Fulvic Acid Benefits: Boost Health Naturally

Where to Buy Info
Posted by Dr R.k.khatri (Mumbai India, Maharashtra) on 04/14/2012

Dear Members, Best source of Fulvic/ Humic acid is Leonardite based. And this is in colour of dark brown to black and acitic Ph 2 to 3. This should used with non-chlorinated water and should be free from any heavy metals and becteria before use.

Regards, Dr R.K.Khatri

Where to Buy Info
Posted by Sarah (London, Uk) on 08/21/2011

Hi Zaf,

It's down at the very bottom of the article - it suggests either Enzymatic Therapy's complete metal cleanse (which is made from fulvic acid concentrated from a Hungarian bog) or Morningstar Minerals product (it has a few on iherb). I'm experimenting with the former - I want to give it a bit longer before I really comment, but so far I'm very pleased and think it's actually working - both more energy and less stressy. Just don't take it last thing at night, I'm finding I don't sleep well and have very weird dreams if I do. Zeolite stuff is a whole other can of worms - exactly like fulvic, lots of manufacturers with wild claims and attacking each other - very difficult to find anyone who has done research with their own product. Good luck! - and do tell me if you try either of the products above, interested to compare notes...

Where to Buy Info
Posted by Rob (Manhattan, Ny) on 08/21/2011

I've tried both the expensive liquid (Wairora) and powder (Zeoforce)..

It is hard to measure their effect but both seemed to help with brain fog, clarity... I experienced a slight cramping with the powder and both would give a slight headache from dehydration... important to drink lots of water taking it..

I won't buy the Wairora brand anymore because it is multi-level marketed which explains some of the aggressive selling tactics on the web... The Zeoforce is probably a better deal... It does seem to help when my system feels off or acidic... However I don't take it too often as I am waiting for more science to back it up... proceed with caution is probably the best advice on this...