Healthy Water, Healthy Body: Home Cures from Water!

| Modified on Jul 01, 2024
Multiple Ailments Addressed
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 06/30/2024 489 posts

This is important for several reasons.

Most issues are caused by dehydration. Or, rather, by your body's response to the neglect of not drinking plain water caused by the dehydrtion. And that's ANY level of dehydration.

Your responds to dehydration, first, by rationing the water it gets.

Your body is going to TRY to protect you from yourself by allowing things you don't want in an effort to control your blood pressure and protect your heart.

Such things may include narrowing circulatory pathways to balance the loads dehydration puts on your heart via its blood pressure:heart rate ratio.

It may also include allowing parasites to reside in the digestive tract to aerate the dried matter on the walls of the intestines to open channels through which nutrients can be acquired.

It may include the accumulation of elements and metals it would otherwise use or discard.

If you're dehydrated, then your body is making sacrifices and regardless of what pills you take or how you change your diet, your body will have no use for much of that because it's not going to feed a system or organ that is in the process of sacrificing and adding toxic medicine to the mix is just going to force the body to sacrifice even more aggresively because it will have to reroute a great deal of what little water it's getting to eliminate and otherwise protect you from those toxins.

Two things you definitely DON'T want to do before starting and maintaining a plain water hydration regiment (with tiny amounts of sea salt) include, killing parasites and forcing open the pathways of the blood. Once you start hydrating, the body will begin taking care of those things in a controlled manner and in the order and to the degrees they need to be done to keep you safe in the process which something no human being knows how to do.

And I include maintaining a hydration regiment because your body knows you and that you can't be trusted to provide the second most critical thing it needs. You're going to have to prove yourself to get it to fully engage in repairing the damage it's suffered from such a profound form of neglect.

Don't get me wrong. Your body will put any water it gets to good use but how it uses water it didn't expect and how it uses water when it is being regularly provided - as it should - are two entirely different things.

If you want to help, do some Buteyko breathing. That will provide it with oxygen it won't have to struggle to deliver a every struggle consumes water and you don't have any to spare if you've been chronically dehydrated for any length of time.

How to Make Hydrogen Water
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 03/21/2023 489 posts

I wasn't talking about hydrogen peroxide - just less (and/or more) oxygenated water which simply happens - either by heating or simply letting it set in the open and off-gas.

If you want more oxygen, just aerate some cold water - I.e. scramble some cold distilled water with a whisk or simply shake it up in a half full bottle, squeeze out the air and release, letting it reinflate and suck in fresh air a few times, shaking it up each time, put the lid on and put it back in the fridge. If you want less oxygen, simply boil it off, cover and don't agitate it as it cools, bottle and keep at room temp. Or just let it set still, covered with a coffee filter, somewhere warm for a while to off-gas and then drink it. No hydrogen peroxide required.

How to Make Hydrogen Water
Posted by M n m (Usa) on 03/20/2023

Cindy….how much water….warm, hot, boiling? ….how much hydrogen peroxide? I find it interesting, but could you provide some more details, please?

Kangen Water
Posted by ryan (dallas) on 02/22/2023

Check on ebay for a tyent mmp 7070 or a model near it they are used and came out about 10 years ago that do the exact same thing as the kangen. They cost about $200. If you go to the tyent website and grab the 0.01micron filters too, it will take out a lot of the chemicals in tap water. I will say I've been using it and I do feel better overall. doing this and using a grounding pillow case that plugs into the ground on your wall worked very well for me.

Best Reusable Water Bottles
Posted by John (Sydney) on 10/12/2022

Hi there Frances,

In Sydney Pure Water 4 Life stocks and ships USA made Sprite Water Filters. They ship all around Australia

Posted by Adrienne (Idaho) on 06/29/2022

Hello Everyone!

Just want to bring up hydration in this discussion. I do notice more difficulty concentrating than usual in the morning, some mornings more so than others. But, water always helps! This morning was noticeably worse even though I did get 7 or 8 hours of solid sleep. I am suspicious of the dark chocolate I broke down and ate not that long before bed. I gotta cut that out. Maybe eating carbs, especially sugar, isn't a great idea in those last hours before bed, especially for seniors which I am. I'm thinking it could lead to low sugar in the morning because of overly conscientious insulin doing its job in the night.

I recommend 4 cups as soon as you can get it down. I keep a quart milk bottle with a metal straw on the counter all day so it's easy to get a swig or two and also it helps keep track. My goal for the day is the recommended 8 cups. You know all us animals need water. We don't last long without it. But, what I have observed is that insects also die without water, something I never gave a thought to when I was young. That's why we find them in our sinks. They seem to know the sink and water go together. Or, we find them floating in the dog's water or other fluids we leave sitting around. What I do is get a bit of water on a piece of paper towel and then get the bug on it. Typically they will put out that straw many of them have and start sucking it up, sometimes instantly. :-)

Decontaminating Water
Posted by Carola (Larkspur) on 06/05/2022

Hi! I'd be careful about boiling your tap water -- boiling can concentrate lead rather than remove it.

Water During Meals
Posted by Charity (faithville, Us) on 11/18/2021

I drank a lot of water and then found out I didn't eat enough salt. Most minerals come in salt form or through plants that absorb them from soil salts. I read the water cure book and added too much salt too soon and my ankles swelled up badly. Too much water when you are not used to it can be bad too. Your body needs some transition time. I love Dr. Batmanghelidj books because he has so many body diagrams to explain how the salt and water begin to affect dehydrated systems. A dehydrated body can take up to six months for all the systems to come into balance. Proceed with caution with anything you add to your body or environment. Too many brazil nuts (selenium rich) can make you out of balance and sick. Blessings, charity

How Himalayan Sea Salt Affects Your Blood Pressure |

Be Careful with Brazil Nuts and Selenium Poisoning | New Health Advisor

Water During Meals
Posted by Cynthia (Madison, WI) on 11/17/2021

Hi, my understanding is that you should drink half you weight in ounces a day. You split the total into pints, and drink one pint of water with a pinch of sea salt 30 minutes before each meal. Then add another pint upon awakening and before you go to bed. Here's my routine (I weigh 152 lbs):

Upon rising: 1 pint

Before breakfast: 1 pint

Before lunch: 1 pint

Before dinner: 1 pint

Before bedtime: 1 pint

Splitting into pints over the course of a day makes it much easier to consume the needed amount of water.

Good luck -- the benefits of the Water Cure are almost too numerous to list!

Water Therapy Feedback
Posted by Rachel (NC) on 08/28/2021

Carly is right. In one week I was running up stairs again - like when I was a kid.

How to Make Hydrogen Water
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 07/20/2021 489 posts

I wasn't looking at "healing springs" - just Lourdes.

How to Make Hydrogen Water
Posted by mmsg (somewhere, europe) on 07/20/2021

Cindy, I heard that it's the high magnesium content that does the healing in all those "healing springs".

How to Make Hydrogen Water
Posted by Cindy (Illinois, USA) on 07/20/2021 489 posts

In my exploration of colloidal silver, it occurred to me that perhaps the water at Lourdes comes down through the Pyrenees across a vein of silver somewhere but, apparently, it's actually what some call "hydrogen water".

In looking into what hydrogen water is, I found something very peculiar. Machines that dissolve extra hydrogen are actually sold - and not only sold but, some, for thousands of dollars!

Here's the deal. You can get the same "hydrogenated" water by heating it which increases the hydrogen by decreasing the oxygen so, just heat some water and treat it like an indigo vat because that's where the magic of indigo is - "hydrogen" water - I.e. low oxygen water. It's also that magical "feel good" effect of tea as well as why hot springs can't support aquatic life. Not enough oxygen.

So, if you want some hydrogen water just heat some up which will cause it to throw off oxygen, increasing its hydrogen and then be sure not to stir it up or shake it or splash it around. That's it! Practically free hydrogen water! Yeah!!

But don't forget! Silver is awesome!!

Now, somebody can sell "magical tea kettles" that make "hydrogen water" for thousands of dollars! ROFL!

P.S. Something else occurs to me which is that urine contains NO dissolved oxygen so, it is 95% hydrogen water...very interesting...given its profound therapeutic effects...I never did get up the gumption to drink it. I tried it's a psychological thing, I guess...but boiled water...I can DO that!

Water Therapy Feedback
Posted by Charity (Faithville, Us) on 06/10/2020

Caution is the first word I feel led to say. Water must be added slowly as with anything and also one must add balance of salt~ minerals for that water to wash away as it comes through the body. Minerals hold water in place . If you want to use lots of water read Dr. Batmanghelidj work on water and salt Water and minerals do have amazing affects on our bodies and it takes about 6 months to properly rehydrate and remineralize a dehydrated body. Blessings, Charity. Ps....I learned this all the hard way.

Water Therapy Feedback
Posted by Santy Mewah (Japan) on 06/09/2020

Hi Cat,

I am impressed reading about your husband and his father`s water therapy testimonies. You wrote in 2011. I hope to receive a reply from you even though it is already 9 years now. I just began water therapy. I take 1.5 liter water one hour after my morning workout. You mentioned your husband and his father take 1 gallon daily which about 4000ml. I am puzzled as how to incorporate such a large amount in daily schedule especially because I always try to keep a gap of 1 hour before and after meal in order not to dilute the gastric juice to ensure proper digestion of food. Please would you be able to tell me their daily schedule of drinking water from morning to night and the amount they drink each time. Looking forward to your reply. Thank you in advance, Cat.

Best Reusable Water Bottles
Posted by Teena (Melbourne, Australia) on 11/25/2018 233 posts

Frances, in Qld, also Both in Qld and free delivery option.

Best Reusable Water Bottles
Posted by KT (Usa) on 11/26/2018

Oh dear Denise...I was just trying to think how to post how our Heavenly Father provides for us. With the GMO's being so pervasive and difficult to avoid, the microwave is one thing I feel is needed to cook our vegetables until tender for assimilation. Especially broccoli, carrots, cauliflower, etc.

I don't cook meat in it but I cook oatmeal with an egg..the oats have been genetically modified too and are difficult to digest unless cooked to death!!

I only cook in clear glass containers and I don't stand in front of it while in use. I use clear glass cups to make or reheat any beverage. I know the microwave was given such a bad name but I feel it is because of cooking in plastic. I found documentation that microwaving carrots increased their nutritional value. Interesting...our daughter had better than 20/20 vision when she was young up until she left home and my vision actually improved at the age of...I was over 50.

I feel because our food supply has been so tampered with the Lord gave someone the mind to invent the microwave for our benefit and I feel cooking the vegetables until tender is the best way to get the nutrients we need. This is just my two cents on the microwave.

For those of you who are Believers I hope the following will truly speak to your hearts.

Rev. 12:9 says the great dragon (who leads the whole world astray) was hurled down to earth with his angels. 1 John 5:19 says the whole world is under the control of the evil one. The only thing the whole world has to do is eat. Verses are taken from the NIV.


Best Reusable Water Bottles
Posted by Frances (Cabarlah) on 11/23/2018

Teena, I am in Qld. I would be interested in the supplier of your shower filter. I have one which only removes the chlorine.

Best Reusable Water Bottles
Posted by Denise (Us) on 11/23/2018 50 posts

Hello Kt, I think my water is pretty good after talking to the folks at our Treatment Plant, and also, reading the annual report that we get. It's the smell I can't handle and we are still using chlorine. I don't know what the chloramine would smell like but we don't have that anyway, for now. No flouride, and it is ground water that comes from under our Smith River. I learned a lot of interesting things, and my favorite thing is learning about things I am passionate about. I did find a filter, simple, and attaches to my faucet that hopefully will remove that odor that is too much for me anyway. By the way Kt, wanted you to know I am sticking with my ACV, coconut oil, Blackstrap Molasses, cinnamon, and 2, large cups of my home-made ginger tea every day. It's going on just 2 months, but with those things, plus my basic supplements, I am doing SO much better in every way. I can't thank the people here like you, that have helped me by sharing your own experiences, Denise

Best Reusable Water Bottles
Posted by Denise (Us) on 11/23/2018 50 posts

Hi Littlewing, and thank you for the information on mineral water. I may have to try some, it sounds wonderful! I do want to get away from buying water in bottles as it is just too difficult for me to carry home from the store. I think the little filter I've purchased will get me the cleaner water, and last about 2 months. I can't afford to spend a lot but those glass bottles sound so good. I am in the process of replacing all things plastic, with glass. I also got rid of my microwave which there's a whole other subject!! Thank you again, Denise

Best Reusable Water Bottles
Posted by Denise (Us) on 11/23/2018 50 posts

Hello Mmsg,

I can't agree more over not stressing over things. As I mentioned to Teena, I did find a small gadget to connect to my faucet. It will work, I hope, in my situation. I talked to the lead man at our water Treatment Plant and also saw the latest report on our water supply. I don't think I need to go further by testing my tap-water itself, but may at a later date. I did find out that we are still using chlorine, not chloramine and we stopped using flouride some years ago. So I found the filter that says it will take care of the chlorine. Mine does not dissipate if it's left sitting for 24 or more hours. I still smell, and taste it. Thank you for your excellent advice on not stressing over things. It does only make them worse so I'll be working on that too, Denise

Best Reusable Water Bottles
Posted by Denise (Us) on 11/23/2018 50 posts

Hi Teena, I so appreciate your reply! I did order a smaller, inexpensive filter for my faucet. I will at least have something for now. Some of the users of the purifier are very happy with it, and some poor reviews as well. But for the price, $31.00, with a coupon for $20 dollars off from amazon, it's worth a shot. I am, however, going to snip your reply and keep it in my desktop file so I can refer back to it. Thank you so much, Denise

Best Reusable Water Bottles
Posted by Teena (Melbourne Australia) on 11/20/2018 233 posts

Hello Denise,

I am responding because I agonized for years over the same concern. I eventually found shower filters (US made) that filter chlorine and fluoride. Did you know there is 100% fluoride absorption in delicate skin areas such as scrotum, eyelids? These were $135 AU each. And a one litre jug for the kitchen that filters chlorine and fluoride. The filter is very fiddly with many different parts but that's how it is. It is a plastic jug because glass in this instance is just not practical for me (breakage). Cost about $180 AU. Doesn't hold much so I put the filtered water in a 5 litre glass pitcher with shungite stones, to keep mineralised. Use for cooking too. At work our 'filtered' water only reduces chlorine, I got an empty dropper bottle, filled approx 1/3 each borax (fluoride, fungus), sodium thiosulfate (chlorine, ammonia, heavy metals) and unrefined salt Himalayan, for minerals. Filled with my filtered (! ) water and add one drop to normal mug size fluoridated and chlorinamined water and 2-3 drops for 400 ml bottle. This is my personal solution from extensive reading, knowing the importance of removing such toxins, and gives my mind peace. Best to yours.

Best Reusable Water Bottles
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 11/22/2018

Mtm, and I always appreciate your generosity of spirit in sharing with all of us your vast experience!

Dechlorinating Water
Posted by Denise (Us) on 11/21/2018 50 posts

I'm shopping for a chlorine filter for my tap in the kitchen as I find that is all I need. I had to do quite a bit of surfing the net, and also, talking to the treatment plant where our water comes from. We do have an annual report but since the one for 2018 isn't out yet, I contacted the source of the reports. He was so helpful. Our county hasn't switched over to chloramine, and still uses chlorine. So all I believe I'll need at this point is something for around 6 dollars. It fits right on my tap, so I will edit after I get one and install it. I'll let folks know what I found, and if it works. I know it's possible I'll need more, but at this point I just can't afford more.

Best Reusable Water Bottles
Posted by KT (Usa) on 11/21/2018

I agree with MtM, Mmsg, and this post is also for Denise and Phyllis,

I also drink tap water. I used to drink a lot of Perrier but it is my opinion that drinking so much water is unnecessary and just flushes out the water soluble vitamins like B's and C that can protect the CNS in addition to magnesium. Too expensive to keep replacing. I use the warm/hot tap water to make my ginger, turmeric and cayenne "tea". I use cold tap water to make orange juice (from concentrate) and coffee or tea. I dissolve my magnesium powder in tap water or orange juice. I read that the neurodegenerative diseases are associated with inflammation. MSG causes inflammation and hidden sources are difficult to avoid in the infiltration of voluminous hidden sources. Turmeric and ginger are both reported to reduce inflammation and even fight cancer. Several years ago had reports of turmeric dissolving and possibly preventing the amyloid plaque forming in the brains of laboratory animals. I haven't researched any more because I felt I was improving on what I had learned and trying to get on with my life, taking care of my husband and trying to help others when asked if I have the opportunity.

As I mentioned, I am 70 and have been taking turmeric and ginger for several years and making earnest attempts to avoid hidden sources of MSG. My short term memory is better and my mind seems clearer. I am just s-l-o-w due to multiple head & neck injuries and dealing with a severed GI tract lining.


Best Reusable Water Bottles
Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 11/20/2018


Well said. I always appreciate your calm, practical approach and quite faithfulness in helping others.

~Mama to Many~

Best Reusable Water Bottles
Posted by Littlewing (Boston) on 11/20/2018

Hi Denise - I love Gerolsteiner Sparkling Mineral Water. It comes in glass bottles and is loaded with great minerals, will make you feel wonderful. I sometimes cut it with flavored sparkling water because the mineral content is high.

Best Reusable Water Bottles
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 11/20/2018

Denise, I also did a "water quest" for a long time, and then gave up. I noticed that less worrying about every little detail, helped me.

So now I drink tap water, cold or boiled, try to stick to a diet that seems to help me most, take a few supplements that seem good for me and don't sweat anything else. Being at peace with myself and laughter seems to keep me close to where I want to be!

Best Reusable Water Bottles
Posted by Denise (Us) on 11/18/2018 50 posts

Edit 11/21/2018: I have this all figured out I hope, and will edit this again when I actually get my water filter in place.

I'm reading until I can't read anymore. I just have to ask for help. Can someone please help me figure out the best water for me to drink, cook with etc.? I live in an apartment, and I have looked at a bunch of ways like under the sink contraptions. My pocket-book is small, so what I've done so far is just buy water from the store. Plastic bottles which I now am determined to get rid of plastic anything I drink or eat out of. All glass only is my goal. I read in Ted's remedies but couldn't find anything specific as to how to get as close to original clean water, with all the minerals I need, but minus any man-made additives. I know the answer is probably going to be out of my budget, but if I can even come close I would feel safer. I know this is a journey, a gradual thing to eliminate as much as I can, like I stopped using deodorants, store bought, and now I don't want to use shampoos or anything with chemicals. I think I'm having a minor panic attack but also, I am really having my eyes opened to possibilities that might help some of my health issues. I do supplement now with vitamins, and some other things like ACV, EVCO, Blackstrap Molasses etc. but if I am still consuming chemicals, I'm just defeating my purpose. Feedback so VERY welcome, Denise

Dechlorinating Water
Posted by Mama To Many (Tn) on 02/10/2018

Check this page out for information about using charcoal to remove chloramine.

Dechlorinating Water
Posted by Janet (In) on 02/10/2018


Ted here on earth clinic recommends aquarium science to reduce contaminants.

I suggest you look at these, in your Google search. There were many, with different methods that may work for you.


Dechlorinating Water
Posted by Darcy (Victoria, Bc, Canada) on 02/09/2018

Any ideas on how to remove chloramine from tap water for drinking. I've done a search but it hasn't yielded anything simple, or that doesn't require adding another chemical. Vitamin C 1,000mg is mentioned for an "average tub of bath water", but not what type or how much per litre. I can't take much vitamin C unless it's ascorbal palmitate, which isn't water soluble. A zero water filter has been suggested, but is very expensive and has received poor reviews in general.

Thank you.

Water Cure
Posted by Anon (Anon) on 03/22/2015

There is a brand ( N.. ) of minerals that makes full spectrum minerals on amazon. There are also liquids I haven't used that others use to get the right balance. Pulsing is a sign of circulation , I got that on the forehead from another mineral as it came into balance. If you have high blood pressure, don't use table salt. If you are hyperthyroid Iodine is supposed to be bad, as far as brand or type of salt .....research

Water Cure
Posted by John1974 (N. Ireland) on 03/22/2015 38 posts

hi anon. I have only been using the water cure recently and I'll take your advice. I'm noticing the front of my for head hurting a bit like its pulsing; is this because of the intake of too much salt? I got my blood pressure checked by my gp and he was happy with it. anon what minerals should I be taking further down the line?

thanks for replying

Water Cure
Posted by Anon (Anon) on 03/21/2015

Dehydration and rehydration occur over a period of time. You can't just add a lot all at once and expect your body to agree with the transition. Start with an extra cup of water with sea salt in the morning when you wake up . Then add more a few days later, until you are drinking half your body weight in ounces of water a day with added sea salt. If you drink 1/2 hour before you eat, it will allow your body to coat the stomach to prepare to allow in the acids to digest food. Over a period of time you will need to add balanced minerals. If you are in balance your body will not produce histamine, because histamine is a dehydration signal.

Water Cure
Posted by John1974 (N.ireland) on 03/21/2015 38 posts

I was reading up on the water cure and I been using it a few weeks now but not sure if its being used correctly. it says to take a 1/8 of salt with 1litre of water 20 mins before a meal. hHw are ya suppose to manage this when your working and you live a busy life? And also im not feeling any benefits of this. Any advice would be good xx

Water's Healing Properties
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 02/12/2015

Dear Mmsg,

I am glad you shared this trick of adding salt when drinking water! It is fascinating that it made such a difference, but your explanation makes sense.


~Mama to Many~

Water's Healing Properties
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 02/10/2015

Stevanus, when I learnt to drink more, I would do that, but the water would feel like it's going right thru me. I had no good results, skin still dry etc. Then I heard that a tiny lick of sea salt (I use Celtic) before each drink, would help the water get INTO the cells. That did the trick.

Water's Healing Properties
Posted by Stevanus (Arad, Romania) on 02/09/2015

How many people do you know who say that they do not want to drink water before going to bed because it will wake them up during the night? Everyone knows that you need to drink between one and a half and two liters of water a day. However, did you wonder what time it is necessary to drink water, and your body to have the maximum benefit?

Time when you drink water is very important. Doctors say to not avoid of drinking two glasses of water before bedtime. Gravity holds water in the lower part of your body when you are upright (legs swell). When you lie down and the lower part of the body is level with the kidneys, the kidneys then easily remove the water because their job easier.

Also, if you drink water at a certain time, you will increase its effectiveness in the body:

  • two glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
  • one glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
  • one glass of water before a bath - helps lower blood pressure
  • one glass of water before going to bed - reduces the chance of stroke or heart attack.

It is interesting to add that water can prevent leg cramps that occur at night.

Borax Instructions
Posted by Mary (Canada) on 09/26/2014

Hey there, anyone who can't afford to buy distilled water, has a family, and/or drinks a lot of water, this was my solution. I bought a water cooler, the kind where you put the big blue jug upside down on it. You'll have to buy the first jug of water, then when it's empty, I ran my water through a brita filter, poured it into the big blue jug, (you have to remove the cap, and don't worry about trying to save it) doing this until the jug is full. Then place a small piece of glad "press and seal" (NOT REGULAR PLASTIC WRAP) it has to be the PRESS N SEAL! Make sure it's pulled tight, rub your finger around the rim to make sure you have a good seal, then flip it onto your cooler, voila, you now have gallons of free filtered, distilled, whatever else you want in there, water. I used to add liquid trace minerals, so I don't see why you couldn't just add borax if you wanted. Did this for years, for my family of seven; the water was horrible where we lived then.

Hexagonal Water
Posted by Sweet Pea (Somewhere, Usa) on 08/18/2014

Hexagonal water is real indeed! You may want to order the fascinating book on it, sorry I don't have it in front of me to tell you the author's name. It is also called restructured water. You invest in a small machine the size of a blender and it spins your water in a vortex and restructures it to have 6 sides instead of 5. When you drink the water it seems lighter and hydrates better than regular water. This water also has more hydrogen in it because it will pull that from the air as it spins. I use my machine constantly. You can also energize the water further with additional minerals or say silver for instance.

Hexagonal Water
Posted by Lardiver (Abbotsford, BC) on 08/17/2014

Has anyone heard of hexagonal water, is it real or a scam?

General Feedback
Posted by Baldev (Maharashtra) on 08/11/2014 185 posts


Some time back I had requested the feed back on Kangen Water, since the investment is big.

I had suddenly while playing golf had developed Sciatica pain, the MRI showed herniated disc at L4, L5. The life came to stand still, very painful to walk, went to Ortho.He in lighter vein remarked that he doesn't have to even see the MRI, the way I was walking, my sciatica nerve is getting pinched. Treatment, he suggested spine surgery but before that I can try getting admitted in the hospital for about 30 days where he will put me on traction and if it works fine other wise only answer surgery.

Being ardent reader and follower of Earth Clinic, this was not acceptable to me. That is the time I asked opinion on Kangen Water. What I did, since the doctor had used the word traction, I looked into the inversion table uses and impressed my club to have it in the Gym.I started using it from 2mts.twice a day to 5mts. once a day. I started putting myself in the swimming pool though initially could not swim because of the pain(only for Hydrotherapy). And got the Kangen Water machine, started drinking Kangen water and of course started applying Magnesium oil with DMSO (50% each mixed)In a matter of 45 days I came back on the golf course with the help of these four things what I did. I do wear Belt while playing golf for support, I do daily 5 mts. on the inversion table(some days I do skip)and drink kangen water since it is available now and also some time I apply Magnesium Oil with DMSO.


General Feedback
Posted by Supertigertv (San Francisco, California) on 08/07/2014

I found some really interesting very scientifically backed information about Adya Clarity on the website called that basically does not recommend the product. I did not have a good experience myself but you should decide for yourself. Mike Adams says the product contains high levels of aluminim because it is basically just over priced "pool cleaner" and the separation of toxic minerals just a common "parlor trick" that still requires a separate water filter device to complete the products ability to turn a glass of water into something actually drinkable.

Sparkling Water
Posted by Joanne (Capitola, Ca) on 06/11/2014

Well, sucralose is an artificial sweetener, so I would not be drinking this particular brand of sparkling water if I were you!!

Sparkling Water
Posted by Wieas (London, UK) on 06/11/2014

After 20 plus years of an addiction to Diet Coke I stopped drinking it about 6 months ago. I wanted to find an alternative drink which would be healthier. I started with plain tap water but got bored of that after a few weeks. I missed the fizz too much!

Then I found bottles of sparkling spring water with a hint of lemon and lime flavour in my local supermarket. It's described on the label as:- 'Lightly carbonated lemon and lime flavoured spring water drink with fruit juice and sweetener.' Because it's got the word 'water' in it I've been convincing myself that it's healthy. Have I been kidding myself?

The ingredients are as follows:

Carbonated spring water, Lemon Juice from concentrate (2%), Citric Acid, Flavouring, Preservatives (Potassium Sorbate, Dimethyl Dicarbonate), Sweetener (Sucralose).

Your opinions on it would be gratefully received. Thanks.

Water Intoxication
Posted by Becreul (Mi) on 06/10/2014


Desparate enough to try anything. After reading through some of these posts I decided to try it. Hasn't been long enough to tell if it works... That being said I continued to read on through the posts, and I feel compelled to tell you that there is such a thing as water toxicity. You must be careful not to force too much water on your body. It can kill you, so just pace your self and don't drink more than you are comfortable with. Good luck, hope you all are feeling better.

Detoxing with Water
Posted by Andrea C (Wales Uk) on 05/28/2014

tvaaM dhanyaM ( I thank you) Om, but I did try TRIPHALA, and it gave me gas, diarrhea, and bloating. I know that's it's also actually strengthens and nourishes the bones, nervous system, and reproductive organs.

But 'Three.. (TRIP) Fruits (PHALA) is a wonderful remedy, but two of them have a laxative effect on the body, which is excellent for constipation. But I think I just had a reaction to one or more of the three. I am looking to see if I can purchase them separately as individually they have wonderful healing properties.

I can't find them in any health shop, but where I live we have a very large Indian community, so I'm sure that one of that lovely community will know where I may purchase them. And another person I could ask is a gentleman named Mhadav who has the most wonderful Indian spices and products shop.

It's just a problem trying to get out with my pain levels and ever fading weight which are making me weak and the Amalaki (emblica officinalis). Commonly known as Indian gooseberry or amla, is considered one of the best rejuvenating herbs in Ayurveda. So would be a great help as long as it doesn't turn out to be one of, or the one which is causing negative reaction's. :-D

Namaste' Andrea C xxx

Detoxing with Water
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc. Canada) on 05/27/2014

Andrea C from Wales, UK--

The answer is in finding Ayurvedic remedies. If there is a problem, it is fabulous. For many years I have taken TRIPHALA which is one of the most important remedies used for thousands of years. If you research it, you will be amazed. I don't think the West has something like it.

Keep in mind how many vegetarians are in this world. Do they all stink?? A doctor told me many years ago when meat is ingested it turns into puss in the intestines. Om

Detoxing with Water
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 05/27/2014

Om, of course I'm talking about free-range chickens with healthy eggs. The reason I'm asking is that I've seen fatigue overcome by simply adding MORE "hefty" food to the diet instead of constant "cleanouts".

Detoxing with Water
Posted by Andrea (Wales, Uk) on 05/27/2014

Hi just a thought, as you're vegan do you eat a lot of the 'Brassica Family' of vegetable's? as there's loads of them and they block the absorption of Iodine .

And it will mess your Thyroid up which in turn disrupts your hormone status as well.? You can counteract this by eating seaweed a few times a day with your food.


Broccoli, Chinese know as Kai-lan (Brassica Rapa, Alboglabra group)

Broccoli or Calabrese (Brassica oleracea, Italica group)

Broccoli raab (Brassica rapa, Rapa group)

Broccoli, sprouting (Brassica oleracea, Cymosa group)

Brussels sprouts (Brassica oleracea Gemmifera group)

Cabbages (Brassica oleracea, Capitata group)

Calabrese (Brassica oleracea, Italica group)

Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea, Botrytis group)

Chinese cabbage (Brassica Rapa, Pekinensis and Chinensis group)

Collard greens (Brassica oleracea, Acephala group)

Kale (Brassica oleracea, Acephala Group)

Kohl rabi (Brassica oleracea, Gongylodes group)

Komatsuna (Brassica rapa Pervidis or Komatsuna group)

Mibuna greens (Brassica rapa Nipposinica or Japonica group)

Mizuna greens (Brassica rapa Nipposinica or Japonica group)

Mooli/Daikon(Raphanus sativus Longipinnatus group)

Swede (Brassica napus)

Tatsoi (Brassica rapa Rosularis group)

Texsel greens(Brassica carinata)

Turnip (Brassica napa, Rapifera group)

And are you eating a wide variety of 'live' food's? Many vegans and raw foodist tend to eat a lot or 'dehydrated' food which is practicably or fully devoid of any life force or nourishment, and not enough variety in their diet as well.

And people I grew up with thought I was on Heroin because I've lost so much weight and always larthargic or had Anorexia. Even my own Sister didn't believe I was eating until my Brother told her I'm always eating

I don't smoke or drink and have never used or have taken street drugs. I was smoking Cannabis, until I stopped back a few years ago which is NOT a drug.

And apart from Diazapam which I tapered right down to a small dose from a large doses. And went cold turkey and withdrawal from HELL off a load of Prescribed MEDI-'SIN'S!! ' that's it,

I then started being unable to open my bowels,, my mental state was becoming questionable to ME, never mind anyone else.

I began to feel 'Schizophrenic' to the point I was convinced my neighbors were constantly talking badly about me, they never even mentioned me.? But every time they went out side to sit in the sun I could 'hear' them? my 'logic' knew there as something wrong.? But the things I was hearing and seeing were unreal!! Fatigue, anxiety, irrational, feeling morbid. lots of health issues were cropping up.

And I got enough 'Pharmaceutical' induced problems without adding on to the unlimited one's caused by 'Medi-sins'.

But in my heart I knew what it was, my body was screaming it at me!! I NEEDED to eat meat.? It wasn't a craving for it, my body was fighting to survive and I was even eating so called 'weeds' which are excellent foods.? Not just repetition of the same food stuffs which is another vegan/raw foodist mistake.

And one of the world's top vegan Doctors and a staunch pro vegan Author who wrote books on vegan-ism (i forgot her name sorry) for many years Is on youtube stating as to why SHE after nearly a life time of being Vegan had to start eating meat and fish again.? Because HER health and Mental state were to the point she ended up in Mental and General Hospital' and even though we don't want or like to do it, we have to accept. We are ALL Human

BUT our genetics and our Ancestry back ground isn't the same as many culture's who have been vegan since God put them on this Planet.? Even WE are in the Food chain, amongst many Species of Animals, insects and each other? Our bodies are just a carriage for our spirit and once we leave them what are they?

Just a slab of meat wherein we who are 'Infinite' and pure energy resided in this reality for a given moment in the Universe and go on to yet another reality.? All thing's are PURE ENERGY you can't KILL energy, you just alter its reality once the body shuts down. I have actually died and looked at my body and it meant NOTHING to me, .

This place, this Planet was not OF me, I was a passer by just watching events that meant nothing, and the Universe is perfect balance, good or bad.? You can't have one without the other. THIS is natural law, and reality is there are many things that will please or displease us morally but we HAVE to accept it/them.

And as much as I don't want to and don't like it like many others I accept in order to get well and fight anything wrong with me. I have to return back to meat.? After I ate some Free range Chicken (I NEVER eat Farm factory meat or fish, I make sure its 'had a life' in its natural environment) I began to feel better.? And a couple of hours later opened my bowels like I hadn't been for years, and my mental realm began to level off again.

I also wasn't producing enough blood, but before I went vegan my blood count was improving all the time after I started eating Paleo along with other health issues.

I tend to eat Paleo/ raw vegan on different days and I feel much better by combining both ways of eating together than staunchly sticking to one. And I don't fully cook meat except for fowl and pork.? I eat the rest very rare or raw, and I don't eat any dairy at all, it makes me too mucus filled and I'm lactose intolerant as well.

Love Andrea? xxx

Detoxing with Water
Posted by Andrea C (Wales Uk) on 05/27/2014

I forgot to ask in my last reply. Do you use an enemas at all? That's another vegan problem. Because they eat an abundance of fiber type foods, you can fall under the misnomer that your colon is clean. And it's not all that fiber and everything get's stuck up there and what many think is a god bowel movement is actually behind it a back log of rotting food behind it.

And that's why many vegans are windy or they smell when they open their bowel's because the food is rotting and fermenting in their guts, And some fibers we're just not made to break down raw at all. We haven't got the enzymes or the gut for it. Sheep and cows have but we're not made like them.

And if your insides aren't clean from stuff rotting away then you won't get any nutrition from your food no matter what diet you eat. I started doing enemas because I got problem's being vegan and what came away and still is was colossal amount of build up. So no matter what I eat I do one every other day if I feel I need it. Or once a week or every two week's.

Love Andrea C xxxx

Detoxing with Water
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 05/27/2014

Hi Om...Maybe the best thing for you to do would perhaps be to gather some more evidence concerning your ongoing problems. That's why a hair analysis would be extremely useful if you can do it. This will tell us exactly what heavy metals you have in excess in your body, if any, but it will also tell us what vitamins and minerals you are lacking in your diet. And in the hair analysis results, I would be particularly interested in these status levels -- especially the calcium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, copper, mercury, B12, folate and B6 counts.

Because of your low energy problems(which may indeed also be linked to the candida) -- I would suggest that you get a Free T3(triiodothyronin) and Free T4(thyroxine) check on your thyroid from the doc. Do not take their normal TSH/T4 thyroid test -- which is very inaccurate. I would simply insist on the Free T3/Free T4 thyroid check. We really need to eliminate whether you are having thyroid issues or not. Low thyroid can also cause low energy, low immune system, fatigue, brain fog plus many other symptoms as well.

Problems like osteoporosis and diabetes also have a direct relationship with the thyroid gland. The calcitonin hormone is produced in the thyroid which controls bone formation in the body. So low thyroid causing incorrect levels of calcitonin may well contribute towards causing osteoporosis. Calcitonin from the thyroid also indirectly controls osteocalcin which is the bone formation hormone which circulates in the blood. Recent research has discovered that higher levels of osteocalcin in the blood increases insulin production in the pancreas and also tends to reduce insulin resistance throughout the body. So, indirectly, a healthy thyroid, with proper amounts of daily iodine, must go a considerable way to help prevent diabetes and osteoporosis as well.

Your serious fatigue problems could be directly related to many other issues -- some are shown here:

Candida infection

Hypothyroid or low thyroid issues

Adrenal problems

Digestion problems

Methylation Cycle issues or blocks

Heavy metals in the body

High Copper(hypercupremic)

It would be a great help if you could get both the hair analysis and the thyroid check then, with that information, we might be able to more accurately define exactly what your problems are and help you to resolve them quickly.

Detoxing with Water
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc. Canada) on 05/26/2014

Mmsg, from somewhere Europe ---- Hi, to answer your question, see what commercial interests are doing to poor innocent animals. Can this benefit the body and the mind?

When I sit down to a meal I am happy no creature had to suffer torture and death on my account. I see so much love in them.

India and Asia are famous for their abundance of economical healthy vegetarian cuisine. The west believes if they have no dead animal to eat, they face malnutrition. As the food, so ones' thoughts.

My own problem is fatigue. Once overcome, I will be able to make it well. Except perhaps, avoiding the poisoning of everything everywhere. Paradise is just around the corner. For All of His creatures, all beings and Mother Earth as well. We are one with her. Love, Om

Detoxing with Water
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc. Canada) on 05/26/2014

Dave, thank you so much for your answer. On thinking it through, it is the fatigue, not so much not knowing what to eat. My liver gives occasionally a reminder. I had myself tested many years before; they could not find anything. But I knew something was afoot. So I took Milk Thistle off and on but the liver sends message specially at four am - liver time.

I also took some natural meds for the endocrine system but noticed no change. Being vegetarian/vegan, I won't take animals' parts. meds. Perhaps you may have an answer. Taking colloidal silver will be easy, and I would start with that. But I know my diabetes, weak kidneys are due to conditions in early childhood. I know those "hits" you have experienced. They do leave their mark. I feel I have to pay attention to body mind and soul to find an answer to my deep fatigue. Please let me know if you have additional thoughts on this.

Namaste, Om

Detoxing with Water
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 05/26/2014

Om, can you eat eggs?

General Feedback
Posted by Mmsg (Somewhere, Europe) on 05/25/2014

Ted, I'm curious to know why you recommend drinking during meals. Most other health advisors say it waters down digestive juices and water should be drunk before, or a while after, food.

Detoxing with Water
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 05/25/2014

Hello Om,

So glad to hear from you on your recent post.

Thanks for the bit of history; As you laid it out, you're dealing with a diabetes problem and fatigue. You suspect mercury in two teeth is a factor.

Great about your use of CS re the tooth abscess.

Help me out on this one point...I'm trying to get a picture of when this all began. You said the fatigue is something you've dealt with to some degree much of your life...right? What I'm looking for is the cause and always suspect infection. Before the fatigue began, maybe when you were 20 years old, do you recall any infection or set of infections (ear infections, repeat strep infections, mono) that could tell us if this is infection based. This is really important. It would tell us whether we should focus on a lasting / lurking virus that is at work and so we do the anti viral protocol.

But if not infection, then the second thing we look at in fatigue cases is the endocrine system especially the adrenal. I've had two "periods" of my life in dealing with fatigue. The first time, after much consumption of various nutrients, the break through was consumption of "raw adrenal" which was taken afternoon and evenings...for many months. The energy began returning, even surging back.

I'm sure you've tried various energy enhancers...lots of herbals (Chinese as well as Ayurveda). But I'd first assume the low adrenal levels. You can get your endocrine tested which I'd recommend. But if you can't afford that, just try out some raw adrenal for a few weeks. If the problem is adrenal, you'll get the energy surge in a few weeks (and in my case in a few days).

The next fatigue I experienced was very deep and long lasting. The raw adrenal didn't work. So I had my saliva tested again and again the endocrine was involved but the second time it was very low testosterone. The MD testing me gave me a prescription for the same and in just two weeks I was back to normal. That was twelve years ago. I continue to take the raw adrenal as support. So far, even though I've been through many "hits" of a very emotional and personal nature, I continue to do well.

So here is my summary:

1. Suspect a long term infection drawing down on your energy reserves and compromising your immune system.

2. Suspect in addition to that, a depleted adrenal system.

3. Suspect in addition to the two listed above, an imbalance in the whole endocrine system.

Finally, could the mercury be at work in causing the problem? Yes, but not the underlying cause. Mercury could be adding to the problem.

If you determine that in fact you do think an infection might be the cause then the protocol is at your fingertips. Two tablespoons of high ppm colloidal silver three times daily on empty stomach...for six months. CS will not hurt beneficial bacteria. CS is positively charged and beneficial bacteria is also. You read in the medical study material that all the "bad" bacteria have negative charge.

Another hint on whether the problem is viral...Often a virus replicates on being given a signal in the blood, and the virus then explodes in the blood stream. So, you might be prone to "waves" of fatigue, and then you're better and then a month or two later, another wave of fatigue. THAT is a viral infection. I know a case, by the way, that is diabetes involved and a definite virus is at work. The diabetes is caused by the virus. Now this lady has gone to Mayo for analysis and her diabetes is not the normal kind and Mayo couldn't help her. How was it different? Because it wasn't really the standard diabetes ... but a virus had compromised the liver's insulin production. The VIRUS had impacted the liver. A specialty so many viruses that hurt, polio etc. Specialty viruses.

So, the two ... your diabetes and fatigue might be related. And the underlying cause could be virus.

Just a guess on the above...maybe something hits home with you. Let me know.

Your friend


Detoxing with Water
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc. Canada) on 05/24/2014

Hello, Dave-

I think the Borax in one liter of water made me detox. So, now I do it every other day with two days' break. In addition Kombucha also does detox and I use cilantro chutney for heavy metal detox. I also use clorella caps.

But I was thinking my symptoms have maybe to do with mercury in two teeth and gold in others. I was unnaturally tired and could not get my chores done. I heard someone say that when he had mercury removed from his teeth, he became seriously ill, but managed to heal himself with colloidal silver administered rectally.

I am also a fan of coll. silver, make it myself and use it at the present for a tooth abcess with other things. I use astaxanthin, fulvic and maca as well as DMSO and UT.

I have had fatigue periods often during my life but now it is worse. Seeing a dentist is not an option. I sleep too well and it is a bother when there are chores to do. I walk to do errands and use the car once a month. And I want to take up my yoga practice again. I am not checking my blood sugar and go by how I feel. Now I am starting to take aloe vera two to three times a day. And I always take high doses of amala (vit C) and turmeric. as a powder in almond milk.

Is it the diabetes or heavy metals or both? My fatigue is unrelenting and a bother when chores are to be done. Cooking a meal, mostly East Indian style, is sometimes loosing out because am sleepy again. I think common sense in dietary matters should work. In the past, I did not even know what to eat when reading about diabetes. Now I follow my common sense.

Thanks for listening, Dave,

Namaste, Om

Detoxing with Water
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc. Canada) on 05/24/2014

Mama to Many from Tennessee --- Good to talk to you. I just sent a post to Dave and hope you will also read it. Om

Detoxing with Water
Posted by Mama To Many (Tennessee) on 05/24/2014

Dear Om,

So sorry to take so long to respond to your posts. I have been out of town. But Dave's email was so helpful (he is compassionate and wise! ) and your response to him is helpful, too.

First, just to answer your initial question, I think that water could cause detox symptoms. (I think you were talking about water with no borax?) Anyway, water helps to clean out the body. And I know you have posted on the use of hydrotherapy and understand how effective it can be. I have been amazed at how well water will bring healing when used even externally. So, anyway, it seems reasonable to me that water could cause detox symptoms.

I guess the more important question is: what is causing you to feel unwell and what solutions are there to make you feel your best.

I too have been vegetarian and vegan at times in the past. I respect your decisions and won't try to change your mind. I was quite healthy on those diets and even went through three pregnancies as a vegetarian. But now I am rambling.

Anyway, it seems that if you are quite underweight and having trouble finding quality food you are comfortable with, that is quite possibly the cause. Lack of quality food will mean a lack of nutrients, which can cause quite a range of symptoms.

So, you are able to handle sorghum flour (I am impressed that you are making chappatis with it! Those are hard enough with wheat flour, at least for me. :) )What about things like millet and quinoa? They are high in nutrients and usually tolerated well by people. Do you eat brown rice? How do you do with legumes - beans, lentils, etc? They would be some good sources of protein, carbohydrates and nutrients. Are you avoiding fruits because of sugar? Avacados, if you could get them, would have lots of fat and not so much sugar. Also, I believe you have mentioned sesame oil. That would be a good source of fat in the diet. Do you have a source for any vegetables?

You may be able to find plantain leaves growing in a non-polluted place that would be good for making salad (with some sesame oil maybe?)

Well, lets keep chatting. I am home now and hopefully with more regular sleep this week my brain will function a little better. I am feeling a little slow of brain right now.



Detoxing with Water
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc. Canada) on 05/24/2014

Dave from Fountain Inn, Sc from Om.

Thank you for your very kind post and your concern; I do appreciate it very much.

My background: nearly twenty five years of teaching yoga, vegetarian and no background of North American diet at all. Never sodas, fast food, restaurant food, sugar binges, except one episode ten years ago. My weight was steady and ideal all my life till a doctor put me on insulin, when my health took a slide. I got out of that fast having myself educated on EC. I don't take any kind of drugs, do not smoke or drink alcohol.

The problem started when I became vegan. I am very fond of dairy, however, several years ago I tried to remove dairy from my diet when it came to my attention how the animals are tortured and then killed. I could not manage on that restriction but was unhappy.

Just about a year ago, I had this constant reminder in my consciousness to get out of dairy. The day before I was going to put that into serious practice, I bought a piece of brie cheese to enjoy and then quit. As I had finished the cheese, a very powerful electrical current in five pathways issued from the liver to end up in my right breast. I call this grace. Most people will close their eyes to the prevailing times and will have to pay for it sooner or later. It must have been the bovine hormone. I had to become vegan.

Now, I have a gluten sensitivity and have to take care with sugar. Organic food here is available sporadically. As soon I took to the vegan diet, my body did not want breads or doughy stuff. I said ok. But it became apparent that I was loosing weight and was at a loss what I could eat and what was a no no because of sugar.

I have some understanding of Ayurveda. Whenever a western Dr or person present their idea of diabetes, I first go to Ayurvedic websites to read on the wisdom of more than five thousand years. Since the doshas are never considered by western science, it is confusing and hit and miss. Allopathic drs. have not received a good grounding in diet and have done much damage to human health as a result. Added to which, health is now a business, to focus on disease. Even much advertised forums on diabetes and natural treatment are somewhat chaotic IMO.

I see my difficulty in getting a reasonably good diet is overshadowed by the powers that be who seek to "cull" the planet of its people. We are not in the era of Weston Price. We are using our wits to escape the poisoning on every level on this planet. Hence the blessings of EC. So I am on my dandelion tea, Kombucha , triphala, turmeric and amala. But food is the issue. I have managed to make a chapatti with sorghum flour. Hey, it takes real practice and expertise. The stuff is sticky. Thrown into the non stick ceramic pan, take a plate to flatten and hope for the best.

And if any one wonders, there are millions of Asians on vegetarian diet; their cuisine is varied and very eonomical and has been for thousands of years. It contains good quality protein for health.

Meanwhile it is difficult for me and I hope to find a good solution. Namaste, Om

Detoxing with Water
Posted by Dave (Fountain Inn, Sc) on 05/22/2014

Hello Om from Canada,

Thanks for all your good posts in the past.

Mama to Many may be out of touch for a few days but am sure she will answer as soon as she can.

You invited anyone to "chime" in so I will. First; I'm worried for you as you describe yourself as looking "anorexic" somewhat.

Om, that's serious. Maybe I've missed it but have you described in detail what you have been going through over the past 10 years or so nutritionally? Forgive me if you have and I just missed your description. Really, anyone who is starved looking has some serious issues. Do you mind too much recapitulating what you've experienced...medically by way of prior tolerance issues. Do I understand you are not only vegan but also totally raw? Are there any infection questions that play into your condition do you think?

You sure got my attention by how you describe yourself. I've had some (hard) experience with such situations and may be able to give some insight but I know your whole EC family will want to focus in on what we can do to help you. Also what other symptoms are you facing. I realize your conscience won't let you eat meat. I won't advise otherwise since you are given to that decision by conviction. So to get what you need I'm wondering what you've read that takes you to a healthy life ... one that won't deteriorate you. By the way and important; when did you start in the path of weight loss? Was there a point in your life when all was well, and then event "x" happened that seemed to kick off problems...

Just remember Om ... you have lots of friends and family here so stay resolute in knowing there is an answer to the situation. I look forward to hearing from you.

Your friend Dave from SC

Detoxing with Water
Posted by Om (Hope, Bc. Canada) on 05/22/2014

Mama to Many from Om have you some ideas on this:

Can drinking of one liter of water cause detox symptoms? I add 1/8 tsp borax to one liter daily with two days off and also make my own Kombucha which, I know, causes detox symptoms. I am also not used to drinking straight water. Today, for the first time in long years, I felt nauseous for a short while and feel I want to sleep a lot. I am vegan but do not do too well at it with wheat allergies and sugar concerns, as well as no soy. I take no drugs and deal with everything myself. Because of the poisons in our food and my unwillingness to consume food that is obtained by torture and kill, I look almost anorexic by now.

I am well informed about commercial food production and our little store here does not want to be bothered with "freaks", like vegans. I planted things in the garden but not a thing came up. Repeated, with the same results and gave up. ( They have a house on their back and get it first.) BTW I have to be vegan because I experienced the bovine growth hormone by eating cheese that gave me a whollop of current from the liver to my right breast. That did it over night. And raw food is not for everyone.

Please let me know what you think or anybody who can chime in. Namaste, Om

Kangen Water
Posted by Mike62 (Denver, CO) on 05/11/2014

Baldev: The Hunza tribe of the Himalayas live very well even up into their 80's because they drink glacial milk. Glacial milk is the kangen water God made. The kangen water machine is just an over priced blender that man makes trying to mimic what God already made. You can make kangen water with glacial milk powder. It contains hydrogen and a special form of silica. A scientist spent 2 decades developing the formula. Just add some powder to water and you have a superior form of kangen water.

Kangen Water
Posted by Baldev (Mumbai, India) on 05/11/2014 185 posts

Hi Mikes 62,

Well, I agree with you. But we live in such a contaminated environment and GM food every where that it is not possible to live without any external help of supplements / helpful things. India too is no more what it used to be as an organic country. To enhance the yield to take care of the population here too GM food is creeping in.

So, I would like to have the comments from people who are using the Kangen Water and if Ted / Bill can comment through their research, whether it is worth investing that kind of money in to it. Thanks, Baldev

Kangen Water
Posted by Mike62 (Denver, Colorado) on 05/09/2014

Baldev: Kangen water is based upon the principle that the frequency of cells is different than pathogens. When the energy of the cells is higher well being results. When the energy of the diseases is higher illness results. The war between the cells and the pathogens is electromagnetic in nature. Kangen water has a better structure that increases the energies. There is a video on you tube of a raw foodist who takes it. There are three problems with kangen water. The machine is over priced and very expensive. Kangen water doesn't have any nutrients. There are foods that have both kangen water and nutrients. Live ferments, home grown sprouts, and raw organic fruit have kangen water and nutrients. Adding activated barley to water makes kangen water. God made kangen water originally. Saponins also make kangen water. A $389 vitamix blender gives nutrients in raw organic fruit a better structure that produces more energy. As fruit ripens the green chlorophyll is changed to it's analogues. Kangen water doesn't have the number one nutrient. Chlorophyll changes sunlight into food. You can get raw organic fruit from Organic India. They have over two hundred farms and ship everywhere in the country.

Kangen Water
Posted by Baldev (Maharashtra, India) on 05/08/2014 185 posts

Hi Ted / Bill,

I would like to know your opinion about the Kangen Water, whether it is true about the benefits of drinking Kangen Water, they claim. I request any body who is using Kangen Water for drinking or for any other purpose to give their feed back. Thanks.


Posted by Mike62 (Denver) on 02/01/2014

Cindy: You made a good decision asking wonderful E.C., the best place for folk medicine, first, because this is the skinny, or could I say dope, being from rocky mountain high, on water. Many people suffer, not because they don't have a gizmo, but because they don't eat raw organic and grass fed whole foods that all wild animals in nature have eaten for eons. People would lead you to believe that their gadgets are better than God's Goodies. You need carbs, oils, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals in the proper doses and ratios in their most active form to function optimally, not a thing a ma gig. The 4 best waters are volcano, spring, water from home made water kefir, and water from raw organic and grass fed whole foods. A mountain lion can high jump 20ft and broad jump 60ft. He doesn't drink water from a machine. He gets his water from a raw herbivore who has been eating raw wild greens.

Posted by Cindy (Usa) on 02/01/2014

Does anyone have information or links for using or making ionized or magnetized water for drinking and any health benefits they have had? Thanks to all

Mineral Water
Posted by Biodoc (San Francisco) on 01/19/2014

Healing with mineral water has a long history all over the world. There are lots of healing mineral spas in the Europe, where people with chronic liver, pancreas, gallbladder, intestinal diseases, and metabolic disorders spend healthy vacation by using drinking healing mineral water, diet, massage, acupuncture and so on. The small Czech town of Karlovy Vary has been a well-known international healing resort since the 1700s.

Visitors throughout Europe, America, and Asia traveled to Karlovy Vary for a few months stays to drink healing mineral water for various chronic conditions. For sick rich people, which couldn't go to Karlovy Vary, water was carried by bottles and barrels all over Europe. European doctors understood that the mineral content is a primary healing factor of this water and began producing the salt from the evaporated thermal spring water in 1764. Dissolving the salt in the warm water has been given the chance for home treatment.

According to research of European doctors who practice alternative medicine, the most beneficial action of the water in chronic diseases is to increase production and improve the flow of bile and pancreatic juice. Additionally, healing mineral water supplies the pancreas with the alkaline minerals and bicarbonates, the key ingredients of the pancreatic juice. Alkaline pH is critical for pancreatic juice because digestive enzymes work only in an alkaline environment.

Hard Water
Posted by Bill (San Fernando, Philippines) on 03/21/2013

Hi Cindy... Well-water or any beneficial natural water will usually always be hard -- hard means that it just has minerals dissolved in it. Soft water has had all the minerals taken out of it either naturally or chemically and that's not so beneficial to drink. After all, mineral water is also hard water -- the minerals in the mineral water are beneficial for the body.

Provided the water tests on your well did not show high amounts of Bromide, Fluoride, Chlorine or Heavy Metals, pesticides etc and didn't show any dangerous microbes in the well-water, then the well water should be beneficial for the body because of its natural mineral content.

Hard Water
Posted by Cindy (Wisconsin, Usa) on 03/20/2013

Question for Bill from San Fernando:

Hi Bill, I am hoping you can answer a question I have on water. We have our own well water which we drink, unfortunately it tests quite high for being hard. I just came on some information about hard water can cause hardening of the arteries could you help me with this. Thank you.

Ozonated Water
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile, Tn Usa) on 12/26/2012

HI U SAVVY, , , , , , , Have had an ozone generator for several months and it was bought in my effort to defeat Lymphoma. Will not address my cancer and cannot tell what effect ozonated water has on my health. I will tell you that doing ear insufflation has driven my candida nuts. The little buggers are raging, and my ears crusting over and itching like mad. My only relief is to coat them with ozonated oil. I'm sure my anal insufflation and ozone sauna has them looking for places to hide. All the critters that we house are not dummies. That is the reason anti-biotics are of little use anymore. Know this was not your question, but you know how I am. ==RH==