Health Benefits

Health Benefits of Honey

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Honey Side Effects
Posted by Joella (NYC) on 03/11/2008

I have been having a strange response to honey as of late. I used to take about 1 TBSP of Trader Joes' Mesquite or Clover honey in tea about 3-4 times a day. However, a month ago, after 10-20 minutes of drinking or eating something with honey, I would get a popping sensation in my heart area, then a racing heart, then light headedness. After that passes, I feel a bit funky for the rest of the day. I stopped the honey for the last month, then today I had some Sweet and Spicy Mustard (also from Trader Joe's) and had the same reaction about 10 minutes after finishing eating. Didn't realize it had honey in it. It does. This is a weird question, but do you think the fungal infection killing off the honey bees had anything to do with this? I have eaten honey for years with no problem. Now it's a no-no. Regular sugar (well, organic brown sugar) is fine for me, no reaction. Any comments would be great, thanks. P.S. I haven't tested other brands of honey to see if the same thing happens

Posted by Michelle (Portland, US) on 03/20/2008

...I have been eating raw organic honey and honeycomb which I swallow. I often swallow a couple of tablespoon fulls of organic molassas. Usually, I stay pretty healthy. When stressed or feel a cold coming on, I usually realize that I have forgotten one of the 3 above mentions items in my diet. I eat the honey straight from the jar or in Raspberry leaf tea or African Roobis.

The more raw food that I have in my diet the better. I am a pre-naturopathic med student and have learned non of this in school, just in books written by doctors. I look forward to helping others find nature's remedies that God has given us. Look in the Bible for honey, vinegar, pomegranate, almonds... When head fills with mucous, it often happens after eating non-whole grain breads and cheese, such as a non-health food pizza. I get sore throats a few times a year... I gargle with cider vinegar diluted with bottled spring water.

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