The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
General Feedback
Posted by Kellie (Syracuse, Ny) on 01/16/2012
I was searching your site and found that coconut oil was good to use in your hair so I found a product in my grocery store called Blue Magic Coconut Oil Hair Conditioner. The ingredients in it are: petrolatum, coconut oil, and fragrance. I am a white woman and believe this product is supposed to be for a black woman's hair! It feels so disgusting and I was wondering if you could give me some tips on what might finally get this out of my color treated hair. Thank you in advance!
General Feedback
Posted by Susan (Thomasville, North Carolina Usa) on 01/16/2012
Use baking soda mixed with water after you shampoo, run the baking soda mixture thru your hair then do a final rinse. This will remove any product from the hair leaving it clean.
General Feedback
Posted by Carly (Seattle, Wa - USA) on 01/16/2012
Kellie - Petroleum the same stuff they make gasoline out of if I am not mistaken.
The first ingredient in anything it what it contains the most of, and so on. The first two or three ingredients listed are are the most important. (They are all important, but the first few are the very most important! )
I would trash it. Yuck.
General Feedback
Posted by Kellie (Syracuse, Ny) on 01/18/2012
Thanks guys! I tried the baking soda trick but it wasn't working. I appreciate your tip though. I finally got it out.. Along with some of my color, with dish soap and several shampoos. :( I also brought it back to the store and hopefully won't ever be making that mistake again!
General Feedback
Posted by Cryssyhoneylove (Toms River Nj) on 05/02/2016
I had the same thing happen to me . It was horrible... Head and shoulders shampoo will strip the oil... Good luck... Also you could go to a salon and they can remove it with a special shampoo ;)
General Feedback
Posted by G (Las Vegas, Nv) on 10/28/2017
I would not recommend Blue Magic Coconut Oil Hair Conditioner for African American or Caucasian hair.
Egg Yolk, Olive Oil
Posted by Francisca (Zug, Switzerland) on 01/07/2012
Thanks Clarity and Linda. Actually my hair is not dry, as a rule. It got very dry because I had a too light perm, as it was almost my daughter's wedding the hairdresser insisted on redoing it and it dried my hair out big time. That was a few months ago. Now it was getting better but I decided to try washing with baking soda and that was the reason why it was looking so dry and lifeless. I dyed it a few days ago, so I had to use their cream but today I washed it only using my fingers and water, like someone suggested here. It is till drying to I don't know what it will look like. Right now I always wash my hair in the pool, so putting something in and waiting for a few hours isn't an option but when we move, at the end of May I might try. Do you first wash the hair before applying the mayonnaise or the egg yolk and olive oil? At home I wash my hair in the bath so a bit annoying to have to wait a long time but I might try it, leave it on for less time and then rinse before I get out of my bath. Right now I go to the sauna before showering so I might just take a tube of mayonnaise with me and if there isn't anybody around rub it in my hair and sit in the sauna for a bit.
By the way, the fact that someone does something and has lovely hair doesn't always mean the world as you can just have good genes. Too bad I don't have them.... So maybe these methods will help me!
Egg Yolk, Olive Oil
Posted by Linda (New Haven, Connecticut) on 01/07/2012
Francisca, I always shampooed lightly, rinsed well, towel dried & then added the mayonaisse to my daughter's hair, gently rubbing it in throughout the hair end-to-end.
Then I just put a shower cap on her so she could run around the house & play without getting the mayonaisse on the furniture, etc.
After an hour or so I would use a small bit of baby shampoo to wash out the extra mayonaisse that hadn't absorbed into the hair shaft.
Did mine today and it feels great. This deep conditioning lasts quite a while. I seem to remember doing it only every month or so on my daughter's waist length hair.
By the way, if you are going to use a store bought mayonaisse be sure to check the ingredients to be sure there is nothing artificial in there. You don't want to absorb (or eat, for that matter) anything unhealthy.
I used to just make my own mayonaisse so I knew what was in it. Tasty too!
Egg Yolk, Olive Oil
Posted by Francisca (Zug, Switzerland) on 01/08/2012
Hi Linda, thanks for all the explanations! Anyway, in a few months we will be in our house and then I can do whatever I feel like more easily! For the time being I am going to try it for a shorter time and see what happens.
You are right saying that one shouldn't use anything on our body that one wouldn't eat, meaning, wherever you use it it should be of good quality and free of preservatives! I have discovered two health food shops here in Zug, not big ones but I suppose they must have mayonnaise! The mayonnaise I have at home right now, Thomy, doesn't seem to have anything too suspect anyway! And maybe when I am at home I try just with the egg yolk and the olive oil which right now are a bit difficult to take to the pool! Although.... I could because I can mix them and take in a small jar! The trouble with this system at home is that one showers or takes a bath and then has to shower again but well, if it gives me beautiful hair..... Worth trying! Thanks!
General Feedback
Posted by Francisca (Zug, Switzerland) on 01/04/2012
I have shoulder length hair, dyed. I am trying to bring my hair into better condition. Although I have enough hair it is quite thin (has always been) and has no life! Right now I have a perm to give it a bit of volume. After using a herbal mix oil for a while it has stopped falling and it looks healthier so I decided to try to go without shampoo. I have now washed it twice with baking soda but it looks dry and it doesn't shine anymore. In between washes (I wash it twice a week) I rub my scalp with the herbal mix oil. Some people seem to have a very good result with the baking soda.
Maybe I could use the baking soda once a week and the other time only wash the scalp with my fingers as some people suggested here lately? I did use a bit of rinse aid because I was afraid I wouldn't be able to comb my hair after washing. Any suggestions? Does it get better after quitting the shampoo for a while? Or doesn't it work in dyed hair?
Cedarwood, Juniper, Rosemary, Flower Water
Posted by Francisca (Michelbach-le-bas, Alsace, France) on 07/19/2011
I have found this recipe for a hair tonic in one of my books but I am not sure whether it is good to use spirit for the hair. The recipe is as follow: 50ml of surgical spirit (or flower water if the hair is very greasy but mine is not), not carrier oil or lotion, 10 drops of Cedarwood essential oil, 10 drops of Junpier EO and 15 drops of Rosemary EO. Anyway has ever used such a tonic? I don't know whether to try it or not.....
Multiple Remedies
Posted by Virgodee60 (Las Vegas, Nevada, Usa) on 02/16/2011
Years ago I owned two Edgar Cayce books that I loved and cherished. The Sleeping Prophet and a very well known when whose title slips my memory right now. Does anyone know what it could be? Very famous book. Well anyway, I think I still have the Sleeping Prophet. It had a remarkable remedy for hair thickening in it which I used for years and worked every time.
This was suggested by Cayce as he was sleeping and gave out this cure. The first one was the crude oil. The one I used was a combo of castor oil, olive oil, I'm not sure if it was cod liver oil or mineral oil, that's what I would like to look up and confirm. Also you would use white iodine after the applications of the oils. Sectioning hair and dabbing on with a cotton ball. My aunt would apply it to my scalp every weekend, fri. , sat. and sun. dab on the white iodine after each application. Washed my hair sunday night. My hair not only got thicker and thicker, but grew very well. Kept this up for a full year until I just got tired of having it done. Has anyone ever read this? I'm trying to remember which book it was I read it in. Can anyone help me. I'm going to check my Sleeping Prophet today and it was chaptered thickening hair or something like that.
So if anyone knows or knows the combination please let me know. Thank you
Banana and Olive Oil
Posted by Laila (Tysons Corner, Virginia) on 07/25/2010
Natural conditioner for the hair... heard this on a Dr. Oz show.
1/2 Banana (mashed) and Olive Oil (enough oil to cover your hair) = for conditioning hair (maybe once a month or as needed).
Leave on for 30 minutes. Shampoo twice or more to remove oil.
Fenugreek Powder With Yogurt
Posted by Palak (Delhi, India) on 09/03/2009
Use fenugreek powder mixed with curd/yoghurt before washing your hair .. acc to your hair length .. I must say , after washing my hair reflected like mirror .. itching on scalp reduced and my hair neva felt so soft .. I use this mask once a week due to time constraint .. but its sage enough to use everyday .. I hope you will try it and may it work for you the way it did for me !!! best of luck :)
Posted by Ida From Texas (Somewhere In, Texas) on 05/08/2013
Could you please tell me which mayonaise you used?
Argan Oil
Posted by Francine Case-Shore (Playa Del Rey, CA) on 04/26/2009
I have been using an oil from Morroco that is made from argan, indigenous to Morroco. It is amazing, there are a few products out there with this oil. I cannot tell you how my damaged hair has repaired itself, this oil will not make your hair oily and speeds up the drying time.
Coconut Oil
Posted by Christine (Pittsburgh, PA) on 03/20/2009
I use coconut oil about every other week for conditioning my hair. I put it on before shampooing until it's nice and greasy :) then I leave it on for at least 20 minutes though I prefer an hour. Then I wash and style normally. But for everyday use you can use just a small amount in your hands and kind of work it in but be careful not to use too much or you'll have a nice greaser look :)
Coconut Oil
Posted by Sandy (Atlanta, GA) on 02/16/2009
LT from NC : Use two tablespoons of coconut oil on dry hair. Work the oil from the top to the bottom. If you have thin hair you may only need one tablespoon. My daughter has very thick hair so she wraps her hair in plastic wrap or a shower cap for an hour. Then you wash and condition as usual.
Coconut Oil
Posted by Leeloo (San Jose, CA, USA) on 01/16/2009
I too have damaged hair so I started making my own coconut oil; however, I'm not sure if the boiling process has the same benefits as the process without heating the coconut oil. So I'd like to know from the professionals if the boiling the coconut milk to get the coconut oil is still a good remedy for hair treatment. Does it have the same vitamins as the coconut oil that hasn't been exposed to boiling heat?
01/16/2009: Leelo writes again: "Sorry but I left out the part that I do not drink the coconut oil, I massage it on my hair and skin, so I was wondering if using the boiling process to get the coconut oil from coconut milk is a good process for hair treatment. Will it have the same vitamins as those that has been processed without heating? Will the coconut oil still be good to use for massaging onto scalp and moisturizing the skin even when it's been boiled?
Coconut Oil
Posted by Leeloo (San Jose, CA, USA) on 01/18/2009
I posted a question earlier, but it seems like everyone else's got answered except mine. I thought it was an overlook so, I'm re-posting my question. Hopefully, I'll get an answer from Ted.I'm very interested in your answer so Thanks in advance!
Nettle Tea
Posted by Laurie (Sudbury, Ontario) on 01/09/2009

Hi, I was wondering if anyone knew of taking or using nettle tea for hair.
Long ago I went into the health food store and was told nettle tea in rinse water helped your hair thicken. I just used it a couple of times and hated it as it was like tea all over the shower and you and stuck in the hair and had to be rinsed well. It was a pain. Now I bought nettle tea again and was wondering if anyone at all has any stories about it.
Nettle Tea
Posted by Rosy (Orlando, Fl) on 01/09/2009
Try a spay bottle, I used to use that with chamomile tea I put in my hair.
Nettle Tea
Posted by Dianna (Austin, Tx) on 01/09/2009
i've used nettle tea on my hair. both as a hair 'wash' and as a last rinse.
personally, i like other herbs better (lavender is my favorite) - but try straining the herbs out of the tea before you pour it on your hair - or you can buy (or make) a little muslim bag to keep all the herbs together in while brewing. to use a strainer simply put the strainer over a plastic bottle and pour the tea with the nettles into it. then you can add water as needed to the rinse.
djh/austin, tx
Nettle Tea
Posted by Dorotka (Apopka, Florida) on 01/09/2009
For me the herb Fo-ti , or the other name is Ho-Shou-Wu ,worked much better then nettle tea.
Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda, Coconut Oil
Posted by N.B.N (Charlotte, NC) on 01/04/2009
Thank you so much for sharing really i needed to hear this in this season of my life
Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda, Coconut Oil
Posted by Laurie (Sudbury, Ontario) on 01/12/2009
Hi , first of all you need to specify amounts as a few people are now mentioning the side effects. How much "undiluted ACV" do you use (as wouldnt that burn your scalp). Then how much BS and what do you mean by a "warm egg" you mean room tempature. Thank you
Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda, Coconut Oil
Posted by Kay (Destin) on 05/17/2014
Cautionary note about conditioning with Raw Eggs; be sure to rinse out egg very well with COOL/COLD water (or you may get a rotten egg odor that lasts weeks)!
Apple Cider Vinegar, Baking Soda, Coconut Oil
Posted by Robert Henry (Ten Mile , Tn. ) on 05/18/2014
HI U KAY, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , your post is strange to me because as a vain young man I frequently resined my hair with the yoke of an egg. As you know the white of an egg will starch your hair like a board. The yoke leaves it smooth, shinny and silky. Please explain how you got a rotten egg smell from a fresh egg. Egg yoke has been used for eons as a hair conditioner.
========OLE ROBERT HENRY==============
Coconut Oil
Posted by Laurie (Sudbury, Ontario) on 01/11/2009
Hi, what I want to know, is do you put the Coconut oil on wet hair or dry? It is not stated with anyone at all. Thank you.
Coconut Oil
Posted by Gopio (Georgia) on 02/15/2014
In my culture, we use oil a ton in our hair. We actually coat our hair in a thin layer of coconut oil before bed and wash it off in the morning. It's better to leave it on for more than 20 minutes.
Borax, Baking Soda, Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by L (South Portland, Maine) on 05/24/2008
I put two glass jars in my shower. One filled with a mix of borax and baking soda. (More borax for dry hair...more baking soda for greasy... half and half for normal.) I get in the shower and sprinkle approximately 2 tablespoons in the empty jar and fill it with water and shake it around. I then dump that over my head and rinse it out.
I keep a bottle of ACV in the shower as well and pour approximately 1/4 of cup into the now empty jar add water pour over my head and rinse. The drying process looks a little funky but my hair is clean, shiny, flake free and dare I say fabulous. I'm actually a little dismayed that I have spent so much money over the years on toxic products that didnt make my hair look half as good. I switched to white vinegar for a week once and my hair became much blonder. The ACV brings out more amber highlights. Good Luck
Borax, Baking Soda, Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Traci (Atlanta, GA) on 07/02/2009
Sorry I've never done this so I have no measurements or ingredients but I thought it may be of interest to anyone looking for a natural way to color hair. I was shocked last weekend when my friend told me she was actually completely gray headed now as I looked at her blond/reddish hair. She said she uses henna but that the apple cider vinegar mixed with baking soda washes it out so she switched to using the vinegar alone and it's all good. Sorry those are the only details I have right now (I am presently unable to contact her), I just thought anybody could look into it if interested.
Coconut Oil
Posted by Tree (Ny, New York) on 01/15/2016
I would like to know if you put this on a dog's fur while bathing or you feed it to the dogs. I'm confused!
EC: People mix up to 1 teaspoon of coconut oil into their dog's food.
Beef Bones and Olive Oil, Carrot Juice
Posted by Dave (Center Valley, Pa) on 02/28/2009
What exactly do you mean by this? Did he rub carrot juice on his head and on his face or did he drink it or what ? Thanks, Dave
Coconut Oil
Posted by Mary (Sioux City, IA) on 03/17/2008
Coconut oil is absolutely wonderful for a natural conditioner. I use unrefined, raw, pure coconut oil. I use it all day, for touch ups (moisture), and for night after I conditioner wash my hair, even in the morning after I was my hair and spritz it, I apply coconut oil. And then I wrap my hair with a scarf. It smells so yummy.
Pure Crude Oil
Posted by Laurie (Sudbury, Ontario) on 01/11/2009
Hi there, please tell me what crude oil is and can you use any other oils like olive or coconut oil instead? As i am trying to go out and buy everything mentioned on here, its getting awfully expensive. So many as the saying goes, get three things done with one thing.
Not exactly as the saying goes but you know what I mean. I would appreciate any feed back. Thank you.
EC: Pure crude oil is motor oil, so she must mean another type of oil unless this is a joke! Don't put motor oil in your hair!
Pure Crude Oil
Posted by Michelle (Cincinnati, Ohio, Usa) on 02/14/2011
Pennsylvania Crude Oil is "taken fresh from the oil wells in Pennsylvania. This is real crude oil with no refinement. " .... As stated on a website selling it. They also mention Edgar Cayce as having recommended it in and another place saying it was in his book, "Drugless Therapy. " Had to research it, sounded so strange. I wouldn't use it, but I believe sometimes instinct draws us to what we need. Supposed to be good for hair loss.
Coconut Oil
Posted by Mary (Chicago, IL) on 02/08/2008
Of all of the remedies/cures I've tried on this board my ALL-TIME favorite is Coconut Oil, prefer Barlean's but also have used Garden of Life's version. Why? Because ever since I started using it on my hair it's become silky smooth without being greasy. It has made my once dry, unruly curly hair extremely manageable. Nothing has worked on my hair like coconut oil and I've tried every brand of conditioner known to man to make my hair manageable. Also, it's a great moisturizer on your face, especially if you live in a harsh climate like I do in the Midwest. I use it in the morning and at night. Also, I use it on my legs. It has reduced the dermatitis and itching I get in the winter. So definitely go to the health food store and buy this product, it's definitely worth it!
Dishwashing Liquid for Hair Growth in Toddler
Posted by Candy (Riverdale, New York) on 12/13/2007
I am a big fan of Earth Clinic and I not only use it to my benefit, but I also recommend remedies to friends and loved ones. My cousins lamented that her 2 yr. old daughter's hair was not growing as fast as it ought to. So, low and behold, I looked for a remedy which would suit a 2yr old. My cousin started using Original Dawn dishwashing liquid and saw immediate results. It's been over 2 months and there hasn't been any negative side effects. My sister cut her hair early this year and she expect that it would grow back quickly, but to her surprise, no. I spoke about the results my cousin noticed with her daughter and my sister decided to try Dawn. Well, it has been almost 2 weeks since she started and guess what, her hair is growing at an unexpectedly speedy rate.
Dishwashing Liquid for Hair Growth in Toddler
Posted by Laurie (Sudbury, Ontario) on 01/03/2009
HI about the diswashing liquid, I was wondering if anyone had experience with their own hair (adults). IF so how did it work on grown ups? Would it make an adults hair grow also? Thanks.