Fulvic Acid
Health Benefits

Fulvic Acid Benefits: Boost Health Naturally

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Broad Benefits
Posted by Candice (Walker, Louisiana) on 09/30/2008

Fulvic and Humic Acid: This stuff is abosolutely the most amazing natural cure i've tried yet. I have some kind of hormone or thyroid condition and the doctors were never able to find anything wrong with me. It's caused all kinds of problems. Irregular periods, forgetfullness, weight gain, dry cracked feet, no energy, hair loss, dry brittle hair etc. I have taken humic and fulvic acid for 18 days and have so much energy (like drinking 5 cups of coffee) Also I can finally remember things. It was so bad I would forget what I was talking about in a conversation. I have stopped losing so much hair and am losing weight. We will have to see if if helps the irregular periods and cracked feet. But thing stuff is absolutely amaging. I got it from _____. Contains 72 minerals and vit c, a and e.

General Feedback
Posted by Ted (Bangkok, Thailand) 392 posts

The amount of humic acid in peats are so small you cannot do it. Most humic acids and fulvic acid are extracted from near ancient prehistoric deposits on top of coal. In coal mining they resemble a very low grade for heating purposes only, bituminous coal deposits.

However, humic acid are softer than bituminous coal deposits for which they are extracted with humic acid. You cannot do it from extracting from peats, it takes many tons of peat just to get only a handful of fulvic acid or humic acid. The best way to make money from fulvic acid is to mix them into fertilizer to improve the uptake of minerals by the plant.

It causes fertilizer chemical to be biologically available. To date there is no fertilizer chemicals
using this process, but it works well.

General Feedback
Posted by Nguyen (Vietnam) on 08/10/2005

I am 35years old, living in Vietnam. As you know, VN is an agriculture country (80% of population) and there are many peat-area. I am looking for technology, equipments that can help me to extract humic acid from peat - this is a good target in business and support my peasants in VN for better life. Please kindly contact me with my above email address. I do hope to be advised from you how to extract humic acid. Thank you in advance.

Where to Buy: South Pacific
Posted by Jane (Wellington, NZ) on 03/02/2007

Could someone from New Zealand or Australia tell me where to buy Fulvic and Humic Acid please!

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