This is important for several reasons.
Most issues are caused by dehydration. Or, rather, by your body's response to the neglect of not drinking plain water caused by the dehydrtion. And that's ANY level of dehydration.
Your responds to dehydration, first, by rationing the water it gets.
Your body is going to TRY to protect you from yourself by allowing things you don't want in an effort to control your blood pressure and protect your heart.
Such things may include narrowing circulatory pathways to balance the loads dehydration puts on your heart via its blood pressure:heart rate ratio.
It may also include allowing parasites to reside in the digestive tract to aerate the dried matter on the walls of the intestines to open channels through which nutrients can be acquired.
It may include the accumulation of elements and metals it would otherwise use or discard.
If you're dehydrated, then your body is making sacrifices and regardless of what pills you take or how you change your diet, your body will have no use for much of that because it's not going to feed a system or organ that is in the process of sacrificing and adding toxic medicine to the mix is just going to force the body to sacrifice even more aggresively because it will have to reroute a great deal of what little water it's getting to eliminate and otherwise protect you from those toxins.
Two things you definitely DON'T want to do before starting and maintaining a plain water hydration regiment (with tiny amounts of sea salt) include, killing parasites and forcing open the pathways of the blood. Once you start hydrating, the body will begin taking care of those things in a controlled manner and in the order and to the degrees they need to be done to keep you safe in the process which something no human being knows how to do.
And I include maintaining a hydration regiment because your body knows you and that you can't be trusted to provide the second most critical thing it needs. You're going to have to prove yourself to get it to fully engage in repairing the damage it's suffered from such a profound form of neglect.
Don't get me wrong. Your body will put any water it gets to good use but how it uses water it didn't expect and how it uses water when it is being regularly provided - as it should - are two entirely different things.
If you want to help, do some Buteyko breathing. That will provide it with oxygen it won't have to struggle to deliver a every struggle consumes water and you don't have any to spare if you've been chronically dehydrated for any length of time.