Canada - Ontario
Hello! Where can I buy Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide in Alberta? Pleeease help! Thanks :)
(Ottawa, Ontario,Canada)
Food grade 35% H2O2:
Hi, in case you have no other choice, here's a place in Ontario you can order from, by phone or online. I recently ordered from them a pack of 3 and I received it 2-3 days after (but I am from Ontario too). It even came with a pair of plastic gloves. Good luck in your search.
(Calgary, Alberta, Canada)
Cherie in Edmonton, Alberta - try your local health food stores. I'm in Calgary (just moved there from Vancouver, BC) and found the SproutMaster 35% food grade available at a nearby health food store. If you can't see it on the shelf, ask someone who works in the store. They sometimes keep it in the back. Good luck!
(Vancouver, B.C.)
(Toronto, Ontario)
I'm north central Toronto (Ontario), not far from Yonge and Steeles. Today (Tues, 11 May, 2009) the Ambrosia Health Food Store told me they are getting more Food Grade 35% Hydrogen Peroxide next week. If you are too far from Yonge and Steeles, try asking at your nearest comprehensive health food store...
(Montreal, Quebec)
"I found this site that ships 35% Food Grade across Canada."
Canada - Ontario
If you are looking for 35% Technical Grade Hydrogen Peroxide give me a shout.
(Woodstock, On)
I was wondering from Robert in Guelph, if technical Hydrogen Peroxide is a good alternative for bleach in laundry. I sell a 100% natural laundry product that needs a booster for heavy soiled washes. Also, can I resell it with my products? I would like to make things available for my customers.... If so, how can I get in contact with you? I live close enough for easy pick up. Thank you.
(Kitchener/waterloo, Ontaro, Canada)
(Guelph, Ontario)
(Brampton, Ontario)
(Ontario, Canada)
(Hamilton On Canada)
(Belleville, Ontario)
Hi: I have been doing some research on this, and the most economical price for Hydrogen Peroxide 35% that I can find in Ontario is Farmer's Farmacy in Cambridge ON. Here is the shortened link:
Canada - Ontario
35% hydrogen peroxide. There is a place called Sprout Master in Elmvale, ON .
Canada - Ontario
I found another place in Canada to purchase 35% food grade peroxide. We were looking for it to convert the hot tub in a house we have just purchased. The company is PEROXYSAN
'RR3 Site 19
Box 6
Sudbury ON
P3E 4N1
Canada - Ontario
This is in response to the person in Ontario Canada looking for 35% food grade H2O2. You can purchase it from The Big Carrot natural food market in Toronto (
Canada - Quebec
Looking to try the H202 cure and wondering if anyone has heard of a place in this area, Magog or Sherbrooke, Quebec to buy? Many thanks!
(Toronto, Canada)
(Calgary, Alberta)
(Calgary, Alberta, Canada)
Hi Kara - I just bought a litre of 35% food-grade hydrogen peroxide (Gold Top Organics Super Oxygen) from Community Natural Foods at 1304 10th Avenue S.W. in Calgary. You need to ASK for it because they keep it in the back storeroom. Some of the staff aren't very knowledgeable so you may need to ask a few staff members (or customer service). Good luck!
(Toronto, Ontario)
respond to Canadian from Quebec. you have it there too
I found 35% H2O2 in Longeuille, you could have it shipped, or pick up. here it is:
(Quebec, CA)
hi could you please help me find a supplier in quebec canada for 35% hydrogen peroxidr food grade
EC: Hi, check here for some sources.
Canada - Toronto
for torontonians, if u want to buy 35% hydrogen peroxide go to Big Carrot store on Danfort ave. they have it. that's all folks.
Canada - Toronto
Looking for Food Grade Peroxide? I see it at health food stores in Toronto. It is called "Sprout Master", 35% water solution, ultra pure and it costs $4.99 per 107 ml bottle. For few $ more you can buy triple size. I use it for my plants and for drinking water. Time to time I put a few drops into my Brita filter. It lasts longer. Always rinse Brita container with some of peroxide after washing it before filling up with drinking water. Watering plants and sprouting seeds speeds up the process few times. Most of the seeds starts sprouting around 24 hr. I use it for everything just like my mother used to 50 yrs ago!
Canada- Saskatchewan
I tried Sangster's in Lawson Hts Mall but they don't carry it anymore, because of regulations?
Does anyone out there know where it can be purchased?
(Montreal, Quebec)
"I found this site that ships 35% Food Grade across Canada."
Canada- Toronto
Where can I buy Hydrogen Peroxide 35% food grade to be used for ingestion as medicine in Scarborough or Toronto in Ontario CANADA .
Also am told its very useful for Heart ventricle blockage .. And helps in going for angioplasty anybody can share their experience
(Toronto, Ont, Canada)
To Subhash from Scarborough, On, Canada. I was able to buy Hydrogen Peroxide 35% food grade last year at the Health Service Centre at 2650 Danforth Ave, Toronto, ON M4C 1L7. It is a small health food store across the street from a large Canadian Tire store. I don't have any experience with using it for the heart but you can check with Nadine at the store regarding availability of the product and other heart related products by calling her at 416-699-5095 Personally I would research cayenne and hawthorn for heart and arterial issues. Jay
(Scarborough, On , Canada)
Canada: British Columbia
A great place to find a supply of hydrogen peroxide, 29% foodgrade, the highest allowable over the counter is in Langley, at a store called Health, Your Life, Our Passion, 604-532-8523. Three different sizes, good prices and lots of info in sheet form and from well educated staff.
(Surrey, Bc)
Canada: Nova Scotia
Hi Canadians: You can get 35% H2O2 at The Health Basket Health Basket Address: 978 Cole Harbour Road City: Dartmouth Prov / State: NS Postal/Zip Code: B2V 1E7 Phone: (902) 462-3765 Fax: (902) 462-3777
It cost $15. plus $8. shipping here in NS and they are great people I am 65 years old and I had a severe hip injury 6
I am 65 years old and I had a severe hip injury 6 months ago and had great pain in walking and sitting. After taking hot baths with 2 cups of apple cider vinegar at bed time and showering clean then soaking myself in H2O2 I was able to walk and sit like a normal person the very next day. Five days later I am putting in full days back at yoga and water aerobics. I tried full strength essental peppermint oil when I had over done it and went to bed pain free, Margie at Wolfville, Nova Scotia
(Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia Canada, Nova Scotia)
(Montreal, Quebec)
"I found this site that ships 35% Food Grade across Canada."
(Nova Scotia, CA)
Canda - Vancouver Island
Does anyone know where I could buy 35% food-grade hydrogen peroxide on Vancouver Island? I called the guy in Montreal who ships all over Canada, but the shipping price was prohibitive.
Caribbean: Trinidad
Good Evening. Are there any restrictions in shipping 35% food grade H2O2 to Trinidad? I usually visit Miami, Florida several times every year - can anyone suggest where in Miami - Dade County, that I will be able to purchase this product. Thank You for your help. Ameer.
Costa Rica
Hello everyone, Hello Ted, please , maybe you can help me!
I live in Costa Rica, it will be a half year that I triying to get food grade H2O2 down here.
No one shop from the US would send me H2O2. I did contact Bobys health shop in UK, I did ordered one bottle of 35% food grade H2O2, but custom of CR distroid H2O2. And it happenned twice. I could go tu US and buy H2O2 there, but can I take 35% food grade H2O2 in to airplane? Intrestingly, I tried to contact local (costa rican) company "Ancla", that makes 3% H2O2, to ask them if they add any stabilizators in thers product, but, they say, that it is secret, and they are not alowd to tell anyone about it. The label on the 3% H2O2 bottle says - "ingradients : hydrogen peroxide...... 3.0 g, purificated water c.s.p..... 100.0 ml. So, does anybody can help me with advice where can I get one, small bottle of food grade 35% H2O2. Thanks