Oil Pulling: Unlock Natural Oral Health & Detox Benefits

Instructions and Theories
Posted by David (California, US) on 08/22/2014

Coconut oil melts at 76 degrees (F), so the solidified oil quickly liquifies inside mouth.

Instructions and Theories
Posted by Knute (Sacramento, USA) on 08/29/2008

I was fortunate to find out about Dr Karach's oil pulling therapy over 16 years ago, and my objective was to improve my immune system, as a preventative. And it certainly has done so, for example, the number of colds has gone down a lot. Plus, my digestion has improved very much. Also, I can go on for more hours without feeling the need to eat.

I mostly use sesame oil, peanut oil, and sunflower oil: Once per day, one table spoon in the morning, before breakfast, 5-7 days a week. I have found that it's very important to rinse the oral cavity and tonge with baking soda/salt in warm water, and brush all of the same area - including the tongue, after applying just a little baking soda and salt on the toothbrush.

Basically, my opinion is that oil pulling is one of the very best ways to stimulate the body's natural healing abilities, and that includes detoxification. 15-20 minutes in the morning of oil pulling regularly, while taking a shower or shaving or ... - is one of the wisest things we could to, healthwise.

Instructions and Theories
Posted by Molly (San Francisco, CA USA) on 03/28/2008

Editor's Choice I've OPed for about three years now. And I've followed endless discussions about what it does and does not do. I now have a theory.

I don't think that OP "pulls" anything out of the system. What it does seem to do is infuse your body with EFA's sublingually (under your tongue) which enters the bloodstream bypassing gastric juices. I found a patent that uses oil as a transporter of medication for a sublingual medication. From what I read, Oleic Acid is commonly used for this transport.

It makes sense why some people have skin conditions clear up with OP. They are being dose with good oil.

Secondly, there is now do doubt that the health of your mouth is directly linked to your organ health. A well known biologist, a friend of my Dad, said he thinks that the bacteria in the mouth, the really bad stuff that forms plague, is very attracted to the acids in the oil. So it melts this bad stuff and then you spit it out. That's why your teeth get much cleaner than by conventional means, like alcohol based rinses.

And so, when you melt this bad stuff, you simply spit it out..buh bye.

Now, I think this is the major link to why people experience healing while OP. As your mouth is populating with all this nasty bacteria (or worse, infections), you are swallowing the stuff. That bacteria is attacking you internally. That is why some people have had heart attacks after a dental procedure, like a root canal, that infuses their body with nasty stuff. Yes, it can attack the heart and other vital organs.

OP simply removes it so that it cannot go anywhere else. Dr. Karach talked about curing a long time blood disease. Perhaps his dental health was very bad.

Add a drop of Oil of Oregano to your oil pulling for about a week every 3 or so months, and you have a powerful anti-bacterial agent to kill all this stuff. Oregano Oil is natures anti-biotic, so it should not be abused, and used just like you would a pharmaceutical anti-biotic.

All these theories I have come from a long time listening and discussing this modality.

OP is very gentle. It's just food for goodness sake! And I believe that it should be a common morning occurrence, just like brushing your teeth.

I've actually used it to get rid of sinus infections and lung infections. It has cut down on the time I am sick, but darn if I've hardly gotten sick since I've started OP. Also, my long time seasonal allergies are gone. If I do have any lung complaints, I OP back to back until I don't cough anything up anymore.

I have used (always unrefined and organic) Sesame, Sunflower, Walnut, Macadamia, coconut, Udo's Oil, Total EFA Oil....amongst others. My personal all time favorite is Sesame, hand's down. I have noticed that if you change your oil about ever two months, it's like a renewed therapy. Don't know why, perhaps your body is getting used to that particular EFA formula. But I have noticed that when I change, my teeth get whiter even more.

Thought I'd weigh in since I haven't been here for awhile. Actually, it was myself and Ms Kitty from Oregon that turned Earth clinic onto this some years back. I'm so pleased to see that this is still being discovered and that people are having such good results.

OP is a no-brainer. It's not dangerous, it can't pull stuff out of your body, like medication, it's simply swishing some "food" around your mouth. But what it does do is invaluable.

Keep Swishing!!