In my exploration of colloidal silver, it occurred to me that perhaps the water at Lourdes comes down through the Pyrenees across a vein of silver somewhere but, apparently, it's actually what some call "hydrogen water".
In looking into what hydrogen water is, I found something very peculiar. Machines that dissolve extra hydrogen are actually sold - and not only sold but, some, for thousands of dollars!
Here's the deal. You can get the same "hydrogenated" water by heating it which increases the hydrogen by decreasing the oxygen so, just heat some water and treat it like an indigo vat because that's where the magic of indigo is - "hydrogen" water - I.e. low oxygen water. It's also that magical "feel good" effect of tea as well as why hot springs can't support aquatic life. Not enough oxygen.
So, if you want some hydrogen water just heat some up which will cause it to throw off oxygen, increasing its hydrogen and then be sure not to stir it up or shake it or splash it around. That's it! Practically free hydrogen water! Yeah!!
But don't forget! Silver is awesome!!
Now, somebody can sell "magical tea kettles" that make "hydrogen water" for thousands of dollars! ROFL!
P.S. Something else occurs to me which is that urine contains NO dissolved oxygen so, it is 95% hydrogen water...very interesting...given its profound therapeutic effects...I never did get up the gumption to drink it. I tried it but...it's a psychological thing, I guess...but boiled water...I can DO that!