BC Boy
Remedy Side Effects for Canker Sores: I found Earth Clinic while googling for a canker sore remedy. I was relieved to find so many positive responses to these remedies. So I went and picked up several of the remedies hoping at least one would work as good as stated. I started with Alum. I dabbed a wet finger into the powder and applied it to the 4cm canker sore inside my bottom left gum. At first it stung like salt on an open wound. Then it subsided to the feeling of a butcher knife cutting into my gum. After a half an hour of this I rinsed my mouth out with water and spend 15min in front of the bathroom mirror applying H202 with a q-tip. The pain of applying the H202 eventually subsided to a pounding throb. My mouth was watering so bad I had to stuff kleenex inside my gums to dam the flood. The H202 eventually stopped sizzling so I rinsed and tolerated the dull throbbing ache for 1/2 hr. Finally I applied crushed aspirin to the sore. the aspirin burned but not as much as the alum. My mouth was now feeling like I'd been punched in the face.... twice. My bottom lip was puffy and my gums were numb everywhere except for the sore. I tolerated that for another 15min and finally rinsed the aspirin out with a cold budweiser. It's now been 2hrs later and I'm on my 7th beer and the pain has almost completedly subsided in the past 10min. So far the side affects of the treatment has been tolerable. Hopefully my head won't hurt as bad as my mouth in the morning....
(Sacramento, Ca, Usa)
My mom has been suffering from Canker Sore for more than 6 years. She had been trying from A to Z nothing worked out for her. I found about alum through this website and it has been working amazingly for her. Be patient and take some pain killer before applying Alum on your canker sore. Do not give up!!! Alum is your cure.
(Flemington Nj)
The cold budweiser cure also works for:
A bad day @work; in laws who come to visit; after mowing the lawn on a saturday; after digging a washcloth out the toilet that your 3 year old shoved in; when the weather is stormy, when the weather is nice; after getting fired from your job; after the kids go to bed; before a romantic evening; durning a football game; before the police arrest you for public drunkeness.... the list could go on.
Cayenne pepper for headache
First of all, I'd like to give praise to Earth Clinic for such a fabulous website! I have tried many remedies from the site and they ALL worked...with the exception of the cayenne pepper for my headache! I had a headache behind my left eye and decided I'd snort some of the pepper as I'd read that it cured many a headache. Not too familiar with snorting foreign substances up my nose, I wasn't sure how to do it. So I grabbed a spoon, dug out some pepper (mistake number one) and sniffed. My first thought was that the synapses in my brain were misfiring when I decided to try this method. My second thought was that I wondered if this is how it felt to stick a blowtorch up my nostril and light it. Before I looked in the mirror, I seriously wondered if my left eyeball had shrunk to the size of a raisin and fallen into my now empty eye socket. (It hadn't...my eyeball, albeit on fire, was thankfully intact)! In my haste to grab a tissue and blow this fireball out of my nose, I ran into the open cupboard door (this REALLY happened)and smacked myself square on the forehead...(mistake number two). After a minute or twenty, the pervasive burning had dissipated, but a new, equally as fun sensation was happening....the cayenne was dripping from my nasal cavity into my throat. For pete's sake, I was now TASTING the pepper! I drank a tall glass of water and decided that i had had it....and took an ibuprofen. Unfortunately, the cayenne did not take my headache away. Although, who knows what would have happened had I not ran headfirst into the cupboard! So, this will be my very first "Nay" post on the site...with a gentle reminder that if you decide to try it, do NOT use more than a teensy bit of cayenne and for the love of God, shut all cupboard doors FIRST!
(Columbus, Oh)
Had a hearty laugh at this one! LOL Certainly hope your headache FINALLY went away!
Joke Department
The interviewer asked an old man on his 99th birthday the secrets to his longevity. He replied, "For better digestion I drink beer. In case of appetite loss I drink white wine. In case of low blood pressure I drink red wine. In the event of high blood pressure I drink whiskey. When I have a cold I drink scotch.”
The interviewer was amazed and inquired, "When do you drink water?"
"I don't." he responded, "I've never been that sick."
Michael from Down Under
Joke Department
A Quote from"The Two Ronnies":-
"And in a packed show tonight, we'll be talking to an out-of-work contortionist who can no longer make ends meet".
(P.S. Any advice to assist him/her?)
Joke Department
Medical Notes:-
And Corporal Clappy is not a happy chappy. Still, you can't be a saint with his complaint. No, nobody similes with piles. Still, it's worse for the nurse.
From Barmy Army
Joke Department
Doctor: "Do any of your family members suffer from Insanity?"
Patient: "No doctor, most of them are quite happy with it."
Joke Department
Psychiatrist (to Patient lying on couch): "Now you must be completely open and honest with me if I am to help you lead a better life. What seems to be troubling you?"
Patient: "Doctor, I have this insatiable urge and compulsion to eat cocktail glasses. I just can't help myself."
Psychiatrist: "Oh my goodness, what, you eat the whole glass?"
Patient: "Yes the whole thing. Oh, except for the stems of course! "
Psychiatrist: "Oh dear, you really ought to try them. They're the best part."
Doctor: "Nurse Jones, did you take this Patient's temperature?"
Nurse Jones: "No Doctor. Why? Is it missing?"
Cheers, Michael
Joke Department
"Doctor, Doctor, My little boy has just swallowed a roll of film! "
"Hmmmm. Let's hope nothing develops."
Cheers, Michael
Joke Department
I went to my Doctor last week and I asked him, "Do you have anything for wind"?
He gave me a kite!
Joke Department
This Guy goes to his Doctor and says:
"Doctor, doctor, I am really worried! I think I have broken my arm in several places. I need your advice. What should I do?"
And the Good Doctor says:
"I strongly urge you not to go back to those places".
Joke Department
This guy goes to the Doctor and says,
"Doctor, doctor, I am really worried, I am shrinking! I am getting smaller each and every day, you have to help me!"
And the Good Doctor says,
"Now, now, calm down. You will just have to learn to be a little patient."
Cheers, Michael
Lorax or Borax?
Perhaps we talk about Natural Remedies at my house too much....
This week we got a copy of, "The Lorax, " by Dr. Seuss at a secondhand store. This has been a favorite children's book in my house for many years.
On the way home from the store, one of my little boys asked his older sister to read him, "The Borax."
~Mama to Many~
Ouchy Mcnumbface
DO NOT .. i repeat DO NOT, EVER put raw, undiluted garlic juice into your ear. I've had an ear infection for most of today, experiencing the normal agony [i've had maybe thirty of these damn infections over the years] and decided that i'd give the garlic juice a try. So i finely chopped seven cloves of garlic, stuck them into a large, plastic syringe [no needle!], put the end of the syringe into my ear and pushed the plunger. I hesitate to call it a plunger, I feel somewhat more inclined to call it a "detonator"; for at that moment the pain in my ear can only be described as... indescribable. I've had broken bones which hurt less than this. I've passed kidney stones which were positively comfortable compared with the insane, unimagineable combination of white-hot blowtorch to the entire right hand side of my face, and dynamite-coated road-drill intent on making a rather large impression/hole on my ear drum. I ran around the room desperately seeking some kind of cure for my newly acquired, self-inflicted facedeath, and in an insane panic managed to: 1: take four pain killers. 2: squirt cold water into my earhole and 3: place a nicotine patch over my ear. I'm not entirely sure what inspired the third choice, but in my insane stupor i think my brain somehow associated nicotine patches with stress/pain relief, so in a cloudy haze of bewildering desperation and nonsensical panic, i slapped 21mg of nicotinell over my earhole.
In a nutshell, it hurts. Don't do it. If you do do it, film it, put it on youtube.
(Nashville, Tn)
I know that hurt you and I'm sorry. I will not go into my personal experience. But you should put that excerpt in a diary for your kids some day. That made me laugh so hard I thought I was going to die. The nicotine patch and your writing voice are genius. <3
Page Comments
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!! I went to remedies and clicked on the laughter addition. I haven't laughed that hard in such a long time and I enjoyed it so very much. Thank you for adding this to your website. Laughter is good for the soul and good health. You guys do an awesome job and I'm so addicted to reading all the posts....well, not all, but alot! LOL Thanks for all you do!!!!
EC: Thanks, Sue. Glad you enjoyed the new page!
(Somewhere, Europe)
MAN-A-LIVE EC, I never knew there was a "funniest posts" page!! Thanks to your new section on wellness, I found that and am still wiping my tears of laughter!! THANK YOU!! That has got to be the BEST remedy yet!!!
EC: Thank you for reminding us about that page! Please remember to nominate our most hilarious posts and your favorite YouTube videos to our "Laughter" page... we haven't added anything to it in at least a year or two.
Everyone should read that page for a good laugh now and then.
Here it is:https://www.earthclinic.com/remedies/laughter.html
Video: Alain's Picks
Here a few short films that may bring some smiles. :)
I hope you like them.
Dancing ... or Where the Hell is Matt (2008)
2005 Version
... Dancing 2006
... Dancing 2006 Outtakes
Where the Hell is Afunakwa?
Dancing with the Huli Wigmen
The main videos can be downloaded from
Also, Bodhisattva in metro (had already been posted by EC before)
EC: Alain,
These are fantastic! THANK YOU SO MUCH!