Healthy Water, Healthy Body: Home Cures from Water!

Water Therapy Feedback
Posted by Renee (El Dorado, Kansas) on 06/03/2007

I've suffered from a bad knee most of my life. If it isn't bone on bone, it sure feels like it. While nothing really helps, when I do not drink plenty of water, the pain and swelling get real bad when I stand or walk for any duration. Have been taking ACV/bs for 2 weeks now and so far no relief. But it is working on my Blood Pressure so I'll keep taking that. I just need a new knee.

Water Therapy Feedback
Posted by Katie (Atlanta, Georgia) on 05/17/2007

I brush my teeth 7+ times a day, by the way I never have cavities. This amount of brushing still never stops the film --- however, when i was drinking 3/4 gal of water a day (there was about 3 months of my life that I did this) the film totally disappeared! it's true.

Water Therapy Feedback
Posted by Lawrence (Green River, Wyoming) on 01/17/2007

I first got GER...D 5 years ago at age 75. The Dr. wrote GER on the paper, the clerk added a D to make it match the TV commercials. Was prescribed Nexium, took it for two weeks while researching acid reflux on the web. I concluded that acid is necessary for proper digestion. A Dr, Spreen wrote that the problem is low acid, especially for older people, he recommended juicing some ginger and taking a teaspoon a day. I found the ACV info and tried it with some success. I tried raspberry vinegar, it helps also. I tried Betain HCL pills and Twin Labs super enzyme caps with food, if it is fatty two pills work well. putting any vinegar on food helps me. Some people dip bread in fancy vinegars. Dr. Batmanj??? cured everything with water while he was in jail. If I have an acid attack during the day I start drinking water and keep on drinking it until the pain stops; it has always worked, sometimes it takes three half liter bottles. The LEF site claims Limonine cures some people.

Posted by Al (Calgary Alberta) on 07/14/2006

Hi, I also have Occasional gout. For many years I tried several different medicine pills. Only one worked novomethicine and the pill is worse than the gout! I found a natural cure to gout thru a friend. Drink gallons of distilled water! The distilled water works like reverse osmosis on the gout and within a few days of drinking only distilled water, the gout symptoms disappear. works for me, wonder if anyone else might want to give it a try! Thought I might pass this on. Al

Posted by John (Bakersfield, CA) on 11/26/2005

I've had some bad bouts with gout. Anyone that has never had it, can't understand the pain associated with it. The best way for me to describe it, is it feels like you just broke your foot, ankle, or BIG TOE and now someone has put it in a vise and is tightening it in a slow torturous fashion. Most of the time before I get an episode, I will get an ever so slight "twinge" of pain, warning me that I had better start drinking copious amounts of WATER and lay off some of the things that have caused attacks in the past. But after its been a while between attacks, I'll sometimes forget exactly how excruciatingly painful it really was and not heed the numerous warnings, and before you know, it sneaks up from behind you, taps you on the shoulder and hits you right between the eyes!! (or should I say Big Toe) And says I told ya I was com'in. So all in all, listen to your body and drink plenty of WATER.

Water Therapy Feedback
Posted by Anna (Lancaster, UK) on 11/20/2005

WATER. i started drinking it, around 10 cups a day. exercise, and i don't drink or smoke. if my skin gets bad, i go on detox right away, no dairy (also, no soya- i drink rice milk), refined foods, NO CHOCOLATE. etc. i am 34 and still get asked for my id without fail!

Posted by John (Duluth, MN) on 08/22/2005

I am a field geologist, and a few years I started to develop severe gout-like symptoms in my foot. These symptoms generally occurred after working in areas where I tended to get overly dehydrated (desert or tropical environments). I have found that massive hydration (drinking 2-3 liters of water over an hour or two) tends to almost immediately (within a few hours) reverse my symptoms. Hydration generally keeps me gout free, and when gout does occur (very rarely now), it is the gout "cure" for me. It sounds almost too simple (and cheap) to be true, but it works for me.

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