I found 5 HTP and am really impressed at how my life has improved. I take 2 50mg capsules about an hour before I go to bed. I finally go into a deep sleep and I awake in the morning loving life again. I feel refreshed. I feel like 5 HTP has restarted my serotonin and melatonin production. I feel that I don't need to take every night because now I naturally start to get sleepy, but I still do anyway. My depression is much improved.
Several things I noticed taking 5 HTP. Less is better. Start at 50 mg's. Too much will cause vivid dreaming. Sometimes I am aware that my short term memory is impacted. I am observing if 5 HTP makes a learning issue worse or better and how it effects my memory.
I am an energy healer and meditate on a regular basis. Serotonin and melatonin are produced by the pineal gland, the gland of enlightenment. I am finding that my inner experiences and process seem to be highly supported by 5 HTP.
It's better if we avoid to treat "the symptom," and look for a more comprehensive approach.
Just trying to fix the "depression issue" the same way as the allopatic medicine does, but substituting the drug with something "natural" to get rid of the symptoms on the long run will not be very helpful. If you are taking the 5-htp, first know the CAUSE OR CAUSES of your problem. (e.g., does it occur every time you eat some type of food? Are you taking "zero calories food." that normally have Sucralosa -Splenda, a very potent poison? Are you just Dehydrated? Caffeinated beverages like green tee and coffe could cause it, because they are potent diuretics if you are not taking enough water, etc.
Another issue is that your body needs to adjust to the doses. All the SSRI (Selective Serotonin Rehuptake Inhibitor,) the drugs used to treat depression by allopatic medicine, every time it starts with a very low dosis: E.g., Prozac (Fluoxetine) with 10 mg per day. After one week, if necessary, they increased to 20 mg per day, until a maximun dosis of 80 mg per day.
The same with the 5-htp, You can start with a lower doses of 50 mg per day and increase it until a maximun of 300 mg. But, please, when treating the depression you need to take in account all other factors that could be affecting your mood. We were brain-washed by the Big Pharma that for every symptoms we need to pop-in a pill to fix-it.
In the internet you can find the 5-htp about $10 a bottle (a Zoloft prescription for a month, will cost you more than $700 !!!!) so if you really need to take it, do it after you help yourself taking in account all other factors that could be affecting your mood/headaches.
God Bless You
As the last comment, we can find more than 50 causes for depression: Social issues, espiritual issues -e.g.: guilty feelings; genetic, nutricional deficiences, life style, lack of sun, bad breathing habits or lack of pure air, exercise, dehidratation, intoxication buy heavy metals or chemicals and so on (by the way, is very UNCOMMON that a mental health provider will check all possible causes.)
Buy Quality 5-HTP
5-HTP for Children
He started on 50mg every night. His psychologist saw the same results with the 5HTP as children on prescribed drugs.
It's been a miracle for him. I have since then also taken it since our family seems to have anxiety problems and ADD runs in the family and it has helped very much with these problems.
I usually take 100mg to 200mg daily depending on my stress levels at the time. We are so grateful our little grandson did not have to take Prozac or a similar drug. I would highly recommend it as a first choice to try at least.
I know a friend who had severe depression for years who recently cured it with ACV and some slight diet changes, so go figure. My husband tends toward anxiety and he likes what it does for him, but he does not take it every day, more like every other. We have learned over the years often with anxiety/depression you need magnesium and homeopathic meds are often good for this or epsom salt baths.
I am now taking 200mg. I break open one of the capsules and have 50mg under the tongue 1/2 hour before breakfast, then 100mg under the tongue 1/2 hour before dinner, and finally 50mg under the tongue 1/2 hour before bed. I feel so much better. My depression has completely gone. I feel happy. I am thinking of reducing the 100mg dinner-time dose to 50mg. But maybe when the Winter has passed.
im good . but i have to go on them because it helps me so much for depression. I have just discovered the 5 htp with 200 mg L- Ter , wow as far as I'm concerned its a bloody miracle. it changes my whole mood. Makes me very happy. But for sure one other side effect- I'not as hungry when im on it and i dream more vividly. But as far as iI' concerned it's a wonder drug. Let's just hope the drug companys don't take them away .
5-HTP Side Effects
I only researched 5-HTP, because I knew of no other reason why I would be having this type of tremor episode. I am on blood pressure medication and have been for years without having this type of episode before. So I am truly thinking that it has something to do with the 5-HTP. The weird thing is, I was only taking 50mg doses and just recently those were only taken every other day, so I don't think there was that much of an increase of serotonin in my system. Perhaps it's because the Vitamin B6 caused the 5-HTP to be more effective more quickly. I don't really know. I've given my doctor my observations and wait to see what she says. Just wanted to give everyone a heads up on here as I use earthclinic.com any time I am researching for natural supplements.
I weaned off it and discovered 5-htp. When I first began taking it, I took low doses (25 mg or 50mg) a couple times a day. It would work fine for a couple days and then I would have side effects like bone aches, sleepiness (no matter how much sleep I got), anxiety, and constant hunger. I tried taking smaller doses and found it to have no effect. Frustrated, I nearly stopped taking it.
I then found a time-release capsule of 5-htp. There is at least one company that makes it in a 100mg. It works incredibly well. I haven't felt this "normal" in a very long time. I'm awake during the day and I sleep at night, I eat normally and stop eating when I'm no longer hungry, and I'm able to handle stressful situations calmly. I honestly don't feel like I have any side effects.
I am 32 years old and female. The other things I take daily are a 'complete' vitamin, rhodiola rosea 400mg lysine 500mg, glucosamine/condroiton, fish oil, and 1000 mg of vitamin D. I've been taking all of those for years before taking 5-htp.
If you're having trouble with the 'normal' doses of 5-htp, I highly recommend trying the time release version before giving up on it entirely.
Alcohol Addiction
5-HTP + Rhodiola
Anyway, I've been taking it for a short while and I am still flabbergasted at how effective it is. I really just can't get over it. I could feel the effects after the very first dose of rhodiola. Not only did it improve my mood, it made me feel, well, happy! And it improved my personality. Low seratonin levels were impacting my life in many negative ways but now I am a new person.
Also it seems to have eliminated my morning headaches and neck stiffness, but I can't say whether that is attributed to the rhodiola or the 5-HTP. From what I've read it may likely be the 5-HTP.
However as others have stated, I would take caution in the dosage of rhodiola. I have found that if I take the afternoon dose too close to the morning dose, I do become a bit jittery and restless. Still happy--not nervous--but jittery and restless nonetheless.
Rhodiola is obviously powerful stuff and I'm sure it's not for everyone, but if you are the type of person that it can benefit, then like the others here that have reported positive experiences, I think you'll be astounded as to how effective it can be.
5-HTP Side Effects
As with any prescription anti-depressant, it would be wise when taking a new supplement to start out slowly.
5-HTP Side Effects
I am starting to be hooked on healthy, food choices, and if I feel I am not getting enough of some nutrient, I am supplementing with vitamins and minerals. I don't expect to cure every single issue I have, but many of those issues are improving and that is enough for me to stick with this. Love EC, and the people here that share what they've tried, and what they've been successful with. I know we all are unique so I also never expect something to work for me, or at least not at the same dose etc.