Hair, Natural Conditioners
Health Benefits

Natural Hair Conditioners

The comments below reflect the personal experiences and opinions of readers and do not represent medical advice or the views of this website. The information shared has not been evaluated by the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or health condition. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional for medical concerns.
Posted by Carla (Greenville, NC) on 12/08/2008

I became a fan of borax when my son was 2 years old and had the chicken pox. His doctor told me to put him in a bath with borax and it would help with his itching. It was wonderful. He would sleep for hours after his borax fix. I used about 1 cup of borax in a tub of water deep enough to cover him. Now, I am trying to cut back my water usage. To do that I put a few oz. of borax in the bottom of a dixie cup and fill it with water. I pour it over my hair and rinse. Instead of using a cream rinse, I use a leave in spray rinse from my hair dresser. It helps save my well water, and my hair has never been so beautiful and soft. TRY IT!!!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Sarahmcsp (Abu Dhabi) on 11/02/2015

You can use it on dry or wet hair.. I do on dry hair. leave it 2 or 3 hours or overnight is even better! Than rinse with shampoo!

Coconut Oil
Posted by Sharon (Pace, Florida) on 04/22/2008

I wrote in the past that I used coconut oil to treat my cats Rhino Virus and ringworm. For myself I take 1 Tbs orally. I have used in on my hair before I wash it. My hair is so soft afterwards.It's great for dandruff. As for my cats I treated the ringworm topically and the rhino virus was treated orally. My cats seem to really like it. They get about a tsp orally. They like it liquid so I run it under hot water. My dogs get about 1 Teaspoon and they love it too. It has helped Yeast on the skin and allergies. I work as a groomer so I try it for several skin problems.

Beef Bones and Olive Oil, Carrot Juice
Posted by Doris (Santa Ana, USA) on 04/15/2008

re: Lustrous thick healthy hair.. Through my younger years in professional career, many were spent car-pooling. The Spanish women I knew all had lustrous spectacularly thick raven hair. Then, marrying, my own Spanish-American Indian origin mother-in-law also did. She said 'well of course all natives of her vicinity, New Mexico and that nearby So Amer region, boiled their cattle's beef bones till the bones were softened, and the water was marrow filled. They'd add a bit spoon or two of home pressed olive oil and use it as a hair treatment, as we do in salons today. What a difference in my own hair in those years. Also, rubbing cold pressed carrot juice, for the vitamin A, fully restored a male friend's hair from total baldness. Took one year, with substantial overall body health occurring, freckles disappearing, muscle and skin tone restoring, then year 2, a baby fine regrowth of skull hair, then by year 3, totally restored youth-level full head of hair.

Pure Crude Oil
Posted by Brooke (Montgomery, TX) on 03/09/2008

I have been using Pure Crude Oil on my hair for 15 years now, followed by a vaseline rub. I put on the Oil and massage it into my scalp with a cupped massager, then I put on the vaseline and massage it with the cupped massager. It is an amazing conditioner and makes your hair grow quicker than usual. It stimulates growth when you don't have it also!! It is an amazing cure for all scalp issues!!

Pure Crude Oil
Posted by Brooke (Montgomery, Tx, Usa) on 12/05/2010

Sorry for not reading this before! Yes - it is NOT oil that is used for the car!! It is Pennsylvania Crude Oil, Google it and you can find out about it! It is an Edgar Cayce remedy that I have always used, however, for the past two months I have also supplemented with a formula that includes Lactated Pepsin, Black Snake Root Extract, Essence of Wild Ginseng, Atomic Iodine, Extract of Liver, and Grain Alcohol - ( you can Google that also) and it has healed all of my previous hair problems! I still do the Crude oil and Vaseline about 3x a month though, and I now also use a "violet ray" on my scalp to bring even more circulation. All three of those things though has turned my hair beautiful! I no longer take my Armour Thyroid pill that I have taken for years, because of the Iodine in the formula. I have never been able to grow my thin hair past my shoulders and now I have! I have no split ends, my hair is nice and smooth and it is so much thicker!

Pure Crude Oil
Posted by Doddie (Lawrenceville, Georgia) on 08/21/2011

Over washing and blow drying also destroys the hair. Cut back on washing your hair every two weeks or just when you cannot stand it any more. Hair grows from the inside out.

Dishwashing Liquid for Hair Growth in Toddler
Posted by Minnesotagrandma (Near St. Paul, Mn) on 04/02/2012

I read the article about Dawn and decided to try it. I had very thick, fine hair as a younger person but the past few years it seems that my hair just wasn't growing or as thick. I had some original Dawn and tried it....... I've used it for about a month now and my hair is growing and feels thicker. I do use a conditioner but my hair is not stripped or dry like one would expect. I filled an old shampoo bottle with Dawn and keep it in the shower. No more expensive salon shampoos for me!!

Posted by Rhonda (Seattle, WA) on 12/03/2007

I learned about borax on curezone for itchy painful scalp and decided to try it. Someone else on this site has mentioned how nice her hair is as a result of using the borax. I have NEVER used a hair product- a shampoo or a conditioner that has equalled the lustruous results I have achieved with borax. My hair was dry and straw like now it feels soft and silky and very manageable. The rats nest is gone! I can now comb and brush my hair again without fear of tearing my hair out. If for no other reason, I think everyone should abondon their shampoo and start using borax to wash the hair. As for my scalp? I was pretty desperate the day I tried the borax. My scalp was very sore, there was an inflamed (swollen) ridge on my part and there were tiny bumps like zits forming. I have a theory that hair pullers are reacting to whatever it is that causes these symptoms I experience. I started messing with my hair when I started experiencing all of the above. anyway. after using the borax, pain and itching subsided. bumps scabbed over that same day. soooo gentle. Have you noticed that if you get it in your eyes, it does not burn? I remember when I was a kid, I had some sort of eye infection so I went to the doc and he said I had pink eye and prescribed boric acid ointment. so of course it would be gentle to the eye. I am anxious to try it internally for some of the other issues I have read here on the site.(arthritis, tmj, fibromyalgia).

Coconut Oil
Posted by Danielle (Atlanta, Georgia) on 09/03/2007

I am a black woman with fine hair. I have never been able to have the shiny beautiful hair I wanted so I wore weaves and braids for many years because my "real" hair was sooo hard to take care of and it always seemed to break off. recently I took my weave out, and I was worried because my hair is down my back and I thought it would break off, but I discovered VCO and have been using it, my hair that was once dull is now shiny, it doesn't tangle, it doesn't come out in huge amounts when I comb it like it did before, and the ends look wonderful. I don't have to use any of the expensive products for my hair anymore. I only need the shampoos. It works great and even protects your hair from heat of blowdrying and flat ironing. I will use this for the rest of my life and I am going to start using it on my body and eventually eating it to see what it does for my entire body. It smells good, and it is really lightweight on your hair. I love it!!!! You will too.

Posted by Jackie (Grand Rapids, Minn.) on 08/12/2007

Hi, i'm using many of Ted's wonderful remedies. The latest is borax for a shampoo. I was scared at first, thought my hair would be a matted, tangled, dried out mess. Well it works better than any shampoo i've tried, and my stick straight thin hair has new thickness and body. So much so, that i was able to get a chin length haircut with bangs which i didn't dare do before. I don't know if i'm right but i use 2 tbsp borax to 2 qts. warm water and pour it over my head about 3 times then massage my scalp then rinse. i almost forgot to mention i don't need a conditioner or detangling rinse. This makes me really happy because i'm trying to reduce or eliminate chemicals on my skin and body.I use borax water to dampen my hair before a hairset too. I have very light gray hair and i'm trying blackstrap molasses everyday to see if i can get some darker hair back. several people who don't know i'm doing this have said my hair looks darker gray, it definetly is darkening at the hairline on the sides and on the nckline after a short time, so i'm hopeful, but just to be able to have body and thickness to my hair is just thrilling no matter what color it is. Thanks so many times for all this information.jackie

Olive Oil for Split Ends
Posted by Ashley (Nashville, TN) on 12/04/2006

Olive oil for split ends works. Also: 1. egg yolk, 2. real mayo.

Fenugreek Seeds
Posted by Edna (Metairie, Louisiana) on 10/07/2008

This is the second time i've seen this for your hair, i saw this yesterday on another website. Where can i find fenugreek seeds? has the capsule, but where can i find the fenugreek seeds. Thank you for any information you can supply. God Bless

EC: Try an Indian grocery store!

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Hollyhock (America ) on 12/23/2023

Do you leave the white vinegar mixture in your hair or rinse it out? Thanks.

Apple Cider Vinegar
Posted by Elena (Dallas) on 12/24/2023

50/50 is too strong. Use a tbsp of white vinegar.

Natural Hair Conditioner
Posted by Julie R (Phoenix, AZ) on 09/14/2014

Castor Oil and Coconut Oil

I have used this 3 times in the last two weeks as a pre-shampoo conditioner. The mix is 50-50 each oil. I add several drops of rosemary oil but I think that could be optional. The castor/coconut oil mix has no adverse scent, and you're going to wash it out anyway.

1-2 hours before shampoo, start with the ends, getting them well-saturated but not dripping. Work the oil up the shafts and finally onto - and into your scalp, adding more oil if necessary.

Gather hair and cover it with a plastic bag or shower cap, another covering on top for good measure if you like (I use a plastic bag + stocking cap).

You may want to shampoo twice depending on how sudsy your shampoo is. I shampoo twice.

Result? My hair went from extremely dried out, super thin, super frizzy (like pubic hair - yuk! ) to thicker, glossy, and smooth wavy hair. No lie. I am thrilled!

From what I have read, you can use straight castor oil but it is very thick and hard to wash out. The coconut oil thins it and is also good for your hair.

This is what I would recommend as an extremely effective, totally non-toxic hair conditioner - to anyone. Try once a week, then adjust, depending on your results.

I also follow my shampoos with a rinse made of 1 C ACV, 1 C green tea, and 2-3 capsules of nettle leaf. But I was using this prior to the castor/coconut oil and did not have these great results. Can't hurt, though!

Natural Hair Straightener Recipe
Posted by Shine (Gabs, Botswana) on 08/05/2013


Use one can of Coconut Milk, two teaspoons of olive oil, three tablespoons of juice from a lime, and start with one tablespoon of cornstarch (add more as needed).

The mixture did not permanently straighten hair nor but it helps hair straighten better and it seems to help fight against humidity.

Apply to hair and let it sit for a few hours. Rinse with water and a little shampoo and then rinse with conditioner. Let hair air dry and then style as usual.

Coconut Oil
Posted by Della (Inland Empire, California USA) on 01/30/2013

I hope this will help me. My hair comes out in combs full. It is thin and has broken out very short on the right side. The left side grows out very long.

Posted by Elembe (Uppsala, Sweden) on 11/15/2012

Buttermilk Hair Conditioner (finally, a non-oily natural conditioner! )

  • ½ cup organic buttermilk
  • 2-3 Tbsp. Plain organic yogurt (full-fat, not lowfat)
  • 1 egg yolk (no whites)
  • 2-3 drops of a complementary essential oil (e.g. , lavender, rose, ylang-ylang, peppermint or tea tree)

My hair is more fine than coarse, and a lot of homemade hair conditioners contain oil that leave me with greasy hair. I have treid several of these oil-based conditioner recipes over the past year, and my hair remains oily after 3, 4 or 5 washes especially since I shampoo only with homemade soapnut liquid, which is gentle compared to most store-bought (even "natural") shampoos.

This buttermilk conditioner works great for me. My hair is soft, shiny and full after I use it. It can be used daily although it's not necessary for me to use it that often.

The essential oil is optional, primarily included so your head doesn't smell like buttermilk afterward.

If you have coarse or especially dry hair and really want some oil, you could of course add a bit of coconut or olive oil to the mix.

To use: Mix together buttermilk, yogurt and yolk. Warm the mixture by setting the glass/jar of it in a bowl of very hot water for a few minutes, stirring well once or twice. Then add the drops of essential oil. Massage into hair from scalp to roots, covering entire head. Leave on for 15-30 minutes. Rinse with warm water and (optionally) natural shampoo.

Faster Hair Growth
Posted by Farrah (Middletown, California Usa) on 09/05/2012

I am no expert, however, we did a wild harvest of horsetail last summer and gave it away to the women at the goddess temple with the disclaimer that it was NOT for internal consumption... if anyone knows it to be safe internally I would like to know...THANKS!!!

Faster Hair Growth
Posted by Lisa (Thousand Oaks, Ca, Usa) on 09/06/2012

Hi Farrah, Yes, horsetail is safe to take internally. It dates back to ancient Roman and Greek medicine. Mainly it is used to strengthen bone because of its silicon content. It can also be used as a diuretic. It can be taken as a tea, a tincture or capsules. Hope this info helps, Lisa

Faster Hair Growth
Posted by Jennywren (Perth, Western Australia, Australia) on 03/09/2012

Right, well I have been experimenting with castor oil for a month now, and one of the things I've been doing with it is rubbing it into my scalp 2-3 evenings per week. I leave it on overnight (putting a towel on my pillow so it doesn't get it oily) and shampoo it out in the mornings and condition, etc as normal. I mix it with a little sweet almond oil as it's very thick and gloopy, but olive oil or any cold-pressed oil would be fine. You don't need much!

I've been doing this because my hair is very thin, especially at the crown, where my scalp can easily be seen. Apparently it's meant to thicken hair, promote new growth and grow hair faster after a couple of months' use.

So after 4 weeks.. There's been no new regrowth alas but it has made my hair feel a little thicker and stronger. The biggest thing has been the growth, which isn't really what I was after! I got my roots coloured blonde at the hairdresser the same day I started with the castor oil, which ended up being a complete waste of money because after two weeks of using the castor oil treatment I had regrowth of about an inch. Doh! :)

Faster Hair Growth
Posted by Cat (Tauranga, New Zealand) on 01/25/2012

Does anyone have any tried and true remedies for faster hair growth? I have fine, blonde hair that breaks off easily on the ends (due to some bleaching which I've now stopped) but my rate of hair growth is also very slow and wonder if there's anything that would speed it up and maybe thicken it. I'm 46 years old, consume a lot of organic foods, rarely ever eat processed, weight 55kg, very clear skin, drink alcohol only occasionally, don't smoke etc etc.

At the moment, I'm taking Folic Acid, Evening Primrose capsules, Fish Oil, Spirulina, Kelp and tissue salts. I have previously taken Biotin but found it did nothing except cost me money. I have also started using Castor Oil mixed with Organic Coconut Oil (which I use for pulling) and massaging it into my scalp... I'm yet to notice a difference... Any other answers would be appreciated. THANKS (great website)!!


Faster Hair Growth
Posted by Steve (Las Vegas, Nv) on 01/25/2012

I've had excellent results regrowing my hair using a laser therapy pen. The 660nm wavelength stimulates ATP withing the hair cells and scalp. NASA and Russian scientists have done a lot of research on hair growth and wound repair with lasers.

Faster Hair Growth
Posted by An (Baltimore, Md) on 03/11/2012

I would recomend cut out all sugar, gluten, and red meat products for at least 60 days. Add raw vegetable juice, drink hot water with lemon and a pinch pf cayenne pepper in the morning. You will see your hair and skin will look good. If you are taking Biotin, remember it should be taking with regular Vit B complex and B12.

Faster Hair Growth
Posted by Francisca (Zug, Switzerland) on 03/12/2012

An, I had heard of lemon juice in hot water to detox the liver and being great for the skin, never heard about the cayenne pepper though! I tried it but I got diarrhea and a coated tongue, maybe I should have stayed with half a lemon instead of a whole one? I only did it for maybe a week, first half a lemon and then a whole lemon but I didn't see any changes in my skin, maybe it was too short but I couldn't put up with the diarrhea anymore, it didn't seem right.... Maybe it was a detox sign, no idea!

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