generously between and around all his toes. The itchiness immediately subsided and the skin gradually healed and did not cause any complaints after that. I used the cream mixed with the grapefruit seed extract once a day, in the evening, after bath, for 4 days. My son's friend who goes to the same nursery had similar complaints and they had several visits to the doctor and had some expensive creams prescribed to cure his ailment. It was a fungus according to the doctor.

And that reminds me, I had nail fungus a year ago when I didn't know about grapefruit seed extract. My big toe was yellow and it even had a bit of black "line" in it. It did not cause concern only aesthetically but I knew it could get worse. I soaked my feet in water mixed with white vinegar for several days. I noticed that when my toe was growing it was of the healthy pinkish colour, and gradually the yellow colour and the black spot was gone. It took several months though as nail on the toe grow very slowly. I still soak my feet in vinegar water after using a public pool as a preventive measure.

I heard that grapefruit seed extract can equally well cure fungus of the toes. Also, some people recommend it to use it for headlice. Headlice can occur in schools and kids bring it home. Its cure is expensive and the shampoo applied to kill the lice is very toxic. Just one drop of grapefruit seed extract in the usual shampoo and voila - headlice gone. This is not my own experience though but I think it is worth a try!

Cheers from Andrea, - a Hungarian woman currently living in the Gulf

Replied by Henry
(Leominster, Ma)


A coworker told me about GSE and I went to the closest Health store and brought a bottle. 1 drop to my to the tooth, the pain was gone but my throat felt like I had a cold coming on, with running nose but my nostrils clears after 1 hour.

When I got home I followed the direction on the bottle, 3 drops with some water, my pain was gone but I had a burning tip tongue all night and could not sleep. I spent all night googling the cure for burning tongue, I tried rinsing my tongue over and over and over and tried the ice and everything but my tongue is still hurting. It's not swollen but it hurts. What can I do?

Pam E.
(SW California)
153 posts

IDK about when OP posted, but now there are at least 2 strengths of liquid GFSE, and one of them is for EXTERNAL USE ONLY. I wonder if OP used that in his mouth, instead of the formula that has twice the buffering agent ... or maybe just didn't dilute it first... .

I only use Nutribiotic brand, as some others have a reputation of being impure, or not even having any GFSE in them! Here are the two strengths I mentioned above:

The 1st I use mixed in food or drink ... The 2cnd is for EXTERNAL use only ... Both have the warning:

N. Grapefruit Seed Extract Liquid Concentrate - Veg. glycerine (67%) + Grapefruit Seed Extract (33%).

Suggested Use

Adults, mix 10 drops of NutriBiotic GSE Liquid Concentrate into a glass of water or juice (5 oz. or more) and drink, 1-3 times daily, with or without meals. For children 5 years of age and older, mix 3 drops into a glass of water or juice, 1-2 times daily, with or without meals. Or, use as directed by your healthcare professional. Do not use full strength in mouth. *

N. Maximum [Grapefruit Seed Extract] Liquid Concentrate - Veg. glycerine (40%) + GfSE (60%) ... Highest Concentration of Grapefruit Seed Extract [AKA: Citricidal] .................... .

Suggested Use ... FOR EXTERNAL USE ONLY!

Dilute 1 drop of Maximum GSE in a minimum of 1 fluid ounce of water.


Replied by P
(Middle, Fl)

Awhh! For future reference keep pure aloe juice in the house because it works on burns very well. For me it's a kitchen essential being that I'm always burning myself. Also good for stomach problems, colds and toner for skin! =]

As far as the grapefruit seed extract, try the pills and they are effective. Keep the liquid for topical use if need be!

I have purchase them from puritan pride and the vitamin shopp. 125mg is about 12-15 drops worth of the liquid.

Replied by Denise
(Columbia, Tn)

For lice, if you put a couple of drops of tea tree oil in your shampoo, it will prevent head lice. My oldest daughter used to get lice 2-3 times a year and my stylist told me about tea tree oil and since I have put it in our shampoo, we have not seen a case of it in years. I no longer worry about my kids!

Replied by Cindy
(Central, Illinois)

I use to brush with GSE straight, on a wet toothbrush, until I was informed that it is very acidic and should not be used straight on the teeth. I was having a bit of a toothache with jaw pain just a few minutes ago and tried it with the toothpaste, as Andrea does, and it worked instantly, plus my mouth doesn't burn at all.

Andrea, thanks for posting!

Replied by Dave
(Ontario, Canada)

THE FIRST THING ABOUT GRAPEFRUIT SEED EXTRACT "GSE" you should know is yes, it is very acidic, so it should be diluted when taking it orally,

I have been using GSE for around 9 years now and was introduced to it by my friend when I was working on cruise ships. there was a flu bug of some kind going around or a parasite, and every time I ate I felt ill for about 2-3 hrs and felt generally unwell, after a few days of doctors remedies doing nothing I decided to give it a try, I took 15 drops 2x a day mixed in juice or water, (eventually I learned how to hold some water in my mouth and drip the GSE in the water and swallow quickly).... after about 3 days the symptoms subsided but I stayed on this regimen for 2 weeks, about a month later the other crew members were still suffering with those symptoms but mine never returned.

I also use it for keeping colds and stomach bugs at bay, like I said when you feel the symptoms start taking it right away, I am a big guy 225lbs at 6'2" so I usually ingest 20 drops 2x a day when I start to feel ill. Of course I will still get colds sometimes it works and I don't (it's not magic) ... but I do notice I am better much quicker than everyone else.

As for the mouth .. yes no more than 1-3 drops MAX on a toothbrush mixed with your toothpaste, 3 drops is the extreme and a lot of toothpaste is necessary, DO not overbrush it won't help.... rinse well after... Enjoy GSE try it for many things and be careful... I am NOT a doctor these are just personal experiences I am sharing, do your research and consult Naturopaths if neccessary... and see a GP if you have serious conditions.... Thank you, Dave

Replied by Pavla

Which GPS is the most natural, organic on the global market if you know, love to know the company name. Would europe have the best? as the regulations are very strict? Just a thought.

love light energy pavla


For Pavla - I buy my GSE from Amazon - both tablets and liquid. The brand is Nutribiotic, and we use the 250mg tablets, one twice a day for most minor ailments. The liquid is trickier since you have to ensure that it contains Citricidal to be useful - only the Nutribiotic Maximum liquid contains Citricidal. I use the liquid to stop oncoming sinus infections.

What I do is: 1 drop GSE in 2 fluid ounces of distilled water (I boil water for 5 minutes, then pour into a mason jar, cover and let cool before screwing the lid on).

Use one full eye dropper of the mixed solution per nostril. Do this over the sink - Tilt your head back and release half the solution from the dropper into your right nostril and the rest in your left. Swing your head forward and down (head is now upside down) to force solution up into nasal passages. Return head to the normal upright position and allow nasal passages to drain.

Do not inhale through the nose during this process. Don't forget to always, always dilute!!!

(Southern California)
153 posts

Citricidal = 60% grapefruit seed extract and 40% vegetable glycerin. The above is what is stated in Nutribiotic, Maximum GSE Liquid Concentrate 'Citricidal' is a certain strength of GSE (60%), mixed with 40% glycerin. That's what it clearly indicates in the Description of it, on the company website: Https://

ON THE OTHER HAND ... NutriBiotic Vegan Grapefruit Seed Extract Liquid Concentrate contains a lesser percentage of GSE: Grapefruit Seed Extract 33%. -and- vegetable glycerine (67%). Https://

BOTH products DO contain Grapefruit Seed Extract! One is stronger than the other. The lesser strength is what I purchase to use with small children & small animals, because they are to receive no more than one drop of it per serving ... and if I were to use the stronger strength, I would have to divide a drop of it each time I want to use it for them!

Broad Benefits

6 User Reviews
5 star (6) 

Posted by Sarahd (Spain) on 01/22/2016

Editor's Choice

I started taking GSE for a UTI after nothing else had worked. For 2 weeks I took 6 tsp a day of D-mannose, about 700 billion cultures of probiotic a day (very high, not recommended if you are toxic) and 6 tsp a day of alkalising salts (very high, I built up to this level over months during an alkalising programme).

Miraculously, the GSE started to heal this very stubborn UTI infection that had been causing me a fair amount of pain and discomfort. When I started the GSE, I was desperate to heal the UTI so I took 40 drops every 2 hours and began to see a difference within hours. I upped the dose to 80 drops every 2 hours and within 24 hours I was completely pain-free. Then I gradually reduced and started intuitively dosing using muscle testing and came down to 50, then 40, etc and, after a week, am currently on between 2-5 drops every 2 hours.

The (very happy! ) side effect of all this GSE is a lump on my arm that I'd had for 8 years (it was an ingrown hair bump that had swelled up and never gone away) is now completely flat after just 8 days of taking the stuff.

The skin on my face looks amazing - clean, clear, fresh.

My head feels amazing - I no longer feel groggy in the mornings (this must be that the candida have been reduced). To put into context, I eat a mainly vegan, grain-free, sugar-free, high raw diet, so didn't think I had that much candida to start with but I must have done, since the difference after a week or so of GSE has been amazing and I feel wonderful now.

The whites of my eyes are whiter.

I feel calmer, more balanced, clearer thinking, cleaner inside somehow.

All in all I am a complete convert - it's brilliant stuff! I have just started my 15 year old daughter on GSE to help heal her acne and will report back on progress in a few weeks. She will be taking 15 drops 2 times a day.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Pam (Groveland, Fl) on 09/14/2011

I've taken Grapefruit extract pills for tooth pain and swelling and it takes care of the pain right away and by the third day all seems well. I take it most of the time at night time for several ailments, however I miss some as well and can notice the difference. Last night I had menstral cramps and normally have to take three advils for severe pain, however I did not have any so I popped two grapefruit ones instead and took care of the pain. I slept through the night! Now the only pain I had left was my hubby; cracking his knuckles! ;] if only the extract could silence him!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Cheryl (Sturgeon Bay, Wi) on 08/29/2011

For over a month I had a white coating on tongue diagnosed as thrush. Was given 2 doses of nystatin. Didn't work. Was told to get Grapefruit seed extract as acts as antifungal. Took internally for one week. The next week I emptied the capsules and put it directly on my tongue. After 3 days the white coating was definately better. Been 6 days now & almost completely gone. Will continue for another week to take internally & put on tongue to make sure gone.. Notice I feel better now also. Not as tired & my bowel constipation has cleared up. I think this is a wonderful cure & it works!!!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Trish (Antwerp, Belgium) on 06/27/2011

I have used grapefruit seed extract for the past 2 and half years and it is wonderful for getting rid of a cold or flu ( I take a teaspoon 3 times a day for the flu) and also treats acne when used topically. I actually use it for more than just that but of course doing your research is all part of using non-allopathic remedies. I have a link if anyone is interested. I do not purchase grapefruit seed extract though, I make it at home. It's not hard to do. You do the prep and such, then it has to sit for 4 to 6 weeks. Then strain the solids out and there you have it. You can find on ehow or youtube how to make it I believe.

Broad Benefits
Posted by Jody (Boston, Ma) on 01/01/2011

I use the liquid form (diluted in water, as per the directions) of grapefruit seed extract (or GSE). It helps me with a wide variety of issues: keeps my digestion on track, seems to stop colds in their tracks, and (once you get past the taste, which is admittedly bitter), it makes for a VERY refreshing gargle/mouthwash/mouth rinse. (More specifically, you feel refreshed when you are finished rinsing. ) It also seems to make my tongue pinker and healthier looking and my teeth whiter, though I may be imagining that part. I also like to use it externally as a face wash (I make a sort of homemade paste or mask using a few drops of the GSE, some baking soda and a bit of water. )

It can also be used (diluted in water) to wash veggies. I don't have pets myself, but I have read online in multiple places that it is also useful for treating various animal ailments. Overall, it has turned out to be quite a miracle treatment for me with an astonishing array of uses. I am so happy there are communities like this one where we can share our stories of natural healing. Thanks for the opportunity to share!

Broad Benefits
Posted by Janet (Alexandria, La, United States) on 10/21/2010

Grapefruit Seed Extract is excellent treatment for the following:
1. Diverticulitis: Mix 2-3 oz orange juice with 6-15 drops of GSE at the first sign of pain or dull ache, and continue 2-3 times a day until the danger goes away.

2. Any sign of illness: same as above.

3. Sore Throat: Same as above, but gargle it in your throat before swallowing.

4. Bleeding Gums: Place 6 drops of GSE in the reservoir of a water pik, along with an ounce of Hydrogen Peroxide. Fill the reservoir with warm tap water and use the water pik as directed on package.

5. Acne and any minor wounds: place one drop of GSE in the palm of your hand, and one drop of tap water. Mix it up with your finger, and rub onto the wound. This reverses the progress of infection and inflamation. Overnight success!


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Lorenzo (Portland, OR) on 03/21/2007

I had a very bad case of Candida last winter. It was extremely harsh. My crotch and butt were itchy and sometimes burned, my mood was agitated, I was suffering from insomnia. To finally get rid of the ailment, I went on a sugar-free diet and took some medication from my doctor. This was great. It killed all the candida within days. My problem then became a severe flu, as my body was not getting rid of the dead candida fast enough. My body was basically experiencing toxic shock. I took tons of fiber, drank gallons of water over several days. This finally made me feel better. Now, I just take Grapefruit seed extract in water every few days to keep the candida at bay. It is very effective at eliminating candida after it has set in as well, but you should take a diuretic to get the dead candida out of you. For candida, take 5-6 drops of GSE in 20oz of water. Drink in one sitting. Do this once each day for 3 days. May cause heartburn. If so, water down the dosage or use fewer drops (3-4).

Replied by Lakshmi
(Dallas, Tx Usa)


My name is Lakshmi and I am on a sugar-free diet for candida. Can you please let me know the dosage of grape fruit seed extract that you used to flush out dead yeast?


Replied by Paula
(Phoenix, Az)

A Sea Salt Flush would be beneficial in removing the dead Candida. I do this along with an olive oil cleanse, which I do the night before.

Olive Oil Cleanse:

When you binge on foods like junk food, fast food, heavy non-vegetarian food and processed food you are likely to feel heavy and face problems like constipation, weight gain, heartburn, gas and bloating, tiredness, and encounter hair and skin problems too. Not only this, eating this kind of food leads to a blocked colon, which is harmful to your liver. For this you need to detoxify your system on regular basis, which is not only necessary but also crucial. If you encounter any of the problems or a combination of the problems listed below, you should seriously think about detoxifying your system:

• persistent headaches, constipation, bulging stomach, powerful food cravings, problematic skin, metallic taste in mouth, tiredness and lethargy, acidity and gas, weight gain, uneven digestion, irritation and mood swings, awful breath, stinking stools.

There are a wide range of methods to cleanse your body such as dieting, drinking cleansing drinks and even medical methods. But of all these methods, the olive oil cleanse is simplest of all. Regular use of the method helps you overcome the problems mentioned above. Olive oil is oily and lubricating. It lubricates the internal system and thus helps in easy motions further regulates our bowel movement. It is advisable to take olive oil twice a day in the morning and at night, but only once a week. If you take it every day, it can lead to loose motions or diarrhea. This helps to flush out the harmful toxins stored in our body, thus cleansing our liver. On the day that you choose to detoxify your system, there should be no eating after 4:00 PM. Late in the evening at around 10:30 PM mix ¾-cup of grapefruit juice with ½-cup of olive oil, stir and put aside for half an hour. After half an hour drink this mixture and go to bed instantly. Next morning, help yourself by doing a sea salt water flush and to balance this have a glass full of fiber drink. This is the efficient way to cleanse your body.

Be sure to do the sea salt cleanse immediately after waking up on an empty stomach. Also, after drinking the water and salt mixture, drink a lot of bottled water in order to help to get the flushing process going. Within 30 to 60 minutes you will have the desired results. It is best to stay very close to a bathroom and have at least a roll of toilet paper on hand. Don't make any plans to be out and about on this morning, as it will take 2 to 3 hours before the bowel movements dissipate.

Afterward I drank orange juice and ate a banana to replace lost Potassium. I also ate yogurt to replace healthy flora.

DO NOT eat a prepared meal that has MSG in it that day as the salt and MSG could cause your blood pressure to shoot up. Stay completely away from anything with MSG in it.


The times can be changed according to your work schedule. I had my last light meal consisting of a large baby spinach salad at 5:30 and drank the grapefruit juice/olive oil combination at 9:45 PM. Olive Oil is extracted from olive fruit and primarily has 3 main acids that are oleic, palmitic and fatty. It not only has low amount of saturated fats but also serves as an antioxidant and is rich in medicinal uses.

To cleanse the entire internal body system, even gallbladder and liver, doctors usually recommend this technique. Intake of olive oil helps to prevent asthma, gallstones and lethargy. To look slim, perfect and confident, you are just a few steps away. Olive, rich in fiber content, helps to cleanse your internal system and also prevents you from health hazards like asthma, gas, acidity, etc. Caused by unhealthy eating habits.

Replied by Scott
(Dallas, Texas, U.s.)

Hey Lakshimi,
This message is for you. I live in Dallas as well. If your dealing with yeast/fungus(candidiasis) issues you must look into They are located in Rockwall (15-20 min. ) east of Dallas, and treating these conditions is their speciality. They do I.V. Therapy combined with herbal, perscription anti-fungals along side the diet. They have a 100% success rate with clearing even the most serious cases. Takes about 3 months total, and they take most insurances. One of the best places around.

Replied by Yusuf
(Leicester, England)

Hello, This is a question for Paula from Phoenix,

First a BIG Thank You for a wonderful and well documented post, I can't wait to give your Olive Oil Cleanse a try.

I suffer from a number of the problems you have mentioned, I was wondering how many times and how many days apart do you do the Olive Oil Cleanse for?

Also can you give me a detailed description, of how to do the Sea Salt Flush?

Once again Thank You and a Happy New Year to everyone on Earth Clinic, keep the posts coming, the difference it makes in peoples lives is unbelievable.

Replied by Warly
(London. Uk, England)

If you are using Grapefruit seed extract for candida, here's the formula that worked for me.

The extract MUST be organic, AND without alcohol... Non organic versions do not cover the full spectrum of anti-fungal/biotic/parasitic properties... on average it is 70% less effective.

15 drops 3 x a day 20mins before food.

standard anti candida diet for 2 weeks, strictly.
the next 2 weeks, 3 days on the diet, 1 day off
the next week, 2 days on, 1 day off
final week, 1 day on, 1 day off.

After you're clear, for maintenence, take 10 drops first thing am, and 5 drops last thing pm and have 1 strict anti-candida diet day every week, but really try to keep your daily diet alkaline. As candida thrives in an acid environment.

Replied by Citygirl27
(Richardson, Tx, Usa)

I would like more information on the olive oil cleanse - can you give a few details on how to do the sea salt flush?

Also, I am interested in using GSE to help clear out candida. How long should I use the GSE for? I plan to put about 6 GSE drops in my 20 oz water glass when I use it. I got a candida "rash" already last week on my arms from a couple of weeks of organic eating and using baking soda/Ted's alkaline remedies.

Replied by Kathia

Does anybody know if the grapefruit seeds extract is safe for people with high blood pressure?

Replied by Christina
(Carlsbad CA)

Take molybdenum it is a trace mineral & will break down proteins (toxins) so you don't feel sick. It helps during this process because our bodies can only excrete a tiny amount of toxins at a time.

Colds and Flu

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Rjforshort (Dover, Oh, United States) on 12/23/2009

Grapefruit seed extract cured the flu

I felt the flu coming on pretty bad on Saturday around 2pm. I knew I needed to take something right away to catch it quickly. I took 15 drops of GSE in 4 oz of orange juice that evening. By then I had a fever and diarrhea. 1/2 hour later I took about 1 tsp. of ACV in 8oz h2o and went to bed at 8pm. I woke up at 2am and 8 with diarrhea, when I woke up at 2pm felt much better! Took another 15 drops GSE in 4 oz OJ and more ACV in h2o. Was symptom free from that time on! Took another round of GSE next morning to be safe!

Dental Health

2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by David (Salt Lake City, Utah) on 08/02/2018

Editor's Choice

I want to share with you a discovery that has changed my life. A few years ago I realized that after brushing when I rinsed with one drop of grapefruit seed extract (must have citricidal in the ingredient list) and a mouth full of water that all the pain in my mouth went away, my gums stopped bleeding and I never had morning breath. When I ran out of the extract I ordered more and noticed right away that the product tasted different and in a few weeks all my pain and issues returned, I went online and low and behold everyone was complaining that they had reformulated it and it was no longer effective.

Lucky for me, I found that the old formula was still available in a maximum strength version with the all important godlike ingredient citricidal in the product. I ordered it right away and was relieved to find my teeth pain went away again. I think this is hands down the best product you can get for tooth pain and dental health in general. I've spread the word to family and friends and they all have had the same results that I have discovered. I have not had to have a single cavity filled in three years now and that is an incredible change for me considering how things had been before this discovery. If I eat a lot of sugary snacks and start having pain again I have to completely cut out all sugar, sometimes I have to rinse with the extract three times a day for a few days to a week before I get control of the pain again but miraculously it always works.

If you add glycerin free tea tree oil toothpaste and a few drops of trace minerals to your toothpaste or mouthwash and your bottled water, stop eating sugar and grains and eat lots of fresh alkalizing fruits like kiwis and grapefruits and fresh vegetables and quality protein your teeth will start to remineralize and those little cavities will fill in. But in the meantime even if you have some gnarly cavities the extract seems to completely kill all the bacteria in the mouth that is causing the pain in those sensitive areas.

Warning, always rinse with this highly potent extract after brushing and never before and never use it on your toothbrush as it is highly acidic and could temporarily soften teeth enamel for 30 minutes or even longer after use and always only use one drop in a mouthful of water or it will burn a little on your tongue etc.

This might be the best kept secret in dental care, I have tried everything, salt rinses, clove oil etc. Nothing compares to the instant relief that I get from this extract. My mouth has that acidic feeling, stretched out pain in my cheeks like I've just blown up ten balloons sometimes. And my whole mouth tingles and feels absolutely perfect for many hours, even waking up in the morning with no morning breath. I also do oil pulling with olive oil which I believe is the most soothing of oils and also the most anti bacterial and is the best choice for oil pulling, add a few drops of trace mineral drops to the oil to help remineralize, for the first time in my life I think I may never have to have a tooth filled again.

After suffering with chronic dental issues my whole life, this is saying a lot. Unfortunately grapefruit seed extract is controversial, some claim that it is not a natural supplement at all and that the citricidal is a strange bi product of the processing of the seeds and that it is closer to a medicine that should be regulated, this is probably the reason that it has been reformulated unfortunately making the new formula sadly not effective. I trust my gut on this one. If you are lucky enough to have found this review, do yourself a favor and order yourself some of this stuff and spread the word. Tooth pain is one of the worst things humans experience in this existence, lets spread the love and share this remedy with everyone we know.

Some say all disease starts in the mouth, much love to you all and I hope you have many days of good health ahead of you.

Replied by Angie
(Concord, NC)

I saw this helpful and informative post. Can you give a link where you purchased yours from?
I have been in agony for almost a week and my GSE doesn't seem to be working. Many thanks in advance.

Replied by PayItForward
63 posts

NutriBiotic GSE® (Grapefruit Seed Extract) Liquid Concentrate contains Citricidal®. Citricidal is a natural quaternary compound synthesized from the seed and pulp of grapefruit. The manufacturing process converts grapefruit bioflavonoid (polyphenolics) into an extremely potent compound that has been proven highly effective in numerous applications. Then there is the Maximum GSE Liquid Concentrate for a more potent formulation. We keep both on hand. For those who find the bitter taste of GSE difficult but prefer the extract to solid pills, you can get the best of both worlds. Get yourself "00" size empty capsules and put your drops in the capsules. We typically fill them up, which ranges between 15-20 drops. We fill our own batches to have them ready to go. A bag of capsules will last you for ages, and you can give them to sick friends, if they're interested.


3 User Reviews
5 star (3) 

Posted by Maria (Puerto Rico) on 07/29/2013

Diverticulitis and acid reflux: I want to thank each and every person that gave their experience on GSE and diverticulitis. My first attack was in 2009 terrible experience, from being a healthy and in good shape 60 yr. old, after this I couldn't even have a normal life. In 2010 had 5 attacks:3 were hospitalizations and 2 more attacks, since I knew the routine I asked dr's I would do treatment at home, 5 times taking terrible antibiotics and terrible pain. That's when Surgeon talked about having to have surgery. Then in December of that same year, read this site - sent from heaven- and even though skeptic about it sent for GSE liquid. Followed the 3 x a day 15 drops for 1 week. Pain and symptoms completely went away. Have not even seen a Dr. for this condition ever since. At the first sign of the discomfort I take 12-15 drops once a day for three, four or five days and that's it. It is worth every cent paid for. I also use the honey and vinegar every day- has helped me with my acid reflux-this plus eating papaya fruit, there is no need for me to take the "protonix" pill that I was prescribed and told that I had to have for the rest of my life. Thankful also to earth clinic and wishing the best to all, and thanking you dearly. God Bles each and one of you.

Replied by Tracee

Is the GSE still working for you? Do you take it everyday?

Posted by M F (Mineral Wells, Texas) on 09/18/2007

In the past I've been troubled with Diverticulitis to the point I had to take anitbiotics. This would happen about every 3 to 4 months. I started taking Grapefruit Seed Extract when I'd feel an attack coming on. I would take 12 drops in a glass of water 4 times a day. After about 4 days the pain would subside. Then after several months I would have another attack and do the same. I finally got smart, I take 12 drops (GSE) in a glass of water each and every night with out fail. I am now free from the attacks and when I do feel like an attack is coming on I do the 12 drops (GSE) twice a day and soon go back to just once a day. I hope this helps others that are bothered with this condition, it has made a big difference in my life. I don't like to take antibotics. I have just found this web site and am really interested in reading about all the different cures and remedies. I'm going to try several of those mentioned.

Replied by Janet
(Alexandria, La, United States)

Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE), Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV), and digestive enzymes have helped me ward off diverticulitis attacks. From the moment I feel the slightest pain or pressure, I drink this tiny tonic 2-3 x a day: 12 drops GSE in 1-2 ounces of any citrus juice. During this time, I also alternate an ACV tonic 2-3 x day: 2 tsp organic ACV w/ mother in 3 oz cold water, chasing it with a few ounces of plain cold water. I also take digestive enzymes to avoid diverticulitis problems. These are sold almost anywhere. My first attack landed me in the emergency room a year ago, so I am afraid of that excruciating pain again! In my humble opinion, the key to avoiding attacks is: stay regular (fresh fruits & veggies, fiber, exercise...), don't over-eat, take ACV tonics & digestive enzymes daily. I prefer to save the GSE for when I really need it since it is an antibiotic.

Replied by Elaine
(Edmond, Oklahoma, Usa)

I originally bought GSE for my husband's feet, he has plantar faciitis. We haven't seen much difference in his feet, but I take 7 drops moring and evening in a half glass of water. I have suffered chronic hard stool for several years. I'm going to be frank, I would have one BM a day and my stool was rocky and light in color. Since starting GSE about a week ago I am now having two BMs a day and the color is a normal brown. Now, if it would just do something for my acid reflux.

Replied by Denise
(Columbia, Tn)

Hey. 1 tsp. of vinegar a day will get rid of your acid reflux.

Replied by Pattyalexander,sr
(Levittown, Pa.)

For indigestion or heartburn, mix one half teaspoon of baking soda into one half cup of water and drink down. One big burp will come up and the indigestion will be gone!

Replied by Ken
46 posts

FWIW, sea salt, any kind will also give instant relief to acid reflux. I stumbled into a few years ago, and brought a small container to a weekend seminar in Albuquerque in 2012, and folks seen me using it and they wanted to try it too, lol, but it was good for all interested. I carried it in a small 15-ml nalgene bottle on the ready at a moments notice. I no longer need it, cuz I got a hold of some of my dietary issues. Anyways, others had relux and needed the salt and so were grateful, and I was glad to share.

My 1st instance of hearing about diverticulitis, was at the nurses office at a company I worked for in the 1980's, her reco to my complaint of burning in gut area was to eat more roughage and she was right. Adding apples to the diet got rid of the burning and pain, I was un-yet wise to the natural ways of eating to rid the body of its' ills, but never the less it was very good advice, no recos for anything chemicals from the nurse, and so good for her!


2 User Reviews
5 star (2) 

Posted by Dean (Tulsa, OK) on 11/05/2006

I discovered this site a few days ago. I have been impressed. Yesterday I awoke with dark rings around my eyes, fever and sore muscles. The flu was coming on STRONG. I started a new job today too. I went straight to your site and read the grapefruit seed extract cure. They should change the name to bitter fruit, but it has worked. It's awful but within an hour I felt 80% better. By evening I felt 98% better. I can tell it is still there, in hiding, so I will do it 2-3 days like it is suggested. It now feels like that day after your sick which is great because I was really going to be sick. I could tell. Jobs great too. Thanks!

Replied by Shirley
(Spring, Tx)

If you take the drops in orange juice or grapefruit juice it doesn't taste bitter, you can't even taste it.

Replied by Vicky
(Seattle, WA)

Green tea completely eliminates the bitterness of gse. While vacationing in Mazatlan I put 7 drops of gse into our green tea w/honey after eating out and my husband who thought I had ruined his tea was shocked when he drank it and couldn't even taste the gse.

Posted by Genevieve (Bellingham, WA)

I absolutely hate being sick and getting the flu, like I'm sure everyone does. But, I have found something that really helps. GSE, Grapefruit Seed Extract which can be bought at supplement and health stores, really helps boost my immune system. I drop 13 drops in a small glass of orange juice three to four times a day when I start feeling and sick and by the next morning I feel 100% better.

Fungal Infection and Impetigo

1 User Review
5 star (1) 

Posted by Zanz (Nelson , New Zealand) on 08/08/2008

i have recently stumbled apon the most fantastic cure all!!!!!! grapefruit seed extract has served as a mirical cure for my double whammy fungal infection which then spawned impetigo! i had been back to the quack 3 times prescribed antibiotics which 1/2 worked but then the sores spread! i was devistated as they were set to take over my whole face! then fate stepped in and handed me a little bottle of GSE whithin 3 days the impetigo was peeling away to reveal beautifull healthy skin underneath and after just 8 days my face was compltetly clear and even the annoying hormonal breakouts i get on the sides of my chin have shown dramatic healing and i mean dramatic! I took GSE internally and i wash my face with it morning and night and put a couple of drops in almond oil as a moisteriser.

Replied by Ghina
(Edmonton, Alberta, Canada)

Hello Zanz!

My doctor recomended washing face with grapefruit seed, and now I found your post. Would you be so kind to let me know the solution rate you use?

Thank you so much :)


Replied by Krisn
(Santa Barbara, US)

My doctor told me to take 15 drops of grape fruit seed extract 2 x a day while on antibiotics so I would avoid getting fungal infection candida overgrowth. I took one extra dose daily just to be on the safe side. Grapefruit Seed Extract works.

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